Drew Gooden - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/superpencil121 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so I can't talk oh that's right that's right all right hey guys welcome back to the Gus and Eddie podcast second episode thank you so much for tuning in we were thrilled with the response to the first episode it's been incredible super fun real quick we want to mention that today's episode is sponsored by røde microphones so if you want to check out the gear that we have here on the table and some of the other goodies that road has helped us provide for our video production work please check out the link in the description down below thank you so much who else are we sponsored by fellas incense Zen is that calm sure yeah maybe oh god but enough to say that that's one of the big three web domains I don't think that I mean maybe that's true oh you know comically yeah I thought you meant incense then was one of the big three well no I'm letting it up here ask that you don't have to it's look at a third most trafficked website in the United States wow that's a big good job incense in big props to them with incense then you can use coupon code Gus Eddie for 15% off your purchase use code Eddie Gus who actually called him and I cancelled that coupon code so it's just Gus Eddie no Eddie Gus what's up Eddie I actually I called them back and got Eddie Gus is also working I'd prefer if you guys use that so you use any Gus that works it's a Gus cancel it I called him back and I cried you know put on the waterworks a little bit and I got them to undercut me with this did you call him back I thought I was doing I mean baby didn't you you called him and you canceled my code so again if I do something don't reverse it cuz I'm gonna reverse it back okay well listen we'll have fun this podcast just know that it's gonna be really straight talking to afterwards so okay preferably in the kitchen but it's fine anything else but regardless go to incensed and calm use coupon code Gus Eddie or any Gus for 15% off they allowed it though or Eddie Gus for a 15% off your purchase same deal wonderful wonderful all right guys so today we've got a new guest our guest today is a youtuber he used to be a Viner and then he has since moved on to this platform and has been crushed with the fellas and the ladies he makes short comedy stuff and he makes long comedy stuff right now he's doing commentary and honestly it's just really hilariously funny content so our guest today is drew Gooden hey welcome drew that's all I got well there's a lot of tension in that we could just blow past it maybe you know that's you know you've known us for a while sometimes it gets like this and I just I preferred not to be on camera so if we can just cut that out tonio first there's legislation and then just go into drew good ends would it be funny I was just thinking if every time that we use this camera I'm looking here and then every time we use that camera my whole my whole body's turnaround time way out of focus and you don't have like proper mic etiquette so you just well yeah welcome drew to our home awesome mm-hmm it's very nice I like the setup you have this is a lot better than most podcasts that exists Thank You ppreciate we actually hand-cut this we went to Office Depot and got all the paper and [ __ ] right that's why you have so many scissors that's true I would say for sure it's we have a better set visually than any audio podcast that's out there right any single audio podcast that's out there we do have a better at any podcast that it's exclusive yeah audio only set we did beat all of them and it wasn't even hard you didn't mean we didn't have to try it all well you because I don't think they're even trying it at all because what's up I don't think that they would even have really much of us you could do that anywhere it's just sound so I was not aware I just I thought they kind of worked hard on their site guys were like really proud of yourselves yeah I was I was telling everybody about it I was counting I was making alt accounts on YouTube and commenting like hey guys great podcast is better set than any audio podcast I've ever so this is even like public perception this is just you well I mean the public may perceive it I was just the one saying it I mean that doesn't mean that they weren't thinking it oh that's you're just assuming then I don't mean you're being presumptuous you know what they say about you assume though is is your asset is better than every audio now you may go you make a real dink out of you and I it's in the name since why did you spell it like that do that already I can say I like you a lot better than I gosh man it's a shame when we show that code again is that Gus Eddie right any other code doesn't work Eddie Gus also works if we could just maybe not start out the podcast with I can see and hear you we have headphones in I can hear even when you whisper oh that's what the headphones are for yeah we weren't just are your headphones plugged in I just thought it looked cool okay I think you can't hear anything because they had the headphones are off or you can't hear anything walking my ears how are you responding he's good at reading he's not gonna have any idea what you're saying laugh it that's just it sorry see he got that one oh he wasn't looking at you so he missed his eyes are dead drew here that's like the most cat calling should I even snapping at another person I feel bad doing it you see somebody do it like to a waiter I don't know how you can snap at another human being it just may not feel like a piece of [ __ ] yeah yeah I mom does it like on the phone and stuff all the time is what I love is she'll always eat it could be the most benign phone call either love you mom but like maybe she's just talking to someone in town but if anyone's like making noise and stuff we still have the landlines and stuff so she's at her desk and we'll hear she will just hear off in the distance and she'll sometimes she'll throw stuff down the stairs to get us to shut up I love the idea the other person on the phone like she's in the middle of a sentence and then you just hear like text and then because she always says that it's totally like from the wolf of Wall Street where the Jordans dad gets all like Pleasant stuff so should we talk like hi Cindy yeah can I just hold for one second hi so sorry sandy I had some in the oven I don't know you mentioned alt accounts earlier though I actually have a question did you guys ever like when you were like super super small online did you ever like do any like weird little grindy things like make another account and subscribe yourself or leave a comment for me personally I haven't really been on that long so as far as like height and weight has pretty much been the same oh my god alright cuz I've been Drive 11 that's wasn't it sure you know that wasn't it you asked if I was being when I was smaller but see I haven't been on the inner div I was a kid on the Internet true I don't I'm sorry I don't want to you know like step on your toes be rude but like I think what Gus was asking was when you're the size of your dick was smaller when you started out on the internet and it got bigger did you do it when your dick was smaller it's gotten smaller it's gotten much smaller but the rossini proportions are the same yeah as I've gotten bigger on YouTube my dick has gotten smaller every time like it's like when you have that boost day like that good day sobs I'm like well [ __ ] my Dick's can get wasted trade off that you have to you have to be willing yeah if you're fine like if you're you know struggling and you want to do YouTube so bad like go for it just want you to know your dick will get smoked yeah yeah I can't imagine what ninja and PewDiePie's dicks look like right now I can't I have no idea you know what they call that term actually like when you're when your phallus will start like retro actively growing because of sub growth it's called the social blade it'll just get sucked in just like she's just look it up that's good that's real relatable social blade no I remember though like when I was really young though with stuff I used to back grad I would go on to like those do you remember this sub4sub videos did you guys ever do that like on YouTube specifically I knew they existed but I didn't do them I would do that in middle school like you just go there and the whole video is just like four minutes of just saying like sub4sub like get talking in the comments and it would just be tens of thousands of comments like hey guys so for me also for you and that was it and like god it's i wouldn't i wasn't even like really making videos i just wanted to get subscribers so i'd go there and be like hey and I would like target people and look them up a big hey I really liked your car video like maybe check out my channel but that was what was fun fighting as it's why I I understand that you know I haven't had to do it I've been lucky that things have been you know working out without having to trade a sub for every subscribe that I get but yeah I mean you got when you that you're doing the grind when you're the grind you got to do what it takes and if it means that I have to watch someone else's stupid videos so they'll watch my stupid video you know you do it it does set like a baseline of actually moving like moving from there because if you start at zero it's way harder because nobody's watching it at all so like at least even if it is that I'm not like - judgy about it because yeah then maybe some of them would catch it and like it and then like algorithmically it like moves forward a video or something like that I don't know especially at the time how it worked with YouTube I still don't know how videos get popped yeah but even then if you're if your numbers are going on no one's actually you don't ever watch those videos like you might subscribe to someone because they subscribe to you but neither of you are watching each other's videos yeah you're both it's just selfish it's just the selfish reason you think oh now I have 8 subscribers views on my videos say double digits 8 subscribe oh you're thinking that it's like a looks like a circle - yeah looks like do you think a double-digit number is just a visually symmetrical no it's it's any number of two syllables so eight well that actually yeah that didn't that sounded like one syllable to me I'm pretty sure eight is three syllables hold on a you okay no that's right that's why yeah I mean we don't have Jamie here today to like confirm anything or Google anything so I'm just gonna say that's right and I'm sure nobody's gonna comment anything about it nobody's gonna say that was wrong at all yeah it sucks it Jamie's the only one who knows how to use Google yeah I can't figure it out I'm stuck on Bing I've been there for years oh yeah yeah I can't just you can't like use your computer for anything else just knowing people I could get to the Bing page I can't search on it I won't search an AOL online though but Yahoo Finance - but that's specifically okay so what about Bing makes you not being like why can't you search things like what what makes it impossible you eye is very threatening like I feel like it's the same as most it's the search bar right if I may yeah Gopi you have a keyboard no I'd have this interface but I haven't been able plugging anything into it at all there's comes right do you know what the buttons are the those buttons are down there oh yeah that's uh it's my little tech screens down there tips are you sure what x-hat green text screen yeah this for like texting and sending emails and stuff press one of them right now was that an entire screen or is the whole thing is cow well I mean it's kind of physical but it's just for sending emails to it wouldn't work for like search engine stuff try right now wait so you so you know that you can type things if it's in an email format yep but then for searching you so you don't well ok you see you put in help and it search help so you did that so you searched it I had a question for you drill and then I have some questions for you oh thank god I've been waiting I'm so made I need people myself all the time so you are somebody who has had big periods of growth it seems like in your career did you have the same kind of thing happened on vine to like what was what was that your big first bursts when you're doing vine stuff um yeah it's pretty similar vine see vine was shared differently because it's the same functionality as Twitter and that you would get most mostly the attention you would get was from ravines right people reposting or your [ __ ] on their page so I mean I think within general with anything it's like it's always there it's never really steady it's always gonna be this video or this fine that blows up it's the same thing so I will say it is the same it is the same because that's like a new level of steady right that's not as high is that that peak but then it's like before your study was maybe let's say for any like random youtube channel 10,000 views then you get a video that has 600,000 views now your new study is like 80,000 some right yeah yeah the same I'm fine yeah you yeah that's what's fun about the internet is you're always you're always you're expectations always go up yeah and then often times you don't meet the expectations and then it's sad yeah right sad oh yeah very sad a couple of times in my life I've been sad there's just you know you know I drop something on the ground and okay that's it yeah anything else buzz fast rate but it's a funeral oh god hurt when someone dies oh is it that weird thing we're like everyone's not like when I and I think it's like a band practice and I'm like playing instruments and everyone's like tearing up and there's like some weird box and the [ __ ] in front of it like I don't he's that what if he rose I just knew something weird happened when people died it was like this weird thing you so you went to a funeral and you played music yeah I was it was in eighth grade it was like I was just you know when they first give you the trumpet and like before you know how to play it it's like fun to blow so I was like everywhere I was going I was just like you know is that their first assignment just go find somewhere and play I don't know I just brought it around with me right - just to be right until you were passing my church know now his family member there for your family member died I always go there to play the trumpet well I like the visual to of of a ceremony because a beginner learning trumpet - is probably the worst it sound right up there with a violin like first line we were talking about this off-camera so none of you guys heard about this the other day - but like when you talk about like highs and lows and stuff what it's so weird like with internet stuff do you find yourself just kind of like having really great days followed by like dips and stuff - cuz like I catch it all the time yeah that's the that's the struggle I mean the relative struggle obviously there you always have in mind there's so many worse struggles that you could be struggling with but then yeah it's it's hard because it's very much a roller coaster it's almost I feel like it's impossible to just have a steady ride because it's the the highs are always gonna be correlated with a video that you're happy with and the success of that video and the lows are like this video didn't do as well or just when you haven't uploaded in a while and you don't get to experience that high anymore it's it seems inevitable and I've yet to meet a youtuber who hasn't who doesn't seem to go through that same process do you think it's possible to like reach that point though where like you don't have that stress anymore I don't think so I don't think I think at that point you don't really care you don't care about your channel anymore I think that's the only way that you wouldn't go through that yeah I mean one of the that mean that's kind of what happened to Shane a little bit then shane dawson for people that don't watch him but like he was making and he's admitted it before where he was making like food videos and he kind of started to like not care about it formula yeah i think the thing that once you get that big the only fulfillment isn't blowing up or getting more subs but it's being happy with what you make because yeah millions of people will watch it inevitably and he's like inevitably and his stuff has been really great lately so right right and if you get to that point even if people aren't watching and then you're just like well i just want to make whatever I want mmm maybe maybe that's the goal you know to get to a point where it's like you don't have to worry about a you know video success it's long it's just truly like I'm happy with this and I don't even need to look at the numbers you know I'm happy that I made it the weird number thing that I would want some people to know that like are trying YouTube and maybe aren't big enough yet to like experience like real highs and lows is that there's the time work like you might have a point in time where 200 subscribers a day is amazing and you would hope for that like for a long time and then you have like a real peak and there's like a day where you get so used to something like I got used to when my video blew up in October getting about two thousand subs a day for like a month and a half and the first day it dipped under a thousand I felt terrible and I didn't know why cuz they're like most even right now a thousand sub day for me is good because I'm not blowing up like I did right October so that'll be a great day but like now even like I'll have days I had days but when I was moving and I hadn't posted in like a month that were 13 subs that day and I felt terrible about that and would hope for like a 201 and right now my 200 well it's just like constantly being unhappy with the numbers kind of yeah that's still you know again we're not like dealing with horrible stuff it's guys our lives are so hard one thing I wanted to ask you true we talked about this a little bit off-camera is one thing I think is really interesting to hear you talk about it is if you don't know drew on vine head of vine that if you want to watch it is just search roadwork ahead vine if you you probably do know about it but it's interesting to find out from somebody who has had more success outside of the thing that like one thing that's kind of detached from you and went viral yeah and like I just wanted you to kind of talk about like one how it went like how it became viral and then also like how you feel about it now or how you felt about it at the time at the time it did well on vine I had like a hundred thousand likes I think and that was the point I was at at that point I that was really good and you know like okay that's cool but then like it's one of those things that like after vine has gotten so much bigger and it's completely out lived me cuz it's not really specific to me you know a lot of people don't even know that it's me you know I'll get comments that are like oh I just realized here the roadwork guy I've been watching you for months it's like I don't even really look like the guy in the vine that much cuz you see my face for a second it's not it's not even about that it's not about my face it's just like the thing it's about to sign and then it's I think it's it's grown exponentially one because of these like nostalgia driven vine compilations and then two it's because you're constantly reminded of it because you see the Sun yeah I think about you all the time while driving because of it and then also when I see the sign I think about you as well right yeah so you see you were thinking me when you see the sign and also just like in general when your drive I'm usually I start the car and immediately it's like wonder what use it yeah it's not even it's not a sentence it's not a phrase it's usually just nice it drew that you said they engine well like he'll start it up and I'd get in the car them sometimes and like you know cuz it'll kick in and sometimes you'll go along with it and kind of go drew yeah yeah it's really comfortable he gets pretty tearful you do that yeah it started maybe like a couple months ago it's been a few years he's gotten down that's not okay sorry I again headphones can see right here we'll see it back on the camera so I don't know what the whispering thing is gonna do okay so you do I heard that every time though not like you go sometime it's not a yeah just like how you can hear him I can also I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what you're referencing because you didn't let me finish my sentence so what this fog guys gonna be like 60% just [ __ ] bit is that bad it's fine you have a strict political agenda that we should be pushing yeah oh yeah anyway sorry you're saying um what is the agenda independent we're we got paid by the independent yeah independent for I feel I had a bit I didn't know it I panicked under pressure okay that's what I mean tell us about your road signs but ya know that it's I also think it's really easy to reference because it's like there's an yeah yeah exactly I mean it's everywhere yeah like you taking a road trip and it's just like you probably see 170 times if you're driving you know 20 yeah I see him all the time it's funny that people seem to get so excited when they see the sign they think it's like a like a big deal but it's funny because it's like I see him every day everyone sees them every day because like every road is always being constructed on every road is bad because we drive cars on all the time so it wears down or we want to put an extra lane because there's too many [ __ ] people in the world so so there's road work and so the people see the sign but they send it people send it to me on Twitter like oh you won't they were recreated they'd like so you won't believe what I saw it's like I yeah actually I do believe it very strongly you know I think it's possible everybody's head so much is because you have to read it in your head you see the sign it's not you're just not even just remembering it but your brain goes roadwork ahead and then like your it just fills it in again I think that's one of those beautiful jokes where it's like it's so you do you ever like have that thing where like you find a joke maybe more so on vine but you're like oh my god has no one made a joke about this is so simple like like and then it's one of those ones to where if friends haven't heard the vine someone in the car could be like dude I got a [ __ ] killer one worked up you know they could say it right oh my god I think and that's that's another thing that contributes to how like as time passes it seems to you know it's almost like word-of-mouth basically people say it and then they're now their friends know about it right I don't even know when it would stop kind of because like it's just a fun joke that you like can come up with and if somebody hasn't heard it before the joke works even without the vine you know what I mean exactly in the same vein like when I was at VidCon you guys were there for this but there was a girl walking by wearing my shirt and I was getting babar every time I go to well every time at VidCon this year when I went almost like half of the people were like you say the vine cuz that's the thing that you do you know I associate you with that so I would say so I was so used to saying that all weekend and I was kind of just like exhausted from it like I liked it I'm glad that you know me for something but it's like okay yeah it's like I'm playing my one hit song over and over again and I have new stuff that I like to play more but I was the most pretentious thing I've ever said but I was told but yes I was kind of like kind of rolling my eyes internally at it when I heard it and then I was just this brief moment I saw this girl walk by and I was like okay I'm gonna embrace it and I and I shouted to her she's like eight years old nice shirt and then she turns around and she has no idea look was so insulted grossed out who's this perv yeah and [ __ ] isn't it dull talking about my shirt but that's an example of how that vine is like people don't even have to know me yeah yeah it's just it is a thing didn't she come back up though after and say that she didn't realize when we were by that like Lego thing or was that somebody else no okay so there was no resolution just the guilt there not even the guilt just the shame and I live forever do you ever have like this is like such a dumb thing do you ever have like a joke that you put in a video or that you put out there that you think is just [ __ ] hilarious and then like people don't like kind of like it and they're just like but no and you can't like explain it cuz it just kills it more but you're like why is it this is so funny do you like have an example of that um I think well it's hard to tell with YouTube because people people will reference certain parts of the video but they you don't know well because I put a hundred folks in here and I know that you enjoyed the video but I don't know if you like that line with vine it was different cuz vine was typically one joke so you knew if they like this joke or not and so that was something I went through a lot words like how this one's gonna [ __ ] kill ya and then after 30 minutes it be like I think the view to like ratio is really bad so I'm gonna delete it and and feel really bad about myself so more I would say more on vine then but there it's it's more the opposite I would say on YouTube where people will latch on to to the thing that you didn't even think was that funny they like you'll see all these comments about one specific bit in a videos like oh I just kind of I almost got that part out actually I didn't think that was that funny and there's like no that's the best part true okay all right do you have one of those I don't I've had those with like other [ __ ] in the past I had one but at the time when it came out its and I it sounds so stupid explaining it and it is stupid and it was like the shampoo shoes one I don't know if you remember that one you told me about it yeah there's no real punchline it's just like my friend Theo is playing a guy on Cameron he's just calling do a guy off-screen who's just like David like come in here take a look I'm not coming in no please and then at the end he goes like it's a stupid idea no please come here Ricky shampoo shoes won't work and then it cuts to a shot of me walking and I had two bottle of shampoo taped to my feet so then when I stepped they would go like squirt hard across it and it's just me it's like Ricky they won't work and I walk in it so why not as they're just obliterating in my kitchen and it was like everyone's just like [ __ ] hey I must have watched that video 40 times like this is nobody sounds hilarious yeah it sounds good maybe I mean come together in the video but like goddamn didn't that video get deleted that one did get delete a number of my videos shampoo come after you there's like you're not representing our brand this is we didn't give you our permission to just have shampoo not having on your feet that's somehow shampoo is meant to be used in your our hands and then you put on your head yeah but yeah sure it's actually but that's why you shampoo is you put it on your hands and then you wipe it off in your hair so it's not on your hands anymore right that's what shampoo is no you're thinking you're thinking of a towel you would wipe off your hand not your hair your hair isn't what you use to wipe off things well that's what I thought you get the shampoo on your hands and you know like what do I do with this so you just go kay so your thought process is here's a bottle of shampoo I'm gonna put it in my hands and then now I have to figure out what to do with this yeah why did you put in your hands in the first place to clean my hands is that not check can you smooth yeah go ahead it's gonna smell like shampoo I'm telling you that right now okay alright it smells like gym bud yeah and they can they smell at home viewers yes we attack the link in the description you can scratch down there it should smell it yeah pine saw we use this pine solon we contacted the person that did the Spy Kids for smell a division thing so we did yeah they did you know I not tell you that sorry I started to drop this amazing wall right now but not drop the ball this I guess should communicate more yeah we should talk more about the podcast that we're doing don't you live together yeah but plenty of opportunities I imagine to discuss these we set up a barrier so that when we had to use the shared space that we wouldn't interact so it's like a line going through the kitchen I could have two fridge he gets after fries that's why were four originally and then we were like I guess we could use them as a podcast set but they go right back to dividing us even down the hallway we divide up the hallway because I don't want to see them on the way there as I imagine it makes it very narrow yeah it's a narrow hallway you got a you got a shimmy kinda like a video game basically leaning against the wall yeah like some sort of weird cover system yeah it's like kind of charted for when you got to do it except there's no stakes and I'm just trying to avoid Gus yeah it's really rough we can't have anybody over down the hall that weighs over 120 pounds and myself I weigh 210 pounds so I can't get down there I've been sitting in the kitchen we both weigh more than that so we can't get to our rooms but it's so we actually spend up or spending way more time together because we can't go through the dividers yeah basically oceans we'll spend all of our time together yeah okay well see that's what I'm getting at and that's what I assumed that was a roundabout way of saying you do spend a lot of time you don't seem to just talk there like we said that you said the opposite no we just talked about how much time we spend together Spy Kids did you ever watch Spy Kids 4 no I don't either that's not my Spy Kids you references are not my kids we're just seeing the trailer for it that was why I think I had it didn't have different kids right yeah it's different here Emily I think Jessica Alba was the mom yeah what the hell is that okay well then I gotta watch it hey I was just trying to there's a little bit of shampoo left I was just trying to wipe it in your head you got my kids for all the time in the world that's the title of Spy Kids 4 horrible guess what it has on Rotten Tomatoes mmm I love games like this almost in the same digit range 22% around Tomatoes oh I was closer Drew's guests was every reviewer was like this is worth three movies like it's like I just I feel like I just watched three classic movie this is the Godfather trilogy I guess the third doesn't work this is back to the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy what we're saying as Spy Kids 4 is the Lord of the Rings the Lord of the Rings wait Ricky Gervais cz's in Spy Kids 4 well now I'll [ __ ] watch it Joel McHale is one of the other DES what I didn't want to the other day or one of the other day it's very progressive no but like I should have I didn't watch this movie I kinda want to watch it just to see how bad it is but I feel like I'd be too disappointed can we already know how bad it is it's 22% bad that's true can you Amazon order their smellivision or was that as strictly in theaters it's a plug-in thing that was a thing no I'm not making that up really oh yeah where they had this like lottery ticket things there's like [ __ ] scratch this now and you look at the name of it I think it was called smell smell-o-vision I wonder if it's on the I just control F oh yeah smellivision yes I just throw type smell do you guys ever worry that technology peaked at scratch and sniff and now we're will never top that every day yeah specifically with sniff technology all everything else seems to be developing incredibly but I would agree yes specifically that yeah you think you know me to sniff without the scratch so good well I think that's it so intuitive because sometime you don't want to sniff it all the time so do initiate the the sniff with the scratch oh my god dude I'm sorry to interrupt look at this [ __ ] kid Tony I don't want to be the guy that makes you like put a bunch of graphics in but can you please put the Spy Kids 4 look how big his [ __ ] eyes are the boy's eyes is that just me are those enormous eyes like the blacks of his eyes I mean I think I'm a little too far from it you don't need to put it closer I would like physically can't yeah Tony will watch his back his eye he looks like a doll like they just over brushed these kids yeah sometimes uh pictures like that will surface where you see the before and after the Photoshop and it's like why did they make there was one recently they made someone's head bigger do you know what I'm talking about um it was like vaguely yeah I don't I can't think Megamind no that's the plot of a movie it was in the specifically in the poster it was it was like Tom Cruise or someone they just made their head bigger and the original one it's like and someone was just like why did they make their head bigger but it's like because you can you got to get people into the theater yeah he loses a recognizability you want to be able to see from a mile away yeah poster did you see the ready player one poster with his leg he's on a ladder and they for some reason extended photoshopped his leg to go down like two ladder spaces from where a normal leg would be oh yeah he's got like a super long leg for no reason that's weird yeah it's so weird I feel like I see a few of those like especially on reddit like every year where they're like what happened with this movie poster yeah and even if it's not like a triple a movie title it's like who the [ __ ] does how many people did this have to go past be like yup yep and a couple of dummies on the Internet can immediately be like that's horrible yeah yeah I don't get that do they not have enough assets when they shoot like photo stuff in their site I don't know we got to stretch it the head's too small I don't it's I tell you Tom like no please I have a good head what do you what do you say is that how he sounds yeah Tom Cruise that's every top good that was my admission impossible fallout was good because you just like helicopter oh there's no action that movie just kind of says he said it describes what it would like if he was doing this type of this imagine helicopter he breaks he breaks the fourth wall no okay picture this look flaming airplanes overhead boom I jump out of one Tom Cruise actually on it not Gigi ah yeah end credits about being better boom you know it is home with you yeah his classic catchphrase yeah Tom Cruise it let's hear from Tom Cruise everybody Tom Cruise I have another question drill okay and then I do have I do have some questions for you but we'll go Gators one of this one specifically was if just for people that don't know you had another blow-up thing happen what was it two three months ago the Jake Paul video was longer than that but it was analyst it feels like it was only a couple months but I think it was like yeah things like okay so you went to cops Jake ball concert in Orlando and you filmed it and did this great video about it where you narrated it and like what happened and gave backstory for a lot of it I wanted to ask like two things of what we're going through your head while you were there I'm like two aspects of the video you were planning on making and also being a grown man at a Jake Paul concert cuz there's no way you weren't thinking something about oh for sure um I mean it was it was a it was a it's like walking into another world going to a Jake Paul concert you're taller than everybody there's just the kids outside were screaming and you didn't know why it's just they're just this is just how they lived their lives as they scream when they get excited and so I I knew going into it I was I wasn't gonna do like a vlog because no one wants to see poorly filmed footage from something that's just like the sound and then it's me and I'm like Here I am it's like I'm gonna like paint the picture hmm but it was it was weird it was definitely weird to be there a lot of parents though so I wasn't like the only adult but I was like but so you had kids and then parents and the only one like in between yeah but it's hard to spot because they might just assume you have a kid right yeah yeah exactly and also I one thing I do remember having a thought the whole time like how many people like me are here ironically like just to see the train wreck hmm because there surely I wasn't the only one there's no way yeah I feel like how much were the tickets um like 25 30 bucks I mean that's reasonable I got any credit but Jake Paul was performing at a theater around here and I didn't make videos about it and just wanted to kind of go to see it yeah I'm like you wanted to go as well I would go I pay the 25 bucks just to like yeah cuz I'm just have you guys ever done something like that like gone to a movie you knew was gonna be so bad so you not even think of or any watch it at home but like I still like I don't know I can't go to a bad movie knowing it's bad that's just me being a pretentious yeah I was I remember my friend and I were gonna see it was Dominion know the emoji movie we really want we were gonna see that we were gonna like get a little drunk and then go see it and just we and then we never did and I'm very thankful that we didn't because it was like a funny idea to do that but yeah so maybe thinking back maybe there weren't a lot of people like I'm sure a lot of people wanted to go but they were happy to have like a video resource so one thing also is though I don't know how many people who would go ironically like we're aware of the tour cuz like I didn't know about the 200 videos about them yeah you have a good way of like finding stuff that nobody else finds I think so exactly yeah I mean obviously yeah now it's the tour but like yeah the only one I didn't even know until you told me before the video came out that you went to it I didn't know he was on to her oh yeah yeah cuz I think I I don't even know how I learned about it he might have just tweeted about it or something but uh yeah cuz I think at that point too he was Jake Paul goes in waves to of relevance you know he'll [ __ ] up everyone was talking about in four months and then we're like we're done with the Paul's and then a month will go by or whatever and then everyone's like he did what and then you know so and I think that was there was a while where no one was everyone's like okay we get it he's done all the dumb things he can do and then lo and behold you know oh he did it concert and it's terrible and let's laugh at how bad it is what I like so much about that video being one that blew up more on your channel do you know what the views are at right now I think it hit like 4 million okay like so huge come yeah it's my most viewed um what I like so much about that video was it was so different from regular commentary videos because you had to make it that way cuz you recorded all that footage and normally I mean I've never seen a video of somebody narrate a live event like that yeah that's why I liked it so much yeah I felt really good about that I was I have the whole time I was making I was like I don't know if people are gonna like this I'd like it's kind of weird like there were times but that's part of the creative process to is you're just like this this is good or maybe this sucks I don't know let me spend another week on and then we'll find out all at once but yeah I was like well I'm not gonna vlog it like I said it's not my style is like I like to talk about stuff so it was almost like I created my own thing to react to what you normally i commentate on other things but it's almost you know I had my own footage it was really fun to do something like that and I'd like to do something like that again but I don't want to just like do it again because it works I want to find like the perfect thing yeah well what I like is it does seem specifically yours like that thing seems if I saw somebody else do something like that I would think like oh it's just copying oh yeah because he is Jay Paul videos like I would even even if you I mean I still think trusting your judgment I'm like what you think would be worth it but I would like to see a video like that again because I can't really see anything like that anywhere else yeah I mean I thought about specifically the the dobre brothers are going on tour and a part of me wants to go that'd be like a good follow up and I have some if I do go to another sorry good if I do go to another youtuber concert I have some like bits in mind that would work they're kind of universal bits that don't aren't specific to anyone and I'm excited for that but the dole braids are I don't know I don't if I wanna do that what like I was really excited to do that what do you guys think about that like the dough braids we had talked in the group chat about we said I just like we were talking about they actually do have a talent and then said yeah it's a visual yeah I think going is still worth it and writing it I don't know about how the concert would be I'm still curious and I still want to hear you talk about it so honestly even if it was like a decent show they put on I'd probably like to hear I talk about it either way it doesn't have to be a like a scathing review yeah it's like it's not petty to point out I'm sure there would be flaws you know I assume right and it's not petty just be it was a dumb shirt like I'm sure there would be pretty obvious things that you're like dissect them it could bits about - yeah I'd watch it I click it the weird thing about their tour is they are because they're they're fans are I think even younger than the Paul fans they're only doing weekend shows because it's this back to school now and they're only doing daytime shows so all of their tour is like six months long but there's only like 25 shows because they can only do Saturday and Sunday then the next Saturday and Sunday next cetera so like from where it starts by the time it gets to Florida it's like four months in so that was part of my process it was like well surely someone will have talked about it by then yeah which means I had to fly to the very first one so that's a big commitment and these guys are more naturally talented than them all brother so they're also not as hateable I made a video on them recently and going into it I was like oh yeah I'm gonna find some stuff no one else is talking about these guys and then everyone was like everyone already talked about the dough Berets and like and I was thinking well I did different stuff it was also like they don't have the because they're just dumb they're not like mean you know they don't have the the thing that the Paul brothers like everyone is still interested in the Paul brothers because they're just so shitty yeah the dough boys are just like awkward you know yeah that's famous in spite of it so I don't I've gone back and forth I think if I do do it I have to go to like the first one I'm not sure when it starts exactly I do know they promote the [ __ ] out of it cities across the entire country mm-hmm how do they travel for that if it's gonna take them that long like are they just trying so they must they must do a lot of back-and-forth trips yeah they do yeah just every week that's like alright Friday night we're gonna go fly to wherever and then you know Sunday night we fly back home it would sound so much worse than just oh yes Oh game over over with yeah just like one two straight months of just almost every day yeah I mean it sounds so much where they do those vlogging you know like they're in different places and [ __ ] but also it's like you're doing mentally you're like I'm doing the show for six months and it's like you've just it's a kid show [ __ ] you know yeah yeah maybe it would be better to go to one of the later once then when they're so like they're so [ __ ] done yeah yeah the first one they're they're gonna do their best and it's gonna be a pretty good show I'm sure but like compared to laughs yeah see if the Magic's gone wow that's actually brilliant I might that's not a bad idea I'll take just like 25 percent max of the CPM on that of the yeah I was here I'll take like five max you that's it idea but all our vipers five percent talk I'm gonna take five dollars for it five percent is always less than five but why didn't you just say five dollars I make about eight dollars every video really yeah I am double digits do no no that's a call I have a question and not to be repetitive but I guess oh Jesus Christ anything but I and you can ask your question first but I do have some questions for you guys okay I just wanna okay but go ahead now at this point I'm assuming I even a bit you actually do have a question even though the question could be a bit I have a question for you okay this is to [ __ ] talking to you don't have to answer but like you deal a lot with like people who are foolish and problematic and like idiots on your channel you like dissect them and stuff yeah is there a person or a channel that bothers you the most or that you think is the most problematic out of just the people I've yeah the people or even the people like I'm sure that you probably wanted to do something and then everybody else has already like cover them stuff too right who bothers you and the bothersome pool of people yeah it almost does get to a point after a while where it's like it starts to feel petty with commentary where it's like not everybody is doing [ __ ] up [ __ ] all the time you know that's why I know it's I'm saying the Paul Brothers a lot but they're a good example of someone who's like they were consoling doing shitty things so it's not just that they're bad in general it's like they did this oh and now they did this now they did this you know the dead fluence scam that I made a video about that was something that really bothered me because it's like this is just legit scam there's no even like fun spin on it it's just you're you charging people money and then being like actually to get the thing I promise you you got to pay eight times as much money so that bothered me did I mention something yeah yeah just if you just yeah well nerd city's new video if you guys haven't seen it is great I'm Jake it's 43 minutes and it does not feel that long at all well what's yet what's crazy about that and I can't recommend this video now if it's like you'd think at in September of 2018 a 43 minute Jake Paul video there's no way that that is new information in it there's no way that there's only new information and yet everything in that it's fresh everything in that videos yeah I heard I mean that's why the worst thing I'm banking off of there's evidence in nerd cities video of child abuse yeah that's he's screaming in baby's face as he's chasing a child that doesn't want to be chased and like obviously filming laws of being broken for like child labor stuff or just like having a baby work in a video yeah it's it's weird the what he uncovered in that video sort of like as YouTube continues to grow and become so business you know minded or whatever it's very similar to television and yet television has all these regulations then YouTube doesn't have because it's just like broadcast yourself but it's not really bad anymore especially at that level so there's a there's I don't know I think something will things will start to change in that regard yeah I love that approach to it too because it's like and maybe I haven't seen anything like I do think that there is nothing like this though in terms of like a Jake Paul I won't even call it like a commentary video like that's like a full document yeah it's journalism it's it's full-on journalism I've never seen such a concentrated approach to to being like this is legally why it's bad not just like this is predatory like this I don't like leus yeah it's so unregulated like you said like something's gotta give honestly I think one thing about that video is a lot of the the stuff with the kids and it were just to clear it up for people who haven't seen there are moments where Jake filmed with two twin babies and he's like yelling in their face to make them cry and like at one point he is like trying to be fun and chased this kid around that's clearly like scared of them and a lot of those I can even though it would still make the case for it I can go like oh well that's because Jake [ __ ] idiot but there's one specifically where he has like candy it looks like a cake pop or something that the babies are clearly eating and Jake in front of them bends over and is eating it and taunting them in front of it and it's like you're just a piece of [ __ ] like you're on purpose making this bait who's crying the baby's crying and he's like eating their food out of their hands it's just like that is evil that's an evil thing I didn't even have a brain that would tell you to do that yeah you're literally taking candy from a baby and eating it in front of the child do you think that's where that expression yeah from Jake I believe it's only a year or two old that it could you know I feel like I've been here for decades yeah centuries even right you've been hearing it for centuries yeah how old are you again well I think that's pretty personal very inappropriate wrap up quick if we keep that up honestly is it in the double digits or seven or eight digits roughly seven or eight digits down now do you think four eight digits for him that's a different value of digits than actual eight yeah I think that would like 16 yeah okay what's up did you just miss all that you have headphones even if you were looking away you it fed back we keep discussing you looking at something that there's not really anything about there's lights there's flies going on in here flies yep I haven't seen a fly in here in a while yeah I've been here for a couple days haven't seen one fly you guys keep this place spotless I have to come in to you but where were you looking at what were you looking at I don't know guys come on out this is surprise it's a supplies whoo yeah I got also saying that joke what's you got it formed or just your ulcer that was currently in your breast yeah [Laughter] drew did you say you had a question for us I did but if please if you guys have any more questions for me I do have more but we can bounce back and forth yeah um what is what is this for wonder my why am I here what am i doing that's my one quick first question well usually we would record these we just kind of toss it after just kind of test out the microphone so this is gonna go for a while and then like I usually like I transfer the footage to the SD card I put it on Google Drive I give it to our editor you know he downloads it he edits it he sends it back to me okay I have him wipe his computer of all the footage and then I put it on back on the SD card I mean on a flash drive and I break it just kind of a fun way to keep everyone on their toes just practice what we're good at yeah oh so the I'm good at transferring footage and breaking things either so this isn't like an Instagram thing no no no absolutely I thought we were just taking a photo Oh thought this was a freer Instagram a photo for my Instagram is that not what a podcast is no no it's much longer I don't think even IG TV could have the whole episode it was like a wider aspect ratio like a 16 minutes just now no cuz you don't have to just do squares anymore do you okay so do that it's been a while when you film one of your videos what is that there's a series of Instagram movie started these new Instagram all of your Instagram videos have been yeah yeah yeah it's very expensive watch that you do you said you subscribe yeah oh yeah I watch that currently right Tom Cruise going behind those airplanes you trying to pretend that you didn't just say Tom Cruise trying to blow up vision to possible sorry you know they can rewind and see that you guys are wine everybody watching so heck if you're what Gus said it was Tom Kuno if you're on a desktop definitely don't hit Jay a couple times right now that'd be a poor choice and then hit L to catch up so you know it sounds like you're also advocating for what we were talking also you seem to know a lot about keyboards for someone who doesn't know how to Google search that what better call back to my call back was because mine was aggressive [ __ ] I got a P a lot but I have more questions oh you have two right now yeah okay that was just my first question I could swing I could swing another and now that I kind of know that what this is I actually think my questions are better suited Eddie I showered in your shower view how hours ago I peed in it okay I'm fine I'm no bits on foot that's fine I didn't ask a question yet Oh setting up excited I peed in it is that okay yes okay still that's fine he said it's still okay yeah cool I'm really it's not an issue it's that's one thing I'm not grossed out by oh do you pee in the shower yourself yeah I do exclusively I honestly would say that I peed in almost every shower I've ever been in yeah yeah it's not even like a joke man that's just like the truth you ever peed in the sink well that's different yeah I have I've eaten everything I've ever seen yeah yeah when I yeah I pee in the sink I've peed in sinks before I had a friend who said that he as he would worked at a job for a long time and one day he peed in the sink and one of the other employees were there - those no avoiding saying that dude's dick well it's not even about that it's the fact that he's pee no I know the entire situation is walking in that only are you seeing them from behind Peter sank but you make eye contact with them through the mirror and see the front yeah you and he said that was like the one and only time he ever did it but that's really of course that's what he'd say cuz yeah I can't believe you caught me the one time are you peeing in the sink I've never done this before how did I get here I was on my lunch break and now I'm here I know you're not paying this no I've had to do it before my eyes like you've had to yeah I've had to do it like like gun to your head situation well a hostage situation I began to sing I can't go on other people are watching like I'll do it but ya know I've and truthfully I've not done it here I won't do it here but I've been like sometimes I've been like at an Airbnb or something like people get back and it's like everyone goes to the bathroom I'm [ __ ] P N Sync I did last time Sabrina and I were at the Airbnb the kitchen sink I Pina kitchen sink last time on Terry be are you no I'm not like him not to know yes he didn't someone's once I peed in a kitchen sink was it the Airbnb was yes it was the Airbnb situation sank dude I had to go like nuts and there was nowhere else and it was in the middle of a city pee it's a drain it'll go there what I did afterwards it was I rinsed it and it took some done dish soap and a paper towel and that's not that's not doesn't eat bleep yes did you see what Dawn dish soap did all those BP animals with oil think about it now I'm not saying I would do that I'm not saying that it's good that you did that but it's one of those things like if you run the water while you're doing it I definitely did that also because you would have heard me peeing in the sink yeah I mean I was thinking about it for sanitary purposes right right yeah cuz yeah because like its if you pee in a sink and then don't touch it for a few days and let it dry up yeah and then lazily clean it sure yeah that's pretty bad no that's bad and I like I aim to it's rain - I mean I didn't like get all over ya like I pulled up a chair and I stood on the chair and I peed into the drain hole my thing though was my reaction of it was it wasn't your home and it's not like a hotel or like a public bathroom that gets routinely cleaned like you were staying in somebody else's in place and you peed and they're saying is you're it was your name on that Airbnb sabrina's was so I'm fine okay cool yeah as long as you should have said that first I would have thought oh well then it's Sabrina's been peeing everywhere dating a guy I mean like if the owner was watching this or like that does Gus Johnson well he'd have to come a long way cuz I was in Canada okay take so long you shouldn't give up on him Oh Canada come on I like to see him try where I stayed at this street in this floor his name isn't Jeff Miller well actually I thought what you meant was because weren't you guys staying at in this apartment complex as an Airbnb oh yeah not the source I thought that's what you meant and then moved in just here that's why you got there have a unit available it says it's been marked it's a new system that it says hi mark I really wanted to check out other places but he's like a did I already peed no yeah this sucks but you had already marked it yeah we were stuck yeah just like general background stuff drew how did you get into making stuff on the internet starting with like fine just really anything if you did like YouTube when you were younger or just like how did you start making stuff and putting it out yeah well I actually I I remembered this recently and I need I want to make a youtube video on this but my first foray into YouTube I feel like everyone you know even people who do YouTube now this isn't their first attempt at you oh yeah like this is this is version you know 4.0 whatever my first foray into YouTube was around that time Kingdom Hearts 2 came out okay and I was inspired by a similar series I saw that this where someone would take not the English subtitles or the english cutscenes from Kmart shoot with the Japanese and then they would place the subtitles with their own funny words they would create their own story I did that I made like 30 episodes of that when windows movie maker when I was 12 or 13 I want to see you make a video I I will I will react to them because there's I think I watched one of them recently and they're like paint aggressively unfunny how long were they like just the volume of a cutscene er yeah cuz I remember I got them all from like KH vids dotnet it was harder to get clips back then you couldn't just like type conversion or whatever and it's a YouTube URL and then find a website it's like so I just went with whatever the pre-existing length of the clips were so probably eight to ten minutes each day so that's a lot of content thirty of those eight to ten minutes over the course of like a year I remember I remembered the might so I had my first YouTube account was with the URL with xigbar 18 and xigbar is a character in in Kingdom Hearts and that was what my thing was in jig he's one of the organization organization 30 guys - they all run together because they all have like xemnas his name xigbar zig yeah dingbat was fry the worst he'd what was his power again they just like threw bad he just threw bad to people yeah and I remember throwing up a lot too yes like this character doesn't fit that's I was weird so I want the zig Bart so that anyway so I put my at a time and I think that's still the case you have to be 13 to sign up for a YouTube account and I put that I was I was 12 at the time and I put my actual birthday and it let me make an account I was like okay well that's cool I told the truth you know and then a few months in my account just got deleted hmm and I realize it's because I broke the Terms of Service by being like they must have initiated a thing where it's like whoops we accidentally let people who aren't 13 make an account and so we had to delete it and I cried I had like I had almost 100 subscribers and that was huge for me yeah or maybe it was even less it was like 50 70 any of that it's still like people are watching this that I don't know personally and there they found this and they think I'm funny it was huge deal and I cried when I got deleted and I just I just made a new account I think the series was called pathetic hearts like Kingdom Hearts with like that are you getting I just didn't you didn't say that you liked it though you just say that you get it i strictly get it I understand it now let's see if doubling down seems like he's maybe saying it yeah that's fine we don't need to explore I think I didn't continue with that yeah so you liked it Gus likes the name a lot synthetic hearts yes is what I call it so I just name the new account that which was more on brain anyway it worked out in the end I think I did surpass my number of followers and I think the most views I ever gone in a video was like a thousand but that was amazing my most viewed video was called Winnie the [ __ ] and it was one clip from Kingdom Hearts 2 where Sora first meets Pooh again because they're friends in the first night you guys don't know the Lord Kingdom Hearts so in the first one you you find the book you find the Pooh book and you find all the torn pages and then who remembers all of his friends and stuff and then he remembers you and you and Sora you the main character and Pooh are friends but the second one the book gets ripped oh again it's basically the same story twice as what they did with het with that series and so Sora goes in sees Pooh and he's like hey Pooh I we're friends how's it going and poo is just doing his little exercises he doesn't know who saw it so he already has sort of this like you know off put or off putting attitude or whatever standoffish attitude and so I just made every word he said like just curse words it was just like [ __ ] you poop [ __ ] and I thought it was edgy you know cuz I was 12 and that got a thousand views what's that what is if that's not was that your first like whoa like whoa numbers things um probably yeah damn yeah I love it do you know do you remember your first like oh my god like numbers thing yeah it was I hate to talk about this I just did you hear what I just talked about yeah it's not it's now but there was a time in my high school when when I funny was a normal app that like if anybody doesn't know you could post pictures videos and gifts on it you work for I funny no okay and did I use it no I'm saying dude because what you described is like you can post but you see I'm saying if somebody hasn't used the context got it got yeah thing is download it and find out first right it's really free download a lot of good content on there and so at the time it wasn't like a bunch of kids it was just for my high school like people used it and they had like the 20 funny pictures gifts videos of the day or whatever and I had the idea where I was like well I want to make I've been making like short sketches with my friend for a while and I was like if we make like a movie trailer version for that app like just kind of take things from the app and make it do you know at the time those were like really popular and I was like well then they're gonna feature it for sure which would mean like a lot of people would see it so we did that and we went from in one day I think we went from like 250 subs to like 3500 so like we had that I remember it was soon after GTA 5 came out and I was playing GTA with my friends and just checking it and be like guys can you [ __ ] believe this like this is insane and I think the video got up like 70,000 views but then and also I used what I thought was real tea free music but you know before you know anything about that stuff and it wasn't so it got taken down where I had to take it down myself because I was like we're at the I want to monetize her stuff but I can't do it because of this song so I did just like delete the video which ended up being a good thing but that was I never came back from deleting the I funny videos yeah well except this until this podcast you're kind of this is like your guys I'm back yeah even last episode every pound let anything you've seen for me in the past couple of years I was still sad and wasn't back but Here I am guys i funny trailer 2 is coming out thank god he's back I remember my first one was like mine was less like fun to track like not a day like oh my god I just had like coming into like high school I had started making just little goofy they were definitely sketches they were not good I would just make him at home and edit him and my grandpa's computer in his back room it sounds a little sketchy but I had a video from like a couple years before and was at a talent show and me and my friend Joe had like done a cover of every rose has its thorn and purely by luck and keywords and people accidentally stumbling onto [ __ ] I remember like I look back and that video had like 1,100 views I was just like oh my god this is nuts I just lost it it was so cool the minimum thousands were such a big deal when you're starting out like just seeing the comma he's like yeah oh yeah exactly the the next biggest milestone I had I I cuz you thought pathetic hearts now that's brandable I like that it can't get any better than that right let's see the thing with that is it works with just about any game you just replaced the first part of the name of the game with pathetic and that was when Brandon I played runescape for a long time so I had a second channel called pathetic scape and I do not remember what my videos were but except for one I think I did joke videos or something I don't know like runescape related I'll have to look it up again but I know that I had one video there was a new skill that was introduced in the game summoning and I did a low-level summoning guide like it was just it was just strictly a tutorial I didn't talk in it because I was too self-conscious so it's just like text it was like the least helpful thing in the world it had like I want to say like sixty thousand views at one point well damn dude that is pretty nuts yeah this if you search like summoning died or whatever it just ended up being one of the first ones and so I was like I checked a couple years later and I was like oh my god I remember this having like a few thousand I was sixty thousand yeah that's a no that's a Great Dane blowing 1314 yo you're older whatever yeah I love I wish I could hear more of these beginner things when I was starting out on YouTube because you just think like well like you look at people that are so much bigger and you think that they just like made an account and then it got big but that's not even close to what happens especially when you're like even if somebody's 17 it actually doesn't even matter the age but I feel like that's when I was really wanting to do it more than ever but also was not funny at all and could didn't have anything that I was doing that was my own you know what I mean we're just kind of like I hope that some people might watch this that are younger it'd be like oh right now cuz things aren't blowing up like you can keep trying and doing it if you believe yeah how long was it for you like oh man well because time is different to when you're not like if you started this as an adult you know like five years of that because that's a long time but like if you're a kid it's just like you just learning you're practicing and stuff like I started posting to youtube when I was 10 and I haven't felt confident in my videos until I was 21 and that's now oh yeah like until the last year I've been like okay now my stuff is like my own and good mm-hmm but like not good like I'm not no yes like but yeah so I think now it's something that like I figured out kind of my voice with stuff and I I like what I'm making and everything like that but that's you know that's 11 years right there's there's definitely a process I think it's I I don't know if this is true but I feel like it might be harder to well algorithmically it's not because I think it's easier now than it's ever been to start a channel and do what other people are doing that's successful and just blow up you see teenagers do a thing very much now where they make content that is like oh you're just trying to basically it's almost like when you you trace a drawing they're doing that but with and it's like you're not being yourself which is like that's I guess that's that almost sounds harsh to say about a teenager because that's part of the process of like you try what other people do that you want to emulate and then you do and then you learn from there but it's also like you just see all these clones it's like they're doing the exact same thing as someone bigger than them but worse that's the state of the algorithm right now is yeah is before when we were younger I think we both talked about we kind of copied Julian Smiths videos of like we were so inspired by them we really loved them but the algorithm wouldn't go oh they make Julian Smith stuff let's show every person who subscribed to Julian Smith but that's what happens now is like if somebody likes say commentary videos and they want to make one like the person that they watch the algorithm will be like well this is exactly what we were waiting for so let's just as the same there's a person talking and then there's a they cut to a video that's another video and they're saying things about it I think more specifically well what I'm thinking of is these like not even successful accounts because there are accounts or users or whatever where it's like oh I don't know how you got all these subscribers but it's like I'll find these very obscure like vloggers like 20 there's one I will never release it to the world because it's it would be bullying but there's I'm a man and I found this channel and we love watching them so much because they're they're so visibly like they don't like YouTube but they do it and they do like mukbangs and they do challenges and they do pranks and it's like every video they start with like hey guys so we didn't really know what to do for this video so we asked you and then so we're doing and then at the end they're like so let us know what you want to see us do it's like they're putting themselves into a position where they're like just we'll do whatever you say yeah I can't imagine going into YouTube they all see someone unhappy doing I can't imagine going into YouTube which is supposed to be like broadcast yourself it's yourself - it's you and just being like well do what you want me to do mm well you guys were able to it like that so yeah they seemed to they seemed to take turns we away overanalyze this but they seem to take turns like one one of them will be really into and the other ones like clearly he doesn't want to do it and then sometimes she's like oh they're always pranking each other it's like see the pranks are real are they faking pranks well it's if they're faking it they would do a better job I think they're real they're one of the few pranks that are actually real because it's so like did the person giving the prank gets so giggly after like a minute I just I could hear you I was just pretending to ignore you like okay that that's the video then yeah that's I mean that's odd cause like I don't think even from what you're describing their goal is like to get famous it was just like I guess they liked doing YouTube no they don't know what tumare goal I think they do they've talked about how their dream job is to be a youtuber okay yeah so that's the goal they want the fame they want the lifestyle that they perceive a youtuber has but they're not enjoying any of it and you're not even it's like they just think that if we if we do this then we'll get that but it's like you can but do your own version of it yeah you don't have to just do things so that other people are doing but then you know that's they're also they're young in this part of the process actually they're not even that young if you're like 13 14 17 whatever it's totally different you're still figure yourself out but they're like 22 yeah I could even make the argument to that like and that it depends genre to genre to that it's it's not even that like do it your own way it's just like if you really do it good like with sketches and stuff like a lot of my [ __ ] is not like super unique it's just like well I had a funny idea I mean you could make a funny sketch too and like not even put your own spin on it - I'm sure you have a clear voice in your videos though I think when you're seeing a sketch of yours it's like I don't know if I could pin it down to specific things but when I'm watching a video of yours I know it's one of your videos because Gus is in the first frame when I get in you're like I know that guy's a minute so I think that's Gus let me check you scroll down oh it was uploaded by Gus Johnson that's good giving a really nice compliment to Gaza now being like dude I only thought it was Gus cuz I saw his face yeah I think you should just embrace it that was your original take yeah that's what it was I yeah my voice I meant hearing your voice and I was like oh [ __ ] he's not talking to me it's radio I'm watching mm-hmm Thank You Eddie that's nice of you to say yeah it came from the heart okay from your mouth [ __ ] I thought it comes from your ass from my Winnie the ass nice what would you say then like this is such a generic shitty question that you'd see in like a Hollywood Reporter thing like we painted veins when you get but like what would you give to like maybe kid that's in middle school or high school that's like all right I'll try this I don't really know what I'm looking for like just yeah don't be afraid to fail you know it's like that's kind of the theme of what we were talking about it's like it takes a while you know if you're young yeah there's nothing wrong with I don't mean to [ __ ] on those those two people there's nothing wrong with doing that and but if you don't like it then don't do it I guess it'd be the takeaway from that it's not just that they're bad and they continue said they don't like it they're not having fun so if you're not having fun and you think you just want to be a youtuber if I just grind it out then I'll have fun because I'm making money that's not how it works you should be having the most fun when you start and then having less fun as you get more famous because now it's work and it's and you have anxiety about it and it's no longer just it should start out fun yeah it's not fun now it's only going to get harder it's only going to that's the most fun I had and I still have a lot of fun making videos especially when we all make stuff together cuz it's very like loose and everything like that but yeah the most fun I had making videos was when like there was no stakes at all no job stakes or know like people commenting and no pressure like to be better than I was a month ago and stuff like that yeah I think it's for young people it's yeah you have to enjoy it right away and if your goal is like man this sucks but if I grind it and then I'll be famous you got stopped yeah and then like why are you doing this why are you doing something where it's just work at that point so just do something else yeah you yeah maybe I enjoy more or enjoy as a little but you're gonna get money right away because it's a job you know I'm waiting to maybe one day get money I don't know mm-hmm that's so true and this is I'm just rehashing exactly what you just said but there are no negative anything's at that purity of your life it's like everything is either nothing or like that's [ __ ] cool yeah like 100 subs Wow like everything is awesome it's just so fun to to like even if even like numbers aside you make something and then like I would always like sit at home and I'd like watch my videos like 20 times I made that's me up yeah Wow it's I still do that where I I get so sick of a video as I edit it and then as soon as it's on YouTube I will watch it on YouTube multiple times and I'm like now it's weird that once it's no longer on my Adobe timeline or my premiere timeline and it's just a mp4 on YouTube I'm like now I can watch this differently and it's I did it I made it that matters I think though cuz it's like when you're looking at it it's a bunch when you're editing it's a bunch of cut-up things that you could change at any moment and yeah when it becomes like an mp4 you're like all right here it is it's not anything small tweaking to do left here's the video that I made and I do like yeah I think that's why that feeling comes from it is cuz like I just keep when I watch it editing back I'm picturing it as like something I've pieced together rather than like yeah a thing right and yeah so that's if you don't have a feeling of like satisfaction when you're done don't don't do it or find something else to do on YouTube yeah yeah yeah like it seems like I've I'm just gonna maybe make a video about this too but like sometimes like somewhere to ask like for advice and stuff too and it's like well if you're not having fun with it this isn't the and like do all end all like oh [ __ ] why I didn't make it like doing YouTube well we'll have to settle for like this is you know we're an accountant yeah how or even near like the most interesting or like reliable job let alone like holy [ __ ] but it's like yeah this isn't everything you know maybe you're good at it maybe you like it if not that's totally cool there's other cool [ __ ] too well it's also not even just like a full blanket of like YouTube is one thing you can say you want to do vlogs and they're not working out but you do want to create stuff and have people watch it because like that's your passion the nice thing about YouTube start a new account or use that account and just make something new and see if that works like you don't it's YouTube is one thing of getting big on YouTube like it's a bunch of different stuff it's like putting a TV show genres like that's the only one you know what I mean yeah I guess I can't make cop shows yeah go to books yeah it's like a writer being on like a bad show and then being like well yeah the writing stuff didn't work out I guess I'm done yeah so actually guys interrupting me it I had some questions earlier I still had some more and we started talking about their startups yeah that's almost talking about that yeah I had another question this one's for Gus okay when I took a shower and your showers I pooped in the shower you just peed in that a shower well cuz I didn't have to poop I'm better I'm fine with that but you're asking Gus so I'm I question whether for you right now talking sorry go ahead Gus well I mean first of all Gus it's kind of a double whammy Gus the floor is yours go ahead answer the question green light you got it baby so um it's kind of a twofer guess you can what you got it let's go ahead and answer question and go and go okay huh that's really dry Eddie are you listening Gus is about hands with a question yeah I'm listening all right so Eddie Oh Gus well I it's kind of a twofer because I know that when you went poopoo that you probably also like Pete Pete as well no yeah you were able to localize just the feces there what two different body parts we clearly you don't have a cloaca but I just wondering like typically the systems are kind of linked though you know you taken you go number two yeah and yet when I peed in Eddie shower didn't poop oh well it's exclusively poop you have to pee too I think that's your own experience are you guys getting similar results I don't I'm not I was in your shower I peed in his shower one morning when I was in science huh same shower experience no you said fine our your janetti's but then like walking down the hall is that what that wet trail was yeah he said somebody that was still pee - yeah he did he pooed in your poo pooed in your shower yesterday anyway then I guess my question is how does that make you feel I mean well bad initial okay that's bad it's bad he feels bad did you clean up or did you have to clean up I already got the answer I needed why are we talking about this I just want to know that it made you feel bad yeah I mean I was getting it I did find the poop I wasn't putting two and two together yeah I knew it couldn't have been Eddie and I know it definitely wasn't me but I still the pieces weren't there I mean it could've been me I know your poop is more orange but this is a little kind of blue a little blue are you colorblind it sounds like you're colorblind what colors that Mike what is this right in front of you it's a orange okay sorry blood orange more kind of like a sunset you know what I'm saying okay what color is the cup it's a purple okay so he's colorblind yeah yeah confirm the colors that they are but you think you think that those are the color yeah I've accepted it did you do anything to the sink at all I know okay yeah I'm finally I'd be weird I'm still here here that's just a Canadian thing it's just a people visiting like a resident temporarily emigrating to Canada these things happen what's the fallout [ __ ] in my into my tub have you ever pooped your pants though yes yes you have yes do you care to share yes yes well there's a there's sharding and then there's poop in your pants what you guys agree that those are different I would yes cuz I've only pooped my pants once I've shard it a few times yeah poop is sort of like it's happening it's like it's it's it when you poop your pants that's an experience unlike anything because poop is so voluntary right you yeah go that you sit down and you engage it like you have to do it but you you start it right but when you poop your pants it's you're at the point where it your body just pushes it out of you it's insane whereas sharding is like you farted and there was oh that's it wasn't just what I thought it was right I've done that as recently as a few like a month ago I did a couple days ago yeah I'm not even doing a bit I don't I'm not either I did it one month ago yeah yeah at home and I waddled into the bathroom was like please please no a little bit of poop in there I've changed C's was the underwear way because I think well I have a terrible diet and then I'm dumb are the two things the pooping my pants in particular that's actually a pretty good story I don't know if I've talked about this anywhere before but almost 15 there's a whole there's actually a long sort of all condensed it because I was on this Roadtrip with with a bunch of people older than me and cooler than me that so basically the perfect setting and that breaks my heart I looked up to them and they were so funny I just wanted them to think about school how old were they were they also until I was 15 my sister is two years older than me was there her boyfriend who was several years older and then his friends everyone they're all like in their early 20s I'm 15 and you sure your basic freshman in high school yeah yeah I think going into my sophomore year okay yeah oh my god yeah so we were on a road trip I was actually a youtube related thing but that's a whole I'll just kind of condense the story because we don't need all the details but um so we're on a road trip were a few weeks in we're at going I think we were staying with one of their friends in Virginia and we went to DC for the day it was like a hour long bus ride or something and we had eaten so we did that we enjoyed the experience we eat at Fuddruckers first only time I've ever had Fuddruckers and then we get back on the bus the hour and a half long bus ride back to the parking garage where we had parked the car what question I've never been to Fuddruckers and for people it's just a burger specific it's like it's like a worse version of five guys I guess okay I don't yes I'm like that um you know you're familiar the burger I think so yeah why I understand there was no context it was a burger I had a burger I think you know and it didn't know didn't sit well anyway so we're on the bus the hour and a half long bus ride and you'd think that a bus ride that long like that typically does that would have a bathroom on it right oh yeah that's like too long to not have a bathroom but they didn't and I was like I kept saying guys I'm gonna [ __ ] my like I felt I'm gonna shave my pants I knew we had like 30 minutes left still lucky I didn't [ __ ] on the bus that would have oh my god that would been so much I've heard stories of like during I for some reason the first time I ever thought of that realized that's a possibility of I could have [ __ ] on the bus yeah God well just those bathroom buses I've heard like stories of like high school like chorus or something going to like long road trips and somebody using the bathroom and it being awful worse that's so embarrassing yeah yeah so I was like guys I'm gonna [ __ ] my pants and they would like they were like kind of laughing I remember cuz they thought I was joking but I kept saying it and they were like assuming I was joking right I wasn't joking mm-hmm I felt I've never felt like that like because any other time in my life I've had to [ __ ] really bad I've been closer to I've just done it right but I couldn't I was confined in a moving vehicle so we're surrounded by strangers and people I looked up to and then so we get to the parking lot the parking garage I've held it in this whole time I managed I I used muscles in my body I didn't think I had to contain that poop inside and then I'm like all right we're about 15 minutes from home I've already made it this far I think I got it and I was like I was like I like felt it like start to come out I just started like sprinting like towards like okay I'll go to a bush or something nearby and the whole time I'm sprinting it was coming out Oh solid or like oh not like insulation foam it was just like one solid turd I feel like that would be way less embarrassing I just would like yeah use like a leaf to like pull it out and throw it in the woods and then I'd have stinky underwear but it wouldn't be that bad but it was all over my leg it was like disgusting so I go to like the I'm like in the and here's the thing - luckily in the car we since we're on a road trip I had some clothes in there I had some extra clothes and stuff and and I think even like towels or you know something like that so it's like okay oh we had also a toilet paper in the car how convenient right not that it mattered it was already all over my leg but the best part of this I mean not in the best part but a good another great detail on top of all this is my my mom had turned off my cell phone by SIM card because we weren't texting her enough so she got mad I was like fine well you're not using your phone anyway so I'll turn on so I couldn't even like call my sister like hey can you bring me I had to sit in the elevator and just like cry for like 20 minutes while they're waiting for me in the car assuming I'm like [ __ ] successfully in a bush and and they were like I was weird you didn't take the toilet paper and then I kind of like waddle back after building up the courage and like I should make in front of everybody you had to say it in front of and so I I just grabbed some I think I grabbed my suitcase out of the car and went and I just like used all these different shirts and stuff to wipe up this [ __ ] and I smelled like [ __ ] on the ride home I went in the eye I threw most of those clothes away I went into the shower and I was in there for like an hour and a half just a shame mmm and because I had to clean up all the poop that was on still on my leg and it had dried up at that point a little bit to his disgust at my home gross it was embarrassing it was everything you can imagine and the icing on the cake I think was that I couldn't even like call my sister you know can you just bring cuz yeah I found my heart that's [ __ ] really do get better that's really great advice for aspiring youtubers I think is if you're currently listening to this and also [ __ ] your pants in front of a bunch of people maybe one day you'll have a lot of YouTube subscribers and there's nothing there's no correlation the only correlation between those two things is that they both happen to me there's no like connection there but that if it happens once it can happen together yeah connect so if you've reasonably [ __ ] yourself get ready get around is that would you say that's the most uncomfortable you've ever been ever um that's definitely one of them I think so Jimmy other's $1 I don't know if I could top that that's that's a story I've been saving for so long I am too that's just it doesn't get more uncomfortable now that is emotionally right I'm like I like I said the I thought these guys were so funny and cool and they're all you know how it is it'd be a teenager and your your your older sibling has friends and you just want them to think you're cool and for the most part I mean I wasn't very funny at the time but like I felt like I'm fitting in pretty well considering about two years younger than them and then I did the comically worst thing you could do yeah the most embarrassed yeah you could not think of anything worse right especially you did like announce it to them that yeah we're back and again looking at me and I'm still in this situation and sit in the car with them on the way back knowing that I'm the whole car smells like [ __ ] now did they like did anybody talk about it or like try to be friendly and joke about it or they weren't like mean about it they I think they you know in that situation even if it like if my younger siblings friend did that I wouldn't be like what a loser I'd be like I feel so bad yeah yeah I like obviously to do it on purpose so I think they all felt bad for me no one really vocalizes anything I think later they were like are you doing better now you know it's kind of like but they like what do you even say in that situation you just gotta let me earn my stripes yeah I mean like a skidmark stripe I just know like you got it you got to go through this bad [ __ ] I'm done now I realize I'm doing puns I don't like that but you know you got to have bad experiences and then now you have great stories yeah that's right that's the thing is now I try to have perspective of like if I'm in a bad situation where I'm like well one day maybe this will be a better story yeah that's how I try to look at everything it's like this sucks ass now but in a few years this will be a funny story yeah that's oh my god that's so rough dude that's definitely I mean cuz the question like I've what's the most uncomfortable I think it's just like nailed it yeah it's a naturally found good yeah before yeah I got asked I remember this one girl in my class this is not my story there's a girl in my class that there was a point system when we were in like middle school or it's like you do something bad you show up late you get you get a point you know and then the person with the they rewarded back yeah it was like a golf kind of imagine there's a scoring system for bad things everyone misinterprets the rules all right there [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] up every day last year library look [ __ ] yeah yeah but it was like and then you could you could depend it was such a backward system because at the end of the week if you had no points you'd get this amount of fake money to spend at a store or something you know so like why don't you just like give someone certain a set of money take it away I don't know there was this girl in my class there's in 4th grade and she had never lost a point and it was like the second half of the year and one of the things you could like get a point for it was is if you went to the bathroom during class which is a [ __ ] backwards thing to do for like middle school kids like to punish them for going to the bathroom during class and she was just like I remember her asking she was already a very quiet person was like you know could I please go to the bathroom it's an emergency in that well you're gonna get a point like you can go the [ __ ] and it was also like in the teacher too was like you can get like it's okay it's just a point but also it's like why not just be like hey just go to the bath you know that's so [ __ ] up and so she's sitting and it's one of those like concave plastic children's chairs and we're like in class and you just hear like trickling and like you look over and she's like silently sobbing just still sitting down pissing her pants in the chair and you want to know the most fucked-up thing about that favorite boy he gave her three points what and they made her clean it up yes yes they called the janitor and they're like no you make her clean that up she did this and they gave her three [ __ ] points what school did you go to hell USA what oh well then that makes nine it could have been way worse torture yeah yeah so she off easy that is hilarious yeah I understand see in my school and this I even thought was unfair it's like why can't we just [ __ ] go to the bathroom like we have to sync up our bathroom our personal bathroom schedules with the two minutes we have in between class everybody else is going to the bathroom yeah when there's already a line and your class is on the other than your next loss and the other side of the school which is dumb so you know my school had the Hall Pass system but even then you have like you get like one per semester or something it's like okay but that's still better than like you can go do the thing that you if you don't do you'll have the most traumatic experience of your life but if you do that you're gonna get a point and that's bad yeah so [ __ ] up no that's trash actually yeah really really bad from my high school it got to the point where just when I got to high school every teacher was like go I don't want like when you get to a certain age you shouldn't be asking an adult if you can go to the bathroom mm-hmm but the fact that oh my I can't believe yeah what is that preparing you for it I've never been to a job well I guess you didn't just kind of go to the bathroom at a job yeah everywhere is an adult I feel like you can go to the bathroom without asking unless there's like a locked bathroom at like a Chipotle yeah but that's more just out of you don't race never get inside physically you have to yeah like can never trust me there were so many punishments to just like that wasn't even just a bathroom thing or is like oh if you showed up and maybe this is me specifically shut up get the [ __ ] nerd what you wanna really was like you show up to class and like you forgot your notebook in your locker like well you're gonna be marked tardy I'm here I forgot a notebook that with this [ __ ] it's like there's no real world application a lesson it's like other than just learning that sometimes life isn't fair yeah and you will get publicly shamed for that that's messy like you don't sit down at a conference meeting and just be like alright let's get going oh yeah what's that Gus just I'm sure but you're gonna get marked as tardy yeah I'm sorry Gus I hope you enjoy I find that flash drive at a different company where you'll be working like there's no lesson to be learned it's I hated that kind of [ __ ] so much a lot of those like referral point systems are all like super flawed one time I had a teacher in in junior high like I'm two of my friends and and I just like totally project this weird I think I told you about it I don't know if I told you drew where like in my elementary school the custodian for it like I would go to a program before school like it was kind of just like watching the kids whose parents had to work early so my mom was a teacher and she had to go to school before you know students would come so I get dropped off we play like dodgeball and the custodian there was like active in our community like super nice guy like just absolutely wonderful person then when when I was like leaving elementary school he like quit to make to like open up a music store is like following streams it was like a this big sad goodbye for him so like we were used to having like custodians that we were friendly with and then in junior high two of my friends and I would like say hi to one of the guys and his name was Jimmy and we just say like hi to him and that was it and we'd say like maybe his name and one time this is kind of like the teacher was already known for being like really shitty uh she like saw it happen and she walked up to us and she goes what are you doing we're like what she's like you are making fun of that custodian and we were like what are you talking about we were saying hi to him she goes you are making fun of him because he is in lower financial class than you that is so fun and I was like well and I had never gotten like a referral I'd never got in trouble for anything for so like I was just like what are you talking about we were just saying hi to him and she's like you were making fun of him and I'm taking you to the principal's principal's office right now and here's one of the things that frustrated me so much one of my friends was this super nervous dude so we go and we talked the vice principal and I tell him exactly what I've told you we were friendly with Milan school 1 we were just saying hi to him and the this one friend of mine is super nervous like crumbles under any pressure possible so he I like told him the story and he asked me to go sit out in the hallway and according to my other friend he goes was that all a lie and my friend goes yeah and just admits that it was a lot so then I was he'd like I I knew him later - this is just like the type of person needs love them but yeah he gets very nervous in that situation we're like I was so frustrated because then on my punishment was at lunch I had to walk around and collect trash from other students so like nobody was really like shaming me for it but like I even went up to the custodian after Jimmy I was like hey if I saying how do you hurt your feelings like I'm so starting he was like no it's fine so like I had this teacher project stuff onto us and then one of my friends just be like no that's what happened it was so frustrating him because he's in a lower financial class yeah the fact that she said that which also in addition to everything you did you don't have any money yeah you're a student I'm the lowest financial yeah you couldn't possibly be in a higher fighter if I was this age now and she said that I would go ask me to buy you something right now I can't it was just so clear that she was like I am thinking this in my own head and this is what's happening and you kind of have no system for that so yeah I was weird we're like I would be walking out the trash and what I was kind of like I think it was this sick thing for them where I was like they made fun of a custodian so they're gonna collect trash because it wasn't like a normal punishment and it's like okay so then I would walk around to my friends you'd be like what hap I'm like two people I know we're just cry either crumbled under pressure or like projected [ __ ] on to us and like my other friend would vouch for it - I know that sounds like one-sided from the story but again it was like absolutely not like a bad intention in any way no that's so it's so weird - because the shitty thing is like that's a story that's like a what the [ __ ] store for you and you remember it now and I'm sure that teacher just says I'm like and then forgot it by the end of yeah yeah for sure like I can't imagine having that level of responsibility though as a teacher though where it's like I need to be careful like maybe I'm having an off day and you just say something like that and like oh that was kind of scarring for somebody - like I'm sure for that kid that crumbled under pressure like he's just like oh [ __ ] like yeah I flipped on my friends and like that was a nightmare how do you think Jimmy feels about it well the one thing is he seemed fine but to have a teacher in front of him be like you you are poor and that's why these kids are ready he was there he wasn't free hurtle so it was just so bizarre and when I went to he's you're making fun of him cuz he smells bad doesn't have a lot of money and you're saying hi to him no yeah smells like garbage because he picks up garbage all day he's single and he always will be and you think you're better than he's like yeah it's like he's like these key don't get him in trouble it's fine just at least put him in detention just stop talking yeah I even asked a friend after and I was just like cuz I want to name anybody but I was just like what the [ __ ] dude like why did you tell them I was lying when I wasn't he's just kind of like what do you respond to that do you keep [ __ ] on that friend no you just got like well alright I guess I'll never do anything with you ever again we are close to the end so actually if you want why'd you guys switch seats hmm what why why did you flip seats around you you were saying we're close to the end so each other you were wrapping things up right yeah no yeah but why did you switch seats switch seat what are you talking about switch seats will you is this a different color before the chair looks the same my chair looks the same as well no you were sitting there the whole podcast this podcast not your podcast no but you're oh you're fit Marc Maron yeah you're thinking about what the [ __ ] with Marc Maron where we were in different seats when we around that check guys weren't even on that show individually or ever I we were on that show together and we were in different seats but for this yeah this has been the same yeah and you said you were gonna wrap it up I don't know I'm trying but why I first doesn't seem like you're trying I'm trying but I'm bothered by the logic I didn't even see trying to wrap it up would be wrapping it up it's not something you really need a truck that doesn't take a lot of effort you just kind of say boy ok no I'm trying to get it um well drew well drew will work why did you look drew I know how dreamier you live with him I've been here the entire time why would you look at me and say drew and then sign you're sitting over there I don't know what the [ __ ] he's never sat over here he doesn't know how to people on Soundcloud are gonna hate this I'm afraid just try to imagine two people got it stuck around is definitely gonna stick around for the last minute of like all right oh well here well yeah yeah but go ahead drew we didn't but where can people find you in your work youtube.com slash drew gooden one for some reason I can't get just drew gooden or any other variation of it I have to it's mine it's Oh drew gooden one is where my youtube videos that's my main stuff drew is Gooden is my at on everything else Instagram Twitter twitch which I barely use one day will probably dream again yeah we stream I mean now suck too bad at game yes that's why and we do it and we feel like [ __ ] about ourselves and then we don't want to ever do it again but maybe one day but follow me on there anyway yeah awesome yeah thank you so much oh one more thing yes I don't know if it's out yet but I just did a show last night and that's available for digital distribution it is if I could plug that yeah where we recorded the whole show oh they're selling it on I I'll give you guys the link I think it's Clubhouse hearts calm with a K I'm not just saying this the show is very funny it was you guys were there absolutely arias thanks great and I'd love for more people to see it so yeah check that out clubhouse arts comm is where it should be I'm pretty sure but yeah thanks all right well I think you drew for being on yeah thank you for stopping by that was a lot of fun thank you it's good to sit in this seat the whole time yeah you guys close out just stop [ __ ] stop thank you - in sin sin and Road for sponsoring the podcast I guess but yeah and also again thank you to our Kickstarter backers you're [ __ ] incredible and thank you to this chair for being under me the whole podcast all right [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 1,727,705
Rating: 4.8150969 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, eddy burback, gus johnson, gus and eddy, eddy and gus, gus and eddy podcast, the gus and eddy podcast, podcast, youtube podcast, drew gooden podcast
Id: zU6aR-BaIzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 15sec (6015 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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