When your IQ is 1,000,000,000

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all right we're checking out the only game where the point is to have a brain so big that you can use it to Break Down The Walls of reality it's big brain run this may seem like a very simplistic concept where you just have to swell your skull as far as possible before the viscous fluids inside of your squishy brain comes shooting out but what happens is after bloating out your brain as far as you can you have to use it to violently bust through all of the thumbnail holes and then find out which hideous being your brain is Now smarter than so we are past ladybug and are almost as smart as whatever this is a tarantula or something what happens if you pick the wrong brain oh oh you get a tinier head and then you just get to get obliterated by masonry work I am kind of curious what the smartest being is so do I have to do I have to like murder these people or do I absorb their brain oh I I literally just best them in hand to well certainly hand-to-hand combat it's like Head to Head combat I guess so you best them in head-to-head combat and what happens if your brain is too small for those different things I don't know because I've managed to get through all of them so far okay now we can eventually fill up the brain Flame I don't know what this is it's like the the flamey brain meter sounds excellent almost we're getting close though what yellow or blue I'm going from Blue that gets me like one additional brain chunklet I don't know if that matters or not I have no idea what these gems do either they're just giving them to me but I I still I'm not really a hundred percent sure if I can buy something with them or what I love that the dumbest creature in the hierarchy of creatures is an ant ah I have bested a spider and is right if a spider and I were to partake in a bout of Chess I have I guess like a reasonable potential of beating them I love just the random brains on the platter kind of moving around I'm trying to go for a completely perfect run here because I want to know what happens when you fill up the brain thing now my brain is getting to the point where really there's not much of my body that's left I love that you can see the brain on this sideways glance just to see how ridiculously big it is we are nowhere nowhere near where we're going to be these brains are meant to be so much larger ah the classic completely random spiked punching bag made to murder you for no reason at all hopefully I have enough smarts to get through this wall see if you're not smart enough you can't headbutt the wall down so can I take this guy his head looks vaguely larger than mine did not matter sent him completely across town okay so 15 brains 10 brains 25 we've got two times two four so your head swells at the end based upon the multiplication I like that okay so now we have the brain Hammer over here you don't wanna I don't want to touch that accidentally make all your gray matter lie out of your rectum or something I really don't know where it can escape because my character doesn't have any obvious holes on them I mean unless I make the hole myself oh my God God it is well that was that was just magical I'm really glad I had the opportunity to do that okay we're gonna get times two six on this one so that means that the brain should swell too pretty stupid yeah I can almost not get it through the sticks of the of the Finish Line anymore oh we're we're going past butterfly intellect goldfish intellect frogs I think that's an octopus maybe our octopus supposed to be incredibly smart I think they're incredibly smart at least I remember them being smart enough to I don't know I guess like beat up an ant or something oh the brains are not big enough yet until all I can see is a brain on the screen I don't know if I can truly be happy in life I love that I got all these smarts but anytime I see a problem I just head butt it down it doesn't seem like the right way to take care of you know World issues but uh I'm gonna go with orange here but hold on I gotta try and grab every single brain I can oh yeah now we're up to two times two point eight I don't know technically if I have a larger brain than I had before it is way bigger than the walls I'm busting down though out of the way tarantula nobody loves you hello there goldfish I've killed a lot of your kin in my time and I feel kind of bad about that I wasn't really sure what the gems were even doing I think that it is increasing my potential for raw knowledge you can see over time the amount of brains I am able to achieve are just growing exponentially at this point I don't know how I'm gonna Dodge this thing because my brain takes up half of the screen I mean I did it somehow in the choice between Gems or brain you always take brain right 3.2 times bigger head now got it I'm smarter than a sad little chick thing probably some sort of famous bird okay I have to I have to fight for my life over here again between one of these two individuals I'm gonna take this one oh no his brain was bigger I guess that's the first time I've been outbrained what's funny is I'm playing a brain game I basically have no brains left after like all of the Hideous challenges I've been through in the different games they have they have slowly destroyed the little bit that's left of my sanity so I'm I'm getting through all of these issues in order to grow my brain and just so that it can pop like a grape tomorrow I love that you can only see me from the knees down now okay now we have the the double traffic cones of Destiny over here I'm gonna follow this in order to get the most brains physically possible kind of Wonder Too Am I like eating these or am I drinking them like a protein shake kind of it's really kind of curious I'd like to know not really sure what all these brains would taste like oh yeah again Gems or Brains Brains every time oh wow the gems just kind of slurp on down to you anyway when you have the the full brain power thing going so do I get do I get to murder everyone here with my gigantic brain yep he defied gravity I hit him so hard gravity lost all meaning 10. 25 three times and my God it's almost my brain is coming down to my feet what is my brain size at this point do I at least get past the bird all right I'm still at the bird wow it's almost like a landmine of brains over here they I'm gonna pick Green I don't even know if that's the right answer or not it's like a land mine of brains that you have to dodge around look at this Insanity it's like a perfect run so far too oh oh I get I get Brands and gems on this side that is fantastic I almost have the full so can I slurp the brains from here yep you get brains from both sides now we're at 4.2 brain expansion behold my brain of unreasonable size we're over at like 5.8 times brain size but it still it needs to go even bigger I can't I have to get to the point where I can no longer see my body if I can still see my body it's simply not large enough and plus it looks like one of the things that you have to outbrain is a rock I'm sure it's something else but it to me it looks like a rock uh we're gonna go orange over here because it looks like orange gets me one additional brain and if there's one thing I learned about this game every little brain matters so here we're gonna go for blue again see that right there extra brains right there now we're at 6.2 on the brain swellow meter behold the crane which has now meet my feet or met met my feet it's on top of my toes basically this level of brain will bring us to the duck I had no idea that that's what that was I thought it was it's a snail or something but it's just the head of a duck where's the rest of it I'm not gonna lie seeing a headless duck to tell me how smart I am is one of the most concerning images I think I've seen in a game in a while now obviously I need to know what this is I assume it's just another head I'm not really sure like I said it just it looks like a rock it just looks like a It's Like A Flat Rock I love that when I run my brain weighs so much that it it kind of like weighs over to one side and my body struggles in order to keep the character on the pathway forward all right creepy Howard the Duck I want to know what comes after you oh the bridge power time is 12.6 now you can see what this does the top of my brain is tickling the Finish Line That's How absurd this Titan of intelligence is getting almost at whatever this is something I'm also curious about is why the different color brains do the different color brains taste like different things I like to think that they do indeed taste like different things like right now we're having some Citrus brain over here and you have to go over to the lemonade flavored brain right here it's packed full of vitamin C for you now we are at the 14.2 times brain capacity the power of knowledge compels you the power of knowledge okay I don't really know what it's compelling me to do other than to absorb these delicious like blueberry flavored brains over here all right close to it I say it because again I still don't know what it is I'm at level 50 at this point I've given up trying to collect these gems because I have no idea what their purpose is at this point I am solely continuing to gain brain power so that I can find out what that rock is at the end and I'm not giving up until I eventually get it the idea here is that over time the multipliers will get so high that eventually the game is just going to give it to me out of I don't know I guess like uh pity so to speak so right over here when we want still staying over it blue which is great because blue raspberry brains are actually my favorite flavor of brains now the brain run portion is slowly getting longer I have to murder at least two to three people per run at this point I feel kind of bad about that but this is this is it's for a good cause in the end which is to finally open up the pet rock brain or whatever is at the end so 17.4 brain capacity way bigger than the 15. that is touching the flag it is literally a touching the Finish Line flag so now the tops of my feet are covered with my own brain and they are still not there I need even bigger I don't care what it takes on my quest also to get this enormous brain there's something else that I had observed I will show you in just a moment while I collect the rest of these brains and that is that when you get to this point and you start going past all of the various creatures that you are now intellectually Superior to they Bobble a little bit and it's not really a big deal until you get to Howard the lecherous duck over here and then it gets right there and it kind of pulses and it gets very concerning but now I have made it so far that I have beaten all the way to Fox I got all the way to Fox and I learned that the fox is smart enough to stop being tortured by this process hey folks after this episode of Big Brain run to the next time say foxy a bunch of love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 762,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, graystillplays gaming, brain run game, mobile game, mobile games, brain run, brain run mobile game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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