Verbs with "to" and "-ing" | Learn English | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian I'm Maria and today we are going to be studying verbs with - or verbs with in do you know do you know about this Maria a little bit okay well I'm really it's very easy yes you have to memorize a few verbs and that's it okay but some I will I will explain everything so um how are you what yes yes today today it's very hot yes he's very close yes how many how many degrees in your car did you say cp850 aids now it's beauty a 3838 part that is very hot very hard to report so um maybe now you can go to the swimming pool is now I know tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow okay good all right well I'm let's go and study okay so the the first thing is we need to know the difference between an infinitive and a gerund okay so in English the infinitive is two and then the verb like for example what is the verb ear in English oh go go good to go so to go is the infinitive and the gerund is with that IMG so it's so we going going only going going exactly and no - no - okay good what about another verb like good to walk so here what okay very good easy ok so this is the difference between the infinitive and majority in English sometimes we use two verbs together so we have a verb and a verb okay okay and this verb here the first verb indicates if this verb is the infinitive or the gerund and there's two two categories of verbs two categories just cut the audience exactly how verbs okay so um the the first category okay is the verb plus infinitive okay and the second category is a verb plus gerund okay so for example a sentence with two verbs would be I want pizza no ah another verb to eat pizza I want to eat pizza okay so we can see here we have the first verb okay the first verb here and then the second verb you see we have the infinitive one bur second Bert if it is the affirmative yes okay because want is with the infinitive always always but a different verb for example I avoid eating pizza I avoid avoid is every table yeah I avoid eating pizza I avoid one bear - bear record exactly so we can see that with avoid always gerund be eating so now the majority of the verbs in English are this type the majority 95% of the verbs are like this okay so these verbs we have to memorize yes yes a lot of not many five percents 5 a few verbs a few verbs okay so we have to memorize the verbs so we can use the gerund okay okay so let's let's make a list of some common verbs with the giant so here is a list of some common verbs that are always within so admit to go well no admit going as me going avoid going considered going so all of these verbs okay we we use with the gerund always okay okay I said that there are two categories of verbs okay um verbs with infinitive and verbs with gerund yes but there are a special category of verbs modal verbs okay okay and in English there are less than 10 common modal verbs okay so only less than ten to memorize and the modal verbs are for example our codes masked should yeah etcetera these are the these are the modal verbs in English yes and with these it's no infinitive and no gerund for example we say could go must go oh you go or should go exactly so no to know German nothing okay oh you go and this this is a special of the special verbs but only only tend to remember so no problems okay now of course of course in English there are some exceptions of course so the first exception is remember and forget only remember I'm for it remember and forget so the the the difference is okay remember plus gerund or we can have remember plus infinitive okay okay there's two possibilities but the with the German term with the infinitive they have different meanings okay okay so if we say for example I remember eating pizza and I pizza okay so we have so we have the the two the two possibilities okay but they mean they mean something different okay so this means that you ate the pizza remember before you remember okay okay and this means you eat the pizza after you remember after yeah okay so we can say remember endurance of this is before and the with infinitive after and the same with forget if you say I forget eating pizza I forget eating pizza this means you ate the pizza before you forgot yeah okay and this one you ate the pizza after you forgot after yes it is same remember forever before after exactly very okay okay the next one is try try try so if we have tri plus gerund so for example I tried eating pizza I try eating pizza oh we can have tri plus infinitive so I tried to eat pizza I tried to eat pizza very good so the difference is that in this case this action is finished okay so we can say action finished okay or you can say action complete okay okay where is this one we don't know I don't know yeah so in this case we ate the pizza the action was finished at this case did you eat the pizza I don't know okay all right that's the difference the the next one is you stir used - okay so we have used 2 + infinitive ok ok and used 2 + gerund so for example I used to eat pizza I used to eat fits okay and I am used to eating eating eating pizza I used to eating pizza okay good so you can see here we have the infinitive here we have the the gerund okay so um yeah we have huh okay so this one means a habit in the past in the past which means in the past I ate pizza a lot like a habit regularly and this one this one means that I am accustomed to eating pizza story yeah exactly I am accustomed to eating pizza so there's a big a big difference yes he's very different very different okay the next one is afraid oh great oh great so we have a phrase plus infinitive you need it okay great and then we have afraid plus gerund us pretty last year good so we could say for example I am afraid um to fly I operate to fly okay to fly on an aeroplane yes oh I am afraid of flying I am afraid of flying very good okay so the difference is okay with this one it means that you will not fly not flying will not fly because you are afraid okay okay you will not fly okay so you know this means you do not do the action okay but this one means you do the action you fly but you are afraid of the consequences okay Juha exactly so so so this one means that that you do the action but you you're afraid yes and so means you don't do yeah okay okay the final one is sorry sorry yeah so we have sorry plus infinitive and sorry plus gerund okay so for example I am sorry to tell you I am sorry to tell you you're sorry or for example I am sorry for making noise I am sorry for making noise very good so in this case if we have the infinitive sorry to tell you it means that I feel sad yeah about this I am I am sad to tell you okay okay so whatever this verb is it makes me sad or like for example I am sorry to to to call you or sorry to drive you I feel sad okay but this one means I regret yes yes it means that if I make the noise I am sorry for an action okay yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry for for doing an action yes I feel sad I'm sorry for for an action I'm small making noise for example is the friend oh yeah exactly totally different yes these are all the exceptions in English okay so now let's let's sit down and practice okay okay very good very good ready okay Maria okay we we are going to practice okay so I am going to ask you some questions about about yourself okay no yes and and and you decide if it's infinitive or Jerome's okay okay let's have a look so the first one is on the weekend I love so love is infinitive or during you see anything very good yes so on the weekend what do you love to do on the weekend I know choose it meet good I love on the world to meet okay no at the verb to go I love to walk on the beach very good oh yeah I love to go underneath very good excellent the next one is tomorrow okay tomorrow I'm us okay so what do you have to do tomorrow tomorrow I must hold work oh good very good very good Maria because must is a modal verb so with a modal no 2 and no very good okay what about the next one after after this class I want so I've discussed what do you want to do a Sally's class I want the ring okay good but with one is it infinitive or Gerald so I want to drink or I want drinking drinking no no sorry with want infinitive so I want to drink okay after the class I want to drink yeah it's very good yeah okay fantastic me too me too really I want to do really yes so the next one is I can't stand so what's what's something you can't stand I can't descend lemonade very good very good excellent good so so at home to to practice this all you have to do is make a list of of the verbs some regular verbs you can find them in the back of of most textbooks you can find lists on the internet and just practice your verbs with to and in um it's a fun way to practice especially if you have a student like Maria I hope you enjoyed the class if you would like to see any more classes about Grandma vocabulary pronunciation and more then don't forget to subscribe to kangaroo English thank you very much Maria and we'll see you in class bye-bye
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 468,884
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Keywords: kangaroo, canguro, how to learn english, learn english speaking, learn english conversation, conversation, learn english grammar learn english, learn english free, learn english online, learn english online free, learning english, learning english online, learning english online free, language acquisition, english grammar, learning, learn, lessons, teacher, school, english, grammar, lesson, education, teachers, language, free, infinitive, gerund, to or ing
Id: 2R4asIbD_70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2015
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