I Modded Muck To Do 5,279,428 Damage

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does anybody remember this derpy-eyed little friend his name is Blitz actually this is a game called muck today we're gonna do things that have never been done before and that has break the entire universe the game's like hey run way over here then pick up a rock and I'll be like yay I like picking up rocks then it's like open the inventory put the rock down here and then slap a tree oh yay 11 damage eight damage this tree is dying quickly Oh yay tons of free wood but what I'm really excited about is every time I open up a chest the multiplayer increases so we have one chest to begin with also they're free because I don't like spending money and we get good things so we get a single scope now next time open a chest we'll get two of the items and eventually things are gonna get really stupid oh hello delicious little chest let me open you and grab the item that I get to choose here's some strength let's take two of those and a beautiful blue box what's inside of you blue item how about some of this one we get three Dracula teeth oh yes permanently increased Max HP on kill maybe I should do some stuff like crafting that workbench at the game so violently telling me to do we'll put it right here and now if I hit the tree I do 27 damage on a crib that's not much though because I only have two dumbbells thank you but the good news is I can get a red apple from the tree and I should be able to craft up a tool yeah we can get the ax if I get some bark then we'll build the ax itself then I'll build some more bark I think I need two barks so I could build a wooden pickaxe and now we can ride more rocks goodbye little rocks actually I should go look in those chests shouldn't I oh a crit of 243. all right what do we have inside of you all right the boat map interesting we needed that and I probably didn't need to mine all those things because I got a free rocks from it there's nothing in that chest but now I know the boat is over there also I know there's a good chest right here and this one gives me more fun things other than that The Lumberjack here's four Lumberjacks and to pick up multiplier has been change to five so now we get I don't know five Speedy boots that is significantly faster and we just started not gonna lie I just really want more chest give me something cool out of you how about this one that one's for both The Bean Is like hit points right yeah hunger drains Thor that's fine because I really hate eating in this game oh also hello there I also hate you in this game that's why I'm gonna cut your face apart how do you like that Kevin this is Kevin I just made that up good news is I can eat one of these and some of these and one of those stab this boy in the face and you're dead now I'll build one of these things stop it I want to build that and then I'll destroy you why are there so many bad guys at night what have I ever done to you just showing up here Little World cutting people apart in their faces oh hello I wish I could have a pet one of these little Raptor demon dog things stop it I also need iron totally forgot about that 63 thank you Mr Lumberjack t-shirt I appreciate you so we'll cook that iron up metal here fuel here and we'll get another chest which should be seven should we do more Dracula teeth I like that idea oh yes 10 Dracula teeth I love you I'm running out of stamina really quickly so maybe I should get some stamina pieces which one was that orange juice yes that's attack speed that's totally not what I wanted I want stamina is that milk milk give me stamina nope strong bones of course it does how about a free chest oh we got a gold load of a free chest let's do ten of Thor's hammer that'll be fun is it just against the rules if everything just keeps upgrading like this and I just only collect things okay yummy nuts is yummy nuts okay peanut butter yes there's the stamina increase speaking of which I'm entirely out of stamina and food but that guy got evaporated so I'm excited about it and come up and come up oh 78 damage all right thank you Thors oh wait that was a big explosion would you not do that please your Cow Horse you're gonna die what's in this one um more draculous teeth I think so also the frog jump that'd be cool bulldozer we'll do the bulldozer chance to knock enemies back I don't think I wanted that that was kind of worthless at this point and speaking of worthless this cow's life has ended oh wow he took four five six seven hits before he got evaporated but thankfully my iron bars are ready so I can craft an anvil no don't attack me I've not deserved anything I feel like I need more damage oh they're not doing too much that guy gave me wood and I just unlocked milk I don't know what that means or I just broke my Anvil hello little mini boss goodbye little mini boss please let me build a weapon of my choice Birchwood and iron bars Birchwood and iron bars sword time I found a few more chests that I missed so we'll open this one up I kind of like this strength but then movement speed has been really helpful same with the jet pack we'll get a bunch of jet packs and in this one what should we pick more stamina what was the blue pill again oh Shield increased okay that seems fun oh the jumps though look at these jumps I just want more strength too maybe more broccoli what does broccoli do give me 15 broccoli L3 gen okay that's nice where's my workshop now where did my work there it is so I can craft a steel ax and then throw the old one generically on the ground and we can start a battle against some wolves oh okay wow oh that one gave me an ancient Fang hey die would you not be stop being alive thank you boo what do we get this time more strength I unlock the Amber tooth blade already what do I need for the warmer tooth blade glow crystals dark wood man probably not doing that but what I am doing is making a steel pickaxe and going to find some mithril that's not mithril but this is ooh myth roll exploding mode oh so did that guy's face I almost feel bad just kidding I don't oh thank you for the wood buddy and let's go press this button because it'll be funny hey get wrecked and jump another blade another Fang get dead get dead wow there's three of them there what do I get this time go away I don't like you what do I get now oh I mean every time I kill something I get more Health but this is like a lifesteal 17 Crimson daggers sounds cool and you are dead and you are dead you aren't dead yet they both died hello gold now the real question is since I have 10 Dracula fangs if I kill cows oh yeah I do get hit points from cows thank you cows I appreciate your life another blue shiny what do I want out of this one the luck we'll do the luck we can do piggy bank we'll do piggy bank yeah time to hog all the loot don't even know what that means I'm just really looking forward to getting 20 objects or whatever this is more Dracula teeth okay and we have three beautiful chests in front of us what do we get out of this one uh more broccoli what did broccoli do health regen no peanut butter stamina we could do stamina or we can do the red pill what does the red pill do Max health sure and we'll grab one out of here we'll get the piggy bank the luck we'll get the lucky horseshoe because I don't have that yet chance for a Critical Strike and then you will give us treasure 23 of treasure uh milk again what did milk do strong bones don't know X juice sure uh get Juiced up when Landing a crit that's fine speaking of juice what's in this one probably orange juice yummy now our attack speed should be super fast oh that's satisfying and this chest will give us 25 more strength yeah super strong bass strength increase all right where if I was my mining stuff where would I be there's a city over there and then we'll get more strength and even more strength and maybe even more strength oh my goodness 151 strength that's fun I want to open this one [Applause] Drive thing that looks cool I don't know what it does but do you have more damage when moving faster good thing I can move Sonic Speed now let's see how much damage I do now oh my crit 99 I mean that's my base damage how about if I murder a tree okay that Trio is an oak tree I don't have power enough things for it okay that was seven thousand not that great hello Oak Oaks don't die quick man all right I'm like a lawnmower now that tree blew up and I wasn't supposed to break it that's a boss hello goodbye and I want to attack you one shot him how about you what do you want 249 damage I am Unstoppable already but we haven't found any of the big bosses like the guardian the fun thing is I picked up the jump on the last time now I can jump 36 times in a row and we get another super strong 37 upgrades do I want anything I mean The Lumberjack tree is always fun but I don't even know what that did so I'm gonna grab it oh yeah falling with a Whole 30 boost your stats I better not do that but I do need some more mithril for 7 000 damage and this one will give us I don't know more jet pack no more shoes we gotta go faster oh hello there's a town here maybe I can just buy my upgrades hello sir I don't plan on murdering you hello Tree Man Press e inventory what do you have mithril ax yes that's what I need buy one of those what can I sell you I don't really need any of this so you can have my steel ax and my a birch wood yeah do you have anyone else that wants to trade before I go on a little Rampage if you know what I mean this guy's got apple pies let's buy a bunch of those so I never have to eat again hello sir do you have anything cool I would like a sword does anyone have an s-word I need an s word there's purple soup doesn't matter because we get to open up another chest I'm walking too fast now let's get more Dracula and then another speed boost and then we'll open this one even though I'm sliding down the hill to get more milk I don't know I think more Dracula teeth would be beneficial unfortunately I still can't find my workbench but thankfully I did find another chest and another one with even more I don't know more dumbbells more speed more running run and now we get what do I not have the sniper we have one sniper scope we don't have we have 37 of those four Berserker Helmet or the HP the more damage that's not gonna help me especially when everything just kind of crumbles before me ooh the Guardians here hold on Guardian I was just getting the upgrades I don't want to attack you whoa bro why do you do this to me stop it I mean I can run faster than you can ever imagine do I have to show you my skill on that cow nope nope okay fine how about on these guys you have not learned have you whoa he's got 1293 hit points I just basically sneezed and he died but now what do I want more Dracula team ow hey now that was illegal but I do get something else shiny from this chest maybe more hammers we'll do the wings I haven't got those yet bonus damage when falling I don't need that now unfortunately this mod does cap at 50 every pickup but it'll be fine I promise I just don't even know what to get anymore more beans I don't like eating I've just been doing the dumb the whole time why don't I just build another one we can totally just build up another Anvil here in the middle of the safe Village and thankfully there's plenty of Adamantite on top of this mountain top that I can easily cut down how many did I get 21 and nine oh there's another one cool I might as well get rid of this stuff and put this in instead and then protect the villagers and probably whoa flying dinosaurs I'm scared to jump though because I jump way higher than they'll ever fly I got him ow I think that guy just committed Sudoku so I can make myself the pickaxe I need eat these over the cliff I'm gonna go ahead and make an automatic sword and now I should be able to make Adamantite armor I wonder if the villagers care that I cut down every single one of their trees for 30 000 damage I need more Lumberjack shirts game can I have more there your village is now protected from the evil trees please give me more out of mankind I need it to make a chest plate to protect you from the dinosaur creatures oh they're not even What wave are we I don't even remember what day six and we're already this powerful and strong beautiful the pants the last piece of armor that I need so my quest now takes me to fly across the map and take out all of these statues I'm hoping this is big chunk hello big chunk I'd like to chunk you up with my pickaxe of death uh you're gonna be easy three thousand thank you what do I get today give me something else cool come on please there it is or jump I don't even know anymore I've got so much of everything I'll go with milk because Danny said so and somehow there's a tree growing on top of the building that's cool so now my objective is to repair the boat come on let's fill the holes make the stairs oh I don't have any fur wood make the ladder we needed some dark oak for the Mast some iron bars for the engine and some fur wood there also we can eliminate these guys for making fun of me open up at the end of the chest to get even more crit go away and now I gotta go find dark oak which should be right here goodbye dark oak tree only 18 000 damage oh we should take on Gronk too hello Gronk goodbye Gronk thank you I needed your parts and I don't know what I want another Hammer why not still build that Mast I need more iron bars can I build I can't even jump right all right we need wood and wheat the numbers can get very large when attacking trees 73 000. oh that one was big 400 and was that 4.8 million others that's is that a billion no that's 1.4 million nice get destroyed get destroyed everything's dying and now I should be able to make a glow weapon oh okay ancient core three glow crystals I don't have those yet but I can make the Amber tooth blade so definitely making it I'm also running out of chest to find but I'm totally getting strength in every single one of them that I can get because I want my numbers to be even bigger oh the Amber tooth blade is gigantic okay uh there's also some Obama forgot about that stuff I don't remember what it does but there's more things for me to kill so that's always cool and then this will give me even more strength so I can do even more damage and then this thing should give me some more Lumberjack shirts so I can do more damage to trees watch this tree get evaporated oh 31 000 that's nothing 88 000 that number and come on give me a big crit give me a big crit wait something just spawned hello big chunk nice of you guys drop by I can jump too thank you for all your loot I appreciate you give me more crit chance and I'm gonna challenge the chief hey hello chief goodbye Chief thank you for your loot again oh nice I found uh one of these little castle things not a castle cave anything cool in the cave maybe something in the chest those are rubies nope just meat ow to get some rules to hit me I want you to do such a thing where's the gold crystals when a man needs them okay we can plug the engine bars in we need to get the gems yet we have one ancient core we need some gold bars what goes in here can't even tell but I know Ruby goes there obamian bar all right ship thing the gem map we need that which we should be able to use those bars Okay add a mad tight bar we need this one gold bars and we need the gems so we need one Adamantite bar and then a bunch of wood hopefully I have enough for it come on let me in I can't even jump right yeah there it is oh the cogs more iron bars so on my way to getting the gems I need to get a few of the fur trees I need to find an oak tree I need to pick every single piece of wheat that my little body can find and I do need some more regular wood too come on wheat where are you maybe I'm going too fast right over here oh we get a chest and inside the chest we get more I don't need that one I don't even want to pick it up but I do have to kill this guy so that'll be fun give me that red gem that's supposed to be an end game Boss and I don't even know what I want more Lumberjack shirts so I can hit these trees and do Insane damage all right steps placed in we have the first the gems in we need two more iron bars of four I did have this rolling an iron there's something satisfying about killing two bosses with one strike not sure what it is but I did it do I want more of this yes no what are you doing stop it you're making me mad you're making me mad too I wanted to pick up the loot that I found here I don't even know what to get anymore but I found a purple thing and I need it so get rid of some rocks and then get over to other rocks and then get rid of a stupid mushroom and now I have the blade go away you're so mean to me how dare you do damage oh wow okay I needed that too um um do I need wolf skin we don't need the raw meat I'll take the sword healed though I swear every time I play this game it's always a search for either flax or wheat at the end of it and I need both right now oh but I also need this oh there's Flax on the ground right here Oh yay there's some wheat too and the final of the gems erect he didn't even get to spawn see there was a reason I kept the villagers friendly with me maybe I could buy raw wheat from them but I can't really anyone do you have raw wheat please someone you must have it yay I bought I bought all of this wheat here you can have my Apple now I'm hoping that I can use the Anvil and make the great sword please weapon great sword I still need wait I have the blade and the hilt I just need dark wood so let's pop the rest of the gems and the gem holes we have the iron bars for there those should work out I just need to build a few of these and since I got the dark wood I can make Gronk sword I wonder which is better Gronk sword or the out stop it would you not do that hey jerks oh I just picked up three of those hey would you just just loan I've done nothing so I could complete this now so we have the sale up I'm hoping I have enough wood and wheat where's my wheat why don't I have enough wheat yet is it because it made too much rope it is thankfully my man can sell us the wheat again and I can chop down a regular oak tree instead of chopping like straight up exploding I want to see how much damage I can do one of these on a crit come on give me a crit give me a crit oh there's one 5 million that's 4.8 mil that one's uh 3.3 okay so about 5 million damage so we'll finish the Hut and the supply Crate and I think we can set sail and by said sail that just means I flood the entire Island to get to battle the dragon I wonder if I can kill a dragon by smacking it with uh with muffins probably not oh there's Bob the dragon 14 000 damage it just did five million to that tree my dude and whoops is that supposed to hurt I have 34 000 hit points now how what how did that just happen and every time it does more damage I get more Health okay ready to get set and die Goodbye Oh there's a Max damage that I can do to it that's okay Bob's gonna get erased and I'm gonna win the game yet again no Bob come back but now my health is back to normal I don't understand what happened do I have to do it do I have to fly after you bobert oh you're gonna land so am I don't worry all gone I almost feel bad for him poor little fella hey I did it 343 kills and a butt load of damage done so thanks my friends for watching a little bit of muck and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time we'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including Auto day Ben Dickie J Teddy hippius ninja General Harris Trent M code I know Riddler Warriors VC Engineers the castle Rex Spencer T whiskey endless zanius splatter sex Doug rules skunk chest thread Dalton C security Grayson Aurora 88 30 monkey Kyle V Zane W Mr one Peyton Place
Channel: Blitz
Views: 591,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, muck gameplay, muck game, muck download, muck, muck big chunk, muck boss, biltz, blitz plays muck, crafting game, muck dani game, muck survival, muck survival game, survival games pc, muck update, muck new weapon, muck final boss, muck ending game, muck update 3, muck pt 1, muck chief, muck update 4, muck mods, muck mods steam, muck mods menu, muck infinite power ups, muck upgrades
Id: 5tewzGKuBFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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