I made the Google Dino game, but in Second Person (and YOU CAN play it now!)

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foreign in this video I will do something that has never been done before I will turn an absolutely unique idea into reality have you ever wondered why he was running and what he was so afraid of well today is the day today we will finally find out the answer today this pile of pixels will be upgraded thrust into the third dimension and secondly into a real game now tell me are you tired of all these first person games are you also fed up to the tip with third person games stay till the end and you'll get your very own magnificent second person dinosaur Rider game for free as always in all of my videos we're setting up a challenge with three girls the first one is that no coding is allowed the second rule is that I only have three days to finish the project and the third which is the most difficult one for me is that the game must be published if you're making a game about a dinosaur the first thing you need is the dinosaur model itself so the first thing I did was try to steal a model somewhere the easiest way would have been to download it from the unreal asset store oh never mind OK let's try Google using Google to make a game about a dinosaur from Google Chrome makes perfect sense to me and actually I found a lot of free models but all of them had some weird problems I spent literally three hours of my life trying to make this work and every time when I can't do what I want to do I want to draw out my laptop and start a new life in the jungle with no computers gadgets Technologies are even glowed I remember the wise world of my grandpa keep stealing something is harder than making it yourself then just make it but usually it's easier to steal so I opened 3D modeling software for the first time in my life and I made a pretty damn good Google Style dinosaur and animated it the whole process took less than 30 minutes thanks grandpa I call him girax get it G for Google gear X anyway I imported my new Dyna into the project template and replaced unreal engine's dummy with it basically he can walk well float he can look around and even jump and well it sounds stupid but I'm making a second person game out of a third person template provided by the Unreal Engine I thought it was going to be an easier and faster way to steal a template than to make a game from scratch and it was not actually I don't need a third person camera I don't need walking mechanics I don't need anything but unreal has in its template except for one thing jumping I could have made the jumping mechanics in 5 minutes instead I spent a few hours in total fixing bugs that were caused by conflicts between a third person template and a second person game genius anyway now my g-rex has animations where janky but I'll polish them later on because the clock is ticking hello there I am working on our basic game mechanic all that bad dinosaur needs to do is run forward and jump to avoid poisonous cacti wait is it twins from atomic heart with physically correct boob animations I'm sorry it's for my next project feeling something crazy inside of you so hit the like button with something hard and subscribe because my channel is really small and you will totally miss the next video without this totally necessary actions back to the game I presume this cacti are poisonous because well have you ever seen Jurassic Park have you seen T-Rex is not afraid of some stupid Captain if they are not poisonous of course anyway the Run and Jump logic is ready I'm able to adjust speed and height of course to bounce the game out and if the Nemesis of T-Rex is cacti my enemies is very unreal asset store and the Soul called Quixote bridge quixel bridge in theory is a very cool part of Unreal Engine and epic game store developers can get 3D scans of existing objects for example with cacti but why this piece of it can't work properly so you're trying to tell me that I have an arm Apple laptop with some kind of alien Technologies inside this aluminum plate can edit and render 8K videos allowing me to work with sophisticated 3D Graphics it can even run Noida in 15 frames per second but it can't work properly with this simple catalog of assets epic games fix it please or send me some null Apple PC I'm a big YouTuber you know what was I talking about ah cacti it was hard but I got them look here is the parrot Cactus and here's the second one I'd be happy to import a few dozen of them but even important six of them was a real pain in theirs then I made a narrow Trail and put a few obstacles in the way of g-rex [Music] and now it's my favorite part of all of my projects all two of them I am talking about rag gold physics remember when I said that I modeled a dinosaur in just under 30 minutes well I did a shitty job it turns out that the bones of 3D models should be placed in a specific order and not just dropped randomly so that's how ragdoll physics works with my model great job Mr developer but I don't have much time so I hope I'll fix it later the next thing on my list is procedural generation and I hope real developers are not watching this video right now because the way when I made my roll generator is a perfect example of how not to do it basically my blueprints count the distance that g-rex yeah and then spawns New Roads in front of him and all of these distances sizes and timings I have calculated using well a piece of paper and a calculator I believe it's wrong when calculations are done by Homo sapiens instead of bare paints and laptops anyway let's continue I managed to adjust the animations to the dino speed and let's look hilarious it was pretty straightforward and I was happy till the moment when the Unreal Engine went mad firstly it became impossible to work with blueprints and then the engine crust causing me to lose some progress and started to believe that the Unreal Engine is not made for game development maybe Unreal Engine here to remind me that living in a jungle without computers Technologies and clothes is actually an option but long story short now I'm growing cactuses on these nuts each nut is a spelling point that is attached to a road and the sophisticated logic follows cactuses on different nuts depending on a lot of factors actually random Cactus spawns on random Nets yep so we have cacti rolls and Ryan and jumping g-rex and it sounds like the game is ready right first of all the game still looks like [ __ ] but will fix it soon second it's only a third person game not a second person one at this stage I've also added logic to count scores and to accelerate with Dinah as the game goes on look at this g-rex he's so freaking fast why because if you're using my special link [Music] alright today we're going to add a second character because it's a still second person game after all and today we're going to uncover the main secret of the internet why is the T-Rex the most powerful dinosaur ever running what is he afraid of and I can only think of one creature it's another T-Rex and this one is bigger and he has a gun and only now did I finally come up with a gameplay Loop yep being a genius I didn't have any plan at the beginning of this project so first of all we need to detach the third person camera from g-rex and this was the first time I actually got stuck in the end after hours of Googling and watching YouTube tutorials I turned to charging for help I asked and it refused me when I asked again politely and this magical Network actually gave me clear instructions I followed them in my blueprint and now everything works fine then to this camera I attached my second character it's only a giant set of Jaws and we will place it on top of the camera now my game is actually a second person game I could just add textures and plating and declare my project finished but I remember the third rule of the challenge the game must be so to make my game less boring I'll add a lazy gun I quickly set up Precast logic to register hits but it's kind of impaired to shoot my little g-rex yeah in the back so instead our second character is going to shoot cactuses to help DRX run why is he helping him well I'll leave that for you to figure out because I have no idea you know what I can't stand this black void anymore let's add lighting textures and a desert itself I've grabbed a few materials from the Magnificent pixel Bridge added this yellow Fork but looks like a sandstorm and adjusted the sun nice nice Final Touch I need particle effects and in this project I almost didn't steal any content so I thought that I could make my own handcrafted Hollywood great special effects one eternity later yeah I guess I guess I'll have to steal this time but it's easier said than done look at this circle a perpetual motion machine in action anyway else keep the boring part here is my laser and that's how it works I've added some UI a score counter and the bar that shows player the amount of energy in the gun we need one last thing main Mini screen and some buttons I've had a crazy bad experience with artists on fever I shared the details somewhere in my last video so as my grandpa once said use it neural network every time you can some so stay with me on this one is Chad GPT to generate attack for a request to an 11 year old Network daily to generate a picture and this is what I've got and it looks awful stupidity use this piece of [ __ ] I can write a much much better request oh never mind never mind forget it we'll use the previous picture I drop the blueprints logic and is it ready to be published no this game needs some sound I'm running out of time so I quickly added some action music sounds of steps and the sound of a laser beam and here it is three days no coding whatsoever compiled and ready to be published Dino runs 3D behold foreign the game and if you still want to try it out there is a link in the description of this video it's even compiled for Windows and tested using a Windows PC of course it's not a ton of fun and it has some bugs but it's a game that one person with almost no game development experience made in three days please leave a comment about my game I am reading all of my comments all five of them and like subscribe see you later
Channel: GameDev Roulette
Views: 49,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jB7zj1Sbnns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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