I Built a Underground Lego Bunker!

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underneath me is three giant holes and me and the boys have to convert them into underground bases tell me how do you get in I found the entrance oh and also we only have three days to pull this off first time stepping in the hole boys this is where I had to build my secret laboratory let's take a look at this oh so a movie theater huh some ideas now how how do we turn a hole in the ground into a Lego bedroom I introduce you to the lab it's the plan when I think of a laboratory I think of White Walls clean everything looks nice how big of a TV you think will fit on that wall like a 85 inch right I think I'm gonna put bed over there maybe mini fridge right here all right so this is going to be the fridge it's going to be right here oh couch for the boys or a recliner for the man put some Legos on the wall right here maybe some Legos on the ceilings oh that's sketchy just watch your head this is kind of what I'm going for you know so you have like the rock there which is right here do you know how do all that we're about to figure it out movie theater is pretty simple enough couch TV speakers Xbox decorations now we got this all right we're here I have no idea what I'm looking for you know you're at Target when you see the big red balls outside let's go in time to spend thousands of dollars to perfect our bunkers watch till the end of the video to see what happens when we invite a bunch of kids to judge our bunkers and the loser gets punished I'm looking for something that's gonna shake the dust off the wall it's gonna be in a hole in the ground it's like a bedroom basement or yeah just dirt it's going into the ground yeah this is exactly what I was looking for see if we buy two of these and we put it between that butcher block we have just made an entire kitchen all right time to buy a TV we're getting a big one that's all I know so we have that much room yeah it'll be all right I'll play Minecraft I know what I'm doing 75 inch for 600 bucks hey that's good thanks trying to get the fridge bro ready we're in this I wanted something a little crazier but I don't want to go drive around for 17 hours I need help building a Lego bunker actually can you push the cart I want to ride on it don't hit the guy don't flip us either it's because you don't have your Crocs in sport mode that's why you're struggling Trend what if you covered the entire ceiling with lights it just look like a bat cave I don't hit the gym for nothing let's freaking go so we get a big one and a small one rainbow worms throw them in blue and purple throw them in I didn't even have to do anything this kid's doing it all for me we're about to make freaking Batman cave come on it's a little tight I know oh let's get out of here all the shopping's done but then I realized we needed one last thing our base can't be complete without the freaking juice blocks boys we're just gonna buy all of it and we got an apple juicer now we just need apples we're back to the hole but I figured before we start installing everything it'd probably be smart to do the lighting first these are not some Plug and Play lights so Mike you think you can wire these up yeah it wouldn't be hard so he's going to connect some stuff to these we're gonna plug them in I'm gonna be Batman look at this wiring job wait yo Mike yes sir is this an extension cord yeah it's an extension cord time to put Legos in the bunker welcome back to the morning Chef Mate we're gonna start digging some whole hole oh we gonna break this TV before it even gets in the home I got it good here yeah the hardest part is oh yo this looks sick Bro I can see every detail all right it's time to get to work are you ready bro I didn't think it'd be that hard to build something underground those uh primitive survival guys make it look like a piece of cake so what we're digging is the spot where the refrigerator is gonna sit it's time to dig it's gone dead we kept digging and I felt like we're making great progress a little did we know this is a lot more difficult than we thought [Music] a straight Rock I'm digging to China cold air comes out right here south seeking I put a fan here perfect oh dude that's a nice fit would you look at that we got a cabinet it turns on after all it's been through imagine we plug it in and it just doesn't work oh welcome to the Lego food and if you look behind you this is what we've been working on we got Legos in the wall got some right here for some decoration we got a bigger wall now we'll put some blocks right here and then right here this is where our bed's gonna go so this is what it's gonna look like but we're not done yet it's starting to go crazy down here I think I can make a shelf let's see if it [Music] fits look at that not ideal but unique now you're probably asking yourself James what's around your face you got a toothache no I hit my head on a one of these wood and I got a boo-boo are we back to work baby let's bring in the air mattress in bed oh and fits perfectly I need to add some decorations and I think we'll be A-Okay baby it works we got TVs we got the speakers the subwoofers back there now I got to figure out where I'm gonna sit put that there give me more room here I'll put a rug here chair right here right in front of this giant TV that'd be nice fridge check I don't know man this place kind of sucks it's supposed to look like a like a laboratory and it looks like we're two percent of the way done like we literally just put a table in that's it like when I think of a laboratory I think of the wall full of you know tubes and all kinds of stuff what if we had like a tank here and it's green and it has like stuff floating inside of it what you're seeing right now is literally five percent of what the final project is going to look like what if there was a secret door underneath here that went all the way straight through to Gabe's movie theater day one's a wrap we got a lot of work to do tomorrow though so if we dig right under here you think this entire thing is just going to cave in yes change of plans I guess so it's the next day and overnight I was thinking I want to change some things I want to replace this foldout table with an actual entertainment center so we're gonna take everything out we're gonna go to the store we're gonna buy an entertainment center and we're gonna do a lot of digging let's get to work these are my schematics that I just drew up for my base we're gonna follow that step by step I'm gonna get a ceiling fan installed in here probably like right about here this was definitely worth it there's so much more room and it looks so much better we got the two heads in the wall we got stinker and pooper always watching out they're like my hidden camera but not hidden we got LED Lego we have a table to build Legos on we're gonna grab this whiteboard so it doesn't do that I went and found a popcorn machine in our storage so I'm gonna make a giant shelf out of the wall here big enough for the popcorn mission this is our first panel let's see if it fits oh oh yeah dude that's a nice fit [Music] huh what's up bro I just come to check it out it's a vibe that's not the only one I got two man caves because you're in like a legit cave yeah yeah why would you put a ceiling fan well I needed fans y'all got AC units oh yeah that hurts hey you have to like crowd so much foreign we are beginning to get all the pieces for our juice laboratory we're gonna fill this tank with green liquid maybe have some apples floating around then we got our TVs [Music] I think it's gonna fall so we're digging out a little chunk of the wall here gotta fit the fish tank in it oh just enough room this bedroom turning out pretty nice time to get my Lego sheets and blanket my Lego gumball machine and I think that's it I think that's good I mean yeah if it fits it sits it fits oh yeah I feel like we're mining for fossils it's right above the fridge too so hopefully we'll hold that weight got my LEGO cup I got my a Lego rug right here oh there you go for now table hold tbrt Street oh yeah the TV's got a USB I don't even have to do anything I'm not sticking it to the TV no one's ever gonna see it it just needs to Glow done you can't tell it's you know it's fine these are gonna be the holes where a juice is gonna flow out of the earth is this how they feel when they mine for oil and diamonds solid freaking hole [Music] all right sweet these are gonna look sick bro we are going to destroy this competition James no chance Gabe on the other hand I don't know how he's doing stop the flashing I don't want a pair of Bluetooth oh yeah how's that look Ain't No one gonna have a gumball machine in Nerf bunker oh gotta fill it up this is how you build Legos down in the Lego bedroom Fort baby let's go three tubes in two more to go that looks honestly pretty cool where should the banana go I think you're right here why is everything USB I'm gonna go drink some water [Music] that kind of looks sick so next we need to hang the lantern get the juice in here get the juice in the fridge draw out our formulas install some RGB lights and we'll be done a new day a new hole I forgot a shelf I gotta have a place to put candy this dirt is really soft I thought this was going to take like 15 minutes it took 15 seconds do that like 50 times and work you know what else is not good we have a freaking juice leak in our wall look at this this is fixable but there's one thing that is not fixable right now and that would be the weather outside there is currently a storm above us okay so we have this storm right here this one might pass us this is not good because we are underground right now what happens when you're underground and it rains we could literally lose all our progress and the kids that are going to come judge our base are gonna be here tomorrow at 9 00 a.m that's in like 11 hours the best thing we can do is just hope that the rain misses us and if it does it's going to be by a hair but a tiny hair not a big hair like like the hair on my head it doesn't exist in other words we're screwed not falling down anymore [Music] it's time for the most important part of the lab we gotta write the juice blocks formula ready let's see if I'm still a good artist it's not too bad [Music] epic gamer moment it all works let's clean up this is the juice blocks secret formula your four ingredients are water Apple this is just vitamin C it helps fight infections heals wounds and keeps your tissue healthy and it's actually found in all fruits and vegetables and then the last ingredient we have is natural flavors natural flavors must come from plant or animal sources that equals juice blocks which is available in every single Walmart so go get your juice hey this is art these kiddos are going to be judging us on creativity it's very looks four days this is actually really good functionality oh it says man cave would they live here it's too hot to live here and of course the vibe check what's that Delight the two people with the lowest score gets their base destroyed I don't know how we haven't gotten that far yet I'm winning this no matter what so the looks I mean for four days this is actually really good they also like how it has a gumball machine for kids creativity I'll give it also a four it's a bedroom and it's not supposed to function other than sleeping [Music] what do you mean it's one through five oh okay all right yeah five five's great four looks yeah give it a five yeah for looks I'd give it a three oh yeah all right oh y'all can also take a flower I made those flowers for y'all just for y'all no I didn't it was for decorations it's too switching the looks from a five to a four why because that's what I think who has a better sense of judgment than a bunch of kids you gave him a one this is my bunker I can guarantee the highest level of satisfaction I got everything you want but do they have a ceiling fan no one has a ceiling fan that is true nobody else has a ceiling fan quite like James's kind of found the candy so what some of the candy is okay though you hear those reactions down there that's a five stars I'm divided for creativity I hear fives I hear fives happening oh my plan is working they have AC I want to live here I don't care if there's sand all over here I think James was more creative oh it says man caves it doesn't say Girl Cave it says man cave it's a man cave but you guys are girls I already got my scores ready there's nothing under a three she's just a hater you know what if you like it so much you can live in it all right I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I just want to let you all know before you go into the base I have worked for the past four days on this and um I'm screwed that's all I gotta say go ahead come inside you trying to sweet talk them all right all right all right hold all your thoughts until you get inside oh security I can see myself oh there's a lot of greens I'm not liking this this thing is disgusting I don't know what that is what is it it's a lot of sciency stuff [Music] yeah there is open the fridge what's up yeah wait wait wait turn off the lights very sciency I like that okay wait I'm giving this a five I'm done letting all these kids judge was a good idea now we're seeing that their math capabilities can add up all the correct numbers could you imagine if one of them added it wrong and I was actually the winner but I wasn't because they didn't add it right I trust these kids they got juice blocks they're getting smarter they're picking the right Brands go to Walmart right now and get your juice we have been told that the results [Music] [Applause] Juice Box Victorious [Applause] they're really getting it over there this is nice fruit snacks next
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 3,601,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: 3S6wCXzrAHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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