How to learn English vocabulary 🔴LIVE

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hello hello everybody and welcome to this kangaroo English live life class this is my first live class in a really long time more than more than a year I think and I'm kind of I'm super excited and also maybe maybe a little bit nervous which is not normal for me but well anyway Here I am so today we're going to be talking about vocabulary learning and also maybe trying to answer the question of you know how can you learn a language especially if you you don't have a teacher and especially if you maybe don't have a lot of resources it's a good question right now a question that I get asked every single day so so as you can see to talk about some sort of technical technical aspects I'm in I'm in a different classroom I'm using a whiteboard instead of a blackboard hopefully the video quality is really excellent it should be high-definition video and hopefully the sound is good so yeah I can I'm looking at all your your your comments in the chat here and there's people from all over the world it's it's it's awesome to see it it makes me really happy but since since we've started a little bit early I thought that we could we could just sort of play some games to just kind of warm up a little bit before we before we get into the into the meat of the class and since we're talking about vocabulary let's um let's let's let's let's play a vocabulary game this is a really simple vocabulary game it's just to test your the amount of your your vocabulary kind of size okay and so all you have to do is think of as many things as possible ten things if possible from this category so the first one the the first one is this ten things that come in pairs in pairs so can anybody think of let's let's think of things that come in pairs and let's see how many how many of them you can on you can get okay good already we have socks twins eggs well eggs I'm not so sure about eggs I don't know I don't know in what country they sell eggs in pairs shoes gloves okay great shoes gloves boots spouses well that's that's an interesting one we can talk about some of these glasses and apples apples glasses Oh earrings I like that one a lot jeans and and bills and flip-flops jeans and flip-flops so well eggs I mean eggs are normally sold in in a dozen right you know you normally go to the supermarket and buy them in twelve and have you ever wondered about why that is I mean you know normally if you buy some type of product maybe it comes in a pack of ten or a pack of five like more like a you know normally like an even number ten fifteen twenty but twelve it's kind of weird and and there's a historical reason for this which is that you have to remember in the past people used to sell items you know in in markets and they didn't have cash registers also called tills and they didn't have calculators they had to use their hands to calculate everything and and it's possible to count to 12 very quickly using just one hand right and so what you do is you count your your lines in each of your four fingers and use your thumb so you can go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and it's a really fast and easy way to calculate numbers so imagine you're in the market and you're selling eggs exactly Pablo Pablo knew this about the UM about the the counting on the fingers and what else do we have we have spouses now spouse is I would say it's not a very common word spouse spouse is a word which means you're you're married partner so it could be male or you're male or female it's like a gender-neutral word for your husband or your wife and scissors yeah I didn't write scissors but but scissors also come come in pairs and if you think about it it's a little bit strange right because scissors is one object but it's a plural so the the plurality is is built into the word okay and the same with trousers right trousers a well like jeans it's plural because it has two leg holes right but that that doesn't make any sense because a shirt has two arm holes but it's not plural language okay um we're gonna do we're going to do just one more what time is it yeah we're gonna do one more and then we're going to move into the to the meat of the class to the meat of the class okay this one this one I think is a bit more difficult okay deadly predators predators ten deadly predators so a predator is is is an animal that attacks prey so you have this is the relationship predator and a prey so the prey is the victim and the predator is the is the the winner so you're probably familiar with the concept that you know in in nature there's this kind of predator and prey and you have the food chain right and humans are technically at the top of the food chain but only because we have you know technology right I mean if you dropped a human being in the middle of of say in the middle of Africa without any technology like cars and and and houses and maybe guns then then they would not be at the top of the food chain for very long Lucas man I think Lucas must be polish because his name is like 10,000 consonants Lucas says that a predator is Boris Johnson okay so we have lots of lots of great lots of great things Galina Ivanova says the predator is a girlfriend so true so true in fact there is there is a derogatory word for for women who are women who are kind of maybe powerful and and assertive and maybe a little bit aggressive we call them a maneater right and this this is another you know another example of of how there's this historical kind of gender this imbalance in genders right you know that if a man you know eats a lot of women you know he's a legend but if a woman needs a lot of men she's a man-eater it's not doesn't have the same magic so yes it look there's there's lots of great predators in the in the chat we've got like sharks hawks eagles tigers bears etc now so now now this this this game is is is great for you know for having fun and for maybe learning a few new words but but it's not a great way to to attack vocabulary learning because because it misses something really important so so now let's let's get into the to the meat of the class let's answer the question of how can you learn vocabulary because you know vocabulary is a really important part of learning a language really important part and the answer to the question the answer is really simple okay but sometimes the practice is more difficult but the answer is simple what you have to do is use those words in a way that is meaningful to you okay and that's why things like you know flashcards and you know games like this and you know they're great supplements you know they're like a great help but they're not they're not something that you should be focused on they're not they're not the core there's the central part of a vocabulary learning okay so what what I'm trying to do today is I'm trying to simulate as much as possible a kind of real classroom environment okay so if if this was a real class then I would want to make a curriculum make a kind of a learning plan that is personalized to you right and that's why and that's why I mean you know I have a workbook here this beautiful administration and Finance workbook now the reason I have this workbook is so that I can take it outside and burn it later that's what I'm gonna do with this workbook it makes a great fire now now the problem with workbooks okay is is is that is that all of this stuff is the same stuff that is given to let's say 20 million students in Spain right okay and and this the science is very clear if if it doesn't mean anything to you you close off and you don't learn okay so so my first question to you as a student would be what are you interested in okay and and actually I want to I want to kind of simulate that question today so I'm gonna ask you what and if we have a majority of people here who are interested in similar things you know let's do that so tell me guys what are you what are you into what are you interested in could be anything maybe you're a doctor maybe you're interested in monster trucks I don't know tell me tell me okay so Lucas Chris man what why do you have to have so many constants in your name Lucas goosh goosh I'm ski Christian is Keith Lucas regime skis interested in history NASA is interested in TV shows okay Alex and Kelleen are interested in money cooking okay so I like I love some of these possibilities history TV shows okay cooking cooking war artificial intelligence artificial intelligence medicine philosophy another one for cooking okay AI great subjects English learning mysticism well okay just because I don't want to spend I don't want to spend too long being indecisive because the truth is that when I'm not teaching I'm indecisive in in my real life so so here I'm not going to be indecisive let's let's choose cooking as our as our subject for today okay so if if if if you were my students here in here in Mike in my school I would say okay we're going to spend a couple of weeks maybe a month we're going to talk about cooking and then we're going to do some artificial intelligence we're going to do some history and everyone's going to be interested because it's going to be great fun it's gonna be fun as well so so let's talk about cooking and I know that there's there's going to be people here interested in cooking Luke Lucas has a great idea he says why not the history of cooking it's a fabulous idea actually there is there is a there is a program that my wife watches and they they cook traditional dishes in in traditional ways and you know so that that could be a great there could be a great a great series of classes okay so let's do let's do let's do cooking so let's get a little bit more specific for today now which cuisine shall we talk about and so anyone who's interested in cooking shall we talk about like it al or tie or I don't know tell me let's choose a quizzing let's choose a quizzing marina the Argentine she hates cooking Oh Nadia says Russian cuisine Italian okay Russian Italian let's see if we've got some more votes here Indian food Italian Brazilian food so many votes here Brazilian foods doing very well okay again again because we don't want to you know I don't want to be indecisive let's go with Brazilian food okay so hey next time we can talk about Russian food it's another class okay so we're going to talk about Brazilian food okay so for for those people here in the class who are interested in Brazilian food you know and and this is the important thing we are we are engaging you as a person okay it's not about the language the language is how we do this activity of talking about Brazilian food the language is secondary to that okay so let's let's talk about about Brazilian food and I think we can we can start with a kind of maybe like a kind of you know breakfast lunch dinner I assume that Brazilians eat breakfast so tell me what's a what's a typical Brazilian breakfast food what a what are people eating in in in Brazil for breakfast okay so Nastya says she doesn't know anything about Brazilian food well this is awesome it's like a cultural lesson as well okay I don't think Brazilian people are eating barbecue for breakfast okay cheese bread and dulce de leche and fruit and beans okay so we have cheese bread and dulce de leche which I will call well it's basically caramel really the Americans pronounce they the the American pronunciation is caramel maybe I need to write it bigger okay geez bread and caramel okay and I think I've missed so many things okay tapioca oh nice okay tapioca tapioca and also coffee of course of course super important okay coffee ooh ooh Oh No there's marina says that dulce de leches from from Argentina maybe I am maybe I misread that okay so it's cheese and bread caramel is the melted car No okay okay so we can we can start with this we can start with this to begin with now what what now maybe it seems like talking about cooking and kind of Brazilian cooking maybe this seems like it will not help you in a big way to learn English it's like well you know I'm not interested in cooking so you know it's not going to help me to talk about business for example but that's not true because you know vocabulary from cooking so much of that translates into into business for example you know we have idioms about cooking one of them would be don't cry over spilt milk don't cry over spilt milk means you know don't cry don't get upset don't get angry about unimportant things that's straight from cooking you know another one that you can use in business if you want to make an omelet you have to break a few eggs you know again this is this is this is a really common thing that business people say that you know if you want to create something amazing you have to break some things right take risks create damage that's what Facebook does all the time right for example yeah ah another great one here from jolly Sharma bread and butter bread and butter your bread and butter is something essential the the foundation the basis of of your business or or your maybe even your life like for example you know my bread and butter as a teacher is teaching groups of children it's the foundation of my work you know so for example so and again you know verbs from cooking you think that verbs from cooking are not important they're super important you know phrasal verbs from cooking we're going to use them everywhere okay but before before we before we get really specific I want to tell you about this okay now this is a piece of research from 1969 before I was born okay when there were dinosaurs roaming in the land okay and this is I'm gonna hold it up here so you can see the name of it okay narrative stories as mediators for cereal learning okay and what they did is they performed a really simple experiment okay they they asked people to memorize 10 nouns very similar very similar to our game right they asked them to memorize 10 nouns and they had two groups so the first group they memorized the 10 nouns in a traditional way in a kind of a workbook vocabulary list flashcard kind of way yeah they did that the second group what they did was they used the 10 words in a story and guess what happened well you can actually see very clearly in this graph here ok so this is how many words this is how many words the people remembered when they had to memorize them in the flashcard way and this is how many words they remembered when they told them as a story okay they remembered basically all of them okay what does it say I think it says um 93 percent versus 13 percent right now there's no surprise here this isn't a technique this isn't a method that you have to pay ten ninety-nine a month for this is evidence of everything that we know about which learning you make it personal you make it interesting to you you tell a story you engage brain you remember words it's that simple okay so to answer the question again and I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself but to answer the question again you know if you if you if you want to learn a language and remember stuff make it meaningful to you okay it's that simple cloud would like to hear me speaking Spanish Wow no no no way I said okay so let's go back to our our thing so we have some cheese bread and caramel and tapioca and coffee I think these are all very you know they're very it's easy vocabulary and and actually there's not really any cooking I think involved here so what one little thing I would I would I would call this cheesy bread I would I would use this I would use this as an adjective I think it sounds more natural cheesy bread so let's let's explore let's let's explore lunch okay let's explore lunch tell me tell me what the Brazilians are cooking for lunch let's talk about that do I speak Portuguese non pero el fallo Gallego which is very similar to to Portuguese in a lot of ways I think because I live in Galicia in in in Spain churrasco okay rice and beans okay like that recipe meat rice and beans bolo that all borrowed the rice and beans okay so rice and beans so I imagine that the ingredients let's talk about the ingredients what are the ingredients for rice and beans rice rice and and beans of course but I want to know what what type of beans are they are they like fava beans they are broad beans white beans black beans think Thank You Fernando I really appreciate your donation I will use it for a good a good course yeah and we're going to talk about the spices so okay garlic olive oil onions okay great garlic olive oil okay so oh it's green beans is it black beans I think like a Carioca beans okay we're gonna say black beans beans karaoking yeah onion and garlic are ever-present okay onion okay herring herrings you know I was um recently I was watching a video about that fermented herring now herrings a type of fish okay I was watching a video about this fermented herring from man I think it's from is it from Denmark it's called sauced rostral Wawa I can't even remember the name of it basically it's the stinkiest food in the world it comes in a can and to open the can you have to put the can underwater because it smells so terrible and another donation from thank you so very much I appreciate that okay it's from Sweden it's stinky fish from Sweden okay or from Norway I don't know there's some conflicting information here so I wanted to get an idea of how we cook rice and beans so what is the what is the the process of rice and beans do we first do we boil the the rice yes that's what it's called surstromming I'd like I'd like to try it one day okay so we have to boil the beans okay so step one boil beans okay boil beans in water okay moss okay then we have to fry fry the onion and garlic okay okay we have to add salt okay good okay so before we have to then we have to wash the rice okay good we have to wash the rice and put on our queso so this has onion the garlic with with salt in olive oil okay good okay nice then we have to boil the meat boil the meat really okay but are we are we boiling it or frying out okay boil the meat okay so okay so it's very important apparently it's important to wash the beans before you boil them then we have to add bacon I assume we're adding bacon here so we're add bacon so you boiled the meat for many hours okay so it's like slow cooking okay I get that okay jose-luis says we fried the crushed garlic in the rice then we stir for a little until the rice gets yellow and then we add the boiled water and cover the pan and let it dry okay oh and we have to add bay leaves as well bacon and bay bay leaves okay bacon of bay leaves and yes there was also stir and we have to stir it's it's very true it's very true mark Donovan says that fish generally are very smelly and so that's why you say hmm that smells fishy if you say that something smells fishy it means that it's something is suspicious because you know suspicion is suspicion is not good so it's really funny all of the all of the Brazilians are saying that this this already it smells delicious right it smells it smells fantastic so so okay so we've boiled the beans we've fried the onion the garlic and salt wash the rice and then I imagine it's um at some point we have to mix all of this together I mean it looks some it looks like a great like a great recipe and now here so again again if I if I was in class with you here would be a great opportunity to to look at your pronunciation of some of these words right so for for example okay for example this word this word here now obviously it depends on your depends on your native language okay but here what what you want to do is you want to well for example in Brazil in the Brazilian pronunciation it's probable it's probable that you would try to pronounce each letter very clearly right Thank You Cielo I appreciate that so this would sound may be something like you know on onion onion okay but in in a in a in a in a more in a more kind of English style pronunciation okay then you would you would look for something that sounded a bit more like this onion okay onion and and again because because this is because this this is not pronounced as an or okay so your mouth position wouldn't be like or neon all okay in in most english dialects it would sound more like an AA okay so if I was to write it okay if I was to write something similar to a kind of a British or American or Australian pronunciation it would sound more like onion onion now in in in general this might not be important okay it might not be important because in the context I know that you're talking about and this you know this onion right but um but the problem is that it might cause a little bit of a problem with intelligibility with it understanding right because because you would want to add that extra syllable right so here in in a more in a more English pronunciation it would just be two syllables onion onion okay but but maybe maybe with a Brazilian kind of accent it might might be more like three all on me on on me on okay and that might cause a problem with understanding and that's what's important the vowel sound is not too important but the number of syllables is so just just ask yourself how you would say it would you say it as two syllables as one would you have a kind of a neutral zombie sound would it be like because unfortunately that would be that's that's the most sort of common sound in among native English speakers like a zombie okay like totally relaxed [Music] okay so you can you can try that okay and so so I could depending on my students I could talk about pronunciation of some words a little bit okay and and also I interested in in talking about some of these verbs right so I have a little a little job for you now here I have my phone okay and I'm going to go to a website which is thesaurus calm okay a thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms it's a really it's a really come on focus focus now come on focus focus focus come on hello focus here yeah hello it doesn't want to focus okay um well the Souris calm okay and I'm gonna type in I'm going to type in boil boil boil so here are here is a list of some synonyms we have for boil okay so we have bubble that makes sense okay the water's kind of bubbling right evaporate mm-hmm I feel like that's more of a that's more of a um like a side effect of boiling poach ooh so to poach okay and and I don't know if you can you can see it here I don't know why this camera has decided to not focus anymore come on baby anyway poach poach is P Oh a CH this is this is a type of cooking which when you normally you boil meat in water okay that's called that's called our poaching that's the most common way to to do it it's you know in posh restaurants they have poached cheese or poached poached eggs now this is not a nap okay this is not a nap this is a website for Soros calm let me let me type it in in the chat here okay okay so we have poach Simha another great one simmer simmer is when something is boiling but at a low and constant kind of temperature right and stew this is this is another one yes you st w stew is the process of making meat and vegetables from hard to soft by cooking them in water so here we have these great synonyms right these great synonyms from cooking that are very specific okay they're very specific synonyms so you know there's a there's a dip for a chef there's a difference between boiling and poaching and stewing and simmering and they are differences that that might be interesting to you okay as a person who's interested in cooking now again again I want to say one more thing again maybe you're thinking okay this is not very interesting to me I'm not interested in cooking I don't care about different types of boiling so you know so know right but I promise you that all of this stuff is useful and I'll give you a clear example now a lot of language maybe all of language is based on metaphor or okay the idea of metaphors is really powerful and one of the metaphors that we use for anger okay anger is temperature when something is hot it means that somebody is angry okay so actually boiling stewing and simmering we all use those to describe people who are angry in different ways if you are boiling with anger it's visible right you're like really boiling with anger okay just like that water if you're simmering with anger the anger is low okay like that water just the water's just it's hot it's really hot but it's not it's not okay it's just so you can maybe you know maybe like if you know if you are five years old and your mum tells you you know stop playing with your Lego you sit and you simmer with anger and stewing okay so remember stewing is when you is when you cook you make the meat soft over a long period so stewing is when you're angry for a long time right it's like he sat in the corner and stood for hours okay so again this is a class about cooking it's a class about Brazilian cooking but you know we can we can learn pronunciation and vocabulary and verbs that are you know interesting for all parts of English okay now what what we're going to do so and again now if if this was if this was my real class okay I wouldn't talk so much because you know my my objective is to talk maybe ten percent at the time not a hundred percent of the time so I want now I want to pass over you know the work to you okay I'm gonna try and simulate a class so we're going to basically copy this we're gonna copy this this little this little study and we are going to learn ten new words by writing a story okay so we're going to start and we're gonna start with these ones okay without onion okay so oh my god so we're gonna start with okay so this is were number one were number two and we're number three stew stew pot and simmer maybe I hope you can see those I'm gonna type them in the in the thing now so let's look for some more synonyms okay now there was another verb there was another verb from the cooking which was stir okay to stir and if we look for some synonyms we have whip now whip so so stirring is slowly right stirring the pasta stirring the pot and then you have whipping all right you know when you have to whip the cream so whipping is fast stirring okay and yes yes well we're going to make stir we're going to make stir a word but we are going to make we're going to make stir as evert as a young yeah as a verb right but not the cooking verb not this verb stir has a second meaning which basically means to move okay so I'll give you a specific example imagine I'm lying in bed and I'm very very very very very tired I'm lying in bed and I don't stir I'm completely still but then maybe the next day you know I'm feeling kind of nervous about feeling nervous about work maybe so I'm stirring all night okay I'm stirring so this is the verb I want to use not this stir movements does so these are the five words stew to be angry for a long time poach which is to boil in water that's a cooking word okay simmer which is to be angry in a low kind of way whip which is to you know really to move something quickly so for example I can whip around the the classroom or I can whip into the shops to buy to buy some corn flakes and then disturb the the verb of movement okay so your job now is to write this as a story okay so I don't know if you have some paper as a pencil if you want to type it in your computer whatever and then I'm going to invite some students to to join with me now on skype live and we're going to we're going to look at the the work okay so I'm gonna give you like I'm gonna give you like ten minutes to to do this okay to write a story using these words and then we're going to move on to Skype okay so this should be it should be quite fun I'm excited about this let me let me type the vocabulary into into into here so I need to move my webcam okay because we got to move away from the board okay okay get rid of this get rid of this okay now I need to I need to say that I need to say that I have never done this before I've never had a live I've never had a live chat with anybody on skype in a live stream so let's let's see how it goes so let me type let me type up the words stew to let me type the words just you to be angry for a long time at a low level okay then we have poach poach to cook something in water normally meat or fetch the vegetables the tajen ate is here hi - simmer - is my sister first sister EVER so well actually let me let me take this opportunity to tell a story about my sister so hmm where to begin so my my sister and I both share we both share a common trait a common characteristic okay which is that we were both very very bad at school terrible at school you know when I finished high school I didn't have enough enough credits to even study art no I'm sorry I'm so I'm sorry if I'm sorry if you're an artist that's not meant to be it's not meant to be you know I'm not I'm not trying to be derogatory what I'm saying is that you know art is not an academic subject right it's it's different I couldn't I didn't have sufficient credits to do art so you know I I all my life I I I did things that I could do without any qualifications okay and and my sister was the same right she didn't you know to do well at school and she didn't study anything and yeah and then I mean here's the funny thing right is that now I find myself in a position in my life where I am totally obsessed with studying something with studying English totally obsessed you know for me my idea of fun is reading papers about language Adam that's fun for me and so I've discovered this this joy in learning that I never had in my life and and my sister who is she's 85 she's uh six years younger than me now so she's 34 so she's just gone back to university to study speech pathology and she she loves it she's absolutely loving it and it's it's funny how success in learning cannot be forced upon you right you know I see that as a teacher every day you know I always try my best to use all of the techniques available to me to motivate people I do my best you know to engage people to make them interested in language but you know I'm not I'm not other people I can't I I can only do so much right and there are you know I I see I see students who come to class and I know they're not going to learn anything because they're not they're not interested you know and that's that's just human nature that's natural right and you know it's it's incredible to know and it's important for you to know that a really important part of success in learning is his mindset not just success in learning success in life right Mike you know but learning might say like if you come to class with the right mindset if you're motivated you know in the right ways you're going to learn you know and if not if you're in class because your parents force you to be there if you're learning English because because you just want to pass an exam okay let me continue our scimitar to be angry at low level for a long time and with a lower level okay then we have whip whip whip to move quickly but to move quickly and finally we have stir stir which is to to move to move yeah that's just a great great great dictionary in Christian excuse me teacher I know that you are really obsessed with words can you please give me a great definition of the word stir it means to move it's such a terrible it's such a terrible definition I'm so sorry oh my god let me let me let me see what the dictionary says because you know that always amazes me about the dictionary is that yeah you know what a word means right you know what it means but you can't say what it means okay um okay here we go to move move the dictionary did a much better job than me it says to move slightly the dictionary is gonna have to do better than that right that's it move slightly move a little bit not move a lot well okay thanks dictionary first dictionary ever okay so if okay I'm gonna open Skype which is not my favorite app in the world I'm gonna open Skype so if you want to if you want to call me and share your story then then this is my this is my email address okay my skype ID is linked to that email address info at kangaroo English calm so jump on to us if you if you want to share your story if you've finished your story jump on skype and let's let's let's let's chat I can evaluate your your work yes sir Rosser yeah means to move its not to move slowly it's to move like a little bit move a little bit yeah you know I remember when Skype used to be you know the best man Skype used to be the best and then and then Microsoft bought it and just destroyed it normally I use zoom zooms great quality video to answer your question there is there is a kangaroo of English whatsapp group I am NOT the administrator of that group I do not participate very often in that group but the administrator is amazing okay her name is Ambreen she's amazing so if you want to get into the kangaroo English what's that group then yeah then you should I don't know send me an email okay send me an email and I'll send you the link what a deal can't get any better than that and it's only $6.99 oh no no no I'm just kidding it's it's free yeah thank it's free thanks to the efforts the great efforts of and bringing the administrator and and everyone who participates in the group you know not because of anything that I'm doing could you please teach us how to memorise irregular verbs yes I would learn irregular verbs in the same way that you that I'm doing this is I would I would force my students to use them that's it irregular verbs are no different from any other piece of vocabulary and and in fact you know and in fact you know when you're begin if you want to say you know my my yesterday yesterday I go to the shops okay that's a great start you can put the IDI ending on your normal verb I understand what you mean that's a good start at least you can start to communicate your ideas while you you know learn those irregular verbs that's what children do you know children they [Music] they they start by by by using you know the IDI endings on on verbs and then um okay so so again because I'm not I'm not seeing anybody here on skype its info at kangaroo English calm maybe no one wants to talk to me that's fine if you don't want to share your stories that's that that's fine I understand okay let's um let me just have a little chat here with August oh hi let me see if I can share my window here is your story no no do you want to chat okay or Gusto's from Brazil a by Corinthians the story can be about anything you want you can't find me on skype really at the top in Skype at the top if you type in well I can share my screen actually here there we go so if you here at the top of there let me move this along here okay for you in the search if you type in a kangaroo English then look there I am so so yeah okay let's um let's just let's see if I can get or gosto on the teller they on the video call here hello Augusto how are you sir yeah where do you live in Brazil okay the the general mines area so how old are you 19 years old Wow cool and and how long have you been learning English [Music] well thank you sir thank you thank you very much I appreciate that do you do you have do you have a story to share with me but I was wondering do you do you have a story to share with me from from today's class do you have a story with the vocabulary words from today's class okay okay I totally understand no problems so what is your job what do you do okay nice nice do you do like your job okay nice yeah I think well my my first job ever was working at KFC do you have KFC in in Brazil KFC's like a chicken fried chicken company right and and it was the it was the best job because I had no responsibilities and I had no no stress and it was it was it was a great a great time of my life [Music] [Music] yes yes and apprentice apprentice yeah yeah so so one thing I've noticed about about your your English is is I think it's great and it's great yeah I think you I think you you have you show all of the typical problems that you find in in people who have Portuguese as a native language right so like for example sometimes you forget to put in the subject when you're speaking like because because in Portuguese is not necessary to put the subject in right yeah so that's something that's something you should you should like be careful about and and and the only other I can understand your your pronunciation perfectly okay it's great but one little thing and again this is a problem that all Portuguese native speak mana all know a majority of Portuguese native speakers have is with that final consonant at the end of the words okay now the the reason it's important is because if you're speaking in the past tense then if you don't emphasize that final consonant then I don't know that you're speaking in the past tense right yeah well it not strange it doesn't sound strange but it could cause problems with understanding so so for example let's look at a specific example because you said that you you said that you worked right so now if we if we have a look at that verb I'm gonna bring this verb up here so worked has this IDI on the end right and but it also has a K on the end so so you have these two consonants and you have to emphasize both of these consonants right now now in in Portuguese this isn't a problem but this is something you have to practice so what you do right is is is is at the end of your at the end of that word you have to add like an extra an extra vowel on the end so it's like this is like work duh okay you're really done [Music] like that because when you start is like a little bit yeah absolutely but do you want to try can we can we practice a couple of times so maybe you can do present tense and past tense so you can do work work okay do you want to try that yeah so so so so so yeah so repeat it for me try it try it for me okay work work okay good so what I can see what you're doing right and this is again it's normal you're holding it in okay I can see that you're holding it in this has to be this has to be like an explosion of air okay it's like work do okay you let it all out like you're like you're angry okay okay so work done yes very good very good that was awesome awesome and and these are just these are just two little things you know these are two little things that you can just try to work on for the next month yeah that's all and then and then you have a little voice in your head your little voice in your head that says make sure you include the subject and make sure you emphasize that final consonant and then it will become a habit and then beautiful yeah exactly well thank you or gosto very much for for talking to me well I wish I wish my wife thought that I was funny I'll speak to you soon sir goodbye bye-bye Wow Agosto was a super cool guy super cool guy alright let's um let's have a look next in line is RIT RIT is here let's see if I can get him on on video him or her I don't know okay you don't have a camera no no problems no problems don't tell me about yourself Wow so are you polyglot okay so but you're trying to learn Japanese and English and any other languages okay well I think I think it's an interesting choice because you know English is you know well it's quite close to Portuguese but Japanese is very different right I was first about information a simple word school school is the basic information that doesn't mean anything by itself it is full but what could you do like what could you make a conclusion about it I go to this hole so they say school I go ok so yeah so that the word order is is fundamentally different right so um did you did you write a story with the vocabulary words yeah yeah well if you if you dictate it to me I'll write it I'll write it here okay oh okay you well actually it would be I would prefer it if you could read it to me actually sorry sorry you have to go a bit slower because I'm not very fast at typing yes so did you say yesterday's long lunch okay okay but but unfortunately yeah smearing because the boiling water yeah yeah yep fell on my skin okay great okay okay okay okay okay is that I think that's all the words no yeah let me just how can i zoom zoom out because this is too big zoom out zoom out I can't find the minus key on my keyboard are there it is there okay I'm very stupid okay okay so first first I think it's a great story yeah exactly um no I think the story makes sense and yeah and and and it's great so I think I think first let's just have a look at a couple of little grammar problems okay now what what's interesting is that you know a lot of the problems are the same because they are problems that are caused by interference from your from your native language right so so the story I don't know if you can see the the live video on your screen and is that is that um so does it your story starts with yesterday's lunch yeah yeah that's right okay so what we need okay is we need we need a preposition we need something to tell us to start the sentence so you could say at yesterday's lunch or during yesterday's lunch right okay so at yesterday's lunch I was poaching pork but unfortunately I got simmering right so so this this this is a problem with the way that you use this verb and you repeated the same problem where is it okay maybe I was imagining that it was repeated twice no okay so I I got simmering so this verb here we would not use it we've got okay okay so yeah I mean and it it doesn't make sense right because you have like get angry get sad goods but this one no okay so unfortunately I you know you would you could say that I i simmered you just use the verb directly okay i simmered because the boiling water fell on my skin okay great at that moment I just whipped to the bathroom and let the water streaming on my hurted skin okay so if if if we if we actually if we look at this sentence we can we can actually we can actually divide this this centers because the sentence is this long and we can divide it into little pieces so to begin with we have at that moment and then we have I just whipped to the bathroom that's another clause right I just whip to the bathroom and then we have a conjunction we have an which joins the final part of the sentence together okay now we in English and it's it's the same in Portuguese in in each clause okay in each clause you only have one conjugated verb only one right so I I can't give you an example in Portuguese because I don't really speak Portuguese but for example in in um you know in in Spanish you know if you have two verbs in a sentence like if you say well how would you say in Portuguese I want to eat pizza okay Oh Caro I think it's like this let me let me just type it out so we can idea Caro ComEd pizza I think like that I think okay so and you can see here that we have one clause so we have a subject which is ill and then we have the first verb which is care or then we have the second verb which is ComEd and then we have the object which is pizza right now you couldn't in this sentence you couldn't say el carro como pizza that's right because you you you you only conjugate you only conjugate the first verb and the second verb will be in the infinitive and it's the same in English so if we look at this sentence here right the verb the first verb is let so you have I let and here's the other verb right but see you've conjugated it you've you've added ing on the end so we want to get rid of that and we want to just have let the water cream on my hurt skin all right okay so here's a second problem this is can you can you tell me what part of speech this is is this this word here hurted is that a is that a a noun or an adverb what is that exactly good it's an adjective and an import your G's you you conjugate your adjectives right so adjectives have plurals and masculine and feminine right yes in English no in English all adjectives only have one form they only have one form so there's no plural there's no masculine feminine so it would be a let the water stream on my hurt skin okay and okay let's let's move on to the next part so as I was very stewing when I slept okay this this this is this is a great example of this is a great example of of of an adjective that but basically it has no some some adjectives you can you can you can grade them okay which means that which means that they can be very intense or very soft like very happy very sad but stewing you cannot it only has one form so you cannot use very they're okay but you know that's something specific to that vocabulary right so as I was doing when I slept I had a horrible dream that I could feel myself stirring during sleeping the rest the rest of it's perfect so it's a it's it was a great a great little story and so so just one thing just one word let's just talk a little bit about pronunciation the can you just say the word lunch lunch okay very nice and what about pork pork okay very nice very nice and let's do this one here water water okay your honor you know I think um because I was listening to your I was listening to your your pronunciation when you were telling the story and and your you know your individual pronunciation is really good okay what I think you need to do is to just actually slow down okay it's to slow down and just leave just leave a little bit of space between your words just let them you know really try to slow down and focus on you know getting each word getting each word really kind of clear okay so what how just well I think you know I don't I don't want to continue to sort of talk about about your story because your story was great so what um because you said that you were going to you said that you were going to study Japanese what what were you going to do exactly okay and how many vocabulary words do you have in your anchor deck I think I have 300 something 48 okay not and and how's it going how many of them do you remember do you think that's great that's awesome so you know I think because again this this research that I talked about earlier in the in their in in the class about telling stories what that you know that that shows that that when you use flashcards your short-term recall so your short-term memory for those words it can be really good but maybe next week or next month not so good so so you know part part of your Japanese learning I hope that you're actually using this vocabulary like participating in Japanese forums you know watching Japanese YouTube videos maybe right that's awesome keep doing that you know use those 348 words until until you are very very bored of them and then then they'll be in your mind forever okay well maybe you know them perfectly so so there you go okay well I'm gonna go and talk to someone else thank you sir for your time okay speak to you soon okay let's have a look who is next in line we have Marcus Vinicius from Sao Paulo and we have I can't read that name it's impossible to read that name okay let me just um let me just see if Marcos is still around look like I said guys this is an experiment for me this format do you like it is this entertaining not entertaining it's not about entertainment is this useful for you watching other people talk to me on skype tell me because I want to be the best teacher for you so [Music] okay so Marcos is not around let's try let's try this guy I can't read his name cuz his name is in in Cyrillic Ukrainian [Music] Jack Jack Jack Hickey said that I should I should kind of interrupt the class with some musical numbers well that's well that's just a damn great idea Jack I should I should sing some Frank Sinatra hmm sorry I'm very thirsty I'm thinking about getting a tattoo and so I'm it so my wife because I'm thinking about getting a circle here on my wrist a circle and so my wife she she drew this she drew this in in in pen to see if is to see if I like to to see if if I could you know get used to it and I don't know I I kind of like it I kind of like it Wow okay so we actually have a story here Steve one day was really Stu he poached a shoe and take I have to copy and paste this and show you this because it's it's actually great work look at this Steve one day was really Stu he poaches shoe and take like true he got a simmer because of that he can't to whip like his old dad and and again again we have some soup again sorry that's my my telephone again we have some similar problems to the previous person so first we need to get rid of this article okay Steve one day was really stewing he poached because it's the past he poached a shoe and took again it's the past took like true he got a simmer cause it's spelt with an a he got a sim occurs of that he can't to whip like his all dead so here can't is a modal verb okay and modal verbs do not take the two okay he can't whipped like his old dad I mean it's kind of poetic and abstract but I like to it was nice it was nice okay who's next up it's Moises Barra graphs briones let's let's see if Morris s is is available to have a little chat [Music] Russ's said that I should get see you in class tattooed on here okay okay so Moises is not also not answering my calls what about Andre let's see if Andre wants to chat today I actually really hate that Skype ringing noise okay Andres god this must be fun watching her watch it watching a man failed to try and call people I'm sorry guys this is not here we go let's try this no SS hello how are you good your your your your very dark it's like it looks like you're trying to keep your identity secret no no problems tell tell me about you okay okay very good let me just I'm just taking a couple of notes here okay so I'm just going to bring up a little note here so so you have you have a couple of little problems in your speaking again that are very they're very typical of anyone who speaks Portuguese okay okay so tell me the difference between job and work exactly so so basically job is a noun and work as a verb right yeah so be careful with that because I think it's it's the same in Spanish right lots of Spanish people say you know because it's hard and it's it's a noun and a verb yeah so be careful okay and yeah and one other thing cuz you you said that you you really like your your job you said I like me that right so let's let's have a look at that sentence now how would you say that sentence in Portuguese oh sorry ah okay oh I didn't know sorry I thought you were in Portugal I don't know why okay so so how would you say that in Spanish then okay so whoops so can you see any kind of similarity between I like me that and a me me gusta yeah the structures is the structures in exactly it's in the same order so so a little bit kind of a little bit of what you're doing is you're taking the Spanish structure and you're putting in kind of English words right which which is perfectly normal because that's what everybody does when they're learning a language but if we if we think about English structure right we have subject verb and object so if you say I like me it's reflexive you're saying like I like myself it's like I mean my ghost army so so what you do because because in English we don't have reflexive verbs so you would just say I like that and that's it no no worries so so I just wanted to tell you a couple of quick little things yeah so so so where do you live moisés Wow and I think I mean to be perfectly honest I've never been to Mexico and everything that I know about Mexico City is from Hollywood films right so you know in in my mind you know Mexico City is really busy and like dangerous and is that no that's that's terrible I mean well well can you tell me about like an ordinary day there yeah of your life yes yes [Music] tonight I like the video games with my brains okay okay so when you're when when you study English how do you do that like what's your what's your studying technique another way that's great that that's that's fantastic and do you ever you know use English when when you're studying like when you're studying mechanical engineering I mean [Music] [Music] yes yes it was well actually there is no negative of this word you have to say was not useful or you would say to use sorry you'd say to use less useless no no please please please don't apologize please don't apologize because I you know I always tell you know tell my students that you know you say sorry when you do something wrong but make making mistakes is normal you know it's not wrong to make mistakes it's good but what what I mean is when you because you said in the afternoons that you study technical engineering sometimes right mechanical design sorry and and you but sometimes you do this in English your mechanical design studies yeah I think you know I think I think because because that's something that you're really interested in and it's something that you love and also because you know I'm sure that mechanical design has lots of great materials on the internet in English you know I think that you should I think that you should try to incorporate you know maybe 10 minutes or 20 minutes of English into your mechanical design studies okay because you know like similar similar to the cooking things you know there's lots of verbs from mechanical design that are useful and and vocabulary and you know and it's just and and I know that you're going to learn because you love mechanical design right okay well well it was great to chat to you so thank you thank you for your time okay I'll speak to you soon wow that was super cool um so this is the longest live class that I've ever done I think probably too long but anyway you know like I said I'm experimenting I want to try and I want to try I want to try and create a classroom environment and for you guys so please you know let me know let me know tell me what what things you think are good and what things I can do better send you know send you can send me an email and say Christian that was great this was boring or why don't you try this tell me some ideas you know I want to I want to experiment with some some new online interactive methodology okay so I have to go guys I'm really sorry it's yeah I have to go lots of love to you all thank you very much for your for your time and your patience I hope I hope you learned something today I hope you enjoyed yourself a little bit and yeah and I'm going to do another live class like this tomorrow so I'll see you in class tomorrow lots of love guys I'm Christian this is kangaroo English and and I'll see you in class [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 40,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canguro, learning english, learn english, english teacher, english grammar, grammar, esl, linguistics, livestream
Id: lxifSVrLO5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 23sec (6323 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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