Upgrading to the STRONGEST MAN in level up runner

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All right, we're checking out the only game where the harder you punch people, the better a person you are. It's a Level Up Runner. I love how level up runner. It's just like, you know what? If you can hit people really hard, you're important. That's how this works. The other thing I love about this game is you can actually kind of cheat it by just punching everyone around you and getting ridiculous numbers Now, obviously, because I can make ridiculous sums of money, that means that I can upgrade things like to stupid levels right off the beginning. What is this? Oh, I can get different gloves. Absolutely. I've unlocked the watermelon gloves. Ah and punching special effects. Well, I have plenty of money. Why not? Glowing, fiery watermelon gloves. This is- This is the best item I think I've ever gotten in any game. Now, you could see that guy over there. Level 100 can't deal with it yet. That's right. We're going to beat this guy and his younger brother. Taste my watermelon. Through the chest. Keep going. I actually need to know what comes next. Like, okay, that's just a normal glove. There's got to be- Ah, basketballs. Sure. I think I kind of want the watermelons more because I love watermelons. Grab. What does this get me? 50 levels of agony!!!! P Punch. Oh, you know, you have to, like, spell the word punch. What happens when I do? Get wrecked! Now you have to have him land as far as possible. So he breaks his neck right on the treasure chest. Yes. I would like more walls, please. In fact, give me all of the walls. I have a lot of gems. Okay. So now. Okay, pretty easy to upgrade so far. We're going to go for the Times two in a second here. Oh, God, the numbers. What are those numbers? What? 1500!?! Oh, my God. *grunting* *laughter* always love a game where it just gives up attempting to make the numbers work. It's like, whatever. He's got 1500 power. Why? None of us know. All right, what kind of different hat can I get? Oh, a horny helmet. Yes. All right, give me that. In my watermelons. I'm basically invincible right now. So now we have to deal with gigantic hammers of agony. I don't really know if, like, taking the the faster boost thing does anything I'm not even sure I really want . So 420. Go forward. That gives me extra speed so that I can hit this top hat wearing. Looks like he's either covered in blood or made out of pepperoni, but I get to hit him until he stops and makes me money. I feel like this game is teaching people inappropriate. What is that? Oh, it's one of the. It's one of the violent hot dogs. Avoid pie. Why? Why can I have a pie? Now I want one! Let me finish off this Level 700- 828 The next time I see a pie, I'm 100% eating it. I need to know. All right. I can keep upgrading this. Nice. Oh, I've completed a mission. I love it. You've beaten so many people's teeth out of their mouths that we're going to give you extra money. All right. What else can I get on my gloves? This is like firecrackers. It's like discount Goku. Yeah, sure. Let's take it. All right. A couple of- I'm gonna eat the pie. What? -30 for the pie? What happens if I eat all the pie. The pie killed me. I died from the pie. Honestly, of eating the pie is wrong. I don't know if I want to be right, but we have to get as many points as possible. So I guess I'm going to 279 grab all these. I love that. As I get bigger, it becomes- Ah, the U in punch. It becomes easier and easier to get all of the different letters because like my shoulders are so wide each right now, I need this guy to go all the way to the treasure chest. Just. Just. Yeah, there we go. In excellent chiropractic treasure chest. Great. And separate all of those bothersome vertebrae that you have. Go this way. I'm sure I'll hit the gym. What does hitting the gym give you? Well, I'm literally at the gym. Well, gave me a lot of points. That was incredible. I'm level 918 here, level 500. This is going to suck for you And treasure chest? No. Five point five. What happens if I run out of road? Does he just take a swim? Well, I can buy more of these, so obviously we're going to buy all this. Actually, starting to run our coins is making me kind of concerned. Oh, what? I feel like I wasn't supposed to win that fight, but somehow I did tap fast. I only had to tap once, set like the game glitched or something. It just gave me like 1 billion levels I had to tap once and he died. Now I get to ruin everyone's life at the desert of power. The time has come for people of all sizes to get violated by the level 588 fists of power. Actually, it's gotten to the point where- Does he have a hammer? How come he it's like a pitch. He's got like a pickax. That doesn't seem very fair. This is supposed to be a head to head heist. Okay? Okay, with whatever money I have left, I have to keep this going until we eventually get it maxed out. until we eventually get it maxed out yet. Damn, John. Where do they go when they die? I kind of wonder. There's a lot of people getting murdered here. Ooh, level 240. That was level 360. Again, I'm like fighting people with pickaxes. I assume these are the individuals that just chill out. And what was this called like the desert of power? Oh, I got both treasure chests. This is the first time. What's the next one? Like the swamp of agony? Alright, I can get a couple more of these. I've murdered enough people to get some more bonus money. And then just because I can. I want to know what this is. It looks like a Flappy Bird or something. I really don't know. It's a cheeseburger. I'm like one punch, man. If he was really unhealthy. I guess. So, I can actually get- Oh, I missed both of them. How was I able to miss both of them? I don't even understand how I did that. The sad part is, is that I miss those guys and I'm still 1560. Like what? Color do you turn when you go past? I think I got maybe 1700 was my highest. What does it end up at? Like it's not even a color at that point. It's just clear. You've actually you've actually surpassed all color. I need a couple more fists here. There we go. Grab all these... Already level 100 and- All right, well, forget that we're level 200 and something. Then we do the Yoenis and Spastic, an excellent landing and three guys right in a row to get to level 1600. Okay, so still haven't gotten past level 2000. I need to know it ends it it ends up purple. And as we all know, purple is the color of royalty. The only difference is my royalty just ends up killing everyone. They me, although I guess considering history that's that's actually kind of accurate. Okay. I am finally I have finally spent all the money that I've made, but I have a feeling that we're going to end up racking up a ton of stuff for this one. We're already level 1000. 1584. Yeah. Keeps you right around like level 2000 or so. I didn't actually punch him. I just like, twitched very violently, and then he died. I want the extra money. All right, I'm back to being wealthy again, or at least wealthy enough to get the money going. So murder this guy? Yeah, I'll hit the gym. Why does everyone at the gym have- Does everyone at the gym have burgers for boxing gloves? This gym is amazing. Oh, yeah. They're clapping for me with their burger mitts. I love it. I I've almost spelled "punch". I still owe 2181 pink. Yes! Like the color of the channel. With guns in pink robes. My punching level is now times ten. Like it's getting pretty. Oh, you got it. Oh, ho ho. Okay. Also, did you actually see the guy on the right? He's like. He's, like, sobbing. This dude over here. There we go. God of. Yes. Walking so slowly because my muscles are in the way. Is he wearing a sombrero and like a and like a guitar? Sometimes I feel like they just. They just decide to put whatever they want on the on their enemies. Like, what do we give this guy again? Braces and an umbrella? And I'd be like, that doesn't make any sense. And they're like, it's not supposed to. All right. Through the violent corndogs, a one, two, a three times, four times and up or down, we're going to go down. Yeah. Level 4218, 630. We got some purple. We didn't get to pink, though. It kind of makes me sad. Look at how many walls you eventually go through and the fact that we haven't gotten to the end yet. We're almost there. We are getting to the end of the walls. I need to know what happens. Maybe you get to live on Mars or something. You transcend this plane of existence. You get to live elsewhere. Okay? It's just a ton of people just ready to die. The one guy charged me, even though he was crying violently. Okay, 10.9 now and we're almost at the swamp of antiquity or whatever. I'm going to feel sad if it's not a swamp, it's just like a forest. Probably not going to be a swamp or a forest. It's just going to be Florida. Oh yeah. It starts you off pretty strong here. Look at the age. We're almost at punch. We're at 27, 29, almost 3000. Take the DCB! Stands for double cheeseburger. He lands right on his neck, shattering his spine. And we're going to the forest of might I got a new hat. Can't you tell? It's a good day when you're like level 1000 and you're not even halfway through the map. What does he have one of these? He has like one of the little the little honky hammers, the hammer that makes like, the little *beep* I'm not going to lie. I've felt a little bit more concerned about the dude with the pickax. Oh, we get- We can eventually get to Florida. I am almost level 2500 at this point. Welcome to a game where the points absolutely don't matter. The only thing that matters is that there's no such thing as a inertia. I'm here to eat pie and punch people in the face, and clearly I'm all out of pie. Oh, never mind. There actually was pie there. I can't believe that I hadn't seen pie in like two or three levels, so I was pretty sure it had just gone away. I had consumed all of the sugar in the area. So we've got like level 4000, I think maybe even 5000. I'm not stopping until I get 10,000. I want level 10,000 at the very least because I want to see what happened. I don't even know. I didn't get to 10,000. Oh, now we're starting to beat up pink people who are pink. So you'll notice they're actually like kind of close to our level, but we're also getting 4k like it's no big deal at this point. There is an entire city's worth of walls to break people through. I am putting every mason in the tri county area like their children through college at this point. I can really tell though, I'm definitely going to have to get to Florida in order to get past 10,000. It has to be the way of it. So we've got- Okay 1200, 1800, 2700, 4200. That's kind of where it starts. This game loves the number 420, by the way. I noticed, like a lot of times if you skip the gym or whatever, there's a dude that's like level 420 that you have to beat up or a lot of times the different like stuff that you get equals 420. Alright, more punching power. Oh the big gloves level 1350 already it's a well there's not that many people to murder is the only problem. Yeah I always I always feel so bad when there's when there's no one to beat to death on the way to, you know, basically turn someone's internal organs into mashed potatoes. You're like, Hey, man, how you feeling? He's like, Quick, Wendy's chili. Okay, we're almost at the islands and one, two, three times, grab the key, get some gold guys here. I think we might get up to like 4000 or so in this one. It's still at 10,000. I still haven't had my 10,000. I'm hoping he lands on his head Ah, ankle landing! I'm hoping he lands on his head out ankle landing the punch island. That's the name of it. Welcome to the Punch Islands. You walk outside incorrectly, you're going to get your chicklets knocked out. This is the most accurate representation of Florida I've ever- That's a lot of guys. Boom. 5221. Okay, maybe we can get 10,000. I wasn't sure the numbers went that high, but at this point, like none of this makes any sense anymore. I love how there's like people living in tiny little dog houses out in the middle of nowhere. They're just watching random individuals get vomited out of like this long walkway of pain. They're like, man, those road crews have have been working like around the clock building walls over here. No one really understands why. What's his power level? It's over 5000. This is actually really representative of a Dragon Ball Z like show because one guy gets hit one time and he gets a blast. through like 55 mountains. Man, I'll tell you, I love going on vacation to the punch islands. Did that man's head just come off his body? It looked like his head literally got ripped off of his body. I'm not, like, totally sure I'd have to look at that again. I have the power. Ouch. That was- That- I... I wasn't sure I could make it past there, but luckily there was like a power up just in time. 57, 58, 59. We're getting so close to 10,000. Well, I mean- it's not super close to 10,000, but we're getting about a thousand extra each time. And that man just shattered his pelvis. Is it starting us off at level 1450? What? How??? Oh, my God. Level 2- Level 3000. What is the point of this? Oh, God, the game can't keep up. Oh, 4000, 6000. Whoooaaaa!!! 10,000!!!! YESSSS!!!!! *grunting* *laughter* Level 10,000. I told you eventually the numbers wouldn't make any sense. I told you the numbers didn't matter. And we got level 10,000. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Level Up Run, Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, android games, level up runner gameplay, level up runner game, level up runner android, android, level up runner ios, best games, funny, mobile games, ios games, android game, level up runner apk, level up runner hack, level up runner all levels, level up runner max level, level up runner mod, level up runner level, level up runner download, mobile game, level up runner walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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