Live English class | Idioms | May 8, 2018 | Canguro English

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Christian and this is kangaroo English before I start as always I just want to say a massive thanks to everybody who supports me on patreon you are the reason that I can do these live classes and that I can spend time researching and learning and making classes because of your support so thank you very much hello to everybody who's here in class we have lose eileen epicfail is here again jameelah DS ed m ee sebastian from france suresh c'mon Nabil Jalali Ariana Simone common no lagoons Alice Rios Gosha hello Gosha Patricia's here Dennis ana rita Igor Michelle Ramos Rosie khala lots of lots of great students here in the class it's good to see you again and don't forget that if you want you can buy some really fashionable kangaroo English merchandise which is great quality and also you look you know you look like a criminal if you want to you know give me your money it's good so today I want to teach you some idioms because yesterday I taught a few idioms and I think all of you really enjoyed learning some you some new idioms so today I'm going to teach you some more idioms so more idioms with my beautiful drawing my beautiful artwork but first I'd love to answer any questions that you have if you have any questions I'll spend just a little bit of time answering some questions yeah so if there's anybody here who has any doubts about anything just just ask me that's why I'm here okay so mu scene has a question about Preppers what is a prepper okay so I'm not sure but I think that this started in the United States okay and it's it's quite I've seen lots of documentaries and programs about Preppers and basically they are people who are prepared right so prepper comes from it's an abbreviation of prepared so the question is what are they prepared for they are prepared for various different things but normally they are prepared for the end of the world the apocalypse the the end of human civilization and it could be for various reasons because of zombies or because of nuclear war or because maybe some type of virus so these people have prepared for this so maybe they have a special house made of concrete and steel they have water they have big supplies of water and food basically they they could be self-sufficient for years they could live they can live underground for years now I don't know some of them are just some of these people are normal people who are preparing you know for for the worst but some of them are you know really crazy like they think that aliens are going to come and attack earth or they think that you know you know zombies are going to come out of the ground and you know so and that's what a prepper is a prepper is a person preparing for the end of the world ok ok let's have a look at some more questions here so Sergio has a question about used to great question common question ok so there are actually two versions of youth 2 to 2 verbs which are very similar so one is to use two okay and the other one is to be used so they both talked about habits okay they're talking about habits things that you are accustomed to doing so to use to talks about habits things that you regularly did things that you were accustomed to doing in the past now you don't do them okay so you could say I [Music] I used to run 20 kilometres but now no okay and you can see that we use this verb with the infinitive okay so we have and then infinitive so it's a habit that you don't have now but this one is different this is a habit or something you are accustomed to now something that's less out so you can say I am used to run 10 kilometers so this verb we use with the Jerome's hola sorry one one moment why have a visitor all I see is a Jaeger uno Quatro Quatro siete settle settle dress Archie sorry some some mail because today today I'm here alone there's nobody to answer the door okay this is a book that I bought I bought for my son Luca it's a book about the human body because at the moment he's he's asking me he says daddy why does my tummy Rumble Rumble Rumble is when your tummy's like and he's why why does it Rumble and of course I told him that the technical word for this rumbling is borborygmi and he said daddy what for bereavements no I didn't really so I bought him this book and this book is it has pop-ups you know the book pops up with with explanations of the intestines and I don't know I think it will be a good book I hope yes yes so this one is a habit you have now okay so I am used to running ten kilometers it's a have a new habit okay I hope that answers your question let me just I'm just I'm just going to answer one more question and then I'm going to do some some idioms okay so let's have a look I'm trying to go back to to the original comments I can here we go so well Gaja wants to know about the difference between rise and raise so the explanation maybe is a little bit I don't know because I need to think about the the specifics but my explanation will be a little bit strange okay bear with me bear with me so that the meaning the meaning really is is very similar to go up right so you can say that prices rise or you know something will raise but here's one important difference is that rise we we don't need an object okay so I rise at 7 o'clock or the people are rising up they're rising up or the the the prices are rising but this verb okay this verb we need we need an object we need a sub we need a direct object for the verb so I raise like what I kind of raised what it's like we have the the subject is performing the action of the so this one you know can be intransitive and this one is a transitive verb very important and normally we need prepositions like you can say wiser okay I rise right up but this one no this one note doesn't take a preposition I raise up no I raise down and I raised through no this one no I raise my children but then so so this one's complicated because because of the preposition we have lots of different meanings as a phrasal verb and this one has some different meanings like raise can mean to to bring up your children to to educate and teach your children to raise them or you can raise prices it's more complicated than I can explain in two minutes but this is the overview so this would be an intransitive verb transitive verb needs a preposition normally this one doesn't okay that's the quick explanation of off the top of my head okay the Sun yeah so Christine is saying that Christine says the Sun raises no the Sun rises but we could say the Sun raises the temperatures so it's transitive so we have the Sun creating an effect on something yeah and the use so you cannot rise somebody up no you can raise a person up raise as this verb okay what costs do we have rice raised the land rate raise the land I don't know what that means yeah okay so now I want to to start teaching you some some idioms and similar to yesterday we're going to do idioms in categories okay so first category is this one now now I'm not an artist okay okay what's that does anybody know okay it could be a lamb because a lamb is the baby but it's not the baby it's the they're very good it is it is the the mummy or the daddy it's the sheep now what color normally normally what color are sheep normally normally they're white right I mean normally sheep or white but sometimes you have the black sheep and the black sheep is a person although sometimes it cannot be a person it could be a company or a product right the black sheep is something that is out of the ordinary something not normal something different and strange right like you could say that you know I am the black sheep of the family because I love pizza and everybody else in my family hates pizza it's not racist okay it's not racist it's just because sheep are not normally black okay that's the only reason maybe you're right Mohammed maybe black sheep are aliens so yes so this this this is a very typical one you know in Spanish it's the same they say I'll beckon ekkuva I don't know in your language tell me do they say black sheep in in Russian or in Hindi or tell me I'd love to know I'd love to know okay okay this one okay so Wow so in in French Patricia says in French you say black sheep in Russian you say black sheep in Poland you say actually in Hindi black sheep so this is a universal a universal thing okay you know Portuguese in Italian Pechorin and I think good in there what's this one okay this is pig not a pork pig is the animal and pork is the meat from the animal or yes if you want you could say swine swine is refers to the category of the animals like this in general right so Yara Yara movement you have this correct okay so what is one thing that a pig cannot - a pig cannot fly imagine imagine if the pig had wings right and a pig could fly so it's it's impossible pigs don't fly it's impossible so in English when you say pigs fly it means that something is impossible alright so for example for example you could say um the politicians in Spain will will be totally honest when pigs fly the scarlet johansson is going to come to my house and have drinks with me when pigs fly it's something impossible well maybe not impossible but very unlikely very improbable okay oh and Mohammed has has has brought up an interesting an interesting one related to the pig okay so a pig is made of bacon and remember that that in the past meet any type of meat was very it was rare meat was very expensive and precious meat was something special maybe you would only eat meat once per week if you were lucky right and so when so so money and meat are related very strongly related because money is really important in life unfortunately and meat is really important so they the concept is related okay so you can say this bring home the bacon bring home the bacon means to bring home the money to earn the money so you could say that my my teaching here in the school brings home the bacon that's that's why I have my Ferrari at the front so Wow in Portuguese so Nadia this sounds shallow so nunca or NIM Karabakh KATUSA something about a cow something about a cow or something I'm not sure in French you say Quon Li pool or dis dog when hens will have teeth how's my French accent come on my French accent is incredible in Russian you say when the cat's up on the mountain whistles that is very strange very strange in Morocco you say bring a loaf of bread okay the same as in as same as in English you can say that you can say - in English we say win the bread to win the bread winner so I could ask you um who is the breadwinner in your house who has the money to buy the bread you know bread and bacon they're really important things right ok time for more artwork [Music] any any ideas what what what that is yes it is a hamburger or it could be it could be a hamburger one day Wow Seifer are we very nice ok so this is not a cow it's a bull ok and this beautiful apparatus here are the horns so you if you want to take control of a situation because remember this this bull he's out of control you know he's like he's he's smashing all the things he's trying to kill you ok he's angry so you have to take control of the situation ok you have to the ball I take the bull by the horns man take control of the situation control that crazy ball and it seems like maybe this is another universal idiom gosh I said in Poland it's the same thing I don't know about in other countries okay Patricia in friendship pond little pandas corn I'm French I'm sorry I'm really sorry French about my my pronunciation Sumana hold the bull by the horns means to be courageous no it's not about being create courageous it's about it's about taking control it's good to see you back in class so mad I haven't seen you for a long time in Argentina it's the same okay okay and now another important one okay another important one is is this okay so from the from the from the back of the bull you know from the back of the bull you have something you know something not good right something bad in English we call it all I think you know what this word is bullish okay you know this word now this is one of my favorites one of my favorite words in all of the English language okay this word because it is so versatile it can be used in a positive way in a negative way as an adjective as a noun as an adverb it's just spectacular so for example if I love your car if you have a beautiful can I say man that car is but right or if if I if I think that you're you're talking a lot of nonsense I said listen stop talking or you know as an adjective I'm like wow this is the most bullsh class in the world so it's it's just Thank You Nabil it's true my classes are bully I mean I'm one of my favorite word's I love it now now we're going to we're going to change to a different thing so no more animals now we're going to talk about work okay now do you know what a blacksmith is who knows what a black Smith is it's not racist it's not a person wearing black it's not an actor it's not related to Will Smith yes it's it's a person who works with metal a person who makes swords and armor and a person who makes things out of metal okay so in in in English a Smith is somebody who makes something right so you can have a silversmith a blacksmith a sip Smith a person who makes drink a sip Smith any type of Smith right and a blacksmith because when when they finished work they were black from the from the fire okay they were completely black from the fire so a blacksmith is a person who who makes swords right now what they do is they have the fire this is the fire okay and they put the they put the sword in the fire yes it's called a furnace okay so they put the fire that the sword in the furnace and then the iron is hot so now meet the iron because iron is is my accountant you know a ferrous material I'm so the iron is hot right it's hot and you can only you can only make you know you can only mold you can only mold the sword when the iron is hot and this action is called striking strike strike strike so the idiom is strike strike while strike while the iron is hot so it basically means to you cannot wait if if there's an an opportunity do it okay it's like if if you really want a job and you see you see an advertisement for the job apply for the job strike while the iron is hot don't hesitate don't delay do it boom you have one chance this is some Wow so apparently it's the same in French the same in Poland the Empire Strikes Back BAP deal fair no quando a car though I think that's Italian now but battle affair quand ashore okay to see and and now imagine if you have not one sword in the fire imagine you have ten swords imagine you have all these swords many you know many so you say many you have many irons in the fire you have a lot of a lot of things happening at the same time you know a lot of opportunities a lot of different you're doing a lot of things you go you're making this sword and this sword you you are iron man Wow we got another one here I don't know what I don't know what language this is or can he like she up to a pedestal for Christian I don't know what that means maybe I said something really bad so Francesco pristine Oh what does it mean to keep it in the vault well a vault a vault is a big container full of money in the bank the vault and to keep it in the vault means to keep it safe to keep it a secret it's true actually strike strike is a great word it's a military word as well right like strike Counter Strike like you remember yesterday we were talking about that English actor battlefield Counter Strike my favorite actor I love that let's do let's do let's do the human body yeah see he's bald like me this is my alter-ego the bald guy it looks like your boss your boss is a stickman okay so let's let's let's see what parts of the body here oh okay okay I want you to do some work what's what's this called what's the name of this very good it's enough okay and this I think this is very easy okay yes and this is well very easy this as well and this in general the head yeah [Applause] okay okay what about this do you guys know what this is oh you guys I could yes it's the neck and you know we have a special word for this part of the neck okay this this part here it's a special word that we stole from the French it's called the nape the nape of your neck this is the beautiful the beautiful part of a woman is the nape of her neck okay okay what about this one guys it's a little bit more difficult what's this yes for the perfume exactly Oh Monica big airs very good very good guys Stern yes it is the sternum I suppose maybe this is the sternum and maybe you're a doctor I think only a doctor would say sternum okay what about this one for axe yeah okay another thorax yeah good this is your shoulder [Music] okay a little bit more difficult okay what do you call this part the back you know the back of the the back of the foot Oh Mohammad and Josh ik and circular and Panda why do you guys know a lot of our categories is peel it's your heel and that's why girls wear the high heel high heels and some men some men wear high heels you know yeah it's 2018 you know men oh the lipstick I line up my heels whatever and the problems okay so what about some more some more difficult vocabulary key who knows what this is called does anybody know what this is no this is this is a clavicle here Wow very good this is the elbow okay more advanced what do you call this little here under your nose you see this little indent here it has a special name does anybody know what this name is right here mustache so this is the mustache here but this what's this this little thing I think my mind that the funniest thing for me in Spanish is that this this here your chin your chin in Spanish they call it a cheese informally informally this is your cheese he say wow he's got a big cheese Eileen Cheng very nice it's called the philtrum this is the philtrum very very good a great word the philtrum that's not a that's not a very common thing to know okay one final thing part of the body okay if you open your mouth and you go and you look at the back at the back of your throat you have a little thing like this okay a little thing like this does anybody know what that's called in English I don't know if it is a gland I don't know what it is but no it's not the epiglottis very nice I'm sorry I can't read your name because it's in Cyrillic but yes in English it's called deep and it's called the avila because this comes from the latin for grapes you know grapes grapes to make to make wine because if you look at this it's like a little like a little bunch of grapes hanging at the back of your throat this is similar similar like grapes Wow okay okay so let's do some some idioms so I think I'm going to Rodrigo that's a fair comment to be to be honest okay I'm going to you you have to do all of the work okay you have to do all of the work now if if I want to to to work with you I want to work with you to to invent an idea okay I want to work with you too to to think to think of an idea what what part of the body do you think that we use for this when when we want to think of an idea the brain but one of these words one of these words yes okay good so what is the idiom what is the idiom in English when I'm saying okay let's let's think of an idea together let's think of an idea you and me do you know what this idiom is yes my head is similar to an egg thank you for pointing that out okay not brainstorm okay because brainstorms a verb this is an idiom well okay so Jack talking something similar to share the head share the head Oh Moo scene ten a very nice to put your heads together [Music] put ahead so you could say put our heads together put your heads together put their heads together okay so you you can choose choose the pronoun okay so to put your heads together means to to work together to think of an idea okay okay living in now now imagine if the teacher the teacher comes the teacher comes into the class and says okay guys okay guys I have some very very exciting news and you're like oh [Music] what what which which part of the body do we okay last and not long spunked the more blessed and lost box I don't know the death instinct yes absolutely correct it's very good very good we say so the idiom is to be all ears so you can say I am all ears we are all ears they were all ears it means that you're like totally 100% paying attention listening okay yes sir and you guys are offering lots of other idioms I need your ear put your heads together it's great it's great okay eliminated okay okay what about this one okay what about this one this one's easy I think so imagine if all of your friends they go to a party they go to this party but they don't invite you your friends don't invite you to the party because I don't know why they don't like you because you're very piss out so your your your friends don't invite you to the party and so the next time you see your friends you're like my acting is brilliant about what what do we call this any any ideas what this could be related to [Music] okay so I know that in some languages you say give give the back okay bad loss powder but but no in English okay sumon soo man nailed it very good we say to give the cold shoulder okay it's cold there's no there's no warmth okay you're not friendly you're not warm and friendly you're cold it's the cold shoulder you say well next time I see my friends I'm going to give them the cold shoulder okay moving right along okay okay I have a secret I have a terrible secret this secret is it's pressing on me okay the secret is like our there's so much pressure okay I need to it's because it's it's look it's like there's so much weight the secret and I need to so think think about the opposites we have in and out and we have over and under and then we have on [Music] very good so some of you could guess this idiom is to to get something off your chest to get a secret off your chest to get get it to get it off your chest it's like you go out with your friends and you have you know you have too many vodkas me like I hate my mother-in-law she's a dragon I just want to kill her and your wife is like what I'm sorry I needed to get off my chest oh I want to kill your mom I'm sorry about all of this terrible you know acting I just you know it's Tuesday come on okay let's do this one heel now imagine that you're you're in a shop you're in a shop and you see this beautiful beautiful telephone and you really want that telephone it's the new the new iPhone and you're like oh my god I love that telephone so look around okay the Quran and you take the telephone and you put it in your pocket and then you run right now tell me what happens now what happens when you run huh what happens when you run with the new with the new iPhone in your pocket huh you're fleeing you're running away and but what happens then probably somebody is following you right probably a security guard or maybe the owner of the shop somebody is chasing you come back stop you come back with the iPhone right okay and in English we say they are hot on your heels hot on your heels hot hot on your heels because they're angry right they're hot they're angry they're they're running the sweating they're hot they're hot on your heels they're they're right here they're almost catching you okay so you can use this to talk about football you can say you know Messi has broken through the defence through the rail Madrid defense and I don't know the names of any of the defenders but and quanis is hot on his heels come back Messi for example okay for example Oh Messi is better than Ronaldo controversial controversial okay okay Neymar yeah I don't I don't want to talk about football that the truth is I don't know anything about football so I'm a bad person to talk about and yeah you can use you can use this as a metaphor you could say that you know mmm Apple Apple wants to be Apple wants to be the number one technology company in the world but Amazon is hot on its heels yeah as a metaphor absolutely okay the final one the final one is neck okay neck so neck means place okay it means this but it also means place okay in Old English in Old English right and so you can say imagine if you are [Music] let's do some reverse racism reverse racism so imagine if you are in Nigeria you're in Nigeria in in a little village you're in a little village in Nigeria everybody is black everybody okay this there's there's no white people they're all black if they're in a Nigerian village and then suddenly this white guy white guy comes in with with socks and sandals okay a really white guy socks and sandals and a camera and a camera and maybe like a big hat you know like a big hat and I don't know like maybe khaki khaki trousers you know really really bad white guy tourists and you say wow we don't have many white people in this neck of the woods in this neck of the woods okay so woods means forest because the forest is made of trees and trees are made of wood so woods is another word for forest more or less okay so it's like saying we don't have many white guys in this part of the forest in this neck of the woods in this area it's not normal okay so there you go lots of idioms related to the human body and related to human experience okay I hope that you enjoyed that class I I had a great time please if you are not in the Facebook group go and join the Facebook group there are incredible things happening there you'll see after five minutes you'll be addicted thank you all so much for watching I had a great time and lots of love to you all bye I'm Christian this is kangaroo English I'll see you in class
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 28,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live english class, learn english idioms
Id: 2rYXwMXOsxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 43sec (3463 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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