All English verb tenses explained | Canguro English

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do you sometimes think that maybe text messaging like whatsapp or maybe Facebook or maybe the internet in general is destroying your language that maybe young people today don't know how to spell and they use strange abbreviations or they use symbols like emoticons for example something like this this says may I see you home my dear probably you think this is a modern problem maybe since the invention of the internet or since the invention may be off text messaging on mobile phones but what if I told you that this is a business card from 1860 using symbols and letters to represent sounds like this is called rebus and it has been around for a very long time not hundreds but thousands of years some of the first people to write like this were the Egyptians so next time you think that text messaging or the Internet is destroying your language think again hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian and today I am going to explain all of the verbal tenses in English today I'm not feeling fantastic I think maybe I have the beginning of the flu but I have I have three things to help me I have paracetamol I have ibuprofen and I have back one of the empty a lot of people ask me to explain the verbal tenses in English what's the difference between past simple and present perfect and when do you use future continuous so today I am going to explain all of the verbal tenses in English using time so I am going to show you the twelve verbal tenses in English using this timeline okay so we have the past the present and the future each of these these times okay past present and future has four forms okay we have the simple the continuous the perfect and the perfect continuous the the first one that I want to talk about is the present simple so where where is the present simple well actually the present simple is not on this timeline okay the present simple is independent of the timeline disconnected from time because the present simple is something which is always true okay like I am Christian I am Australian I am a teacher okay and these things are a temporal they are always true the sky is blue okay and we also use present simple for things that repeat for habits because they are something which is true every Tuesday I go to the gym they are facts now the present continuous the present continuous is here okay and you will notice that I don't draw it as a point okay a moment I draw it as as a period of time okay and this is something important to understand that when we use the continuous tenses we are talking about a period of time okay and not specific moments so this is the present continuous it is an action an event something happening in a period of time that includes now okay so the present is included in this period of time it could be right now like I am recording a class for YouTube I am speaking English or it could be a longer period of time that includes now like for example the English language is evolving this is a big period of time okay or the climate is changing it could be right now or a longer period okay present continuous the next one is the present perfect and when you're learning English this can be very confusing the difference between the present perfect and the past simple okay and the present perfect has a bad name because in reality the present perfect is not a present tense the present perfect is always an action that has happened in the past okay so it lives here okay now you can see that I have put a question mark okay why because something important about the present perfect is that we don't specify exactly when the action happened okay but it is strongly related to now okay so an on a non specific time strongly related to now okay so if we are talking about Italy having a conversation about Italy then I could say I have been to Italy I'm not saying when I'm not saying if I've been to Italy hmm two weeks ago or last year or ten years ago okay I'm not specifying the time that's why I have a question mark but it's related to now because we are talking about Italy the next one is the present perfect continuous okay and remember I told you at the beginning that continuous tenses talk about periods of time okay so the present perfect continuous present perfect continuous is to talk about an action in the past but that is continuing until now okay so again I I don't know exactly when the action started you can see that it continues until now until the present okay and this is important so imagine that you come to my house and I am sweating sweating a lot and you say Christian why are you sweating and I say because I have been running okay so we're talking about a period of time that is continuing until this moment I have been running okay now let's talk about past tenses okay so first the past simple okay the past simple are actions which are in the past at specific times okay and this is important so at two o'clock I went to the supermarket you can see that they are specific moments and they are finished okay they don't continue until now they have no relation with now and they are to talk about contained finished actions the next one is past continuous and we know that the past continuous is a period of time in the past right okay inside this past continuous we could put specific moments in the past simple here and here okay so for example past continuous I was driving my car when past simple I saw my friend and I said hello so you can see that we have this continuous action this period of time using the past continuous and moments of the past simple inside now the past perfect so the past perfect is strange because it only exists in relation to other past tenses okay so it's impossible to say use the past perfect at this moment or use the past perfect when you are talking about this know it exists in relation to other past tenses so for example if I have the past continuous or maybe some actions in the past simple if I want to talk about something before this I must used past perfect okay this is past perfect you can see that it is before other past tenses and again you can see that I use a question mark because the perfect tenses have no specific time okay if we want to specify a time like at 2:00 o'clock yesterday three weeks ago then we have to use another verbal tense the perfect tenses we don't know so let's imagine a situation okay so here past continuous I was driving my car when I saw my friend and now before this so my friend had eaten lunch so this is before not a specific time we don't know when but it's before now past perfect continuous is similar to present perfect continuous because remember we're talking about a period of time and also a period of time that finishes just before the next action look okay in present perfect continuous it finishes at the present okay but in past perfect continuous it finishes at the past so I was driving my car okay I saw my friend he had been walking all day so at this moment okay you can see they are joined together okay at this moment the action was still continuing okay when I saw my friend he was continuing to walk so now let's talk about the future so future simple similar to past simple is a moment okay a finished action a contained action in the future this is future simple tomorrow I will eat pizza and remember that in English there is no difference between going to and will don't listen to your stupid textbooks okay we'll then going to are the same the next one is the future continuous okay and we know that continuous tenses are periods of time okay so here here is our future continuous tomorrow I will be eating pizza hmm so I'm imagining in the future a period of time and in the continuous I can put some future simple actions like tomorrow I will be eating pizza and my friend will call and I will say hello future perfect and again the future perfect is dependent okay on another verbal tense it doesn't exist on its own okay so let's imagine we have future continuous okay I will be eating pizza and I will or my friend will call okay but now we want to talk about something before this okay it's the future okay it's still the future but it's in relation to this it's before this okay so again because it's a perfect tense we don't have a specific time okay all we know is that it is before these events okay so tomorrow I will be eating pizza and my friend will call he will have eaten pizza already so I know that here in this period I don't know when my friend will have eaten pizza and finally the future perfect continuous okay so again similar to past perfect continuous it means that we are talking about an action a period that is finishing at the moment okay so this is future continuous I will be eating pizza future simple my friend will call and here I can say he will have been eating his pizza which means that he will be eating pizza until this moment here okay the action is continuing until the start of the next action I need to say that of course it's impossible to show all the complexities and technicalities of English verbal tenses using a simple timeline but I think that this will give you a really good foundation to understanding you know when and why we use English tenses when we do well hopefully you found that interesting if you would like to see any more classes about the English language then don't forget to forget to subscribe I'm Christian this is kangaroo English I'll see you in class bye [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 298,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canguro, learning english, learn english, english grammar, grammar, english tenses, tenses timeline
Id: m-Z2nhZ27nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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