Engineering a WORLD DESTROYING worm...

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don't you hate it when you're walking to work one day when suddenly Bruce you get eaten by a giant worm with wings yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to effing worms I'm not sure why it's called effing I don't know if that's meant to be like to make it sound cool but essentially you're like this little worm thing that can literally we can worm about in all sorts of shapes you can eat these little geckoey things yeah but essentially we need to pop up every so often and eat chickens eat cows and of course eat business men that are running away from us oh yeah we do need to be careful of our health food the occasional person like I think this guy if we why has he got a cooking pot on his head if we were to like go there can you see the one behind he saw me so he started shooting me so therefore we eat him and then we eat his meat and then we eat this little chicken as well and then if you eat enough of these you get to pick an upgrade oh and what would you rather what would you rather a shorter worm or a longer word I wonder what most blokes go for on this one and in a completely unrelated segue this video is sponsored by now I am a dad to this lovable puppy Paddy and with Father's Day fast approaching what better gift to give than the latest manscape products just like Paddy you could help your dad take Dad bod to the next level with the lawnmower 4.0 cordless body trimmer that you can even use in the shower nice this trimmer features cutting-edge technology such as the super close ceramic blades and an LED spotlight to brighten up the darkest of areas there's also the weed whacker 2.0 to get rid of those pesky ear and nose hairs and both of these are included in the performance package 4.0 bundle well that sounds like a good deal which also includes the crop Preserve the crop reviver the shed travel bag and a pair of mouse gate boxer briefs so head to and use code real civil engineer for 20 off and free international shipping thanks to manscape for sponsoring the video but let's get back to the completely unrelated upgrade choice so yeah the shorter worm gives us 20 speed will become small and quick or a longer worm we get 50 Health that is a hell of an increase um so purely based on that no other reason there's no other reason I want a longer Worm but I'm gonna go for a longer worm so we got it so now you can see we are slightly longer that procedure is called a peony plasti now not nice to be so I feel like I've been miss sold like on these adverts that you see the growing pills and yeah anyway we gotta we gotta eat some of these people I don't know what the little geckos are doing like the geckos normally live underground but uh they're pretty good if we just want to stay down here and sort of gain some health before we pop back up do a backflip and then eat people with pots on the head what the is that a nine cat why was there a nine cat I don't understand yeah right let's see that guy eat the nine cat eat that guy that tried to shoot me get it gets it and we can literally just float like above the surface I guess because we have wings we can do that oh there's a military guy see oh look you can see there's mines there so we need to watch them I'm pretty sure they do some big big damage so let's just let's just stay underground for a little bit gain some gecko Health Nom Nom Nom so feeding is complete we get to pick another upgrade do we want Sleek spikes I only do 20 speed might get you killed uh alternatively we can go for the jagged spikes which is much more my style they might poke an eye out but again 50 Health yeah let's just let's just Health up I want to make the biggest Unstoppable worm there is and oh look at the military look at them just sitting there I think they're so much better than us well if I get some speed we can launch them into the air and that one boosh see you later mate yeah look there's Jets there's jets in the air all right our speed is up and we are now on a rampage so let's just eat all these all mine the mines mine the mines Matt all right see you later truckers see you later chicken right four enemies remaining is nine cat one of them yes it is that's gone down to three now all right I'm gonna have to wait for this guy to go past the mines but we can be very very stealthy I mean really see me if I poke up behind him yeah he did he did he ran a little bit all right military man Nom anyway we get another Evolution do we want a skin mutation absorb ground nutrients no hunger pains well that seems pretty overpowered the other one is blood fangs switch during a rampage I get a massive mouth imagine if that happen in real life like you're just getting like really angry you're like damn Architects so big why is it so big yeah let's try the skin mutation and see how this works so oh the hunger bar hunger bar just went all the way up so does that mean I'm Invincible oh my goodness there's a there is a man with a bazooka riding a cow what is going on there someone's trying to drop bombs of meat no chance I'm gonna eat this man and cow Nam Ed why is why are they riding cows actually that reminds me of a of a story from University so you know what time is it's been a while since you've had one but it's Story Time with Matt Yeah so basically I went to UNI and one of my mates he was like I don't know just compulsive liar I don't know maybe it was true but um he sure came up with like a lot of nonsense like he reckoned the the famous chef Michelle Rue Jr was like his mentor or something he literally couldn't cook like beans on toast but yeah he told us like in South Africa they they ride they ride zebras like they don't have horses they just have zebras like what Story Time with Matt yeah right anyway back to the Rampage we've got some of these well I guess you could call them a pothead doesn't look quite like Shaggy out Scooby-Doo but anyway let's get the cow bazooka well we've got to watch the Jets blooming out I'm hoping we can get to a point where I can take out those Jets because they're being a little bit pesky I feel like actually a nine count would actually be damn tasty like is it a Pop Tart like a strawberry Pop-Tart or something that's why I imagine it tastes like Anyway come here pothead come here Nyan Cat or just dodge the mines just dodge the mines another cat and we finished which means we're back in the evolution Center oh blame jet light yourself on fire so we get additional Rampage speed or we can get a helmet head which is like a safety helmet minus 50 mind damage now you know I am an engineer I believe in a safety Helmet or what I call a hard hat I mean I feel like our worms should have been wearing one already so I should probably go with that I mean flame Jets it's got Flames surely I've got to go for that right no I can't the engineering me says save 51st so we're going minus 50 mind damage which hopefully means we actually we don't need to like Dodge the mines too much right so up above ground you can see there's now on but they are really trying to take me out but there's now tanks there's no helicopters like I feel like there's so much Army presence are they trying to like protect like the people trying to go to work so what if they were to just numb you're doing a terrible job on me I'm gonna pick off all the businessmen I think I mean because to be honest like who actually likes going to work so perhaps I'm doing them a favor and the Army's forcing them to go to work so let's just Nom oh sorry I ate some army men as well so perhaps we go on a rampage and we just absolutely Muller Everyone by staying at this sort of level die eat everything I'm a hungry worm all right now we take out some helicopters take out some jet packs some Nyan Cats okay and then my health is pretty late so I'm just gonna hide out underground eating geckos so as long as I don't stay above ground for too long we can never die which means we can go back on another Rampage not this thing's actually really good at flying I guess that does make sense because it has giant wings but yeah underground Wings not really not really sure about that one anyway jetpack you're eaten which means the feeding is complete and we get another upgrade do we go with shredder teeth goes through metal so metal now heals us or do we gain mouth tentacles if you're into that so we get a bigger mouth I mean the fact I can hide underground means I should probably just go for a bigger mouth because bigger means better right I mean that's why I went for that first upgrade anyway bigger mouth say oh look at the tentacles it's like it's like I'm part of Kiss the band anyway Norm let's just go on a rampage so we can literally just hover at this level eating everything and then I need to get some of the sky ones so what hang on a second hang on a second what is that is that like I don't know is that like an Iron Man they're like in Mech suits and then they're also is that like a jet bike I don't know it's tasty though anyway let's get rid of all these guys I feel like I'm out the size now where I probably could take down a jet ready yes we got it we got it okay so I see another jet oh just short it's trying to drop mines on my head oh we we just ate a stealth bomber not so stealth anymore if you get in need to buy a worm by the way I've just remembered like what this reminds me of probably not a lot of people will have seen this series of films but do you remember Tremors Tremors was a damn good film when you're a kid that's how they get you they're under the goddamn crowd all right so we've hit the final evolution do we go for a Mega Jump or the mega vacuum I mean it says it totally sucks so I'm not really sure about that Mega Jump though I think that's something I could get on board with yeah look new ability space try me out so if we just point like upwards and then whoa okay that's pretty good oh yeah look there's a Boeing jet up there let's just clear some of these out we're going a bit of a rampage just a little bit of a rampage and then oh there's UFOs up there yeah right we're on a rampage the speed is going up let's just take out all of these and hope that our health can outrun negative damage I probably should have gone with like the metal one because yeah look at our health look at our health our worm is not in a good place we're gonna have to hide again I hate hiding as a worm all right I've just found out I literally I can fly like I'm not falling at all so can I get high enough so that I eat some of these UFOs oh we're getting close this one yes okay nice now the UFOs are going straight into our mouth I want can we is there like a limit to how high we can go and yeah let's just let's just keep going up see what happens I mean you're not gonna lie now it's like sort of off the screen it sort of looks like a flying turd like anyway that's the last bit of the wing gone so yeah looks like there's a there's not a limit we're just we're just going up and up and we upgraded our worms so much it disappeared anyway let's drop down boosh ow Hit the Floor anyway I've just gone back because I feel like this is this is the point where I got lied to it's not safety first I should have gone flame Jets I think because now if we if we just hover at this sort of level then we can eat all of them and then look at the flame Jets they add a lot of speed to us so we can just stay in sort of a rampage we can then take out the helicopters at this level nom nom nom nom nom nom nom then look how fast we can we're like leveling up so quick at the moment I feel like this one as well maybe the bigger mouth didn't do it for us we should should have gone with a shredded teeth because now we're gonna get healed by metal meaning again if we just hover at this level we eat the businessman that's not metal but when we eat tanks and helicopters oh yes now we are unstoppable I think particularly if we go up to this level to eat all the helicopters our health just is not dropping but yeah look at the Flames coming out I think staying in a rampage is sort of the key we've just hit a 70 combo there and then perhaps with my final evolution I will try the mega vacuum yes I know it totally sucks but I want to see what it does so let's see can we hover at this level so then above ground only we can press base oh which just eats everything in its path I'm just holding down space we are eating everything look look at the combo but yeah this time because we don't have the hard hat we don't have the we don't have the 50 mine damage so if we do hit a mine we're in trouble so I've just got a slightly stay above the Mine level and then our health seems to stay up so yeah that is the key staying sort of that height I think just spamming spacebar with the vacuum we are turning into a big worm I wonder what sort of combo we can get to as well I'm just mashing spacebar so the vacuum is always hitting we're nearly up to a 500 combo there it goes 500 oh yeah the vacuum is really really helping with that combo look at the speed and size just constantly increasing it's actually getting quite hard to stay above the mine line at the moment so yeah I think we just try and stay at this fight Mash spacebar watch your worm grow or grow at this point it feels like it's turned into a weird Flappy Bird spin-off because I'm just trying to the only button I'm pressing is left just to make sure I don't touch the ground they're actually quite hard to do when you can't actually see where the ground is I'm trying to do it off like a background Sky color but I just want a thousand combo is that so much to ask for yes we got a thousand I go the combos that's not enough room oh did you see that there wasn't enough room for a thousand combate and I really really just want to find out if there is a limit to this so I might leave this I would say leave it running but I do actually need to manually play otherwise you just get stuck in the ground but yeah I will play this for like another I don't know another too long and we'll see how big we end up right so we're at the point where the mouth is so big I literally can't see anything apart from the worm unless I like jump up then obviously we can see a bit of the screen if I drop to the bottom you can sort of see what's going on up there essentially it's impossible to keep a combo going because I can't see anything I can try and do it by feel but the combo meter does just keep dropping or I keep like flying into the air scorer bottom rate we're still not our billion so I guess we'll go for a little bit longer so let's keep rampaging this the sound is just a mess as well in Gamers brutal all right we've hit a billion we have hit a billion we are not quite yeah we're not quite at the size where we're eating when we're underground so I guess we keep going oh yeah this is gameplay this is gameplay all right this is what I live for look at this the sounds as well it's just it's just a brown screen with numbers going up and the occasional bit of oh blue nope like that's enough that's enough just Brown oh yeah I think I'm starting to understand what that bots in the top left is so I think with two million points and literally nothing else to look at I think we've completed this one we've fully upgraded our worm so for now I'll say peace love and effing worms bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 377,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: effing worms, effing worms 2, rce, real civil engineer
Id: QaeCW2hyuII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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