Direct speech and indirect (reported) speech | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian I'm Sonia and today we are going to be learning all about direct and indirect to speech so um how are you from here good thanks good so um tell me about you what's your what's your job okay do you like your job yeah yes and what are your hobbies well I love I like flame father okay I don't cuz you know an English paddle is the verb when you like in a boat there this is paddling well this sport doesn't exist I don't think it's like mini mini tennis I don't know had it was like tennis yeah well how do you how do you feel about your reported speech do you feel confident or well I think it's really difficult and if we do have to speak you know with the rapport with the speech okay well hopefully I'm after I explain to you the differences before you'll feel more confident walk then we'll practice after okay good well let's go and now let's go practice okay so today we're learning about the difference between direct and indirect speech or direct speech and reported speech so it will start with direct speech because the rekt speech is very easy direct speech is when we want to repeat exactly what the person said like word-for-word like tell me something anything okay good my name is Sonya perfect so now if if I want to tell somebody exactly what you said then I would say um Sonya said my name is Sonya okay now this this this direct speech is more common like in books you know when characters are talking in books or in plays maybe poetry or also if I want to do an imitation of the person actually said my name is Sonya for example something like this so you can see here we're putting the the reporting verb at the front and we're using our comma okay but the comma is optional but we could also put this this at the end so we could say my name is Sonya Sonya said or she said or whatever okay so you put this at the beginning of the end and then we use quotation marks easy no no problems the difference between direct and indirect speech is that with indirect we repeat the idea of what the person said but not exactly word for word so I can use my my own words or I can you know change it depending on the situation okay and it's a way to to give you the idea without the exact words so um tell me something different anything anything like next week okay good next week I will travel okay perfect so when we use indirect speech there are some things we have to change okay two things really so one of them is the verb okay so here we have the verb for the future will travel and also we have to change any pronouns and any possessive adjectives like mine yours his etc so in this sentence we have we have two things we need to change so we would say Sonya said and here we have an optional that okay so that is always is always optional could certainly said that me or Sonya said directly okay and then we put the speech afterwards she will travel okay and you can see here that there are no quotation marks and no comma nothing like this so this is an example of indirect speech okay next week yes you could do you could do so in this case I don't you know I'm repeating what I think is necessary but yeah you can repeat everything so now we're going to look more closely at the rules for each each type of change maybe in your your textbook your English textbook or maybe your English teacher has told you that the rule for verb changes in reported speech is we have present or future or whatever we always change it to the past but the truth is that it's not that simple it's not complicated but we have to we cannot say always we put the verb in the past we have to use our brain to decide what is the best way to change the verb and and this is this is not complicated but also it gives us a lot of power to change the meaning of the sentence with one little word okay so first let's look at if we have a reported speech in the past imagine that you say to me I went to Paris last last week like lucky you okay exactly now I'm in the textbook they say if it's the past okay then you can change it to past perfect right but it's not necessary okay it's it's not incorrect but it's not necessary I could say Sonia said she so I have to change the pronoun she went to Paris last week okay so in this case the sentence makes makes perfect sense and it's not necessary for me to change the past into the past perfect and in fact this type of change is not really that common in English now now let's look at if you you give me a sentence with the present tense for example if you say my dad is in Paris now I'm in this case by by changing the verb we can decide whether something is is true now or whether it's in the past so for example you said this to me yesterday right imagine and today when I when I tell my friend your dad is in Paris today as well so I could say son you said good her dad is in Paris because I know that your dad is in Paris now ok but imagine if I tell my friend in two weeks and your dad now is back in Spain so now I would say Sonia said her dad's good was was in Paris so by changing just the verb I can give you lots of information yeah so it's not always you know past to present or past to past perfect it depends we have lots of flexibility and if I don't know if your dad is in Paris or not if I'm not sure then probably best to use the past because this covers all eventualities what about things in English that we would say use the stative verbs which are verbs like things that don't change like love and hate and and like verbs like this you know emotions and feelings or things that are true so what's your favorite food I love me too I love meatballs so in this case write something that you love it generally doesn't change like you know from probably in five years you will love maples so in this case it's probably more natural for me to say Sonia said good good exactly exactly so I could I could use the past okay it's not incorrect but since this is something which is true all the time the the present is sounds more natural yeah what about if the the thing you're telling me is in the future for example you say I will not a negative yes go to Paris I'm sorry because because um because you have no money for example I will not go to Paris so in this case again it's like with with your father in Paris it depends if the event is in the future or not so imagine today you tell me I will not good and then tomorrow I tell my friend yeah that you will not go to Paris so what would I say sorry I said good very good perfect yes there's a boom boom boom excellent okay so in this case we're not we're not changing the tense because it's still in the future like for me when I when I tell my friend but now imagine I tell my friend in in two years right and all this this trip about Paris's wolf along in the past now you're ready to sew some you said very good Pyrus very good exactly so it's strange because we'll in the past in indirect speech is wouldn't so will not wouldn't answer it perfect exactly so again here we can by changing the tense we can give some extra information what about if we use a conditional like for example I would love to go to Paris so in this case what do we do if we want to say Sonya said exactly she would love to go to Paris so we can we we know in English that the the conditional woods has no conjugation okay because the modal so there's only one possibility we have to do it like this easy now the the most complicated one what if we use one of the the core modal's like for example ah I can't go to Paris now I would love to explain in in in 20 seconds what to do here but actually it's more complicated because it depends on the modal verb can't will should must might etc it's more complicated so you need to watch the class about modal verbs so that that was all of the verb changes so now we're going to look at the pronoun and possessive changes so give me a sentence that contains our possessive yeah any verb any verb that contains resist like my or your his or her very good perfect excellent very good okay so now we know that we must change pronouns and possessive so I know that I need to change this and I need to change the verb maybe here we have two votes but this is the second versus their possessive here exactly so we have three things in this sentence we need to change so let's let's do it what would you say third very good so this one becomes a she because it's not I yeah I is you some you said she likes good very good with her because they're not my cousins they're your cousin's yes with her cousins perfect perfect and so I can see here that you you use the prison simple because this is something which is probably true always depending on your cousins what is the difference between say and tell a good question well it depends okay so for for direct speech okay told it's not very common okay because indirect speech with quotation marks tell is more for like orders and instructions but if we're using indirect speech say and tell about the same okay so it depends but there are two ways to you say okay so the first way is we can have say plus the the text yes the information and then we can have two objects okay so this here this is optional okay so the object would be the person or the thing that I am talking to so the two ways are I can have say on its own or I can have say with two objects and it's very important and if I have an object I used to so I'll give you an example so Sonya said she likes meatballs okay so in this case I'm not using an object Sonya said she likes meatballs okay with no object if I use the object I have to use two okay Sonya said to me she likes meatballs so it's not correct to say Sonia said to me to me always - if you have the object you must put the - okay and we can we can put this at the end of the quotation or like here we have this directly with said but I could put this at the end as well I could said I could say Sonia said she likes meatballs to me yeah so I can separate these two things but I can never separate the two and the object okay but and I couldn't put this at the beginning this sounds like Shakespeare to me funnier said she likes now you know tell the final one is tell until is very easy because there's only one way to use tell okay so we have tell and it's obligatory to have an object okay so and then we have the speech okay now I can put this at the beginning of the end okay yeah so I could say for example um Sonia told me hello okay or I could say hello Sonia told me okay but but like I said if you use tell with with direct speech it's like for orders like do not do not I don't know do not come in this classroom the teacher told me or I'm suddenly told me a story or okay so you can see it's obligatory for for you to have an object you cannot say Sonia told hello or hello Sonia told so say until are not the only reporting verbs in English there are lots of other reporting verbs for example here you have nine other reporting verbs and this can help you to to give give an idea of how the person said something and and it's very easy to substitute say or tell for one of these and it helps you to give your when you speak it gives you more more variation and more more flavor yeah so for example um I won't to eat any more pizza he promised yeah or don't forget to water the plants he reminded me yeah so it's a way a very very simple way for you to add some extra some extra information to your to your speech and these have their own rules like some of them you have to put an object and you have to put two so you'll need to check out the internet and memorize the the combinations so what do you think are you ready to practice a little bit with okay cool okay let's um let's go and practice okay so now I have explained everything about reported speech so we're going to play a little game okay so I have here some some funny quotations from some famous people okay so what you have to do is you have to change the verbs and the pronouns and their possessives and tell me what the famous person said okay so Taylor Swift Taylor I love Taylor Swift she said people haven't always been there for me but music always has so what did Taylor Swift's a Taylor Swift said that people haven't always been there for me but music always has almost almost because we have to change the verb haven't well in this case we don't because it's something which is always true but we also have to change the possessive me oh really so try again Taylor Swift said people haven't always been there for hair but music always has excellent perfect Thank You Taylor that was an inspirational quote okay the next one is my fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them so do you know what the fake plant is yeah artificial plastic so this is this is ridiculous because he's saying they died because he didn't pretend to water than that so what what didn't Mitch Hedberg say meat said that her fake plants almost because Mitch is a man good sorry Mitch said his fake plants died because he very nice excellent excellent ok the next one is from Jim Carrey the American comedian behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes rolling arises this because normally they say behind every great man is a great woman yeah but in this case Jim Carrey said that behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes very good very good so um in this case we're not changing the verb is because it's something that's true in general ok so let's have a look at Groucho Marx I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member so Tamar says that he refused join any club that good have him very nice excellent excellent fantastic now here we have one with the present perfect again from Groucho Marx I have had a perfectly wonderful evening but this wasn't it this difficult one yes rotamer said he had he had had very wonderful evening but these hadn't be anything very nice very nice this hadn't been there that's fantastic but in this case we have the the adjective this that so that wasn't it okay very good very good okay next one Zsa Zsa Gabor she said I am a marvelous housekeeper every time I leave a man I keep his house well I don't know the the pronunciation I think she's Russian so said that see what a marvelous keeper mmm every time she left a man she kept his Wow very nice that was really good you changed all of the all of the pronouns of those really good and finally Mark Twain the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated Mark Twain said the reports of his death had been greatly exaggerated very nice very nice excellent that was very difficult but no problems for you if you would like to see any more classes about Grandma pronunciation vocabulary anything to do with English then don't forget to subscribe to kangaroo English thank you very much and I'll see you in class bye bye
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 59,705
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Keywords: canguro, learning english, english grammar, direct speech, indirect speech, reported speech, learn english
Id: OxhUQIgVKc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2015
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