Engineering a city with constant RISING SEA LEVELS...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to flooded we actually played this at the end of like last year and we played the demo and there's a really cool concept as a city Builder but like the sea level rises so your Island constantly shrinks and it makes for a very very fun game so we'll get into it so this is our starting level now every time we play this the levels are randomly generated so if you play it yourself you'll get a completely different layout but what we have we have our base here this is our miners base if this floods it's game over around the back we have living quarters so obviously people live in those nah I never knew that I never knew that and you can see up here that's how many people we have so this is telling us we currently have 60 jobs but we only have 20 people working and speaking of jobs can you see on these two these are open mining pits so they'll be getting us iron per second and basically they've been put on can you see like there's iron deposits there's also lead deposit copper deposit so you shove those on the deposit you want to mine them to get the resource per second yeah the back of our base over here we've got these which are wells they give us water per second our workers need water if they'd have water they won't work well and they'll probably die of drought but yeah generally you want to keep them working we also have a water tank to store that and then a warehouse to store other resources as well so if you want to store more than 2 000 of each you've got to build more warehouses in the top right because I'm playing this tutorial just to give us like some guidance we've got the the tasks we need to do so we've got to build four living quarters and we got to build four Wells so we'll get on to that but first this video is sponsored by Ridge wallet gifting for dads can be hard yeah just cheers that pad appreciate that but with Father's Day coming up Ridge are having one of the biggest sales of the Year Ridge wallets make great gifts 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lots of iron per second and obviously the more living costs we have the more miners we have which means we'll produce even more but look can you see the negative on the water we're losing 30 water every second now and we're only gaining 10 for each of these hence we need to build the four Wells so into the water tab it will cost 500 iron each so let's get a few of these down I reckon shove one there one there one there and one on that so that is all for being built which hopefully means the negative on there is being balanced out yeah so if we hover over the water at the top you can see plus zero a second so I might actually build just one more well just so we're actually making positive of that because probably a good idea to have water on us at all times nice oh wow we're actually making 70 a second that sure went up quick anyway oh it's because okay it's because our miners because we're full of iron they stop producing iron cool and also whilst I'm like talking about all this stuff look in the top left this is the flood meter four minutes 20 until we're gonna lose an entire ring around our Island to the flood waters hence we gotta be fairly quick about this so next up we've got to build an open mind pit so let's go into mining we've got the open mind pit uh we're already getting iron so I feel like shall I shove one on a copper deposit wow that costs 2 000 I feel like going for the one right next to the beach probably wasn't the best idea there still it's now built we're making 30 copper per second so I think we'll just wait until we get to 2000 iron again and I'll probably do another one like or maybe over like this way where it's a bit more in land yeah I think I'll go for that one there so that's two copper deposits now once they're built all right so we're making lots of copper in fact you can see we've made so much copper our storage is full up already hence we need to build more of those warehouses so we can increase our capacity so a warehouse costs a thousand Iron uh we're nearly there you can see it's just about there we go we have enough so let's shove another Warehouse down so as soon as that's built which is now you can see we can now store 3 000 of each resource which is good and then we could do the same with water as well so we have these water tanks they cost a thousand Iron but once we once we have them that will allow us to store more water so let's shove that I don't know up there somewhere you'll see our 2000 water as soon as that's finished building which is right about now that capacity has gone up to 3000 which means we can store more water very very nice uh what is it nice we've only got got about a minute until the flood waters come I feel so stupid building that mine there it's gonna last like two turns yeah whilst the game wants me to build more warehouses I feel like the iron isn't going up quick enough so I'm actually I'm Gonna Save up 2 000 iron and then I'm gonna build another iron mine so it will shove that on there and then oh no do you hear that that is the alarm the 30 second alarm you can see top left with flashing red this is not good although what is good we can finally afford another Warehouse just about it will shove that there and then I guess we'll watch as the timer ends look the island shrinks oh no oh I don't like it I don't like it so now we have six and a half minutes until that happens again so in the meantime we've gotta we've got to try and get these tasks done so we need one more water tank let's get that done now we have enough iron so we'll shove that there and now once all the objectives have been achieved you can see we need 4 000 ore to move on to the next era so we need 4 000 iron and then we can press this button button in the top right which allows us to move to the next era and the next era gives us a whole range of new buildings and eventually we'll get some research that will allow us to like actually build false land meaning we can survive a bit more long term but at the moment we're just saving up so I don't know is it worth I was gonna say is it worth getting another mine no it's not because look at these mines they've only got 10 out of 30 people I've failed to realize I need more living quarters so they do cost 500 each but they give me 10 people yeah I feel like to be honest probably worth building a couple of those yes it does cost more but it means in the long term I'm going to be gaining faster so I built three more you can see we're gaining 15 iron per second out of each mine and we're pretty much at 4 000 iron so once we're there boosh we can click this button to move to the next era so yeah this era is the electricity error which means we get all sorts of things to do with that so a new tab down here electricity to start off we will build accumulators um and they they allow us to store electricity they're just big batteries essentially so I guess we'll shove them in the middle don't want them near the theater so I've just built two of those they hold a thousand electricity each and then if we build a solar panel or two this will produce us electricity they cost a thousand copper to produce I guess we'll shove those down and it's worth noticing pretty much everything in the electricity tab costs copper so our irons are going to keep going up meaning I should probably just keep building living quarters because uh we're not going to be spending iron on any of these upgrade things yet that's right we'll shove a few more solar panels down I remember each living course I build helps us by creating more iron but also more copper as well however it does use more water so you can see up here my water is going down hence I probably want to build a couple more Wells as well so we'll shove one there we should have another one there and there right you see water I've just about managed to freeze it so we're not gaining or losing any but we've only got 100 on us so I could keep building bowls but look our Island's getting very very crowded this is where the electricity meter comes in so you can see up there we've got nearly two and a half thousand play with we can only store 3000 but all of these buildings if we click on them we can use this button to upgrade it costs 500 lectures the 125 iron but we gain durability and performance so if we do that you can see there's a new bar on this it's being upgraded but then once it's done oh yes it's a big boy well it produces twice the amount of water very nice what is a nice 15 seconds and the flood meter is gonna hit us Panic here once again the island has shrunk not ideal um so what we probably want to do is start upgrading some of these middle buildings we probably want more workers so upgrade the living quarters here can I upgrade these solar panels oh yeah I can they cost a thousand electricity to do that as well as 250 copper although we got loads of copper on us so you can see as we expand these they get twice as big and a bigger solar panel means more more electricity being generated so we'll upgrade another one and oh check out the size of the living quarters yeah I'll probably keep upgrading all of these because I know we're gonna start losing stuff around the outside them oh and look at this to get to era three we need eight thousand Iron we can only store four thousand at the moment so we need some warehouses I don't think I was gonna say I don't think we can upgrade them but we can a thousand lectures d250 iron let's do that I'll probably build another one as well since we do have a bit of space perhaps there yeah annoyingly there are trees dotted around which I cannot remove now worth noticing as well there's day and night cycle so we only produce electricity from our solar panels in the daylight obviously uh so annoyingly we're not producing any electricity although now we are because the sun the sun is rising so thank you thank you let's get let's get another storage upgraded oh my goodness look at the size of that so upgrade another Warehouse I probably want to upgrade another well soon what's the water plus 30 not too bad we got three and a half minutes till the water level rises again I've just upgraded another Warehouse which hopefully means we'll have the 8 000 iron pretty soon because once that's done the capacity goes up to eight thousand yeah there it goes and then we start gaining load of and the water is going down though it's probably worth upgrading another well so let's upgrade right then we can get to the next era so we're in the expansion era yeah so we've got a couple of tasks on this we've got to gather 4 000 electricity so I guess if we upgrade our accumulators or batteries that will help us achieve that then we got new buildings to build underwater mining shafts so if you look out at Sea can you see we've got these lead deposits so the only way to get lead is to mine them from the seat so actually I'm going to hit pause a second we only got two minutes remaining let's just have a look at the new stuff we've got so underwater mining shaft so that is how we're going to get some lead so we can't actually build while the game's pause well right so let's unpause we'll build that over there that's lead thing oh they're all lead at the moment but you do get other resources in the seat I think as soon as that one gets swallowed by the Sea we'll need an under underwater mine to actually mine that iron but yeah for now let's just mine all these lead deposits and we'll upgrade this battery as well then we'll build one more there and I think that should be the 4 all that we need then electricity is going up it should go up to five thousand so we should get that challenge done as well so nice there's the underwater mining shafts done and now we've just unlocked the ability to manage miners so basically we can choose what resources we want to prioritize so you can say like I want most of you on copper so Priority One less of you on that hardly any of you on that you can see all these numbers change but yeah down here we've unlocked a new tab defenses and this is where we can build artificial ground so you can see they cost 1500 lead to build each it's a pretty pricey uh so if I want to try and protect my base I guess I mean we got we got 15 seconds till the flood water rises so I should probably let that happen first so ready these these living courses at the back they're going from like Inland ones to Beachside residence ready with the power of engineering boost you now have a Beachside property enjoy but yeah so I think our priority for now is building these fortifications so if we if we just build fake land all the way way along this Edge well keep mining keep mining the lead I'll build another Lead Mine up there as well then you can see the land next to those they're no longer Beachside properties I mean that one is but we've sort of protected them so if we can build as many of these as possible we should be good because remember I've gotta I've got to protect my Miner's base so that is the priority so another one there yeah we have our next challenge to upgrade buildings to level three so yeah these living courses they're level two in the middle the big ones I can upgrade them again now so 500 lectures see 125 iron probably worth doing that get them upgraded we gotta get four upgraded I might do might do a solar panel as well then and then maybe maybe a well oh actually can I upgrade these yeah I should be upgrading these the underwater mining shafts because that's how I get more lead and I gotta build the lead before we got just over four and a half minutes remaining so I'm just building these all over the place oh look the new buildings look how big the living courses are they're huge now we can actually upgrade them again to level four but we will need to get to the next era and to get next there we need 12 000 iron as it says in the top right we can only store 8 000 so probably worth upgrading some of these warehouses and yeah in the meantime let's upgrade all these underwater mining shafts oh come on electricity I need 2 000 quick I need to upgrade my shaft right so in the meantime more fortifications I need one there I need one there probably there now I don't know do I need one like there because I can see that still Beach so will that get eaten probably I think I'm gonna I'm gonna try and build on that there we go I'll build one there so that hopefully that corner is protected I might need to do the same over this side yeah I'm just gonna I think I'm gonna sacrifice this end of my Island late because that's just well that's just how it works um and then I guess just keep upgrading the warehouses so we've got a little Warehouse there actually no point of green you actually probably upgrade this one because that one's definitely protected so upgrade that one upgrade as well all right so the Sun is setting again which means we're going to stop producing electricity in a bit which is gonna Scupper our our greeting abilities this might be worth I guess just upgrading the solar panels at night because I think they don't they don't produce electricity while they're upgrading so I feel like that probably makes sense we'll upgrade that warehouse as well all right there we go the solar panels are just being finished yeah they're producing electricity now because the sun is about to rise all right decent we've got a minute remaining let's get a few more fortifications in I think if we just keep expanding I feel like I probably I need to do these Corners really don't I how much lead I got loads of lead okay let's just go for it all right they're all being built so hopefully that should protect most of the land in the meantime we can move to the next era so let's do that before we get flooded so we've gone to a new era uh the the flood meter alarm is sounding oh look look what we get to do this is the best ERA we get to build a bridge build a bridge between the islands using artificial ground oh so we've got to get over there okay nice well let's see I have our fortifications worked because in five seconds the flood levels are gonna rise and we'll see exactly if we managed to stop the flood or not so that's the other thing worth noting when the flood levels rise you lose your artificial land all right so so six and a half minutes I'm gonna I think I'm gonna upgrade all my shafts or we need to upgrade some water as well so we are not producing enough water all right so let's just upgrade all these lead shafts so we can make as much lead as possible and this one is level three you can see there we can actually upgrade this again we just need 2 000 electricity which we're nearly gonna have so yeah with this new era we can now upgrade to level four which is very nice in the meantime I'm gonna get some fortifications down so I don't know where to do the bridge or whether to protect everything I've got at the moment I might protect first because if I if I can just keep protecting myself and then keep upgrading keep upgrading these mines will get LED quicker which means we can keep protecting ourselves the circle of protection I'll upgrade these living quarters as well because that means more miners will upgrade the wells so that we can feed the miners water and then we're out of electricity again so we can't upgrade anything oh check out the level four that'll level 4 mining shaft it's so big we can't upgrade that anymore I think that's max level now so currently making us 16 I think once the living courses are done yeah it's gonna start going up it can do 60 if we have enough people oh wow okay we really need to upgrade our living quarters then let's get them let's get them done so for every living quarter we upgrade we really really need to upgrade our wells and then we got two minutes remaining so let's just keep fortifying we need to this Northern Edge so 45 45 it'll be worth just building more solar panels like down here since you've got a bit of space and we've got loads of copper that's just gonna make us more more electricity it doesn't really matter if we lose those either main thing is that we upgrade and force a fight damn solar panels why don't they work at night time so annoying I really needed I need to save the land all right come on force fight force fight we don't have much time remaining no we got 12 seconds I don't even know if that one's gonna get built in time okay we've just about done them we got five seconds remaining I didn't build any of the bridge but presumably the Bridge would have been eaten yeah I think the bridge would have been eaten if I if I built it then and didn't finish it all right so anyway you've got loads of tier 4 stuff in the middle I think let's just keep doing these living quarters and Wells we'll keep building more solar panels I'll just build them on the beach literally don't care like as long as they're going to produce electricity then I think it's gonna help so four to fight I'm gonna last one more round before building the bridge because look how fast our lead's going up it's oh man let's go up so fast this is awesome yeah as long as I upgrade all these living quarters to the max then we're just gonna get more and more miners which is incredible because it means we're getting more lead which means we can fortify more per round because yeah the lead is literally flying up now 250 a second which means I can fortify way faster so yeah keep upgrading these living quarters that is the key you just gotta keep an eye on water because that is actually dropping quite a lot I think these are all yeah these are all level threes at the back to upgrade all of those maybe build a few more Wells because I'm a little bit worried about the water levels and build a few more miners just because I can I'm greedy I'm greedy yeah essentially I can just fortify everything meaning our Island should be pretty safe I probably I'll probably sacrifice those solar panels there I think the ones on the beach they will be lost this time but right we actually have more miners than positions now uh by by a long wait so I can't upgrade any of these underwater shafts anymore and doesn't look like there's any more deposits about either so I guess I guess you we just build our Bridge so we can probably do this fairly quickly you know I'm just two bits short I just need 500 more lead so that's like two seconds worth thank you all right 30 seconds until the flood waters come but the bridge is nearly done come on build the last Bridge we got 15 seconds yes we're done okay we built the bridge and we got the victory oh that was awesome so yeah that was part of the story mode there's like loads of different levels and challenges and stuff there's also endless and quick play but basically as you work through the campaign you unlock like more stuff like this you would be attacked by other people now you can build ships to go exploring and stuff so yeah there's lots to this game now I would definitely recommend but for now I'll say peace love and a flooded Eiffel Tower cheers guys bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 223,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RFGt0kW12_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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