(Nearly) Every Single Regional Difference in Tomodachi Life

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tomodachi life is a game that despite how limited any actual gameplay there is was still massively impactful and often even considered one of the best games to have come out on the 3ds in a way it almost doesn't make any sense how does a game like this get so popular in the first place personally i think its popularity can be attributed to the simple idea of being able to put whoever you want into one environment when i was younger and playing my wheel all the time my dream was to have the muse interact with each other more and be able to see them explore in an environment that isn't just an empty white void when i got tomodachi life i played it for hours straight almost every day for months on end i also think the humor and environment of the game played into its popularity a lot as well since although the game is very absurd by nature it is a very familiar and unalienating environment regardless of who you are you can always find something fun to do though if you've ever watched as many tomodachi life gameplay videos as i have you may have noticed that there are a lot of massive visual changes to each regional version changes that don't entirely change the game per se but are noticeable enough to completely change the feeling of it these changes are made to accommodate for the cultures of different places in order to bring more familiarity to the home region of each version of the game today i will be discussing some of these changes most notably the changes between the united states japanese and european and australian versions of the game with some stuff about the korean version in between it all please note that it is extremely difficult to access information about the korean version of the game so my sources will remain limited i have attempted to research it as much as i possibly can myself thus some things i may not have direct information on as i am not korean nor do i understand the language a quick thing to note as well is that the american and european release is known as tomodachi life while the japanese release is titled tomodachi collection new life as it is a sequel to the game tomodachi collection assume that when i talk about tomodachi life i am talking about the american european or korean release unless stated otherwise new life is always the japanese version [Music] starting off when you launch the game for the first time in the japanese version you will have the ability to transfer your save data from tomodachi collection into new life if you choose to do this your lookalike will be pre-assigned to the game and you can then transfer the knees of your choice into new life this will also automatically skip the tutorial there is also a downloadable transfer tool available in the eshop to do this though i haven't been able to get it to work other versions do not have this feature japan lacks the observational tower and the nintendo 3ds image share instead the roof replaces the tower this is likely due to the fact that most places outside japan don't really have rooftops that people just hang out on quality of life is also automatically visible instead of appearing once you make street pass tags another minor details that means have shadows on the save screen while in other versions they do not in new life it is possible for child mies to date adult knees this feature was changed in other versions for obvious reasons also the little indicator showing if me as a child or an adult is not present the kiddomatic is also not present in this game the age-o-matic is as it is necessary for bees to get married if one or both of them is a child during the age-o-matic marriage cutscene the adulme will sit to the side and watch as the spray is applied to the child me this can only happen in other versions of two child muse have dated long enough for one of the mess to turn 18 before they get married in new life and collection it is possible for miese to confess to married mies this was removed from other versions likely because it could imply infidelity in new life when mesa napping they sleep directly on the floor instead of on the blue mats provided in other versions in japan dreams are represented by takanji yume meaning dream in english in other releases this icon is changed to a night sky the korean version shows something similar to the japanese version reading as the korean term klum which is under the same definition when mies get depressed purple embers will appear around them in both japanese and korean versions in other releases this was changed to a rain cloud the embers and raincloud can be seen from the outside of amis apartment also sometimes me's and certain personality girls will cry in the japanese release this was completely removed in other versions some gestures are different when meats befriend each other in new life they will bow in localized versions this was changed to a wave also mies will use their hands to beckon the player to play a game with them by waving towards them this was changed the mei's waving their arms around as the former could be interpreted as something else catchphrases are a little weird in new life me simply will ask for a catchphrase and no pose can be given in other versions you can choose a phrase and then a pose for that phrase in new life when a mew wants to confess grey moyamoya clouds will appear with mayo moya meaning to be uncertain in other versions these were simply changed to floating hearts with question marks in both tomodachi collection and new life you can select me's blood type to either a b a b or o in japan blood type works kind of similar to zodiac signs this was removed in localized versions because of the cultural difference the colors used in amuse relationship list are different in new life in the korean version closest ever music pink whereas mise's relationship are failing or blue in american europe these colors are changed to dark green and purplish blue when you look into amie's face and new life the me will have an anime-esque blush and some me's will shake their heads back and forth in other versions this was simply changing the mei's cheeks blushing since it's possible players may not get their reference miese will also practice winking instead of practicing funny faces in new life when mies are finished eating they will wipe their face with their arms whereas in localized versions me's will wipe their face with their hands also a new life muse will always thank the player when they are given a kind of food or medicine mei's aren't really all that thankful in localized versions in new life if you call a me over while they are doing something they will bow instead of panting or waving a mouth icon is used for catchphrases in japan in other versions aside from a few european releases for some reason this is replaced with a little speech bubble since it could appear off-putting in new life when me sleep in beds the bed does not have a wooden frame in new life the classroom confession scene appears differently not only is the room decorated completely different but the japanese version features the me closing the door behind them instead of it just closing automatically of course as to be expected the dialogue is different between all versions almost all strings of dialogue are completely different so i can't explain all of them that vividly check the tomodachi life wiki if you want to see the specific differences in the item matching mini game you will lose hearts left to right in all versions besides new life in japan they will fall right to left when being congratulated for winning a game fireworks appear in the american and european versions in japan smiley faces are used instead likely due to the fact that smiley faces aren't normally used to congratulate people in other places when losing instead of seeing rain clouds sweat drops appear this was changed for similar reasons new life features a mini-game where you tap on the screen to move a me doll to push them over in japan this event is sumo wrestling in america it is football and in europe it's just wrestling in new life when doing item matching with another me match panels will appear as orange and green instead of red and blue when you win a game of cards and new life you will do a peace sign instead of a thumbs up also in the european version of the game the aces are replaced with kings in new life when you randomize faces in the photo studio some mies will appear with their mouths open this isn't normally possible in other versions aside from child photos poses between the different versions are altered new life is also missing a couple of photo templates including amusement park class photo circus cutouts mountains pet photo bomb prom promo ballad promo musical promo techno sightseeing stadium stardust sunset superhero cutouts wedding 2 heart framed photo and reading with parents the photo templates enca and graduation album are exclusive to japan the temple school day is is explosive to europe in japan an additional child me costume is present called the kappa costume this outfit is exclusive to new life's clothing wardrobe likely due to the fact that kappas are not well known outside japan in the concert hall new life has a total of six songs these songs being pop rock and roll metal opera and anka which is a traditional japanese ballad other versions do not have anka as it is replaced by ballad these versions also have two new songs techno and musical the lyrics between the american english and british english versions are different too except for techno in new life you have the option to use templates of words for your lyrics instead of writing them in though writing them in is also an option also if a mimi mentions another me food or treasure it will appear on the screen behind them for a couple seconds these are features carried over from tomodachi collection's song maker while adding the ability to actually write your own lyrics in new life during metal performances a demon face will flash on screen behind the performers in other versions this was changed to flaming guitars daily donations are collected in a massive light box in new life in other versions they're collected inside of a glass piggy bank also the events happening at the fountain and the evening differ a little in new life in europe a game called shiritori or word chain is played the goal is to continue a chain of words with the next word you say starting with the last letter of the previous word for example if you start off with the word banana it goes to apple and then eggplant etc in america and sometimes in europe a rap battle will happen instead the relationship tester has a completely different soundtrack between versions in japan various piano tracks will play during the relationship testing events in other versions it has changed to a couple jazzy tracks in the background of this video i have played a lot of the love tester music as well as music from the unused piano item the music played at the docks is also different regionally as well as special new year's music that plays in japan only in new life the relationship tester can test almost anyone romantically this includes child and adult me sibling knees or a me and their parents although me's can do a romance test with their relative they cannot actually date them the friendship pairing only appears when matching two me's of the same gender settings poses also differ slightly for different relationship tester rankings regionally at me homes and new life it is possible to see a couple bathing together sometimes with their child if they have one in all localized versions this has changed to one me showering alone in their house the end credits photo album also has two different photos of new life one of the baby on a swan potty and another of the baby washing the dad's back these were replaced with an image of the mom potty training the baby and another of the parents playing soccer with the child also in the korean version of the game the mask the dad uses to scare the baby is different the glass door to the yard is clear and new life but it is changed to textured glass in other versions when rocking a day old baby a new life the hands will be in a holding position in other versions they are in a rocking position in new life if you choose for a full grown child to stay on the island they will appear in the father's apartment in other versions they'll be inside the couple's house in new life when suggesting the name for a baby the first name the parents will suggest will be a combination of the two parents names this was also changed regionally since it is harder to combine names in other languages in new life the fences surrounding the house is made up of rectangular planks in other versions this is changed to a picket fence if the player doesn't spin the child during the day four and five babysitting mini-game in new life the child will spread their arms out in localized versions this was changed to the child grabbing the player's arms also in europe and japan a small wording appears in the mini-game telling you to not spin your child in real life this is absent in america for some reason during the superhero dream and new life me's will wear their superhero in costume regardless of gender since crossdressing is considered somewhat absurdist in other places this was changed so that maelmese wore the robohero suit in the japanese version of the drive dream the hula girl will instead be a protective charm dangling from the mirror in the dream stick figure in backpack new life has a stick figure and charm hanging from a rope tied to the neck of the both of them the rope was removed from the stick figure dream and the skeleton charm was changed to hang on the rope with its hand in order to avoid possible references to people literally hanging in new life a dream exclusive to that version of the game is present known as familiar this is what the dream looks like [Music] in the korean version there are three new dreams including one similar to the ritual dream depicting a traditional fan dance another depicts me is attempting to chase down and catch a pig and the last one depicts in me about to perform a bungee jump but nervously backing out repeatedly wherein you can just push them off yourself in the red thread dream it is possible for me of the same sex to appear at the other end in new life this was changed in localized versions possibly to avoid romantic implications since the game infamously does not include same-sex couples in the japanese factory tour dream it is possible to dip the mies in black or white paint this was removed in other versions likely to avoid potentially looking racist in the falling dream in new life the me will fall on a banana instead of a hamburger in the hiding dream when a me slips off a rope in new life they will fall and hop while completely stiff with no animation in the workout dream in the u.s me's will heat a hot chili pepper in europe and japan they will have an energy drink in japan during the mei's temper newscast the me will be flailing on the ground while other means look at them due to this kind of looking like a seizure it was changed to the me standing up and stomping angrily in other versions the me eraser newscast and new life as the eraser appears red in other versions the eraser is blue in the me kindergartner newscast new life depicts the kindergartner me wearing a yellow hat and blue smock shirt in localized versions it's changed to a tri-color shirt with no hat in the i love me contest newscast in new life the me's present in the article are all male but will wear dresses for similar reasons to the superhero dream this was changed to all the me's present being female in new life when unlocking the romance breaking the news cast shows two me's one of each gender on the screen in localized versions this was changed to just one me in the leisure island opens newscast in new life than me will have a different pose than in localized versions in the olympian skydiver newscast the japanese version depicts the me falling to the ground and then showing a clip of that town shaking slightly in localized versions this was changed to me getting caught by a net intended to save a kitten the fashion show in japan depicts all means occasionally cross-dressing on the runway male means will also walk in a more feminine way again this was changed in the animation for male mei's differs when walking down the runway the japanese and korean versions have a newscast titled mr slash miss blank who was fat due to this being somewhat controversial in localized versions this was removed entirely the background images for the islander thoughts section of the newscast differ between regions slightly in tomodachi life a report called me bird causes a flap depicts of me as a rare bird in japan this report is about a bagworm this was changed since it depicts me hanging off a cliff of a bridge in japanese and korean versions me's bow after newscasts in other versions they just tap the papers and their hands to the desks in new life the age of the me being interviewed in the island or thoughts segment will be visible if the me has an age assigned to them the birthday song is sung in full in the japanese version but is only hummed in other versions since the game got localized releases around the time that the happy birthday song was going through copyright hell in new life if amy's name is written in hiragana it can sometimes appear as katakana in news reports the quality of life rank announcement newscast is absent from new life since it is available from the start of the game in japan mice can travel to egypt guam italy and kyoto if you give them a travel ticket all of these locations are removed in the american version with the exception of guam now tahiti and kyoto now japan africa is not an available vacation and new life instead saharan sand is received when you go to egypt the souvenir given to the player in japan and europe if me travels to germany will be a piece of the berlin wall in the u.s this item is replaced with a nutcracker in japan when mies are about to take a photo they will just name the location that they are in instead of equip about the scene this was a feature carried over from tomodachi collection in japan when meis travel to the usa they will only travel to new york australia is absent from the japanese version since as we all know australia does not exist in real life the music used for certain vacations between regions are swapped around for example the music used when amiia's in germany in the us version will play the same music as japanese me's in switzerland mr tomo aka the non-me shopkeepers are different in all regions in the us shopkeepers have a wooden blockhead in europe they have a robot head in korea they wear motorcycle helmet in japan they wear kuroko stage masks which if you are unfamiliar or worn by kabuki theater performers who both run the stage crew and act as ensemble for some scenes during shows the shopkeepers probably wear masks to represent not really being anyone in particular also this was another thing carried over from tomodachi collection food selection is vastly different between localized versions i don't want to torture myself by naming all the food but here is all the items exclusive to japan the items exclusive to europe and the items exclusive to america notice that some of these foods carry over between one region i could not make a korean list unfortunately since it is really hard for me to find info on the korean version in general also note that a lot of food items exclusive to europe are special foods in other regions though i would consider them to be a separate class of items in japan and europe an interior item called 50s japanese is available this item did not make it to the american version since americans may not be familiar with the time period also the classroom and bath house interiors change between regions with the japanese appearance being carried over from tomodachi collection also in the game room the poster next to the game boy is different based in region in japan it shows a disc writer in localized versions it displays an nes some spot pass and street pass items become normal shop items in different versions of the game some of those items do not appear at all in other localized versions in new life the appearance of mr tomo is based on the skin tone and gender of the me look alike this is changed in other localized versions clothing items for the most part are not all that different between versions however a couple exclusive japanese items exist some color variants to localized items are different the voice synthesizers are used and accents used change regionally in order to adapt to the language of each region spot pass items were given out longer in japan and europe than in america also update 2.0 was released in europe but most likely will not release anywhere else the music that plays in the cafe is from tomodachi collection in new life the lyrics from these songs play in localized versions the music does not have any lyrics words used on clothing items change between regions the skateboard kite and metal detector are absent in japan the mirror item is slightly more reflective in the japanese version in japan when you first add your me they will ask for a new friend on the island in localized versions muse will ask for food before asking for a new friend when a traveler comes home you can choose for the me to have a snack and take a nap in localized versions you have the option to choose both while in japan you can only do one or the other the appearance of the romance break and vitality rank change regionally in japan tomodachi quest is only available in the afternoon in localized versions it can be played in both the afternoon and late evening in localized versions me's will react after a successful proposal in japan and korea they don't pay attention some photos taken with the disposable camera have been altered specifically anything involving the roof tower or the windows at the cafe japan is the only region where me's do not pose when a personality is given to them this was changed in miitomo also their voices are finally adjusted in miitomo which real quick let me compare the voices between these versions because honestly they should have done this way sooner poses in europe and america for certain personality types are switched around for some of them when using the mobile japanese mies will hang from the mobile in localized versions they will sit in baskets in japan means will look directly at the player in quirky questions they're angled slightly in other versions christmas music on the island plays longer in the u.s and europe versions than it does in japan going on until new year's in japan traditional sounding new year's music will play a whole bunch of treasures that have not made into the localized versions and were instead replaced with something else this isn't also in addition to some special food items i can't find every image of the special foods but here's another collage of some of the exclusive treasures in japan [Music] this is most of everything i was able to gather for this video it is entirely possible that i forgot something or a change i wasn't even aware of as present if that's the case feel free to tell me in the comments and i'll write it in the description again i want to thank the tomodachi life wiki for having a list of this information it must have been held organized as it was held for me if it's not evident already i have a massive love for these games and i would love to see more attention towards the little stuff become more public who knows maybe nintendo will announce another tomodachi life game even with the failure of miitomo i'm sure many people will enjoy it with or without change is as massive as these thank you very much for listening to this nightmarishly long spiel about the regional tomodachi life variations
Channel: Plastic Knight
Views: 146,597
Rating: 4.971735 out of 5
Id: j2_3JUPK3Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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