Untouched Abandoned Arabian Family Home - Where did they go?

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Welcome back everyone on a brand new video! Last Wednesday you actually saw an Arabian castle in Luxembourg. Well, today I'm actually showing an Arabian home, and I'm not in Luxembourg this time, but I am in the trusted country in Belgium. Today I'm going to document the home of Mr. Rekazzi and his family. As I mentioned, this was an Arabian family. I'm standing here at the main door. At least, it was the main door one day, and right now it is just full of mess. But, be prepared, because this room might look like a big dump but some rooms inside are absolutely incredible, completely left untouched, and this place is a true time capsule. So, as you can see, right behind me... It is quite hard to move, but there is still a piano that is still working. We have to be careful though, as this home is right next to a busy street and we do not want anyone to hear us. So, let's go on with the exploration and I will give you a tour inside! Enjoy this video! This place got abandoned in 2011 and has been neglected now for 9 years. You can tell that the first floor has already collapsed. That's because a part of the roof is severely damaged. This was once their garage. There are still some bicycles here. It's a very windy day today, so the strong currents of the wind are blowing against the garage door. So, Mr. Rekazzi and his wife actually had one daughter, named Vanessa. The fridge is emptied out. So this part over here is actually the attic part. There is also a shed outside that we haven't checked out yet, but we will check it later in this video. Now, this is the point where you saw me during the introduction. Once the main door and this is how it looks 9 years later. I think nobody ever thought it would look like this 9 years ago when it was still full of life. There is a French piano from "H. Klein" made in Paris. It is unfortunately in a very bad state of disrepair. Oh! There is still some food inside of this cabinet! It is completely rotting away. It does not look very nice, there are even some apple juice drinks over there. But, yeah, nothing very interesting so far. Well, this device over here was used as a seat on a horse. You can see a horse over there as well, so maybe their daughter liked horse-riding. I will elaborate on the daughter later on, but we actually found out that she was in love. We found her diary and it is just beautiful to go through these old memories. I'm really looking forward to showing that to you. But firstly, let's just go into the details. Look over here. There is a Robot toy. The wind is just all coming inside of this house and nature is literally slowly starting to reclaim this property. It is degrading day by day. The umbrella is still left at the original hanger here on the side of the piano. The next room. I have to be a little bit silent over here. This was actually their dining room. You can immediately tell the difference between the messy other room and this pristine room. The same dining table you see over here (on the photo). This was actually in 2001, it was their daughter Vanessa, together with a friend of hers who was having her birthday. It is always unreal to imagine how these places just get left behind. It is like the former family just vanished into the blue and never returned. It is still unreal. Even if I have seen about 300 homes like this, I can often still not get my mind straight around it. There is some artwork displayed on the wall here. Some tiny ornaments and plates. A neat collection of chinaware. There is another photo of little children, dancing and playing in costumes. Now, let's check out the cabinets. They are still completely filled as well. Just with some everyday items, some pens... Over here are some more plates and glasses. It has been taken out over here. Well, let's go to this corner over here. You can see the curtains just moving around because of the strong wind, as I mentioned. This desk over here is just left pristinely with still the typewriter on top. And this hat. I think it's telling a lot of information about the former profession of the man. I think he wasn't a pilot but I see a harp... Maybe he was playing an instrument in a harmony. Also still the office chair is there. The plant over there is just completely dry and barren. Some nice artwork again. I don't want to stay too long here because I have very much exposure to the busy street. So, let's head to that room over there. I think this is actually my favorite room inside of this place. Now have a look. Isn't this a true beauty?! I can not believe my eyes. It is completely trapped in time. I do not know what happened to Mr. Rekazzi. Maybe he passed away, or maybe they just left the property. And it just looks like they never returned! It is unbelievable. You can see a lot of Arabic influences in the decoration of their home. Also, the oriental wicker chair over here. We found a similar chair like this in the Arabic castle which we visited last week. Some LPs here on the chair and just look at the way it has been stuffed! Very interesting. Again an Arabic style. Oh wow! There is a wonderful fan over here. Also again an Asian fan. And now let's head over here. Those are actually some receipts. That's how we found out the name of the former owner: Rekazzi. This is the diary of his daughter: Vanessa. This was a childhood picture of her. These people actually talked French and in 2002 she wrote the following story. I'm just going to translate it and read it up for you: "The 4th of March, 2002... I'm still in love with "Thomas". I'm almost sure that he loves me too. All my friends, "Anne" and the other ones, say that they think he's waiting for me. He picks me up at school every day. I'm asking myself if I'm the only girl where he does this with." Furthermore, it is quite hard to read but it's just beautiful to go through her thoughts and there are also still some schedules and appointments of them inside of her diary. I'm going to close it because I just want it to be preserved and hopefully one day she will look back at it and retrieve this valuable memory. Then there is also a CD over here with the Arabic language on it. Some other CDs on the shelves. So many random items. These people obviously liked reading too. There are many books inside of the cabinets. This is a wonderful vintage lamp. We found it in many Belgian homes before. Yet, I think this is a mixture of Belgian and Arabic styles. And that is actually really neat and unique to see. I like this one and it is actually no oil lamp but just an electric lamp. Over here are some more photos of monkeys and other animals. It looks this was something of a trip when they went to a zoo. Some lights... It looks like they were actually used as Christmas decoration lights. Look at the penguin ornament right over there in front of the films. Also, there is a duck. There are a lot of little items and details everywhere across the home. This looks to me like it was an actual part of an oil lamp. And this item over here: I guess it was an ashtray. One thing for sure: I think Mr. Rekazzi was an intelligent person. There are a lot of encyclopedias here on the shelves. Also, everything about medicine from A to Z. Let's grab one out because I'm curious to see what's actually written inside. "Medicine from A to Z". Oh yeah! Look over here. It's talking about movements, abduction... and it's all exactly from A to Z. Over here somebody passed out. They are explaining what you have to do, also in case of a snake bite. Oh! An infant which is born! This is about cancer. I'm curious from what year this book is actually dated. Well, at least this article over here was from 1980. It was from the Journal of Medicine, written in French. A very interesting fact. So Mr. Rekazzi might have been active in the medical field. What's this over here? I think it used to hang on the wall like that. A crocodile *Laughs*. Oh! This was actually a book which was an English language course. This was definitely the part of the cabinet which was used by their daughter when she was growing up. A lot of children's books. Also, a lot of pencils from their daughter to draw. Also, many movies again. Okay, now let's take our time to point out this wonderful fireplace over here. I've never seen a net like this in front of a fireplace. It is really unique. You can tell that there are cracks in the marble fireplace, sadly enough. There is also a stuffed duck over here. It still seems something typical French. People were holding taxidermy in their homes. I just loved how retro everything is in this home. This is such a vintage room. The peacock feathers over here were used as decoration. You can tell, by all the background noise, that this place is just next to a very busy road, and still, everything is kept so pristine. It is hard to believe, but Belgium has a very low crime rate. That's probably the reason why these homes are kept in such a mesmerizing condition. Abandoned for 9 years, and here I am. It seems not many people have touched this room. Now, have a look at the wonderful chandelier over here. All the different colors reflecting from these tiny gemstones. They almost look like diamonds. Then, on top of the middle of the table, there are some other tiny ornaments. Again, a part of an oil lamp. The leather seats most have been very comfortable back in their days, yet now, they are damaged and full of mold, so I definitely do not recommend sitting on them. Over here they also had this little marble table. Again, even more books. I think those were just used in their leisure time. There is even a Pikachu doll here on the ground. Over here is another piece of these oriental fans used as an ornament on the wall. It was actually from Barcelona, so they must have loved traveling. So, this room was absolutely unbelievable. It left me speechless, lost for words... But, right now I want to take you to the next area. You've just also seen this dining area over here. But right next to it there is actually a wonderful kitchen. By the way, also have a look at this! They had an aquarium! I did not even notice it until now. It seems that there are no fishes left inside. Luckily, they did not leave their fishes left unloved. Now, have a look! I just really like how they have made these entrances with the stones and all these curvatures. This was actually the kitchen part and a tiny hallway as well. It is so spacious actually, they had a lot of room. Over here was a heater and again they placed a similar net in front of it. Besides, they also used this as a furnace. Over here is a CD-rack in which they would place all their CDs. They probably loved listening to music as well. I am not going to touch this one, because I do not want to demolish the cobwebs over here. It's too beautiful and just kept and preserved in time. The other one I can open though, but there is nothing interesting at all. Only this remote control. Oh, yikes! Those look like animal droppings from a cat or a dog! Luckily, I did not step in them. That's a little bit nasty. Again, the plants over here which are just completely dry and barren. It's unbelievable. You can also see some wonderful natural decay inside of this corner. Parts have fallen down of the wall, a lot of leakages. There is this portrait. Everything for the electricity control. I think, when I turn on one switch now, the electricity would still work inside. But, I'm not going to do it. Then, have a look at this very cozy kitchen. Again, it's in such a good condition for the time it has not been used. I really like how they decorated their home. It makes it such a cozy place and you can only imagine how the people lived here back in their days. Mr. Rekazzi, his wife, and his daughter... A family of Arabic origin, again. I do not know what this was used for. Look at the light spots over there. There would even be light shining in the kitchen during the evening. The clock has stopped ticking at precisely 12 o'clock ever since it has been abandoned. That is quite eerie and strange at the same time. Now, let's guide you through their kitchen. Over here is something very typical. Look at this pot. I think they used to boil water with it. Maybe even in their fireplace. Oh! Look at these clowns over here in the corner. There is a lot of molds on the wooden kitchen cabinets. Over here was their oven. Still a pan inside. What I also really like is how the natural light is just falling through the window on the ceiling over here. Oh my gosh! The water is still running. That's incredible, this is unreal! It's not even a little bit. Okay... let's leave it. I was not expecting that at all, to be honest. I did not even check it out in advance before starting to film. Anyway, over here are some plates of them in the drawers. Again, entirely covered by a big amount of cobwebs. Oh, yikes! That looks disgusting. Spiders are literally taking over in all the cabinets over here. And it looks some mice are taking over as well. Yeah, just some everyday items. Oh! Over here is actually a calendar date. I will not go into detail in order to protect this place, but the calendar is dated from 2014. Now that's very odd. Do you really think that this place has only been abandoned for 6 years? The roof which is collapsed... I mean, it is still in great condition, obviously, but there is plenty of decay inside. I find it hard to believe. But I think it's actually the truth. Let's continue with our tour throughout this home. A very funny sofa over here. I quite like it. At least it looks very comfortable. Plenty of mold spores are present. Also, look at the wallpaper everywhere. They made these little farmhouses in their design. Well, this part was actually their basement. But it is entirely flooded and it is just full of items. It's just full! Many cobwebs on top as well. You can tell that this part is starting to get messier again. So, definitely vandalists and wrong people found out about this place. But, not many explorers have been inside. This couch over here actually reminds me of Italy. The Italians often design couches in this shape. Santa Claus over here. This was just a tiny table. The thing about this family, is that they owned many clothes. So I guess they were quite wealthy. You can see some belts and some shoes in the bags over here. Many shirts. And exactly behind me, there is also a wardrobe which is still entirely stuffed with all these coats, shirts and blouses. It's unbelievable how they just walked away from their home and just left all their personal items left behind. This corridor over here is leading us to the bathroom. The bathroom is again a huge junkyard. So many clothes, mostly child clothes, are just thrown everywhere. Imagine what a wonderful bathroom this was one day. Over here the water is actually turned off. Look at the wonderful details on the wall. The lamps as well. Over there was their shower. In the cabinet over here there are even more child clothes left behind. It really saddens me. These ones belonged to a very joyful child. However, I really like the carvings on this cabinet actually. Then, look at the kitchen from this perspective. So, right over here we can actually go to their garden. And there is a shed. But, I firstly want to show you the upstairs. We already checked the upstairs during a little walkthrough before we actually started filming. I took my photos and everything for example. And it is even going to get messier and messier on the upstairs floors. So, do not expect too much of it. Because I think the best has already been shown. However, we are going to see the room of their daughter Vanessa in a bit. Now, look again, there is so much mess on the ground, as I mentioned. I was not even joking! This could have been an indication that Mr. Rekazzi was of older age, or maybe they were just disabled. Or maybe an accident happened and one of them broke their leg. I don't know... but then... this room with all the cute fluffy dolls, the pink walls and the wooden bars! This was the room of their lovely daughter Vanessa! Over here is a calendar from 2012. So the dates vary a lot from each other. Now look at it. All these dolls just left unloved waiting for a next owner. This is extremely sad. I mean, seeing such beautiful homes going to waste is already sad. But in this case, if it is from a little child, it even saddens me more. They could have had a rabbit, a hamster or a bird, because look at this. This is one of those snack sticks which was eaten by those animals. I know this, because I have guinea pigs myself and they really like these sticks! They find them very nice. Now, enough about guinea pigs and my life, let's point out the other dolls which were once the favourite hug friends of Vanessa. And here they are, nowadays. Just behind the cobwebs and left forgotten. It is always so gloomy to imagine that this girl probably used to sleep here every day. I mean, it looks very cute, but it really makes you aware of the fact that this was once her room. Over here, there is actually a comic book of "the Simpsons". She must have loved "the Simpsons". Over here is also still the former baby bed of Vanessa, when they raised her up in the home. This is one of those places of which I'm really curious to know the actual story. Where did the owners go? I mean, of course, Mr. Rekazzi could have passed away, but why is their daughter not looking after it anymore? Because she must be still alive. Now, this is the actual attic part. This part is severely damaged by the force of mother nature. That is also one of the main reasons why this home is in a very bad state of disrepair. You can clearly see that the roof over here has just collapsed. It is just gone. Unbelievable. It looks like that was a part of a strawler. Over here are still the curtains of the window. I really have to watch my step inside of here, because it is definitely not very stable anymore on these floors. Okay, let's crawl over the mess again to, eventually, show you the last room inside of this home. Alright, there we go. There are also plenty of files over here. They are actually about maths. So, I think their daughter was in secondary school. Oh! Actually, now I remember I read in her diary that she was talking about secondary school, so she was definitely in secondary school. This is about maths, like I mentioned, some formulas... Probably, this is all from her school. Look, even some more maths over here. All these notebooks are just entirely filled with all the educational material. Some little drums on the ground here. They were definitely animal lovers, concerning the fact that they had probably a rabbit or a guinea pig and some fishes in their aquarium. Maybe those were the pets of Vanessa. This was another bedroom. It is so messy again. There is a hometrainer over here. It's an item we often find inside of these vintage and old homes. That's because back in the days the modern gyms, like we know them nowadays, did not exist. So, people just did a workout at their home. There is also a game of darts. There is a poster of "Shrek the Movie". I loved this movie when I was a child. This is actually about a game for the Nintendo DS, XBOX and PS3. Over here, there's actually a funny photo. Just have a look at the face of the boy to the girl on the picture. Isn't this very funny? Look at the way he is staring to her, like: "Ouh, hello there!" I'm wondering who this was. They might have been related to the family. But this is a very old photo dated from a longer time ago. Concerning the style of the bed, I think this matress and that bed was actually their main bedroom. At least, that is what I actually assume. I really don't know elsewise, as I've not seen another bedroom. It's still a very strange place. While you're exploring a place like this, a lot of questions arise to your head. I will probably be waiting eternally for that one answer to the question: What did really happen with the people who lived here? Where did they go? And why did they leave all their contents in their home left unloved and their home left to be decaying in time? The truth is, we will probably never find out. Well, there is still one thing I'm going to check out with a friend and that's actually the shed in the garden. So, let's go! So, like I promised you, let's tour through the outside right now and through their garden. Over here, there was actually a tiny room where they used to wash their clothes and their is also some electricity generators. You can still see the washer over there. And this garden is completely overwilded by nature. It is completely surrounded by vegetation. Look over here, this actually used to be from their little daughter one day. She was just swinging around. Then now, 6 years later, this is actually how the garden looks like. Imagine that six years ago, someone was still probably still laying in the sun over there and sunbathing. They actually had a really unique garden, I find. It's a quite large garden. This looks like a tiny garden house. Well, the honours is yours, man (my friend). Because it is a very tiny room over there, so, I think if you go in there with two people they will not see anything. There are still some tools inside. I think this was a little workspace. Now, just look at the contrast to the other side. That's the home we just explored and that's the shed. And it is just completely collapsed, the roof is not even present anymore. It is almost like a stone ruin. Yeah, it is exactly a beautiful contrast between the furnished home, like you mention, and just, literally, a ruin next door which used to be their shed. It's incredible. Let's see what's left behind over there and I think after that we actually explored this place as a whole. Alright, be careful over here. Look! It looks they were even trying to construct this place one day. Because that's to put concrete in. And that's a part of the trampoline on the right side. Woah! The entire ceiling has just collapsed. But look how fascinating that is. You have that one little chandelier over there which is still hanging up. Friend: "Everything is completely collapsed." Yeah, it is completely collapsed. And also, over there, are still all their tools and mechanical things. It's wonderful. So many mechanic items. Friend: "It looks like this was for a bird or something like that." Oh, yeah! Because I've seen some snacks for birds. I found them inside. So they must have had birds, because over here there are bird cages. I was hesitating because I have the same snacks for my guinea pig, so I was thinking was it actually from a guinea pig? Friend: "I also saw some pictures of birds, actually inside the house." Oh, okay! Well, lastly, I want to capture a little bit more of that one chandelier over there which is still hanging up. This is the definition of natural decay. Unbelievable. With that having said, I want to close the video right over here. And I want to thank everybody for watching again to another place which was owned by people from Arabic origin. It was very fascinating. I loved this place and it was a perfect mixture between natural decay and furnishments. A real time-capsule! If you enjoyed it too, I want to ask you for one thing, and that's: Please do not forget to hit the THUMBS UP button. You can SUBSCRIBE to our channel down below for free. Also, do not forget to leave your thoughts in the COMMENT section right down below. As always, we will see you on our next adventure. Who knows where it is? I don't know yet, but we will find out. Peace out!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 120,961
Rating: 4.9134536 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned home, everything left behind, timecapsule, time capsule, untouched, untouched abandoned house, untouched abandoned home, home, house, abandoned mansion, abandoned places, abandoned aquarium, explomo, urbex, urban exploration, arabian family home, family home, family, arabian, abandoned arabian home, fully furnished, everything left, where did they go, abandoned family house, exploring with josh, exploration, the proper people, steve ronin, explore
Id: t5xnyOgnVUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 33sec (3033 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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