Very Really Good #124: DAKURTY? (with The Voros Twins)

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hello welcome to the podcast this is episode 124. um this is a this is a good one this is a doozy uh i just wanted to hop on give a quick intro this won't be long because i i want to get right into the episode but um i had the uh the voros twins the one and the two and only voros twins on the podcast this week um the davinki you know those guys um man i gotta say like these are 100 is like no joke the nicest guys i've ever talked to in my life they're exactly how i pictured them to be just so happy to be alive just stoked to be wherever they're at and i don't know it was really nice you know we talked about uh um talked about them and you know the origin of the meme and everything and we talked about their wrestling and stuff and i don't know they're just really awesome guys and and i hope you guys enjoy the episode it's uh we recorded over zoom so uh you know the audio quality it's fine but the video isn't the best i did a little of like color correction and stuff but if you're just listening to this audio version then you're fine but honestly it's not that bad for the the video it starts uh going back and forth which is weird but then it flips to side by side like like uh five minutes in so anyways enough of me blabbing about bull crap uh let's get into the episode uh this is episode 24 with the voros twins enjoy i hear you guys sweet cool hello hello what's up not much uh we went to the gym uh i was listening to some of your podcasts no way uh you're from hamilton right yeah that is correct what i'm so confused wait sorry once again what was okay hold on oh there we go okay there we go good all good do you like our christmas lights we decorate it a little bit yeah was it you guys decorated just for this podcast oh you also have other lights up there no led lights though just these ones all right you guys are too cool for that stuff way too cool well you so you listen to my podcast you said yeah i heard the one there was uh i don't know what he looks like but there was a guy on it you guys were talking about like melons and apples oh yeah that was my friend james yeah yeah that guy he was funny funny jesus hell yeah so um well i guess yeah i'm recording so i guess this is the i guess this is the podcast whoa already we didn't even say our intro we always say yo we're the boros twins and now we're officially good to go okay now we can fish now is the official start uh wow this feels surreal this feels like i'm i'm like uh i'm talking to like someone i met in a dream this is let's get it out of the way curtis there we go um so we got we got the the voros twins on the podcast today and uh i'm this feels like a dream come true it's like a dream come true for us we're huge fans of you no way that's i appreciate that thank you i mean you're you're a third brother so what are the odds finally me yeah i know yeah people say that i've always i don't i mean like i don't really see it until someone like sent a photoshop like picture of you guys but with my hair and then then i then i kind of saw it i feel like you have the same like voros twin smile could you grow a beard if you wanted to if i wanted to uh no if i'm being honest oh okay okay maybe maybe for like halloween next year i'll shave the sides of my head i dye my hair blonde spike it up a bit we'll dress like you just yeah we'll we'll do the the switch add curls in your hair that's what i want to know how do you add curls i'd say it takes a lot of work every morning i wake up at 4am with a curling iron that's a lot of work uh so where where are you guys right now i said we live in vancouver british columbia canada nice apparently you were here in february is that true or is that fake news that is i you really did your research huh wow i'm the one that's supposed to you're also 26 years old you're so so sick or not and you sleep uh four to ten hours every day so what's how up you know that um yeah i i was there i did a show at the one of the theaters i forget the name of what it was called one of the theaters i wish we knew you then we would have we would have went i know i know god damn it well next time i'm in vancouver we'll have to we'll have to hang out for sure um we actually live in a city called sir but we just say vancouver because it's cool how far is it like outside of vancouver uh so for us our car is pretty slow so it's like 30 minutes but i think like 25. okay why is your sorry why is your car slow so it's so funny so much like we bought it two years ago it had the check engine light on and it still has the engine light on plus in the summer the air conditioning blows hot air and in the winter the air the heater blows cold air so it's oh man a lot of the problems yeah that's that's no good what kind of what kind of what kind of car you got so it's blue a blue car a blue car so it probably tastes like blueberries i'm assuming if you ever uh but we have automatic windows so it's pretty futuristic that was the selling point we didn't want to roll down our windows so no what the yeah we're not capable oh and it has a sunroof it's like a vo hatchback 2008 license plate okay uh you almost picked us you almost duped us into uh yeah this is uh this is gotcha journalism i'm trying to i'm trying to dock good yeah yeah you're on top of it um well thanks seriously thanks for coming on the podcast i was um you know it's i'm very excited to you know we won't chat for a whole long this usually goes for about like half hour 45 minutes um you know we'll talk about everything i got some questions for you some hard-hitting questions oh cool it's the same length as a fortnight round just saying that we love portland so everything's in fortnite terms pretty much yeah yeah it's like i'll be there and uh i'll be there in like two fortnight rounds if you if you went to victory right yeah sure you got to stay the whole time that's it you guys you guys are big gamers oh no okay so you go only for at night we play fortnite love it i don't know why we love it so much yeah but pretty much every day like we sometimes like we want to be productive we just finished the gym right hey when we go home we'll be productive but then i say i'm going to play a solo game then he gets jealous when we hear the music and then once the fortnite music is playing we can oh yeah game over yeah or game yeah it's game over that and then the game starts yeah uh so you guys um i i used to be really into fortnite too when it first came out i haven't played it in like a while i feel like it's changed so much like recently even no it always changes i think that's what keeps us hooked right yeah constantly changing um well yeah let's get into these god dang dang question do you guys curse i've never seen you guys curse i don't think you do oh it's insane we've never sworn and people might think we're not serious when we never swear in real life i remember in grade 8 being like i'm not gonna swear my whole life and you you just never did never ever did i don't need to yeah that's myself this is uh this is how smart people talk oh [ __ ] oh damn it i uh of course i mean like i do swear i'm sure it'll just come out like if i'm super mad right like if he hasn't gone there but i've never been super mad so not even if you're in like a 1v1 for the win for a vic victory royale even there's it's just a lot of screaming uh but no swearing i respect that a lot i because i feel like i gotta i i curse like a sailor and and i and i am not a i am not a sailor today yet have you soared twice like yeah i just i literally when you said yeah because it's so i guess it's such a part of my vocabulary that it just seems horrible you're so cool no i'm really not though i do wish because sometimes we're playing like oh what's it called cards against humanity or sometimes we're hanging out with friends everyone's like swearing and i want to be cool and fit in or like that game where you like kiss someone marry some or like whatever oh mary f kill but now yeah and it's kind of like less okay how about okay how about actually i don't think it's i think it's more cool that you guys don't swear okay don't don't i'm not cool you guys are cool like against the grain i like it so well if you're going to be our third brother then we might have to stop the swearing or i can just stop how about for this podcast episode no swearing okay and for every swear that i do i i don't know i just won't swear yeah um okay so i want to talk so you guys are other than you know being just viral sensations um i hate when people say that but you know other than people you know having your content that you make on tick tock and stuff you guys are uh wrestlers surprise yeah i don't know if it's a surprise i think i feel like i mean you you're like you've posted about it and stuff right look who you did research on us we didn't research on youtube okay yeah it's a two-way street fellas what's our middle name do we have middle names uh yeah your middle name is we don't have middle names you don't have worked at mcdonald's way back and to be an employee you had to have a middle name in the file in the system so then we had to make up a middle name to work at mcdonald's so officially i guess my my full name oh people don't even know it was zapper and zeus zeus were our made-up middle names no way who was who was zapper who was zeus zapper zeus because we thought a middle name that starts with zed would be really cool yeah i guess we're always trying to be cool but that's that's well you guys are you guys are killing it anything with a zed or an x [Music] i remember when i was a kid i wanted my name to be max really bad yeah because i also like the movie max kibo's big move and ruby and max the cartoon and ruby and max the cartoon absolutely maximum connor is what i want in my name um so which is cool it's curtis with a k that's pretty cool yeah it's a little uh it's a little it's a little different yeah a little splash of flavor yeah exactly um like a exploding bag of cereal one would say oh yeah um but yeah yeah okay oh what are we talking about wrestling right wrestling yes yes yes sorry we're getting you guys either we could talk for hours um because i okay i'll talk a bit later i'll make i'll make a note of this hold on but um wrestling how did you uh how did you guys get into uh the wrestling scene how did you guys start so it's crazy like we loved it even when we were 12 we were backyard wrestling there's literally youtube videos like early youtube for us to like film a backyard wrestling video we'd have to film our tv because we didn't know how to yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah i'm sorry with the long story short uh we dropped out of college um and then we met a wrestler at the gym started wrestling training and now we've been wrestling six years uh wrestling in six countries super passionate about it love it want to make that a full time pandemic happened so uh we lost we have no shows so we made a tick tock because of that reason to still like stay relevant and and we thought it would be fun uh and we had no idea who tick-tockers were but now we stayed with the mona lisa we didn't know that either yeah no dixie dimilio follows us he says that every five minutes that's huge though man if she followed me i'd be saying the same thing i wouldn't shut up about it but that's awesome that's so cool that you guys are uh because my my girlfriend works at a uh a bar obviously not right now because of the pandemic but um one of her co-workers uh he's a wrestler as well and we went to i went to my first wrestling show this uh i think it was i think it was like january of this year and it was the craziest thing i've ever seen it was because this wasn't like wwe this was like a local show right yeah yeah yeah it was a local one it was called do you remember what it was called um let me look it up i forget what it's called smash was it alpha one uh hold hold on i'll i'll grab the name i'll find it for you guys because i'm sure you guys are oh what's the wrestler wayne johnson yeah i actually just watched uh fast and the furious at a arrest no it was uh okay it's called super kicked oh super king oh in toronto yeah yeah yeah you've heard of that yeah we've never wrestled there but we know how it looks it looks yeah it looks cool it's very like grungy and dark uh yeah and stuff yeah yeah it really was damn okay so next time you guys will i'll we'll get you the hookup well yeah that'd be awesome um so i feel like is that like uh that must be pretty physically grueling obviously is what i was it's it's that's that's the vibe i got from it because like if you gotta i like jump on a train literally a few months ago i jumped on a trampoline for like two hours and then i like my back hurt for like a week so i feel like if you're like jumping off of a ladder into another guy yeah you're gonna have to be pretty uh [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm a sword you have to be pretty pretty pretty uh pretty in shape right i mean it's crazy it's we're lucky there's two of us because i was like we get beat up half as much so that's uh true and we beat people up twice as much so it works out yeah yeah that seems like you got an unfair advantage but if we do jump off the top rope sometimes yeah and stuff we've been pretty lucky because we've seen people like get super hurt for sure yeah what's like the worst what's like the worst uh injury you've seen while wrestling oh we've seen we've seen like sometimes like somebody got concussed so bad that he he just wrestled he got concussed then he didn't know that he wrestled already that was kind of crazy no way remember his memory got knocked out so he was coming back out to be like all right guys i'm ready because we laugh a lot so we're kind of laughing like haha good joke but broken ankles uh either shoulders um a lot of shoulders shoulders too oh somebody got knocked out in a match once i was scared oh my gosh but we're always like we we stretch and we work on flexibility but we're smart too because a lot of these wrestlers do crazy things in front of small fans uh we know we're in it for the long run so right we definitely pick and choose so we don't do pile drivers on concrete and things like that okay good we'll do that in a couple years yeah i don't want you guys getting uh getting hurt you're my brothers we don't want to get the kirti the hurt hurting you oh my gosh i like um i this is one thing since you guys i mentioned i've realized that you guys are really uh i like you guys i feel like for the most part people when something someone like goes viral for something they're like they're trying to like distance themselves from all the time but i like how you guys are are really like playing i really i remember so we thought about this like why and this is so funny because the video blew up in september what i'm saying wrestling fans in general like if a wrestler has a catch phrase they say it for like 20 years like i don't know if you know the room says if you smell what the rock is cooking right and people are like we're milking the me milking this it's real three days after like everyone was making da vinci memes and the one time i did one like right after everyone's like you're killing me i'm gonna have fun too yeah exactly that's so annoying it's like you're the you're the guys who did it you guys should be able to if anybody it should be you guys right uh plus a lot of people so enjoy them so i know a lot of people do a lot of people don't i don't know we just think it's funny yeah exactly especially all the spin-offs and stuff too yeah i know it's so crazy i was uh i was thinking about this the other day when i was like um like writing about some questions and stuff but it's like one of like the mona lisa is like probably the most famous piece of artwork like ever and like now i feel like for the rest of time it's going to be like now people are going to disassociate with you we've laughed about it we've laughed about it it still makes me laugh you don't know how much i've heard da so much like people yelling at us from like across the street through their cars always yeah you gotta yeah you gotta learn to like to laugh at like keep laughing at it you know such a funny word such a though word and we weren't even trying to be funny yeah imagine if we tried to be funny how funny would we be game over game so when you guys let's talk about that tick tock i guess um so when you guys were just recording those videos like it was it was like that uh that filter right that like instagram thing um so were you guys trying to just like just say that you weren't trying to say the funniest things ever you're just like let's just film these videos and see what happens so it's kind of hard to explain uh the creative process yeah so we made four of those videos now they're like each one minute long yeah uh i think the davinci one was in the second one but it we uploaded in july it blew up in september so it's kind of weird wow what's do you want to say the story okay do you want to say the story of like how we wanted to say if you want to keep it a mystery that is totally okay no okay okay this is funny um we actually said it like in the first batch of these answering questions one but we were laughing so we couldn't say it with a straight face and the way the app works or whatever that filter it's like if you don't say it then it disappears for like 40 minutes you have to cycle it's just random right yeah uh so then we couldn't get it in the first video because we were laughing so much and then two months later we tried it again and we fitted in the second i don't know we just thought it was such a funny word we had no idea it'll blow up but i think we look kind of silly i think there's a lot going on because we look silly and it's literally it's funny how it's like mona lisa yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys are just so confident and i love it it's so funny and i feel like it's yeah like if you like if you're just randomly scrolling and you see like it's like a set of twins like the same hair the same laugh everything and it's like yeah it's just like it's so interesting i mean i get it it's a lot to take in like if i was scrolling through uh twitter i'd be like what's going on yeah these guys are wild you need tick tock or take and then you look at all our other videos and you're like hey this is just as weird as because all the other ones oliver it's just stuff that we think it's funny like our humors like some people eat uh sometimes people eat cereal with milk first some people do cereal first but we do no bowl and then we just like slap it off the table yeah exactly you guys are uh march into a beat of your own drum is what they say drums drums drums just one drums because you guys are yeah two of you you need your own drum sorry i mean we could share a drum we share a chocolate calendar you guys have got your own ad you got you guys don't have your own i only like the numbers i only like even numbers you get the odd ones you get the even ones that's a charlie damilia reference you did this you didn't understand oh i'm sorry i'm not uh i'm not uh you weren't there when she was like uh what how you're not happy with 94 million and she's like all right no no oh i didn't see the floor i heard about that i didn't see the [ __ ] soon that'll be soon that'll be you guys 100 million hopefully after this podcast i hope we actually hit 100 million i think when we hit 100 000 followers we were like we hit 100 million followers classic i wanted to mention uh okay you guys mentioned you work at mcdonald's yeah yeah i used to is what i meant um which is weird because that was my first drive were you in the back or the front i was in the bows in the kitchen in the back were you in the back you know what rag meat is me oh my god i haven't heard that in so long yeah that's the little the the ones for the hamburgers cheeseburgers mcdoubles yeah yeah whoa damn that is crazy yeah i used to that was my first job and also my two friends this is so weird but my two friends in high school their name is connor and nathan okay but they they were twins as well so this is weird and they both worked at mcdonald's with me cool so what did you guys work at the front are you guys right there we did back for the first three years then we moved up for the friend for like kind of both near the end yeah uh what was i hated working there i don't know if you guys feel the same did you guys enjoy your time working at mcdonald's oh we love at the time the people that graduated high school they kind of that was everyone's first job so i mean it was like high school but then we knew we should quit because after they hired this new girl and she was like uh we were like 22 and she was like what grade are you in i was like oh yeah i'm getting too old for this job yeah i'm in no grade yeah that's probably not the best question to be asked there was um but it was super fun people with the hose and stuff like that or like the dishwasher um you do kind of look like us now that i'm like i know you like how you laugh and like look around did you have braces no i never had braces same same wow you just you guys got a good set of teeth too thank you the dentist said that our teeth are terrible on the inside but beautiful on the outside but i'm like that's what it is so what so like sorry that's like if they probably have holes that you can't see like okay so like the back side of it's just like they're just like they're just like black and yeah yeah but the outside is all crest white stripped up hey that's all that matters you know if if something looks good on the outside it doesn't matter so you could be as terrible as you want on the inside yeah as long as people think that's the moral of the story yeah as long as you look good you can be a total uh bad person i was gonna swear again good job good job i'm really showing restraint here um but okay so you guys i feel like it's interesting because um i've never had a video or something like that go like so crazy like viral as your guys's like the vinky one obviously like that's not many people will have that um but so obviously there's like good there's benefits to that you know there's people who are more eyes on what you're doing you're like telling them about like you know things you actually want to be doing with like you know your career goals and stuff but what would you say would has has there any been any like negative things that you've you've experienced from it uh i don't know i think if it was somebody that takes like social media comments personally and stuff they could probably get affected uh yeah we don't really that's good uh i think it's no one like threw a break through our window or anything okay what's negative what's negative are you guys noticed um some of our friends aren't liking our posts as much oh no they're envious or jealous okay which is super interesting uh no i mean it's super positive i mean i don't know negative uh it's okay if i mean that's great if it's all possible i guess not or i don't know we live right behind elementary school so every time we walk in the alley kids are like da vinci da vinci how many hours are there two days uh i think it's kind of funny maybe i i don't know we're still all new to this no it's not like it is no negatives well you said you guys made that tick tock recently where people were like leaving weird comments on your tick tock right i feel like that's um i feel like that's i feel like if that's the worst i guess it's it's fine but even then i feel like um a lot of the comments they just tried to like get top comment on tick tock and yeah that's true it works it's like they follow us then they still say hate comment just because the way tick tock works yeah people just want the comments they're just funny comments too they're just funny comments yeah like if it's coming from like our moms writing a negative comment i'd be like hurt by it i mean that's that's good i feel like dude sometimes i'll be like every time i read like a negative comment about myself i like stress about it for like the rest of the day people are negative to you what but you're so cool you get negative comments i always think only i get negative comments no everybody does i guess but yeah i've i've i've gotten some of like uh someone says i'm not funny or something or something why would they say that i get i mean it's fine if they can have their opinion i guess but at the same time it like there are sometimes or some days more so i don't know why but it's just like bums me out so hard you need us like on your shoulder like two angels like this you're funny you're very funny that's really good that'd be funny if there's like instead of angels and devils there's just two angels yeah you're really good you're awesome that's that'd be awesome so um yeah that'd be good uh that'd be good merch you guys got to do like bobble heads that attached to people's shoulders whoa like shoulder pads yeah sure yeah the boros twin shoulder pads huge um okay i have some questions that are might be stupid but um so you guys are obviously you're both you're you're wrestling duo tag team right so has has either of you ever been like a little more buff than the other one at one point so we made a tank talk about it we actually eat the same foods we weigh the same so if we sit on it we legit weigh the same to the decimal because for the last like five years we've been eating the same portions but there was a time when he hurt his shoulder in wrestling so he couldn't lift weights yeah i heard my shoulder and then he was like don't go to the gym you can't eat protein i cut his protein supply in half because i'm like no way your shoulder look how big your shoulder is mine's just like shriveled up weak little shoulder so uh right now we weigh the same uh but there was a time when but like today at the gym i did deadlifts but patrick didn't so maybe a little bit why didn't you do the deadlifts come on i'm gonna do them tomorrow i need to do it with pre-workout that's honest that's what i needed a little kick right a little caffeine caffeine kick dude i gotta i need to hire you guys as my personal trainers also wait i know something else about you uh do you you know who jake and amir are i love jake and amir yeah same so funny because i was listening to your podcast and you said the word cash like cash and then i liked your instagram and i saw you're following them so i'm like yeah that's so funny you say that it's i sometimes i i haven't realized until lately that i i feel like i've taken like that's like they're probably like probably my biggest like inspiration for them no i think i heard it in your like joke style a little bit yeah i feel like yeah me and uh are you do you know my friend danny gonzalez you know he is uh yeah okay yeah well me my friend danny we uh whenever we talk it's like i feel like because we both watched jacob when we were younger whenever we talk if we i feel like we sort of just fall back into like that like the jake and mere dynamic but yeah they're they're so funny even like going back into their old videos i've always like no yeah no matter how many times i watch it you should uh you guys should check out their uh their patreon is really good oh yeah we just listened to the podcast every week for years like back in like the tinder days when they were talking about tinder yeah i feel like they were like i think they were probably the first podcast i ever listened to uh-huh yeah they were doing it like before not obviously they weren't the first one but before it came like super popular obviously what's the you have a vr g or what is that in the back yeah that stands for very really good my podcast whoa oh vr and the g is kind of like on a slant yeah my girlfriend found them at a this like vintage market she grabbed it yeah so i guess they're a part of some old some old thing i don't know wait do we have one as well you guys got your big belts your showboating it's funny the company we own these belts for they close down so i guess through the longest reigning tag team champions for them so oh hell you just didn't never ask for them back so we just have them yeah that's yours now what are they so those are championship belts uh so we won them in january uh in one of our bigger matches in the commodore ballroom in vancouver uh matches on youtube it's so weird it's so weird like uh we're almost like more tick talkers now than wrestlers it's so weird first i mean we already yeah but i guess you can't really it's easier to do tick-tock now than wrestling yeah like we're still training but as soon as like the world is back like it kind of seemed like things got more strict now than like three months ago yeah are you guys in lockdown over there right now oh so we have to wear like indoor masks everywhere indoor masks or not your address in general that's about it okay yeah because toronto we're in like a pretty uh gnarly lockdown like we can't go to like like stores pretty much like only grocery stores basically what yeah i think you guys have it stricter than us yeah i think we have more cases i don't know but it's pretty it's pretty brutal but i mean hopefully once the i think obviously it will but like once uh because i've noticed the same thing with um stand up but ever since like yeah well i wasn't yeah uh i have noticed when i do stand-up comedy um okay no uh having like an online audience obviously helps a lot for people like already know who you are and they just want to come see you um so i think that'll be nice once people are allowed to do things again that when you're like i'm gonna we're gonna be wrestling here you're gonna get a bunch of people no for sure i think comedy is similar to wrestling like you probably find your own bookings and message around and stuff that's kind of what we do uh with our stuff i was i'm actually curious how because like with all the wrestling's stuff uh how does like the when you're putting on like a huge show like how it how was like the like conception and like the the overall like because there's like a story line through it there's like an arc yeah yeah and like how is there like does everyone just like meet up and there's like a writer's room type thing like how does it work on like the tv level which we're obviously not on like wwe and stuff they have like writers and stuff but we could talk about uh what all the but unlike the level we're on like independent scene kind of basically show up but we have a lot of creative control oh and music uh we could even like choose to wrestle our friends sometimes depending on where it is and cool do you do whatever basically we're told uh i don't know i don't know when we're wrestling it's so weird meeting like let's say we're wrestling american guys we have to go like what's your finisher sounds so silly and then we put a match together but you're like you just met this guy he's probably like six foot five and you're like yeah super weird and everyone i don't know wrestling's weird it's so weird why we do it that's so interesting yeah i always thought because when i went to the one wrestling match it see there was like a whole there was like different characters that were coming back and going away and there's like a whole like interweaving thing it was pretty impressive i was like is there like the way i was picturing it it was like a like an nbc writer's room where people are like pitching ideas and stuff and like i don't know that's cool that you guys get to like i think everybody kind of focuses on their match but like the people putting on the show probably have like four five like we've had it where we like suggested stuff in the story line like we had a manager that helped us win and stuff oh cool then we paired with him for a while and stuff cool that's so interesting i'm really excited man i gotta see you guys wrestle once this uh we're actually good okay cool yeah i saw so you guys actually auditioned for wwe right so last year uh it was actually in toronto i know we had the first ever canadian wwe tryout autos two days um they liked your slot they pretty much said keep wrestling and work on your social media so i mean you took the advice right but no it was it came at a good time because we worked so hard in wrestling and where we live in vancouver it's so hard like we flew ourselves to like europe to new york and stuff just for opportunities because it's not like we live in like new york in chicago where there's like wrestling like three shows a weekend uh so we're kind of like uh bummed out we're like oh i need to be doing more more more so it was cool to get that email at that time absolutely it just came out of nowhere so it shows like they're always watching yeah no matter what we do and stuff especially and that was like before everything like popped off too right that was 2019 yeah yeah so i'm it'll happen you guys are going to be i mean like in terms of like like independent like what's the what would you call like the level you're at i guess it's either independent wrestling or it's on like tv wrestling so okay everything else is independent okay well i mean in terms of independent wrestling i feel like you guys are the most famous so i think yeah we're definitely in the community for sure yeah i couldn't i mean i'm just i don't know too much of wrestling but i couldn't name another one so you guys are top of the list no i totally agree especially now no we were good before but now it's like we've really stepped up on i don't know uh i don't know it's not even a character this is i've been right it's just you guys people are like are you guys like this in real life oh some people think we're so smart that oh they're just playing a character i'm like don't think too much people are calling us geniuses i'm like um we are the all three of us the voros triplets we are geniuses we actually are good at math super good ask us any multiplication question a fairly easy one but a tough one so can i do like double digits sure what's uh 12 times 23. oh that's super hard okay what's uh nine times eight seventy-two oh okay what i'm gonna ask you what i'm gonna ask you one uh what's uh nine times seven is it nine times seven is to put you on the spot on your podcast you're like just edit that out and uh yeah i'll edit up the time i took to think was was that right though yeah yeah right super right yeah the nine times tables i remember are pretty they're kind of easy not really because i had to think for a while so the uh what's you guys like with wrestling uh what do you guys what's like the do you have like in an end goal obviously for it do you guys want to be on like the obviously like tv wrestling uh for sure the end goal definitely is to get contracted and just wrestle as a tag team uh we always like tag team wrestling and as like the reason we dropped out of college was like we didn't want one person to be a plumber and one person to be like an apple picker or like a scientist or something like right we wanted to do something together and the main job is uh make enough money that we don't whether it's wrestling or videos that we don't need a job right that's the dream that's the dream yeah um that's awesome well uh okay i had a i had an idea we could uh we could do i'm gonna share my screen with you guys okay we're getting it's gonna be crazy um but i had an idea we're gonna go through um some other famous uh pieces of artwork together and then we'll uh we'll get your thoughts on it maybe we'll rate it i'm like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so we'll share this you tell me if it works if you can see my screen okay you can see it did you draw that you drew it i did not draw that to scream yeah yeah what is what are your initial thoughts on this one this is um is that us i kind of think that's us in the background maybe someone's like fangirling that they just saw us yeah are those like canoes in the background i think i've seen this picture before though it's very famous yeah oh there's people communing too vincent van gogh is that the guy this is uh this was actually this is called the scream okay and it's painted by edward edward munch munch deluxe he got to munchies who draws this this guy was a psychopath i feel like i could draw this though it's not too special yeah that's the thing with art dude it's like i'm sure all of us could do it but they actually went through and and did it before anyone else this was probably like a viral video before viral videos just everyone's like can you uh i drew i drew a punch buggy once and it made it into the yearbook in school well maybe yeah that's that maybe that'll be one of the paintings we'll look at somehow ended up in the moma okay can you guess what uh what year this was painted in 1950 1950s 1950 it was actually 1893. oh so pre da vinci because we view life like post davinci and pre-devices right and this probably took like a fortnight round to paint it wait so was the screen the screen movies were made from this dude ah that's actually a good question it does kind of look like it you know like the same sort of face shapes long fingers long digits alien yeah it does kind of look like an alien so uh so how about on a scale of one to ten what would you guys give the scream by edward i give it uh okay let's say at the same time three two one seven we said the same thing uh that was a one seven seven okay well seven on on on the on the screen okay i'll let every munch know but even though he's very much dead do we know that you might be here well who knows you know maybe he has a pretty good uh immune system yeah okay so next we got this one this is the one you were saying vincent van gaal i really like this i wish i gave the other one a lower one this one's like a beast yeah so this is a star this is starry night by van gogh yeah this mango yeah i like it a lot it feels like i'm in like aladdin or like europe like hungary uh i really like that pointy tower in there it's like uh the cn tower a little bit someone's hair blocking the view or what is that yeah it could be your guys's hair if it was like brown it's more your hair if you spike it if i spike my hair that's what it's like yeah true yeah um uh well it's a night sky so i'm guessing it's the moon interesting no that's nice this one's really nice we give it a 3 2 1 8 out of 10. nice so vincent uh i'll tell vincent van gogh as well even though he won't hear me because he's missing an ear um did you guys know that uh he cut his ear off i think maybe it's all coming back to me we're not the art history experts that we play on tv or whatever that's that's all good yeah he uh yeah vince mango cut off his left ear when tempers flared uh with paul gauguin the artist with whom he had been working for a while so he was so so he was very yeah whoa he was so angry that he cut his ear out i think he was going through like mental health stuff but if you would have posted that on like a tick tock uh if it doesn't get removed but it would have blown up uh people would have been like this guy's wild okay so this next one what do you guys what are your initial thoughts on this one oh it kind of looks like a fourth night character or a star wars character i've never seen you ever seen this one actually me neither my producer uh compiled these you have a producer yeah yeah i have a podcast producer yeah this is she looks like she could be a tick tock star yeah i think you're right if she would definitely have like at least 500 000 it kind of looks like she has paint brushes on her hair that's what i'm staring at oh yeah it does i like that i like that i like your eye there that's a good that's like uh only his eye not mine this one makes me feel like uh wanted you know this girl's just like she's like excited for christmas i think i i'd say that yeah it's kind of like taking a little peek at santa claus he's like oh santa what are you doing here you're supposed to be more quiet than that here let's rate it at the same time with you okay okay three two one five seven uh there's a little delay yeah i i misspoke i meant to say five so this one is called a girl with a pearl earring whoa i already said well i thought it was attached to her neck a girl with a silver zit on her neck oh so this is uh this was painted in okay you guys got to guess this one 1999. earlier but it looks so modern yeah i'll see 92003 20 2000 2032 2032. uh yeah this is a futuristic painting it's actually from the year 1665. no it's such a good picture yeah she looks so young though yeah only old people lived in 69 um so this was yeah they did a great she's very bad she's very dead she's more dead than van gogh yeah i think we could all agree on that oh zoomed in oh zoomed in too much whoa she has like cracked skin she's cracked like in fortnite she's yeah she's cracked my guy uh okay so that all right whoa i like this one wow this one's really good so what is going on is that an eyelash so these this is uh actually if i if i am correct this is by the surrealist artist salvador dali dal salvador dali so many it makes me feel like i'm running out of time yeah what do you got how does this make you feel how does this make you feel so at first i thought that was a pierogi on the ground yeah it does look like a progy doesn't it not a whoopee cushion with ants on it i'm so confused yeah well i guess the whole thing of surrealist art is just making the weirdest stuff ever yeah you guys would be great at that easy i feel like i feel like this would be cool with like the vincent van gogh sky uh-huh that's cool the sky is kind of bland maybe not to draw clouds they got to do that sweet collab yeah the vincent van gogh and salvador dali collab when's that were they alive at the same time or no uh i don't think so well actually maybe because this was this was painted in in 1931. okay someone if anyone's watching right now this podcast and has photoshop skills please edit the background the sky please change it with starry night and then sell it and make a lot of money yeah please give us some give us some of the royalties because it's our idea um okay so what do you guys uh what do you guys rate this one what are your thoughts i don't i don't like it but three two we kind of cheated there we kind of cheated there that's okay salvador dali's never gonna know because i don't think he's a he's alive mm-hmm all these that's another thing i was thinking about none like there's no like artist like painter who's like they're all dead you know um he's just lucky by the way to be alive how cool so far let me get the next one i'm gonna guess it's gonna be the creation of adam by me hey hey guys you're cheating how do you say his name [Laughter] oh no wiener okay well i've actually never really stared at this one i usually fly away i did this in post i guess we'll block out the walk out the [ __ ] as they say um so this is the creation of atom by michelangelo um and what this is a pretty uh pretty interesting one this is probably one of my favorites because if you can see on the right here this whole thing is it kind of looks like a brain whoa i never realized yeah isn't that cool and it's like so the whole thing is like knowledge he's given he's given adam uh like all the knowledge like the human like the brain self-awareness all that whoa what's that under adam there's like a hand what is that looks like he's holding on to some artichokes or something or avocados or avicadios yeah of avocados this one's cool i kind of wish they touched fingers how big is this painting do you know i believe this is on the the ceiling of the sistine chapel right it's big it was really big i saw i think i saw this one when i was in italy and it was crazy whoa crazy it was like so you saw this in person yes and it's uh right am i yeah so when you go into the sistine chapel you're like not allowed to talk it's like it's really interesting and you can't like obviously it was like hey you can't take pictures either but obviously everybody's take a picture get them get them please stop that man um but yeah it's pretty crazy apparently i don't even know i forget it i was in italy a while ago but apparently michelangelo spent like 30 years or something crazy on this sistine chat really yeah this one looks a lot harder to draw than like the other ones yeah like comparing this one to that come on come on yes why don't we give the first one a seven yeah come on guys this is like a negative three you hate to scream now okay so what do you guys give this one 10. this is a 10 10 all across the board all right we got i think we got two more whoa have you guys seen this right before no i never seen this before the girl kind of looks like you know who no yo actually this would be a good uh uh halloween costume for you guys uh our thing about us we don't really like halloween it's too scary it's really straight holiday so scary you don't like it okay i like the material of those masks like the thin black like gives me i don't say this much but it gives me the heebie-jeebies yeah well yeah you watch the language no i've never seen this this one doesn't make me feel good this one's bad yeah so this one this one is called american gothic and it's just yeah it does it's not a very pleasant one it's pretty uh it's like like like it seems like they just got in a fight and then someone was like here let me paint you i wonder if there's two cameras like she's staring at the other one and then like right or two paint two painters i guess because i mean it's framed up pretty nicely like they're right in the center okay blocking the view of the house i don't know why he's so serious the yeah cheer up man also the background's got to switch it out with the starry night [Laughter] any sky in any painting uh i give it a two no like a zero or a zero yeah zero for american ghostly yeah yeah yeah we could do better with our with our dang eyes closed all right i think this is the last last one we got are we going uh wow this is a can you guess who did this one without looking at the the browser was it you oh without looking ah marge simpson oh yeah that's what i was gonna say too what's this no this was pablo picasso oh i heard that before somewhere yeah he did the one with the weird oh i could have guessed it if i if i really tried i can't it could have maybe yeah yeah i feel that i feel like you could have got it oh it's interesting yeah it's really i like the colors on it mm-hmm um her hat her hat's pretty cool so but it's crazy like i'm sure this would be like thousands of dollars to buy oh like hundreds of thousands i'm sure i'd rather get a playstation 5 at this point yeah why get a papa picasso when you get the new ps5 do you think people that buy it they stare at it for like in the like one year after starting at it they're like ooh something new on it or is this oh maybe yeah i mean i'm sure because even sometimes i'm like i look at my my face or something and i'm like oh i didn't know how to freckle there you know oh you had uh you had a notice that you had cold sore i didn't have a gold star but it's gone now check it out i have no cold sore i like this one this one's very creative very clear yeah i think we could put a little red a little red dot right there for a cold sore and then i used to be more real yeah then i'd kind of relate to it more often um exactly this is another 8 out of nice nice okay great well that was good thanks for watching yeah i didn't see half of those i've never seen um they were very quick well i feel so artistic after yeah it's it's really it's inspiring isn't it yeah you guys got another if hey if you don't want to do wrestling or tic tac anymore we can be art critics yeah no that's a good idea no no actually no bad idea a bad idea yeah bad idea maybe we'll finger paint yeah no no no no oh it is interesting though yeah you guys hey you guys you guys are creating art wrestling is an art form you know it's true so you guys are actors you guys are you know performers and that's art you know what so so you know and we're still alive so suck on that so yeah um well we've been going for like like an hour-ish so you know what how about we'll wrap it up um but like a christmas present yeah we'll wrap it up like a christmas present because with the lights behind you um chris patrick thank you so much for coming on the podcast um you guys wanna where can people find you come on uh so as we said we live in surrey british columbia but in the digital world uh voro's twins v-o-r-o-s twins is instagram twitter tick-tock youtube uh i think that's it that's it facebook if people are still on there okay wherever any social network just search for those twins and you'll pop up super easy yeah well i i gotta say i was fans of you guys before but i'm i'm huge i'm a huge fan now so you guys are awesome thank you for for coming on the podcast and uh yeah hopefully uh once uh how tall are you i well how tall do you think i am uh i'm actually five nine so you're pretty close do you know how tall we just have one question for you before we go yeah okay yeah who painted the mona lisa uh mona lisa yeah oh my god this is the best day of my life thank you wow well again seriously guys thank you so much and uh yeah i'll hopefully when covet is done we can all hang out and have a great time [Music]
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 206,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, vrg, very really good, podcast, voros twins, davinky
Id: oX52nBaFiRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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