Is it TO or ING? - Learn English Grammar

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Look you need to stop talking Wait, you need to stop to talk. I don't what is it is that ing or [to-infinitive]? I hate English it's weird There are a few verbs which if you put to infinitive or ing verbs after this verb the meaning changes let's begin with a verb [Tri] [Tri] can have more than one meaning in this example. He wants to give a suggestion. Oh Maybe it's your first time to try sushi. It's your first time It's a test this meaning requires an ing ending So you should try [eating] sushi Sushi is great So it doesn't matter if it's future present past whatever if you have that verb with the meaning of a suggestion Your first time the next verb should have an ing ending she could say yeah I tried eating sushi it was great, but another meaning of try is when something's difficult it's a challenge, and you want to say ah It's a difficult challenge, but I tried for example in the restaurant They're sitting down [they're] eating and she has their what are these called the things you eat with their called Chopsticks she Cannot use the chopsticks because it's too difficult in this case. She's going to say this I'm trying to eat it, but I can't use chopsticks. [it] doesn't matter which tense the ending of this verb Depends on what the meaning of this verb is so in summary try within that means a suggestion encouragement do it for the first time Try with two infinitives. That's when something's difficult or a challenge also note that you could say You should try and use them in this case We didn't use an ink or a to infinitive But this is how we talk You should try and use them try and do it try and go it's a very common way of saying yes, it's difficult but don't worry, just just try just try try and verb so to practice that tell me in the comments, which food should I try Also for you this year. [what] are you going to try to do? What is a challenge for you for example? Are you going to try to pass the ielts exam? Are you going to try to save up to travel? The next [verb] is stopped in this case. They're talking and he is talking constantly and he [doesn't] stop just blah blah blah blah blah boring things boring stories And my job women murmur and she is thinking oh my God stop with this when she wants to say stop this action ah He can't stop. How does that verb finish? What do you think? Talking or to talk Ing Stop talking Stop this Action maybe you want to stop smoking? Stop drinking. So when do you use it with to infinitive? sometimes when you're walking down the street and someone tries to get your attention [a] Stop um can I ask you a question can I ask you something and you want to say no? I'm sorry talk no time In this case he wants to say I'm sorry. I can't stop To talk because look there's something missing here I can't stop which action I can't stop walking in Order to talk I can't stop this action to start this action So that's how he says [it]. I can't stop to talk. Sorry. I can't stop to talk the next word is remember He has a memory of his cat when he was young little baby Playing with his cat so in this case when we talk about a memory Then we use which form [IMg] or to-infinitive. What do you think? It's playing with Ing. I remember playing with my cat when you use the ing form [after] remember that's a memory a memory that you have again. It doesn't matter if it's past present or future That verb always depends on the meaning of this verb, so if it's a memory Ing, what about to infinitive then when do I use to infinitive? When it's not a memory, but it's something you have to do an obligation She wants to say you must remember, please please buy some milk she will say remember To buy remember to infinitive, it's something you have to do it's an obligation Remember to do it Remember to buy it remember to go remember to call your parents You remember to call your parents [tell] them you love them when he comes back from the shop and No, milk. He didn't remember. It doesn't matter about the time this one is a past. I didn't remember To buy the milk [I] didn't remember to buy the milk the short version [if] it's a memory Remember Ing, if it's something you have to do it's a chore then to infinitive Remembering of course that it doesn't matter which time you use present past Doesn't matter What's the opposite of remember? forget Let's say two people meet and they fall Madly in love on the first meeting He wants to say I will never forget this moment this memory in this case You already know the rule with remember? It's exactly the same for forget that next verb it's a memory so he's going to say I'll never forget meeting you So when do we use to infinitive? So you already know it's not [a] memory [of] feeding the cats I must feed the cat, but I forgot it was an obligation a chore. He has to do it. I forgot To feed oh, no, I forgot to feed the cat so the short version again forget with ing That's a memory that you forgot Forget with [to-infinitive] that is an obligation [a] chore something you have to do which You forgot and of course there is like ing and like 2 plus infinitive [I] already have a video on that and you can see that Here click this to go watch that video or click [here] to see another video. See in the next class
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 444,913
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Keywords: Learn English, Papa teach me, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, to or ing, to ing difference, gerund or infinitive, when to use gerund, when to use gerund or infinitive
Id: Cy6GQRj3MO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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