Upgrading my NOOB car into a GOD car in Draw Joust

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Alright, we're checking out the only game where the worse you draw, the more dangerous you are as a human being: It's Draw Joust. Imagine for a moment you can draw the giant Y in yeet and then utilize that to murder the person next to you and have them That's what Draw Joust is. What you do is you get the start of a vehicle. You go ahead and purchase things like your health and your power, more power, and you go ahead and you draw a beer can that the person is basically sitting on. Then you can see how off balance I made this. I like that at least they gave me this bulldozer plow on the front. Alright, Attila the Hun is going to go flying off the arena. *laughing gibberish* I was going to say, my car is coming apart This is fine. This is working out quite good, actually. Yayyyyyy! I think I just gave him brain damage by rubbing his skull along the ground. Oh, I get a cannon on the front now? I can have a helmet. Let's see here: Better tires, horny helmet, different body. And actually, it looks a lot like me 25 years ago. Bigger balls. Not like that, you know, like. But the cannon balls. Great. Great. The guy I'm fighting is going to be inside of the left ventricle of a realistic looking heart. Actually, I kind of wonder, if he's in the realistic looking heart, can I be in, like, the stupid, fake heart? I didn't actually have enough juice to get my heart all the way around. I don't know if this car will stick together. I didn't have to do anything! My kid did it all for me. Okay. Any time I can buy ink. I'm going to buy ink. Don't ask. I just kind of wanted to draw a sushi roll. So this is what I came up with. The fact that it's holding together so well is blowing my mind. We are going to murder Player2869. Dr. Yeetson reporting for duty. Told you- Oh, and into the water... *laughter* Ah, we're up against a slice of cheese. Can I get a burger done? It's a burger with half of a bun top. What happens if I don't have anything to sit on? Is that bad or what? I'm going to back up that big forward motion there. Say perfect. If I jump into the water myself, do I still win? Oh, yeah. I was just going for a swim. I'm literally up against a produce product. My opponent's name is just Apple... O... J... I can kind of connect these and get a little bit more on the J on there too. Can I just feel like a giant thingy coming out the front? You absolutely can. It's a little dangly! Just talking about these vehicles... It just sounds awful. Now, if you notice, he's fine. You can see he may have his mouth open as if, though I just stabbed him through both of his lungs. But it's on the side of his. His chair. My opponent's on a Dorito. I'm going to be on a bigger Dorito. Go! Dorito power!!! *gasp* I had no idea Doritos are not the superior shape of chip. I don't know, what about a Pringle? Kind of like- Kind of, like, this shape. There! That's a- That's a perfect Pringle. Oh yeah! This looks good. Ready? Okay, so now I have a boss fight More power. More. How come? It seems like he can draw a lot more than I can. What if I just draw an unhappy face? Draw that- Hold on. Can I get, like, a little eye? Well, there's one eye. I have enough for one mouthpiece. And then here's the other eye. It doesn't look like an unhappy face. It just looks like a judgmental face. I'm sure it's fine. Okay. This is not- This is not fair. I guess we're going for the wheels. Grrrr!!! Okay. So far, so good. Some money just popped out of them. That's hot. All right. Oh, yeah. Oh, where? This is the most awkward fight in the history of this game. Are you ready? Here goes, and we'll get our money. Oh, it's delicious. I found a cool way to beat this guy- What? Oh, all right. Don't mind me. Just doing a backflip. No big deal. I found a cool way to beat this guy- There. I can literally just, like, jump over him, Watch: I can, like, ramp myself upward. There it is. I almost went flying off the board. I love how my audience is like four people from the high school lunch cafeteria. Here. There it is. Oh, it's like going fishing. Alright, I ranked up, so now I got this better sword. Don't ask. I just wanted to see how this would even work. Okay, so my guy just kind of limply lays down in the middle here. He's going to go flying over the vehicle. I wonder if I can make him jump into the air and win that way. Hold on. *groans of pain and shame* Oh, the spear is literally coming out of my boat. I decided to draw a giant baseball bat. The baseball bat is driving surprisingly well. This is so concerning. Get off! Get off my continent! pal. Yeah. Uh, I don't really know what these tires are. They kind of look cooler than mine, though, so I'm going to buy them. Oh, yeah, that's nice. You're going to have this helmet, too. Now I look like I'm actually supposed to be here. I'm just going with something simple. Just to see if, like- *laughter* Well, maybe simple wasn't the best idea. Okay, let's- Let's put, like, a seat. There we go. And I'll make the McDonald's arches. This is totally going to work. Extra connection. We're ready to roll! Oh, yeah. Oh, now we have true power. True! Ultimate! Power! I'm gonna draw human fist. There we go. There's the wrist. A couple of knuckles over here. This is perfect. Oh, the human fist works incredibly well. Okay, sweet! I finally get a canon. Right. Connect all that and write Dorito into the Pringle. Blast them. I can just sit back and let this happen. I got, like a- Like a tool from the Iron Chef. This kind of looks like the infinity sign. I feel like an infinity sign would be a pretty good- sure that he's roped in here well enough would be a pretty good object to utilize in battle, and it really looks that way. Oh, yeah. The infinity sign is, is the number one thing to do here. I'm actually going to fall on top of them. All right. I don't know what these are. We're going to buy we're going to buy this spiky one. What is this? I need a little bit more money. I'm not here to look good. I'm here to stab you. Ready? Come here. Come here! There it is! Okay, now I can buy the spiky one. Right there! *gasp* G for Gray. Little thingy here so he can sit on something. Unfortunately, it happens to be made of spikes, so it's probably not the most comfortable seat. Yeah, alright, you're afriad. You're afraid of my spiky frame. Even I don't know what this is I'm driving. Come here! My car is gonna eat you. Oh, it tastes so good!!! It's like chowing down on a Big Mac made of humans AHHHHHHH!!!! What is this? The Big Dipper? Don't ask me why I decided to draw a spoon, although my spoon handles a little floppy. Spoons got some good aim, though. Yep. There we are. Crack their skull on the ground. I wonder if I can draw an octopus. Which next to a squid is like one of my favorite animals. I mean, so there's one tentacle. The other tentacle, third tentacle, we'll draw another one over here. Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh. And he kind of ran out of tentacle power. So these other two tentacles are a little stunted in their growth. That's what happens when you miss Tentacle Day. All right. Tentacle vehicle versus just a big piece of flatbread. Let's do this. Okay. Oh, yeah. We're doing all right. We're kind of working up the front of that vehicle a little bit. Kind of have to. Yeah, kind of have to go from the up to the down, like so. Oh, yeah. Oh, we got. We got him flipped over. All right, now, I don't want to kill him yet. I really want to spear- There it is!!! What you like eating octopus? Well, guess what? In Florida, octopus eats you. Oh, I get two weapons now. Okay. Kind of want to draw. I wonder if I can get the mouth of the alligator kind of like that. It's kind of like a mouth. This thing is so awkward, but it drives so well. Oh, don't die! I don't want you to die. I want to stab you real meaty. All right. There it is! Triple cannons against Intelliboss!!! What is this? This is basically just like a cell tower. No more help, I guess. More power. I'm just drawing, like, a triple layer cake. You'll understand. All right, well, it's a double layer cake. I ran out of layers. Oh. Oh, it's awful. Okay, you can get. I don't think you can get subscribe. You definitely get sub. Actually. No, that's all we need. I've got some ink left over. I don't think we're going to need it. Subscribe versus giant cancerous growth. Go. Oh, wow. Doing the giant F for Florida. Here it is. Connect all these wheels. All right. Now, I think that this is probably, like super heavy. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to make this extra thing that kind of connects to the back wheel from the top of Florida. So that doesn't just limply fall to the ground. Yes. Yeah, see how it holds it up a little bit more. Yeah. This is working. It looks awful, but it's totally working. I told you- That is not where you want the giant sword to be at. I want these spiked tires. A few seconds later, I told you I would get these tires. We go the backwards p right like that. In fact, I'll make my P slightly wider at the bottom. Now this just looks like a mushroom. Oh, whatever. How you like my spiky tires? Uh-oh... Oh, there it is. But in fact, that's how I'm going to try and kill everyone from now on. So, like, for this we're going to want like this, but then it kind of drops down to connect these two. And then honestly, you could just do this to give yourself like a bunch of barriers See that right there? And now.... All right, now shove them upward. Now, look at this. Look, look, look. We're hunting for it. Oh, no, no. Don't fall on your head! Get up!!! Bunch of scribbles. That's all I need. There. Wait for it... Wait for it... Okay... And there, he's upside down. Now let's work this in right there. Well, the sword is so big that I kind of got everything from the belly button down. This guy has a bulldozer, but I think I could just build my own, right. Like, I could just go like this. All right, there's my- There's my my shovel thingy. I go like this. I do have to connect that and then kind of come down into a coat hanger maneuver here. Yeah, this should work. So he has a bulldozer? I have a bulldozer. Look, it's working out perfect. Come here! Your wheels are really cool. Not gonna lie, I kind of want those. But first- Awwww, come on! Let me- Let me get my little prod up there like an alien. I need to probe you. What I'm going to try is just like that one fish that kind of hangs its little tentacle down over here. Do that and then build a little bit of this right here. There. I think this is all it really needs, because I can whip- Oh no.... Oh, this turned out to be a way worse than I previously anticipated. My wheels are not working super well right now. Oh, God. Oh, my wheels are actually going off my vehicle. No, I have no wheels left, but roll, roll. We can still win this. Don't you ever give up, Doctor Yeetson. you took out like $400,000 in medical loans, specifically for this reason. Okay, this is a terrible idea. I love it. When I did poorly, it gave me a cannon to compensate. I feel like a dollar bill sign like this. And then you got the other dollar sign right here. I feel like this is a really strong shape. Oh. Oh, yeah. Uh huh. I think he may have stabbed himself with his own sword. He's like, I don't wanna be a part of this fight anymore. I have no engineering skill, and I think that's what makes me so deadly in this game. My opponents never think that I'm going to draw something so stupid. I'm kind of curious if I don't if I don't at all touch the guy and I just draw like a banana so he can kind of rest inside of my glorious banana. Like that right there. Can I still win like this? So there's nothing really holding him into this vehicle at all. He's just going to fly around and try and murder. I have to catch him, though. I can't. I can't let him. I can't let him fly out, like, completely. Okay. Can't believe how well I'm doin- AHHHHH!!!! I got a taste of my own medicine, and it tastes like magnesium. How high can I go? But I can get pretty high. Oh, can I connect this? Oh, no. The two wheels are not connected. Oh, God, I think it still counts as connected, though. Look at how- I drew a K. My car is holding my weapon for. I mean, look at it. It's like, come on forward. I have something for you. Oh. Oh, my wheel just did the work of the gods over there. My wheel almost murdered that guy on his own. I'm going to try and win, like- I'm going to try and win with this battle ax going up my rectum. Here's a fishbowl. I'm going to sit on these two balls here. See if I just yeet them off the side, that works. What if I draw, like, one ball and then, like, a second ball? Like, how's the double ball formation? This looks pretty strong so far. The infinity sign is probably the best shape, I would say. The double ball formation is close and it's pretty decent. Boss fight with Jerry. What a name. I bought a bunch more ink just for this day. Can I finally get the yeet in. Y... E... Come on. You can do it. E... Oh, it's happening. This is 100% happening. T... I'm so close. We'll never give up until we have the- Oh. *laughter* We'll never give up until we have the yeet on our side. I don't have a oh, I do have a weapon, thank God. Come on yeet. Just this one time. I need your help here. Okay. This yeet has to be really tall. This is kind of going to be a derpy yeet. That's fine. That's how the yeets are made. Okay. This looks awful. My car is kind of in three different pieces, but the yeet exists, and that's all that matters. You can't beat the power of the yeet. You can't beat the power of the yeet. I will whip this yeet on top of you violently. You ready? Watch this! Get yeeted! I want you to taste it. Taste the yeet. It's like a ham and Swiss sandwich. AHHHHH!!!!! There. Finally, I can get the full unhappy face and the unhappy face. I just threw my battle ax at him. I didn't even have it connected. That was incredible. What is this? It looks like a Valentine's Day box coming alive to kill me. The time has come for the most powerful shape in the whole world. And I finally have enough ink to do this. Maybe seeing gray. It's the state of Florida. We don't need hearts where we're going. Come on, Florida! Yeah. Yeah. All right. Part of Florida starting to wash away. This is a realistic problem we have here. I am slowly giving this guy a lobotomy, though, like the lobotomy is incoming. Come here. We're having a half off sale as that half off of your brain matter. Let my blade taste your flesh. Oh, his sword fell. Oh, sword's coming back with a vengeance. There it is! Well, it turns out the most dangerous shape in the whole world is actually a state. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this episode of Draw Joust. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, pc, gaming, draw joust, funny, draw joust gameplay, mobile game, draw joust hack, draw joust!, draw joust glitch, draw jousting, draw joust app, draw joust android, draw joust mod apk, mobile games, draw joust ios, draw joust apk, draw joust mod, draw joust all levels, draw joust new
Id: Hg4r9uC5kSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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