The Abandoned Heaven Mansion in Spain | Designed by Gaudí (CAUGHT BY OWNER)

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It was two years ago. Imagine, searching for that one place for two years, and then finally, after two years of searching, Remon and I were standing there: "The Heaven Mansion". But, unfortunately, things did not go completely as planned. *Owner Shouting* This is private and you cannot enter here! The heads of the building just called me saying that there are two guys here. Today's video is going to be something different as you usually expect from us. And there are two reasons why I'm still wanting to share this video. The first reason is that I think this building needs to get the recognition it deserves. The second is because I want to make you guys aware of the risks we often encounter while doing this hobby and while making these videos for you. So, let's start with the intro title and I will talk you through everything that happened. So imagine you are waking up in a picturesque town in Spain and it's a wonderful summer day. It might be hard to imagine because right now it's literally winter here. But, we were waking up at our Airbnb. We took all the stuff we needed for the exploring: our equipment, our material... And there we went. I still imagine it from the day of today, it was a two-hour drive. We had to drive all the way up to the mountains. We did not see any houses until there was this one town on top of the mountains and one of the first facades of a building we saw, was the building we are exploring today. I don't know how to describe this feeling as an explorer, but if you saw a photo and if you are finally standing there in two years' time, it's just a drive in yourself. You keep on searching for this one little place and then, if you finally found it, it is so accomplishing. And there we went. We actually went on the property after climbing a high wall and we were standing in the garden. We walked all the way around and suddenly we found one window which was opened. So of course, we could not resist going inside and taking a look and exploring this mansion as a whole. Firstly, I started taking photos and making the photos actually went pretty smoothly. Everything went fine, we made all our photos and then it was time to finally film this place and make a documentary for you, to share it. But, as I said in the introduction, things did not go as smoothly as planned. Let's first start with the introduction video and head back right over to the video right now. Wow! It's another day in the beautiful and tropical country in Spain and here we are standing, in a place... We can't believe our eyes, right? - No, this is like a majestic palace and actually this room, you see right now, unbelievable. This is really unbelievable. So, what we know about the place concerning its history, is that in 2009 the owners left the place. It was a man who lived here and he was a doctor. There are many certificates and diplomas of all the different specialisms and things he achieved. After 2009, they were trying to sell the property. But until the day of today, it's not sold yet, it's really a shame to see the property degrading, and we can't believe where we are standing right now. - No, indeed. You can definitely tell that he was a very wealthy man and I guess that this property is very expensive to buy right now. Because, wow... You will be amazed when you see this place. So, there is not much more left to say. Let's start with the exploration and enjoy a beautiful place in Spain. So, normally, we start in the most beautiful room. You just saw it. But, right now we are going to start our exploration in a storage area. - Yeah, indeed. Well, to be honest, this is the less beautiful part, but there is much stuff left. You can tell, there is a lot of liquor actually. Not much wine, but liquor. Martini, a lot of Martini Bianco and -Rosso. Actually, right over here there's a home trainer which is just stored here. It's very cool. It's catching so much dust. Well, and then over here there are so many products on the shelves. What's that actually? Was it a lamp? - Hmm. Yeah, yeah, indeed! That's a very cool decorative lamp. Also these golden plates. Oh wow, I think they used them to serve out some dishes. - Yeah. And meals. - Oh wait, look... Have you ever seen this? A hamburger press. - Probably something from America. *Laughs* All the jackets still over here. And actually, we have a fridge. A freezer. Pfoee. Man, there is still ice elements inside. - Yeah, indeed. But is there a bad smell? So far there's not. - No. So there's no food left, luckily. Well, maybe in this one... - No. Not either. Oh, look over there! That is very cool. There are some more liquor bottles, and those are the very old bottles of Liquor 43 or "Quarenta y tres" like they say in Spain. - I really like it a lot, actually. When we go to parties, we drink this mixed with ice tea. Yeah. - That's good. And look! Still unopened. Man... I have never seen this bottle, it's so old-fashioned. - No. I'm actually curious. Oh wow! Look! There are even more bottles over here in the fridge. - Yeah, they have a lot of liquor actually over here. And I was also curious for people watching from other countries, do you know the Liquor 43 too? Because here in Europe it might be normal. But did you know the drink? - It's typical Spanish, Liquor 43. It's from Spain. - *Agrees* And actually, talking about cool liquor, you probably know this one. Baileys, Irish cream. And then over there, there's a lot of decay and rust in the shelf and some sugar. And let's stop talking about alcohol before people might think we're alcoholics. - Yeah *Laughs* We just drink by occasion. - Yeah, true, true. But it is very cool to find these old-fashioned bottles. Totally. Only by the height of this door, you can already tell what a grand hallway we're going to enter. So, hold your seats, and enjoy this unique hallway. Wow! - Yeah, this is such a beautiful hallway. It's unbelievable. Look at the marble shapes at the sides. - It's such a crazy fact that this is abandoned. Also, the hanger over here. Still, the hat left behind. What was this actually? I think it was a heater. - Oh yeah, indeed. So, over here, they just placed some seats and some tiny wine barrels. It was obvious that these people loved drinking wine or liquor in their leisure time. - Yeah, yeah. And that one is very cool, it's like a garden "wiggling" chair. It's like a garden seat. - Well, we should say rocking chair. Yeah, it's like a swinging chair. Then look at the sides, the wall paintings, and everything. - And I think, this is the most marvelous part. I mean, look! Wow! Not only the staircase, the tiles, and the ceiling but also have a look at how pristinely all those hats are left on the hangers, even the umbrellas. - And actually, a lot of them, just covered with cob webs like you can see. Man... So actually, we are the third persons to be inside of this place. - Yeah... It has been untouched ever since 2009, that's already 11 years. - And then the imagination that only three people were inside before. It's so crazy. So actually over here, we make our way to a tiny bathroom. Still, the towel is just hanging up there. - Actually, I want to know... The water is still running! - And there are not even the last drips. You know, this is probably water from the mountains. - Oh yeah. And we wish we could show the people the view where this palace is located but we can't, in order to protect this place. We really can't. - Indeed. Well, let's just say... The only thing that I actually want to say about this is that the property is so expensive due to the good view. And because of the size of the property. - Indeed, indeed. There are two reasons. Then over here, in the shelves... - Every single thing is still there. Yeah, a lot of medicines. - Indeed, indeed. Over here was their bathtub. Then under the stairs over here, they had over here they had a tiny space for storage as well. - No basement, right? No, at least we have not discovered a basement yet. - No, no. And then again, I mean, just give them a glimpse. So this is what's about to follow. There are so many floors. Wow! We still have a lot to go. - It's freaking big, it's unbelievable. Look at the doors, there are swans which have been painted. There are even flowers and grass which have been painted down below. - Yeah, it's very beautiful and also very detailed. Yeah, and the way it has been painted here on the windows, it's so unique. Definitely, a lot of time and love was put into making this property as beautiful as it is. - Definitely, definitely. You just saw the room in the introduction and you can tell that that is some detailed work. So, we are going to make our way through these doors and this was actually the kitchen area. And have a look, again, at how pristine all the chinaware and a lot of other things are left behind over here. - It's literally decaying away. It's not properly old, but it's still decaying away. Oh yeah, that's a box. Wait... Oh, the keys of the property! - All of them. Pfff. A microwave over here. It's just... nothing is done with it anymore. Wow. - Over here is the rest. All their kitchen equipment, still inside. Oh, and over here a lot of pans are still hanging up. - It's like a small side room, isn't it? Exactly! Like a little secret storage for all their kitchen tools. But then, suddenly, we got no fluff feeling. We heard people actually pulling on the shutters in the kitchen, where you just saw that we were filming. We were thinking: who can this possibly be?! We were already inside at this point for 1,5 hour and it was very strange. There were a lot of things going through our mind. It can possibly be other explorers, but this place was very unknown. Or it can possibly be a caretaker. Well, it actually turned out to be the second. Just keep on watching because what happened was actually very uncomfortable and shocking. And then the rest of the kitchen, I mean, it just looks so warm. All the white tiles. Oh, look! There is still pasta inside. - Yeah. Coffee machine, a toaster. Even the gas tanks, watch out for that. An electric furnace. And just all the salt, probably vinegar or wine to cook. Pff, literally everything! Everything you can imagine. Look! Those are even their last dishes, left to dry. - Yeah. They are still standing there, how is that possible? - You always ask it yourself, like how? And even if the property is for sale, there are still towels left inside of the washing machine. - It's just never finished off. It really seems they had to leave in a hurry. - Yeah. Man... - Alright, well, this one is emptied out. Yeah. Lastly, look, at some tiles, they placed some stickers of vegetables and things. - And then, we actually come to another part of the kitchen. They had a dining table over here. - It looks like. A very small one. What I actually really like about this is the painting of the "Last Evening Meal", right above the table. Yeah, it is from the Roman-Catholic belief, for people that are not religious. - The last meal. And it's indeed a very famous scene of the last meal of Jesus Christ together with his apostles. Then look over here, the calendar date: 2009, September. That's a long time for the state in which the property still is. - Indeed, indeed. It's still in a properly good state, to be honest. Actually, this one is from 2011, so I don't know, maybe 2011? That's already 9 years ago. Yeah. 9 or 11 years, it is still a long time for the property to be in such an untouched state. - True, true, true. We have seen places that are abandoned for 4 years and, wow... Completely demolished or very decayed. - Even this, the hazelnuts. Just fresh ones. And literally, as I said, all their chinaware. It is obvious that they also had children or grandchildren. - Yeah, you don't know. There are some mugs with smileys on them. And I just love the chinaware over here. - It's so pristine. It was at this point that the noises kept on continuing and we actually heard a person walking across the property and the premises. *Bell sound* Ding dong, and then we're going to the room where we just shot the intro. Be amazed, because this is a beautiful beautiful art piece. Alright, I'm just slowly going to show you the room. Only have a look at this ornate painted ceiling already. It's just unbelievable. Really. Probably, we have said this word many times now, but this is true art like Remon mentioned. Wow! - And then, the table over here in the middle. We have again, a newspaper from 2011, so 9 years... And look at the chairs. I think we have never seen them like this. - No. Just look on the sides. Those are like coffee beans, they have a similar shape. It's quite interesting. - Yeah, indeed, indeed. Also the fake fruit. It is actually glass. Some other... Chains and keys. - And, I just love the portrait. Even if it is sad. But... Wow, that's a bird over there. All these wicker chairs over here. - Actually, rocking chairs. Oh yeah! They are rocking chairs. - The hat, indeed, as well. They must have loved to relax and just "wiggle" around in their rocking chair. - Yeah, you can tell, that it was an elderly man living here. We will find out why. Over here is a brass pot. Oh, look! It is actually a ship over here. - Yeah, it looks like a naval ship, but I don't know. Alright. Probably they also loved to bake. - Strange location for it, but... Oh, and look at the sides there on the wall! You see it? - Uhh, what was the animal called again? A "pauw"? A peacock. - A peacock, yes, yes. Look at that, wow. It's everywhere on the sides. - Yeah. And also, again, it's like an animal trophy. It's a dead bird and rabbit. Damn. Beautiful Spanish cabinet. - Yeah, and you can tell that this was for the table. A bit sad to see the crack here in the marble plate. - Yeah, indeed, indeed. Pure decay, just pure decay. Oh, yep! That was tightly stuck. Wow. It's like a glass fish ornament. - Some cool decoration. But yeah, the beautiful Spanish cabinet. And again, there is liquor. And some grapes which have become very moldy. - Yeah. Oh, Negra! Those are German mugs. From the other side, we can capture a beautiful view again on the doors, which we swiped open when we started the video. - Yeah. Oh, and look! This is one of those old lights which used to stand on a train railway. - Oh damn! It was driven by oil. - Look, there is even like... You can push it and then it would fire up I guess? I think so. - I never saw one of these actually. Well, one last glimpse to see what's down here. A cookie box and just some china. Pfoee, and a very moldy smell. Yeah, it's a very moldy smell coming outside. That's why we are wearing the masks for. - Yeah, true, true. And I think we forgot to mention the beautiful fireplace actually. - Oh yeah, indeed. But look, how unique it is, with the green tiles and over here, a house in nature and birds just flying around. - And we completely walked passed by this cabinet but this is even a bigger one. And this one is even way more wonderful than the other one. Look at this cabinet, wow! It's so big as well. What the f***? China, over there. Oh yeah! That plate is beautiful. - Also look... It looks African. - Yeah, it's a man. And all their glasses which are still left inside. It's just unbelievable, there are so many crystal glasses as well. I don't know if I can open it... - No, no. I'm not going to do it, but, you can tell... - Many crystal glasses. What does the text mean? Candies? I think something like that, yes. It looks like a candy jar or pot. Look. A lot of their cutlery again. Indeed, indeed. These cabinets were definitely used to make up the table and also receive guests over here. Yeah, indeed, indeed. You can also tell over here. Yeah, they are closed. Oh! Binoculars. *Laughs* It's very cool. Are you seeing the mold spores on the plates? Yeah, I am seeing the mold spores over here. Alright. That is bronze, right over there. Wow. And also look over here in the corner, there is another painting but they also placed some fake plants over here. Yeah, indeed. *Loud knocking noise* And then, we decided to stop. We filmed not everything that we wanted to show you, but we already took all our photos nevertheless. So, at this point, I was talking and discussing with Remon, like Pssst, do you hear this? You can watch everything about that right now. Let's not run away, let's just surrender ourselves. I just heard someone coughing, that's why I was silent for a while. I also heard something. First, I thought it was people on the street, but apparently not. Bloody hell. I wanted to film this place so badly. Sssht, don't do it. Don't make too much noise bro. Stay quiet, so I can hear what's going on. *Door opens* Hello What is happening? How is it that you are here? We are making photos and a documentary. What?! We are making photos. No photography or anything, this is private! Si, si (yes, yes). Si, si? no! (yes, yes? no!) Well, my name is Maureno. No, your name comes out of the balls, get out of here. Y... (and...) ...we come from the Netherlands. I don't care, this is private and you can't enter here. Yes, yes, yes. Sir, our deepest apologies. Not sorry, no. Sure, the bosses call me now that there are two guys in here. F***! No explain or "explos" or "explich". This is private and you cannot enter here, the heads of the building just called me saying that there are two guys here. Yes, yes, but I explain. So take it... where did you come in? Where did you came in? Sorry? We love history and we want to help to sell the property. Eh no. Speak to me in Spanish, you know Spanish, speak Spanish to me. I don't talk Spanish. You do. Where did you entered? We are from the Netherlands. What else from Holland, who else is here? Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else inside of here? No, no, there are no more people. You take your things and go outside in front of me. Si, si, we go out. And if not, I call the Guardia Civil (Spanish police) that is here. Si, si, si. I mean, the Guardia Civil is right there, get out right now or I'll call them and come. Si, si, si. We take our stuff and we go out. And let's see where... We were caught by a caretaker. The story behind this is actually crazy. So, he talked to us in Spanish like you've seen and we did not understand a word of it. There were a lot of misunderstandings. Both parties were not understanding each other clearly. So with the best Spanish we had, we tried to make a conversation with this man and he said: Go out, go out. So we were just cooperative and followed him to the outside. And then, there were actually two other people standing there from the tiny town. I think there were literally only a dozen residents inside of this little mountain town. He was standing there with two neighbors, or at least they were living in the proximity of the premises we were exploring. One man was talking a little English but it was mostly Spanish what these people were talking. So, we had an investigation. I think for one hour I was literally using Google Translate on my phone and just translating everything to them. I was just reading everything up with the best Spanish I had. I typed in the English sentence and then there was a Spanish sentence and I wrote it up and told it to them. What I basically told them is that we were here with a historical interest and what the man told us, is very impressive. I wish I could share the exterior of this place with you, but, because somebody is still caring about it, I'm not going to do it. Nevertheless, this property has been for sale for eight years already. But, no interested buyers could be found and that's the reason why it is still in this state, abandoned and forgotten. But the outside of this property, the ornate details, were made by Antoni Gaudí, a very famous artist from Spain. That was absolutely incredible. When I heard it, I had to share this historical landmark in Spain with you. So... I know it is a very different video as usual. But lastly, I want to guide you actually through the home. With the photos that I've made. I've made photos of all the most interesting rooms we could not film in the end. But I think, in this way, I can still guide you a little bit through the home and give you an exploration close to what we normally would do. So, over here, you can actually see a photo of the grand staircase with all the hats. And that was absolutely beautiful. I mean, just look on top at how it's made in the wall: the curvatures and everything. It's really impressive. When we walked up the stairs, we actually entered the first floor. The first room we saw was actually this one. And then, on that same floor, there was another room and this is hands down the most beautiful bathroom we have ever seen inside of an abandoned mansion. There were like all those tiles, it was so picturesque. I could literally not believe my eyes. That room was so beautiful. I mean, the feeling at that moment what actually went through myself, it's indescribable. Besides the one bathroom on this floor, there were some other bedrooms with some very ordinary beds actually. I think, back in the days, they used to be for servants. However, I did not take any photos of these rooms. We decided to go to the next floor and on this floor, I found another room which was absolutely beautiful. It was actually, I think, the master bedroom of the people who once lived here. We tried to do a little bit of research on the people who lived here but it was very hard. One thing for sure, it was a very important and notorious man for back in his days, but it was impossible true story of it because we had a limited time, we got caught and we got interrupted while doing this exploration. Anyways, with all of that having showed, I sincerely hoped you enjoyed the photos and you also can appreciate that we still wanted to make a video of this place. Even if it was not a thorough exploration as usual. But still, I feel, after finally being in this place I was so looking forward to, I had to make a video on it and we wanted to share it with all of you. So, I want to do this outro not from the normal place we would normally do it, but from the highest forest in the complete Netherlands. So, as you could see, that did not go completely as expected We got caught, for the first time here in Spain. Luckily, in the end, we explained everything what we were doing. We were just respectful to the people and calm. And they could appreciate it. They were thoughtful and they were saying: We are going to find the owner and the owner comes... Eventually, the real owner of the place did not show up. It was only the caretaker. And we asked if it was possible to return in the future to maybe continue our video. Because this was such an ending out of nowhere. But he said no. They don't agree on it, unfortunately, because like we said, the property has been abandoned for 9 to 11 years now and we wish we could share more of this place with you in the hope that some people might think: Oh well? Why shouldn't I actually invest in this place? That would have been very great. We also heard from them that the outside of the building was actually made by the famous artist Antoni Gaudí, so that's actually very impressive. In the end, the video might not have been completely what you expected from it... Well, there is one thing left for you. I really hope you appreciated our efforts showing this place and like I said, still making a video on it. You know the drill guys. And from the beautiful winter-like landscape here in the Netherlands, which actually is quite rare. It has been years that there was so much snow. So if you enjoyed this video and this place, then please hit the THUMBS UP button, you can SUBSCRIBE to our channel down below for free. Right next to the subscribe button, there is also a BELL NOTIFICATION button. If you press that one, you will always be notified when we post a new video. From now on, on all our new videos, there are also subtitles in more than 30 languages! So, I hope people from all over the world have a way better experience while watching our videos so they can understand even more out of it. Also, don't forget to leave your thoughts about this place right down below in the comment section. It's getting quite busy here with all the traffic, so I'm going to close the video right here. I want to send you all much love, peace and blessings and we'll see you on the next one! Peace out!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 137,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, millionaires mansion, millionaire, millionaires, abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned spain, spain, in spain, heaven mansion, heaven, abandoned heaven mansion, the, gaudi, antoni gaudi, caught by owner, exploring gone wrong, urban exploring gone wrong, urban exploring, urban exploration, urbex, exploration, spanish, caught, explomo, exploring, exploring with josh, abandoned house, house, abandoned castle, steve ronin, bros of decay, mansion in spain, wrong
Id: D-5kq2CYTP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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