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[Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right guys welcome back to the channel today we're in mid wales and we are looking at these abandoned houses built into these rock faces they've only just been discovered because they have been on private land but the land is now abandoned apparently they are untouched from the 1940s when the owner went off to war and never returned so with that said guys remember to like comment subscribe hit notification bell for future explores i'm just battling my way through all this growth now and we'll get straight into this looks amazing [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here we go so we are heading into the first rock house and check this out oh just squeezing in there look at this like i was saying this is built into the sandstone rock we've got the tables in here the cookers there is chairs but the cushions have gone so they won't be very comfy now but look at this this is absolutely unreal all the bottles look at that i don't think they are named i don't want to move them because that's not been moved this is amazing you know it's not very often you get to do these untouched ones that just says bottle on it but from the 1940s as well like i was saying it's believed that the guy that built these went off to war and never returned second world war but going off the uh of the cooker in that believable that hasn't been touched check the bottles out there as well this is amazing look at the detail in that got a little knob on here no that's not going anywhere look at all this mold it's disgusting check that out look we got the windows built into the rock face look at that obviously gone through because of the weather i don't think this is any vandalism whatsoever still got bottles on the table here bottled by banks and co wolverhampton same again there there is a bit of mess like somebody's used it as a storage but i think like i was saying it was on private land there is a house up there which is abandoned but uh sealed tight so they must have been using these as storage but all the owners stuff is still in here so maybe it was family close paintings it's absolutely amazing guys i think there's just storage in that one looks like it there's a shelf on there and that's just like a little storage room but you can see everything in the ceiling here i wonder what that hole is if anyone can let me know anything about how these were built or anything leave it down below for me just get my light ready and check this door this one as well actually got a padlock on there in the old letter box oh some stuff so i can't talk some sand just follow me out but we'll head into the next room check these doors out that's amazing and we have furniture in this one as well there's a mattress there it doesn't look too old so maybe it's just where it's been thrown in here but as if you could do that to a place like this uh you can see the marks now if you can make that out where it's been pickaxed out but obviously painted over there's another one of them holes i wonder what they are i'm not really sure check these paintings japanese uh writing on there or chinese wow these pictures are unreal look at this furniture i'm saying a lot of this is untouched who's this another paint in there of a woman let's check these windows they are actually iron frames you can tell it's weather that's done the windows because they've actually got wire over the outside so it's not anyone chucking stuff this place is absolutely amazing let's see where they've built the frames try to brick it above there's no bricks on the floor so i missing the finished some of it does look unfinished but imagine somebody lived in here i'm guessing this would be the bedroom because it's the furthest away it's got the uh the fire there to keep you warm at night i've seen and have built it into the rock there's actually a bird's nest at the top there but you can see more of these pick marks in here if you just make them up about the light like that reminds me a lot of when we did the tunnels and they had the lines in the same exact same way the windmill there these windows again but this is unreal check these chairs out they're very 1940s aren't they like that kind of style more pictures here i wonder if these will have dates on i should do anything on the back now if i can put that there and try and look at these pictures wow see if there's any names or dates doesn't look like it guys [Music] how old that frame is though oh be careful oh here we go the bogeyman this is crazy what a place this is you can see where they've tried insulating as well got all the insulation around the outside so maybe somebody did have a go at building it again never painting more furniture this looks like a bit of a desk here it's got the chair set up for it as well wow i wonder if we just used it as a workshop you know for painting just uh his little artist pad i don't know i'm just trying to work it out same as as i'm going there is a few more that i want to check out a bit further up so we'll uh just get some pictures in here for instagram go check that out adam mark explores and then we'll head up to the next ones and see what they have to offer so i'm just stood outside house number one and you can just see the chimney stuck just peeking out the top there it's absolutely amazing it's proper hidden in this rock and then we have what looks like would have been sheds also built into the rock but what i've noticed is there's an old fish in there net there so maybe at one point this would have had fishing carp or something there's a little uh herring over there as well like model but how picturesque is this you just imagine uh it's right on the main road as you can see but imagine just putting your chairs out here and just kicking back and chilling having a fish i absolutely love this this is right up my street my cup you see this right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna head into look how overgrown this is we're gonna head and check out the other rock houses but i just want to show you the outsides of them you just see how hidden they are like you'd never expect this you can see from inside that that would be the bedroom with the uh crooked chimney and you can see how they've built it to go up and out the top of the rock into that tree someone else's it does look like they were trying to build there as well but they've give up you can just see there they've cut something out there out of the rock and same again here so this would be house number two it's a lot more derelict than the other one no windows left the door's barely hanging on maybe because this one's a bit more out in the open the weather's just absolutely battered it but we'll get in there and we'll check it out once again it looks like it has one of those sheds as well it looks like that's just being propped up so we'll go through here and we'll check this out oh wow it's a good size oh god it's a good size guys you see there is a fire here so it was it would have been lived in just get that light on just so you can see a touch better look there's the fire pit you can see where the chimney would have gone up there but this is definitely used for storage but i'd say this one's a bit bigger you know this room definitely is just enough uh just a room coming off there empty now oh this is absolutely amazing though guys see we've cut a window out there and another door oh there's a bottom of a bottle there so definitely used this is a lot lower this ceiling i wonder why this one wasn't as uh the same condition as the first one maybe it is like i said the weather just absolutely battering it this looks like that's strange sounds like a wooden floor like a hollow floor underneath me hmm oh wow you can just see the cobwebs just at the top there where it's caught a bit of the rain it looks quite nice actually wow that's strange the floor feels hollow and we'll just have a little peek through here it looks like they've just used this for storage as well absolutely amazing though see where they've had things hung up here oh god stuff all over the camera i'm absolutely loving this this is like i said my cup of tea axes sledgehammers so it's definitely a serial killer's place all right we'll pop back out this window there is a bit of a step there as well right oh just get adjusted so let me know guys we are going to head up and look at the third house now but would you live in a place like this and what do you think of it i think it's absolutely amazing if i had double glazing i'd probably move in but i'm a bit of a homeboy now so [Music] all right so coming up to the third house you can just see it peeking around there just seeing these stairs it's actual steps there just may come out built into the rock and it heads up to there but it's all overgrown so i wonder what's up there must be something you don't build steps to nowhere but check this out guys it's the third house and um outside-wise probably the best condition still got the chimney part at the top there so see if we can get in here and have a look oh yeah i'm straight in oh wow oh my days didn't expect this i thought it'd be like the others where's my light jesus there we go here we go guys we're rock and roll and now wow this one's definitely uh storage stuff's a lot more modern in here but check that paint in there you can see where they've had gutter in the guttering's coming down through there so maybe it collected water at one point this is unreal fridge didn't expect the fridge no it's empty but would you look at that all the beds and stuff there's a little safe here just a paint brush in there yeah the actual building is impressing me a lot more than the stuff inside because the stuff inside's pretty recent so now you can see all the insulation there that's only two rooms quite big greens though here's the windows these are in a lot better condition and it looks like they've got uh electricity in these ones bricked up wall left between where the cave would have been but look at look at that colouring is that because it's different rock or someone let me know about that that's quite interesting and there's a little peephole over there didn't expect all this stuff in there what i'm going to try and do now guys is i'm not going to go through all this because it's pretty modern i'm not here for the mob and stuff you know what i mean but um i'm going to try and find out where those stairs led to you know i'll have a look and i wonder if there is more of these built into the rock somewhere else maybe maybe there's a puff leading up that way as well you know [Music] [Music] all right guys i hope you've enjoyed this video it's been the 1940s rock houses only just discovered absolutely amazing little places all the stuff left inside i've absolutely loved it i don't think it's going to be the longest of videos because they're only small places aren't they but it's just the history and the things left inside so remember to like comment subscribe hit notification bell for future explores and uh hopefully we'll see you next week guys cheers [Music] here [Music] you
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 767,723
Rating: 4.9205933 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses 2020, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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