When you become the richest person in the world

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All right, we're checking out the only game where you can become so rich that you can literally transform your body into money. It's Money Rush. Like any normal human being, in Money Rush, you start your life as a piece or I guess a bunch of pieces of random money, and your job, through all that time that you spent in college algebra, is to figure out which of the items is worth the most so that you can go into the change drawer, turn into a gigantic stack of cash, and then use the stack of cash to buy pointless items. [laughs] What are my choices here, I can buy a pizza store? Hold on, there's a coffee shop. Ah yes, stacks coffee. I can't think of a better place to throw my money. That's right everyone, I've grown up from a coin into a bill. Ah, yes. Oh, I actually lose my money as time goes on. That's a problem. All right, hold on, times three, oh, that's hot. I wonder who's picking up all this money I'm leaving behind. $180, no, we'll take the $50, 50 cent piece, big money, uh, 35$ down. I don't know really what that meant, but it sounded like it could have kept me alive. 80 bucks, the roll is huge. 95, please, God, don't let this be something terrible. No, why would you do this to me? All right, we'll pick up the rest of the bills, and we end up with, oh the money is going big, this is 180. All right, back to just being some coins now, 95 cents. And your coins actually get larger, so it's easier to pick stuff up like that. [laughs] Uh, divided by one, that's just normal. Divided by one doesn't mean anything. And this is gonna actually be a really big stack of money for this guy to carry. You can see it undulating wildly in his hands. I love how, like, a buck 80 or something like that has suddenly turned into-- How much money is this, like $25000. Yeah, it's like 25 grand. Man, the exchange rate over here in this game is fantastic. Oh, yeah, bigger starting coins why not? It does make me wonder just-- Oh, now everything's starting to move on you. Okay. It does make me wonder just how big the stack can get off the screen. All right. Times one that's-- it's nothing. This literally-- Oh my God, no. No, I wasn't ready for the pain. Despite this money being like seven times taller than me, I-I still feel really sore at the fact that I lost like a third of my entire stack. Watch a video and get my coffee place, you got it. Congratulations, we now have stack coffee. It doesn't actually make coffee, though, all it does is vomit out money that I can get. [laughs] Since I mistakenly started putting money on this lemonade stand, I-I guess I'll buy it, I don't know. Yeah, there we go lemon rush, all right, I'm gonna get the pizza place going over here, why not? I think it's called pizzamania, but I'd rather call it like pizza psychopathy or something. All right, we're going big, all the green. I wonder if you're wide enough if you can actually get both or if the game forces you to only pick one. Oh God, saving or drinking, I mean, I know what I'd rather be doing. But all right, so 220 plus two whole dollars, all right. Going to school, which I don't feel like you make a lot of- a lot of money from. And that is definitely the biggest stack that we've had, and it hurts me to think that school is the reason this occurred. I gotta pick up my money for my lemonade stand over here. Oh yeah, 35 grand going into the pizza place. All right, our parents are letting us cor-- cross the street without having to hold their hands. So we're back being the big money over here, okay, and then divided by two, grab that into the big money there minus 39. There's a lot of negatives over here plus 67 never mind. And then, of course, we're gonna take the question marks in hopes it's like-- Come on. Can I get both? Nope, you can only get one. Okay, it doesn't matter though, because, in the end, our roll ended up pretty big. Come on, get past 180, yeah. Uh, I think I want this instead of the times three because I had nothing to times three at that point. Pay taxes, what if I don't want to? Come on, man. Uh divided by two, no, I'll take the $3, climb up over this, and then big money at the end. Yes, my goal is to get the stack high enough that someone up in heaven literally trips over and kills themselves. They're just like, "Why did I just trip on a stack of $100 bills? What is going on down back at earth?" All right, just like the game said, I've-I've spent all that extra time in school so well all it did was make me lose 15% to taxes. All right, 140 divided by one-- Okay, that was about as close to an easy perfect run as you can get. Also, I think this is happening like in heaven or something because the world is below us, we're chilling out on top of it. What else can you buy? What is that over there? It's completely clear. It like a-- grow house. Looks like some giant lips over here, and this is probably some like adult entertainment area. Interest or interest. What's-- I don't-- Okay, which one? Oh, I got $1.25, in interest. Does that mean I picked the right one or the wrong one? I really don't know. Plus $4, which I totally screwed up. [laughs] The pizzeria is complete. Being a gigantic stack of money is pretty good, like but I feel better as the coins. The only reason why is because if you were on the Pirates of the Caribbean, you'd be like the most important character. Think about it, every-- divided by six. I don't even know what the best-- Oh, ho-ho. Think about it. Like, every pirate is going around specifically looking for gold doubloons. Like that's the only thing that they do in life. Uh, divided by four. I don't really know what's better. Okay, that worked out decent for me. The stack is growing. Okay. $75, $85, yeah. Actually got us better than we've ever been. $205. But like all the pirates are going around looking for the coins, not really bills. Oh, finally interest for once instead of taxes. It's funny, I lost times two, and then I immediately got times two back. That was weird. Uh, $260, and then yeah, we'll take the $5. Although, it'll also be kinda weird because if I was a gold doubloon, I think that Jack Sparrow has put that in his mouth at some point. I mean, maybe some people would be okay with that. I'm just-- I'm not sure how I feel about it. Divided by one, sure, whatever. Okay 140%, in interest. This is probably the biggest chunk of money I've been yet. And then I lose 30% to taxes. I hate you. Taxes exist in this world specifically to make sure I can never be happy. Here's my hotdog truck to pick up this money on the way over to the donut factory. Everyone needs an extra shot of glucose in their life. Oh, I can buy a new skin. Uh, what do I get instead of money? Like, what could it be? What is this? It that bottle caps? Color me curious, I kinda have to know. Oh, it is. Now, I'm basically just apocalypse money, like in the end of the world, when everyone is dead and there's really no true currency, what is everyone using, in the end? Bottle caps. Work or chill? I-I picked chill. Did I get any money from it? I actually don't know. The fact that I ended up with more money in bottle caps than I've ever gotten in real coins is like amazing to me. Yeah, look at how much my bottle cap collection is worth. Don't mind me, just buying this donut shop with $27,000 in bottle caps, like anyone else would. Oh, I'm the dollars now. I was kinda curious if my dollars were turned to something weird since we're dealing with bottle caps. We are times there. Yeah, we are like $90 minus-- yeah, minus 45. Hey, hey, uh, you know what, let's do it. Whoo. No, going for the $99. Yeah. All right, $225, new personal best. All right, I'm keeping the bottle caps for just a minute because they were good luck. See that? Grabbing keys, getting this, just getting my soul absolutely crushed just then. All right, you know what, never using bottle caps again. I'm sorry, bottle caps, you really screwed me over though. All right, starting over right off with $4 into times two. That's what I'm talking about. Plus $4.7. Okay, now it's starting to get us bigger money. I'd like to get like to around $50 at least you'd figure. All right, managed to skirt by at 26. I don't even have anything I can do with all my money. I bought everything here. The next level though, I finally get to use it and whatever is on the other side of this gate, which is apparently, for one thing, a tennis court. One of the tennis rackets are so big you can murder another person with them. All right. Big money, big money, yes. Okay, and then times seven, and then we have a times 67, divided by two. Okay. I think I'm going to go with the plus-80 here because I usually get screwed if I don't. Minus $100, I'd literally die. There's nothing I could do there. I had to take the triple question mark no matter what. [laughs] It's not really fair. - All right, huge wow. - All right, yeah. This is a new personal best, easy. We're going right past 210. 220. It sounds like a bunch of people trying to outdo one another. They're all like, "Oh, yeah, well how long is your stack?" All right $55, jump over this like some sort of like violent mon-money snake. Plus $10. Oh, no. All of that was awful. There's nothing good there. All right, times two, and then-- All right, that could've been a lot better. My inability to understand money in like the two seconds that I get is really starting to show. Oh, I get to start buying my way out of this neighborhood. $250,000. Actually, that should go by pretty fast. Our-our stacks are getting pretty tall. I told you we were going big money. $59 worth on that run. How big does the stack get? Oh, yeah, take my money. Uh-- Oh. Actually, we're capped at $50,000. Maybe that goes up even higher once we buy our way in. Now I really want to get past this thing, because I want my stack to get real tall. All right, I wanna start as large as possible, so I'm gonna buy this all the time here. Behold my bills. $110. Uh, both these are pretty bad. I think divided by four is a little bit- a little bit-- I-I hate to say it. Like, it's a little bit better. It's still awful, but it's better than the alternative. Uh, minus 40. I don't think I've ever gotten anything good out of three question marks. Yeah, minus 35. It's still just repeatedly kicking me in the groin. There is a plus $135 at the end, though. That we're absolutely going to get. How stretched the face was on the stack there [laughs] because of how big it got. $240. I am starting as a legion of money. Oh, I can't screw this up. $67. Okay, well, both of those are kind of-- Oh, times four. 200. $291. Oh my God. [laughs] These-these little, like, one-dollar things are so weak now. Uh. Yeah, divided by one because that's pointless, and not divided by three. We'll take the three-dollar hit here. Uh-- Oh. I don't really know what that was I got, but it's fine, and-- $310. Yay. All right. All the money. Keep this going up. There we go. Yeah, at this point-- Oh, times five. At this point, I think two more-- Ouch. Two more levels and we're gonna be able to open up the next level and see what's in there. 80 bucks. Take the minus five dollars. Plus $10. Take the minus $7. Once you get to the huge amount, you always just take the easy number at that-at that point. 195. We're considered rich. Okay. I got the money I need. This is happening. Finally. The new neighborhood. I get to feel impressed. Congratulations. Yay. I wanna know what the giant lips are. Oh, it's like a botox place. Got the gym, the hospital, and then, yes, of all things, there is a full liquor bar. Well, great, we made so much money that it began to warp the actual reality of money itself on the bills. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Money Run. Until the next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,274,606
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, funny, walkthrough, game, app, ios, simulation, mobile game, mobile games, bad choices, simulator games, gameplays, tapgameplay, 3d game, funny simulator, new mobile, funny game, when you, best games, investor game, money games, richest person in the world, money rush game, money rush gameplay, money rush android, money rush ios, money rush max level, money rush hack
Id: 4D9YezDmYoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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