[Vinesauce] Vinny - Mental Gear Solid 2

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and my controller vibrated off of my knee and hit the ground okay this is epic squeeze my hog [Music] I don't know sakes ass looks a little deflated you know what's gonna suck when this dude wakes up and he can't walk how do I wake this dude up wait you're walking what the [ __ ] are you standing dude nanomachines why [Music] alright Jesus is this porn alrighty now it's never seen this it is my greatest wish never to have her or her children experience the horror of nuclear war how many times have we heard this did you know that this guy has a daughter yeah [ __ ] I don't to hear about this dude's daughter anymore what nothing it's nothing but this isn't a photo of Metal Gear con what the hell but you're gonna have to go back and shoot another set I'll just make a backup of this one oh that's weird dude remember he got his harp arm cut off while hand so he's got liquids hands strong genes but I I live on through this it's so silly Vinnie I'm not a doctor or anything but I don't think that's how that works what do you mean that's not how that works it's nanomachines sudden we just watched a dead man's arm change the vocal chords of an old man sounds like the half-life to SMG anyway here's Mac from Always Sunny in Philadelphia good place to keep your knife symbolism my name is my name is Plissken Iroquois Plissken lieutenant junior grade mm-hmm uh-huh someone in charge of said man I can't believe they kill off snake and have his voice actor look voice a different character in the same game I know deploying smooth jazz ready grenades excuse me genius Columbo I so I that was meant to be a choke a nice quiet stealth takedown silent choke oh nothing here either nothing here in the North or the South just all for exploring Claud send some replacement Lords to the area right had a hard life definitely investigate that area as I do my tactical stealth gameplay I don't have a bandage I'm gonna bleed out to death you ever get to the point where you just no longer give a [ __ ] soft Mongoose will be my rating by the time this is over someone just said all you need is box or a box is all you need I'm just thinking about all you need is box mop up up up off all you need is box this is what you come the gameplay is in what you're here for that night we went up to the top of the Empire State it was so beautiful I could look down on the Chrysler Building from a hundred and twenty storeys above ground I felt overwhelmed I didn't care anymore who was right we watched King Kong in your apartment a bunch of times that night didn't sleep till morning if it weren't for that coincidence Jack do you remember that time you pushed a little too hard and you broke my cervix froze I don't see what this has to do with the mission show yourself like you finished off my father what oh no that no wait who I have a daughter that guy is this the daughter I died once already I can die to his vamp rides this weird line for me it's not the only thing he rides but he rides this weird line of too corny but also kind of memorable and cool I die already wants oh [ __ ] set me free you know open the way to a new dimension so that I can become the Emperor among detonation devotees you're nothing but a common criminal and that's the only way people will ever remember I love that his is made of his main attack is rollerskating through me what did you just do this beautiful what's this for you might be glad to hide keep the controller's vibration function on what my very small window of time where the phones look like that it's now they're just [ __ ] weapons you just use those to break into cars karna long time no see snake today's briefing is of the utmost importance what is it colonel I'll be telling you all about the Ford Focus SE afford good yep I meant to do that this area always get caught [Music] my foot is totally destroyed it was probably nothing I will never be able to walk again must have been a mosquito yeah Plissken is one heck of a man isn't he he's so cool so confident yeah yeah he's nowhere near as cool as you you'll always be my number one always but that's not going to wretch you know you're kind of cute sometimes bye jack my new code name is dry heave Jack have you ever seen the 1999 James Cameron film Titanic did you see the part where Jack brings rose to the top of the top of the ship and then he's like I'm the king of the world and all that the top of the ship and he goes I'm the top of the ship do you remember that Jack we can be like them do you remember the plank of wood that rose was on at the end of Titanic that was clearly big enough for the both of them but somehow Jack still decided to get himself cold drowned yeah I guess so what was that about Jack you wouldn't do that and leave me alone for the rest of my life to relegate it to a life of sadness and misery because my true love was too stupid to get on the plank of wood that I was on you wouldn't do that would you I'm the front of the boat well you can speak what the [ __ ] you know more about those suits than I do but Foxhound to come all the way what about the damage to shell 2 once they get the confirmation for nuclear launch they'll do it you need to rescue the president before then Jack I agree with the colonel you need to protect the president for now all right is it rose just like his girlfriend with no formal military like training or anything she knows Excel well that's pretty good [Music] I'm a box why would you do this to a box boxes don't move they kept Oh just [ __ ] going whoops casualty of war sucks but you know what else can you do sometimes collateral damage happens and you can't do anything about it you know what I mean you can zoom in and stuff for that you'd think of everything cuz your mom [Applause] dude it's called fight milk telling you dude it's gonna be huge wait am i miss remembering this or does vamped walk on water like Christ yes he does he doesn't walk off while he runs on water still not the dumbest thing in this game that might be the dumbest thing in this game [ __ ] you [ __ ] you right come in colonel what's that beeping ridin that beeping is to tell you that you're close to close to the fire and that you are very hot there must be some things you don't want to say like what you know those things you don't want to say oh no genius look for a remote-control missile launcher you can guide it through the duct into the room then target the circuit panel got it right but make sure you don't hit the president [Music] I'm prepared to face the consequences of my betrayal what have you go whoa dude you're a man no sorry for squeezing your hog try to be a minute so one just said this blood-borne DLC is weird carnal I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut we've managed to avoid drowning good stuff get her over to shell Westland you can why did the president give it to you did something happen to the president he's alright he's dead their lack of job sucks they hold your hair in place did you know that they're pretty popular in Europe and South America I can't say that I do you're not only cute but smart too oh right this is rose you've never slept beside me yeah what are you talking about I after we pay to get salary [Music] you didn't yes I did I come the one who killed her free girl what are you doing here it's not my choice thank you very much stay away from good-looking women when you're fighting otherwise you'll get hit with diarrhea what better hurry don't mention it just run like hell hey if we run into each other again weird guy diarrhea it's endearing if I manage to get this far must be thanks to that right and I please what is the deal with him - a weird name - rest is pretty weird - and I'm not really sure like the way he holds my hand and things just easy on the eyes though I stick and let that slide but I get my own ideas about that hair I wonder if it's you probably get ticked off Oh mom I'm more into guys that [ __ ] themselves when they see me this is my son I taught him everything don't you ever talk to me or my son ever again Ocelot [ __ ] jack hog Wrangler you were one of the best among the child soldiers that fought in that conflict when you were barely 10 years old you became the platoon leader of the small boy unit you're the spitting image of Big Boss except I'm an octopus is that so I want you to call me big octopus oh yeah this is what I mean in particular that this like how do you do a flip like that and still cover your your hog that's impressive welcome to the stream and wait a minute colonel where's my butthole Jack you don't remember it was 14 years ago got a little bit of Lucroy covering ridings a crotch it's the real real surprise is that when you die and ridin no longer covers the crotch area you discovered that the hog was a lie if you think about it this is a weapon that can suppress surpass metal gear it is just a better metal gear and yet a single person can beat them with RPGs yeah yeah I mean this isn't just any person this is this is riding too did over 300 VR missions I remember this being pretty [ __ ] white-knuckle moose knuckle no I'm no ride we didn't say moose knuckle we said white knuckle code-named moose knuckle hoo-hoo is that Colonel no one oh you [ __ ] how many how many of these [ __ ] things do I have to take down depends on the difficulty 9 on normal this game is a nightmare this is a [ __ ] nightmare do you know what day today is Jackie President's Day no it's the day we found that permit crap on the beach Jack do you know what day today is Jack I don't know it's National Goose day Jack a list of names of the Patriots I know who the Patriots are Tom Brady Julian Edelman Rob Gronkowski Jeremy Hill Chris Hogan there's no such thing as miracles or the supernatural only cutting-edge technology okay except that's clearly not true okay remember she doesn't have any powers there is no such thing as the supernatural you idiots and then two minutes later what the impossible her powers were the friendships we made along the way I had a daughter yes Oh God oh right I've been inside this arm all along waiting for the right time to awaken someone who'd been tried to throw this game is a [ __ ] train wreck it's kind of a beautiful train wreck though isn't it like it's it's glorious what did liquid say at the end of Metal Gear Solid 1 then we have to hear over and over and over again nice shot you have to slow that's that's uh Sonic the Hedgehog it's going to blow yes it's left me on fire please come back please come where am I facing Colonel I've managed to avoid facing my opponent let's see that's where I live when I tell people I live in New York City people think I live like in that building or just outside of it like that's the view from my place okay so there you go there's Metal Gear Solid 2 what's this is this part of the game what a time for the game to crash I thought this was like a sanity effect I thought this was a genius kajam bow Patriots moment Colonel I haven't managed to avoid corrupting I can show you so this is an alternate scene that is rarely rarely seen no one quite knows who or what they are rydym disregard what I just told you the most important thing for you to do is enjoy a mouth-watering Egg McMuffin sandwich from the new all day breakfast menu at McDonald's all of your favorite McDonald's breakfast items now available all day at participating McDonald's restaurants and write it always remember I'm loving it yeah they cut that they cut a couple scenes from the end that was one of them weird right Vinny this is Solid Snake I'm told that you play a lot of Metal Gear games and that you've developed a joke of telling ridin in snakes voice to squeeze your hog no so no I only have one thing to say ridin squeeze my hog cut damn it David
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 527,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, vinny, mgs2, metal gear solid 2, snake, raiden, hog, playthrough
Id: _zvcCjM9AKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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