Factorio + Wordle = A word game for engineers!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Word Factory now as you know I'm more of a numbers guy than a word guy however this is like a factory Building puzzle game about words but in a slightly different way than you'd expect so we'll start off picking save slot three because I'm a monster and then we'll just run through the tutorial so basically we need to make an eye on this level so that's gonna end up at this point on the right this is our like HUD area so at the moment we've just got one of these factories and every Factory only produces an eye because I am the most important part of this game so all you got to do is just draw from there up to where you want it to end up and then if we press this play button in the bottom left you'll see this produces eyes they travel along the line and then they end up at the factory where they get shot over to this side we fill up the 10 that we need jobs are good and now this level you'll notice we gotta we gotta make a c but the factories only make eyes remember so if we shove our Factory there we know that eyes are gonna come out of it but in order to turn them into a c we need one of these things a bender no not that guy so we draw a line up to there so we know the eyes will come out and go into the bender and from the Bender they'll go up to the seas because if you bend an eye it becomes a c so as usual the right fills up we complete the level then we're on to one where we need a v how can we make a v from two eyes well that's where this very very efficient looking building comes in this is called a merger so if we go from there up to there and there up to there it will merge two of these eyes into a v so you can see eyes are going in these are coming out because they're getting squished together at the bottom nice however what if you have this situation where you only have one factory making eyes at the bottom how are you gonna get two in there well you literally just draw up and then you draw up again you can have multiple Roots between factories so that is good to know so the eyes go in the v's come out we complete the level and this time we're trying to make an L so if we put this merger up here we know if we put that in that's the straight up eye going in there in order to make the horizontal section we're gonna need to use this guy a rotator now you can pick either side of the rotates on there so I've gone with the left one I don't think it would actually matter in this situation but if the eyes go into there then from there they go up to this guy I'm gonna assume coming out of there will be an L so you can see vertical eyes going to this guy they come out as horizontals and when they enter the strongest building L-shaped ones come out decent so what if we want to make an O well we know we can shove a factor at the bottom and then one of the Benders and that will make a c so then if we shove our merger up there we know a c going in a c is like half an O right in order to make the other half we need one of these and this is called a reflector also looks sort of strong if you like tilt your head a bit so if we come out of this go into there and then out of this into that we should have a mirrored C so if we watch as you can see C's coming out there they go into this and they get flipped around and then when they get merged together we've created said and oh this is finally like a word game I understand with my stupid engineering brain so now a past tutorial we're left to fend for ourselves we've got to try and create an A so what I'm thinking we need one of those and then a merger because we know that that will make a v right so what I'm thinking after that we probably want a horizontal flip so if we go from there into there then that should be an upside down V right so let's just test this is working so the eyes go in these come out and then they get flipped that way okay decent so next up we need to attach the horizontal part so if we start with another I down here we can then just use a rotator and if we connect all of that up to one of these oh my good look how big that thing is oh there's different types okay just Rose there's different types I probably want the top one yeah because that allows two things to come in so one from there one from there and then out the top there should be A's if I've done this right so let's watch on the right which we haven't seen yet the eyes go in they get flipped when combined with the upside down V you yes we've made an A A now what I want to know though could I have done this without that guy so if we just stop and delete that could I have done a third one out of here I could okay so if we play that they all just come out this middle one there's gonna be a lot slower though because I assume the more you add at the bottom the faster it will make them right but that uses less buildings right so this time it's a word up the top Ox so let's start with the O we know how to do that we just we have a bender we have a mirror and then we have the merger so eyes go into the Bender some go straight up some go into the mirror and from the mirror into that thing and then into there up to the top so if we press play you can see the eye gets bent and then some go straight up some go right where they get mirrored yep so that makes the o we've done that we learned that in the tutorial how do we make an X so we need to rotate but not fully because these two buildings they only rotate 90 degrees I'll tell you what I feel like we need to do like a like a V and an upside down V and merge those so to make a v we needed two eyes going straight into there that makes a v so if we put another merger above and then the vertical mirror then one output can go straight up one can go into there and then back in so I think then we'll have a V and an upside down V that will merge together and that could be an X not entirely sure let's see what happens so the two eyes go in the v's come out that one gets flipped upside down yes when they merge they become X's are decent so we're filling up the oxes on the right we've made our first word and at the end of each level you can see like how you've placed compared to others like buildings placed overflowed letters and Cycles we got a very nice amount of Cycles nice right so this time we're learning how to spell cat but not as you know it so it will start with the c should be an easy one because it's just a bender like that and then that goes straight up to there sorted for the a can I remember how to do the a I think we just did a merger so an I goes into there I may as well take an eye from that one as well so that creates a v doesn't it so we need a vertical flip and then we want a rotator coming from down here right then that all combines into another merger I think that makes an eight I'll tell you what I'm just gonna press play to make sure I'm doing this right so the left one makes a c yep so we've got the horizontals I think oh I forgot I forgot to draw the vertical let me just draw that in so from here the V goes in gets flipped upside down yeah that makes an a decent with nearly spelling cat words I never thought I'd be so excited to say anyway for the T we're obviously going to need a merger in the middle between the I and the merger we're gonna want one eye to go straight up for the other one we I think just need to rotate right and that makes a t so if we watch this the eyes go into there get flipped and then when they merge oh no that's an l oh no that's an L that is literally an L as well oh what if what if we add we add a right hand Flipper on this side so we say go into there and put I know we can't put that in oh what we can do let's delete that we can use one of these bigger ones so it's a three-way merger so left side goes in right side goes in and the eyes go in so does this make us a t i feel like it should do because we've got two horizontals oh no it's an F of course it's an f f okay so how do we make a t what if we rotate and then flip through vertically they end up up there we'll have the eyes going as well does that does the flipping vertically like move it I don't think it does anything does it no it still makes an L I'll tell you what what is the T it's just two L's back to front right so if we know that that makes an L we could just repeat this but the inverse so just so it's simple I'll shove another one there another one there so that makes two L's right but they need to be upside down and mirrored well or just mirrored vertically and then merge those together so if we do something like that let's see if this works so we got the eyes they get rotate I know that oh I didn't I made an equal sign that's a new recipe I forgot to make an L first so oh man this is going to be it's gonna be a lot of work I think so to make an L we need that let me just check I'm not crazy so yeah that is an else that needs to be flipped vertically and then merged with another one so if we delete that line we can say flip vertically and then merge with another one so we just got to do the same down here then so that means that one of them one of them so we've got all of those together I've actually gone with the different Rotator so whether that will make a difference not entirely sure let's see no I don't think it will so we've got L's on both sides yes oh we made an F again it's a different way to make an F okay I do actually think we're close though if I if I just move this over that way then put a mirror of that direction and we can see mirror those and then merge that does that make sense because we got the different orientations of the L so when that gets flipped yeah that's got to make a t that's gotta make a t yes I made tea I made spiffing Britain biffer happy and myself of course so nice we made the word cat that was actually really hard really rewarding as well anyway now it's time for some Ivy so we can do that easily I can I can make an eye oh I can make a v as well because of V we've done we've done that before so two of those combined into one of those that makes a V and I feel like to make a y i just combine both of these together right so if we put those two down there that above merge them together that makes our V if we then combine that with an I that will that will make a way it probably sounds like I'm talking absolutely gibberish but look we've got a v We merge it with an I that makes a y how was Ivy after cat like Ivy is such an easy word compared to cat oh man look how many buildings I placed like most people place like hardly any buildings if we just let's edit this so can I do this with just one of everything so I think we can probably do it that right so we say you go into there you go up to there then you go up to there you go up to that so I think that does the same job but it just uses way less building so let's see yes Ivy it's slower but it's only three buildings and by the way the faster you do this the more these things like Ping out like how did you end up there you're meant to be down this side thankfully they all count and we're down with the cool kids using three buildings nice so next up we're building my future which is bald I think this one should be fairly easy though so I think we just need two C's yeah two C's that have been mirrored so both of them will make us C we can mirror both of them then add an eyes so if we use a three-way merger you go straight up you go straight up you go straight up so I reckon that should make a b let's see was I right so we got two C's they get reversed when they all get merged yes we have a b okay to do the a we just merge those two then merge that with an eye so that makes an a sorted L is easy as well well that was around because it's just straight I then a rotated one then a d that's gonna be a mirrored C so we put the C in and then we mirror it like that and then merge that with an eye look how many blooming buildings I've used beautiful this is like this is literally a word game for like Engineers like I'm seeing letters as shapes now look there's the D that oh no I didn't make an a I made a y I can't spell so that's purely because I forgot to rotate so if we put a rotate in there then we can watch this I go and gets rotated now it's horizontal oh no I need to oh we've made a question mark okay too far ahead of myself let's move this up delete that one that's got to be mirrored vertically mad see it's always harder than you first think okay so now if we watch that we make a v it gets flipped vertically and then merge with the horizontal eye oh man I really underestimated how simple this would be but nice we made a bald man it looks like Carl Pilkington we use 24 buildings you can do it in 11. anyway I quite like my layout so we're not going to do that oh so this is a challenge level challenge levels restrict what buildings you are allowed to use oh no so yeah there are different ways to make the same letter as we found out earlier with like F's and stuff that we didn't mean to make so we don't have a mirror of that direction oh okay is that gonna be a problem oh no we've only got one rotiti is that one of each kind yeah okay one of each kind I'm gonna start off with the I because that's easy then what about the P so the p is gonna be and let's get rid of that we need some space the p is going to be a vertical I and then a reversed C so if we have those three in a line I think that should make a c and then merge into those so you go into there you go into there I reckon this should make a p because we got a C that gets curled that way and then I made a d didn't it it made a d how do you make a d or P I think I know I think a note what if I and let's just make some space for ourselves let's move all this stuff down what if we do that so we got the reverse C going in and then two eyes going in because then in my head that's like taller so that should make like it should make a d and then stick that underneath that's an R how is that an r that should be a p okay okay I'll tell you what perhaps perhaps it's this so we've got the reverse C if we merge that with a normal C we know that will make an O won't it so out of here will come O's so if we shove an I on the bottom of an O that's like that's how kids draw P isn't it as in as in the letter that's right we got the C's merge into O's so does that mean it makes a q how's that a q why is p so hard to make all right I'm gonna have a think about that let's come back to it we'll try let's try making I think we can make a v pretty easily so I'm going to start from the top so I'm going to want an eye so I can go up there then I'm going to want a v so that can go into there so we just merge those all together so I think that's made of white yeah there we go Okay so we've got the X to go so the X was the V which is that and then a vertical mirrored one however look we don't have the vertical mirrored thing so if we just connect all these together we're making two sets of these that we're gonna need to merge up there but we need to flip this one vercically now we've only got one rotate and one horizontal mirror so I reckon we probably if we rotate first so go in there rotate and then flip it that way that should work because I think coming out of here will be wait will it I don't know what's going to come out of here actually the more I think about it the less I the less I'm obvious so we've got a left Arrow oh no if we just move that out the way to make space so what if we then flip it that way after it's been mirrored that should end up in the right orientation right because it's been mirrored so V goes in we've got a right arrow come out then a left arrow and then it gets flipped it's an up Arrow yes that's how you make an X okay we're good we're just gonna try and make a p What If instead of all of that well if we do like a three-way merger there so the O goes in so the C and the back front C go in as well as that all at the same time will that make a p so eyes back to front C's C's no it's still a q okay so it doesn't matter when you order stuff I think these are just to reduce the number of buildings you have total how do I make p what if we do the mega merger and add another eye it's sort of how I made the D earlier but it might be different because it's a circle rather than a c and I'm just I'm just I just realized I called an o a circle sorry I made another q how is that a key how am I to make it okay okay okay okay oh oh my head just clicked my head just clicked I know in a bad way in a good way in a good way so how did we make a d we just see there I'm panicking I'm panicking because I've worked out I think I've worked out so if I'm if I'm not mistaken combining that with an eye so that is a reverse C with an I that makes a d yeah look what a p is it's a d with a with an I on it so if we just delete that shove another merger in and then the I goes up you go over there so that these two go in there that should be a p I think I've made a p I think I've peed please please please have I peed I paid yes I paid [Music] I use like more buildings than anyone I think anyway now we've unlocked a whole host of words um it's worth noting as well in the full game this is just a demo by the way you will be able to type your own word to try and make as well but yeah that was a super super fun little game a different way to play a word game more for an engineer's brain a numbers guy rather than a word guy but yeah I like that very cool right anyway guys peace love and words bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 513,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: word factori, rce, real civil engineer, puzzle
Id: OfB0RYOnIeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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