When you go from skinny to satan in 10 minutes

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you can lift so much weight that you destroy the fabric of reality. It's Tough Man. I love a game where 2 seconds in, I'm lifting 90 kilograms on each arm. So the idea is very simple, see? You have to lift the weight. Release the weight at exactly the right time. And if you don't, Skeletor beats you to death while doing squats on your forehead. I wish I knew why that happens. I don't really have a good response for you. Now you start obviously is incredibly trim and thin and not very muscular. But if this is anything like all the other games I've seen on the internet, you will eventually turn into a freakish monster. Right about there to get to level three. All right. So does my- Do my biceps go up ever? At all? Do I ever like do leg day? Because it doesn't look like leg days a part of this. Yeah, my legs are still very skinny. I love that. There's just so many random colors to fulfill. Like, none of that makes any sense at all. Like, I'm trying to fill up the gas tank or something. The blood is rushing to my face so hard that I'm eventually just like my eyes are going to explode out of my skull in a shower of viscous juices. All right. Let's go ahead and go up to 120- Okay. Then it goes to 100- How many are there? Oh, my God. Oh, it's still going. It's still going. I'm still dragging it. What is happening? Okay, now I need to know what the final one is. Alright, so does this- Does this give me more points now? There, I got the maximum. Okay, I went into- Into ultra testosterone overdrive. I don't even know what's happening. My heart is eventually going to beat so fast that I'm going to begin spraying my own blood and arteries out of my nose just because my blood pressure is going to be like 6 billion. Over 10 billion. Okay. So now we're moving into level four. Did the legs get any bigger? No. I love how I got a beard, now, though. I feel like, just like in real life, you can just throw money at the problem of becoming buff and get somewhere very quickly. So that's what I'm going to do in a second. All right. So it's 800 coins in order to buy this and then we go up to 200 kilograms. I love how one of the characters is just Batman. It's like a really scrawny Batman. Does 400,000 coins allow me to inject myself with Anaconda blood? Oh, I got some new. I got some new exercise moves now. Oh, yeah, we're going. We're going to total body workout. Hold on, I'm going to buy a new a new dumbbell in just a second here. I just need to finish this up. Whoever did the voice acting for this game needs to get paid double whatever they originally were paid. They need to just increase it by times two because this is amazing. Oh, yeah. Look at the neck muscles. Alright, let's go, let's go. Oh, yeah, yeah. Keep it going. What- 500- 650 kilograms?!? Okay. Yesssss... Oh, my God. How do you even- Hold on, I need to know. How do you work out with this? All right. Okay. Yeah, that's kind of like, you know, just wristing it. You know, so you don't have to limp wrist anything anymore. Wow. Just doing a tiny little bit of exercise goes a long way when you're lifting over a ton. Is that- Is that the Grim Reaper? Just watching me from afar? It is, isn't it? It's the devil. He's up there. Come on, give me a perfect. That's the perfect 2000 points! What?!? Oh, yeah. Go ahead. Give me. Give me my next level. I deserve it. First, let me drink all of the blood of the innocents. Oh, I get to gain two levels in one shot. All right, let's just keep going. Is this like some sort of Viking instrument? It's just a giant log. I love it. Let's use it. Oh, press the log. Yeah. Nice and smooth. There it is. Ultimate log squatting right there. Got to get that full body blown out. The legs are going up. I swear right now they're going to get huge. See, right now, it kind of looks like I'm standing on two sad pipe cleaners. But in a moment, they're going to be two sad pipe cleaners that have been blessed by the devil himself in the background. I am so far past level six. I'm going all perfect. All perfect. Right. They're over 12,000. Well, okay, almost 12,000. Give me a quadriceps. Oh, yeah. I am literally just changing my humanity. I'm not even the same person anymore. I lost all my hair. I'm just like One Punch Man. I became. Oh, wow. I'm actually getting taller. I'm getting. Oh, my God. Oh no.... What is this?!?. Just like One Punch Man, when you get strong enough, you lose all your hair. It's the exact same thing here. Also, my eyes are bloodshot. I've been snorting caffeine for the last two years. God, that looks unhealthy. I feel like this would rip your forearms apart. What is this? Is that what? What? Oh, my God. It's an elephant. You actually have to work out with an elephant. Oh, yeah? Why not just bench press the elephant? I mean, it's no big deal. After all, I was. Then you throw them in the air when you're done. All right. I need to get perfect here. Boom. Right there. Big points. I want more than one level. We're only level nine right now, and we already look like. Like an inhuman mutant freak of nature. We got to go far past this and find out what the apex of humanity actually is. Okay, so what do we do? What do we turn into now? the hearts, and oh, now I'm brain. Basically, I have giant infusions of lava in my muscles. All right, well, let's keep going. 2800 kilograms. Okay, this looks kind of normal. It looks just like big ACME weights over from, like, Disney or something like that. Oh, here, I can actually work out with a fish. Alright, dead fish. Bane needs your assistance. That was close, but I don't think it counted as a perfect. You'll know it's perfect when the voice actor starts going absolutely ballistic like this. There it is. We're already past level ten. I get another try here, too. Come on, baby. Right there. 6000 points. Like it's no big deal. Behold the transformation. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I love that my neck muscles are now taller than my actual scalp. Okay, so, you know, you get. This is like a monster truck tire. Oh, two couple of tires, or you can lift a space shuttle. I've got to do it. I've got to lift the space shuttle. Here we go. Perfect space shuttle repetitions. Yeah. Now we're doing squats with a space shuttle, because that's how NASA works in real life. I'm going to send this space shuttle to space with my own muscles. Well, with whatever muscles are left, I've. Like I said, I don't even know if I'll be if there'll be anything left like human after this next evolution I may just be made out of- Apparently I may be made out of body hair. Have I destroyed the planet around me? All of the buildings are destroyed. My eyes have been replaced with tiny suns. All right, let's just keep going here. Okay? So now we have a keg. I have a double keg, and I have a boombox. A man inside of a tub drinking a martini. All right. Yeah. You know what? Let's do that. All right, Martini Man, you're going to be flying here in a little bit. 13,000 points! Whyyyyyy? The numbers in this game are just getting completely arbitrary. They just mean absolutely nothing now. It's just whatever the game wants to give you. Alright, another 13,000. We're going to gain at least two levels, here. There's no way that we're only going to make this a level 13, especially if I get it perfect on this last- Perfect every time! Look at it. This guy's like my good luck charm. Him drink- I think that there's, like, meteorites falling to the ground, too. Maybe that's what destroyed the planet. Maybe it's not my- My own strength. It's just the apocalypse. And this is how I plan to survive it. Yeah, two levels right there. Going straight up to level 14. I have now developed, like, armadillo spikes. Great. You know, we've gotten this many and we still have that many to go. That's what's insane. All right, so now bigger tires. It look like tires- It may just be weights. 7,000 tons. It doesn't make any sense because this is 8000 kilograms. Even the game just does what everyone's, you know, hold on. I'm going to I'm going to work this out just because it has the tons on it. It's really hard, though, because, look, there's no area to like. You cannot mess up at all. Okay. So now there's a little bit of a larger area for me to get the perfect. And now! this is nice and safe. See, now the game is just giving it to me. It felt bad. Okay, so as you do this, it actually gets faster and faster, too. Like it fills up- Like it fills really fast now, and you have to release at just the right time. Right. Whatever. Let's- Let's keep going- Oh, a car! Yep, sure. Oh, wait, why stop in a car when you get have a box truck. That's right. Need help moving? That's what Gray Still Plays is for. I love that, in the end, too, the character just yeets the box truck. It's like, "I don't need this truck!" Yeet! I wonder if the driver's still in there. Poor guy. Alright, so we're going to end up with at least one level here. I don't think we can get a second level out of this, but we're going to see what level 15 turns into. I feel like my I feel like my pectorals are sagging slightly. Maybe my maybe my rib cage is just so overpowering that it is bringing my chest down with it. So now we have just boulders, just a bunch of boulders. Now we have oh, it's two guys now. This guy is huge, though. Let's consider how much this dude weighs. If this is how many pounds, 12,400 kilograms of human being. Also, do I have a spike growing out of my forehead now? It might just be like a cancerous growth. I'm not really sure. All right. We're past level 15 now because why not? So level 16. All right. Looks pretty similar. It's just I'm getting slightly more rocky. I'm turning into, like, Ben Grimm. Why is the rubber ducky? Oh, never mind. I need to do it. I was like, why is the rubber duck? Just like, why does it weigh so much? I didn't know that it was because it's the size of a skyscraper. I love how my guy cries just incessantly if I fail. Look at how big our original building was. We are taller now than the skyscrapers and the duck is twice the size of us. The duck, however, is not enough to get me a level. How about this giant hotdog? Like, would a hotdog this big weigh that much? I feel like it probably would. Or this hot dog is just filled with cement. Hot dog, 26,000 points. Are you kidding me? Welcome to weightlifting, where the numbers just don't matter. All right? And are my neck muscles going to get to the point where they're strangling me to death? Oh, wow. Yeah. I'm not even human anymore. Okay, so is this, like, a bunch of barrels? Oh, it's three barrels. Okay. Or a tree. What is this? What is this? What is staring at me? It's so concerning. I don't know what that is. This is a really easy one to beat. That is a very large, perfect area to lift weights in. Yeah, flex. You deserve it. We're flexing. We're flexing big time, right past level 17 with this really fearful being that I'm lifting. It's like some sort of discount Pokemon. Yeah. Okay, so we're past 100,000 points and we're going to level up into level 18. It's taking me forever to drink all those hearts. I've got a trident for a forehead. Lived in a tugboat, actually, while I lived in Tokyo. Oh, I got it. Oh, I got the perfect 39,000. It's really hard to get that because that's a tiny little area to get it. All right. We're going for the level here. You ready for this? Okay. Well, that was close to perfect, but it wasn't quite perfect. We need 160,000 heart chunks. Make Link from Zelda proud. All right. I need a perfect one here. Come on, baby. Yessss!!! *laughter* I wonder if there's any passengers inside that plane. Okay, so after eating all of the lives of the innocent, I'm actually getting thinner. I mean, I'm taller, but I'm also thinner. It's weird. All right. Gigantic burger. Oh, I'm dual wielding the burgers. Oh, I love it! 40,000! I'm like, I'm looking out three seats. I can't believe that my wrists don't just implode. I'm creating little black holes like little vortexes where the where I'm lifting. I am easily breaking the speed of light at this point. Okay, so here we have- Oh, it's a house! It's just a house. Oh, yeah. Discount Floridian property right here, man. Oh, yeah. All right, let's. We got bombs. What is this? What is this? I'll find out in a second. First of all, to lift this, because we need to get a couple of levels. 51,000 for the perfect for whatever these are. All right. I've now moved past the city. I'm almost taller than the gigantic- Oh wow! Hold on. Real quick: What happens if you lift, like, the tiniest one? Like, can you even see it- Look at it! I can't believe I just got that perfect. There is no room for error. No way!!! Yesssss! Oh, yeah. That is worth something. That is worth an evolution right there. And we're even taller now. We're going to be. We're gonna be taller than whatever this giant mountain is behind us. All right. I had to inject more money into my veins. Hold on. I'm gonna do this one. Eventually you can just lift sky- Skyscrapers?!? Now, at level 25, I will finally end my evolutionary abilities. That's kind of where it maxes out at. Okay. With the perfect 57,000 going straight past level 21 into level 22, we should get part of the way into level 23 as well. So now even taller, I'm almost larger than all the rock surrounding- Oh, there's a volcano! I'm going to be the size of a volcano!!! All right. Hold on. Let's get that. You eventually just lift a mountain. It's just a whole mountain. 64,000 points for perfectly lifting a skyscraper. All of the squats! The never ending stream of squats. All right. We're easily going to be getting past this level here. I want to see if I can get at least one perfect, though, to keep it moving way past. *groaning* All right. Growing up further aaaaaaaand... I'm Diablo now. I am actually the devil. All right. We're going to go to the mountain. We might as well lift the mountain if we're going to finish this off in a second- And a perfect for 78,000 points! Double perfect!!! And on this one, triple perfect. Yes. All right. So past level 23 into level 24. and probably most of the way to the end of it. Oh, yeah. I am now breathing fire. I'm just breathing liquid magma. This will be an easy triple perfect. Perfect number one. Perfect number two. And now perfect number three. Going to be bigger than the actual volcano. I'm going to squat so hard that I'm going to split the earth in half. And here we go. Yeah. I love that you just once you finally get there, you get to unlock the doge. and that's where you start . Well, I started lifting weights at the gym, and I eventually destroyed the entire planet. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Tough Man. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,073,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, pc, gaming, 3d game, android games, games, new games, tough man game, tough man android, tough man ios, funny, game, tough man hack, tough man gameplay, tough man max level, tough man mod, tough man mod apk, tough man apk, tough man all, tough man hacked, tough man mobile, tough man body builder, mobile game, mobile games
Id: -K2tRfYhkLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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