Upgrading gun turrets to UNREASONABLE EXTREMES!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to gods of Defense so essentially yes another Tower Defense sort of game very similar to Rogue Tower but also a bit different because it focuses more on the upgrades and unlocking things but essentially this is our Tower our Temple that we need to defend this is where the enemies come from which pushes back every single time top left are currency that's a hundred coins and then bottom left these are the towers so we've got the gun Tower which cost 20. so I'm gonna Wang one of those in the middle you can see that's the area it covers now we can also then click on this and we can upgrade it so we've got damage range reload and critical these do upgrade over time though so I think I'll probably just do that so let's just do this first wave I'm going to shove a cheeky Tower up there as well just so we're getting rid of everyone in a big way so you can see they're like little pixelated devil people I mean they sort of look like chickens weird little red chickens here after a couple of hits they're all done oh come on come on there we go and as you saw there we gained a currency which is up here it's called Faith basically we can use that in between rounds to either upgrade weapons unlock new ones and give us loads of permanent Buffs as well so lots of replayability yeah but for now let's open the next door and shove another Tower up there and then whilst they're taking those down down here we have something called the fount yeah they allow us to draw Mana out of these so we do actually need Mana even though our Tower doesn't use Mana uh we will need Mana incoming so you can see top left next to our gold the green thing that's how much Mana we have there are other resources as well but I haven't actually unlocked those yet so you've got 164 coins a gun costs 59 so I'll probably expand oh look three-way door so enemies come from either way and the aim of this game is to close each door so you can see they're all at 33 as we extend them they will they will lead to a portal where a boss comes from and then we have to defeat the boss in order to close the portal but for now these guys are getting a little bit close I might upgrade this shall we do damage and reload so we shoot a little bit faster I'll tell you what I might do critical as well because it's cheap now come on take it down take it down I don't want to put another towel down there we go okay and look this lady she's given us a new upgrade and because I spent some Faith off screen I actually get four options here usually just get three to start with I'm oh we could go with a pyro Tower that's fire damage that penetrates shield and kills over time or would it be worth going with the double gold do you like the double gold yeah let's do that so meanwhile I'm going to delete the tower I put there and then up here I'm going to upgrade these ones because this one is going to be hitting everything so I think reload needs to go way up um I can actually afford another Tower so I might shove another one may as well shove one next to it let's get the reload up as well crit because it's cheap bit of damage I can't afford another okay she saw it I'm gonna shove another Tower down okay it's then I guess we'll extend that direction I remember getting double gold this wave so every enemy we kill we get lots and lots of gold although let me know they're quite strong and they are taking a beating let's upgrade some of these we need more damage at the start and what I like about these as well just you can increase range just by going blob bigger range very very useful oh man we have got enemies coming all the way down to the end this is not good no okay we lost a life we did lose a life there as you can see in the middle nine out of ten that is because we lost a life so I think what I'm gonna do I'm just going to shove more Towers at the start here so one there one down there oh we've made the strongest shape who would have thought that not me so you can see a new tower now costs 700 coins so now is the point where it's definitely worth upgrading uh so this is all level zero so let's do damage may as well do you range critical reload a bit more range because then we're reaching that path all right and then we'll expand that direction and then see how we get on all right so it's these big ones with the shields that we're not doing too well against maybe I should have taken the Pyro Cannon although this time with a lot more Towers we're definitely doing a lot better I think in the meantime since the founts are so cheap 27 coins I may as well max out my Mana so anytime I see a crystal I'll completely surround it so there's some up here so let's shove a couple around there and a few around that one as well right the other thing it might be worth doing as well these guns you can change the priority so if we say most health on that one instead farthest from Temple as well we basically just want a big range so they're not all shooting the first one a nice little mix oh and speaking of nice we have more unlocks so I can recover some health no point doing that we can make our Temple Invincible next wave again no point doing that because they're pretty strong we can resist corruption nah I never knew that and that's the mechanic I haven't showing that I will I will go through that one in a second but let's take the mortar for now a long range Tower with area damage oh and they only cost 40 each so oh wow that is a big rate look how big the range is okay I feel like with the mortar it's probably best to put these back so that we only hit once all the three arms have merged and since these are so cheap I might do like a four-way mortar that looks beasty alright so let's extend that direction and then let's watch the mortars oh boosh oh yeah they're decent okay I like them I like them a lot I might add two more oh no the next one's 660. okay it's fine it's fine I got the coins we now have a mortar six pack look at these oh man yeah they're actually I'm liking this no one is getting it anywhere close to our Temple now oh look at the area damage it's so good and I haven't even upgraded any of these yet so I can change the area of effect oh I can increase that that would be quite useful damage obviously I can increase reload speed would actually be really good on them because they're taking seven seconds to shoot at the moment so if I upgrade that it goes down to six seconds that is actually a bargain so yeah I think we'll have some of that we're going to extend up that direction oh and this is the end of this arm so we're gonna face Fury so basically with this we it's like a sort of a bonus round where enemies move at two times speed and they drop no gold until we lose this thing so we've got to shove an annihilator on that pillar and basically this is gonna slowly destroy it but it does cost Mana hence why I was building all these Mana Farms even though none of my towels actually use Mana because I knew this was coming so you can see that is getting destroyed all these enemies though they are moving very very fast and we're guessing no gold for killing any of them thankfully that is now destroyed which also means enemies don't come from that arm anymore pretty handy but now every enemy we kill we get some cash very nice oh the mortars are ink it is brutal all right so yeah the other mechanics you've got to be aware of is this up here this bar is called corruption and basically when this fills up which it does over time those options we had to like sort of upgrade we get sort of negative ones we get ones that might destroy Towers or they might make the enemies stronger so they're not just good picks in this they're bad picks as well and by the way I just realized the more symbol sort of looks like a Red Bull bag so less expand of that direction and then yeah look the motors can reach them although you're a bit slow Motors you didn't hit anyone there yeah I'd rather you just aim down the middle because boost boost oh I want more mortars I really want more mortars I can afford one should I is the question yeah I did it I did it I couldn't help myself so again reload speed oh it starts on eight seconds so we'll spend six coins and 30 coins so it's down to six yeah basically the more the more kills these get the more they upgrade themselves so that's good oh the Pyro so yeah fire damage that penetrates shield and kills over time so we'll probably go for that the other one we could have gone for is this snowstorm which slows enemies down by 50 but only for the next wave only so let's go with the Pyro because again new towers are very cheap they only cost 40. yeah so probably worth getting these down and I'm thinking literally just go there so we'll completely just turn this area into like death area um I do want to say to these though Target the the most Shield so they're all looking at the most Shield except for one which is looking at the least Shield so uh hopefully that will work out well in my favor let's expand I guess up that direction they're like a flamethrower shotgun oh that's just so much damage in there you can't even see anything but yeah we have to keep the old Mana going because we need to make sure we can do the annihilators they are very very important but uh for now let's just watch these new cannons they are push oh so good I do want to save up for another mortar I'd love an eight pack I mean a seven pack I'm feeling a little bit lopsided if we can get an eight pack I'll be laughing late let's expand the level this way it will look more Mana for us wait on the mortars are insane yeah the area of effect is 0.8 meters now so every explosion is just absolutely huge boosh but yeah that is another wave completed we get a little bit of faith and then we're on to the next level let's go up there I think for now I'll leave my death zone down there I just want to like laugh at these then like what is that what is that meant to be looks like like a pair of like I don't know binoculars like with legs all right so another round completed we get to go for an upgrade now there's no there's actually nothing too decent here so I might just go for the snowstorm let's slow enemies down by 50 that sounds good to me and you can see the actual the snowstorm is literally on screen so there's that we'll extend this direction now probably my honor up this in the middle or they're getting pricey now though so we are monitoring everything up I think a few more pyro cannons maybe a couple of early ones because they're since they're moving slow oh no look can you see that Tower's been taken over it's got like a blob on its head so basically they get like negative impacts by this little enemy here can you see it's got like a swirly thing around his head so ideally you want to take them out as soon as possible because look it's corrupted those two as well oh there's another one back here all right I'll tell you what I'm going to increase the range on these two because then it can see both of these arms so I think that's probably the right thing to do that and then I'm just saving up for another mortar right that's another round completed oh no so because our corruption bar filled up during that round we have to pick one of these for the next round so we either earn no faith next wave not ideal we can allow an earthquake to happen which means all the towers in the tire are destroyed and the tile is quite big I think it's like a five by five or six by six square so that's actually quite lethal or we can make our guns their target 50 of the time no we are gonna earn no faith I think in the meantime we'll extend the level that way and then see how we get on so mortars are mortars coming in over this way I want another more to 2.6 000 I gotta save all right so basically the more of these little enemies that do the corrupting I think that's what raises the corruption bar so like yeah both of these getting nicked all the time not ideal I'll tell you what I might actually remove those solid yeah dig those two up because they're just getting corrupted all the time this corruption bar is flying up whereas if I just spent my money on mortars instead yes I'm addicted to mortars but I now have an eight pack and yeah I think because we got corrupted so many times that time we're gonna have a few of these to pick so I think we'll go with no faith next wave again that seemed pretty good I'm off you okay there was only one there was only one uh let's extend that direction then yeah I guess the trouble is these little the Mana mines they can get they can get eaten by the corruption yeah did you see that's been eaten then the corruption bar went up so that one yeah so that's our first corruption point I think that's what the blob is so if this bar fills up again then we'll have to pick two corruption I was going to say upgrades but downgrades I guess yeah it might be worth upgrading all of these cannons let's just max them out oh let's just spent all my money okay they're quite expensive didn't realize that but they only got up to level four so we're actually pretty close to upgrade and that one you can see can't upgrade anymore completely maxed out this will go damage and yeah all the corruption bars close to Philly oh no look there's two points I think that's two bad upgrades we're gonna have to pick not ideal so here is the devil man so oh do we get half the gold next wave no faith again or lose a third of the gold I have I mean I've only got 700. so maybe that's the best thing to do just lose like 200 gold so down to 500 I'll take that then we've got another one to pick so we accept healing zone so if enemies walk through them they'll get healed not ideal but might be better than taking Temple damage and 50 accuracy okay healing zones it is so you can see these are flying out so wherever they land enemies are gonna get healed but first we get to pick one of these oh tell you what let's resist corruption this week because then then it doesn't matter at all so we'll extend that direction then they're the healing waves I mean they're gonna go through them get healed but we haven't even hurt them yet I mean if we have they got mortared and completely annihilated yeah of loving the mortars I am loving the mortars they're not even fully upgraded all right so on the mortar three max out the reload speed it's every four seconds so it shoots twice as fast as an unupgraded one uh let's increase the area of effect as well and the crit because it's cheap behind the damage yeah okay let's just do everything let's just do everything so we're on to the next wave we want to keep an eye on this corner because I think this is where our new upgrade of mortar's gonna hit so oh look at the size of the explosion so boost yeah tell you what I'm gonna tell that one don't look at closest to Temple look at the furthest from the temple then it should always hit here so oh that's doing some serious damage up there I'm loving that I'm loving that right there's lots of enemies coming in from the top but there's also lots of multiply coming in so we're pretty I thought we're pretty safe whatever we do we do have the trouble of we're getting corrupted this round so I guess there's probably a tactic in this where you should try and defend your Mana things so yeah rather than just try and defend your Tempo I right you actually need to defend your buildings a lot more on this because can we get to the end without no it's filled up we've got two bad cards to pick up not ideal so first one we're going to oh I can't I want to do the earthquake because it's a random title it's quite a bigger but what if it is the mortar tile I'll be absolutely gutted I could do three damage to my temple that could be risky though we'll lose a third of my God okay solid I'm gonna do start from the middle and go eenie meeny miny mode catch an architect by it so if it bites let it go eenie meenie miney we're doing three damage to the temple ow sorry Temple right we've got another one to pick now uh lightning bolts destroy three towers at random oh I don't like this oh I guess let's try the earthquake okay we got lucky we got lucky with the earthquake it happened up there Away From The Towers you can see how big a tile is like I could easily ruin all my mortars and I probably would cry yeah oh I've just realized those healing pads these stay there permanently that is not ideal because what I was thinking of doing is moving this death area up to here because that covers both the parts and the mortars can just deal with those because nothing comes from that arm anymore trouble is I don't know how much money I get back compared to what I spent I've just got rid of all of them we've got 14 and a half Grand on us let's go let's go a bit crazy with these they they cost cheap cheap amount again so that's fine so I guess you want pyros first because they do damage over time I think so five of those and then a load of guns I mean that's a lot of that's a lot of towers we've still got 13 Grand remaining so do I just upgrade these like fully so let's do one of these fully and see how much it costs oh that cost a lot that costs a lot okay well I feel like range is something I need to upgrade on all of these because you want to cover both parts we'll do damage and crit as well do you reload yeah so we'll just make all of these level two basically all right so level two we've got eight 0.9 Grand remaining so get the damage up on I guess all of them so damages Max we got 3 000 remaining now what I might do I might just band over that way and then see if it's enough or whether they still need upgrading so all that's going quite well I think ripping through the shields it's just now we've got these guys twice the amount of enemies are we gonna coat oh it's not looking it's not looking that great if I'm honest oh no it's not good it is not good okay we gotta spend money let's get critical and reload and range let's just upgrade all of them upgrade it all right and now we're completely out of money the good news is we haven't actually got a corruption Point yet there's still a lot of enemies coming mate oh no oh no where did he come from right an enemy made it through damage to the tower we've only got four Health left oh there's so many enemies coming I made a mistake I made a mistake okay can this Tower save the day go and hit him hit him hit him no yeah I shoved another Tower down okay they might save us oh it's not good it's not good oh okay that's another round okay we've got we've got a bad upgrade to do so I'm not doing three damage to the temple then we only have one remaining that's sketchy uh fog in the next wave bazooka missiles Miss 50 we don't have to see because that's fine mortar area of effect is reduced by 50 I feel like I'm gonna go with the no the no faith one just because I don't really need Faith right now I have no faith oh let's do double gold we need double gold because look I literally have zero gold right so in the meantime let's extend that direction I guess or on 100 as well so the next the next expansion will be facing a boss which means we need to be a bit more clever about this because we're not in a good position anymore I cocked It Up by moving everything over here man we are earning so little gold as well because there's basically this thing up here gold drop by enemy reduces every single wave so we're only we're only getting like 10 of the gold we got like early on in the game kind of makes sense because there's so many enemies but also kind of annoying as well thankfully we are sort of plowing through all these guys still a few little Scallywags made it through the mortars should deal with them yeah boosh I'm not taking three damage I'm not destroying three towers we're gonna have to lose a third of our faith not ideal and then where do we want this boss pieces to come I think down here because then the mortars will help us oh wait 100 doesn't mean that's when the boss comes when does the boss come I'm so confused anyway the fact that this arm is longer than that arm should mean most of our Towers should deal with the top enemies and then they'll move on to the bottom ones so hopefully I was somewhat smart there I think I'm gonna shove another emergency Tower back here as well so let's give that damage and critical and reload just in case then man these waves are long look how many enemies there are now there is a possible bus note so we can risk Risk Everything by fast forwarding and just hope we still make it it's nice we survived another round but we've got two of these to pick this time I think we're just gonna we're gonna we're gonna have half the gold because you can see up there Gold's only five percent anyway so half of nothing is nothing so who cares and I think we'll go with the fog as well so you can see there's a fog coming in which means our mortar's area of effect will be half and right we've just triggered the boss as well so this one is greed so enemies have two times Shield that is until we have used the annihilator on this thing so get it in there quick that is using Mana to destroy that and then these are the enemies with the double Shields I think the ones on this arm they're just normal Shield so it might be worth upgrading oh that one's already fully upgraded see the range reload and crit on all of these because they're good against Shield I think that is a lot of enemies coming thankfully morses are on their way it's ready first you are not getting through here you silly binoculars with legs all right so annihilators destroyed that so we're pretty good now and it means enemies will only come from this top end but took long enough to get to this position but I feel like we're sort of okay again all depends on these options though should I go with fog again I think I'll go fog again and then oh we got a good one we have a good one uh two times gold I mean the gold is literally zero percent now so that would be two times nothing which is nothing and I could resist corruption actually but I feel like let's go with the faith may as well try and max out the faith uh because now we gotta take on the sloth boss enemies have two times health so let's reveal it let's get the annihilator on there fast so these guys have a lot of Health but remember no one's coming from this arm anymore so we should be okay in my opinion the annihilator's at 50 come on annihilate faster oh man there's so many enemies oh actually no we should be fine we should be fine I think we've done it I think we've done it they've just taken down the last last few enemies and yes there's our Tower the temple is saved we get a nice little golden statue yeah all these currencies oh what do I go for I know what the top I don't know what these bottom two do I feel like I should go with that one because it looks like an engineer or should I go the light bulb because it's the fewest amount I don't know I just don't know I've gone with the light bulb I don't know what it does oh so they're Toil and inspiration you can use them for crafting okay craft the blueprints of Epic monuments looks like we need some Engineers so we're gonna have to play another round to unlock those yeah essentially this is the upgrade screen so on the left these are all the other Towers bazooka shock laser Quagmire and the hammer and then each of these can be upgraded for the face thing that we have so they reduce the construction cost so you can just have more of them basically you can also increase your starting gold size the health of the Tower so yeah essentially lost upgrade lots of replayability and I think these are all like different sorts of levels and there's like different worlds and stuff as well so so let me know what do you think God's off defense very similar to Rogue Tower but also kind of different as well anyway peace love and defense bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 320,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gods of defense, gods of defense game, rce, real civil engineer, gods of defense gameplay, gods of defense steam game, rogue tower, tower defense, upgrading turrets
Id: q_7inS129rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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