Abandoned Home Filled With Strange Things (strangest house w/ secret room In the middle of nowhere)

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i mean he was an artist that was his passion and hobby that could have been him [Music] whoa look at this his posts are sick no wonder why they call this like merlin's mansion or moron's house what's over here what and it enters into a bedroom look what's inside here [Music] um [Music] [Music] wow here are the steps to get up but wow the basement is just filled with stuff okay everyone i think we'll start here for the video i just made it to like the living room area we're on the very first floor just got out of the basement and yeah i would love to show you guys the exterior but we only have like an hour until the sun sets i rather film the inside before it gets too dark you know what i mean hopefully once we're done here and the top floor and i think there's an attic once we're done filming the inside hopefully there's still enough light to film the outside because you guys saw in being revealed it looks crazy it's like the wizard merlin lives here and that's a funny thing a lot of people that explore here they see like these crystals these weird objects that kind of remind you of some sort of fairy tale so i'm quite excited about that today but the real story goes that this place i guess used to be lived by a hermit he was like a french painter loved to paint that was one of his biggest passions eventually he just got really really sick and passed away and he didn't really have relatives or kids to pass down his property and so the place is just left like this now i don't really know the years but i think you know he lived here from like the 1960s all the way to like the 90s i can tell that this guy had so many memories there's so many small objects and we're gonna have a lot of fun i love time capsule homes like this and yeah but enough talk let's begin the adventure but before we do guys do me a big favor smash the like button right now it's gonna help a lot with the youtube algorithm it will notify more people to watch the video and i think you guys will enjoy this a lot so yeah smash it and let's begin but first really quick i just want to say a big thank you to our newest patreon supporters of the week shout out to lisa joe and andrea thank you so much for supporting the channel if you also wish to support the channel and earn perks head over down to the patreon link in the description the first sign of photos right here you can't really make you can't really tell what this photo is because like it looks pretty destroyed to me i have another one yeah they look bad [Music] hopefully we can find more photos that you can actually see start off right here check this out it looks like someone set this up probably for a photo i guess the guy living here must have been very patriotic and he was quite the drinker we got corvus sir cognac i'm not sure what that could be is this like a music box it's not working what's that mothers are not paid for their work because it's priceless geez i really hope i don't miss out on anything cool because like there's just so many things left behind let's go walk over here oh whoa look at this painting it's like bigfoot and some sort of snake or crocodile with his head chopped off metropolitan seminar of arts i mean he was an artist that was his passion and hobby i'm not really sure what his job was though oh yes guys we just found a photo could have been his son and maybe these two people are the same i don't even see that but uh that could have been him when he was a kid and that's him now looks like he joined the military hopefully we find out more photos to give us a glimpse of like this dude's family in life oh smells really bad in here look at these prisms this would be good for like photos a lot of people they use prisms it gives like this cool effect they can use for your photos the ceiling is just completely blown out we're gonna be seeing a lot of that in here this could have been a piece of his artwork he was really really good i bet this was this room where he would just create art more of it check this out oh my goodness what this had to be his what do you guys think i mean it looks really different from uh from that or me this was just like some sort of art collection of this maybe this is the artist that drew these it's like an art book hey it's in french a car collection here of the addams family these are all on open i wonder how much these could be worth i know pokemon you know they just increase in price every single year some more artwork it could have been his there's a kid's toy and there's another one over there and right there on the chair yeah so he definitely had a kid and they probably live together here this looks really nice outside construction it's warm and cozy so we just checked there let's check out this corner off the house this is really scary i mean look at this it's really caving in over here it's like slanting almost what's this no i thought there's a bullet i don't think it is whoa oh no i'll do it for you guys i know what you want you want me to open this refrigerator don't you all right there's nothing in the freezer thank you lord it's like a tradition to always open the refrigerator when i explore and show you guys what's in it oh dang what the hell happened here it's like they renovated this part never got to fix it or do anything i mean the floor is like completely gone it's just dirt [Music] look at that little saw jeez ew that's pretty gross some mold wrong what's this at first i thought these were like toothbrushes is is kind of hidden it's like a door this is another way to get upstairs maybe we can go through here heading down [Music] oh this is a garage no car in here would though been cool to find one if you guys haven't seen the last video go check it out explore another crazy place this time it was a mansion it was much much bigger than this and i ended up finding a corvette in the garage this ladder lisa some sort of attic really tiny one i don't even want to check here on this corner was a bathroom that was also renovated it was probably never usable [Music] this kitchen is really tiny but it gives a nice home feeling i like it a lot especially the color this is one of my favorite colors i think my friends josh and beth are upstairs [Music] yo guys what what you all doing whoa look at this this poster is sick i'm just talking to my camera no wonder why they call this like merlin's mansion or moron's house that's good you know i love this spot did you see it yeah it's nice did you find a secret room within that room i did yeah okay that's a little troll yes beth she's she's devising us a cool picture in there oh for real well i like the setup but i feel like we should have had more in it okay i guess we'll check out this secret room that josh mentioned over here whoa look at this all right so they have two bathrooms it's a two bathroom house pretty nice this one's way better than the one downstairs for sure you would never notice like the entrance of this bathroom it's so tiny like you can definitely skip out on it but look at this it just enters into another looks like a bedroom make it brighter for you guys but this is so cool i wonder who lived here ooh this is kind of dangerous though like this is also caving in you see that even that book is right under the wall and this is more of like his art collection too look at these frames ah there's nothing on them oh man i love these like classic looking suitcases what's inside open why's it not opening that's dope they don't make suitcases like these nowadays i mean there's more right here i'm kind of scared to go in that corner [Music] oh this one's not even opening we need a key for it doesn't sound like there's anything i might as well check this one right three times the charm not like i would take anything but it'd be just coolest show if there is anything yeah it's starting to get dark i'm kind of worried guys but i think we'll make do it's a pretty small house but the only thing i'm scared of is like i don't want to miss out on showing you guys some of the cool stuff in here oh international potion stamp album 1920-1922 what [Music] this is so cool was this his i don't really know how this works but it looks like these were stamps he's been to a lot of countries like this is for example in austria azerith he hasn't been there he's been to the bahamas wow i'm impressed this guy was a world traveler mr moore oh of course france he should he definitely went to france probably have family over there but uh i'm not looking at i'm not seeing any stamps i don't really know how this works but uh there's too many pages to go through that's awesome i want to get something like this no way right next to it it's just a baby photo i gotta really blur this out i mean i feel like all babies look alike what's this it's just a book wow pretty neat was this a secret room that josh was talking about could there be more what's over here dang this hallway is super super narrow in here look at this it looks like this could have been like a closet too because of the hangers what and it enters into a bedroom look what's inside here it's meant for two people got two twin beds i guess the females could have stayed here i mean look at that look at the hat in the purse really classy looks like they had a good amount of money they were pretty wealthy oh adding on to that this place is like a fancy world we got a troll right here look at the dude's bathrobe it's just green like an elf i definitely have to like really shower today this mirror the size of it is massive what do we got here what do you see what that says old gold fatima i'm not sure what that was but yeah i guess this was like a jewelry box and it used to have gold in it [Music] empty now i wouldn't doubt if we find like some sort of book of magical spells the rims fairy tales what look at that you know this guy was probably an artist but he probably also loved fairy tales and was inspired a lot by it and kind of made his home into a fairy tale the three children of fortune is an interesting photo it's like a very futuristic picture of uh the cross sound of salvador dali's crucifix this painting though it's really nice actually it looks like this house because off in the distance there's a bridge like that this is probably the wife or me the the love of his life this is so scary like you can see look at that you can see through the wall that leads down to like that renovated area that we just saw with like the dirt on the ground and these must be the the steps that we saw like from down there yep that's definitely it we still have a lot to see on this floor though let's go back to like where the stairway is and check out the other rooms [Music] i feel like it's you have to like take such a close-up shot because like there's no space here for you like to walk on it's tough i'm not sure if i have a good like crazy good shot but i do like what i'm getting i believe in you i should check out the attic while they're taking photos here but uh there's one more room here we should look at too oh wow look at this what else do they have here you know what i've been seeing a lot of like fur coats and just animal fur everywhere wow the stuff on this window is pretty cool too they look like they had a pet animal probably some sort of reptile and must have been really big i mean look how big this is why do you think could have lived here it also seemed like there was a beehive that made like a nest right here too at one point i'm kind of glad i'm exploring in the winter like i mean there's there's some explorers that hate the wintertime but at least there's no bugs spiders insects i like it i prefer winter to explore all right let's check out this corner being blocked with some mattress dang it's just a small really small [Music] bedroom nothing in that closet it's time we just head upstairs before it gets too dark i think the sun sets in about 30 minutes so we're making we're making good time i was a bit worried it would get too dark you're doing great this is why we have beth on the team for uh for overexposed shots she just stays by the window okay let's go upstairs what there's so much in here look at that head mannequin this is insane it's like i just walked into some sort of wizard's office they're all frames maybe he was like maybe this could have been his business just selling his paintings this is crazy let's create this music huh just a suitcase full of wood so crazy i can just imagine some of the cool things that you can't even see or get to just buried there's just hundreds of paintings and they're not just frames anymore these actually have artwork in it wow so amazing yeah unfortunately guys i don't think i'm gonna even walk across here we'll just be seeing the same stuff the coolest thing is that he could done some wood carvings too for his art we have like a bunch of glue inside here a mannequin head he probably used this as like some template this is the stuff you only see in movies finding like crazy things in the attic like this this is really magical the funny thing is it smells like an art class in here i'm smelling the paint it smells like crayons and he could have been painting this too like a piece of glass just left here that's so cool there's a bunch of paint right there some more paintings i like this one a lot spring blossom i think my friends are done in that one room let's go back downstairs and check it out [Music] this is probably his happy place too right here like this kind of looks like another area where he also made art probably not for his framed photos but more so for like paintings [Music] to be honest i like this room way better than the one in the attic this one just seems more special in a way it looks so nice like too nice in my opinion [Music] wow what do you guys think leave a comment down below i would love to hear your thoughts about this so far i've been loving this whole exploration it's just mind-blowing this whole youtube thing i've always been like an artist i started drawing like at the age of seven i can sketch pretty good go check out my instagram and scroll down all the way down if you want to see some pasta sketches of mine so i'm a big fan of art it's the only thing i liked in school i never really got into painting though i might try it one day who knows i think my passion for art just went on to like youtube or just making videos filmmaking taking photos in general um i just love it i've always just been that creative person some dulac you got your bottle of hennessy right there oh man this is more of his art right here this could have been like his best pieces of art to just be left right there and check that out he definitely made this fan that is huge and beautiful how could this person be i'm not sure it kind of looks like a female but kind of not maybe this could have been him it's just like a self portrait shot oh here's some prescription pills it's a celesti i don't know what that could have been used for i found like some sort of diary of his i'm not sure what it says but you can pause the screen kind of translate it if you want this is going to be quite difficult we don't really have much space to kind of move back so this shot will be very narrow i feel like the perfect angle would be just like around that corner and it's just a little bit zoomed in [Music] all right guys just made it outside remember when i said i want to show the exterior shots too well i walked around and this is probably the only good view so there's not really much to see other than this um i'm gonna i might as well just end the video we're just taking some bomb photos so definitely head over to instagram check out our youtube channels link down in the description and yeah i'm gonna end it here guys like i had such an amazing time exploring this place um it was such a crazy gem never knew this place existed and it almost felt like i was in some sort of fairy tale and stay tuned for more adventures we have three more days to go we'll probably be filming like two to three places a day so a lot of content coming uh got the old school vibes we got josh over here we gotta live life for your morning i'll see you all in the next adventure peace [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 258,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, abandoned, home, filled, with, strange, things, strangest, house, in, the, middle, of, nowhere, Abandoned Home Filled With Strange Things, abandoned steve, abandoned strange house, secret, room, secret room
Id: KeuizWIW8RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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