[Vinesauce] Vinny - Miitopia Compilation (1-19)

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"mahina pea" is what lunala says in pokemon sun/moon, and he started saying it somewhere in those streams. don't know the exact video tho

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mrrainnot 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Skirdus 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
today's stream is brought to you by [ __ ] it all from when you just don't give a [ __ ] anymore [ __ ] it all it's like when mr. kazumi was asked which video game character which Nintendo character was he most liked and he answered my own me as a Nicholas Cage oh [ __ ] hey snoop all right so I have direct control I've assumed direct freely free body control free blue care free guide Snoop Dog sauce okay and Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek Voyager what the [ __ ] who's ass okay da tee-hee-hee you're so cute Janeway no you're cute sauce okay oh no this game is gonna be just ship after ship after ship I never thought I'd see Janeway from Star Trek fawning over someone like this this is this is mental I feel like I'm dreaming shall I pinch you oh my god for those that don't know who bill Trenton is really he's famous kind of bill treinen is okay so he's the translator for shigeru miyamoto and he's been kind of ascending the ranks at Nintendo and he shows up at a lot of Nintendo events the best part is the face alone like I don't even need to have specifically bill Trenton in this outfit but just that face is so perfect on the Dark Lord just slime really you're giving me like Bobby Hills face on a slime this game is gonna be good isn't it yeah I'm into it it's time for the two of you to pick a room when two characters share a room their relationship will naturally grow does it The Closer two characters are the more they'll help each other out in battle so pop them into a room together and watch how they get along I think it's just a friendship meter guys don't get any any ideas [Music] butterfly Snoop Dogg I'd never thought I would see that never thought who sits in my life never in my life did I ever expect to watch Snoop Dogg's face float down and land back on his body in any context not just in a videogame context Vinnie are you aware that you single-handedly got Smeg censored in all Nintendo games well I mean you know if smegma is right that's not something I invented I did not invent smegma you heard it here first smegma is not an original creation of vine sauce it looks like vine sauce wants some bee armor I'm [ __ ] done I am so done a lot of time off today time for a new look I'll be back in a second tada what it's just happening sponge just became Ringo sponge just became like an abbey road let it be era Ringo and then whose [ __ ] face is that is that a Pikachu holy [ __ ] gathering Janeway Mouse this is almost as bad as the Voyager episode where she became a lizard almost Tom Paris won't walk ten Kathryn Janeway de volved into a [ __ ] Mouse booby-trap I'm an adult sponge needs new robes what the [ __ ] outfit is this sponge what in the name of good holy evil and everything in between are you doing sponge someone said in chat I personally like Star Trek Atlantis more than Star Trek sg-1 oh [ __ ] is that Nic Cage snakes alive we found him Rocky Nic Cage this game is wonderful I'll look it's the cumulative in a movie called The Rock or is that am I thinking of something else something else losing Conair if he was oh he wasn't that movie okay oh oh I mean you're using a bee stinger to hurt a rock you dumb [ __ ] just let me live my rock life it was oh my god that was a perfect I can't believe I didn't realize that that was the Wicker Man recreated my character stinging him with a bee stinger sword is basically just [ __ ] wicker man this is okay so now this is three Nic Cage movies in 1 the rock face off and The Wicker Man I'm going to [ __ ] a [ __ ] this doesn't make any sense this game is sentient I'm convinced of it smack one enemy senseless with a red-hot frying pan but that's about right that's about in Gordon Ramsay's character oh god it's like a mosaic Benny when are you streaming miitomo let me just go ahead and time you out why is sponge happy sometimes sponge is happy it's not trust me it's not for long how did sponge come to existence that's a bit of a story but it was just me making up that we needed a new mario brother I was playing Super Mario 3d World and I was like you know we've been stuck with the old brothers for a long time why don't we get a new one like an orange brother it's a really insanely stupid ridiculous character creation that was not expected to have any legs whatsoever well I mean he was expected to walk on his mustache but that got changed a little bit did I guess everyone liked him and there was a lot of fan art of sponge for some reason and then um yeah then Tomodachi life gave him a character by the way pretzel I don't remember I have no idea where pretzel came from and I probably have been through this multiple times but I just I don't remember I want to see Gordon Ramsay go up to two faced and sponges room with like goggles and a [ __ ] backlight like oh god what's this what the [ __ ] is this stain are no it's like a mosaic of semen Ramsay semen hunter semen demon and nice and hot yeah and then like he knocks on the bottom of it he's like you know he goes like this he's like all the heat in the pond is here like he knocks on the beat like even though the pan was just on the fire Gordon Ramsay will sometimes show off where the heat is in the pan and he'll knock on it he'll lift it and he'll he'll knock and he'll just to show you that the heat is in the bottom of the pan well no [ __ ] [ __ ] it's a and the bottom of the palm those things are huge I can't fit one in my mouth oh my god what's the context of this reading this and then listening to this music [ __ ] Christ No then I sauce please anything but this conversation of course it's Karl fighting a [ __ ] monkey fella it's the weirdest episode of monkey news I've ever seen before we begin I have a confession to make everyone is very heavy it's very difficult for me to tell you this but I turned myself into a pickle I'm pickles in a pickle VIN I'm Hotel Mario and I'm a cat that's a good screen cap right there I'm not so sure about all this I'm not so sure about all this but I'll try my hardest if you need instructions something might be a little bit I've called two more party members for you they should show up soon rescue capture friends travel with your new party hotel mario is beautiful she is a beautiful beautiful cat this is a very strange thing I Hotel Mario I am severely allergic to you and you need to stop that right now oh my god can someone just analyze this this moment it's Luigi in a [ __ ] leather sex outfit Mario dressed as a cat and Luigi saying I wonder what it feels like this is such a [ __ ] bizarre game someone tweeted this picture to me I didn't know you know I met Riker I met him he was as rye curry as you see in the show he was nautical but it turns out he's not in fact a starship captain or first officer nor was he dead like in that picture but I like I like the idea that I have a little little Riker in me so I mean the amount of people Riker [ __ ] statistically if this was the 24th century I would statistically maybe even be his son but that's a whole different story with Lacey Vinny and the other ones being buffed this looks like a porno in the making yeah this is the porn phase of the meet o pious dreams the vine sauce harem of buff muscle brothers and two-faced but she's got two phases at least what what what [Music] okay I'm gonna close the DS what did I just look at is that was that an enemy called a Torquay yep it's called Torquay and it's got a mouth on it's twerking ass and it's not just any ass it's thick here's here's the thing people are like people were like Vinny you're making everything sexual in mutopia everything's sexual when you play me topia Vinny and then I know there's at work E is the poo emoji gonna show up in a little bit I wonder how did they how did they get away with this yep just beat the Torquay with a wooden rod tingle is very childish though in the in the games but in terms of age isn't he like a 42 year old fairy like manchild fairy 35 years old thirty five years old you guys in three years I will be as old as tingle what the [ __ ] in 10 years I'll be as old as a 42 year old person what the [ __ ] is that how aging and numbers work so yeah yesterday there was a Jurassic Park screening on the side of my friend's house at sundown that's what I did last last night there's fun we watched we watched the movie it was good but whenever Jeff Goldblum shows up on screen I can't just I can't help but laugh especially when he does he's like wow wow and then the part at the end like when at the end but like towards the middle of the movie when Goldblum has his shirt off like he's injured and he's just breathing heavy there's a gif of sam neill laying on jeff goldblum stomach and being raised with the breathing of jeff goldblum as if he was a dinosaur and i pulled that up on my phone and i I just I was like I was like hey guys to take a look at this real quick and they couldn't stop laughing and they were like thanks for ruining this scene for me forever it's like you're welcome it's funny because if you type Jeff Goldblum gif it's the second result it's this one this is good if you ever what with people watching Jurassic Park bust this one out meat boy looks pretty cool there it is finally got the macho robe I don't understand how this works Oh [ __ ] the chest piece what an impractical piece of [ __ ] robe look at this these muscles I don't understand this row oh hey oh I get it the row okay I thought that the muscles were plastered on it turns out what's supposed to be happening here is that the robe is actually are like it conforms around the muscles my [ __ ] 14 pack or 12 pack or whatever I have it kind of protrudes it's making me kind of uncomfortable I like to talk about unrelated things so thanks what do you mean thanks kick him a kick up in the face kind of happy I don't want that at all is this what humans like I've heard your streams before Venice sauce I've heard you talking about centipedes multiple times during your streams then he what's your worst childhood memory that time in the boys bathroom when someone pushed poop through a glob a great and made it look like play-doh so today I was I was talking all I was blabbering all day but usually I talked so much on stream that I actually don't want to talk very much Oh God Oh why is it bulging in the dress look at these veins this is this is disgusting this is just plain disgusting oh my god I just went on Twitter to look for the amiibos and Anzio made a post I thought he was holding a nugget of weed it's a frog like I scrolled real quick and hosted why is he posting a picture of his weed on Twitter nope frog hey Bart it's me your old man so funny to me no I'm still laughing either jesus [ __ ] christ I'm sorry that was just yeah so there you go I'm good at impressions scoot you need a new you need a new tank you don't need an octopus but scoot you have a silver bullet you literally have a bullet that can stop and a werewolf it's really sharp like Hotel Mario's hotels aren't doing so well at the moment so we had to pick up some side work if you know what I mean yeah that's the desired results first for hotel mario side work Vinny my dog keeps getting angry and growling whenever you speak suck dog that was my dog impression when I do the voice you guys put the mate emote right what if I did the tinky-winky voice then you do the tinky-winky emote right what if I did this and I've destroyed the chat that's the new duck button tinky-winky mate I'm new vine sauce I knew what do we do here suffer in a perfect world people would speak in sentences to some extent and have something reasonable to contribute to the chat smooth talk through I mean means we're here for it we're here for memes oh god [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh No swole devil Vinnie is finally here it's taken this long but the time has arrived I go to click on a link in chat to see if it's the tweet that the XCOM devs made for you know the the Mari on rabbit team and this is the picture this is why you don't click dubious links in the chat what the [ __ ] is this gentlemen catsuit business nhien jewel what's your name I'm gonna remember that what's your name who said that av a night AV and night remember what I said I remember some people earlier thou shalt be remembered I've said this before only I I'm allowed to butcher words and make shitty puns and word plays only I am allowed to make a complete fool of myself on the stream for the benefit of men of mankind [ __ ] gentlemen catsuit I'm used by this [ __ ] I guess you could call it business me and jewel and now I wait for people to leave the stream after that Wow running noses don't do that running nose when you do that you look like a micropenis please don't do that you still have an otamatone I do I played it the other day in fact it's right here it's kind of dying though it's making really really really really weird noises and I think it's in its final death throes actually it's not too bad right now oh [Music] [Applause] there we go oh there you go it gets a little crackly it's an older wiser otamatone what do you think he likes to put it on you know what the [ __ ] is this Venice sauce wants an arm-wrestling sword that's not a sword you bludgeon people with this this is a club in the shape of a fist oh man people in chat are saying it's basically a dildo how did I not think of that how am i slipping am I losing my edge I'll never forget the time I went to the adult store with some friends from college and this creepy guy who was working at the adult entertainment store who looked like kind of a an unhealthy Robert De Niro and he was trying to like like he ignored me completely but he was trying to sell items to the to the ladies I was with he was like gotta check out this movie did the vinci load it's like The Da Vinci Code but it's the da Vinci load how about pirates you like pirates and he just kept going on and on and on and then he like came back with a big [ __ ] dolphin it was like you know you know you could do with this right it wasn't Mario he wasn't Mario but it was it was really weird it was really weird it was like a [ __ ] dolphin of course they had Fist swords too that that old there that wholesome adult entertainment store Oh what do you do with the dolphin I'm not gonna tell you what you do with the dolphin listen I've already said too much I've already been wait like my lately I've been just telling you guys too much remember when I told you about the strip club stuff how you can't touch the boob all's that this is now I have to like scale this back like I'm at like an 8 I have to go back to like a 6 Vinnie the adult store in my town is haunted someone has both died and been born on the premises Oh Vinnie do a strawpoll about if he thick is the worst character ever I already know the answer to that question and the answer is yes I can imagine like the the younger audience that jumps into my name utopias dreams it's like oh I like scoot and like aw like sponge and I like all the little me characters that Vinnie has for Tomodachi life I love this stuff and then you know get like 10 episodes in and I'm talking about like life choices and crack sex dolphins yeah he told me I should buy a sex dolphin and do crack Tucker you [ __ ] idiot go on dr. Phil and act like you have anger problems and use angry duck sounds you'll be super famous could you imagine I called dr. Phil I just say listen I got I got some [ __ ] problems doc seriously I quack whenever I get angry and I'm angry all the time I just go on the show and I just [ __ ] I just just keep [ __ ] in my way this man quacks like a duck when he's angry catch me outside on the next dr. Phil now you know it sounds to me like you might be on drugs what is the moisture guy doing now you mean the dude who wouldn't let the other dude use his cup for condensation so yeah one of my friends asked this guy they were friends yeah they're pretty close hey can I use your fast food drink cup can I use it to wash my hands can I get some of that condensation off the cup there's a hot day so the humidity made the cup kind of wet so he was like can I use some of your condensation to wash my hands and he was like you know it turned into a big fight and a big argument because there's no reason not to let him use the condensation and that was the beginning of the end of their friendship Finny you sure you're not giving us the condensed version of that story how dare you Vinnie why do you make fun of guy fieri so much he brings attention to small businesses and he's a super nice guy there's a difference between me lightly ribbing Guy Fieri for having a funny voice and going right here and Michael of actually doing scummy [ __ ] I don't know Guy Fieri like on a personal level obviously I've never heard anything particularly bad about the guy apparently people in chat are saying he's a nice guy I've seen him do some interviews he seems like a joke guy in interviews and he does bring attention to local businesses but he also is a living meme that has spiky Bowser hair and wears flame shirts and says very silly things it's weird because the the episode like I don't have cable but there are times when I'll watch like if I'm in a hotel I will watch diners drive-ins and dives because it's it's a genuinely entertaining show and the two times I managed to catch that show on television were the episode where he goes to the hotdog place and eats the hotdog and it's like we're talking like a crazy [ __ ] hotdog also I googled Guy Fieri hotdogs to try to find the gif of eating the trash dog and this is what I found what can what the [ __ ] is this the staff is where he stores his sadness at first I thought you were talking about the restaurant like Guy Fieri's restaurant like you go there and like his staff is just really sad because guy feared he like went and he just like unloaded all of the bad things in his life to his staff at the restaurant and then I realized oh I just want a staff in me topia here's the best question I think I've ever received Vinny have you seen Spider Man masturbate outside your window like what happened with me last year with Batman no Vinny there's a shootout happening in my neighborhood so this may be the last thing I watched cheers mate [ __ ] go into a tub and cover your head with a bucket I'm not even kidding please be safe what are you doing watching this put a bucket over your [ __ ] head Vinny how come yourself deprecated a lot at least I'm not self-deprecating it's part of your humor or is there more to it um I don't have too much of an ego I don't think and if I do I'd like to knock it down often and also you know I've often said this but you know I'd rather not be like who the [ __ ] wants to listen to someone play themselves up I know I've said this before I know my self-worth I have no problem self-defecating because I know what I'm worth he's only being humble so we'll praise him for his humbleness you're on to me you got it you figured it out got a lot more time on our hands today time for a new look oh no no we were so close to finishing this oh does cat Hotel Mario say yo instead of na or no look I never thought of that before and now I hate that you just said that it's finally here our last battle no matter what yeah that's like a [ __ ] Bayonetta boss this is so sad oh this is like a stinking guitar we got a stanky guitar in the game sorry brothers you have to die there was no other way now the moment you've all been waiting for final phase [Music] [Applause] No punished psycho Jesus Oh No [Music] my god sown in the background there's a singer going stark raving mad lumber Jan gets the final hit I believe it was Tom fan that was doing the vocal there are we on to the darkest Lord someone in chat just said Vinnie now it's time to fight the darkest Lord he thick [Music] we will we will return to me topia I hope you enjoyed the main adventure I did this was a lot of fun gave me a chance to shoot the [ __ ] a little bit we got some new lore some some wacky we got some wacky we had some fun and you know even though it wasn't exactly the sequel to Tomodachi that I wanted there's still pretty good definitely worth my time definitely good streaming material I think so let's come back to this [Music]
Channel: Vaporeon
Views: 425,477
Rating: 4.9551191 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinesauce Vinny, Vinesauce Miitopia, Vinesauce voices, Vinesauce voice, Vinesauce vinny impression, Vinesauce vinny impressions, vinny impressions, Vinesauce compilation, vinesauce highlight, Vinesauce highlights, Vinesauce miitopia compilation, vinesauce miitopia highlights, vinesauce vaporeon, vaporeon compilations, vinesauce vaporeon compilations, vinesauce vappy, vinesauce vap, vinny miitopia, miitopia vinesauce, vinesauce tomodachi life, miitopia
Id: 1aQAfkyD7dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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