Magical Abandoned Spanish Mansion of a College Founder | Incredible Architecture Inside!

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I think one of the first classrooms is right over here. All the seats and the chairs. Welcome back everyone at another episode of our "Roadtrip Spain Series"! Currently, we are standing in front of such an elegant property with a lot of beautiful architecture. It's actually a shame that this place is left abandoned. Well, actually, as you might know, normally we only film furnished places. This place has actually been emptied out exactly one month ago. We've been having this place for already two years. Yet, because it is in Spain and so far away, we never managed to document it in time. But, because there is demolition planned soon, we still want to document it, because there is incredible architecture inside. So, we are just going to start off and we are firstly going to show you the stairs over here. It's very beautiful looking at it. It is built in a Renaissance style. During this time period, there was a lot of art and architecture involved in making these properties. This place was owned by a very important person of this tiny town where we are in. Because he was actually the person who built a local school for the villagers over here. That same school is actually right next to this property and will also be a part of this video. But, now comes the crazy thing. The fence of the premises was open and the main door is also just open. We are going to enter it and will do a walkthrough in this beautiful manor. Already have a look at the architecture everywhere. It's unbelievable. The ceiling over here is so exquisite. Above the door entrances, they've made these golden angel ornaments with grapes. Just going to start off in this room over here. Also, have a look at the doors where we have to go through. This room actually used to be the main room, the living. A beautiful ornate ceiling, wow! The architecture inside of this place is just incredible. Also, the grand chandelier. Yeah! Wow. This is unbelievable. The place might have been emptied from all the seats, the furniture, and all portraits, but the chandelier is still hanging here. It's so so beautiful. Actually, take a look at this beautiful fireplace. You can tell, this is literally loose. The place is falling apart because of decay. It's so sad. Yeah, they are literally just cracking and that's also the reason why they are going to demolish it. Nobody can actually afford to maintain the upkeep or to renovate this place and restore it back to its former glory. That's very sad, to see another one of these stately and beautiful properties ending being a ruin and a neglected state. Have a look, this was actually a kitchen. And it is a pretty huge one. This definitely was for people who used to work over here. It's definitely not a normal kitchen. Nah, just servants, people would have been making the meals for them, serving them all. Well, over here, the toilet. This was probably a room for storage but the ceiling has just completely collapsed. It has almost completely fallen down. Then, right over here, we have a bathroom. The door is stuck. There is a bathtub over here. Also, look at the beautiful marble walls. You can also tell that the mirror has been decaying. You can see the glass peeling is loose. Also, look on the ground, it is so blinky. It looks pretty modern because of all the blinky things inside. Then we come into a beautiful hallway. Wow! Have a look at the ceiling! This is the reason why we wanted to capture this place, despite the place has been completely emptied out. Except for a few things, of course, this place is just unbelievable and just on another level. There are so many beautiful paintings on the ceiling. It is just priceless. Then have a look over here on the stove. Wow, what a big one. It's a giant one right?! We only have seen stoves like this in one of the stateliest French castles. Yeah, it is not a usual thing to find, actually. Also, the chandelier. Yeah, and just all the woodwork everywhere. This is where we came inside, the main door. Also, right above you, do you see all the ballerina ladies? It's so crazy that it is just on the ceiling. Also, look at the marble design of these Renaissance columns. Wow. Well, we are pointing at the ceiling all the time, but in front of us is another room. This used to be the dining room. It was once filled with a huge table over here and many chairs around it. There are still pictures and we will try to find some of them online. Hopefully, we can obtain permission from the photographers to use them in this video. So, you can definitely see the difference between how this place used to be and how it ended up now. Yet, it is planned for demolition which is very sad. I think it will be very soon. Then again, what a grand chandelier, unbelievable. It is just marvelous how they've made this. You only see them in the royal palaces nowadays. Talking about these stoves, imagine that they literally had one and one in the dining room. It is similarly designed, but just in another color. Actually, over here they also had a tiny balcony. Yeah, indeed. Look at the doors: hello rusty decay. One room which is also at the beginning, where we came inside, is on the other side. Again, the door entrance - Wow! So, look at this room. Over there is a fireplace. They also made a painting over there on the wall. Then again, a beautifully ornate ceiling. Just wonderful! There is a tiny chandelier hanging. It's time to walk down the beautiful corridor, to show you the other floors. A beautiful staircase as well. The white banister. Oh, you can clearly see the degradation. There are things falling apart and the presence of black mold as well. There are even some cracks in the floors over here. So, I think we have to watch our step at some points. Then again, we make a grand entry to the next floor. Just have a look at this! One of the only things which are left are not only these beautiful stoves, but there is actually an upright piano as well over here. "Chassaigne Frères". It sounds French. Damn. It is actually interesting to see the inside if you touch the keys. A nice toy. I think this was definitely a bedroom. Oh yeah, damn! That is a huge wardrobe. You can see that the wallpaper is loose over here. It is starting to let go. Well, this definitely was another bedroom. And the bed was made in over there. Yeah, I think it used to stand like that. Those were just two wardrobes for the bed. There probably also used to be some curtains around it, like a very stately bed. Yeah, indeed, indeed. And then this one, oh, wow! This is a very beautiful room. Yeah, wow! Actually, again, look to the ceiling and look to the pillars over here. A wonderful fireplace in the middle. Very small one actually. Yeah, for such a detailed wall, definitely. Wow! It's literally like you are staring to heaven! The angels, the baby angels around the bigger angels, and all of that just on the wall. Probably, over here used to be some books inside and maybe also some other clothes. This might have been just the bedroom of the most important person who lived here. Don't you think? Indeed. I think so. But, where did the bed used to stand? Maybe right over here? Yeah, between the two blue blocks maybe. It's really wow to imagine that this was once just a livable place by a very wealthy person. But, it is actually very sad that it was never saved, and very soon another piece of history will just be gone forever. Exactly, because the interior over here, even without furniture, is still so beautiful. Yeah, and that's why we really wanted to capture it as a part of our Spain Series. Look! This was another bathroom. You can definitely see all the names of the people who were here. They have all written it down in the dust on the mirror. Well, we are not like that. Over here there is a bathtub with all the marble signs. This was yet another bedroom and these families, who owned properties like this, were in fact families of big size. The complete family could just live in one property. This is actually interesting: a rabbit on the left, a man playing on flute in the middle and that looks like a reptile on the right. And the same symbol is displayed on all the doors and windows inside of the property. Yeah, exactly. Actually, look at the small lamp over there. Then look at the woodwork of the stairs again. Wow! This is crazy decay. Actually, look at the stairs. You can tell that there used to be a rug one day. This all has just been taken out. It's strange that they took that out but they left the chandeliers and the stoves. That's probably because they are just too heavy and it is very impractical to take them out. Well, on this floor, there are several bats. So, you are warned of the ""Bat alert"! Alright. Probably they are right over here. This is actually the final floor. I know if you look at the dark part, you normally see bats. Yeah. Well, what could this have served for? Well, I don't know why but it seems that this floor was... - ...was like a private chapel, or at least something religious. Yeah, something religious but it also seemed that they started renovating here. I mean, look at the bricks, they do not look that old at all. It also smells a little bit like renovation here. So, maybe they had ambitions to renovate the place. But they never succeeded. Their ambitions were just too high and eventually, the project just stopped and the place was left ever since. It's very sad, damn. Alright, there is one other way up. It is leading us to the very last room. No beds inside and normally we would say, we are going to finish off, but we actually still have a school to go to. Exactly. So, the school is actually right next door here. You can maybe see it from here, wait. I will open it up. I do not know if you can look through the bushes, it is very hard to see, but literally the building right next door is a huge school and that's what we are going to explore next. Yeah, I am not sure if you can see it properly, but that is where we are heading right now. Let's close this up again to prevent the water from falling in. Because it would be very sad for the property. Yes! Alright, so we just filmed the mansion. We really hope you enjoyed it. Right now, we are going to make our way to the school and hopefully, we can reach it through this side. Because it is a fairly big walk. *Laughs* Be careful. Alright. Damn. Hmm, okay, okay. Is that the school building?! - Yeah, I think so. For real? - I'm going to check it. If it is that one it's massive. - Yeah, I'm going to check it first, because I don't know... I see smashed windows but I do not see any dust. Okay, so we have to walk down the hill. We checked our map and that is actually the school building and it's massive! - It's really massive. It seems like this is a big garden part and we have to look where we actually have to enter. Oh no, wait, here. It's like a little bridge right?! - Yeah, indeed, indeed. Wow. Is there still water flowing? - No, no. I think once there was water running, but right now it is just all completely covered in the vegetation. Imagine, that there once used to be a river. Over there is actually the school area. Probably, the pupils would just hang out here during the breaks. It is crazy! It is such a big contrast between now and then. Right. Hmm. I think we have to climb the wall, but we have to look. Look, over there is another bridge. Okay, so we walked around for a bit, and over here, at the backside, the fence is opened, so we do not have to climb the pretty tall wall. I'm really curious how the school is going to be. If it is also emptied out, or that the school banks and everything is still present inside. Yeah, we are going to check it out. Maybe it is closed. We do not have any information on it. And that with the big bag. - Yeah, I can not place my foot anywhere here. Inbetween the things. You're good? Just one big jump... Watch out with your bag, watch out with your bag! Alright... Wait, wait. Yes! Alright. I'm still stuck, man. Yeah? There we go. The big camera bag can carry a lot of equipment, yet the disadvantage is you can get stuck in between things. But let's go and search for an entrance now before we take too much attention. Well, you can tell a lot of windows have been smashed. Alright, where should we go? Up here? - Yeah, I think so. Hmm. It looks like everything is properly sealed. Yeah, it is indeed. Maybe this one? Nah, I don't think so. I'm going to feel but I think it is closed. Look down! You see that? There is actually a house. - Yeah. Well, it actually was a house. - It's a complete ruin now. Completely collapsed. Oh! It's open! That's actually a surprise. Alright, there we go, brother. - Here we are. Oh! That's crazy. So, this was actually a boarding school, I guess the pupils slept in here. - Well, you can definitely tell. Pffft, it's hot in here! Alright. The tiles here on the sides are beautiful. - Very cool, isn't it? Also the paintings. So, if the bedrooms were over there, these were the toilet areas. A lot of showers for the pupils. - Exactly. Damn. All the matrasses for the beds. - A big storage man. There are even room numbers. This school is actually very special because it is so different from the secondary schools in our country. - Exactly. Look! Wow. - All the beds are still right in place. It's crazy. So all the pupils were just sleeping here during the weeks. And probably at the weekends, they were allowed to go to their home. - Yeah. You can also see some religious windows over here. Well, I think the Roman-Catholicism was very important in this school. - Yeah exactly. And I think this school was only for Roman-Catholic people. There are actual numbers on these doors. Well, this room is pretty empty, but you can tell those were all rooms where the pupils used to sleep. Pfff, damn! Wow. They are actually all the same. - Yeah, they are all similar. So, if this top floor was all for the parts where they used to sleep, because look over here, there is another room, then I think that we will find the classrooms on the down floors. There is actually some stuff left. Yeah, I'm actually surprised how stuffed the place still is. - Yeah. This was for a girl so you can tell that girls were in this college as well. And look! Right behind you. The hat of a chef cook. - Oh yeah. It is actually from a cook. Okay, so the last rooms on this floor, seem to be some other sleeping areas. The bathing area. There is still toilet paper, even toothpaste, over there. This was from a pupil one day who was attending this school. Then actually realize, that this school was built by the owner of the mansion that we just filmed and you just saw. It's actually so strange to imagine that this place is still completely stuffed and that also nobody is taking care of it. So, the corridor keeps on going. Over here are the stairs going down. It's so neat that everywhere on the sides are all these Spanish tiles. This definitely looks like Pegasus. *Laughs* Some angels. I love the patterns. You can definitely tell that local people have been vandalizing here and there, but it is still in quite good condition, and the tiles have not been smashed. - Yeah, not many people have been here. Nah, only local people. Maybe some explorers. Another very big room. Wow! Some massive rooms here. This one is actually completely empty. This was an actual sitting corner in the center where the pupils would just have their lunch. I think this is another area where there's a lot of beds and sleeping areas because it does not seem that this was the floor where the pupils were attending their lessons. Imagine there are so many rooms. I think there were a lot of pupils attending this school, as there is so many mountainous towns in this area and I think this is one of the only secondary schools there. - Exactly, exactly. They used to come over here and used to stay here for the week. Because it is a pretty big complex, which you also can tell. To be honest, this floor was actually quite boring. Hopefully, we are finally going to the classrooms right now. Oh wow! Look at this. - Oh yeah. This was the main entrance. Oh! This is very beautiful. Those were the actual main doors here. You can definitely tell that religion was an important subject. - Oh yeah. A huge statue there in the corner. A very beautiful one. - Actually, look. Right over here. This was probably made by one of the students. - Yeah, indeed. Look over here, the dogs with the shield. Like they are protecting something in the room which is about to follow. They are quite terrifying. - Yeah, they don't look friendly at all. Ah, this must have been an office area. - You can tell that it is vandalized, but it is still cool that this was once left. This was probably a room for the teachers and the owner as well. Oh wow! I think one of the first classrooms is right over here. Yeah, have a look! The whiteboard over there. All the seats and the chairs of the students, wow! All of that is full of dust. Wow. They are still all standing here. It is actually so fascinating. Look at this! - Yeah, what is it? It looks so vintage, I really like it. *Agrees* Over here is actually a phone. So they could insert some coins/money and they could call someone, for example, their parents or friends. - Hmm. Wow. Look! This was the room for English lessons. It is still written on the whiteboard. "Meal", "beans/peas", "at the lunchroom", "anything else?". The last notes and writing of the teacher. "Vegetables", "fish and chips", "carrots", "sandwich". They were educated here in the English language. That's actually a very good thing, as in Spain in the mountainous towns, the smaller towns, there are not a lot of people who are very good at English. - Then look. This is all English. Those are actually still the lesson books. - Actually, I want to find something. Yeah, this is just an English story. Damn. It is actually very cool to find. All the school stuff is left. This place is better than expected, to be honest. - Yeah. Another religious statue over here. Over there, it is apparently even going another level down. - And over there was the reception area. Oh yeah! You can tell, there's a desk. Okay, so we're continuing in this school. Look at the bench over here. Sadly enough, it has been sprayed with graffiti. Yet, another classroom. - This is a more vintage one. Yeah, you can also tell by the older schoolboard there. - What school items are actually left over here? Oh, some more English lesson books. Yeah, it is about grammar. So, I think this was the lunch area. Have a look, wow! It is actually very crazy... - ...that this is just abandoned. A cafeteria. There used to be some food, fruit, and slices of bread laying in here probably. - Yeah, exactly. This used to be the cafeteria part over here and this is where they would have their lunch break. The dishes used to be served out here. Also, look over there in the corner. The Simpsons! The mural was painted by the students. Do you think this actually was an international school, also for English people? - You know what I'm thinking? I'm seeing all the childish things. I'm even hesitating if this was a secondary school or not. - Yeah, true, true. But also the fact that everything is written in English. We are in Spain, and not in the United Kingdom. I really don't know. I'm also wondering why they just leave it like this, as you can easily give it a new purpose. Maybe make some apartments of it. The reason is probably that it is allocated in a quite rural part of Spain, where not many people live and there is just a small population. - You can easily make something out of this school. Yeah. Over here was the kitchen attached to the lunchroom. Damn. Everywhere are kitchen tools. - Yeah. Actually, right over there... It looks like there is another classroom. I'm not sure though. Oh no! This was the complete lunch area to sit after they grabbed their lunch in the cantina. - They would have all been sitting over here. Oh crazy, there are even trash cans over here, in which they would throw everything away. - Are the trash cans still filled? That would be very crazy. Yep! Still, the last garbage is inside. Over there, also used to be a mural. - Look. The cookies. Still the last trash of the pupils. So, I'm going to walk down to give you another view of the main entrance. It definitely looks like the gate of a school. - Oh, yeah. Actually, look at this! Something very cool! Taxidermy. Oh, that was unexpected. And it is still there and has not been thrown around. Some birds, the fox... - And this was the reception area. You can definitely tell students would come in here and ask: "Can I please go home? I'm not feeling so well. It's sad to see that the paintings over here are just thrown on the ground. So, the last floor. Well, this is storage. I think this is the name of the former college. You can see all the teachers and pupils. Oh my gosh! Crazy. And this is definitely storage. You can see they collected all these chairs here, thrown together as one big dump. - I see something, actually, it is from swimming. You see it over there, the blue things? Oh yeah. - Do you think there is a swimming pool? To be honest, I don't know. Maybe, on this floor. There is only one way to find it out. - Well... I think this was a recreational area. - Yeah. There are a lot of table tennis tables here. Oh, and it is raining very hard right now outside. - Yeah, I thought I was hearing something all the time, and it was thunder! Yeah, it was thundering. - Ha, look! It is raining in the mountains and we are inside the abandoned school here. - This is very cool man. Ah, the ball is broken, unfortunately. Let's see if I can score. *Laughs* Look at the big star here in the center. - Yeah, it is very cool, isn't it? Actually, these tables were ping-pong tables. It seems this was a popular game here. - This one still has the net. Man, it is really raining cats and dogs outside. - Yeah. I think we will get very wet if we return to the car. Damn, the storm is real here in the mountains right now. It can be sunny all day and eventually, it just starts pouring rain. This was a power room. And some additional storage. I think this was a conference room where they would have some meetings and discuss some topics. - This was the craft room. Oh! The craft room. Okay... This was the place where they would draw and do some creative things. - Yes, exactly. The funny things. Ah! Toilets. - Yes, exactly. For the ladies and the men Yeah, this one was for the gents. This was another craft room. - Oh yeah. You can definitely tell so. And right next door... What would have been the purpose of this room? I think just a normal classroom, but there is not much left from it. Look! This was "Jose's" class. - Yeah, "Jose", probably the name of the teacher. Man... I'm actually really happy that we checked this place out. - Yeah. It definitely adds up to the video and imagine as well that the owner of the mansion was actually the person who built this school and put his money in it. - And he was also the owner. I can tell he was very wealthy. Also, because of the school, I think. There is another empty room here. Then, I think this is a very cool room. Because look: those are some very old school banks. And there are still a lot of books, magazines and other booklets about the "Holy Child". These banks are so tiny, so I think it was definitely a primary school. - Yeah. It is actually so good to start with the English language at such a young age. But it's strange that everything is English here. - I think it definitely served as a school for international children who immigrated here. Yeah, exactly. It's crazy. I think we're going to spend another hour inside without filming, to wait for the rain until it's done. And after, we're going to the next home. This will actually be a house. We really hope it works out, but we don't know if it's open. Despite that, we really want to thank y'all for watching this video and making it to this part of the video. If you enjoyed it, you know the drill. Please hit the LIKE button, SUBSCRIBE down below and leave your opinion in the COMMENT section right down below. The mansion by itself was such a beauty, even though it was emptied out. It was still very unique with some splendid artwork inside. In the end, the school was definitely a nice addition to it as well. So, thanks for watching! Peace out from Spain and we'll see you on our next adventure in this beautiful country. Hopefully with some sun, and no rain. Bye-bye!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 100,893
Rating: 4.9441118 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, spanish mansion, magical, abandoned places, spanish, mansion, magical abandoned mansion, magical mansion, school, founder, architecture, incredible, spain, mansion in spain, abandoned house, house, abandoned castle, illusional mansion, explomo, urbex, urban exploration, exploration, explore, urban exploring, exploring, theproperpeople, exploring with josh, abandoned spanish mansion, everything left behind, abandoned school, college, college founder, castle, places, EX
Id: srMTN6XieI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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