How to use 'get' | Canguro English

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okay just got another package this one's from Kazakhstan from lose out there marcelina I've never opened anything from Kazakhstan before I don't really know anything about Kazakhstan so I'm super excited to open it okay so we have this is well what what is that I have no idea what that is Wow it looks weird it's not what look great it is it's all it's all in in Cyrillic oh there's another one but it's a different color Oh sting look if you if you know what this is please tell me so that I know what what to do with it hello to your family from sunny Kazakhstan I live in the Almaty it's the first capital of the country and Astana is our new capital beautiful looking chocolate from Kazakhstan suddenly you're interested in this more chocolate you know when I think about Kazakhstan I don't think about try like at all more chocolate looks like some some famous famous scenes from Kazakhstan there's like a like some rocks and some mountains and some desert and you know you have everything in Kazakhstan yeah nomadic money check it out look at that beautiful these are the musical instruments it's like a guitar thing this one that one looks a bit dirty so much chocolate and and goodies and an a beautiful letter thank you so much I really appreciate it I have the best students in the world [Music] hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian and today I am going to teach you about the word get get is a really fascinating word it was given to English by the Vikings only eight hundred years ago and in this relatively short time it has grown to become one of the most common verbs in all of English it's so common in fact that linguists want to add it to the list of key verbs at the moment we have be do and have and they want to add get to this very small and exclusive list but its popularity is also the reason why so many people struggle with it because it has so many different meanings but in this class I'm going to explain to you all of the different meanings of get and also I'm going to show you the logic behind those different meanings so by the end of this class get will be your best friend let's get to it like everything in life all of the different meanings of the word get can be explained in a very simple way with chocolate biscuits but before I do that let's look at all of the detailed meanings of the word get the original and oldest meaning of get is still the most common and that is to obtain or receive something and this could be literally or metaphorically for example you can get a pizza you can also get a cold get an idea or get a bus so I think this gives you an idea of the literal and metaphorical senses of to obtain or receive something you can also use get in this way as a die transitive verb which means it takes direct and an indirect object to get somebody something for example I got you a present but when you use get as a die transitive verb then we normally only use it in a literal sense it doesn't really work metaphorically get also means to become it describes the process of change and we use this with adjectives or adjective phrases for example to get dark the light is disappearing and changing into darkness to get angry your mood is changing and to get lost originally you knew where you were but then you got lost and even though your wife kept telling you to just ask somebody you refused to do it and now you're lost so you can use get with nouns to mean obtain or receive and you can use get with adjectives to talk about the process of change or transformation but you can also use get with verbs okay and there are three different meanings it could be permission achievement or the beginning of a new state for example with permission mum said that we were allowed to go into the street until midnight so we got to play until twelve o'clock we were permitted to play achievement oh my dream was to play football with Cristiano Ronaldo and last week I got to do it I achieved it and finally the beginning of a state I think that if you watch my classes you will get to learn English get can also be used to make passives to different types of passives in fact and this is a relatively new thing we have only been doing this since the 20th century so the first type of passive is the simple passive and it's the same construction as a passive with B we have the subject and get and then the participle so what's the difference between a passive wave get and a passive with B well a passive with get is used to talk about adversity or benefit so for example he got arrested adversity it's not good you could also use it for benefit he got awarded a lot of money fantastic but this type of passive in English with get is much less frequent than passives with B and it has some other restrictions the first one is that it's not very common to use it with an agent to say he got arrested by hmm okay and the final thing is you can only use this with dynamic verbs not really with stative verbs you couldn't say for example he got liked or he got wanted it sounds wrong the second type of passive with get is the causative passive which is subject then get then object and then the participle for example I got my hair cut and this is different because what it means is that you are causing another person to do something causing could be a synonym for asking or it could also be a synonym for forcing for obliging somebody to do something for you and this is really important to remember because this idea of as forcing an obligation is important to understanding a lot of other meanings of get the next meaning of get is existential get to say that something exists that something is and the most common way to do this in English is with the verb there is but you can also use have got in the same way for example I have got an exam tomorrow is the same as saying there is an exam tomorrow and in most informal registers you can if you want eliminate have and say I got an exam tomorrow but remember that this is really only common in speaking and as I said in very informal situations get can also be used to talk about motion both literal and metaphorical motion for example you can get on the bus or if the exam is really difficult and I need to navigate through the exam I need to get through the exam and this is a really common usage of get in phrasal verbs the next meaning of get is possession in the form have got but again in speaking or informal registers you can eliminate have and say I got I got a dog but it has some limitations it only talks about concrete objects things that you possess or own it doesn't have a light meaning so it's very different to say I have a shower which means that you take a shower and I have got a shower I physically possess a shower get can also be used as a modal verb more specifically a semi modal verb which means that it can be conjugated and it indicates an obligation necessity or knowing things and this is the source of the famous a gotta in English because have got to again in speaking or informal registers we eliminate the have and this becomes got to God ah so for example you have got to study you got to study it's an obligation it's necessary for you to study or here it's got to be correct it has got to be correct I know that it's correct finally and the most exciting thing about learning all of the different meanings of get is that it unlocks all of the phrasal verbs with get that previously didn't seem to have any logic didn't make any sense when you look at them using all of the distinct meanings of get that we just learnt the phrasal verbs become completely transparent for example to get ahead of somebody to get ahead is to to talk about the motion we are overtaking them in life to get on with somebody to have a good relationship it's the beginning of a new state to get something back which is when you obtain or receive something that you had previously by studying all of the different meanings of get and understanding their deeper logic phrasal verbs with get can also be your best friend now that was a lot of information and with my student I always try to be realistic how plausible is it that you can remember all of that detail about the word gets when you're trying to use it in a sentence so now let me show you the word gets using chocolate biscuits in a way that I hope will make it really easy to remember basically all of the different meanings of the word gets can be explained with this simple action which is the original meaning from the Viking word geta get can mean to obtain or receive I got a biscuit it can also mean to become or change so now I am a person with no biscuit and I have transformed into a person with a biscuit the same way that you can get angry or it can get dark get can also talk about obligation so I don't really want this biscuit but I I got to take this biscuit get also talks about adversity I really want the biscuit but no please I've really wanted it also talks about benefit I got given a biscuit get is also existential there is a biscuit I got a biscuit get is also used for permission can I have the please can I have thanks achievement I've got a biscuit it also describes a new state now I'm a biscuit less person now I have a biscuit it's a new beginning for me I make very excited about my new biscuit future get also talks about the motion I'm going to get this biscuit come on I don't want to get the biscuit I got it and finally possession I got a biscuit well I hope you found that class interesting and now you have to go and practice with all of these different types of get because remember practice makes perfect this video was made possible by all of my patrons on patreon so thank you very much if you would like to sponsor free education then check out the patreon link below and also if you would like to see any more videos about the English language then don't forget to subscribe I'm Christian this is kangaroo English I'll see you in class [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 151,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phrasal verbs with get, get verb, get in english, uses of get, canguro, learning english, learn english, english grammar, grammar
Id: r-kbIRl7Ge0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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