Modal verbs (can, could, might, should, etc) | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian I'm cursin and today we are going to be studying modal verbs everything you wanted to know about the modal verbs so um how do you feel about your modal verbs well I'm not completely secure about my mother's father yet the most of them I can I can you can um get by you can um manage yeah I can manage them how we tell us your story about learning English well I started learning English because well first thing they give my studies and then because I want to go to United Kingdom to leave I can to be there to spend there some time did you have any problems understanding people when you first arrived yeah lots of problems yeah okay especially what I've been living in lace they it's late the accent there is terrible sorry ladies hahaha so now you feel pretty confident you can understand well I can do some more but yeah I feel really more confident I'm not completely confident but yeah I think confidence is you know really an important part yeah and you need to spend time to it to be more confident yes yes look there is no secrets to languages on time and time and effort yeah it's the only solution yeah I'm practicing and I know fantastic teacher yeah okay well let's let's go and study the modal's okay here we have the 11 modal verbs in English but immediately we're going to eliminate 5 all right now we are eliminating will because it's for the future and we're studying the future in another class and we're going to eliminate woods because we use this to make conditionals and we're conditionals we study in another class okay and then we're also going to eliminate shell aught and May okay so that leaves us with one two three four five six main modal's that we're going to study today now why why did we eliminate these three it's because in English they are not popular and this this isn't my opinion this is a fact we can see that may I might shall and ought to Ord is not even on this list okay they are they are really account for a very small percentage of of the modal verbs in English but more importantly than that this this chart here shows the amount of change in the use of modal's over the past 40 years from 1960 to today and we can see that May has reduced dramatically and also has shell has dropped dramatically and ought which isn't here has also reduced a lot okay and also you can see that must is decreasing a lot in popularity so and that is because must is being replaced with pafter okay so but we will talk about this when we when we talk about this verb okay so before we start we're going to look at some general rules about modal verbs so the first thing is that a modal verb is not a true verb it modifies another verb so we always have to use a modal verb with another verb okay it cannot exist on its own okay the second thing is that modal verbs don't have conjugations okay they don't have like a past tense or or or nothing no conjugations and again no past tenses okay they only exist in the pressed okay they have no infinitives or participles so we can't use them to make certain tenses we can't use them in the continuous it's impossible because there's no Inge form like coding caning doesn't exist they always form the negative with not so you know you add not after the modal to mend the negative they always form questions with inversion so we put the modal at the front okay they are always followed by the bare infinitive okay which means the infinitive with no - okay and they cannot be used together with other modal verbs we cannot use two modal verbs together so these are the these are the the general rules for modal the first verb we're going to look at is might might is used to express possibility I might go to the cinema I might eat pizza I might do this but it means that when I use might I'm not sure maybe maybe not so I have some doubt okay okay so here we can see I'm the the important tenses so here we have present tense you might eat pizza here we have our the continuous he might be eating pizza okay so you can see we have to use it with the verb to be okay and you can see that it's followed we have the verb to be the bare infinitive no to here because the modal verbs have no conjugations when we use it to talk about the future like in this example we have to use the context so in this case have indicated tonight which is the future but if we are talking about what will you do in two weeks the context exists so I can use the modal no problems okay here we have an example in the conditional so if it rains he might be Peter so we've substituted on the future for a modal here yes you can check out this in the conditionals class if you're not sure about this okay and then the negative he might not eat pizza okay ah but there is one thing that's special about night and that's when we use it to make questions I said before that with modal's we make questions by inverting the subject and the modal verb and so this is technically correct my te pizza okay but the problem is that this construction with might in English is very very formal it sounds a bit like Shakespeare as health people don't say this so if you want to use might in a question you have to substitute might for do you think you think do you think our he eats pizza or do you think in if you think he will eat pizza so this is the more common way to use my attire for questions the second thing that's special about night arm is that if we want to use it in the past we have to use it with the perfect sense so he might have eaten pizza and all right this isn't a true past tense okay because this is speculation now I'm guessing he might have eaten pizza he might have not but it's speculation now must in English is used for things that are obligations or for very strong advice like um for example if you go into a mosque you must take off your shoes it's another obligation okay or strong advice like um if you want to pass your exam you must study okay but um although at the beginning I didn't cross must off the list its popularity as we saw before is really declining a lot and the reason is because it is being replaced with after so here we can see that in the 1960s okay must I was um about used about the same amount of the same percentage as have got to and have to about the same about 40 40 words per 100,000 words but now if we move forward to to today you can see that must has reduced to 16 and a half year and and half do is increased up to 50 so in general in English we we only use must if it's very formal or if we really want to be um you know very strong have to have to indicate obligation strong advice but it's a little bit softer it'll be a little bit more English so have to is that more soft a way to say something that you need to do exactly it's softer and so you probably have heard this have to like I have to do this I have to do that and probably you've also heard the other version which is have got to okay and especially in American English people say I gotta which is this basically I've got to so I got to go to the doctor I got to do this but it's the same verb okay so we're indicating obligation or or an instruction something like this here we have all the conjugations and of have to or I've got to I have to work today prison tense I will have to work tomorrow future so you can see that typical English this is breaking the rule this is called a semi modal because look here we have an official conjugation for the future and here you can see we're using the auxilary okay and here you can see for the past tense but yes we have conjugated this verb so I have to is a little bit special because yes we can I guess we can conjugate it but one thing that's very important if you're using have to then we conjugate it like this but if you use have got to then it's the same difference between the verb have and have got you have to conjugate have and not use the auxilary so for example I don't have to work if you're using have got it would be I haven't got to work we don't use the auxilary okay so be careful with the two different versions the next one is should-should in English indicates strong advice ah but it doesn't indicate an obligation and in fact normally if I use should I don't expect that you will do what I say make an advice so I can advise but it's very strange because I'm giving you the advice because I don't think you will do it okay Frank like for example um you should study more for your exam but exactly or I think you're not going to do it so now here we have here we have the conjugations of should so a present tense you should study more continuous you should be studying or again we're using the verb to be again we have to use the context to indicate the future the the substitution here in the conditional the negative with not and here we have our question so we have the inversion it should you study more but there is one special thing about should and that's when we you should in the past should in the past tense we make it with are the perfect similar to might might have should have and what it indicates is there was something sensible or a good idea that you didn't do in the past so you you didn't study and I'm telling you that it was a good idea you should have studied I don't know if you remember but on our list of modal verbs at the beginning we had can and could yeah now maybe you think that cannon could are the same verb but just you know present and past or something yes but no there are two separate verbs with two completely separate meanings so can this this can is for ability and permission mm-hmm so for example um I can ride a bicycle I have the ability to run glasses on or if I ask you um can I eat in the library I'm asking for your permission to eat in there yeah yeah and this um this this verb can is is special because it exists in four different forms can is different because it exists in four forms and actually it does have a conjugation for the past okay but it depends whether you're talking about ability and permission in a general way or whether you're talking about ability and permission in a specific situation okay for example in the present tense I can ride a bicycle okay in the past we conjugate the modal and we use the past I could ride a bicycle this was my general ability I could ride a bike but if we want to talk about a specific situation we would substitute for this I was able to ride my bike in the library okay so this is this is ability in a specific situation and then this is um permission in a specific situation like for example my mom allowed me to eat the chocolate cake alright so my mum gave me the permission in this specific situation to do something it wasn't like a general permission in the past I use you you are not allowed because it sounds more light it's not you can there it sounds a lot more route more yeah yeah I know you mean it sounds a bit more strong doesn't yeah but also it's different because when you use when you use our allowed you are specifically indicating permission but if you say you can't maybe it means he doesn't have the ability I don't know if it's ability or permission like imagine if I say um you can't walk in there alright it could be that I don't have the permission to walk or maybe because let me is water and let's see exactly and I will so you use you you are not allowed to specify the the permission okay okay army shouldn't say I can eat a chocolate cake if you say I can eat a chocolate cake then that means that in all of your life every day you can either chocolate cake okay but if you want to say I'm right now imagine we're in a restaurant and I say to you um can you eat chocolate cake you say yes I am able to eat chocolate cake okay sounds me no no and it's it's it's also very important because you know that we cannot use two modal's together okay so for the future for example I cannot say I will can eat pizza we have to say I will be able to eat pizza so these are special special versions of the modal verb that we can use with other verbs so this is the first can okay and this could is not the same as the next code which we will study now then we have good the other code ii could is and this could is to indicate possibility so it's very similar to might okay so it has nothing to do with your ability or your permission and this version of codes has completely different conjugations so when i look at the at the verb then i know whether we're talking about ability and permission or whether we're talking about possibilities here these are the conjugations for good so you can see here present maria could wait present continuous murray could be waiting again to be the future we have to indicate the future with with the context or with a word the the conditional if it rains maria could wait substituting here with the could and to make questions could maria wait now let's look at the negative if we use the negative of the verb then it indicates that something is impossible like in the past maria couldn't wait it was impossible for her to wait so we're taking something in the positive format something possible the negative impossible possible now this is the past okay this is this is the past of could so again you see we make we make this could with the perfect tense which is different to the verb can right which we which we use code as the past yes so that's how we know the difference between for example maria could wait that means that she had the the ability or the permission to wait wait or this one maria could have waited which means it was possible in the past for her to wait to indicate possibility okay so we can see depending on the conjugation completely different meanings i think that that is everything that you need to know about the the six core modal's in english so now we're going to sit down we're going to play a little game and we're going to practice okay okay so we have we have now studied our modal verbs and now we're going to practice with some of them so I'm going to give you a sentence and I want you to substitute the the sentence for our modal verb okay so the first one is it's possible that Jane will visit Switzerland next year and so we know that this code is indicating possibility so we're going to use could yeah I don't have to leave okay so I really really bad so we know that we know that could yes yeah but we know that could has no conjugation for the future so we cannot say we'll could yeah I know you'll be able to know yeah we could say we'll be able to write but the problem is I'd be able to get back there it's not yeah yeah so it's more to talk about um ability rumba yeah but these are not ability no this is this is possibilities ability so it's the other could so we cannot say will could no um and we have next year so we're indicating the future so will eliminate the will yeah and it's possible is is the verb so we eliminate this yeah so we say Jane Jane could be seats Whistler new you next see you hopefully excellent very good easy excellent and the sentence is much shorter now well yeah so okay um what about with must I'm sure they will be home now are they I'm sure date must be home now okay good so we're we are we're saying I'm sure okay we're going to eliminate yeah because the must is the same as I'm sure okay so we're going to say they they must be home no perfect good and again this is they will this is a future so we're eliminating will because we cannot use um two modal's together but we are using now so we are understanding that is in depressant exactly very good perfect excellent um one more difficult now okay so um we're going to do one in the past ah this I'm sure he bought a new car I'm sure he's I'm sure we eliminate because is indicated with must so we start with he he must have yeah a new car very nice so with must we have to use the present perfect must have and that indicates um something that you're you're sure about very nice very nice okay one final one um we're going to do it with um we're gonna do which one should we do um might so the sentence is perhaps she's gone to stay with her mother yeah she might stay with with her mother okay so um in this sentence is which features no she has gone she has gone so that's gone to going to or no also note here this contraction is um for I'll have so we're saying she has gone bad a sheep should we're saying that what the the perhaps we're not sure when are sure perhaps she's gone to stay with her mother ah so how do we how do we use might in the past he passed again present perfect she I don't remember those okay so she she's hat might have she might have go to stay with her mother perfect excellent excellent very good well hopefully now you know everything that you would like to know about modal verbs um how do you feel now about your modal verbs I think in and moremore secure now I think I can know the difference between ones and the others and the uses on yeah I think is is I mean program with modern parks yeah good on our it will take time and really you know the modal verbs remembering the conjugations and and the different uses it's complicated yeah yeah um time and time and effort an Air Force yeah um if you would like to see any more videos about grandma pronunciation vocabulary or if you would like to see more I shall say then don't forget to subscribe to kangaroo English thank you very much thank you and I'll see you in class
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 142,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canguro, learning english, english grammar, modals, modal verbs, can, could, should, might, must, have to, have got to
Id: LucNdnfbNIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2015
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