TO or ING? | Canguro English

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I got a package this is from Toulouse let's see what this is it is a beautiful postcard of the center of Toulouse from Francois French people really know how to wrap the package okay hi Christian as promised here are some low a few French specialties I can't let's have a look here we've got a beautiful knife look at this wow look at this biscuit would you look at this thing a work of art and French mustard creme then my own the lava dish I think this is just not just not paste Wow Wow - sandal beer the launch and an ombre a white beard a brown beard Francois you are a scholar and a gentleman thank you so much I really I really appreciate it I have I have the best cheese in the world the best juice in the world [Music] hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian and today I am going to teach you the secret to understanding when to use verbs in the gerund and when to use verbs in the infinitive verbs in gerund and infinitive is one of those really frustrating things in English and the normal way to teach it is to give the student a list to memorize this verb is with jarran this verb is with infinitive this verb is with both now let me tell you how I feel about this method there are two problems with using a list the first problem is that it's just not an efficient way to learn it's very difficult to memorize and remember verbs on a list but the second problem for me is the biggest using a list doesn't help you to understand why language is never an accident it is the result of a process of evolution and there is actually a reason why we use some verbs with gerund and some verbs with infinitive and if you understand the reason why suddenly using the correct verb becomes super simple before we start there's something really important to understand the two is not actually part of the infinitive in English the two is something that we add to create an effect in English grammar there are two ways to talk about time tense and aspect tense tells us where the action is located in time an aspect tells us how we experience that time in this example sentence I will be studying English will indicates that the action is happening in the future and studying in the progressive aspect tells us that we are experiencing this as an action in progress so we could draw it something like this and we are here in the future in the middle of this action in progress now let's talk about - and what it really means to talks about movement from one place to another but not just physical movement also abstract movement for example if we are here in the present to talks about moving away from the present and into the future it also talks about moving away from present reality and into our imagination so when you use a verb with 2 then you are talking about an action that will happen in the future or an action that will happen away from reality in your imagination now the gerund the gerund indicates the continuous or progressive aspect when you use to you think about time as a distant point but with the gerund we view time as something in progress duration and when you use verbs in the gerund then you are indicating an ongoing process or something which is in progress at that time now let's look at two examples enjoy and want the verb enjoy is always with the gerund because to enjoy something you must be doing it and the verb want is always with two because if you want something then you don't have it now in the present you hope to have it in the future or in your imagination now let's look at a verb which seems to break this rule like you can use like with the gerund or with two and there doesn't seem to be any difference in meaning but studies have shown us that when native speakers talk in general about liking something they use the gerund but when they are asked to visualize doing something in a specific circumstance when they are using their imagination then they automatically start to use - now let's look at another verb which normally causes a lot of problems stop because you can use stop with two or with the gerund but understanding that two indicates the future and in indicates the action in progress makes it really easy to understand here you stopped because you would eat the pizza in the future but here you can see that you are eating the pizza at that moment and you stopped but what about this I saw the man playing I saw the man play here we don't have to or a gerund so what is this well this is the progressive aspect and here when we use the bare infinitive it is another type of aspect the progressive allows us to enter the action which is in progress but the infinitive aspect it allows us to stand back and look at the action as one completed moment in time so the difference is that I saw the man playing I visualize myself in that moment watching him play but when you say I saw the man play psychologically you view that as a finished complete moment you don't transport yourself into it and some verbs of experience in English allow you to do this well I hope you found that class interesting and I really hope that now you understand why and when to use the gerund and infinitive in English if you would like to see any more classes about the English language then don't forget to subscribe I'm Christian this is kangaroo English I'll see you in class [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 82,685
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Keywords: gerund or infinitive, to or ing, to do or doing, verbs with gerund, verbs with infinitive, canguro, learning english, learn english, english grammar, grammar
Id: 1hhLhldDgew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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