Very Really Good #112: BRUH Sound Effect.mp3

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all right hey guys what's up welcome back to another episode of very really good this is episode 112. i'm tired it's 12 30 but i'm exhausted and but i'm [ __ ] i'm here all right i'm here and i'm not going anywhere all right you all you're trying to get rid of me every time you you you open this podcast you're like oh come on today's the day today's the day that he's he's finally gonna leave us he's finally gonna leave us alone but nope not gonna happen not gonna happen um but yeah i hope you guys are doing all right [ __ ] it's uh okay actually here's here's what's up here's here's the [ __ ] real thing that's going on i got a i the one the thing i got from rode uh they sent me a bunch of things and one of the thing that they sent me is called a pro caster okay and it it's a game changer all right guys the podcast is going to be so good from now on it's insane because listen isn't that crazy i can just do that now all you gotta do press press the button i got sound effects this podcast it's game over for you okay and i'm sure i'm gonna go overkill with these for the first few episodes that i have it because i'm so excited but it's all good okay and that's fine i don't need to make jokes anymore i can just go i could just be like hey guys and i'm good all right it's great and i don't need to i don't even need your guys laughter because i can just do this all right thank you thanks you guys thought that was funny all right that's yeah so this is going to be a good time [Music] so yeah this is episode 112 thanks for tuning in uh if you're new to the podcast this is uh this is me when i talk for an hour and we shoot the [ __ ] we talk about stuff that's funny or not funny or annoying and we just [ __ ] it's chill man it's a chill time and i appreciate you listening man it's a good time um guys for those who know me and what's listening to the podcast i finally got my car back thank you thank you i know thank you finally got my car back um and it feels great you know i was in a little accident and um [ __ ] front front bumper came right off came came right off said see ya um but it's it's i'm feeling it's back now and it's better than ever and i can and i feel happy and it's and it's great i didn't think i'd missed the car that much but i did so that that's pretty much the most exciting thing that's been going on in my life got my car back it's the it's um it's it's the same it's the same which is good um it'd be weird if they brought it back and he was like i'll just like a kind of a different shade of blue i'm like is this this is actually my car and they'd be like yeah totally for sure it is i'm like why are you saying it like that he sounds like you're lying this isn't my car because that's how i always feel when i drop kiwi off to get a haircut um because with that and then when i pick him up he looks like a completely different dog obviously because all of his hair is gone so there's a part of my brain that's like is this my dog this actually might they could have just swapped him out i could have done i could have gone through i don't know 10 different kiwis they just keep swapping it out for another different short-haired maltipoo i don't know could they do that maybe they have an endless amount of malty poos um just at the ready also hey i got a multi-poo right here for you ah you guys are gonna hate this podcast now [Music] but also guys have okay how about we do this all right so i have three open spaces that i can do for my sound effects okay well realistically i could do one two three i can do nine more no eight let's say plus three eleven i could do eleven more sound effects if i really want okay so can you guys comment and let me know what sound effects you guys want me to add and um and i'll add them okay because there's a lot of potential here and the the the um the potential is limitless all right it is the i could just do that one of the sound effects could be the audio from the movie limitless with starring bradley cooper and then every episode is just the audio of limitless starring bradley cooper dude i used to watch that movie so much when he came out i don't know why i thought it was so cool and i i don't even know what the conflict is in it he gets really good at stuff and then the drug is bad for you but i thought that movie was so cool it's like dude if we use all of our brain we could [ __ ] do anything what's that other movie like that was scarlett johansson when she was like use 100 of her brain and she could like turn into like a computer or some [ __ ] that movie was [ __ ] i mean i kind of just gave away the ending but i mean don't watch it anyway it wasn't that good lucy i think that's what it was called i love lucy yep i was right i was right movie guy movie buff here with the facts um what have i been up to man uh i uploaded episode video on saturday um youtube said it's the worst out of my last 10 videos is performing the worst but i expected that because it's the episode series and you can only really watch it if you watch the first three um so there's a lot of barriers to cross before you can actually watch that video but i get it i had a good time and i just want to finish that and it's just so nice to not script a video man for a week because i've been i'm scripting one right now and i just can't [ __ ] get it done dude i cannot [ __ ] just power through it i don't know why it's like a great topic and i have a lot to say about it but like once i start going i'm just like oh i'm not funny this is stupid i write like one sentence then i'm just like all right i gotta chill watch a youtube video or something it's just like i don't know i'll get it done i wanna get it done today i will get it done today all right i just gotta edit this podcast and then i'll script it tonight i don't know it's busy man a lot of work but it's my job it's my job i went golfing with a dude i went golfing last week with a guy was my with my buddy my buddy braden and we got paired up with these other two guys really really [ __ ] nice guys um but the one guy he looked exactly like connor from detroit become human and he his voice even sounded like him a bit because i feel like the way his face was like it was shaped just like conor's so i guess the when the voice comes out it must sound like him because he looks like him right so the whole time i wanted to tell him that and did i have to fight the urge to get down on one knee and propose to him yeah all day all day i wanted to pop the question because it's a handsome guy um and everyone was sipping over conor when i did the playthrough on my twitch all right but but yeah i was the whole time i was like do i tell him that you look like a yo dude i gotta tell you something i played this game on my twitch called detroit become human it's about robot there's a guy named connor in it and everyone when i was twitch streaming because i'm a youtuber um when i was streaming people thought that conor was attractive and stuff and that was kind of like the running joke in the stream so it is so and you look like him like what would he say he'd be like okay man well i'm gonna i'm just gonna go home i know we're only on the third hole but i'm gonna go i'm gonna go home now but good for him if you're listening dude um you look like the guy from the video game [ __ ] what should we get into you know what should we [ __ ] just hop right into it i'm gonna do another tier list all right [ __ ] it another tier list and you know what we're gonna be doing i'm gonna be ranking my own videos okay so i feel like this will be a good time all right because i have a lot of opinions on my own videos and this is kind of this has kind of made me realize that i've made a lot of [ __ ] videos like it's insane um like holy [ __ ] i've made so many [ __ ] videos over the last two years and i'm proud of myself man this is cool but we're gonna we're gonna rank them all right we're gonna do a tier list of them and and that's that so here without further ado let's do the tier list [Music] all right okay so first up we got the uh the 22 convention video i think that is that's a tier i think that's a pretty good video um that was a pretty fun one to make because that thing was just insane that guy was a [ __ ] lunatic and um yeah there's some good bits in there i think that's a it's not i'm leaving sg for the ones that i am like i think about all the time being like that was a good video i really feel like i like that one it's super funny um so okay the justin bieber one i'm gonna put that in i don't know i'll probably do detail i don't like that one that much [Music] um partially because i that whole experience of me uploading the justin bieber video it was like i scripted i was scripting it i scripted it filmed it i was like done editing it almost and then danny was like i'm making a video with justin bieber and i was like ah [ __ ] okay well i guess we make video the same thing on the same week it's all good that's rare that that happens and then when i went to upload my video like two hours before [ __ ] i'm alex uploaded a video about justin bieber and i was like god [ __ ] damn it dude so i just look at that being like it wasn't a good idea because so many other people did it but i don't know um so d tier for justin okay uh now the hype house video i'm gonna put that a nest here okay i'm really proud of that video i spent a lot of time on it um it was like just when it was starting and nobody really knew about it well they did but like you know what i mean and i feel like i made some good points in that one and has some great bits like that the mtv cribs bit i had in that one great i love that one um okay [ __ ] this next one um my subscribers pick my tattoo i'm gonna put that in d tier okay the video didn't do so well and that's fine whatever i feel like it was very different from my other videos and i mean you know what no i'm put c because i was i was proud of how i edited that one but i don't know why i don't know i thought everyone was gonna really watch that i thought that video was gonna like [ __ ] pop off i thought that video was gonna get like five million views but it didn't i don't know i don't know who knows um okay next one we got too cool for christmas slash a very cool christmas that's a [ __ ] st or one dude that video slaps bro i love that video because that movie's so insane and uh play the real santa baby play the real santa baby i love it i had so much fun editing that sketch um so we got to put that one in that's a nest your video um okay twisted pair that's a tier um that one that was one where i was like i thought i was gonna do a lot better as well but it didn't um like it took so long to get up to where my other videos get um i don't know but i i really like that one re-watching it recently i'm like i could have done this a lot better i think i kind of phoned it in a bit but it's all good man you learn you live in the living you live and you learn and it's all good it's all good um holy [ __ ] there's so many [ __ ] videos left i probably won't do all of them um because this might take a long time but i don't know we'll see okay next is um explaining my tattoos i don't know that's detailed that's kind of boring um i'll let you know i just did the my commentary videos basically like the first one i started with was the pointless twitter threads video that i did um because videos before that i don't really count as real they don't exist um okay this one is the absurdity of buzzfeed quizzes this one is a tier okay this was like the second like commentary video i did basically or like the third or fourth and it was a lot of fun man i look at that time with so much like nostalgia when i was like first started making commentary because i was like oh there's so many topics i can talk about anything in the world and now i'm like now there's nothing to talk about great uh but that's a good video i like that one pointless twitter threads okay let's do b tier okay because it's a very bad video it's not it's not in focus the whole video is out of focus i don't know why i didn't realize that or i didn't just refilm it um but the whole thing was out of focus but this is the video that kind of like gave me an audience it got like 600 000 views in like two days which was the most i've ever gotten on any video ever um so i don't know i uh so i put it i was i would put an s here because it is kind of the reason that i'm what i am doing today but it gets down it not it gets knocked down a few levels because um it's out of focus and not funny okay next up we got internet's most obvious lies first one of the people lying on the internet series that's gotta go and because that you know that's a good series i i gotta do i gotta do another one of those and those videos always do really well um so that's s here for sure um the most recent episode one sure okay this will okay this will represent all the episode ones so you know what a tier uh next up we got okay then we got the goat story ghost story that's s here even though i got copyright claimed by those [ __ ] bastards hopefully they're not listening we're also going to copyright claim this one only we're allowed to call us bastards um but that's a good one real story is a good one [ __ ] okay then we got sebastian balls the second one about him joining the army um that's s tier i was expecting for me to put all my videos in s tier so this is this is good that i have some variety um okay russell hartley that's s uh actually you know what i'll put that eight here um well no i'll do s here sorry [Music] because that also is a reason that i have uh we got a lot of new followers for the podcast channel um okay [ __ ] there's so many the magician one s tier i had so much fun doing that one man sirs let's do mancer's i'll skip some of these videos because this would literally take an hour if i did all of them um answers video that's eights here that's a classic one i need to put one point in d tier when that is not good okay let's do uh-oh uh-oh is going in d-tier um because my [ __ ] hair in that video is god-awful my hair looks so bad in that video it's all greasy and [ __ ] and like emo swoop i don't know what i was thinking uh but that's these here uh roasting old photos of myself we'll do seat because that video is never isn't that entertaining um all right bestie picks bay that's ass dude that's as to your video all the whole series of bessie picks bay is going in s all right because those videos were [ __ ] so fun um man there's i've made so many [ __ ] videos dude it's insane i'm just trying to place ones that are that like encompass other ones so we don't have to do all of them um okay the e-boy videos those are s here all right because those also help me out a lot okay okay the b tier is looking a little uh a little lonely so let's let's put some in there how about the okay the box boy videos i'll put those in b and the alcohol one we'll put that in b okay but you know what i i'm going to put the the video i made about subliminals i'm putting that in s all right i don't know why but that video was so fun to make and i'm so proud of that video um and i always think back on it like that was a i did good i did a good job on that one i did that was pretty funny um so that's going in ass all right i don't even know how that video performed well or not but i was just really proud of it uh instagram magicians that's gonna go and see all right because that video the background is gross looking it's my audio was my microphone wasn't really plugged in so i had to use the camera audio like camera microphone which wasn't good um so that's going down there fake deep that's s tier um okay dude i might call it that that's a pretty good list but i'll i'll leave this link in the i'll leave this link in the in the description so you guys can make your own to your list of my videos if you want and then uh and then you can show me the show me yours all right cool um all right i think it's time for we let's let's take a trip to the the curtis corner i think it's that time so i'm gonna play our jingle i just gotta press a button and it's there now that's crazy hello jacob hello can i get a fart noise oh you want a fart noise yeah can i get a fart intro nice that uh oh i like that just the whole time i like that's the same one yeah i think i definitely kind of get i got to get some uh variety in the farts for sure i think it needs like a wet one yeah like that demi lovato one or maybe one that like sounds like it was really hard to push out right oh actually i think i could add it really quick hold on let me get a word i'm gonna try my like heart's beating i feel like i'm i'm nervous for it oh here we go yeah that one really took wet and ran with it well that's um that's sort of a good lead into our first story today okay because this one's like a little gross uh okay so this kid in new zealand got a lego piece stuck in his nose for two years two years yeah two whole years um i think the lego piece was like you know the little minifigure guy and he has a hand and you can take it out yeah so in 2018 this kid stuck it in his nose and it like disappeared in there and he went to the doctor and they couldn't find anything and then this month in the year of our lord 2020 it came out wow so maybe 2020 isn't so bad after all maybe not maybe we're all in our own ways removing the lego piece from our nose so how did how did the doctors not find anything like wouldn't an x-ray like show it believes it may have either passed through the boy's digestive tract or possibly not even been stuck up there in the first place i don't know what that means you lie is this a whole news article that's like and by the way none of this might be true what if what if uh this little boy's nose is a like a like a wormhole or another dimension what else could be in there oh man yeah it's like hermione's like little magic bag that like keeps any like infinite amount of stuff in it he's got like a he's got like snacks in there like fruit by the foot in his nose and he pulls it out like a little like a magician like yeah it just keeps coming where could humanity progress if we could get into his nose you know those memes where it's like society if like bobby schmidt never got arrested society if we could all get into that boy's nose i like that yeah this kid is a hero um in my mind and they also this article is not anonymous his name and face are on there so this is him forever he's a prophet imagine going to school with an article written about i mean he's nine years old now so okay yeah imagine him walking into school and there are articles written about how long a lego piece was stuck in his nose is that cool or is it not cool i feel like that's well knowing kids i feel like they'd probably make fun of you they call you like lego piece nose or whatever i feel like if i was a kid i would find that pretty cool if it was about myself but i can understand getting made fun of yeah two years though that's probably that's gotta be like a world record right do you think it broke an existing world record yeah the original one was a year and a half or something and then exactly the kid was like you know what [ __ ] it i got this i'm gonna clutch up um apparently he sneezed it out by the way in case you were wondering oh so did he just not sneeze for two years and that was his first one my personal theory is that it was like trapped in some sort of recess and then one day he just had the right sneeze and it came out right yeah look i'm no doctor i think that that must dude that must have been the best feeling sneeze of all time if you think sex is good wait till you sneeze out it's even maybe even crazier if he didn't know that he like if he didn't know there was a lego piece up there and then he sneezed and one just came out of his nose like what the [ __ ] imagine he kept sneezing and it like started building the lego set in front of him they all landed on top of each other perfectly and built a new lego man i like that um good for him uh last thing about that he actually had a quote on it the quote was uh this is about uh when when it got stuck and they they asked the boy how did he feel and he said i was frightened and surprised yeah that's that's all he had to say about the whole thing i was frightened and surprised he like adjusts his monocle yeah my word all right so um i'm hoping that that story kind of got your appetite up because now we're talking about food i'm never not gonna laugh at the sound board i know this is this is a great addition so i saw this going around twitter um people ranking chain restaurants bread okay so i thought i'd uh i'd read this ranking for you and then see if i could get your ranking okay yeah i'm down so this one right here uh number one is olive garden okay the breadsticks number two texas roadhouse which i have no experience with okay uh number three outback steakhouse okay number four cheesecake factory um and this is number five getting hit by a bus so i think that that one's uh that one's supposed to be ironic i think that's not real bread oh that's funny that's funny that's funny that god is good with that tweet um okay and they actually didn't put red lobster on there which i was surprised about well i've never had red lobster bread you have it is it good yeah red i would i'd say red lobster bread ester wow i think it's the best chain bread really yeah i would i would uh my number one i think um my number one would be olive garden as well that's hard to argue with uh yeah those are [ __ ] really good they're just so it's like a thing like everyone knows all of garden bread is the [ __ ] it's like that's it's like one of the main reasons you go to olive garden yeah i think it's the only reason yeah and it's and we don't even have an olive garden in canada so it's like every time i'm in the states like that's like a we have to go to olive garden uh you go to the times square olive garden ever no i must have missed that one my sister and i used to go the times square olive garden and we would bring backpacks lined with plastic bags this is when we first moved there and we were really broke and uh we would just keep asking them to refill it yeah we dump the bags into our bags so we would go home with like dozens of breadsticks that's awesome so you were eating pretty healthy yeah at the time it was you know i was focusing on like low-fat carbs yeah you know the deal keto stuff i think olive garden bread is keto probably if i already guessed um okay so olive garden is number one texas roadhouse is their bread is okay i wouldn't say their bread is the best i would say they're the butter that they give is the best it actually says on here cinnamon butter is supreme yeah the butter that they because i went to texas roadhouse once and they were like oh the bread's crazy they gotta do the butter i was like okay it's can't be that good and i tried it i was like i'm okay well maybe there is a god because the butter is like butter's crazy because just plain butters tastes so [ __ ] good but like when once you put stuff already yeah once you put stuff in butter you're like okay you're let's just let's just take a second i've never even thought about it it's cinnamon butter i believe so it was like a yeah it's like a sweet butter so it's it's pretty good so what were the i've never had outback steakhouse bread i i don't even remember what their bread is like so we could just skip that one uh cheesecake factory their bread is pretty good it feels like a healthier option yeah okay if just bread then it's olive garden and then cheesecake and then texas roadhouse and then getting hit by a truck or whatever they said right yeah that's that's last that's just what's okay so outside of bread what is your like chain family restaurant ranking oh [ __ ] like your applebee's damn your olive garden your chili's right yeah well i'm a big i'm a big chain restaurant guy i do love chain restaurants there's some there's something very like oddly comforting about them um yeah because if you go to like a i mean there's like the whole thing of like millennials like killing chain restaurants because nobody wants to go to them anymore and stuff but i'm not us no we're we're keeping them going um i hmm i think number one it might be jack astor's for me i don't know if that's in america what is that i don't know okay oh [ __ ] okay can i my canadians they they know what's up but i'm gonna put you on it's a place called jackassers okay i think that has jackass in it yeah and their logo thing was like um a donkey nice so um it's like super chain like the most like the most chain restaurant ever they got some pretty good food um and then if you order a beer you can jack it up you can jack it up you can what now you can jack it up and i'll jack it off the beer the beer comes with a with its own beer penis and you can kind of jack it off no it's jack you can jack it it's like you jack it up where they give you like just more beer basically for like a dollar or something okay so that's all it is they give you more i'm pretty sure i'll double check obviously they've like they've made some like high-end jackasters in like downtown toronto for people who want to be like let's go to jackassers but there's still something that has stores yeah okay i'm looking at the the beverage menu okay yeah so that's it the 18 ounces is the the beer that they say that they give you and then you can jack up your draft for 1.58 cents to 22 ounces okay so it's like a fun way of saying medium or large for a little bit more money yeah i'm looking at some pictures of their food now this place looks crazy dude it's banging their food inside here is enormous yeah it's just like the most the most chain restaurant ever so i think that's number one for me there's another canadian one called earl's it's really good that's a canadian chain and my best friend works there so we always go and he gives us he gets get we get the hookups but their food is it's actually insane how good how [ __ ] good their food is but can you jack it up that's the thing that's why it's number two man you can't jack it up i'm trying to think of any chain restaurants i went to in the states like on tour that were like denny's oh [ __ ] okay okay actually okay jackasters and then denny's and then earl's denny's dude i that was the best part of going on tour was [ __ ] eating at denny's dude are you then denny's yeah it gives me memories of like uh when i was in high school debate we would always go to denny's after tournaments yeah and we'd always run into crowds of musical theater kids that were just finishing their performances oh that's so funny do you see that video of like the people in the denny's like performing they're doing like their musical play basically they're like singing dude not only have i seen that video i've seen it irl oh no no it would be like on one side of the denny's is all of us in like suits that don't fit us and we have like briefcases and we're like this is my case uh and then on the other side would be like kids in charlie brown outfits right they're wearing like who are like red skinny jeans yeah and it would be it like we never interacted ever right i don't even think we spoke the same language um but there was sort of like a tension between us for sure yeah unspoken there's a vibe yeah yeah denny's just so like i'm i'm wait i'm denny's over ihop all day like anything interesting i i don't know why but i think i just whenever i was on tour and then we'd do a show and then go out drinking and then in the morning we just go to denny's and it was like they got the best food there just like greasy and gross and their coffee is like just terrible enough to be like kind of good and it's like okay i could i could eat this food for the rest of my life and i'd be fine so denny's is up there for sure waffle house is great too oh i love waffle houses this is great i went to one and it was in i think it was in like [ __ ] missouri or some [ __ ] it was like the most random the most random state which is historically missouri sorry most random state and that was my first raw files experience is when i went there and it was it was great it was like oh i remember the uh my server um she was like you had a this is the first time i've seen a a guy with an earring on his nose i was like that's how you know you're in the most random state yeah i was like it's a the nose ring it's it's only called an earring because it's on the ear it's not an earring on the nose right yeah i feel like um anytime i'm in like a waffle house in the middle of nowhere that's where i get the most what are you questions absolutely yeah yeah yeah i was like what are you what what's your deal you're not so people they're so ready to be confused about you yeah i know there was like i think the other thing she said she was like oh you got a you must have a sister then right because i had a nose piercing that was her that was the connection she made she was right in her head you would never wear a nose ring but then your sister was like come on yeah yeah and that's what that's what changed my mind well you know that's that's all i came here to share with you some bread rankings and uh and a nasty lego piece well those are those were great um thanks thanks man yeah good job you you did a good job um i'll send you out with a um a little fart whatever you want okay i want to fart signing out okay see ya okay what are we at 40 something probably should i talk about that thing yeah [ __ ] it okay guys i wanted to so this is a song okay i've done this before in the past where i i did this with 17 forever um where i talked about the lyrics of a song and kind of like broke him down and i want to do that with another song and this song is because the song is so [ __ ] crazy that it exists um but the song is called honey i'm good by andy grammer which is andy grammer is his name andy grammer sup man i'm peter punctuation how you doing [Music] um i'm steven spelling what's up so stupid okay um so if you haven't heard this song it's the one that goes like nah nah honey i'm good i should have another but i probably shouldn't um and it's the whole premise of this song is [ __ ] crazy so i wanted to go through the lyrics verse one it's been a long night here and a long night there and these long long legs are damn near everywhere ah that's terrifying that is a terrifying picture to paint just surrounded by long legs there's legs on the wall and legs of my food and legs on my jacked up beer hold up now you look good i will not lie but if you ask where i'm staying tonight i gotta be like oh baby nah baby you got me all wrong baby my baby's already got all of my love so nah nah honey i'm good i could have another but i probably should not i got somebody at home and if i stay i might not leave alone okay so he's saying my baby's already got all of my love my girlfriend's got all of my love but if i have one more drink i'm gonna cheat on my girlfriend who has all of my love hey andy hey andrew rammer i don't think she does have all your love if you're sounding if you're sound enough to be like oh like if you're if you're coherent enough you've had some drinks and you're like if i have one more drink i'm gonna cheat on my girlfriend you're a bad guy because you aren't that drunk because you know your limit i could have another but i probably should not i gotta bid you a do to another i will stay true i will stay true i will stay true uh verse two now better men than me have failed drinking from that unholy grail now check it out i got her and she got me and you got that ass what the [ __ ] now check it out i got her she got me and you got that ass me and my girlfriend we don't have asses but you have an ass but i kindly gotta be like okay chorus okay the bridge oh i'm sure you sure you will make somebody's night but oh i assure you assure you it sure as hell's not mine no no honey i'm good okay yeah that's so weird to write a song about almost cheating on your girlfriend you ass you're a terrible guy babe i wrote this awesome like imagine him playing this song for his girlfriend and she's just like i is this real you almost cheated on me he's like yeah but i stopped so i'm like a good guy i i knew that i had if i had one more sip of my drink if this if this beer was jacked up i would have cheated on you but i didn't and i'm writing a song about it that's so weird i almost respect like at least usher at least i sure wrote a song about actually going through with it you know confessions part two but him cheating on his girlfriend and getting another girl pregnant that's real [ __ ] dude iris that's terrible don't do that obviously but i respect that more than andy grammer no no honey i'm good almost cheated on you but i actually did and so i'm a good guy but look at your ass i don't have an ass and neither does my girlfriend the song is writing and he's surrounded by legs that's a nightmare i almost cheated on you there's just these legs all over the all over the walls and i couldn't i was like damn i got i gotta go home if i have one more beer then i'm gonna have sex with these legs that's so weird yeah be like usher all right if you're gonna you're gonna write a song don't half-ass it go through with it usher was gonna write this song but he's like nah i need to go through i need to go all the way so he actually cheated on his on his girlfriend uh should we do some advice really quick and then um and then [ __ ] send send her off let's do some advice um um all right guys advice time advice vice news um okay so this one is from banjo-kazooie so my life is basically falling apart and i've decided sorry for laughing i'm just thinking of banjo-kazooie banjo and kazooie sending me this so my life is basically falling apart and i've decided [ __ ] it i want to get a tattoo apprenticeship the the issue is i have no idea how to even go about that do i just waltz in and go all right give me the gun how do i make myself marketable to tattoo people should i prepare a portfolio or would that make me look like a dummy i'm 19 and i don't want to come off as just some kid who doesn't know what i'm doing even though we all know i am um good question um so you want to be in a tattoo apprentice i don't think you should walk in anywhere and say all right give me the gun i feel like that's a bad that's a bad call that's a bad that's a bad news that's a bad time coming um i think you could i think no you should bring in a portfolio right because that's how how they're gonna know if you're good at you know art and stuff i think it's gonna i just think be ready to hear no a bunch of times but if it's something you really want to do just be persistent you know that's like that's kind of the way um you have to do it i mean there's other ways you can get into tattooing you can you know practice on like your friends and stuff and i've i've met tattoo artists who don't go the apprenticeship route that is possible but um i think that is the best way to do it right so i don't know just be confident man bring your bring in your art be like hey give me the gun um no i'm just kidding don't do that uh yeah i think it's just like a matter it's just like you know quantity just apply to as many plays as you can and if they say no give it some time work on your art come back in like six months or something keep keep at it you know and um and that's all i gotta do all right settle down i didn't think it was that good okay thank you it was all right but it wasn't that good geez this live studio audience is uh is uh what's this one again oh nice um okay this next one is from diddy kong hey curtis i met this girl about two years ago and almost immediately had a crush on her but i never had enough courage to ask her out could you help me out you met your girl two years ago okay have you talked to her since i met this girl two years ago i never got her name don't know where she lives he was in a different country actually um and i've never talked to her since but could you help me um dude i don't know i feel like i'm the worst with [ __ ] now i'm the worst with [ __ ] no i'm the worst with uh uh advice like dating advice i don't know sorry i'm getting i'm going to use every sound effect that i can um if you regularly talk to this person and you know you're getting some f if you're [ __ ] feeling the vibes dude then i say give it a go you know just be like hey i'm i think you're great and you know i'd like to take you out i like take you out on a date um a romantic date um because you know i this is how i feel and i don't want to ruin any like friendship we have but i mean i i really like you so you know just be honest honest honesty is key major key major key all right okay and then we'll do one more advice thing so yeah one more advice and then we'll wrap it up i guess because we're getting almost to the hour mark um hi curtis i was wondering if you had any advice on how to be more okay sorry this one is from uh this one is from captain falcon hi curtis i was running if you had any advice on how to be more socially less awkward how to be more okay how to be more social it's less less awkward got it i turned 15 yesterday and i feel like the other people my age are way better at talking to people and forming relationships and stuff that like that whereas i'm kind of shy and get really anxious when i try to talk to people especially people i'm not really friends with i feel like this is holding me back from doing things that i like for example i'm in band at my school and one of the days we performed at a competition type thing pretty much the whole band went to breakfast before it and i was invited but i got super nervous beforehand because i'm not that close with anybody that was there and i ended up not going i feel like i'm being stupid and overreacting about talking to people but i don't know dude this actually i picked this one because this is how i feel about myself all the time i i don't know how to talk to people like that well um so this is not the advice i should be giving um i think if you're in a if you're in band already you already have things in common with those people right that's a great opportunity to like make friends um but i'm not one to be like why didn't you just go because i've definitely bailed on things and i'm like oh there's going to be a lot of people i don't know there then yeah i'm going to stay home you know i've done that more times than i can count and i ca i can i can't count very high um so if everybody if anybody else has advice for me and captain falcon that'd be great but i think i think that the the the next step for you is to you know take a take a chance make a change make a change take a chance make a change and break away [Music] that's kelly clarkson singing while farting kelly fartson um you think any american idol a contestant has farted while they're singing and they're like live oh [ __ ] sorry can i start over oh that's so stupid all right well [ __ ] man this is um the next step is for you to you know if there's another thing like this just go you know try your best try to make a friend you know um you already have stuff in common with them you know so you know just think of kelly clarkson farting in that song and then take a risk make a chance and break away okay that's some [ __ ] good advice dude that's some great advice and all and i'm not afraid to say it and i'm not afraid anymore you hear me i'm not afraid anymore home alone all right guys uh that's it that's episode 112. that was a good time uh like comment subscribe all that [ __ ] rate review if you're listening um i appreciate you thanks for tuning in and um yeah i'll [ __ ] see you guys next week uh what play me out or yeah bye bye everyone wow thank you [Music] you
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 182,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, tier list, nah honey im good, kurtis conner podcast
Id: Cba8TUGO_jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 56sec (3116 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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