Abandoned 14th Century Castle in Spain - Everything Left Behind

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today we are exploring a late medieval castle in spain built in the 14th century it's an irregular building consisting of three bodies an old mill a farmhouse with prisons on the lower level and lastly the present house enjoy a tour in one of the oldest places we've investigated to date is okay so welcome back everyone on the second episode of a road trip spain series today we have a magnificent place to show you the place you're gonna see today is actually a 14th century traditional stone castle in spain and this is going to be an incredible incredible episode yeah this place it's just stunning i wouldn't expect to see an abandoned castle especially a spain team yeah this place is so different from other castles we've seen look over here the beautiful glasses already everything is bill of stone and if you watch the first episode of this series you probably now know why because in spain the temperatures in summer are extremely tropical and hot and the stone isolates all the heat so it's just nice and chilly in the building right there yeah there is it's a hunter you see it yeah you can see the bullet over here too look how detailed well let's walk along and this was actually their dining area whoa look at the ceilings and everything it's unbelievable this is so properly old and antique yeah you can just tell that it's just still the stuff which was left like back then from the 14th century yeah exactly and it's not abandoned since the 14th century but it was built in the 14th century and ever since i think multiple noble families have living inside and right now the castle is just a neglected room sadly enough look over here beautiful spanish wooden antique chair well what is this that's a fish but have you seen this here oh yeah it's religious those are actually artworks and the cops on the table also it's incredible they've all just been left behind candle wallers then wow wow and then all right you want to go over there yeah there's another chair and actually the ceiling above us you can definitely tell how old this place is plates here on the wall again a beautiful chair well and what is on it it's i think it was a play to serve out the dishes oh yeah for dinner what do we have over here wow these faces they're handmade man and they were so old they were also made out of stone right they're handmade wow and then we actually have some electric candles yeah strange well you can tell that families have been living here i think it's already decaying for i think two decades because there is a lot of dk yeah true so the next room is actually this room over here wow again a very traditional fireplace and look over here at the bench yeah very cool with all the paperwork wow it's just so unique well you know what's the very fascinating thing is that this is all so probably old oh yeah over here in 1967 some files damn and also the mercedes 71 wow probably very rich people and then look over here what is this actually this was to hold the magazines and this it's it's a wooden table yeah looks like it was from the tree wow and look at this intentional fireplace wow and actually over here used to hang the kettle and it would be heating up by the fire now look over here the chair hit a rocking chair it was a rocking chair indeed wow very old one well we're an old heater oh yeah and actually i think then it's time to go over there we're sorry that we are well talking that silently but we have to be careful in this place because probably historic and we also think we saw some motion sensors and cameras so it's definitely secured although it's been decaying and definitely not functional anymore somebody is trying to maintain it this is rotting man this is so rotting but this room is so so so cool to be honest i'm just in love with the dk over here yeah and this is not the only dk we're going to see in this place you can see over here they place two mainstays to maintain the roof and prevent it from falling down you can tell some roof panels already just fell on the ground looks like this was for the dishes and then over here was their sink and even some gas bits yeah indeed well this thing over here look at the roots growing inside even and then you're telling why why do people still want to do something with this it definitely doesn't look like somebody is caring about it anymore no no but it's probably old as it's built in the 14th century that's crazy that's so crazy i think it's actually one of the oldest castles we've ever seen look at the traditional sink here and then the gas pitches again they did everything with cars which is like in a very old-fashioned way oh some newspapers on the ground well they are all just tapered a little over here bicycles huh a very small one and actually that one is also very small i think so those were both for two childs yep true true wow where is even still the plates left they were so dusty yeah my gosh what a beautiful place i need to say this place look modern so it's strange man yeah to be honest it might be from the last family and like i told it's not extremely long ago it's like two decades so let's weld to this beautiful rounded stone door and have a look at this bedroom wow this is unbelievable damn this is so majestic it's so historic they're just the colors man yeah you can definitely tell that this was from novels novel families wow i want to point out all the details on this properly antique bed everything over there is painted how old do you actually think this bed is well it's very hard to say but i think it's definitely from a few centuries ago all the red curtains around it they are still so good and where is even a chair in the corner well and that was oh it's an electric artifact yeah it's a radish painting jesus with maria and where another one of these plates they used to serve some dishes with why it's hanging and then these curtains man wow this really reminds me of spain the colors yeah it reminds me of the flamingo of the of the bullfights of everything i mean it can't get any more spanish's room and then meanwhile it's so properly historic it's really like we are now walking in spain in the 14th century and look over here some astronomy you're telling the sun and all the planets venus jupiter yeah it's a turn wow and actually have a look at the bed there are these details yeah these carvings are unbelievable i think this is definitely the family coat of arms yeah to be honest wow this is really really marvelous and have a look here on the curtains wow this room is so sparking my mind true man actually you have to take a look over here at this one i don't know what it actually is well it's a cabinet it's a cabinet in my chest but well nothing special inside but look at the outside again it's so beautiful and you can tell it was definitely made in a similar style as the bed through and you know i never saw some uh something like that it's definitely spanish yeah well this is going to be a completely different adventure this series yeah on another level and people are going to see oriental styles tropical styles and probably historic buildings in this beautiful holiday destination but right now it will also be a beautiful abandoned destination so then this room we actually placed our bags it's not interesting it's just a toilet but just wanted to show it to you so let's walk up stone staircase over there and let's see what we can find on the upstairs floors wow have a look at this view the two chairs over here and what's it actually on the wall yeah it looks like a weapon but i don't know actually it really looks like a weapon to be honest maybe this was a very ancient weapon and then look at the painting i think that is very beautiful even more beautiful in the chairs look all times in spain without any tourists on the beach but like a little pirate ship over there wow it's crazy huh and the chairs too and then have a look at this room this is just unbelievable you know i really really love the fireplace but this sofa over here is so and so antique and is definitely very luxurious for the time it was built in oh yeah this is a high-end antique sofa wow this place is so proper filled with this beautiful antiques yeah the coolest thing is they were not similar as the other antiques we found but those ones are definitely from the spanish style different origin and i want to set in the corner it's a lady it's a painting it's another board you see yeah it's crazy water painting and there is a sofa before we're gonna wall gone of course have a look here on the rock but also the fireplace like i mentioned oh yeah these beautiful tiles carvings in the wood and to me this looks more modern these mugs very strange to be honest again electric analytes painting in the wall and i'll look at this yeah that's it how do you call it i don't know but for rada i don't know yeah well if you know leave it down in the comment section and i guess this well i've been to this park to make some pictures and this room is just plain and simple but then if you push on this door the room is so much decayed it's unbelievable holy damn yeah there's some decay wow this is incredible dk this was another bedroom have a look wow i haven't seen this one actually well when i walked inside i looked to the ceiling and i thought this is what dk is all about yeah it's true true just a natural dk at its finest not even a single sign of human vandalism in spain being one of the first ones actually to be inside of this place and what a hunter the iron over here what is inside nothing no it's empty now what is that a statue of a woman yeah the little ornaments but i really love the belgian paintings actually yeah there's a beautiful painting hanging there and look at the game over here it's a cricket actually isn't it in the uk game probably i think we have some people of the uk watching right now so just leave it in the comment section right down below wow even more religious artifacts indeed santa teresa jesus it's crazy that you can see the roof and just the space which used to be in between the ceiling and the roof so that's how isolation works in spain yeah just empty rooms and then actually have a look what a view would have been from the room where it's so beautiful there is actually a lake right down below wow and then all the countryside so then we're gonna walk to the other side but have a look this was actually a storage part and then over here in these small doors they actually had a toilet oh yeah yeah look at this there so dedicate this even just the floor is gone it's crazy so then we back again the starting point of this floor and over here on this side was another room have a look two single beds and i think this was a child's room oh yeah this was definitely for the children there's some toys and look how the candle underwear is just hanging almost near to collapse the mosque over here yeah typical spanish hello oh look with a little straw it's a very tiny one huh i think it was just for like a baby doll you know from wow again so many religious things on the walls it's sad to see the cracks in the walls as well yeah the building is in a very bad state and i really hope somebody saves it because this is history of the country true true and look at this puppet it's like this hand puppet oh yeah and then the cowboy head over there and also the curtains here too and look at the clothing hangers we found them in italy and portugal and right now we're in spain and have similar ones and there they are indeed and over there is a cool box string well that makes sense in a hot country like this true true building cabinet here wear some stuff in the cabinets too oh those are actually some games and then we're going to walk up to little stairs over here to reach another room which is again a bathroom whoa this one is again in a very decaying state yeah it's in a very bad state man so sad damn just a dk and everything that is falling on it there was even leaves and everything inside yeah and there is not even a window open it's strange oh maybe from here i don't know oh look again there's actually a strange bed it's not really matching the other ones no no it's also very simple yeah very plain maybe for their servants back in the days yeah it could have been i'm actually most fascinated about in this room is besides these paintings because they are they are georges you think that those ones were made by a child yeah i'm not sure because i think they are pretty good talented child yeah perhaps in our empty wardrobe you can see the dust particles coming outside look at that the red one looks like the turkish flag on it yeah all right but what i was about to point out actually it was actually not a head it was some it's a paper like oh but it's just a paper all right i was about to point out have you ever seen a spanish version of jesus have a look at here maybe this is a very old painting of it even more it looks more like a cartoon or something yeah i really don't know of course i don't want to say bad things about religion but definitely looks different from the legit paintings we've seen previously yeah that's fine there's also crazy out a little clothing hanger there is just lonely hanging there over here the walls also very spanish and the chair single underwear and heater again on the ground look at the little sitting corner here too i mean that's so odd there's even a pillow on top of it which isn't perfect size and then the last room on this floor is actually a very tiny bedroom for only one single person that's pretty plain though dirty over there oh yeah those were actually the blankets where the bird another bird here any candle so maybe they also used to pray there yeah i mean oh wow yeah maria again actually a beautiful bed different than the other ones but still very unique also the sheets so there is actually another way going upstairs we have not checked this one out it is pretty plain yeah well it's just empty it probably used to be beautiful too you should still see the lamps hanging there that one too all right well oh where they play some furniture yeah this was a complete story over a soccer game or football of course i don't want to discriminate between the uk fans or the american fans because we all love you equally you're just amazing thank you for all your support because otherwise we would never be standing here in spain no this is a crazy fact and what is also very crazy this is insane wow so that's the castle we were exploring and there was this little bridge to get to the next part so what's here well not many interesting actually just a table wait you can just throw it like that that's it and the door seems stuck he has only this table looks like they were working here it was a working table a long time ago a very long time ago so we only have one room left to show you and that's actually the shed down below oh yeah the camera room we are not going because we saw a camera hanging there and something that looked like a motion sensor and because we are in a foreign country and don't really know what's the consequence of trespassing here with the law we don't want to risk it i mean you already saw the places which were definitely the most beautiful rooms and which had the most potential okay so right now i have to talk very silently but look at the property all the vegetation over here in a courtyard and then this was the barn oh so traditional wow look at this hammer this is history what were they making here because it looks like this was for a production process or something you see there was a sort of grinder wait they used to put something in air it would go through here and fall in that one and then eventually it would come inside over here and would be collected over here in this reservoir now look over there wow this was definitely a room to make something probably from the farming fields all around it and they use these things here to filter out grains or something or at least what they used to produce here so i'm carefully going to try to get to the other rooms just a this room seems very simple but this is probably all i have a look at it wow the face is here too incredible my gosh and then look for here no way wow okay wait i gotta be very very careful here because of a there's the house but this is absolutely i think the most beautiful piece of furniture in a complete mansion mansion castle sorry guys i'm lust for words this is incredible wow no way we're here today and again man is lying walking in an ancient temple oh no way this was a church over here you can tell where the ceiling do still the camel's left people used to pray here wow so beautiful so this was their own private chapel or church over here another room and look at the door wow it's so probably historic and then finally look at the ceiling this is unbelievable what a very antique architecture wow all right so that was it for the second episode of our epic spain series i can tell you this is only the beginning this historical gem was such a dream to explore and so completely different from other places we saw and if you enjoyed it you know the drill and i'm gonna keep it short because we have to get out of here so people if you enjoyed it please hit that like button you can subscribe to our channel write down below and also leave your opinions in the comment section right down below after all really want to thank everyone for watching and like we always say peace out and we will see you on our next adventure in spain bye you
Channel: Explomo
Views: 399,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned castle, castle, 14th century castle, abandoned 14th century castle, spanish castle, abandoned castle spain, castle in spain, everything left behind, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, house, mansion, urbex, urban exploration, exploration, urban, untouched, 14th century, late medieval castle, explomo, exploring, abandoned victorian castle, abandoned late medieval castle, time capsule, urban exploring, exploring with josh, spain, bros of decay, EWF
Id: Q0kOTuzO1V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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