Abandoned Victorian Castle of the Gerardi Family - They Never Came Back!

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with today's video we're gonna redefine your image of what an abandoned castle should look like upon entering this place we could not believe what we had found a multi-million dollar castle unfolded itself in front of our eyes upon further investigation we found out that this place used to belong to the gerardi family an austrian family that moved to france in 1820 they found themselves in a lucrative business of exporting wine back to austria with the profits of that business they built themselves this extravagant castle and them and their family lived in here like true royalty in france what happened to this family is not known but it seems like they had to flee this place from one day upon the other let us take you on a tour throughout this place and show you how these people used to live like welcome back everybody to the pros of dk this episode today is going to be a very memorable we are today in a french chateau but this is literally one of the most unique french designed places that i've ever seen everything is left behind in this place and we're going to take you on an adventure throughout it and show you all the things that are left in here and also together we're going to figure out some history of the people that lived here so stay tuned for this episode because you don't want to miss it let's go let's start off this video here in the hallway of the place as you can see so the magnificent iron worked staircase left here the spider webs are inside of it taking it over wow here was a little sitting area had an emblem up there this my friend told me my friend lee and he's from germany this is not uh this is a liquor from austria this is a sign from a laker from austria from 2001 as you can see and also the bouquets here in the hallway wow let's go further because this is going to be a long exploration there's so much to see in this place and i'm eager to show you all like i told you in the story these people were true austrian hunters and they have yeah animal heads everywhere in this place as you can see a big oh wow this must be from a deer or something like that in the middle we have a pool table that's covered a little storage area behind here completely filled the heads of the people are still left behind it's a very strange story the people that lived here nobody knows what happened to them one day up on the other they left the place and they just never came back to retrieve the items that are inside of here the bicycles of the children all the furniture this stove for example all the deer heads everything is left in here and it's just yeah forgotten rests now forever in this place this is such a magnificent stove wow even have a look at all the new machinery that's in front of here that is just left people can use this stuff but it's just rotting in here it's just crazy okay let's go for it i'm curious to see what this room beholds [Music] wow have a look at this room that i just stepped inside this used to be the dining room of the people that lived here and as you can see there are lots of shares left behind but also child chairs over there and the people that lived here they were with a very big austrian family all together the children the parents the grandparents all lived in this place this was their dining room with a beautiful chandelier above the table this is where they had dinner dinner every evening all together i love how people back in the day used to spend more time with family nowadays we only care about ourselves yeah most people and we spend less and less time with family i think it's very important we have two children chair over here we're probably more children than that inside of this place and i also really adore is all these dishes hanging from the wall over here this is so typically french these people were austrian but they loved french design and that's why they probably moved here as well and bought this french chateau just to get the french experience i think i would do it as well when i have money later on in life look at this artwork over here such an industrial design this is something special the fireplace smoke that colored the marble over the years and inside of the fireplace we have a marvelous design of a knight and a lion above it wow this is so beautiful look at these dust spans for example why don't we do this nowadays anymore beautiful silver dustpans nowadays you can only get plastic ones i would fill my whole house with antiques if i could a jar of jam over here left behind by the people and then we have this cabinet i really love the design on it you can see the wood it has that scholars dark wood light wood over here let's see what's in there a very big key to pull on and open it up wow this is completely filled with drinks and cups and all the things that you would need in the kitchen excuse me in the dining room that's lovely i know some people also love the curtains so i'm going to bring them in great detail for you whoever loved them this is for you little sitting area over here the cutting board and then we have this old school toaster one slice of bread in here close it up no timer no waiting doesn't pop out you have to see when it's ready this is just the first room of the shadow and i'm already amazed by it this scale over here as well tested i've never heard of that brand before test it yeah let's go further oh my god i've not seen this room yet oh this looks like an amazing little french sitting area and all my seven years that i've been exploring around the world and in france and italy and germany and all the places i've never seen a fireplace like this with a chimney design like that this is marvelous really marvelous i love the white chimney beneath there and they add the white fireplace but they had two fireplaces inside of this room it's quite crazy to me so we have this this white one now we have this marble one next to it again with some amazing designs in there and a mirror above it this mirror just makes this room without this mirror it doesn't look the same and above it they have also a chandelier presenting the room above this coffee table what i probably said in the evening had some drinks together talked and chatted about the day until the late hours ludena and then the oil lamp over here would be lit up you would enjoy the flame dancing wow they also had like this burrow over here where the owner probably did his accountancy you can see all his papers his pan over here everything is left all the business that he did to afford such an incredible castle all left behind wow telephone over here and then we go further coming to some sort of a storage area i can see the kitchen over there but let me just go first up here and see what this room beholds i think this was the washing room yeah this was the washing room they probably also had some servants working for them said i'm gonna do this themselves one two three four washing machines and this one is the oldest one of them all a lever and you would put in the clothes wow this looks like an old school fridge ah some to 130. that's very cool did it just turn on no i'm not kidding i didn't know that it would do it but well this fridge still works and there are still drinks inside of there wow [Laughter] i'm literally i'm not kidding i didn't know that the power in this place still runs after four years of abandonment it's not abandoned for that long but just crazy that people just still pay for the power and it's still running i think we're wandering into some sort of an entrance hall over here as you can see all the clothes of the people are still here all the hunting hats see all the hunting hats the jackets of them wow that's crazy i just noticed above the doll door they have this huge doorbell wow and i have a few ones of them as well you can see some calendars over here this one's from 1975. so that's not a date when it got abandoned it's strange let's wander into the kitchen that's completely packed with stuff yeah of course with so many people living here you need a lot of stuff inside of your place you need a lot of pots and pans and all the things to make great food for the people that live here beautiful cabinet holding chucks this refrigerator doesn't work anymore wow i'm not going to spend too much time here in the kitchen i want to give you a quick overview of the appliances that i used back in the day back in this castle this is a big block of wood where they would use to cut and butcher the meat on then we have this enormous exhauster over here this beautiful french oven wow you can see i really see it right well because it's completely covered this is an amazing oven underneath here here's the brand from dijon as a region in france wow look at that and over here on this side are all the pots and pans i even had a clock inside of here and then lots and lots of food left behind let's look on the dates if we can figure something out this nes quick okay i got something this expires in 2022 at 2020 that's this year so zero to it's already expired this year it expired in february of this year and that probably stays good for around three four years i think so 2016 might be a right date for this place is to grind up stuff inside of here and over here they also got a storage area fermi la portivo play it says over here that means in french please close the door wow lots of pots and pans left behind all the cleaning supplies see what they got in here oh even more of those jam jars we just saw in the dining room wow and these are waffle irons all left in here before we go upstairs i'm going to take a look at the one last room here downstairs i think this is the tiny uh excuse me the living room i'm not 100 sure yet but over here we've got another enormous cabinet and wow these are archives i think of their wine factory of that wine business that they had because yeah there's lots of things written on here that talk about wine lovely cabinet old school papers left in here yeah i see it from the corner of my eye wow we're entering into the living room [Music] just take a look at this living room yes you can only find something like this in the country of france this is how they designed their house wow you have a little side table here completely covered and gold a gold plated mirror above here with incredible design on it just have a look at it here's me hi guys filming this place is just something out of this world over here it looks like they have made a really big mess so yeah oh oh look at that there's a piano left in here sounds really dull so it's not been tuned in a long time it's really beautiful piano and i also have this stove here in the corner okay and now for the living room itself let's see what we can find there's a little table over here with some shares around it very traditional design so this book is amazing look at that oh crazy place big chair here in the corner now we got this painting of this boy over here wow on top of this incredibly designed cabinet we can see more skulls animal skulls on here and then for the main part itself the sitting area around the fireplace they had some mesmerizing chairs around it a pearl street into detail i'm gonna show you them look at this these chairs are probably as old as the castle itself wow grand fireplace the mirror above it and more paintings on the wall 1693 this man i don't know who he is probably a philosopher or an artist or a writer or something like that wow these hanging paintings that's so s also so typically french to hang them from a cord on the maybe a wall design above the fireplace as well above the mirror look at this now we got another painting of a woman over here so beautiful here on the cabinet we have a tractor of one of the children that used to live here a little quirky thing so you see it's not all old stuff people used to live here and they used to enjoy themselves here with the children and everything one last overview of this room and then we're gonna head upstairs and show you the bedrooms look at those carpets on the wall they are enormous wow let's have a closer look at them look at the design on them how detailed they are they must have cost thousands and thousands of euros to purchase back in the day on this side of the house there's another one of those carpets this side of the hallway wow let's see which side we're gonna go first i think here to the left they got a taxidermy bird up here presenting their hunting trophies inside of the house there's also an accountancy desk over here and i really love those because most of the times these accountancy desks you see you can open it up turns into a bureau can work on here but also the whole secret secret compartments i think no this one is not one of those secret compartments yeah over here this is what i'm talking about there are secret compartments in here and i used to store money in here now the person store these glasses in here but this was to hide the money inside here and nobody would know that it would be in there okay are you ready to see the rooms oh also they have a red carpet laid out that goes into the rooms wow oh my god this stairway inside of this hallway over here is magnificent wow they got some flowers up here this is not a representation of the castle itself a clock on the wall that scared me for a second but there's a goose up here a taxidermy goose look at this animal standing there wow that's just crazy let's go into the bathroom oh this is a nice one this was the boiler to heat up the bottle at bathtub heated the water for the bathtub and it would be also on wood as you can see also the fireplace in the bathroom every single room in this place used to have both uh fireplaces because back in the day when a place was built there was no central heating so these radiators have been placed in later you can see because the piping runs outside of the wall look how that would be controlled that's very interesting i can't turn it anymore but very interesting to see i just also noticed 971 coming back again so maybe these rooms weren't used for a very long time why would you leave a calendar in here from 1971 that sounds crazy to me bathtub the soap of the people left here thermometer for the bar for the bottle i love how these these faucets are designed truly adore it over on this side here's the sink and all the toothbrushes perfumes and everything that the people use that left here is still inside of here as you can see wow that towel the last towel oh look at this picture of this woman he's putting in something to eat into the stove and look at the design of this stove we see it going all around this house the design of the chimney wow let's go further i'm excited to see that first bedroom i'm really excited for it i think we walked through a walk-in closet over here yeah that's true all the ties of the man are in here all his clothes look at this little costume wow this looks like something royal then we enter into the first bedroom [Music] let's have a look around this traditional french bedroom and why do i say traditional french bedroom because only in france you see beds like this built into the wall they carve out a piece into the wall where they can push the bed in to hide it actually it's still made a little of emblem of jesus a little cross above it because the people probably were very religious and i know some of you people want to see what's in that secret passageway over there but i'm gonna try there's lots of spider webs ah i can see i see i see already you can also enter it from the back and a little storage area for their suitcases all that suitcases are in here and then this is the passageway that leads to the bedroom as you can see and then i had also like a little sitting area in the middle of the bedroom all the shares around it beautiful mirror above the fireplace a marble fireplace wow here to the side of the bedroom we also have like a vanity left behind where the woman would make herself beautiful in the morning little princess living in the castle and then another one of those fireplaces i just showed you in the bathroom the design of the under on the painting the design of the chimney and it comes back everywhere in this house they made the chimney that long because it gives off a lot of heat and it heats up the room really fast then faster than normal if you make the chimney shorter then it doesn't heat up that fast the radiator beautiful design and also built into the wall just like the bed wow and let's now go further because this video will get otherwise really long but that doesn't mind because this place is just wonderful lovely light switch as well here and that leads us back into the hallway this is not the castle from the outside i did not see this yet but it looks like a drone toilet oh my god a wooden drone toilet i call it the trolling toilet probably it has not a name but i've i've been looking for one of these for a long time and i'm happy to see it right now look at this wonderful piece beautiful tiles on the wall and then they had this fleshing reservoir up here with the cord leading down you could pull it like that on this side they had a little reservoir of water you could open it up like that wow and now it's time to look at the other side of the castle of the upstairs of the castle now maybe let's go upstairs first let's see what's up there this stairway is really beautiful but this upstairs floors are caving in as you can see the floor is coming down i have to be careful up here i really have to be careful i think this is the attic i don't know here i think i'm not going to walk anymore because that's really dangerous let's walk up here maybe this were the parts where the servants slept oh yeah these are smaller bedrooms i see me laughing just see me laughing of joy in this place because this is what i love to do in life just finding places like this amazing another one of those beautiful chimneys the fireplace underneath now we have two slate beds oak beds back from the day these were probably for the children but maybe also for their servants but i don't think servants slept in here maybe the the shores were just divided up between the family members that left here they had a beautiful mirror in here why would they put such a beautiful mirror in the bedroom for the servants that's not a good idea in my opinion oh that's not you could do it but people wouldn't do it back in the day see a little desk here for the children to study at and lots of and lots of toys also inside of this place see here is another german text coming by the post that means the post is from the post office this place goes on and on and on you can never be finished in here there's always something to find this place is pretty overthrown it's another room not a bedroom not gonna show it in detail just gonna go quickly over these because these are pretty overthrown i think maybe some thieves have been in here searching for valuables but the downstairs floors are so clean that i don't know i'm just standing now in front of this bouquet that i haven't seen before that i don't think that that thieves have been in here maybe the people themselves did it look at this bookcase and the books that are down here they are hundreds of years old literally hundreds wow another trashed bedroom not gonna bring that into detail bookcases to the sides here i gotta remember you guys again this is an attic this is not this is just an attic and you find such incredible things up here there's another one not a staircase leading up there i'm gonna take it in a minute these are just yeah these are probably servants rooms i'm always intrigued by these little stairways leading up to ethics because i always say ethics hold true memories of people these are the oldest memories that you can find inside of a house oh my god this is actually a pretty big attic that we're going on now it's pretty hot in france here so it's really hot up here for me i'm not going to stay here for too long because i'm already still sweating a lot but yeah it's just a little storage area up here the floor looks pretty unstable look at this here we can get a glimpse into the backyard let me just show you the backyard is huge truly huge oh my gosh we're back in the hallway right now but now it's time to take a look on that other side where the other bedrooms are because i presume there are more bedrooms in this place definitely so let's have a look it's this one over here it seems like a closet behind it okay i think the entrance of this bedroom is over here i already see a magnificent fireplace wow i just truly adore these every single room with a fireplace like this has a different design of chimney they thought about everything in here this room is a bit trashed but uh that doesn't mind that doesn't matter some children's toys over here in this room hi guys a fireplace with a mirror above it i'll show you the design of the fireplace as well 1677 it says on there lots of candles hanging here oh my gosh did you see this this is a children's toy toy uh oven a french oven that i made for children a miniature version of that wow and then the full bedroom i give you an overview but i'm not going in detail in here i really love the chandelier hanging up here wow i also had a bookcase in here completely filled with books from the top to the bottom this was definitely a children's room you can see here a drawing probably they drew the castle with the animals that are on here wow let's go further pictures on the wall all around ah we're entering into another bedroom do we have fireplace do we have fireplace please oh yes we have a fireplace again with another different design look at this design wow nightstand next to the bed still made jesus above it like we always see in france this is the light switch they adore the wallpaper as well some paintings on the wall there's also not that much technology in this place so i'm still wondering if it's abandoned in 2016. maybe they only use the downstairs floors until and until 2016 when they completely abandoned the place a vanity and over here we have a closet with lots of costumes lots of men's clothes lots of ties and the bouquet is completely filled from top to bottom look at the ceiling as well this is where i was standing like a moment ago on the attic bad linen in the glasses in the hallway this is for christmas decoration on an easter decoration excuse me lots of easter decorations lots of eggs in here bedroom yeah yeah yeah i'm going to show you the fireplace in this one first look at the design on it this is spiraling design cabinet to the side the mirror above it wow and here they had a built-in sink with a reservoir for the water and everything inside of the bedroom children's grip in front of the fireplace and this fireplace has a painting directly in it to give you also an overview of this room a cabinet built into the wall clothes in there wow these people must have been so rich and powerful okay this doorway over here is going to lead us into another part of the castle and this is going to be the last part of the castle so uh unfortunate but we're going to make it good got this man above here above the door that leads us into another little yeah entrance hall i can see a mirror there in the back but first over here i don't know exactly what these things are they're probably distort something a little faucet the water has been cut off wow on this side oh these are to get the dust out of the mattresses yeah that you would hit with with them and then you could get dust out something we don't see anymore these days i'm gonna walk straight into this room i have a look at this bedroom [Music] what the magnificent bedroom again i think i adore this one the most of all bedrooms in this place because it's really crowded and really historic one single bedroom for yeah probably a child that slept here or an older person still made bath with a nightstand next to it jesus christ on the wall and this stove again has his own unique design on it in the chimney wow little table it seems like every single bedroom in this place has its own table to sit at our own desk to work at for the people and then this beautiful mirror above it gold plated mirror with the fireplace below wonderful stuff oh look at this old school family picture no way i think this is the bathroom up here yeah oh no at least it's directly into another bedroom not a little small bedroom attached to the other bedroom maybe this was for two children that slept together yeah they had like the same bedroom but with a little a little bit a little bit of privacy i would say i adore this wallpaper this flower wallpaper here wow there's two little chairs here to the side and then we have a sink with a mirror above it this is going to be the last part of the house and that actually makes me a little bit sad because i don't want to leave this place it's so historical so typically french and so much artifacts left behind when i came in here i know me i'm very sentimental i almost cried and this is the things that i love and yeah a path sewing machine immediately representing this room it's some sort of a working area working room a storage room lots of things left in here another chimney beautiful another fireplace with a beautiful chimney above it wow then we have the last bathroom of this place with everything left in it oh the two brushes the toothpaste even their electric toothbrush is still here i tried it but it doesn't work anymore it's been left for too long a bit dead to the side and then we have this amazing bathtub here i didn't see it at first but it has these paws underneath wow also though the shower head and the shower curtain and it close up like this and you can convert your bathtub into a shower oh this faucet as well it's made in paris it says on there this is how i would switch between the bathtub and [Music] the shower i love to see this then we have the heater for the bathroom and the bathtub itself i've always wanted to sit on a drawn toilet before feel like a king in a castle and now i can do it because of urban exploring what an amazing place lots of mystery and history left behind and i just truly adored this because it was so traditionally french you probably did as well so please write down there what you thought about the place like it share with your friends and there's also a link in the description for patreon that you can support us and uh for going on these with trips all being said i want to thank you very much for watching this very episode very special episode on the bros of dk and i will see you next week with another incredible exploration bye bye guys i love you let's flush the toilet [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 720,877
Rating: 4.9089966 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, urbex france, abandoned mansion, exploring the unbeaten path, abandoned places, urban exploring, urbex ship, urbex frankrijk, urbex locaties, urbex 2020, abandoned victorian castle, abandoned victorian house, abandoned victorian homes, urbex belgium, urbex italy, abandoned manor, abandoned castle, abandoned walkthrough, abandoned home, urban exploration, abandoned villa
Id: 357pjCndAi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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