AoE2 - Awesome 3v3 TeamGame - Tyrant vs Aftermath

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I have my coffee here I'll drink it after I introduce the players so I welcome guys to a 3v3 this is a 3v3 between tyrants and between aftermath which is a new plan involving some of the newer age top players at first I will introduce tyrant I will start on the left hand side we have Jordan Jordan playing as the Italians in the teal in the yellow we have Viper Vipers playing as the Persians a YouTube twitch chat decided to cast the game because I had to separate that's what they're doing right now and then the flank is doubts doubts on the right side playing as the Koreans against doubt is mr. Leary Leary's playing as the Malay in the blue pocket position we have Malians for MBL and then in the green blank position verse Jordan we have heart and it looks like they're playing nice because Jordan is gonna send heart his sheep what a heartwarming thing to see though civilization matchups are actually pretty exciting on each side I think you know Jordan playing as the Italians can do quite well versus the Franks if he's able to boom up there's genuis crossbow do damage vers cavalry franks of course known for their cavalry so we'll see if we ever get to that stage and then the other side is Koreans verse Malay the two sips that are also very aggressive in the early game Koreans go for the early Tao Russia's Malay often do that as well they advance faster than next age so they have a lot of options and then you see viper persians is a fantastic pocket civilization because they can make knights and they can make camels and then same goes for millions because millions well they save a lot of resources because all their wood buildings are 15% cheaper and they have a strong tech tree and a strong boom throughout the game this is very much down to how it plays out mr. Jim thank you for the sub as well dude I didn't catch your response in the twitch chat if he'd end up giving me a response virginia ninja thank you for the two months keep up the good work I of course love it when anyone Reece ups but what is especially dear to my heart right now is when we're getting the the 2 the 3 month 3 subs because we we have the big core that community that's been coming back for eight months plus but once you get past the two to three month part that uh normally means you guys aren't going to run away from me and you don't hate me that's so uh there's always a very very good resub number to see I'm a streamer streamer point of view and Virginia ninja thank you I know a lot of you guys are new to the stream so look at the flanks Maps briefly Jordan has a beautiful map look at this gold and stone position for him well mines also very nice it might slowly start walling in towards his Town Center of course your feudal conflict can be bailed out if you have a bad engagement you can be bailed out by your pocket player because he's gonna normally go Castle age yes and then you look at his opponent and heart also is a pretty good map but don't like the forward stone I thought it turned the chat off but it is it's gold okay I should say is gold bad sand maybe this isn't the best map he does have wood on the back which is nice but he needs to protect these hills on the front I might unsub because you don't play enough nomads sorry SFP unsub cuz I don't like nomads quick look over here Leary just found his sheep that's a sheep out probably stole from him so doubts not being so nice and down it's gonna go forward and out will go tower rush with a map that's very exposed for him open on the front he has the main gold main stone there I assume he's going tower rush it's normally the correct decision as Koreans Leary is actually going for a Josh which is interesting his map is amazing a maiden gold in the back would line on the back stone on the back but that's a lot of bills for doubt that's gonna be forced to fight with his villagers that's gonna keep his Scout alive and he's gonna kill leery Scout and also get some big hits on these militia and Leary needs to click up to feudal age fast so he can build some counter towers he simply does not have the resources for right now alerts triple nine thank you so very much for the sub as someone says Viper Archer rush viper is what have to go forward to do that what is vipers plan here yeah this is a very early up time for Viper he's not gonna go archers he would have to go Scouts right yeah my projects are going Scouts from the pocket position so that'll make this fun a doubt as Walden his Vil's here and he's building his tower I mean while we have what will be men in arms from Jordan art is likely going Scouts the Viper is going Scouts from the pocket position which means that if he doesn't do damage over the next couple minutes he doesn't take advantage of the to be one situations likely I'll be a leery space then MBL as fast castling is pocket and BL will have Knights a viper will probably still have a good castle time players are still able to but it just won't be near as good as MBL's so here the scouts massing out for viper and i think he's gonna partner down on this side cuz Leary's already behind having drost here and a hold man this is again messy for him vipers already using his scout here and this is great teamwork from tyrant great teamwork doubt of course gonna use his scout to distract he doesn't want to lose that he's trying to bait leery a little bit and that's two towers now for doubt and he's not far away from the third in fact there it is this is very messy messy stuff for mr. Leary Leary probably thought he could defend versus just out I was already gonna be difficult but now it's gonna suck for him with Viper sending Scouts meanwhile on this side the man in arms on the way for Jordan Jordan also as a forward spear that'll cancel out the scouts from Hart for now so Hart what we need to think about counter attacking Leary wants to build a counter tower he is on stone it's important he gets these towers up fast because Vipers gonna be coming in doubt is starting to build his next tower here the Vipers gonna be moving the scouts in soon he has two Scouts here now he's there fresh Scouts doubts still building this tower Leary still chasing and this looks like an awful awful position for Leary he is getting so distracted by all the scout movement beautiful teamwork from tyrant the tower should go up or down and once it goes up this will be denied for leery and look at Viper just not losing any scouts here the tower is now up these two towers are in range of each other the Leary's gonna try and panic this one up but look at the losses he is taking he's just hopped in the tower but this does not make it good for him doubt and battle this down MBL he's on his way to castle age but will he be able to bring this back where we shall see Jordans still not taking an engagement first heart heart still not taking an engagement verse Jordan I remind you Vipers in the futile age now so you cannot make Knights there's some huge losses now for Leiria and I don't know if he's realized this but you know doubts tower is in a perfect position here as Lyra loses villagers when he tries to attack this so a really sucky position absolute destruction here a surf Knight thank you for the sub my man the Jordan transitioning to archers and hearts thinking you know what I can't let him ask those I'm gonna just run right through the town center this is not what Jordan wanted our heart needs to take an engagement to bring this back for his team I see the signaling they might be thinking about going to MBL MBL believe it or not so it's obvious that these players are experimenting a bit mdl is gonna go for a castle instead of a stable Knights he's gonna go for a castle on Gepetto's is similar to what we saw in the past with the AOC where you'd see pockets go for a castle and plumed archers that's an interesting move from MBL they got to build the castle on the hill like bird could find a few ville pigs here I mean while the fight still not really doing anything large is distracting at Jordans base Leary has stabilized a little bit but more towers going up or doubt keep in mind doubt has been untouched at home now MBL getting hit hard by Viper Scouts and oh that's gonna build a tower here this is brilliant play and if you build it here then it'll arrange the wood and arrange the stone it and BL doesn't have the stone for a tower because he's building the castle this is why one stable just one single stable would have stopped all of this that's all he really needed he's going to instead build I think he purchased the stone for counter tower and build his own Tower and then try and batted this down with bills that Geppetto should become an over doubt needs to be careful MBI lacking the food to create all this it's a struggle for aftermath also going to lose one villager at least two villagers down holy cow what again aggressive start from tyrant I feel like aftermath would normally be the team that would employ such strategies and be a losing another villager here still hasn't killed any from doubt and BLDC he doesn't have the resources for Tibet owes I think they're absolutely screwed here cuz Leary he's really struggling it's where he's gonna need to build the market to get up sure hearts on the way up but Viper is on his way to castle now the Viper will be Persians you have strong Knights I don't know this is perfect strategy from a tyrant now the only worry is that doubt has so many forward units so many forward villagers MBL is obviously struggling look at this he continues to send voters into this castle for whatever reason is three here right now I think it's their first game today San free thank you for seven months man it's hard for me not to sweat the drops because I have really high standards for my stream and that literally ruins it but yeah man we will we will figure it out in time I'm confident in that I'm just hoping it's a PC related what's up Ryu I'm doing good I'm doing good hole humped welcome to the stream well Viper has now hit the castle aged out still has map presence on NBL stone MBL making his first bet Oh meanwhile Viper has a booming economy he is gonna be building a second Town Center and he can send Knights to partner his allies on either side and if he sends it this side will probably be a wise move because heart is going to have some trouble over Jordan I believe well I I meant to say Jordan will have some trouble verse heart because Hardison Castle agent he'll be going with two stable Knights oh man this is great from all this is beautiful move from heart check this out it doubt trying to send his bills back home and hardest spotted him in doubt just desperately trying to wall in his Vil's oh that's huge doubt gonna lose for villagers just like that for free in this one it's going to be wasted great pickoff great pickoff there from hurry you know what MBL gonna loop around with the Gepetto's and try and find this guy and Leary's on his way to castle maybe he has survived for now doubt is off also on the way to castle look at doubts point of view he doesn't have the stone to build a castle in the castle age but his towers will get free upgrades and it'll be a pain in the butt for the aftermath team seems to me like vipers prioritizing his economy he doesn't have a lot of nights out on the map every night he does have is going towards leery space but a nice little position for MBL to be in with the Gepetto's and the choke point viper will probably just master units more MBO also needs two masses units more look at the economy difference though doubts at 34 villagers while Leary's at 38th and leery hit the castle each slightly ahead of time so maybe leery is fine persian knights are incredibly strong persian paladins are incredibly strong so if leper has a good boom you can get there but you know what's even stronger Frank Knights and Hart has a good position verse Dourdan at the moment Jordan later the cast leaves and you would have expected he's just basically gonna camp here and he will upgrade these and then he can take a flight but he cannot take a fight for now and what stout wants to do down wants to build a forward castle of course he wants to build a forward castle he's gotta build a castle right in between these towers nothing absolutely nothing leer you can do about it MBL can't stop that no-one can stop that that castle will go up to the aggression does continue at leary space that's pretty obvious to me that Leary is actually the best player on the aftermath team arguably second-best in the world nice little wolf rush here from vipre woo-woo-woo it makes sense to pressure Leary Viper's gettin hit by these Knights but he has three Town Center's to hide villagers in and he's going to be building his second stable does have a monastery maybe to get some conversions this is still not good for vipre because he asked to stop his economy from working to deal with this and protect himself also looks like there's a hole here which he's now plugging up castles up for doubt and this pretty much confirms that he's going to continue to be aggressive one two town center push a great job from Hart hitting Viper Vipers at 56 villagers now which is still leading the game but you can see all the dead bodies underneath vipers TC if they did not hit him it would have been a disaster and I don't know how this night snuck in but there's a hole and Viper has to run away from the wood line now disaster for Viper though it will be cleaned up in a moment's time now Jordan 23 pushing over to Hart extremes now Hart has a siege workshop and doubt losing a few villagers here to the monks let's see if Hart can do something with his Mackin else you should probably have them on the hill this is a hugely vulnerable area for Hart it's a lot of crossbows and even pikemen for Jordan raspy Thank You Man thank you for three months of support I appreciate that I don't think Jordans worried about one tower heshes a wood line he sees a goal then he sees villagers so he's gonna go for the snipe Hart doesn't have a lot of nights here he's still actually fighting at Vipers base and MBL's pushing it at the same time good to be one here art needs to defend and I won't be easy to do so it's it's kind of interesting now aftermath is taking the score lead back Viper was hoping he could partner doubt but leery has defended well believe it or not with his monks and he's just booming up behind and Viper now cannot afford to send any help to doubt or even to Jordan 23 because he's to be one that his base and I think this really comes back to Vipers greed with the boom because he started with one stable he stayed on one stable and now you can see desperately adding more stables he has a large economy that's that's fine but he sacrificed his military numbers for that I didn't see any big losses for Hart ear and Jordan still has the crossbows Jordan is going to lose a few pikemen he has to run away from the maggin else Jordan could go to MBL's base MBL could loosen villagers on the wood line but beyond okay and the stone but beyond that the castles securing a lot as are the TCS I think Viper will clean this up eventually now he has +2 defense he should have the resources to create a mess of Knights but the fact that Hart only had six to eight nights and a bunch of like cab and MBL only has eight to ten two betters and cause viper to do all that that's a that's a good position for them not to mention that viper is still back at home Jordan sending his numbers away from MBL's base and let's look at the economy if I can talk about that oh no come back to me oh you dumb overlay sometimes it doesn't scroll to the only part of the overlay I want to see hmm I will watch this flight in the mean time come on come on yeah there we go look at the populations now Jordans is 60 bills while Hart's at 77 in fact all the aftermath players are above 70 MBL even ahead of VIPRE now on eight evils the Vipers still scared to run out because he knows the damage that Gepetto's can do I think that's why Jordan is sending his army this way to help clean that up and out has not done anything with his forward castle he can't do much with war wagons because the world weapons will get converted by the monks it's a castle for leery so he can kill this tower get his wouldn't get his gold and Bo just running over down space and what's doc gonna do about this he just has to hide and just like that the MBL losing a Tibet oh he's coming a villager and idling the economy for doubt Jordan has looked all the way back home MBL is on the way to the Imperial age a viper probably has the deadliest army at the moment tyrant will take the score lead for now and that is mainly because your score goes down when you click up to imp and both heart and MBL are on the way to imp well we'll see if Viper can do some damage before they hit the Imperial age let's see what time Viper will hit the Imperial age because right now clock is ticking that's gonna be some early Frank cavalier poor heart and who knows what NBL will go with maybe he will stick with the Gepetto's at the moment the straw the strength of the Italians are not gonna play out you need to wait till Jordan booms up more and gets a castle and then the strength of the Italians will play out MBL he's gonna kill this market he doesn't want the tyrant to start early trade kappa viper sending over all his Knights for just a small army of MBL's though that's a victory for them also a victory for Leary to be able to get access to this gold and Leary's on the way to m2 which means he should be able to trip down all these towers and castles and time but aftermath crazy crazy upgrade time with the Imperial aged now MBL runs that's MBL's next choice just to run away build more castles build more Gepetto's he has more at home art sending some knights towards the economy of viper this would actually force viper to create some more units at home which is an amazing thing because viper still hasn't clicked in and MBL has distracted enough with the Gepetto's i think done enough damage to justify their lives and just look at this viper losing so many villagers village is dropping like flies for him he booms back up to above 100 but he's going down below 100 once more and again it's not just the kills it is the idol time to October thank you for the sub sorry I missed that I assume you're still here okay Jordan did put the castle up in a very good position for him he's gonna have two castles this is actually a beautiful move for Jordan he's on his way to him as I said earlier the elite Genoese crossbow they do counter cavalry which leaves franks with really nothing else after that i think the italians are better Civ and late game but Hart will have such an advantage in the upgrades and I'll have such mobility that they could just double viper for now MBL has elite Geppetto's he has castles in beautiful positions notice how this council protects the stone this castle now protects these both of these extra golds and that will go up and now we're gonna get to see how Knights do versus the Geppetto's I think Viper he just has so many numbers that the Gepetto's will not be that strong also Gepetto's are not that not strong as it is in attacks they really do damage fast but they're at 45 HP and that's it this needs to be a group effort I think Hart needs to get involved also takes a lot of micro as you can see the here the trebuchet z' for leary leary adding the are blessed and on the right hand side though doubt was on his way to empty will lose this castle but he's building castles at home it looks like he wants to go war wagons oh now this flight this flight could be bad for jordan kiss Jordan isn't an MP at and he trapped some of his army in here but the rest of his army and I fit in this small pond so important for heart that he does damage versus the rain tunes from Jordan because that's exactly what Jordans going into also it's important that Hart trebs down these castles because he's really scared of these generals crossbowmen and they're not elite yet and they can only be created out of the castles a good head start for heart viper has been kept at home for so long you don't see any yellow running out across the map to go anywhere now you do they're gonna go over and help on this side and this is really the important viper needs to keep jordan's castles alive jordan has his Gold's here it's huge is huge for either team this fight in fact this is the most important fight right now and I think Hart could be in trouble Viper he's still not in the Viper has a lot of numbers still I think NBL should consider sending some help that way Hart can keep his shrubs alive and kill these castles now you're gonna see Jordan create his own trebuchet 'he's MBL with the leech abettors once again actually running right into Jordan's army Jordan probably left this army patrolling in case the Gepetto's came in you're getting some free kills there alerting Viper of the army I just wonder if we should see a transition from MBL now we have the war wagons from doubt going to MBL's base this is the first time that Tyron has been to MBL's base since the early part of the game or lag it should do quite well versus Beddoes i imagine they have more range also Jabez again are very weak but the mobility of the Gepetto's is really what makes them good this is where tyrant excel when they are there behind they somehow find a way to hold to get the trade running and use their civet Vantage Leary's sending his arbol s all the way over to heart to help heart verse Jordan and heart at this rate doesn't really need any help he's killed this castle he's gonna go for the next Castle he's doing a great job it'll be difficult for Jordan to hold that viper finally has Cavalier and always researching powd and as well okay he's gonna have to go for the economies now cuz aftermath has such a great foothold because of their economy you no doubt is that 141 villagers now but he only is 21 military everyone's actually above 100 I think Jordan is the weakest link on a tyrant team and I think this fight is a fight that George will eventually lose with the árboles behind for Leary and the mag adele's for Hart and this is so bad for Jordan Vipers not here Vipers tried to kill Leary's economy nice quick walls from leery to keep the Cavalier out and also there's already how buddy is here waiting for Viper so Leary has the counter there the hearts gonna commit with the maggin else he's just gonna go for some of the army behind he's gonna miss but this cast is gonna go down and Hart knows that that's why sending the villagers out to go meanwhile MBL is in vipers base trying to kill eco once again I'll have a hill bonus with these units a doubt is here helping he does have elite war wagon actually [Music] but it just seems like everywhere you look after math seems to have the lead no vipers getting paladin I don't know if I'll have the resources for paladin with 45 idols now and Jordan needing to be propped up Jordan has built another castle he's building some more archery ranges but he doesn't even have a lead gen wheats crossbow and he's lost these two golds and he's giving them to a player who's making powtoons Frank powtoons the heart might click pout and soon as well paladin's from Viper have left Leary's Base gonna go over to MBL's and this is actually a great area for Viper to be in you can kill the trade that aftermath has started he's doing that they can also kill MBL's economy that's a big loss there with the trade MBL found the small choke point over here it's still keeping this army alive they do a lot of damage these units but verse war wagons I think they'll struggle and the push just continues from Leary and Hart on this side Hart does have pouted on the way and it just feels to me like I mean unless doubt makes a real push here I think aftermath has the game because at this rate Jordans gonna die they'll be pout and be pouting and then our Blessed verse are blessed and Genoese crossbow which aren't fully upgraded I guess Viper does damage versus the trade that'll help them out in the long run I'm sure you guys saw the recent YouTube video I uploaded this morning or earlier than that if your twitch sub or patreon supporter and there are a lot of trade raids during those games and they did add up aren't just trying to be annoying now they're adding their own trade doubt has 13 trade carts there's a lot more trade for aftermath as a whole though think the key of tyrant is just keeping viper in a healthy position Vipers the guy who can carry anybody man why do I always have phone alarms going off my streams nowadays I don't know I don't know sorry about that yeah Jordan just 140 poor pop which is not good enough MBL actually struggled for population after the early rate from VIPRE but I guess we'll see chat I guess we'll see oh look at this sick wall off from Leary look at this he sent a villager over here intentionally we missed it that he's walled the war wagons into the small choke point so we can kill them and they will not raid the trade elite Genovese crossbow on the way for Jordan and this is a huge fight in fact it's a fight that Tyra will probably win because doubt is here as well where did doubt come from and these are elite Genoese crossbows so the Palin's will get destroyed maybe Jordan has held on long enough MBL hasn't had two barrows because he wanted to tack into the heavy camels I just think Italians are such a strong sieve in this matchup you have heavy camels and you have paladin's fighting you and you have an archer unit that counters those units and of course Leary can't add in our bless first of all it's just not a good decision because war wagons couch with the archers but second of all you can't seem to get the unit's over here because it takes so long as a tyrant truly has the best SIVs they definitely have the best civilization here in italians and Koreans but see I think that fight right there has changed so much in this game the trade is rather close for tyrant there's no pressure at their base you can see they have multiple markets adding the carts Malay struggle verse Koreans on this side while Frank struggle versus Italians on this side and MBL's civilization is not really a strong team game civilization when you're adding heavy camels and your strength is infantry and some of the other units your sip can create a 2v2 on youtube was intense it's why I missed your tweet about the stream schedule ah got it man no problem surf night yeah it was a crazy game and in that game we solved multiple trade raids and the game continued but normally at the pro level at that at the top level you can't come back from those trade rates let's see what heart has he is paladin but does he have the resources no he doesn't really have the gold for it and now doubt has moved into MBL space I mean there's nothing they can do to counter this as much as this is tyrant playing well what can nice ifs do verse Elite war wagon and elite generals crossbow now I don't think they can do anything I think this is gonna be a very slow death for Hart but he'll lose his castles he will lose his production buildings even if he had all the gold in the world I don't think he can take a pipe for a Shinobi's crossbow and these numbers well Leary doesn't have momentum first doubt doubt has been all over MBL's economy which does not help them deal situation keep in mind NV Isle had all this extra gold to is so much and still it can't do anything paladins for Viper now moving in probably gonna go towards Leary's base it's hiring in full control now can you tell them to finish in the next ten minutes my volleyball practice starts soon at this rate as you can see look at the mini-map there's a lot of yellow pushing forward there's a lot of purple pushing forward a lot of teal pushing forward a vice-versa you do not see aftermath in the position to to be doing that so I feel like ten minutes we could see the gg honestly the tyrant has a lot of trade up and running now and they have the best unit composition and they have all the best map control Jordan even getting these Gold's back from Hart MBL's trying he's going on a jury he's going heavy camel he definitely can't go champion in a team game like this but I feel like despite these veil kills in the middle from Hart I feel like it is going to be too hard for them to come back once Viper and out get some more momentum versus Laoghaire [Music] war wagons are anti Archer and they did the fantastic job as the Gepetto's so Leary will struggle on the right with virtually anything he makes first out and then Italians are anti cavalry which is currently what MBL's making and one heart is making so the unique units are countering so very much here but still with numbers you can kill the war wagons of course but just a Genoese crossbow here can change so much and now the rest moving in from Jordan out Jordans gonna patrol here this is actually a bad position for him because the Arve West from Leary are here this might be the fight that we're looking for still so tough because the powtoons and the camels get chewed up right after I say that but now Viper and doubt are on this side with a massive army both of them and Leary has no choice but to wall it's his only option here and the walls are not going to do much when doubt has tripped behind a Viper can just run around anyway ask Adel I don't think Leary can offer anything to this engagement they are pretty bad team game civilization in my assessment I mean they could go elephants I guess but would that really work when your opponent has what tyrant has now I don't think so vipers is gonna go right past the economy and towards the trade MBL knows it as a heavy camels here I still think Viper might have the numbers where you could patrol into this kill the trade and kill some of the camels first [Music] now on this side after math slowly pushing back but the Vipers push and doubt push is more crucial that's doing more damage to an individual's basis to remove damage to the trade a Viper actually running away now MBO with a fantastic response time I don't know how he knew to be there with Hamels well let's see what leer he's doing cuz Leary just like in the early part of this game he's under pressure and he's making halberdiers it's gonna be so tough to do much with the halberdiers sure abadeer's actually killed war wagons ho and war wagon cept 200 HP and there's so many of them it is not an easy task but it looks like the guy with a volleyball practice is gonna have some trouble getting to that volleyball practice if he wants to see the end of the game because MBL's not researching xi jobs or they are not giving up 35 trade cards plus for every tyrant player and the same goes for aftermath and they killed all the Genoese crossbowmen for jordan jordan might lose another castle he has more generally crossbow here it's so important for jordan to keep the castles up but he hold on it's gonna be close it's gonna be close it's gonna be close I think after if he can get one more volume from both trebs he kills this if he doesn't oh my goodness he's gonna kill it he's gonna kill him Jordan losing his castle barely losing his castle well well well we'll see John a jar off for them well it's gonna offer them the destruction of the Genoese crossbow and you know what that's gonna mean vipers gonna have to send more powtoons this way MBL can send camels and heart hopefully we'll have the goal to send his own paladins there's one counselor didn't think of earlier and that was the siege aspect because it's so expensive I would agree that individually aftermath the more talented players if you were to I mean of course there's Viper but if you look at doubt doubt gets beaten by a heart and leery now and Jordan definitely gets beaten by heart and leery now so to those of you guys talking about the strength I think it comes in two like you said that the team gameplay and the experience this is shaping up to be one heck of the game that I called way too early heart has gone for some eco harassment but every single unit he sent in got chewed up by the Genoese crossbow trade rates can end the game at this stage so it's probably smart to build castles and walls on your trade line do you need that gold there's so4 MBL a viper adding in his hussars huh stars and pouting can be huge for picking off the sea geometers and i am incredibly surprised that doubt was actually pushed back on this side earlier maybe he ran back he's actually making a push up the gut towards MBL's face but uh nevertheless he's not pushing leery and this gives leery the position to send into Hal but here's the economy to send into halberdiers and though there are bombard tires from doubt and he'll probably hold his positioning here he's gonna lose a lot of his expensive gold units to these Hal videos war wagons us are tanky but they're an expensive unit I actually feel like that went kind of okay for doubt considering he killed so many camels from MBL but be ad it doubt making a push there and he's not actually having successful day okay here you have Viper doing the right thing picking off the SOS SOS are such a gamble and a Jordan now with another mass of Genovese crossbowmen as I always say when C geometers are out in the field all it takes is one single shot to justify that upgrade one single shot like if these Genoese crossbone were to disappear then heart and MBL could win this fight first vipers paladins it's just the Genoese crossbowmen that are deciding this position for the tyrant team a doubt still trying to push inverse MBL so MBL can't offer too much help the heart leery is in a position to maybe help MBL though and oh he's added lead battle elephants which is a good move considering that doubt has not added his own halberdiers i may have missed a shot guys I think I missed a shot right here there was a destructive shot MBL might get another one off here no he's not gonna get it off a lot of dead bodies for the tyrant players we've bombard canons Genoese crossbow and skirmisher and TREB for Jordan Vipers number is not there anymore head out still getting double-teamed in the middle he's trying to take the fight to MBL these battle offense are so strong as are the war wagons I think the battle often should win this it's just down to the bombard hours right two pieces my boy thank you for the three months chase Moo's thank you for the sub - I just am looking at the trade constantly to see if there's any trade rates that don't see it and I honestly think that after map could come back here you see Jordan scrambling away because he sees the sea geometers somehow some late aftermath is holding on after maps with powtoons and camels and viper having to run away with his paladins now back to the hill Oh is my heart has 40 military in fact every aftermath player has around 40 military Piper is the only one higher than 50 with his patents but doubt has been pushed back from here you can see all the dead bodies for delts and now he's being pushed here and he will lose his towers and leary has taken a huge position on the right hand side because this will force Viper away from Jordan and with Halberdier and elephants and rams leary could beat down the doubt doesn't have his own house you can see is losing this production buildings also the Rams are a meat shield that's so valuable verse the war wagons what a crazy crazy team team game it's so hard to follow because these guys are so good this is incredible stuff then I'm thinking a happy birthday wish miss mister Esther thank you for the happy birthday was t90 what do you want for your birthday a sub is fine my boy a sub is fine thank you thank you thank you I'm kind of sad I missed the juicy hit on the Genoese crossbow earlier we might see a switch into condos from Jordan should be an interesting move I I like his unit composition now I don't think he should switch maybe he'll go house he's getting some of those upgrades yeah now vipers gonna need to arrive here and here he comes doubts still with an incredible 45 military of just war wagons it's so expensive I think the real problem for aftermath is MBL because he doesn't have a lot of options here as a pocket player he couldn't of course sling heart and maybe sling Leary so they can go full elephant and full pouting but you know if you are the Malians and one be one it's great but here heavy camel doesn't really face off well versus the Genoese crossbow in the war wagons and you can't go pout in yourself you can't really go to betos good clean up here for heart [Music] now what NBL could do with the Gepetto's is send them into the trait is they kill trade really fast if they can get through he's sending some camels there to do so now and man now the push continues for Leary on this side I thought Viper would have more numbers here he definitely does not and the cap Graham's gonna go after the castles this is desperate times for doubt the doubt could lose his castles and if he loses his castles he's losing his only unit which is the war wagon so the battle elephants were the answer here doubt just now adding and getting the upgrades for the halberdiers he may have just wasted too much time if he had the Hobbes earlier maybe he would have been ok but he underestimated the strength of the build or the composition I guess of Leary because look these castles go down now I'm saying they're gonna go down but like it could just be very close and out good luck out here this castle all the traps gonna finish it off so one down this castle is also going to be very close for Dell these slowly starts to clean this up and viper arrives this castle will go down as well I imagine yeah so that's a victory for Leary Hart holding on this side actually he's chosen to run in with his paladin's it's a scary decision you know if you if you commit your army like this and you end up losing them to the Genoese crossbow then that gives Jordan a lot of momentum going back towards Hart's base but I think he's gonna go for the trade run right through he knows the units are slower for Jordan Jordan is adding condos by the way now we're gonna build a castle on the hill MBL here just to protect for now such a crazy game I mean it continues over here at doubts base building bombard towers to secure the position MBL has arrived leery still sending in the battle elephants and sending in the halberdiers building more on forward production buildings now this is truly crazy and Leary has the resources to continue to spam Rams and he is doing so meanwhile Viper I don't know where he is gone he's at a hundred eighty-five population but he only has 40 military he's scrambling back on defense this game has gone back and forth by the way that small that small lack there I can't do anything about because of the fact that Nathan they paused at one point this just happens dope thank you for the happy birthday wish to take for the hundred bits but man what an insane game an hour and 13 minutes in now I thought for sure tyrant had it earlier with the unit composition they have available MBL still isn't offering all that much these fights he doesn't have a super strong unit except the sea challenger but you know he's 55 military is composed of a lot of camels and Gepetto's and he's being helped helpful enough to where the powerful franks can do damage in the powerful malay can do damage I don't like the bombard cannon choice from Hart and when I say I don't like it I'm not saying it's a bad choice because it's really all I can do but it's not an easy thing to do maybe I will just slow it down here that way that lag stops but it's getting a bit worse bombard towers just holdingford out now I mean he's top scorer in his team that's great well oh jeez oh look at this look at this push from Leary look at this this is pretty incredible stuff so doubts expecting him here but when your opponent's expecting you sometimes you should switch it up and he garrison to all of these rams and out of nowhere he's pushing inverse to castles so I will slow it down now because I'm sick of that lag my self-doubt will save this castle the doubt will not save this castle and that's a nice push from Leary siege engineer's on the way for hard so he has a little bit more range in his bombard cannons and slowly trying to whittle down these elite Genoese crossbow a heart really doesn't look to have the resources for paladin anymore either a lirikh cannot go a seed ran with his civilization that is the answer for that question he's gonna lose all the rams after that push wow what a game what a crazy game goes to biota thank you for half a year of support with the tier 2 sub thank you everybody who's up today you guys are all awesome I don't see any trade rating going on just look at all the juicy trade cards available for killing and Oh see this is what I'm talking about and bo just needs to put this elite to Beto on stand grounds and you get in that trade line guys beat fortunes we love you T 90 masasa thank you for the two-month resale speak the devil somebody else coming in this is top level Age of Empires for you guys of course the condo is a team bonus and so because Jordan is Italians doubt can now make condos Cana is actually a brilliant move here ad in with the halberdiers M BLM Viper are having their own fight in the middle it seems MBL doing quite well if they're both going heavy camel they both have the same upgrades they're also AM BL has that you better is added in and also that would distract Oh big shot please dang I was gonna say also that would distract Viper from the flanks so we have three separate won't be ones going on because MBL is attacking Viper I think Viper is actually winning these fights I'll slow it down again eventually the game tries to speed up the lifetime one be one verse Leary in doubt 1v1 burst Viper and MBL and then at one be one verse Jordan and heart and believe it or not we've seen throwing Axman from heart not something I thought would do well but when the pikemen arrived for jordan it was something that he needed an mb l could get a big shot here not the best shot you've ever seen look at all the bomber cams for both players both Jordan both MBL and both heart with the bomb bar canons but bomber canons are so exposed in the situation at times a nice nice small engagement small win for Viper and Jordan I think as far as value goes Illyria continues to pressure doubt a doubt okay he's really struggling now he's lost his massive war wagons he is 20 military even Viper is 20 military do they have enough just checking the trade once more I don't see any trade raids or some units throughout the game went down here and there a man doubt who's top scorer of his team might be in trouble now but I'm so amazed that Leary's doing so well with the sieve the Koreans are so good in team games late game because the war wagons because of the siege auditor this is the Bob Barr cans because the hand cannons such a good safe late-game as our Italians so I'm still surprised at aftermath that's held on for this long but this right it might actually win the game our resource is looking well you can see leering out the top left has a lot of resources actually you know what la see I'm not gonna toggle away because when I toggle away it switches the point of view on the screen okay no see jhanjhar shot I look at hearts heart actually has gold and he has enough food to create some paladins and siege or sorry he has the the wood and the gold recedes MBL he actually is struggling for gold and then you look at viper viper has plenty of gold you gotta imagine he has the food as well because all these staples are probably queued up doubts he has a lot of gold and nothing else and then Jordan he has a mess of gold this game could go on forever really I think it's all about stopping down from dying now if your viper MBL and we need to focus on doubt on this side moved out this doesn't have a lot of economy he's only at 53 villagers and ten military oh my goodness this is awful for doubt he has 78 trade 78 trade carts it's way too many the doubts gonna have gold but eventually he'll lose all the trade carts if he doesn't have the military numbers that's an insane number that's a higher number of trade than I've seen in a very very long time 78 trade cards buy for himself is 67 potentially tyrant over trading here if you have excess gold but you don't have population space for military it doesn't really help you out I love the throwing Axman here the throwing accident will chew up the camels MBL with his own camels oh my goodness this is in my opinion a very bad fight for Jordan 23 in Co because there's so many camels for MDL and look at all the bombard cannons behind for heart and mble can kill the Genoese crossbow you know meanwhile the as there's Palomar Towers Ford out here randomly the push continues I don't know why they're signalling oh they're signaling because Leary's building archery ranges I don't now he snuck bills by the doubt is just in an awful position guys I'll go back to his point of view once again and he doesn't have res leer he's splitting up the bills splitting up the bills so he can build more sneak Archer arranges to kill that trait you know back on this side Jordan pretty much holding he can't seem to make a push both Hart and Jordan doing what they need to do for their team by even even more so MBL and Leary are exceeding expectations I think because with these cysts it's very hard very very hard to do anything burst them and doubt is cease down he's actually at four castles believe it or not he does have four relics as well but you got to imagine that troubles will come forward soon more Rams will continue to come forward and doubt will slowly get taken out this is hilarious when it doubts villes is chasing leary leary gonna try and save his bill too with some quick walls I kind of want to watch this to see if he can pull it all he's trying to wall this guy in so he can build a sneaky building the trade cart might help him these guys are ridiculous players they're focusing on everything else their economies and their fights on both sides and he's still trying to know the future wall yourself in man you might have an opportunity rip I thought he could have done it because the trade car was blocking the path thing but nope not to be doubt continues to slowly get pushed back here if I first switching to Calvary Archer as he's lost all of his control of the middle I don't know if Calvary Archer if the only thing that Calvary are could be good for as heart-friendly fires his own throwing accent the only thing that the the friendly fire are no jeez the heavy cavalry archers could be good for is killing the trade but I don't like that move it's very expensive to Tek into then I don't like that move because I don't think it'll offer them much in the fights and now man MBL unrivaled for the moment can get into the trade getting into the trade they're calling the gg might not be a ranged unit but NBL is finally here and doubt just doesn't have anything left and holy hits holy cow that game was over and done with in my eyes those over and done with everyone in the chats 8090 that's why you don't call it early because I thought tyrant had it in the bag after well first of all I thought aftermath had a great position when Hart took this hill and took the goals but once the Genoese crossbow came in for Jordan it is obvious that they couldn't push this really and Jordan didn't take any big losses to the sea challengers it was awkward for MBL MBL only had betos and heavy camels available and viper had already tech tint out in and had heavy camels himself but out had so many war wagons I would say the NBP of this game it's hard to take it away from MBL but I would say the N VP of this game would probably be leery because he survived the early to b1 pressure and then he thought of the best Unicom position to fight the 60-plus war wagons that doubt had and doubt as koreans it should not be easy to push that back at that stage and somehow because that was the strongest player on the tyrant team as far as score go somehow leery aim from bottom score to killing doubt and I mean either every single player on each team played their part a viper and MBL pointed to carry roll from the pocket where they had to go to both sides but man that was just crazy game I'm crazy crazy game think they should have tried to disrupt the trade sooner if you're talking about aftermath it was hard for them to do so because you can see the walls are here MBL looks like he is he's actually cut through the trees there are a lot of walls even these buildings acted as walls for Viperine co and then here wouldn't have been easy to run through doubt space at one point he probably had a fassl's at the other talking point is every time a heart tried to run through jordan space jordan chewed him up with a leech enemies crossbow so i think that the timing was good on the trade rate here if you're talking about tyrants i think that they should have foreseen the counter from leary because everyone knows that rams soak up the arrow fire and there were the bolts from the war wagons so i think that they just should have warsaw that counter earlier if doubt had onager and war wagon then i think he would have been okay to Janick Gers could have killed the rams in some of the house as well and he certainly had to save to go on with her yeah it's tough it tough McKean because you oftentimes cannot justify sending your units away I actually forgot I have to play in a tournament game here here's that KD for you guys as the economy stats technology stat society stats and I hadn't realized that I had so many relics that gave me at 6 K relic cool but crazy crazy game
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 73,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, brazil, serbia, norway, austria, aoe2, age of empires, age of empires 2, woo woo, demo ship, arabia, team game, theviper, daut, liereyy, heart, mbl, jordan23, wow, omg, amazing, cool, intense
Id: ktoodT1EOKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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