China vs Brazil | 2v2 World Cup Semifinals

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it it felt like looks kind of died from time to time and we felt that yo kind of carried him but they got away with it yeah because they didn't face the top five teams in the world yet and i think with brazil they won't let those games slip yeah that's a good point especially dokao has been so good um when you post a twitter poll you can only have four options uh but i i and truly more players were deserving of being on the pole but i i posted four players on twitter last week said hey who do you think's been the best player in the tournament so far it was viper dokao yo and uh the other one i had on my list was tattoo and dokao was up there on votes and you got to know that tattoo and viper are going to get those votes anyways because of their reputation but um yeah dogal's been insane and let's just get started off nearly in the red we have miguel he's playing as the huns and he's teamed up with dogel he's playing as the tatars and that right off the bat tells me that maybe brazil are saving sibs for later on uh in the blue we have yo who's playing as the frank's top tier civilization to have in this spot and then we have britain's four licks uh on arabia again a top tier sieve in this spot yeah so civilization's clearly better here for team china it is interesting right now the first time we will look into best of sevens we so we have to go deep into those civilizations yeah exactly so you win with franks and britain's i would say at a high level it's almost expected uh or you should expect to win there but if brazil are able to get a win here against franks and britain's with civs that don't feel quite as strong on arabia that would be a massive massive lead for them it's almost like winning a game and a half i think if you win game one now as brazil yeah and people again confused they think okay tatars well they got new buffs they are really good remember guys we are still playing with the old patch so it's attached not a lot of stuff going for them except the instant thumbprint yeah now if you think about how dogal has played every single standard map game it's been drush fc nearly and while new tatars are better with rush fc because you get additional sheep dress chef c is still something that the tars were quite good at pre-buff so i think it might actually be good for brazil to to try that dress chef scene if you get a lead early castle age uh there's plenty of sheep over here for to get dogal he's pushing in some ostriches it could actually work out yeah that's so true but they are limited right you have crossbows yeah you can get a lead but britain's frank's looking pretty hot then again you transition into him and you don't get obelisk yeah so it's either get a massive massive lead going into imp or just finished the game in castle age i mean huns on the flip side for brazil that one of the better civilizations for spamming those nights in the mid game so that could be quite good uh i spoke to miguel a little bit and uh this was a public conversation so i don't think it's it's too much of a spoiler and i think it's self-explanatory too uh he said that when dogal is going josh fc like this he just makes a few more scouts than you would typically do on the scout roll because he's expected to get pressured uh and then hopefully dogal is able to carry in early cast lead so i find it interesting because china have not had that same outlook with their archer player you've had licks going for two range r2 ranges in feudal almost every single game yeah yeah that's so true except maybe something like saracens that we saw a bit of a wild approach yeah but you saw brazil knowing about that instantly banning saracens away they did yeah by the way apologies to some people who are watching right now on my screen i i left the christmas model on my bad i'll remove the christmas mod or the the holiday mod i should say i forgot about that and it's not the most professional start to a series but uh wall's coming up for miguel now nilly and he's definitely expecting some type of pressure here yeah wants to be sure and oh boy those are big walls in front of his berries and that's something we haven't really seen from him that much right all you're already rolling off with four villagers here in darkness that's costly yeah uh maybe a result of expecting dogal to be doing his own thing and if if dogal is going to chef c the pressure either goes 2v1 to dogal or 2v1 to miguel um i guess brazil loaning to play safe here come the militia now do you think drushfc is is better to have against the scallop player or better to have against the archer player hmm that's an interesting question that i never asked myself before you kind of don't want to get punished right so [Music] i think it doesn't really matter if you have a good map it obviously is way easier to punish the scout player once you get out like six crossbows yeah i hear dogal game one i mean there might be some jitters here from both teams and he sees the villager it's unlikely he will kill that villager but he does deny the wall off that's it is it scout is around the guy was really good at blocking uh okay he probably makes the good move there to decide to move along and here he comes in towards yo so yo can't get that wall off on the left side but yo with some nice quick walls so far i will see if dokao is able to do any more damage alone forcing some villagers away forcing all those quick walls makes it rough but you're on point yeah you're on point however i don't like that one quick wall i don't think the villagers on the left can drop off wood that hurts and then also there's four villagers on the right side i think this is a really successful josh so far look at these villagers they can't drop off resources oh yeah so many idols at the moment this is really really scrappy at the moment and you might suffer let's see if he will have enough wood for the stable look at that only 30 wood in the bank yeah he's not going to be able to place that stable miguel also sending the scout in and he's through what a start nearly you don't need to kill with drushes you're just trying to delay and buy time and brazil have got exactly that and well that's just so good for the drastic after that one i for a second feared that the girl wouldn't wall completely but way too good will be completely safe drop some more farms and this should be a pretty easy fast caster for him yeah pretty easy fast castle also will have thumb ring with the crossbows yo had to rewall this but yo uh i mean this brings me back to to the typical meta that we've seen from china a they need to get their military out in feudal age to punish the fact that dogal is still in dark age yeah but well togawa's world for now right archers take some time to get over to the other side of the map you mention it miguel's so good and producing all those scouts and yo he will really struggle to put out the pressure look at that economy looks and shambles look at this to see yeah i mean i don't think i've ever seen a game start off quite this bad for you in this tournament this is super sloppy i know we've had licks in some rough spots throughout this series but or not the series the tourney so far but nilly i know why it's happened go into joe's point of view he didn't scout at all he was pushing dear way too greedily yeah yeah he had three or four ostriches pushed in it's also interesting because you would think that he would have i mean he saw all the games right i'm pretty sure that he saw the games from brazil so it just didn't get the wall up in time if that wall up on the left would have been there then i think the rest of this would have been easier what a great rush yeah buying so much time now will get cleared up eventually to god tries to find a kill but yo two on point with that but now we have four scouts will they find any damage i'm not sure yeah i don't think so the walls are already gonna be up um billy it makes it interesting now because we both feel like franks and britain's are so much better but that's a significant little lead there for the uh to tars and huns here comes licks now understanding that if i send spearmints here straight scouts can't counter me but miguel does maybe have enough scouts to consider taking this fight actually he's got five scouts six on the way and then he could take out the spearmen and there's three archers if he chooses to a wild thing that i've never thought of before as well i think actually hunts might be one of the trickiest civilizations to compliment a player going drush fast castle because you can't read wall with houses yeah so if you looks keeps on the pressure against miguel might be problematic for him yeah it's actually a massive problem because one of the best things you can do uh is is build a second layer of walls with your houses you can't do that with hans it's a bonus but it also could be a disadvantage in the crucial moments but yeah lake's falling back now he lost three archers there and a spearman the big deal is going to be the archer numbers as yo sending his scouts over towards miguel and very common for miguel to expect the pressure in this bot he's adding more palisade walls nearly and might even make more scouts what i think he should have done though is wall the front first look at how he's already walling the back quite quite nicely but the attack always comes from the front first and yeah now he pulls two more villagers and was the front i like that yeah okay so you know it's gonna be kind of awkward for him as far as food goes he does have a lot on berries yet and i think the berries will be ranged and that wood line can be ranged and this is why for the past couple years we felt like scouts into archers is a safe play i think maybe 80 of teams are playing this only a few teams are deciding to leave a teammate out to dry like like miguel currently how many times has he had to build a tower in feudalized on arabia in this tournament he's now trying to go for a gate and that was misplaced actually deleting one of his own palisades and that's only 100 hp and remember they don't have armor this could be tricky oh man that cake could just melt but if miguel can get this tower up he could keep the units out he might actually be able to pull this off nearly that was you're right a big mistake to take out one of his own palisades but at least the tower goes up oh what a great defense by miguel finds a scout kill behind this still has his own scouts around now we have to take a look over what can do do yeah dogal sending archers forward now it's still really important that miguel can hold this on his own he's getting bloodlines he's staying in futile and miguel um i forget what they said in the interview oh no dogal said miguel is my is my shield so miguel i think it was said kind of ironically as well but miguel is just meant to keep the team in the game while dogal does his thing and here come the crossbows and yokoing for stonewalls oh yeah he kind of has to right falling with seven villagers at the moment this is tricky but you're behind this already on the way to castle h as well a pretty good job i think he can still take the gold the wood lines though nearly going to be a massive problem because both woodlines are rangeable and no safe wood line to take maybe a few straggler trees will be needed yeah but he already was on those stragglers so they i already have limited wood on them yeah not the greatest mining cam by mr yo either and the gauss seizes the stone walls tries to switch target goes for lux yeah so he's now on the way over to licks now all things considered we have licks on the way to castle and yo on the way to castle age and then miguel hasn't clicked up yet so this is definitely doable for china and licks forcing down a tower nearly is there a hole between the blacksmith and oh no there's not okay never mind but there's a hole in the head of that villager but still walks away yeah look at how good china is in buying time seriously this is just incredibly good like a lesser team already dies on both sides miguel's defense so nice yo and luke's walling behind it as well i love it yeah both teams certainly worthy of being in this position right making it to the semis with no question in brazil they were close to losing to vietnam but still overall felt like their strategy especially on the standard maps very tough to deal with uh now that house could go down eventually and 15 yo will be in castle h is that going to be in time to save licks seems like well they're not really going for it so not trying to force the issue going for the wood lines again something i would have actually liked by the gao did he not see the second wood line maybe well i don't think so he thought about it yeah maybe he felt like it'd be it wastes too much time to go there but yeah he he wasn't able to pressure it at the proper time nearly and now you have yo on three stable nights this is not gonna be three town centers and a full-on boom no this is crazy military numbers from china combined with what will be britain crossbows this is going to be really tough for brazil now goes for forging even so he well really wants to put on the pressure apparently and was low on stone obviously with all the stormwater send lots of villagers on to stone so he cannot disease now six nights out really early and then three stables for miguel so we'll have three stables from both the night players now here i feel like it makes a little bit more sense uh because he's not going to have that many crossbows assisting him from dogel and that's britain's coming his way but expect the night numbers nilly and the brazilians falling back for now oh man and remember hans boners right so that's basically 3.6 stables that he's producing out of he will get onto numbers quite quickly as well yeah now what i don't like is that the crossbar is already firing upon his base he doesn't have any support from dogal and yo doing a great job with his scouts to see where dogel's at i don't know if he spotted them there but he's sending his knights over this will be a 2v1 on miguel who's already lost a ville um but they're going away that's a bit surprising to me it felt like there might have been a timing motorgow was at the other side interesting that they're switching i can't help but laugh though because he instantly started going back when miguel told him i don't see them anymore like he knows that they could be swinging back over to him but also china may be hesitating there intentionally so dogal stays at home and so miguel won't have any support because here they are you'll see dogal come over to to save his teammates soon those palisades will melt like butter meanwhile great job by miguel using his scout still intercepted some of the crossbows even intercepted one of the archer rangers being built okay but over to his base now nelly's got one tc which truthfully is the play he really should be producing a lot they need to pounce on this army brazil because 58 filters for nogal is no joke he's got a crazy economy he has thumb ring crossbows if they can trap this without miguel taking many losses it's a perfect spot for the brazilians holy moly look at the technology tab look at what the gao is going for pointage so game one he feels the need to sling is that how bad they feel like this spot is nearly because i don't know if sling is necessarily the right move miguel though losing farmers off of gold might need some resources oh man and well i think tatars don't scale well into late imperial age so it makes kind of sense yeah if you think okay it's a task use the early bonus get some control but miguel not really in the spot where i can see him dominating the game yeah let's see if if china can get out of here licks needs to keep those crossbows alive they might have to be able to there's enough knights there for miguel to consider pouncing right and there's crossbows as well but licks buying time and also getting great value oh yeah great great job there using deal advantage now to gow a bit out of position and can't really close down the distance when it was the last time to go shot yeah dokao can't get in close enough now you're gonna see some shots in but it's on a few nights that are there at what cost and here comes mr yell with reinforcements as resources are flying in towards miguel but it was looking great for brazil it's not looking so great now if china are able to have map control after this oh miguel maybe rewarding there could have been a good option that's lots of losses for him needs to expand villages for him aren't looking great not even 40. yeah okay but you have dougal with 68 there's 68 bills and he's sending mostly food and gold over to miguel so to gel uh miguel excuse me i just combined the two names we'll be able to contribute with knights at least if you getting the sling you need to achieve one of the two either get full map control and then get into the tech advantage yeah or deal some damage and miguel could achieve neither yet yeah okay so i'm looking at the military numbers you would think that licks would have way less after that but because of the faster working ranges with britain's and because of his three ranges at home he still has the same military number as the other archer player and he gets a few fill kills backs away and one player we haven't talked about for a while is mr yo and mr yo had a rough start to the game nilly but he'll be on three tc's all those forward goals are secured and the knights are spamming out of multiple stables and don't you feel like with those open goals that maybe dogal could have played a bit differently yeah i also knew that the wood spots were so open i think heavy pressure on mr yo could have worked wonderfully heavy pressure on lakes though could work wonders here and licks was not using his range nilly and there's way more knights from miguel he's only migrating with half of the army i think it was going to be a losing fight regardless but if you compare this situation to what happened a moment ago licks is not getting any value from this fight and sure dogal takes losses as well but there's knights right on front of lix's base and licks with 57 villagers but can you keep them alive oh my god with 56 kills let's take a look can we see some rewards i don't think tower's the right option i think you needed to get some walls behind can they wall in time oh house wall just in time dog needs to use the little crossbows he has there nearly on the other side uh there's a hole in the wall and dogal needed some house walls so dogal is getting raided by yo yo also needs to keep licks alive and miguel just can't break through oh this is like if you had like six crosses behind you that would be so much more oh but the gates oh oh what a play the gate opens up and lick says not enough forget about her but no that house is down nearly that house is down and yo does not have enough knights to support miguel's killing it i think we need to see stormwater there rather than a tower or miguel hungry for the kill and do you think that yo maybe should have held there or is the raid doing enough damage against ago well he he yeah maybe didn't foresee that there'd be that many knights because how can miguel make that many nights after they did that much damage to his eco so it's actually just great strategy from brazil to get the sling in i think it's confused china and i'm still unsure on how this is going to go for china licks does have a few crossbows he's got a nice little choke point and looks hika actually not idle at all look at that all the back eco is actually untouched yeah true has gold has wood i guess villagers on the front not looking so good but yeah yo and licks hold on how did lick suddenly show up with this many crossbowmen that's insane and now we have knights from miguel and this is maybe that shift of focus you talked about nilly pressure the forward goal to the night player yeah but well there's only five knights there yo can easily defend some small scattered around the army of the gao is coming over trying to go for some rates but i think yo should easily hold this yeah guys there's there's a drop-off point with the sling you have to take a huge advantage over 10 to 15 minutes if you don't the team that's relying on their own eco tends to be better off and you can see the eco numbers so good for yo and for licks and they are holding but is there potential for miguel to radio uh at the same time china's sending both their forces over to miguel he's got three nights at home yeah a big misconception people think okay dogawa is 70 villagers so that's basically 70 more villagers for miguel but no he's producing out of tc's so that's maybe minus 15 villagers already then you have to apply the 20 tax after coinage so actually the sling is like assume like 50 to 45 more villagers yeah quote unquote yeah i mean it's giving a boost but is it enough of a boost here miguel has most of his military forward yo does still have plenty on gold he has 30 on gold 29 on food and he's actually receiving resources from licks so china are counter-slinging to maybe get yo on tomorrow nights or the imperial age but military count is now such a big difference the night players looking at 25 but 28 more crossbows on the field how can miguel engaging it against that yeah it feels like he can't have to receive more resources and maybe go home and if he goes home it might give mr yo time mysterio's just adding more stables nearly he's not going to imp he's just going to make 60 knights in castle this is nuts oh man yeah well he knows his goals are open right he doesn't really have the timing where he can breathe some oh what is toga doing with all those villagers tries to get a castle up in the center of the map that shouldn't work wait a second he the castle foundation gave him vision there the castle foundation gave him vision because the knights ran over it so good awareness and he'll probably tell miguel what's up but miguel's already trying to chase down this army of crossbows and knights that china have in in between the brazilians bases and is this a fight alex microwaving this time feels like this is a fight that can be quite good for either team depending on the positioning oh you're sending way too many knights to reinforce i think this should be better for china yeah if miguel was there 15 seconds faster he could have engaged against the crossbows but uh chyna holding against that drush fc against the sling yo with 102 villagers and receiving resources right now i'm beginning to fear that the brazilians just don't have a chance oh man feels like it the the team plates are so good from china look at that night productions out of control you're looking at 40 nights now at 40 nights and soon i'll have a dozen more and sure you have a castle on that hill dogal but what's to stop the knights from running under that what's to stop these knights and crossbows from breaking through your houses this is wild can you all know it just pulling the villagers accepts its losses and yeah miguel oh god he's lacking stables he's only sitting at three stables look at his production he has like 10 extra nights in the queue yeah he's he's a lot of knights cued yo meanwhile has five or six stables all cued with three nights it's five stables cued with three nights miguel's been on three stables the entire time and maybe that is something we'll look back on as a mistake but remember miguel didn't have the best eco to begin with and i think this is where you just take out town centers right there's nothing stopping you from melting economies oh yeah that's an easy gone to see cross was under his dead will include like 15 dead villagers then miguel simply coming over there too late and look who is up to imperial clicks after sending tons of food and gold over to his teammates now like okay my turn to use those resources i'm going to imp this is crazy from china man i mean this just this went from zero to 60 really quick for them from zero to 60. that's something we don't say in europe yeah it's like zero to 80. [Laughter] okay next you see might fall and oh god that's so many dead villages if you have small children at home close their eyes yeah i mean i i admire the fact that brazilians are continuing to play but when you have puns against franks and then you have the britain player with this many crossbows it's miguel there's no world in which he can carry this for his team now there's knights everywhere 60 knights for yo 60 crossbows for licks and anywhere that the brazilians go they will die at this point hmm and yeah so many people thinking okay mr yo is the star of this team and it looks well maybe not even top 10 in the world but oh boy is he performing in team games and do have they have great synergy yeah the guy barely plays 1v1 it's hard to call him a top 10 1v1 player when he barely plays 1v1 plays team games all the time they played together for years and years and years they were in the finals in 2018 they're in the finals there's so many big team game events and we're just watching dogel die now i guess in the previous set that brazil played miguel was defeated so maybe miguel is saying no no let's continue to play until dogel's defeated that's a dude the revenge of the chaos pit game sadly we won't see chaos pit in this set yeah that's crazy actually uh we can talk more about that after the game what home apps were there a lick's now an imp and yo almost there i guess good work from miguel to deny that castle but he's still taking bad fights everywhere you look weird fight in the center indeed and miguel is getting intercepted there i think even he has to realize that this game is over yeah uh he is on yo's tc uh so he might feel like that's good damage and it it's not bad damage i'll tell you that much but i don't know if it's gonna be quite enough uh yo bringing knights back home maybe you could have dealt with this earlier um losing villagers okay no golden come at the moment yeah those two gold spots are at the front probably what miguel is saying right now but no they see jose and amp they know licks is already an amp i think miguel would struggle enough against arboles so the gigi's called the nearly we we said when we saw franks and britain's that tatar's huns would have to work early and the brazilians tried what they could they went draw chef c mcgill made extra scouts they got doug allen to his spot with the crossbowman but china just seemed unfazed by it they were able to defend from it and then when they realized the sling was coming they said we'll do that too hmm that was beautiful reaction for sure they also really put on the pressure realized okay dog won't build too many more crossbow it is tricky to find the timing right with tatars you feel you can't play late imp caf archers not really an option yeah they are good for the task but the unit itself isn't that great and when do you start this link i actually like the timing i think it was just too easily broken into miguel's base yeah yeah i think china were just a bit too quick uh to do damage to miguel if miguel was in a better position when he received the sling and could have three tcs and not take as many losses than i think that could work yeah i think that's probably a planned strategy for brazil uh it seemed very it seemed like it was something that had to be practiced with how structured it was uh dogal not adding additional archery ranges nogal expanding the three tcs getting coinage when he did but yeah nilly chyna get the first win and i think the one thing i'd like for people who are watching now to remember when you're watching high level players there are tons of great players there are tons of great teams but there are only so many players who can have a dark age and a feudal age like that and then turn that around and beast it up to win the game right nilly like that was incredible joe had such a rough time and then ten minutes later china are winning yeah also carried by both great walls right he walked nicely behind it went for the stone walls looks went for mass wars with all the houses and maybe you have to still question miguel if he had houses behind those walls if he maybe had stonewalls yeah could they have won this game yeah maybe stonewalled it up if you're expecting the sling i i don't know it's really tough for us to say but great game to start it all off nearly so i going into the series was expecting to see a lot of standard maps from the resilience uh i'm surprised that they picked team islands as one of their home maps yeah because miguel told me we're uh we're performing well on standard maps and we need to practice other maps so maybe they practice team islands a lot uh ghostlike and then golden pit are their other home maps that are available yeah they're going for team islands next and this is really surprising to me because like china a has constantly been picking team islands so it's basically close to impossible that they are banning it yeah so brazil can if they want to go it for if they want to pick it as a home map can pick it later what a what a confident pick this has to be man i think mr yo and licks were always choosing team islands and nomad and brazil's like no no we'll take care of that for you wow um and tristan if we talked about kind of like weaker pigs maybe even you could call them throwaway pigs with chatas and huns on arabia look at those civilizations do you have any idea about potential strategies here for china um i mean i think it's on my overlay right now and if that's true i am a little bit confused um by the way to my viewers i think i was a little loud for game one are the audio levels a bit better now i lowered myself on my end let me know i can make some adjustments um sorry i didn't really answer your question nilly but i see kelly put the mod up put the mod off yeah i did that as well okay good job so celts and tutans on team islands what on earth are we gonna see here well they had only italians right and i think i've never seen such a deep end into the map draft italians what is that pick number 10 what actually is sniped yeah this is really weird but they didn't have any other water stabilization so make sense okay um i mean celts aren't the worst you're probably going to have licks land anyways but this is the first time i've seen tootin's on a water map unless it was low elo legends so um i mean the meta that we're used to nearly is to have one person go for water control have the other person land that's the meta that yo and lakes dominate with maybe miguel and dougal do not want to land maybe they expect it in some way also if they pick tutans now how many horses do they still have left they have maggiest persons berbers and we still have valley golden pit and ghost lake okay that still checks out so they had a spare cavsef yeah yeah to the viewers there's absolutely nothing worse than drafting and then realizing oh no we need we needed one more cavs or oh no we needed one more archer say that's so bad because you can't go back you can't redo it there's no restarts on a draft so pretty frequently oh boy all right neely so i mean one of the best civilizations for team islands are two of the best civilizations for team islands for team brazil as we go over to their home map game two in the first semi-final uh portuguese amazing with their caravels amazing with the gold discount and then in late game ife toria actually becoming a factor and then japanese the very cheap lumber camps and mills helping out with early docks and then tanky fishing ships and then kelps and tutans for china what on earth i think they simply didn't expect that italians could be banned that late and then probably plant something like okay italians goes water the other guy lands and then the landing civilization isn't that important yep but if you lose italians you're suddenly left with no options and that's why we see those two wild civilizations yeah and well we in game one we talked about how important the draft was and yo and licks got the win with better civilizations uh the strategy was different of course and you could argue brazil could have won that but it's a similar thing here where they pick italians being the best water sieve and then brazil says no no we're not going to give you that so i'd say advantage brazil in terms of the sieves if they stick to some type of meta but you change up how you play this do you still have yo try and win water with fires and then have licks go landing or do you do something completely different if you're china i think it's simply a strategy that cannot work like it only works if you are the way better player and then civilizations aren't that important celts should lose to japanese or portuguese on the same level okay so i think what you're telling me is if they stick to their strat licks needs to have a beast of a game look licks needs to damage both players with his landing right or they go for double landing ooh have we ever seen that i don't think we've seen that in the 2v2 world cup yet not in the world cup yeah yeah yeah i mean if nothing else if you get to castle age having a siege workshop up on the enemy island could be huge just have yo make the magnels yeah but then again if no one goes water it's so easy to fish boom right for japanese portuguese and how many villagers you need to kill it's just ridiculous right even if you kill 10 villagers if the opponent still has 10 fishing ship extra you actually only even yeah exactly so that's why i think you have to have someone on water could you could you maybe go double water as well if you're china i know tutans aren't necessarily set out for that but go double water just because they're expecting licks to land that's hashtag mind games then right looks going for the back dog so kind of indicating that he doesn't want to go for it yo goes for a very defensive talk as well if anything they're playing into fast castle and then water i think the straight up grush even if you try to catch them off guard your civilization just doesn't have any real bonuses for water if you're intelligence yeah this is something brazil will certainly like to see and i'll say the same thing i said during game one if china win this massive conference boost for them because they're winning against japanese and portuguese and on the opponent's home map uh but if they lose this in their eyes they might say it's almost expected because levels are so close and they're at a disadvantage but i shouldn't say expected you still cannot make mistakes you still have to play top tier age of empires it's just that we're so used to teams making so few mistakes yeah honestly if china wins this one i wouldn't be surprised if brazil is mentally broken this with those civilizations with their first home map they picked that they wanted to play it they have to win did licks just shoot his rhino he just shot his rhino with his tc and say goodbye nearly well then he has to play fast cars he has seven on wood as well so he intended it anyways but oh god really i know even more people are doing it nowadays where they weak in the rhino or bore with their town center and then finish it off with the villes but like every tournament we cast together we're saying the same damn thing like this happened in like the last two tournaments we've cast together in crucial moments too it's not like we're talking about the round of 64. one team's way better than the other no in the semi-final yeah and i know and it's always like you're saying oh it's too risky and i'm trying to be like oh but there are advantages and trying to show both sides but guys if you keep shooting the board stop it yeah just don't don't make the mistake you know just win that's all you have to do well okay so what about making the transport now so maybe it was not fc maybe he just wanted well actually nearly i think you have to send that six or seven to wood earlier if you want to go back doc and then the transport because the transport takes so long to generate so maybe that was it but anywho uh he will be down 400 food because of his own doing this is this is a debate he only sends the scout yeah he won't send villagers i believe i think there's a fast castle play still it would be it would be a sixth debate um but he's not doing lume yet he's not selling any villagers yeah i think this is a normal fast castle that's a mind game and a half right there if you send the scout across and then brazil spends most of feudal age looking for your villagers let's see yeah but are they looking for the villagers if the opponent isn't up to futile age at like 10 30. i think this is a mind game that could be read quite easily well we'll find out i think it really depends on the player i think you well you and i as a caster we can we can break down why you should expect certain things um and expect certain results from certain actions but i think if you have watched hundreds of practice games and played hundreds of practice games and then scouts show up you're expecting there to be villagers somewhere and miguel is making scouts at home so he's expecting some type of landing and you're right nilly it's just a debate licks is going fc uh but the scouts are across for china yeah and maybe now you actually mind game the mind gamer to mind game even more mind gaming send two villagers around and actually make an attack heaven and castle yeah now miguel saw the deer move that's why he's scouting here he saw the deer move players will pay attention to that now he's signaling and saying okay there's scouts here from team china and they will also have to look for the villagers so i really think it's going to take a couple minutes for brazil to figure out there's no villagers here well lux is still not funeral age right and kell player will the kate kel player land i don't expect but they still get a villager kill oh yeah that's a good part that's a very good start and it's got to be a little tilting too to lose that villager the whole idea is to expect the land and kill the villagers and then have good fish eco so paying attention to the economy it's still pretty good for brazil and then on water uh yo is going into galleys so china taking some interesting little risks here that could pay off especially brazil against china ping shouldn't be super low i don't like galleys that early i think i would have started with for fire galley first yeah but well he did the side talk so maybe he thought he had enough time and took out didn't play hyper aggressively all right so i'm paying attention to a few and here comes licks neely how many are you within the mind of licks or what because you call this spot on yeah it's like easy to get into the mind of looks right just think of the craziest thing that could happen and just say it now what's funny is licks failed to get that quick wall up but he can hop inside the transport and he finished that stable okay he'll finish the stable but now lily rod a jump he needs to i think he's i'm sorry neily i'm getting too excited here miguel needs to fully wall that in he's working on it right now he hopped on this immediately and he even has to kill the palisade there because he has to wall towards the cliff as well i think yeah luke shouldn't go for a single scout no licks can't do anything he is going to be in castle but he can't make knights now but he could also make another stable the villagers are still there oh boy transition didn't have fletching for now we'll lose a village okay so also big thing from dogal he's looped around with his fire to hit licks fish that's massive because miguel has his fishing ships untouched and now licks will lose all that fishing eco also no gal's patrolling his scout on the front here nearly so if licks tries this it's likely that he could lose those villagers to scouts yeah i would have liked to see a landing in the back honestly just go to the very far left hand side and try to get around and only land in cars late at least that's what i wanted to see but obviously i have more intro on where miguel is actually yeah it's a bit risky right when you feel the need to do damage and then it gets picked off by a fire galley you're gonna look we could easily be saying why did you do that right so uh so good job from miguel and there's licks oh my god also you see miguel look at his second lumber camp now this is completely idle right that's the indirect damage you're also doing with the landing like so many such a big reaction forced they don't see it let me go they don't see the stable night the the first table that looks already had no no no no no i i understand what you mean but i'm talking about the next stable it's up oh yeah and knights are on the way out two knights free melee armor and the brazilians well you have miguel on the way up but dokao isn't clicked up yet this could be really tough for them hmm well the cow is fully walled for now i think he is only in danger once the siege workshop goes up but skelly should chase away the transport and the distance is quite long towards miguel who i think should start adding some spearmen let's see licks once that siege workshop nearly oh this is where miguel needs to use his scouts oh these villagers man i would hate to be the villagers but it's sure fun to watch them they need to go somewhere and there they are one villager down the next one should also die we'll play brazil quick whoa oh my god oh my god that could be so important now a monastery is on the way up that villager has one hp and he deserves some healing he deserves some healing well let's see what happens here because dogal is doing the right thing and dogal is adding a tower uh the villager has to go i mean if the villager goes to the south or the villager goes to the west i think it's going to die regardless the monastery will go up though run no pull don't die run paul this guy's a beast this guy's a beast i would be so tilted if i were brazil the villagers are still alive and mikhail just lost his scouts you're kidding me what and he's wanting him in again oh my word man ah and and on water things were looking amazing for dogal right but unfortunately yo is gonna have the time to compete there yo is on the way to castle age he's at 80 so he could actually win water in a moment and now the brazilians are unable to stop uh knight monk magnel push and the golds are right i mean everything's just going wrong for brazil oh god howard it looks pulled that one off still surviving there oh he just converted him he just converted one too he just converted a villager and it's now behind the walls so he could be frustrating with that nearly this team we've talked about it for so long now you know they're going to do it but they're still able to make it happen on team islands and and after killing his own ball right yeah cheap tootin farms man it's op a big fight on water incoming that's actually great for brazil because yo is about to get the upgrades but it should look a bit better for yo in just a moment does it not have the eco for botkin it's close yeah it's it's close dogel having to hit and run but yo coming in and clearing up the fishing ships now joe is hyper confident look at that he's adding two tc's already he thinks he won water yeah but honestly nealy there's no way that dogal can compete on water now because he's t he's out tacked and he's going to have knights magnets and monks on him so this is the whole idea if you attack the water player then yo is able to win water or in this case boom after winning water so i'm struggling to see what brazil can do from here except drag this game out very very long into imperial age well first step is resign they're dead nilly that was insane from licks licks is just a god like if we if we eventually interview uh the winners and it ends up being china licks won't be here but i'm gonna have to ask you what licks had to say about that cause i bet you licks didn't even mention it he's like uh whatever i don't need it i don't i don't need the rhino i know i could still win with farms that's ridiculous with those civilizations that that is just so good for them those were so late pigs cute and skelet not interfering with any other pigs for the other maps they have to be on cloud nine yeah now now watch this and then go back and watch what happened when i tried to land and the enemy team expected it immediately stable gets walled in villagers are dead i tried to quick wall everything went wrong there's like there's no it just doesn't seem logical that miguel would have scouts at home and licks his first stable get walled in elix could still end up having a stable a siege workshop and a monastery up with an fc on the enemy it doesn't seem on paper like it should be possible to do what licks just did there think about something i just realized most of the time people had two villagers and kind of ran into the center yeah of the island right yep and try to create a bigger base for themselves looks just one tile away from the coast try to get the stable up as quickly as possible while the villagers in quite easily and the problem was miguel also the side dog you think if he had the forward dog it might have been easier for him to defend us i i don't think it changes too much i i think what also is so brilliant about that is that yo and like started off with their scouts in the uh on the on the tip of the island and so miguel and dogal would probably assume that the stable would not go up there because they already scouted it right so they're going to check other areas stable goes up they find it and then i mean maybe they could have tried to stop maybe the mistake for brazil was just allowing the second staple because dougal could have had navy there he could have had navy there and the scouts for dugout and miguel were just too slow but still that's just insane miguel also not super greedy on water right only having three fishing ships knowing that his opponent is not going for water at all yeah i think he had more than that but it could be wrong nearly maybe he he didn't and i i missed something but typically you have five or six fishing ships in this spot but we're still we could talk till we're blue in the face about what brazil could have done differently but that should that's just tremendous play from china only so many teams could do that you could argue only china could do that on team islands sick looks is crazy how he saved deadville all right so in dark age you said if brazil lose this they're gonna have a real hill to climb mentally um i know we won live games and i know that we want back-to-back action but honestly i'd be okay if brazil will need a couple minutes to breathe take a walk around the house come back um and reset because they'll go on to ghost lake and golden pit they need to win this if they have any chance yeah honestly this is we don't really have tactical timeouts in age of empires but this is the spot where you take the five minutes and message oh my mouse is acting up robo i need to figure it out need to restart the pc and you take a small walk take a zip of water and then go into game number three more refreshed ah so this is why there were massive delays between game two and three with germany rushing this is i see okay i see nilly i'm on to your tricks i'm kidding i don't remember if there's a delay or not but but yeah i get it get it get over with nealy's nilly's probably like is it worth winning a game in a tournament if i'm not on time it doesn't it doesn't feel right if i'm not on time all right well it will be golden pit next yeah typical civilizations are megan's berber something that is really good during castle age and late castle age where okay i'm trying to break this down keeping in mind we have potentially five more games where will bulgarians be used um or will bulgarians be used that's an interesting one they have to be used let me think about it we have 16 civilizations picked right one yeah you don't have to use bulgarians but they picked bulgarians before some other civs so it's weird yeah like there's only one civilization left after yeah if they go through everything just like in the best of fives so yeah but also like out of all the 35s oh there's only one yeah only one not and give some loft two turks yeah turks not picked feels bad man um i still remember actually quick little story time so i was in hamburg for uh your event nac3 and there was the meet and greet and uh someone came up to me is like 1890 have been a fan for so long and he was super nice guy and he's like listen i didn't get any response when i was on twitch or on youtube why aren't turks better he's like i feel like he turks in my favorite civ can you please tell me why turks are not good he was really upset that turks were not picked at a high level so i don't even remember his username and you're like that's hero empires sit down i will message you later i don't i don't remember his username because he didn't tell me uh but if you're listening sir that still gives me great memories he was really upset about his turks so um but yeah nearly ghost lake or sorry golden pit um i'll start with china berbers makes a ton of sense there combined with a chinese would be epic yeah any any archers but chinese we already know this is and yeah berbers indeed chinese could absolutely be fine you could go for close to any archer civilization there still have what is it am i confused burpers can you see it under spectate game yeah i'm in there already oh fun all right let me see i might need to restart my game okay i have to restart but um what sips do you see i see berbers for mr yo and he's pairing up with an archer civilization that could potentially be not played as an archery civilization being incas yeah and they will face off against lithuanians and ethiopians yeah i mean all those sieves seem good i especially like incas in that spot because it's not your best archer civ but it's still a civilization that gets full upgrades on arbs and also if you want to get wacky you give licks incas and licks will know what to do so and also put some fear in your head right if you're brazil like this guy he could just play meta but he would also just suddenly show up with 12 villagers next to my tc would this be especially scary if you're brazil and you're trying some type of fast castle shenanigans again because in game one nogal won drushfc if he goes drushfc here either miguel gets phil rushed in toward or dougal gets the russian tower and i think both will be quite bad for the brazilians so this might need to be a feudal age war for them i will be in game number three in just a bit yeah the thing is golden pit walt's a bit tougher than arabia so i think drastic more on the risky side i think maybe even though gao might just play a double archer in here okay all right well let's see i see the game we'll be in nearly how important is it for brazil this seems extremely obvious but it's a caster thing to talk about obvious stuff sometimes so well good point united if they lose this game they're up against four match points and that's the spot you don't want to be against against a top team like china there we go that's what i was looking for i was how important is it for brazil nearly got ahead of me there uh they have to win this game and i think with so many games upcoming and so many potential maps it is still possible for brazil but it's hard for us as casters seeing that to know what the mentality is going to be like or if it's going to be good enough for miguel and dougal oh robo saying they restarted oh okay all right well if this is a restart then we have to wait a few more minutes so oh yeah a villager was lame here miguel lost one double oh look said yo oh so you're you're in on the game that they eventually restarted yes okay so what what forced three and who called the re brazil caught the re they simply lost one villager lux and joe both sent their scouts towards miguel i wouldn't load the ball wow so they actually they call the restart due to scout laming in dark age interesting yeah yeah yeah so it's still one restart per best of seven you you don't have to give a reason if you call the restart um so that's very important to note but i guess you can always call if you lose villagers that early that's that's rough man i mean that's that's also going to get into the mentality of brazil all that much more it looks like i'm spectating the quote-unquote real game so we'll be back in with the same sieves in 60 seconds okay so they didn't waste a lot of time in between games then no they did not um so how good are you and licks feeling right now oh man they forced them mostly they're leading 3-0 yeah yeah it kind of it kind of feels like um after getting that win in game two with those sieves that there's definitely going to be games in the future where their sieves feel stronger yo and licks are just so they're so reliable nilly they always show up it's crazy they weren't playing their hottest age of empires before they played finland finland was looking lights out and then joe and licks just made max and velez look so much worse than they really are and we have the same thing already to start off today yeah it it's so weird right and you and luke's you feel like okay this is so wacky this is so of meta and there should be proper counter to it but even if if like finland and brazil can't find counters to these that really shows you the top level that china is in yeah yeah the only team that was able to beat china two years ago in the 2v2 world cup was finland and they're already out so um i mean i'm so excited we have this best of seven to complete uh at least two more games i'm thinking it's going to take it more to five six maybe seven we'll see and then we have norway for spain later so much to talk about but miguel looking for some redemption for his team playing as the lithuanians here in the red uh in the yellow we have dough dough is playing as the ethiopians up against yo yo is berbers and then incas for licks yeah because well we now it's the thinking phase right can they play fast castle how are the maps looking and miguel's map well looks like a pretty typical golden pit map you can wall but it's far away so we'll get tricky against looks i think if you try to wall this completely you just start against them yeah don't think we'll see that nearly we perhaps see licks play somewhat standard here it comes with the eagle eagle can be devastating against villagers also a little bit more line of sight so you can steal stuff just like that right there um yeah maybe licks will have to play standard maybe no man at arms maybe just straight archers i mean he did that in game one with britain's quite well oh look said yo look at that both sending their scouts again just ended the game before forcing the restart because miguel had the loss and now it might get tricky again he obviously doesn't have loom yeah in this case miguel does have the line of sight on the eagle for licks and he's sending the turkeys away miguel's looking for them miguel does not realize that they've looped around like that so mixed with the good micro and also good move from miguel i guess he learned his lesson but walling in his wood line yeah but a bit too early look at that fourth villager didn't get in okay now he sends him back and gets the boar at the left-hand side where is the other boar for him uh other boar oh town bell oh my god brazil priscilla having some rough times here that's that might be nerves misclick right there look at the positioning oh and the other boy is rotting not a good start but you do have 150 extra food with lithuanians so if this happened with any other sieve it might be more brutal i see dokao walling in his woodline also getting loom yeah they're scared they are scared crazy now i um when i spoke to the brazilians about the it was two weeks ago about the tournament they said they had played training games against virtually every team and they felt like the most devastating team for them to face would be finland so it's interesting that that was that they said that and they thought that finland was the strongest and now finland's out and it's china you know and china are just it's just swarming around it's like there's blood in the water and these two are sharks just waiting for that next bite man it's wild to see even in dark age how one team feels to be in more control not sure how much they played against asian teams though right true they probably didn't yeah yeah against europeans americans and yeah like i don't think for example vietnam got too much practice off against non-asian teams either yeah i think i don't know it's hard to say if they did it properly we would not know who they're training against i said last week that they did train a lot against vietnam b but vietnam be just not on vietnam a's level but that's true that's true i really wonder and if china end up winning today i'll ask you like how much practice happened then for china i mean they play all the time so that might that might be enough practice for them but here comes that dress for dogal nilly so another game where brazil will stick to that game plan that's worked for them so much in this tournament yeah and the question is can he play fast cars after this i think this might be actually a rush into feudal h army and i think licks is going to go for the villager rush he's going 18 pop up and he's going to send villagers forward wow so licks is not going to play meta screw the meta get those blacksmith upgrades go on stone build towers miguel is going to be in for a really rough ride oh and does miguel scout that he is seeing double stones saw that no villager was on stone but that was roughly pop 17 so no surprise there drops the barracks won't be up late right he's playing pop 18 but actually scouts not the craziest thing if you face a lot of plus one plus one villagers yeah now on the bright side his berries are on the back so that can't be denied his food income will be okay uh he's probably worried now that villagers might come forward and miguel's really scouting is he on gold still not on gold is he on stone or check that okay he sees the stone so he will immediately know first off i'm not going to have support from my teammate because my teammate's going to rush fast castle and second i'm gonna have villagers on me any minute now and this is going to be ugly then drops the stable in the other direction tower should come up and miguel no idea yeah he has a good idea but he doesn't see the tower yeah and i mentioned how incas can counter the drought chef c because you're able to get pressure on the scout player or the drushfc player so much faster so that's a perfect tower to place in mickelson one lumber camp nearly it's not like he has two lumber camp eco that entire lumber is denied and he's forced to build a new one oh at least he sees it in time won't have any big problems but well that house could be crucial i think that house alone buys him quite some time that's true is luke's now going for to gao he's walling in that tower with one villager and then he's sending the others forward maybe he is but that might be quite good for brazil it gives miguel time to mass and miguel is not losing any eco then i suppose yo is going to be making scouts in a bit but wait a second yo doesn't even have a stable nilly you're playing full eco upgrades wow so maybe just adding one to spearman there to the front could be an option but he's not even doing that i know we're experienced with us not liking situations for china and i'm still getting wins but i don't love this i know that yo is going to have a better castlage because of it but how good would it have been as miguel snipes a villager if licks goes full-on pressure against miguel and then joe backs it up with scouts instead joe is not going to back up his teammate at all and lex is going to have so much eco exposed and that's how i won't do too much right so gao maybe has to delete one farm yeah and that's not the craziest angle all right well keeping an eye on things here miguel will be happy that the eco is is better than it would be if towers and villagers were fighting uh trying to save his villager against the drush lose this one oh the drush actually got in and these are villagers with armor and attack and dogel is able to kill a villager there well that's impressive yeah that shouldn't really happen but well you see even looks will have some slip ups there just so much happening for him needs to make sure that his villagers at the front don't die yeah i wonder if miguel is doing the right move here he's he's probably heard that villagers are exposed on berries lakes is not expecting these scouts to come towards him so here comes miguel he does leave his teammate on his own and actually yo has scouts now what it was just a late stable i guess why don't you go for the upgrades that's surprising to me maybe he felt they didn't need them that early but looks had to pay for it a lovely move by the way by dougout we had luke setting up the tower so that he could potentially hop inside the base of the gao but tagawa saw the legend of john slow video and built the house to block it yeah so keeping an eye on all this stuff is going to be crazy for the players and the scouts get through to the wood line nearly and a villager goes down this is exactly what brazil need more ville picks on licks and that's two additional villagers down licks is really in a rough spot economically oh yeah how did that happen did he not really fill that one i think the other side might even be open that's so weird by looks he is focused on the front and his villagers have chopped through and now the scouts from miguel will shift over to yo where they shouldn't be able to find any damage but now yo shifting over to miguel miguel with some nervy walls though like the way he's walling it doesn't feel like it's the best he might be able to get them down in time though well seems like he is obviously is tricky right he had to have his scout at home try to defend had to run from the eagle and oh maybe then what's won't been in time but one low hp scout included yeah should still lose a fill if you'll place this properly it's gonna be three scouts it could be more than that oh man this is this is frustrating right you're almost completely walled off and now it will be a total of four scouts through miguel will lose two villagers ouch oh almost completely walled off that's something you can't really put in your resume for sure four scouts now coming over and there's not a lot of difference from miguel now builds one spearman will be tricky yeah i'll have to fight with villagers i think you pull the villes you bring the spearman over he snipes the weak scout that's impressive but it's gonna be tough to micro that it's probably a better move and he's doing it to bring his scouts home nilly chase that down with some mobility uh meanwhile you have dougal and dougal has not clicked up the cast lady yet so this was supposed to be josh fass castle even receiving the extra resources from arriving in feudal he has not clicked up to castle yet yeah farm blocked head to wall quite a bit had to build the defensive tower and then his ego got a bit weird right 17 onwards now drops summer thumbs yeah his eco is is not even close to being in the spot he would want to be at and i think yo since he's created so little yo we'll click up the cass lake first and there he goes so yolk looks up to castle age he's been able to do damage with the scouts licks his way behind but finally a spot where yo feels like he can carry with one of the best carry sifts yeah absolutely that should be a lot of control he has the safe gold for now where's the second gold spot out to the back so full control of that one and looks well he will guarantee that miguel will still be open yeah the thing about the towers is you can you can prevent someone from easily fully walling so that's exactly what links is going for he's like all right i'll open the door for you buddy you can send knights in no worries miguel will have two wall behind this if he does not wall behind this and you can't even wall in towards the tc i think you have to full wall in front uh it was gonna run right through yeah it completely feels like it is going for lots of houses now walling with four villagers but this is really tricky just still so much more open and the moment lux just built the tower next to it knights will still get in yeah yeah i'd like a tower he's obviously towering now to eventually break through but i'd almost like a tower on the farms as well because dogal's been threatened miguel's been threatened i think it's important that joe's eco remains untouched and miguel falls further behind with farms yeah the thing is with the that tower you actually prevent the re-wall which is more important right two nights getting in guaranteed getting in it's just so much more important than preventing maybe four farms to be taken oh miguel can do more you can walk from the woodline to the house and then from the house to the other house so he'll do that now but yeah you're right uh it it's more important to allow you in than it is for lifts to deny a farmer to this is not what the would have wanted dogel was moving out and yeah exactly he's moving out now newly but he's not even close to getting crossbow and joe is already on knight so degale's running back home and yo is running to the middle to already place the town center there it feels weird how late to go is right even if you're getting late like that is a 22 minute timing maybe 21 30 or something i'm really surprised by that yeah yeah i i don't understand it either something went wrong there his berries were safe his gold was safe he lost a farm maybe two eventually but good tower from licks and licks's only job is to make sure that miguel is not walled his only roll here yeah and three nights now they know their first target is miguel miguel won't be able to ball this one i think luke should maybe even continue repairing a bit just to make 100 sure that uh miguel can never quit well behind it but now he builds the tower next to the farms that he wanted to see is there something more mcgill needs to do here he should expect the knights are going to come through right he's not walling off the front of his base it seems like brazil are flustered and plus two defense already these knights will run right through and plus one attack as well this will be so tricky and now the village just even running out of the sea licks is like this is a great idea i'm gonna come right in here and place the tower that's such a licks thing to do man ah whatever the knights are there and it it makes sense there's nothing stopping lex from doing that miguel is in ruins what is the palisade he took did she take over the farm to delete the farm to wall around the tower i believe he just did that click the enemy farm deletes the farm do do inca villagers steal farms faster i know they build farms faster no it's just one hit this feels so over man yo the only thing he has to worry about is the crossbowman coming from dogel so dogal he's untouched at the moment ezeko's not looking good can he pressure with the fastest firing crossbows in the game do you think yo needs to go for siege workshop or is there a chance that you can mess enough knights um i think with berbers there's always a chance you can mask enough nights how many knights do you think you need against that six minimum oh way more way more like ethiopian crossbows i think i'd even go for 12 to have an effective clear up like 12 against 17. six yeah minimum would probably force him away a little bit but yeah 12 is a lot of nights nelly and villager's going down and also all the goals are back here i think he kills like two on the way till you get there so yeah maybe like eight and nine could be enough as well but well let's see i think like well this is what you want this is what you want from golden pit right you want someone who has gone a bit in the boomy side being pressured uh poor miguel is at 27 villagers we have seven nights and yo is going to try his best here and miguel also sending in two nights i don't know where they came from but he's going to contribute a little oh okay we'll find some let's take a look how well seven will do i think crossbow might win yeah it takes three hits to kill the knights the crossbows down to 14 now there's four nights remaining for yo yo maybe taking the goal just to get his gold back and nearly it it looks like one or two more nights would have been useful here uh especially now that miguel has nights the gal will still stay here is brazil going to win this oh oh it's looking good for yo brazil is taking the squad what is happening i mean yo does have gold but he doesn't have food now and then miguel is hardly going to have villagers oh man but i guess yo can't send knights to miguel anymore because he needs to defend himself look still in feudal age so it's not like oh he might get his transition into yeah that's quite easily yeah well the knights do come back from the middle area they'll take out those crossbowmen do you think dokao should be considering some pikemen here or is that not going to have much of an effect well you yeah pikeman is lovely with ethiopians right you know that looks can't really get into too many crossbows i think mixing in like four or five pikemen could make lots of sense yeah that's what i was thinking uh miguel is just playing musical woodlines over here he's he's had to reposition woodlines and gold's constantly and only so many choices for gold's i think licks will loop around to tower this one next and here comes dougal again now dogal and yo were just passing bill was hoping to hit dougal dogal hoping to hit yo let's see if yo has to bring units back home to deal with this and uh i just see like luke's oh god he figured that yo would go home but yo is here oh my god that's so unlucky for brazil but at the same time yo has to send footers out of his own eco this is so messy and knights can go through there maybe take the fight against the crossbows and they can't mess up this is so good for you oh sogal almost walled it there was a one tile gap this is so good for yo as you said nealy and now what i guess you finished the town center oh licks is going to have something to say about that yo is going to have something to say about that all right let's take a look two more nights coming over so i assume one two more dead villagers he sends all of them back but nice waltz around it yeah it's so licks to just show up and start plopping a tower next to his buddy making the knights i got you yo uh the tc will go up oh he said yeah yeah licks actually has the villi licks of all people the person who went for forward villagers and lost more villagers in feudal has the villager lead what is this game good fight now to gow in mr yo's base tries to micro this one but i think there's seven enough knights yeah yeah around the numbers you mentioned earlier nearly this should be a big cleanup yo took many losses but he still has farmers working and he still has gold in the middle and miguel seems like a non-factor at this point dugal needs to react because joe's back yo snipes two more just like that and licks is now in castle and i guess licks could do whatever he wants hmm maybe oh he likes to sling apparently ah getting coinage okay maybe sling and guard tower he's actually sending more villagers forward as he gets his first wood upgrade to probably drop another tower and then he's going to send all of his food and gold to yo so you can carry very smart yeah and like obviously yo has all the set okay doesn't matter wow who would have thought that a best of seven semi would be 3-0 with this much domination china are looking unreal today and it's the second time that they're winning with weaker civilizations as well in arabia they had the clear lead but game number two not supposed to be won by them and this one would incas versus ethiopians he had to go for something wanky but well oh boy did he deliver again when we launched the signups for this tournament i messaged yo and i said yo are you going to sign up with licks he said yes and i said yo just so you know you don't need to sweep every single time you play he's like but i like sweeping i like it i like being mr 7-0 i like being mr forro what in the um all right nilly well it's got to be a blow to the mentality and even further blow to the mentality of brazil they're amazing players but maybe we saw a little bit of a little bit of it right there the gal's fast castle time was not nearly as good as it was in previous sets in this tournament they've got to be rattled now yeah that that was still what cast time what the 2154 wait i felt so much slower than what we expected i don't understand that he probably just had i guess he pulled villagers to build a tower which does cost wood and then he was off of wood and maybe didn't have the farms but with ethiopians it's normally faster yeah three lumber comes at one point if you hit crossbow at 18 minutes i think brazil will win that but instead he had crossed about 22 minutes against joe's 1940 castle all right well maybe something to re-watch there and really analyze what's happened obviously it looks kind of took a lot of our attention yeah you have been and that has been the the mo for china for so so long uh i think licks every tournament we cast is gaining more and more fans because people are beginning to realize or if they show up for the first time realize how strong and how fun he is and it's not just he's not a memered this is the semi-final and he's making all these crazy strats work and i wanted to build a comeback storyline that like brazil they still had all the greatest civilizations left after game number two so they can easily even it out just picking the strong civilizations but now they're lost with lithuanians and ethiopians yeah it's tougher it'll be very very tough but it will be on ghost lake next um and ghost lake is one of the best maps for brazil could have said the same for golden pit probably not the same for team islands but i see the sieves on our screen now it will be cumin's aztecs against slavs mayans and more unique than we expected it to be oh actually i got it it's slabs yeah slavs mayans cumin's aztecs my bad yeah yeah yeah absolutely correct that is interesting right we have seen humans quite a bit it feels like ghost like is the most wallable of all those maps so we have seen very early dc's behind walls the big question is why are we playing aztecs with that is it humans 2tc into carsolate into sling into eagles into duty aztecs feel very out of place if you're sticking to the archer meta because there's so many civilizations granted it is a best of seven now but there's so many civilizations who can go straight archers better than them and even imperial age archers better than them because they lack crucial upgrades so yeah honestly if yo goes for two tcs and lich makes it messy again i don't care what civ he has but against dogal who will probably go josh fast castle crossbows i think it's going to be it's going to be fun to see what china had planned here neily because i don't think i've seen aztecs and cummins combined on ghost lake yet oh no i have the no snow mod on what have i done i'm so sorry guys it's uh now the summer version of ghost lake [Laughter] in christmas christmas morning game one summer version in game three four it's fine it's it's now swampy lake um it will maybe give i don't know if that gives brazilians more home map advantage or what so uh in the blue we have yo playing as the cumins and then in the green we have uh aztecs for licks as we talked about nilly a very forward goal for everybody those main goals are always next to the lake region uh i noticed that the teammates seem to be very close together and the teams themselves pretty far apart actually compared to what we normally see on ghost lake well yeah i think it's relatively even maybe a bit further indeed and look at the lake like what do you see there is it a spade is it a fish swimming to the right hand side it honestly looks like a i don't really know my fish very well it does look like a fish you've got the little tail you've got the top fin the bottom fin little nose it looks like a fish it's nemo we found nemo here in the semifinals okay but everything on the line yeah brazil has to win four games in a row may and slav again pretty strong but we know that looks and you will have a strategy prepared okay so the meta is expected you could go full wall we've seen some teams do that in the scout position i could have been way worse for him actually and licks is also over here so china again using the scouts in dark age 25 hp on this hunter gets away yo i know you're up 3-0 but that was a little ambitious there to try and block that close to the town center good quick walls for miguel and for restaurants losses right so it's very common and that's one of the reasons why for example viper never picks a restart in game one and two yeah to not give the option to the opponent to just go lame every single game and if it goes wrong once to just call the restart yeah it's true yeah i think it was i forget what tournament was nowadays uh but i viper uh spoke to him afterwards with an interview and he said yeah when i'm aggressive and then my opponents call restart then i'm even more aggressive and if that doesn't work out then i always have mine but good work there and i actually notice miguel he needed this stealing two sheep from yo and if he goes to the top of the hill we could also steal two more oh yeah this is ugly yo has no food on this you see no oh my goodness well it's 125 food but does he know about his boar over there and oh now we have miguel pouncing on the villager oh i'd get behind it what mr no would it he saves the villager he kills the scout he'll take his boar perfect timing never a doubt this should not have happened this would have been a complete deny of the poor or the sheep and this turned out perfectly for mr yo that was so sick man that was so sick he'll bring the weak villager home just in case he'll have his food i suppose he still is down to sheep but my word man again there's so few players who could be in a good position after that yeah like i i'm dead here right i have idle tc for seven minutes and we'll send 12 villagers long distance going for berries because i i don't have the balls to go for that war and don't have the skills to get that quick well done all right so miguel goes from a very good position to kind of a rough position now especially when you're up against cumins do you expect the boom but they still go scouts you do have some questions in your mind as to what they'll do but i think miguel's assuming the correct thing i think he's assuming a boom and so he will not go for scouts nilly he's walling up his base this might even be a fast castle for him yeah maybe mangonel aggression is actually a very common answer to humans right you know your opponent won't have a lot of army early on so slavs could be solid at that yeah now i see something very interesting on the other side lake's adding militia so this could be a fast castle for him and that's maybe to react to dogal's eventual drush fc which should surprise no one if you've been watching brazil this is how brazil have won so many games and dominated teams throughout this tournament oh tricky spot though i'm not sure if you actually need to wall that heavily because you know your opponent won't go for any early army right what can an sx player go for maybe the drush but then your walls are maybe even too late now at eight and a half minutes and against any feudal age aggression you don't need to wall with three villagers yeah well i think when you're down three games you're you're worried and i guess he didn't know that there were this many militia that's an awful fight for dogal to take he's outnumbered and he didn't get the attacks in early so now it's good you have the walls up i guess yeah yeah that's true and i need to run i don't even know how you approach from the situation are you just trying to run to the right hand side corner to buy as much time as possible yeah i think you buy time there's no reason unless we have actually i think miguel's going for the eco upgrades but he's going to go uh double bid axe horse collar and add a lot of farm so he won't have military i would go to the right corner i wouldn't take him closer to my teammate but it doesn't seem like i was doing that yeah yeah my my teammate wouldn't like that okay so what is the mayhem player then going for is he playing crossbows is he going maybe even plumes honestly because there won't be a lot of army for quite some time yeah i think three years ago you and i would both be expecting plumed archers but the meta has definitely shifted towards crossbows and to break down why that is for people wondering it's simply because you can get more military out you can do more damage in early castle uh i think that maybe combined with the fact that many years ago walls were easier to build they would build so much faster so you could play safer now you're not going to see many stone walls in feudal unless you're watching tim ncl so uh yeah it does feel very natural to go for crossbow and i noticed that yoast tc is on a stone nilly so instead of going for two tc's into knights maybe he's thinking about hip jacks well i i think this could have also just been at the gold it might just be to have better wood control i don't expect him to heavily go into stone he can just build a mining camp next to gold as well yeah it could have worked vice versa right now what tattoo did with spain against canada when they threw owed canada which was a massive surprise is they had the cumin player boom and then send the resources over to the goth player now we don't have goths here but you mentioned is it possible to get licks onto imperial age eagles and just allow yo to boom uh sling would be the only way that that would happen aztecs feel kind of out of place going archers against mayans otherwise yeah he's heavily on to gold so that's a bit surprising to me like five on gold already and actually they had gotham the draft so they had that option to repeat the strategy of spain there didn't opt for it i'm a bit surprised i think sling is an option well mayans like plumes could be good against them we won't see plumes technically a sling onto boyas would be perfect counter against that yeah and his sling under siege on interest would also counter everything that'd be great all right well licks was unable to break through as his uptime should be decent but he is still down a bit of food and you look at dogao dogal has already clicked up to castle age so this is what brazil would have wanted uh they don't want to be down three games of course but togal going to range faster cast legend of crossbows is huge and then it will be just crossbow the crossbow from what it looks like but yeah as you mentioned that is a very early timing by the cow pretty damn solid build order by him this time yeah and speaking of sick builds miguel will be up soon as well and this is after going fast futile it's not even 15 minutes yet he almost has the resources but he does still need the stable he doesn't need the blacksmith so i guess he'll wait about 60 seconds maybe 90 seconds before he clicks yeah just stable being rushed out indeed takes roughly two villagers and then he's probably going for nights but if he tries to match mr yo's knight production that shouldn't really work true but they also will have some interesting momentum here now this is a spot where tattoo started to send a few villagers to stone for defensive towers against crossbows we're not seeing that from yo and there's not as much of a need because he does have most of his resources he's using right now a safe in the back but something to think about as he's making house walls behind his palisades which already have more hp and now palisades behind his palisades so he's expecting this hill to be the most vulnerable spot yeah but it's such a tricky angle right it's very unintuitive that the opponent is attacking there while he goes for blacksmith and market still not on stone so i'm assuming that will indeed be knights yeah this is more like it for brazil this is what dogal was able to do in the quarter finals uh what he did in almost every single game that they won on standard maps is he would go for the second town center then he would go university then he would go ballistic so he invests in eco first after getting to castle age faster and then gets ballistics to catch up to what the other archer player will normally do right away well it is tricky right there are so many different approaches and we didn't really figure out what's the best situation what i know is that dog and miguel will be able to pressure mr yo a bit it's surprising that he's heavily walled at the back right at the front just one layer of punishment yeah i know i i don't know if i i suppose that miguel had his scout over in the backside so miguel knows the gold was there but it it's looking pretty poor now uh yo will click up the castle he's on his way best case scenario here i think if you're brazil kill a few villagers delay a few farms but then i think you do need to consider backing away because yo will be able to make a lot of nights and i like how you're saying that that that's the difference to how miguel defended in golden pit right yep you see even deleting farms building more houses more than he needs just to be safe because he knows i just need to survive yeah i have the lead when it comes to villagers let's maintain that a few villagers on stone so again a tower maybe tc coming up in the future and there's the first stable for yo so he's not gonna have that many stables out and already miguel sending knights forward and oh there's a hole that's on you you said that that's the difference between the players that's on you nilly that's curse of the caster right there i'm sorry mr yo i should not have said anything well the knights could do some real damage there the crossbow's probably in the best position because it's risky for them to run in when a tower's going up and when tc's are there messy messy stuff for mr yo wait well though again good job there one scout's still around mr yun yo knows that it's fully aggression by miguel cea's bloodline seize plus one attack plus two defense oh boy miguel plays this one tcc full aggression no yeah i think i think so i mean it's a good well he's adding a second tc yeah but while you'd normally say that forcing 20 idols could win the game you are up against cumin so you want to make sure that you kill fast and the fact that yo has been off of gold means that he can't make many knights this is exactly where brazil would want to be oh look at the balls from mr yo he just goes to the front and the gold even needed some buildings yeah okay i'll take that gold for now here comes licks alex is like i have to save you normally you're saving me what is this but licks playing a standard roll of into crossbows and he's here to help and he will clear this up i think brazil do have to back away slightly okay let's see maybe some more quick walls houses coming up palisade wall is coming up as well crossbows behind this one we'll find some kills oh oh and yo i have no idea how he's still at 60 builds yeah i mean it's it's more than worth it for miguel to stick around here and dogal is well aware okay now he's shifting to the back gold so we have to pressure that next and you look at dogal's base dogal on three town centers soon ballistics going to be on the way his army numbers are looking great he has more crossbows than licks uh 60 bills for yo 41 for miguel wow there's still such a massive difference yeah full control there for your when it comes to the economy but looks he is playing full orlean style he's adding arch range number four now while the gao is still sitting at two that's a very licks thing to do uh forget about eco and just go for army numbers and that will probably be how china will win this game then sure dogal seems in a great spot with the meta but since yo has so many villagers as the big fights being taken here in front of yo's base it's very possible that china can flood with military uh i would say brazil can maybe flood with military because more knights are coming in yo and simply not having numbers this tc should not go up what a great job from dougal and miguel they realize they cannot sit back they cannot allow yo to stabilize and they can't give licks an opportunity to get those numbers out so that's a dell tc that tc is officially denied and licks has all of his ranges back at home he still doesn't have the reinforcements here and dough just dives in underneath the town center to take out that batch oh god military can't completely reset joseph said one military now looks outnumbered and yeah yeah full control now by brazil yeah this is what i was expecting today this is the brazil team that stomped in the tournament so far so i think now the field council even out a bit more joe's taking more losses he's only on two tc's miguel's been on two and he's been untouched and the pressure might swing right over to lix in a moment and licks could have a really tough time with that let's take a look it feels like to go is trying to find the other angle there with the hill tries to break through luckily you'll already double walled there i like that and let's take a look oh a castle in front of the gold interesting hey castle in front of the gold that's why he placed that outpost that's something that brazil will see but they will see joe's crossbow or excuse me licks's crossbowman fight that brazil will take and should win if the gal's micro is on point and at some point i think the win is right down as well yeah i think dugout is chasing that one down quite nicely and it is weird right how he can have more archers out of only three archer rangers now versus five from an asset player yeah that's that's mayans for you mayans are very cheap but also that's having 65 villagers versus 49 so licks all in one tc and if it's not working now it's only going to get worse for you and your team waiting for yo maybe to kick it up a notch with the knight production uh miguel got through again and sniped more villagers all played and now yo normally he should be at least but has the same amount as so-called impressive pumbaa yeah and then miguel on three town centers even protecting that forward gold constant production from dogel constant pressure from miguel this is perfect and i i'll be honest i know we're supposed to be neutral at this point i'm really hoping brazil get this win because they're showing here they are a good team and that they can fight on yeah absolutely i think it mainly came down to one single hole that they're in such a good spot but also the aggression just continued and miguel he played an interesting strategy and got so many nights out i'm laughing because licks is adding more ranges he's like well we're losing fights let's get more production it doesn't really have the gold to produce out of all of them but the thought process is pretty clear here and oh dog sees the gold in the back licks could have big troubles if he can't take that gold and he can't take the forward gold he can't make archers and that's all the gold that's looks out of the game then should be see if brazil realizes that dougal has quite a few groups at the moment and i think they've just signaled that yo has a gold uh to the right of that uh the gold he's currently taking so i don't think that's the right area for brazil to pressure right now nearly if i'm being honest with you but that's where they're shifting over to okay well maybe just try to attack from that hill area as well they they like that spot to raid in the back and look at that mr yo is even transitioning worlds over there now wow so yo thinking about are you sending bills over there oh yep i see okay well say goodbye to some farmers then two villagers down and it's 74 villes for miguel and it's 73 for you yeah three players very close when it comes to numbers only looks well roughly 30 villages behind yeah and licks still scrambling to get crossbows over here i think when he arrives china can win the fight the brazil need to get good value maybe china is losing on purpose only because they love nomads so much and want to play it we need some nomad in our lives today oh god well interesting fight here it's really important that dougal gets value because he is on the way to him seems like he'll lose most of these crossbows in fact he's not firing half the time a moment for china perhaps nelly to overwhelm the brazilians but there's still so much yellow and red coming in the middle of the map yeah but in smaller groups no i wanted to say but look at that 27 new crossbow yeah it'll be awesome a few minutes so i think do you pull back here or do you force a fight to try and keep chyna at home [Music] i think just going back and waiting for the upgrades is the way to go right you're not really getting pressured you have to see set up and the opponent's army is far away yeah and then maybe miguel sits at his base no gal sits at his base they wait and then whichever base the chinese players arrive to they both join up together a big big counter attack coming but will it be too late for china i don't really think that they can do enough right miguel keeps on producing knights so he has reasonable numbers the crossbows of the gao on too far out of position you can't even go down to defend miguel after he gets this defensive castle up yep miguel harrison that town center this is definitely the time to take out the tc especially if you don't see dogal here you know what's happening a good move from china however i think they have to bail on this even before the imp upgrades because there's a lot from miguel and from dogel oh i don't think they can retreat i think they will get completely cleared up the gao just having the numbers there to wreck the army completely wow that's nuts before the upgrades brazil will stomp after the upgrades it might just be gg yo could die to this lakes could die to this infection it should tie to this only 55 villagers oh man what a play from dougal this game absolutely is putting out the numbers miguel nice production and brazil is on the scoreboard and this is what they tried to do in game one and it didn't work this is what they tried to do in game three and that fc time was so poor by dougal standards i think that was 21.50 this game dogel gets to the spot that he wants to his uptime was 1638 and they were all over yo and oliver licks but how good was the play from miguel and dougal on yo over that 10 minute period nilly the pressure was nice the rates were nice but honestly i think if you does not have their tool yeah you will see a 30-minute win for the chinese interesting i guess you could also say similar things about previous games uh some mistakes were made from brazil too it's impossible to play perfectly every time uh ulix was even sending some resources to yo there but it was too late okay so the brazilians they have played every single one of their home maps and now this should be a tougher task because nomad valley and scandinavia are maps that china seem familiar with and the china have picked um forget about the mindset at this point because i think the brazilians are taking this one game at a time what do you expect from china and how good are they with what you expect actually taking it one game at a time is a good mindset in this situation so i don't i don't mind that too much so let's think about what we could see um i think it will simply will be nomad and i'm expecting persians and spanish for china yeah and then if you're looking at the sieves for brazil malian seems like the easy pick there and then it's what do you combine with malians i think it would be mallions burmese yeah it feels very likely and we will have then spanish with burmese the question that we have asked a lot of times what is better remember or kong's in that scenario and probably persians and mayans fighting for water yeah i think these in 2v2 situation this is the best stack you could ask for for both of them um there's always the snipes always make it interesting uh the crosshairs show which civilizations were sniped after the draft for those watching and what that means is you can eliminate a game plan for a map so when italians were sniped china seemed very confused on what to do with their civilizations on islands they ended up winning anyways but that was one thing to bring up and then vikings i don't know i suppose vikings being sniped out for brazil means that they could be worse off on every map because vikings are topped here and pretty much all of them but nomads if you don't get italian sniped you still can compete quite well on water right if you just get rid of vikings yeah yeah they had japanese and they had portuguese there which i don't think were bad picks but uh anywho it looks like nomad has launched props to the players for not making us wait too long today we have a little over one minute and we're right nearly the sieves will be as we expected props to us indeed yeah did i say props to us or no no you you said props to the players and then i said props to us as well yeah so clever protecting the civilizations right as if we're doing that professionally and yeah so dogao will play probably on water with malians against the persons of mr lux and if you're expecting miguel with burmese to fight off against mr yo spanish expecting both to go for their unique units what do you like more conquistadors or rampay it's pence um persians malians seem so similar persians start with more food they start with more wood so they can tc dock and fishing ship malians have cheaper buildings so they can tc dock and fishing ship then they'll both probably go for water then they'll both probably go for knights and camels and might see a transition later and then for me spanish big thing is what happens to the fishing ships nearly because conquistadors i feel are better in the early fights but conquistadors cost food and then irumbai do not cost food so if you lose your fishing ships you're actually able to still compete whereas i think if spanish lose their fishing ships they fall behind way more yeah absolutely agree mixing and monks doesn't really feel like a great option because the map is so wild it's impossible to get the full control so keeping the numbers up is the way to go also something we need to take a look at is can they add stables can they go for husbandry and bloodlines yeah that's a good point ultimately it comes down to eco but there's a lot of luck on nomad there's a lot of adapting and it gets very messy and we have one of the messiest players in the world in licks so villagers are out there in random spots expect to see signals and docks and town centers uh we can't really speculate too much nilly until we see all those things uh-oh uh-oh bottom of the map miguel against mr yo one screen away oh man yeah that's gonna be kind of rough now you could also argue that miguel could be you could change your game plan and you could just threaten yo and then if you threaten yo yo gal could win water if that is brazil's plan so there's oh on the other side it's even worse all together oh god this will be way more wild than what we even expected so forget about the meta of having one person go water one person fast castle i think this is gonna be completely different licks persians in the green uh dougal malians and then we have yo spanish oh excuse me i didn't realize yo was playing spanish i thought it would be the other way around and miguel burmese oh boy and this could be like yeah as you said like normally we're trying to come up with strategies this one could be like four players going for tower rush okay so i i need people to hold their excitement for a second because it is worth mentioning i don't think china will do it but china do have one restart progressive seven and oftentimes you save the restart for an unlucky uh situation on nomad and you have to call that before four minutes so just before everyone freaks out and thinks this is gonna be the best game ever oh my god were you just making fun of me you're just making fun of me newly that's not cool i thought we were friends we'll see if there's a restaurant the docks are also close together in the top left you can talk sorry i forgive you that is pretty good for yo right everyone else will fight at the bottom and you can see the gao and looks pretty close together even taking the same deep fish yeah um so they know the tc positions are also close at least dogal does he was scouting with the turkey saw the cc foundation and then backed out of there licks alex does not know yet actually he's scouting with the turkey and might find out in a moment if he loses the turkey to the town center from nogal 3 55 and we are playing we'll see a game there's no there's no way china would ever call restart here but i i felt the need to say it just in case they're up 3-1 and if it's messier it's even better for them so looks very 15 hp house the house got killed by the tc well the house got killed by the tc that will actually house him slightly i think yeah that won't watch this he's pop capped because the house got killed by the towns that are well played together okay they haven't seen that before and needs to rush it out with two villagers no problem there and well this is now becoming really interesting and i think simply the fact that yo at the top can fish uncontestedly is so nice yeah the big question is miguel he is kind of cornered will he get to enough food will he get to stone and gold gold seems easy licks if lex goes water and wins he will take out both brazilian fish most likely the reasons you said just based on positioning so what's weird is licks is also directly next to dogal so there's temptations to not go water and instead go for something like towers i would love to see a tc drop but i don't think that that's going to be a wise play here yeah i think they're too confident that they can make something happen regardless mr yo trying to go for some lame shoots those deer so the food is rotting away and now the villager running miguel is trying to chase him away uh housed again licks badly how oh no no he was building the house somewhere okay i couldn't find it he's good and good move from yo so yo knows that miguel is close by uh and the same vice versa and we'll see what happens with his borer miguel wants it miguel does he really know he only saw a villager running around he doesn't really know that mr yo is so close um he's not scouting with many turkeys either he's kind of saving them and maybe he doesn't know he'll definitely know he's trapped in where can he take stone if he wants to go for towers or air by oh very close next to him probably has to control that in some way but it just saved under stc and he won't be happy with that spot no i would be so unbelievably paranoid now yo not only knows where you're at but has a villager around awkward stuff indeed um right nilly well expectations from here do you think licks is going to go for that water meta despite being so close or do you think a guy like licks will choose to go towers it just feels like it's too important i think maybe you go for a mix like for looks it's so much easier right he doesn't need to build another mining camp i think he would go for like two dogs then maybe some towers for the gao if he wants to go into stone he has to walk a bit but where's to gao's next gold where's the girl finding gold he has scouted golds but all those golds are closer to licks oh my god and the other one's really far away that one's closer to yo dog could be in an awful position oh and he's also done a pretty good job scouting to be honest so maybe you change your game plan here and you go for scouts and towers instead uh i'm not sure if scouts is really an option right because you will lose your fish if you're not contesting water and then where's your food coming from you don't have any more food income i think this is a wild trash that he has to go for all right meanwhile mr yo has a villager walled in and is trying to wall in miguel so miguel cannot expand i think miguel has to expect this if you see one villager you have to know he's going to pull another one especially when you need to expand i think this is a very poor move on nomad to not try and deny some of these walls yeah well that's the problem right he didn't really know that mr yo was so close still didn't scout any of that but yeah i agree with you using the turkeys more it could have been a good thing for him yeah well we do have two players on the way up and it's the players on the left side uh we have a barracks and we have mining camp for dogal so it looks like it will be towers and it will be scouts uh as you said licks does not need a mining camp for the stone he has a bunch of villagers on stone already and he is double docking so i think if he can find gold which he's going to will be tower maybe defense and water control for licks and then scouts and towers from dougal but i think water and tower is better in this spot since both the brazilians have their fishing ship so close to where lakes is at lux is actually still not on gold that's a bit surprising to me so he they're tower rushing more than what i thought yeah and he he is going to the food instead and he's adding a barracks so we'll actually see scouts and towers from both of these two huh even getting another boar in no barracks by looks though he has the barracks next to the dock it's just out of the way uh but he went oh two docks it looked like he was gonna go double dock and then on the water and he's making the stable there looks likes is so confusing sometimes there's a ville fight now though and so far only a spearman has died in that ville fight but licks is kind of in a rough position it's run and this it feels like this game will be decided on the other side yeah just the fact that miguel is trapped he didn't get any villagers out here he's completely walled in this is brutal he can barely find space for a blacksmith in a market but he'll do that and try and buy his way up to the castle age i guess but how i i think you kind of have to go like long seats from here yeah that's true monk siege could be interesting but i don't know if he'll have space uh on water dogal is taking out licks's fishing ships i thought this would go a lot differently i thought that lakes would not be the one losing fishing ships and uh one more thing to mention nearly is that dogal is just now adding the stable so he just went for spear defense expecting the scouts and the towers from licks yeah great great move there for sure i'm a bit surprised that lux didn't even build a single galley no gal chasing villagers and licks somehow is making this weirdly place stable work are you kidding me yeah that would be surprised by the guy like okay i can change the sound and then suddenly scout spawning from there he's behind his wood line yeah uh forget about structure when you're playing licks you will not know what to expect expect the unexpected i guess as they say okay so miguel made it towards castle age and they're going for a tower war remember guys tower war doesn't really matter if you have the hill control or not what matters though is that neither player has fletching thus far and miguel loses a villager and his gold is so close to all this if yoda is able to hold this position while he's on the way to lage he has stone so he can drop a castle on miguel mcgill needs to break out of here desperately but how still the villager at the top and what is yo doing there is he opening the walls now walt's behind himself oh god he knows that he just needs to buy time oh man wow he was able to keep this villager alive this entire time buying so much time two towers v1 here and now miguel says okay this is the meta i guess i'll try it and places his own but it seems like it's a losing battle for him nearly villagers have already died here also you have licks still making life hell for dogel well the gauss actually trying to be the hell inflictor but looks just casually built a defensive tower should be fine there yeah and also if the gala has to leave the scouts are out it seems like licks is just waiting being patient uh miguel update well you said something like this in the previous game i think if i'm in this spot i'm already dead let's see what he can do uh he has defended much better than many people would have been able to yeah miguel that he's holding that one is so nice do you think miguel could have maybe gone for a transporter well his dock hasn't been hit i think miguel should be going double dock on the water honestly forget about trying to get into air by he does have two docks if he can swing his fires around to hit joe's fish that would be sick maybe a transport as well because knights are not going to work long term if yo gets to conquistadors uh oh scouts on dogal the gals lost one the gal will lose well i could use lose three doink and yep you're dead another villager saved at the top tower still doing quite some damage kills to spear man more low hp villagers looks just so annoying and sugar out there only five on food for licks and seven on food for dough so don't expect these guys to go anywhere um but yo can contribute with conch soon wait a second did he delete his tower to place the castle there he did i think oh yeah miguel build a tower is it possible to deny that against spanish not against spanish no and he did not underpull villagers he's pulling it with 11 right now wanted to go with him 14. and deleted his own tower and said a castle's better okay and now poor miguel now he goes for the transport yeah he needs to escape um yeah i think the honesty the transport is saving him from getting defeated here well he's he has experience with that so it's just in in the other game where he was defeated dogal was giving his team a fighting chance and it feels like dokal is at most even with licks currently oh god the knowledge about how to play in those situations by mr yo was just so good so annoying with all the wardens realized the position he could put miguel in if he waltz this all up and the beautiful towers right you kind of feel like okay he's delaying the castle but he's actually buying time to put the cars exactly where he wanted it lake's just gonna take gold over here because this is safe and uh here comes dogal maybe realizing villagers came over here i'm not sure but he'll tell miguel hey buddy we've got clunks on the field i need help i can't do anything against conquistadors with just feudal age units what can miguel provide he has a monastery at the complete other side of the map and no gold income yeah and he what's he going to do transport the monks i mean actually his transport was weakened by yo's fire so yo has a fire down there transport's barely alive okay kong's now jumping under the tower there and they tap out brazil just really it it really comes back to home maps today doesn't it because it's almost expected that yo and licks are going to play this well on nomad it is their best home map this is not a surprise what's the surprise is that brazil lost game one two and three and they needed to get wins on their home maps earlier it's gonna be a tough task for brazil i feel really bad for them because they've had such a good tournament but again joe and link's making it to the world cup finals oh man and they they deserve it right maybe the favorite for a lot of people early on especially after they beat finland there to make it into the finals and well they will put on a great show tomorrow against the winner of spain in norway ah spain and norway that one well i i think at the start of the day i wouldn't have said that spain and norway would be closer than this because i expected more from this set i thought that this would be 4-3 or 4-2 now after seeing the 4-1 i'm saying that i think norway and spain will be closer uh both teams prepared and uh probably a very different series on our hands too nilly when it comes to the home maps how the civilizations are played etc yeah i don't think that people will necessarily like think okay we are the heavy favorite favorites on team islands or nomad there so whole maps should be different or at least the approaches should be a bit different i'm really excited to see what spain can offer yeah now guys brazil played so well in this tournament they uh they beat vietnam in a nasty set last weekend to get here and i know based on seeing their games i know based on talking to them that they would have expected more of themselves today there's no doubt that they would have wanted to show more even in a loss so with so many people watching remember the human side of it and please salute them and thank them for training um i think we'll see a lot more from miguel dogel maybe not even in uh country team game tournaments but in other team game tournaments that may come in 2021 because i think land still teamed up with them there and just a lot of exciting things for those two they still made it very far and i don't think it's it's too disappointing to lose to china at least um well it was the way they get another match tomorrow yeah it's true they have third place match tomorrow which is another best of seven and you fight for more prize pool and to get that bronze medal in the world cup so that will be against the loser of the next semi
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 62,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 2v2 World Cup, World Cup, AOE, AOE2, Wow, T90Official, T90, Crazy Games, Insane, aoe2, age of empires, aoe2de, Brazil, Brazilian, Brazilla, dogao, migeul, miguel, Mr Yo, Yo, Lyx, Nomad, Arabia, Team Islands, Islands, 2v2, Golden, Golden Pit, Ghost, Lake, Ghost Lake, Nili, Nili_AoE
Id: 3QNgt2_kKCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 33sec (7173 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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