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now let me ask you now why do you want love i was just sitting and i was talking to my wife and we texting back and forth and um she she picking up the boys from school and we was talking about like tour life for speakers and entertainers and then talking about you know uh fashion and posting on online on instagram and stuff like that and we're talking through these conversations and looking at both sides of the coin and i remember when i was touring i wanted so bad as a man to like live my purpose and like to do business and i thought it was so cool to be a speaker and to tour and then i remember one time when i got hired by a nba team it's a professional sports team and they're in another state and every week my contract was to be there two days a week so they flew me from my state to their state reason why i'm not saying teams because on my contract it stated that i could not tell anybody that i was working with this team and so which probably doesn't apply now because i'm done so i probably could say now but i just try to keep stuff you know confidential and so i'm flying to this team and when i first went it was it was amazing because i'm like wow like when you're a sports fan and you play sports and you want to go to the nba i'm like wow this is something and i remember being in the locker room like these guys before the game at halftime after the game before practice after practice i'm in the locker room with nba players and being from the outside looking in that was real cool and then i'm going to the other arenas with the team sometimes because when i flew in if they had to fly out i'm flying out with them and so i'm on a team plane so the plane is as big as a plane that you fly on with 300 people but it's just just all um first-class chairs bigger than first-class chairs it's just all big chairs and they have tables and stuff and so the players could you know they they gamble they play cars and stuff like that the coaches sit up in one area the players in this area maybe players in another area the staff they sit back in the area the star player could bring his entourage or his mom or dad none of the other players bring any family regularly just the superstar can do that and that's how it is so seeing that life and i'm like wow it's crazy and going to other arenas and knowing other players from other teams from being a speaker to the nba rookies for six years i was a speaker so i talked to all of the rookie classes from 2010 through 2015. except for 2011 when they was in a lockout so i knew about 300 players and when i'm going to the other cities other players that i spoke to when i'm on the court during warm-ups before the game players would come up and speak to me some of them i didn't even know their name or remember that i spoke to their class but they remembered me and they would speak to me and it was just so cool and so here i am i'm this man and i'm out on the road and i'm living this dream and no other team had a life coach some have sports psychologists sports psychiatrists but not a life coach and so i don't have a college degree and at that time i was 31 years old we had a player on the team older than me but yet i'm supposed to be a mentor for him and then we had two or three players on the team same age as me basically and like 30 and so it was extremely hard for me but i'm like man i'm living the dream and then one day i came home and i was home and i'm driving my son to school and my mind is racing and i'm thinking about the team i'm thinking about all the drama i'm thinking about the issues i'm trying to navigate through with the team and all this he said he said and my son was talking he's eight years old he talking talking talking and i said to him i said son i said hey sometimes it's okay to just be quiet like sometimes it's okay to just ride and just you know just be quiet just think and he said yeah i'm quiet sometimes but you wouldn't know because you're never here and i was like um and i started to cry a tear ran down my teeth and i called my boss at the team and i said hey man i'm done i gotta i gotta resign man i'm just not home enough because at the same time i was touring because i had to make money because the team like what i earned in a year the team was paying me but i was already a a public figure so i so what the team paid me was like ten percent of my income but what the team paid me was a normal income like if you could completely live off of it but based on where i had my family at it was 10 so imagine working in corporate and getting a salary that this salary you can buy a house if you got two last two two months i mean two years of tax returns you could buy a house for if you got somebody if you with somebody if you buy yourself you could buy a house for about 200 000 which back then in in 2015 in the state of texas or certain states that would have been a decent house that would have been a nice little house 200k now things changing a little bit now if you got somebody you married and they make money okay 400k and or what have you so but the salary the team was giving me i could live off of it [Music] but i had built my family beyond that so what they was paying me was like 10 of my earnings and so i had to still do me do my other work so i remember i was torn and so as i'm torn i may do i remember one time i was i spoke i set a speaking engagement in memphis tennessee and my team was gonna be playing against the memphis grizzlies so me and my two guys i was on the road with we got tickets i got tickets for us to the game and we went to the game we watched the game and i remember getting a pass to go into the locker room and the player's like what you doing here man what are you doing here i got a speaking engagement tomorrow like oh okay all right why are you doing your thing okay so you just don't work for us on you you do you i'm like yeah i'm still you know doing doing my thing but here's what it was if i got to go to this team for if i got to go to this team for monday and tuesday i come home wednesday tuesday night i'm home wednesday but then if i got to speak in la or chicago or atlanta or charlotte on saturday i got to leave thursday or friday so i'm home like two days and i'm gone five days so my family never seen me my son got a game every weekend like hey dad i got a game and such such it's okay i know you're not gonna be there though and that thing start to hurt me starting to hurt me and i'm like so i remember i think it was around that year i looked at my tour at my tour uh revenue and my tour had generated hundreds of thousands of dollars okay i tried not to speak all too many numbers but it had generated hundreds of thousands of dollars you know moving towards a half a million from going around doing seminars and i'm selling tickets some cities on sale don't buy every owned by any city in america i could sell 200 tickets at that time and then but some cities will be up to like 700 tickets and this with no paid advertising this just me posting the flyer on my facebook posting the flyer on my instagram posting the flyer on my twitter calling it a day and so you sell tickets tickets were i think 25 to like 80 and then you sell t-shirts and books in the back of the room i sell online courses in the back of the room i sell coaching sessions back of the room so back in room you may make 2 000 to 5 thousand ticket sales that could be anywhere from five thousand to thirty thousand and so room rental at the most i paid was like eight nine thousand that's like new york and la other than that you you coming in around 2500 to 5 000. so you either breaking even losing money or someone you'll hit and make some money but it's making up for the ones you broke even or you lost a little bit and so it wasn't all of that but my son growing up without me eight years old then i had a one-year-old at the time so now i'm going all the time my wife she practically a single mom and her mom over here helping all the time so when i came home i started to notice like my wife was like a zombie it's like she really kind of be kind of cold kind of distant and when i talked to her about it she was like well you live in your dream you are you rip and running you all over you live in this fantabulous nba lifestyle but i'm home with these two kids and i'm doing all this by myself and i didn't sign up to be a single mom like if i was going to be a single mom and i could be a single mom and call my own shots do whatever i want to do do it how i want to do it but i'm in here with a husband i got to ask you talk to you answer to you work with you like i don't get to go shop and do whatever i want to do and make moves how i want to make moves because i'm married but it yet feel like i'm single because you on roll and so i had signed a three-year deal to god be the glory i was able to get out of it after the first year after that first season the season i started doing like september october really like october through like april or i think like through april or may or something it could have went through yeah but yeah by may or april so it was a decent amount of months that's the exact months of my son's soccer schedule so i miss like almost all his games i miss a lot of his games that year and i had never done that and so this the thing i had to realize like okay was i supposed to be married like what was was love for me was marriage for me because if i'm living like this and i got my wife pregnant two times this ain't fair to her to be having to shoulder the burden but a lot of times it's me and we don't think about that we just doing us now if it's your only way to eat then okay that's your only way to eat but think about like pro athletes they make a whole lot of money and so yeah some would say well that money make up for the sacrifice of missing a child birthday missing christmas missing easter missing anniversary because that schedule don't change for nobody the nba schedule is the nba schedule the nfl schedule is the nfl scout they don't care who which one of your kids or your wife birthday it is if a game that day you got a game if the game is away it's an away game you got the face time don't matter if that's your anniversary you don't get to be off because that's your wedding anniversary you got to be there so for me i had to be there i had to show up because i signed the contract and i remember the boss man once i said tony you sign a contract two days a week you gonna be here so you can't just be backing out you know this is a agreement that you signed the dotted line so i'm like man so at first it was cool then it was draining and then i remember after that i retired from that and i kept speaking you know i do speak in the game just not as many come 2016 you know 2017. i'm speaking but just not going crazy with it and being home more figuring out business from home and then i started to think and realizing just being there being able to be there for my wife and like i do the practice run she do the school runs i'm working throughout the day working with clients writing a book doing videos doing handling emails handling the academies shooting a new course i'm working creating you know business purpose work throughout the day she does the school drop off she do the school pick up if she got something and i need to do it then we flip-flop come home i take the boy to practice that's our little thing and so being able to so when i'm gone she got to do drop off pick up and practice that's like one two three four five six that's six hours driving every day because our their school is further away because they go to a private school then they really mean a lot to her we literally got public school that's an a-rated school right outside of our neighborhood but my wife don't want the kids in public school i get i stay out of that because i've seen it work for our kids i see that their grade level their grades ahead of kids in public school who in a same grade my my son my ninth grade son is doing freshman and college work like he reads and comprehends and spells and works on a college freshman level in the ninth grade the public schools where we are even though a rated the stuff they doing in ninth grade my son did in sixth grade so i realized that this is how certain groups maintain power because they create these schools and the schools are typically separated by income and so if you don't have the income to go to this school you also not getting the education that this school is giving so now the people with the income kids getting the education we got in there before we had income we got in on financial aid and they actually teaching more and they learning more so guess what if you got more education you're going to do better on your s.a.t and your acts so now you're going to get into a better college you're going to get a better degree now because of your pedigree your high school your college your degree you eligible for a better job so now you got a better job because you got better preparation through school and to get in college so now you get the top job now you run in society and so i started so i stayed out the way and let my wife handle the school stuff and it has worked out for our kids and they still cultured they still you know because people say oh they you know they're in a bubble where it's like they no they still it's still drugs on the campus it's still fornication it's still my son told me but it's just that education it's that education my son told me yesterday that a little girl said he was sitting on the bench and he kind of was reclining and and a senior walked by and said what you want some head you're gonna make me act up and huh what you said huh and so i had to talk to him about that and let them know look these these young lady they finally get more forward than that i went through it son they found to be more forward to that this is a lesson for y'all talk to your daughter talk to your daughter just like and talk to your son too now but i say son they bout to get more forward than that he said but it looked like she was joking i said son a woman that say that she was serious but she did it as a joke to see how you were gonna take it he said i scrunched up my eyebrows and just looked at her like she was crazy he was like that was the most awkward exchange i've ever had in my life he didn't have to tell me about that that's what let me know he not on that because if he was on that he would that would have never got mentioned and so i i had to teach him and i got to show him so talk to your kids now because it's going down and so i realized he still culture he still get to see everything this public school kids get to see but it costs more money now because we didn't come off financial aid was on financial aid first couple years two three years but then when we couldn't show tax returns showing that we deserve financial aid had to come out that financial aid now not only are we paying full tuition we actually donating extra to the school which we just donated more than my son's whole year tuition we just donated to the school so that they could fix the high school bathrooms and but the thing is is you and them spaces and they don't take k in public school they don't take k in private school either but one thing you're gonna get is a better education in certain private schools not all alumni and so i say that to say i realized i had to work and i got to keep money flowing because i got to pay that tuition [Music] and i liked the environment i grew up in public school so i know both sides of it and i like the environment i like the education i like the activities they get to do and so here's the thing what i had to realize is what's more important than money and having money to pay tuition and money to create a lifestyle what's more important is my presence and so and me being there for my child and so now i look around and i see people my age on tour speakers comedians rappers they on tour and some of them got kids and so that's why i say it's like you got to ask yourself what you want love for what do you want love for if you want love for more than love you need to pause if you want love for money if you want to be in a relationship for business so you can monetize your relationship so you could get commercials so you could get ad dollars you got to check yourself if you can't keep your love sacred if everything about your relationship have to be a production or a photo shoot you're going to fail you're eventually going to fail and you got to be careful about that same with your family if you turn your family into a business deal and it's all about just chasing a bag and the somebody in the family is just touring all the time and always gone and always you know doing something everything got to be a photo shoot for instagram so that you never get to have organic natural real moments that's not turned into a monetization your family is going to break down it's going to fall apart it's just no if ands and buts about it nobody's built for that people oh well some people that's just how they built that's just how they know they ain't they it's going to fall apart eventually it may take 20 years before it does but it's going to fall apart when you're not there and you look at some of these celebrities kids who grow up into adulthood and they and you see them with so much confusion they have an identity crisis they don't know who they want to be they don't the one day they want to be a woman one day they want to be a man one day they want to be biceps one day they want to be home then one day they want to be heterosex like they have an identity crisis because the parents had them brought them into the world but the parents was too busy chasing their dreams listen you don't got dreams when you got realities when you bring children into the world your children come first it's about your kids now it's about your ki about all your dreams if you worry about your dream you shouldn't have got on your bike you shouldn't have laid down and got in that bed on top of that woman or up under that man if you so focus on dreams because now it's about your kids so let me tell you the lord laid this on my heart and that's why i'm sharing this message with whoever is i only know what this thing gonna be called i only know how to title this but this one and i'm just being in flow in the spirit just speaking on what the lord asked me to speak on i ain't got no program set i ain't got no videos laid out no more i never really had that i tell advertisers that people who write in about getting video shout outs that i laid out because it's laid out for the lord what the lord moved my spirit so listen to what lord laid on my heart let me tell you something the lord said tony what matters most is your family and be not be not deceived be not deceived don't think you can have a presence and not be present don't think you could live on the road and have the same effect in your son's life that you could in the household don't think that your wife is the end-all be-all and that she is everything to your sons because if she was everything to your son i wouldn't have made a man i wouldn't have created a father if she could be everything i wouldn't need you i would just implant the baby in her the way i did mary but see mary didn't need a man because i put jesus in her then what the lord said now but see your wife needed your sperm you laid on top of her so your presence in the household is needed so don't think you can serve the world and just take care and focus on the world and forget about your family because you chasing purpose so you call it because the lord had to check me and say is this purpose or is this fun because you could reach millions sitting at home you not on the road for me you on the road for you because the lord say i've engaged somebody the mindset to create a thing called zoom so you ain't got to go nowhere you could spend an hour to at home so that you with your kids leading up to your zoom and you with your kids after your zone so is you on the road for you or is you on the road for me see i had to sit and suck with the lord and i had to get this thing and and so the lord gave you an opportunity to make a decision and i said okay all right [Music] so coming in to the end of 2019 round 2019 i said you know what i got to build youtube i said i got to build youtube because i had it since 2011 but i only post one video a week but i said i got to use my voice more online than going on the road because i'm too much away from my family and i said i'm gonna end up losing my family if i'm always gone because it's weakening the connection of me and my wife hold on y'all got to forgive him leaving front door for some time getting stuff in and not and uh so i said weakening the connection between me and my wife it's weakening the connection between me and my son my oldest son my young son he's too young he really ain't no and so i said i got to implement something different and this for all kingdom minded entrepreneurs or people who have demanding schedules but you got kids or a spouse [Music] your family is your first ministry my son was telling me about an event he went to a little birthday party he went to and some parents who is respected in the community their child was at that party acting a slap donkey and my son said it he said i felt embarrassed for her parents or his parents i ain't gonna say which gender it was just in case family other people watched watch my videos and it was parents who were chaperoning who told my my wife yeah your son i'm not sure if he had a great time like he he was just kind of sitting there and i talked to my son he said dad you know all all the the girls was twerking he was like and for one they barely know how to dance so it looked like they were just gyrating their shoulders and they're calling it twerking and he was like you know and they want to do that all up on you on your body he's like i'm not i'm sorry i'm not finna do that he's like what is the point of that and so my son very logical and yes he he know what pretty is we talk about pretty we talk about beauty we talk about uh an attractive person to him he's telling me about this lady he's seen at the theme park that was the most beautiful woman he ever seen in his life and talking about how you know she she had dark skin just rich real rich melanin you know darker than me darker than him his mama and how he seen for the first time he seen in person like black beauty because he had never seen somebody be praised on tv like well he really don't get to watch tv and at his school it's not really you know it's black kids but it's not a whole lot and so when he brought that to me i said man i really like that that you could appreciate you know everything you can appreciate what the world tried to make look bad that you love that and he don't take pride in or feel like he better than anybody because he got light skinned and that's what the world would try to make us feel the world getting the colorism you better if you white you better if you like and i just was talking to another black parent who his son is going through stuff at school over colorism and so i teach my kids about this stuff and i let them know i didn't pick your mama because she light skin i just happened to meet her and i was going to sleep with her on a one-night stand and then i found out she was a wife but my preference was dark-skinned women i just was dating around messing around but i wanted a woman who looked like me or darker because i see the plight that we have to go through the darker and darker your skin is so i broke that down to my son and help him realize the real out here and people get it twisted just because my wife is is lighter skin they but don't realize i met my wife in 2005 like i'm not a part of the trend that's going on today where you have darker skinned men intentionally and purposely picking a woman just because of a lighter skin color just because of self-hate that they feel in their heart so i had to break it down explain this to my son and so listen i'm sitting there and i'm realizing i need to be in the home my son started getting in a little bit of trouble at school you know talking out of turn talking too much in class as he was in school and i'm like that's my fault cause i'm not there like when i put my foot down and i'm standing with my wife and i back her up on what she trying to teach him that's when it get driven all the way in and she tell me even today she like listen if you let him do one thing and i'm telling him another thing he like well daddy don't care so i had to check him and let him know son this why i do this right here this is why i talk to you about this when we listen to rap music we breaking it down barbara barr and i'm helping you understand how stupid this kid sounds and how stupid this music is this ain't for you to just go be listening to it and indulging in and then praising it no we not on that we don't celebrate or support this rap music out here today none of this here ratchet stupid music like but i want you to be aware of it and nobody so i had to check my son i said listen you don't do homework to this here rap music because the subconscious mind is not to be played with so you put you on some soundscapes if you need some noise put you on something else something that's not going to be feeding your subconscious violence and fornication and all this i say i study this because i got to study the culture so that i could be on top of it so i know what the devil doing so that when i speak i can speak against what the devil is doing and so that's why when i speak on these podcasters these men who is working for the devil people accuse me of being jealous i ain't jealous of nobody god and gave me the best life you can have on earth the best life you could have on earth i ain't jealous of nobody but what i'm called to do is call out sin and to call like the devil i got the satan get thee behind me that's what i'm called to do and that's what i realized that i don't have the time to placate i don't have no more time god's showing me tony it's time out for the games you got to say my name more this ain't about fitting in this ain't about not offending nobody this by speaking truth to power and this what got to be done you hear me and see it was a scent it was a devil that came in the comments and told my have y'all noticed tony content going getting worse and going down and it was a few of y'all that got whoever that was man or woman because it looked like a fake account like didn't have no real picture got it was a few of y'all got that person together you hear me what what you all here doing this content and then when somebody else the lord showed me let me see the comment and said tony your content then got a lot better since the maldives but listen i don't need uh compliments i don't need whether uh you think i'm doing good or bad because i'm working for god so understand that right now first and foremost but i want to show you how the devil worked but then how god will remind you no stay stay in your lane keep keep doing what you call to do and listen it this ain't about you the lord said you was in sin when your son was conceived and then you got married before your son was born and then you raising these two boys with your wife but now that y'all have brought these two boys in the world it's now bigger than you so now your purpose has to shift because i'm not a god of giving you a purpose that's going to take you from your family if you chose to have a family because if a man god tell you in his word that if you can't take care of your own household how you feeling to take care of how you finna work for the world and see what's happening we got pastors who daughters getting pregnant at 12 and 13 15 and 16 because they so focus on other people kids in the church that they let their own kids fall by the wayside so what god put in my heart in 2019 he said you got to shift your business to where your business have to be home based i had an office in a high-rise building on the 33rd floor in downtown of my city that office cost me three thousand dollars a month i had that office for months and probably showed up a total of five times out of 180 days the lord say you flushing money down the toilet for a look [Music] i'm trying to get you a life that other people dream or that other people fighting for and you flushing it down the toilet to pay 3 000 a month for a look and i gave your wife the wisdom but you ignored your wife and twist her arm to agree to you get in that office and i didn't tell you to stay home to be home more with your kid to stop traveling the world so much to be there for your growing sons that the devil is trying to sift like wheat i ain't tell you to stay home to go get no office space so that you got to be going to office all the time because see it's it's some it's a few of you see many are called few are chosen that's why i ain't talking to everybody ain't talking to everybody there's a few chosen that god got you in purpose but he needs you to be in line and he needs you to take care of your home because it does you no good to build a name on your job and then your child is pregnant as a teenager or getting people pregnant as a teenager because you so worried about how you look in the church and how you look in the community that you're not actually raising your kids that youtube and tick tock and instagram is raising your kids but yet you serving on the board in the church and your teenage daughter or son is having sex and see this the thing that we have to realize as parents that's why i say the parents helping parents course is coming now but but the devil trying to block it my wife keep getting elbowed and hit and knee by my youngest son um the other day uh what he did he had butter in the eye when they were leaning in the hood the teacher but then the other day he linked up in the bed i think she said he was asking for a hug so now she got a brood right here i said baby this is not looking good man nobody is finna believe this i'm like come on now you and tayden got to do bella you saw you see the boy got my head cuz i grew up i had a big old head coming up that's how my son got and that head is doing damage to my white face i'm like y'all need to be careful on these hugs now she said well yeah he leaned in to give me a hug in the bed and then when he came up and put his head right here when he came up he hit me in the chin and my wife she bruised real easy so now she's got a blue hill so everybody in the parents helping parents of course we getting it together and then she's still sick and coughing because the oldest guy sit got the youngest sick then both of them got hussit so but see because of what i'm doing the lord bless my immune to be all right up under them but he'll keep my immune system clean and clear and i don't take no vitamins no multivitamins no nothing lord keep me clean and clear for the most part now here and i didn't about some time once a year to get on me now but for the most part when everybody else sit the lord keep me clean and clear because of what i got to do here you see what i'm saying so now understand this now understand this here i am the lord showing me tony you got to shift you got the shift you got to do business different you got to do business different and because what i'm trying to do through your family is to inspire other christian families and what i'm trying to do through your sons is to be leaders so i need you to do everything you need to do now and don't worry about what the devil trying to do because he can't do nothing that i don't allow him to do and if i allow him to do something and i got a purpose to serve i'm not going to let it kill you you've seen what i did for job i allowed satan to touch joel but i told him you cannot kill him joe whole family died all his cattle died everything and then his body was touched with boils but his life was spared and on the other side he got double for his trouble but see it was the story that needed to be for the world for the rest of the people to see that just because you go through don't mean that you cursed it don't mean that you don't what you're doing is wrong you could be going through because of your faithfulness you could be going through because of your diligence because of your righteousness but you will not be forsaken nor would you be begging for bread so understand this right here is when i had to shift let me tell you something what happened y'all got forgiven that because god is good and a lot of people don't want to believe in god because this society is so lost this society is so wicked they trying to take god out of school they trying to take god out of everything and people don't want to believe in god but listen to me let me tell you what lord did okay when i stayed my butt home and i started to work from home the lord spoke to my wife she said you can't be afraid to promote yourself right now we working on a project that i'm going to be bringing to youtube independently i could try to sell it to netflix but it ain't all of that because it's low budget because i'm paying for it out of our bank account out of our pocket so to produce something on this hill level it costs and i didn't do a crowd fund now in the future i can't promise you i might have to do a crowd fund for these projects but i'm doing something and i told my wife should we do a premiere in washington dc or this hill project she said yes because you never hype up anything and this my own wife who is very humble and low key and she stay out in the way you don't see her doing videos and stuff because that ain't her personality right now and so she focused on the house she focused on the family and she said yeah you need to do it and what she told when i was staying home she said you can't be afraid [Music] to you can't be afraid to promote yourself you can't be afraid to promote your stuff like you you all you got so that's what you got to do and so listen go to tony guys someone told me how can we support you go to tonygazersacademy.com i ain't asking for no handouts anything that come my way you getting something in return you getting a book that's why you don't see my cash out scrolling across the screen like you see on a lot of channels you don't see my cash out you don't see my paypal scrolling across the screen because i'm not asking you for a handout i produce content that could change your life and so when you make an investment you investing in you and it's blessing me because i created it and so somebody how can we support you tony somebody asked me on the q and a i said go to tonygastonacademy.com and buy a course buy a book so that it's blessing you so that you get somebody to deal i just ain't gonna take up no donation hey everybody donate because i want to be able to spend my earned money how i want to spend it but when you taking donations now you're a slave to how other people think you ought to spend your money so if i want to go buy me a lamborghini i ain't got no lamborghini and don't want no lamborghini but if i wanted me a lamborghini i could buy me a lamborghini because i earn money don't i don't beg for money i don't ask for nobody money i want to create and then be paid for my work that i'm creating you see what i'm saying so the lord told me tony listen you're gonna have to promote your academy more because you're creating this content that could help people get going on their way but you're not telling them about it and so talk about it more and then you need to start building youtube so now listen because what the lord told me is you going on the road and you leaving your family and you going for three to four days at a time on the road and so while you're gone your wife is alone your kids is with her and your presence is absent and they missing you because your presence adds to the environment of your household your presence adds to their mental and emotional health so when you are absent their heart drops and they gotta reset and they gotta live without you and then when you away you don't even talk to your kids on facetime because you don't want to hurt yourself and make your job what you call yourself your job you don't want to make it harder on you by facetiming and talking to them but you not built like that you built to be a family man not no road warrior and so the lord said you're gonna have to create and implement in your business one-on-one coaching sessions group coaching sessions subscription programs group membership programs youtube books virtual sets versatile classes live virtual live virtual classes all this stuff different streams see i just showed you seven or eight right there what lord told me i got to do in this 2019 and guess what happened what you remember happening in 2020 [Music] lord let the whole world get shut down but he hadn't already shifted my business from chasing [Music] from chasing purpose to operating in purpose from chasing a check chasing money to just be coming and being and doing and attracting money meaning i'm doing what i'm put here to do but instead of having to spend all this money to look like i'm making moves so i showed my wife a tour schedule or somebody my age that's on tour and she said most of that tour is for a look and i say man you right it's for a look because if it edifies our flesh because we get to feel like we special we get to feel like we somebody these people coming out for me these people yelling for me these people clapping for me your notices and pastors you're noticing some pastors who cannot get an amen everybody say amen everybody stand up right now and give a praise unto the lord that praise ain't for the lord because if the praise for the lord man don't have to command it man don't have to ask for it when the spirit move it don't need man god don't need you to ask nobody to give him a prayer god don't need you to ask nobody to say amen when god when the spirit in the building man they need it so what the pastor be doing what the speaker the motivational speaker be doing when he get everybody up and everybody got to yell and everybody is for his ego or her ego they intercepting the praise that why ain't never and the lord showed me that on my speaking game i never asked nobody to stand up and clap i never asked nobody to yell and shout and dance if if it's meant to be if what i'm saying gonna make you laugh it's gone if you gonna laugh if what i'm saying gonna make you cry you're gonna cry but i ain't got to ask you or command you to do anything [Music] for my ego but see what the lord showed me say you doing need tours to look like you making moves to look like you have momentum that's why you doing this this ain't about me this is what the lord's saying this ain't bot [Music] huh [Music] on what [Music] the ride there and the ride back [Music] didn't do that [Music] okay uh uh huh yeah oh yeah i'mma talk to him oh the box is for your mama right there on the floor hey hey on them right now them them under wheels when you huh [Music] the small ones and old ones and when you wash you know oh yeah all right like what time practice 7 30. so i'll leave at what time it is right now 4 15. okay all right like um talking to me y'all gotta forgive family first now and my son got a 60 on this test last night i see i was gone over the weekend this is a prime example i'm going over the weekend so i get home monday i'm taking him to practice he want to talk to me practice his 40 30 or 40 minute drive they're 30 40 minute drive that he supposed to be doing flash cars doing homework but he talking to me because he loved to talk and i've been gone so i let him talk now he come and get a 60 on his test so now all that right there got to be shut down all that right here talking you got to be working on the hit roll but guess what i got to be home too you see what i'm saying now see i went i was working on the project that i'm working on for y'all but it's just one weekend this ain't every weekend like i used to be going every week if i'm on if i was on tour right now that i would be gone every week so imagine then so this what i'm trying to say for for for those who call to the kingdom to not just you and your mouth and your work and what you saying but for your family now my son he go through this he he this happened last year he still got it up to a he has not he's never had an a-minus on a report card so in the beginning he worked through his kinks and he tested and he see what he could get away with and then he realized when you called by god god don't let you take shortcuts when you call any shortcut you take you're gonna get cut short when you call see you can watch other people who are not called who are not in the chosen few take shortcuts and get ahead because they working for the adversary and he runs the world so he will promote them but when you call by god you got to take the narrow road and it's going to be a long road and it ain't going to be no shortcuts and when you try to take a shortcut you're going to get stopped in your tracks so that you realize no everything has to be built with integrity you got to do it the right way so i love these teaching moments these lessons for my son and so when i get done off of here i'm going to be in his face and keeping to hear from me because he sometimes i fall back so that it ain't his mama and me like this right here but then what the lord remind me is no i don't have you in that household to be quiet it's women who raising kids by themselves who wish and fighting and crying out to me for a man to be in a household don't be in your house and be quiet you got to train him up in the way that he is to go and when he is old he won't depart from it and if you spare the rod you will spoil the child that would the bible tell you not but see this society here oh just let them do and be who they want to be let them develop what they want to develop you know if he wants to be a girl and wear pink let him do it you know he's just going to do that but the bible say train him up don't you don't say let him grow how he want to grow is say train him up in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it so what he's saying is it might be a prodigal son but he gonna come back and get it act together if you then gave your child the foundation of how they supposed to live and parents so worried about being too hard on their kid when it ain't no such thing as long as you're not abusing your child then you have been disciplined and structure and rules so my sons can't play no video games during the week they get to play friday saturday sunday but when you bring the sixth in here listen yeah that game gonna have listen here should we do not play do you hit b he's been getting to play his game every weekend throughout the summer because we went in school now we're back in school he's still on game weekend mode you bring home this safety listen that was that boy playstation he will go five months without that game and guess what them them grades be singing 100 105 110 because ain't now again he walking around here dejected i just seen him going in wrong because he know it but finn didn't get it he he know that vto game fit to have cartwheels on it do you hear me when he get that game back and he know them them great but see as a child a child gonna do what you let them do they gon they gonna take every shortcut they could take that's a parent's job to be on your child and you teach them when to study how to study why to study you teach them when they could be on their cell phone you control their cell phone at nighttime phone come out the room phone after room phone in our room you ain't got no tick tocking instagram no no google at night you got darkness to go to sleep point black period so listen i share the wins i got to share losses because i would be remiss and i will be faking phony to only share victory i got to show you that yeah although my son straight age no a minus he still get a 60 on the test sometimes a 70 sometimes at 80. and sometimes he'll do that a few times in the thing before he get it together and get that grade up and so listen in order to win you've got to sacrifice you're going to go through a struggle to have success so listen let me let me go back to what i'll tell you now the lord told me tony you need to be home so you have to create a at-home business and guess what he did this was in 2019 that i got this word around the first quarter of 2019 and i started working on it slowly but showing and then i caught a stride in the in the third or fourth quarter of 2019 i caught a consistent stride of showing up on youtube doing the videos if you want to build your youtube i created a course and you're going to see what i earn from youtube but only in that course you will where you see that uh because i don't share numbers and all that out there with the public because people you people try to get you and then so i created i i did it and then i teach it that's the business model the lord has given me you do it you sacrifice you get the hard lessons and then you teach people so that they get your learning curve so that when the the grade is curved they on the curve they benefit from the curve because you had to go through and struggle and fail first in this lesson and then you teach them and so and when you do that you are a workman and a workman is worth his wages and double if he's faithful so don't feel bad about charging because you will be a fool and you will be fake and phony if you in a marketplace giving away stuff for free when it's a market and everybody else is charging so don't don't let satan use a fake christian to make you feel bad about charging what you worth just make sure your heart is in line with god and that you aren't being greedy and that you charging a fair price for what services or offerings that you are providing and that's what the lord laid on my heart so guess what in 2020 in 2020 and this is why i got to share this because if some people say oh you doing this are you doing that or you what's the late lady says something she said oh people struggling in the middle of a pandemic or something man here you is you got this so you talking about this and people are struggling i'm i'm following you sister if you know the god that i know god gonna take care of you in and out of season but the fact that your comment so bitter let me know oh when i went to the maldives with my wife the lady was mad because people have lost a job and i'm in the maldives sister that's the god i serve that the god i serve i'm not finna stay home when i could when i need time with my wife if the lord don't bless me i had to sacrifice the goat on that trip but i made the sacrifice i wasn't just i had money growing up my eel yeah i spent everything i could afford to spend but i'm going to live because tomorrow not promised and i'm going to live because guess what when you up when god got you up my season might be down but i can't be jealous of your season or my season ain't gonna never come so see god again you when you with god in the middle of your struggle in the middle of your storm the lord will give you peace and you won't be jealous of nobody else season cause you know seasons change so if you in a rough season you finna go into a good season and if they in a good season it's a likelihood that they could go through a rough patch because seasons change and it's lessons to life and lessons come with the different seasons so listen to them just what you got to realize and understand so now i'm going y'all got a feeling i'm talking to y'all but i'm also rehearsing my speech for my son at the same time it's just way my mind works so y'all forgive him so then what you have to understand so lord showed me this here and god in this with contentment now that's what lord start to speak to me tony you got to be content you got to be content yeah you blessed and and a byproduct a byproduct of sacrifice is success a byproduct of hard work is money it comes eventually might not be right when you want it to but it eventually comes but when you get those rewards when you reap the harvest be content with your harvest keep doing what you doing but don't get greedy so that's what the lord speaking to me in this season don't get greedy now get the desires of your heart live life but but make sure you are grateful and content with the life that you have now understand that and so now what the lord did is he showed me and this is what you got to realize when you're walking with god he's going to order your steps he gonna order your steps and what the lord told me he said now listen you on youtube this is a system they support you if you gonna support them when you talk about me don't feel like you got to turn the ads off just because you talking about me because you want a marketplace so your videos help keep their likes on too so if you want to reach more people it got to make them money because you in it for me but they in it for their money youtube don't care about god but they're not gonna push your video if you turn your advertisements off because they can't make no money off the video and they don't care about building your little raggedy brand but if you're gonna make them some monty they gonna push it and for the people who is four they gonna hit skip on their ad or they're gonna let the ad play and they're gonna get the message if the message is for them those who it's not for gonna get mad with every time they're gonna click off the screen that ain't who is see the people that's why i talk so long because this ain't for everybody just for the people who are called if you get to right here there's a calling on your life because i've been talking to uh for an hour that is way too long for a carnal mind that's way too long for one of satan minions to sit here that's why they can't cancel me and catch me up because satan means i don't got the patience to sit to an hour to find something that they could counsel me for and then if they sit for an hour god gonna soften their heart cause heat cause they gonna find out i ain't on here to do no harm everything i'm gonna hear to do it to do good to do the work of the lord so that what you got to understand so now listen to me when you call he gonna give you away because he's not gonna forsake his call so when you call to either be the best parent in the world because what god gone do do through your kids or you call to be the best person you could be because of what he gonna do to you he gonna always make your way playing and he gonna make a way he gonna make a way so you know where you got to go so when i mean playing i don't mean it ain't gonna be no potholes there ain't gonna be no detour but you gonna know and and have an assurance of where you got to go then what you got to understand so the lord dropped this on my spirit tony shift your business you to event heavy you based on live events shift your business well they here because this how the lord work so i shift my mindset i shift my business and then guess what happened in it man i can't say it the p-a-n [Music] march [Music] 2020 is when the world [Music] was called to a standstill [Music] and do but do you know what god had put on my heart in 2019 before we sniffed kohen before we knew anything about that strand that was going to be passing around the world that was going to ravage the world god has shifted my mindset and shifted my business so when it came i was able to get out of that three thousand dollar a month lease and they weren't gonna let me out they said we don't care about this you signed up on this release and it say regardless of what's going on in the world even if there is a fire that burned the building down you supposed to pay rent that's what the contract said i said listen here you talk to the wrong one i say listen we live in cancel culture and every week y'all sending an email to every tenant in this building that there has been another case reported so i cannot safely with a conscience with a son who has severe asthma show up in that office when y'all are saying there is an outbreak happening in the building every week so how do you think my online following is going to feel when i if i have to tweet about in the middle of cancer culture if i have to tweet that y'all won't let me out of my lease knowing that y'all got ppp money and sba money to cover leases being broken whoa that was the lord gave to me that lady wrote me back well mr gaston we're actually gonna let you out of your contract we're just gonna keep your security deposit which was four thousand and some dollars but i'll let them keep it though because technically by the letter of the law and contract i was supposed to still be paying rent so i had to give something but by getting out of that that saved me you know what is that uh eighteen thousand dollars or and and more considering how you know however long else i would have had to pay so that saved me tens of thousands of dollars so i was able to get out of that and i'll work from home and i said baby i need to create a oasis she went on facebook marketplace and she found these bookshelves you see that one right there it's another one right here she got both of these for a hundred dollars and they solid wood they super heavy they solid wood she got on facebook marketplace she got me this desk that i'm on she got me this new chair she got me a couple of um i think this puffs come out the living room this ain't my puff but it's in here and she got me them two chairs over there and we got this here wall painted and i ordered this logo and i created a home office the wall you know paint you paint yourself 80 dollars get the paint or something and then this logo cost me 300 to 500 but it give it a professional look and then he was 100 so right there 600 i got a home office and this is this was a bedroom that's converted into an office and so i said i'm gonna work from home and this is what lord laid on my heart he said tony every message that i put on your heart make a video on it because you don't know when your last day is gonna be and i need your voice your message that i have given you you you are a messenger i need those messages to live on so don't worry about a schedule don't worry about youtube algorithm don't worry about description box filling out keywords thumb custom thumbnails don't worry about playing the youtube game do what i'm telling you to do and everything gonna be fine so i do the opposite of what all youtube teachers teach you to do and god still bless my channel because when god is in it it's gonna do what it's supposed to do and the reason why this is the thing see the reason why i don't have over a million subscribers on youtube or on instagram is because i speak the truth and the truth hurts and and it's because i speak a righteous word for christ remember christ was crucified so christ is never going to be popular in our world christ will never be popular he will be effective and he will save lives and lives will be saved he will be the savior but christ will never be popular because the world was given to the devil so christ is the is the x factor that he come when you call them when you invite them into your heart when you confess your sins and you repent and you say the sinner's prayer and you could say it with me right now lord i confess my sins to you and i ask that you will forgive me for my sins and that you will come into my heart and you will wash me and cleanse me i believe that you came and you died on the cross and you rose again for my salvation and i ask that you will be my savior and live with me daily forgive me for all of my sins in word deed and thought and accept me into your kingdom allow me to be your son or daughter and give me the strength and the courage to be an example for you in this world in jesus name i pray amen so right there i had to take you on through that because right there somebody just rededicated their life to christ or just gave their life to christ but see what god gonna do let me tell you in and i didn't want to share on this but god said listen you're not bragging but i need people to know and understand because it's 20 21 and bought to the end of it in 2020 when the world was falling apart and so many people were losing a job and everything was going because i had decided to be 100 obedient to god and because my season of struggle had shifted some people it the the pandemic it was their season two struggle it was the lessons that they needed to get but in that god took and blessed my business to where i earned more than i had ever earned and god ushered me into a new season of life in business to where i had a 300 percent increase from 2019 to 2020 and people said so when i shared this with certain people who were carnal minded they said oh that's because it was the pandemic and everybody was home but then when 2021 came and everybody was back to work god still kept doing the same thing he had been doing so i said that wasn't that wasn't just then that was a new season that he that god ushered me into that was another level that he was ushering me into that was him saying listen you've been faithful continue to be faithful we going to the next level i need you to be able to do more so this project that i'm creating this film project that's going to be a webisode it's going to be 5 episodes that i'm creating that cost money out of my pocket my household my family off the table i didn't ask for no donation i had to work fun and say hey y'all donate to this project you ain't know about the project project been in the works for months now you ain't know about the project cause see i don't talk about it i'll be about it i'm gonna build it up and do all that i got to do it not done the day was the last day of filming so now we got to go into editing and then when we get done lord willing we could have us a premiere up there where the crew is in in washington dc and then it could come on the youtube and then after youtube then i'm gonna take it on to facebook and then take it on the instagram and just roll it out on each network separately not at the same time so that it can keep going one at a time so it could keep going and so guess what that's what the lord laid on my heart and i just gave that away so now somebody working for the devil finna go do the same thing but guess what when god hand in it it's going to be different the purpose going to be different and this is the project anybody it ain't religious it ain't religious or nothing like that it's just helping us see ourselves just from an outside angle just helping us see ourselves and i'm praying that the lord continue to allow me to do that and produce in that way and that he send the provision for the vision but guess what and i know he gonna do it but guess what that shift happened so now i was able to be in the house with my family and my wife said you know you was looking up to entrepreneurs who had an office they had 30 60 staff they got all this overhead they got to pay all these salaries they got to pay all of this and she said as a result what do you see them doing begging for money online twisting the arm of their followers to coerce their following into investing into their company to spend all their money with their company because of all this overhead they have trying to look apart when what they're doing actually could be done from home too the people i was watching the entrepreneurs i was watching that had me wanting to go get an office space and hire a big staff and lord say listen that's the world's way i need you to build it the way i'm telling you to build it because that's where people will see that is god in it that if you could earn seven figures working from home then people can see that you don't have to be worked to the bone you don't have to have all this overhead with all this stuff in this huge team if you are just tapping into your god-given purpose if you will god wholeheartedly righteously then you could go through the the trials and tribulation not toil the field go through the struggle and the sacrifice but eventually will be ushered into a season where you will find peace and you will find rest not to say that other tests won't come but you will find peace and you will find rest and god will build you back up god will build you back up so understand this now and so this is what the lord started showing me so here what whoosh okay now listen a lot of time when god taking move we get comfortable and we start to do things our own way so stuff will start to fall apart because we got too complacent we got too comfortable we start to do it our own way so then god will allow you to go through a very humbling season in your life and when you look at it you'll realize that okay this ain't your story ain't jobs now you ain't just going through because of your faithfulness you're going through because of your disobedience you're going through because of your greed you're going through because of your arrogance you're going through because you made the bed and this is what this bed feels like and then that really ain't got nothing to do with god it's really just what you call it uh action and reaction it's really reaping what you sawing like everything ain't god cursing you or blessing you even though god is here and overseas and he is the spirit but everything ain't that something is just the weight of the world it's it's set in motion that y'all hold on i've got to check some while i'm talking on my computer and so that's what you got to realize and so right now god got me in a different season everything ain't gravy you know in business things things could get tight and so when things get tight instead of getting mad with god instead of getting greedy and doing it the world's way i said okay lord what's where's the lesson where's the lesson okay i got the lesson i got the lesson as soon as my heart has realized the lesson see you can't play god you can't fool god god know when you get the lesson as soon as my heart consummates the lesson and only know what that word mean but it sounds good right now so we're going to use it as soon as my heart consummates the lesson lord let that be a word that could work the blessings and the favor and the mercy comes back and start to flow hold on right quick oh okay i see what's going on uh huh see what y'all trying to do uh huh if you're on my youtube course i told y'all about this new change youtube did don't put it in the comments it's just for the people in the youtube course but i told y'all about what youtube did and i and i just went to check and see you uh they hadn't did it they hadn't did it but i fixed it so i'm talking to you right now but it's a video just went out that i just released called meeting his family and so this video here going out just for later tonight because he people say oh do a schedule oh only do one video a day oh do this oh do this what god told me god didn't tell me this god told you this too it's in the bible he said my ways are higher than your ways my thoughts are higher than your thoughts so what the lord's saying is what man telling you to do i might tell you the opposite god is saying he might tell you to do the opposite of what the world telling you to do that's why you got to create your own blueprint get knowledge now and apply what you can apply but when something sitting right with your spirit then tweak it because god may call me to be plain you hear what i mean i might be playing uh playing james but god may call you to be uh fancy nancy so he may call you to have a custom thumbnail a laid out description keywords and tag words but your message is different than other people who using the same stuff and so get what i could teach you but be ready and willing and sensitive to the spirit to tweak it where it need to be tweet and so that's what you got to do and so this right here is what lord showed me is you got to be flexible malleable and obedient in the his seasons you got to be all right with it and you got to really ask yourself why do i want love are my reasons pure why do i want marriage are my reasons pure why do i want to do this business are my reasons pure why do i want to be in this field this industry are my reasons pure why do i want children or my reasons pure because see the lord say when you ask for children you asking for your life to be upended you asking for everything to change i've got a suite at the nfl team stadium and that sweet i got it because it was a dream and a goal of mine but guess what when the season is up and god said okay you did it you you accomplished it pat yourself on the back congratulations now is the season's changing if god taking do that shift i'm gonna be okay with that shift and so here's the thing i'm in that season right now and but what come what matters most is my sons so certain games that ain't that it is not a big deal i could miss the game and i could network and i could do ministry in my suite with the people i'm mentoring and speaking life into and i could still talk to my son that same day and so and then soccer is year round basically whereas this hill season is just a set time but at the same time it's it's other games that i got to be at so let me tell you what the lord did one of the games my son is down south and so i didn't want to drive my sprinter so that they could be comfortable and it's two games one on saturday one on sunday but the football game is on sunday that sweet cost me a good chunk of change and so guess what i say on the time that i can't make it i want to sell it to somebody it's a pastor i know who just so happened to need tickets that week i offered him my sweet he agreed to pay me the price that i paid for the suite so now i get to go see my son play but i'm not flushing money down the toilet because i'm gonna be made whole by the suite being rented out and so that's the thing right now so that's what i want you to understand it's like god gonna let you know what season you in and what's the priority in that season and he's gonna make the way playing and he's gonna make a way so you could be obedient so when you in your season don't sit and beg for the next season be okay with your season so if god got you in a season of singleness be okay with your season of singleness and get everything out of singleness that you supposed to get out of it and that's going to usher you into your season of love and companionship or marriage and union if you're in a season of financial frugality which that's probably a word we're going to use it if you're in a season of financial frugality be okay in that season of frugality and get every lesson that you got to get out of it and be diligent and be obedient and that's gonna usher you into your season of financial abundance so see in every season you gotta be obedient to god in that season and you have to make sure that your heart is at peace and that your mind is not at war because if you rocking with the lord you're going to have peace on it [Music] it's going to be a peace on it and you're going to have an option in your spirit it's going to be a pulling on your spirit and so i'm getting ready to do something else right now i don't tell everything i do but when it getting done i'm gonna let you know about it and so when you see what this here is done this other thing not the film product it's another product another business idea that the lord laid on my heart and at first my wife at first my wife wasn't really with it but she just was speaking off the cuff and see we got to be careful with that but when i went back to and i explained to her she okay okay she gave us some thought now she with it so now we in process are starting that business and we start in that business and that's in that business in a different lane but lord gave that to me because it add to the whole picture it adds to the semblance of balance which is subjective but it adds to it it's a peace and the lord said i'm doing something with you i'm doing something with you cause and i'm keeping you here see lord god the lord got me here the lord got me here he got me hit he got me stand still he got me staying still like my audience don't really grow like that in this season and so i'm okay with that i'm not gonna pay for it to grow i'm not gonna pay for shout outs i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna stay right where i'm at because i know it's a lesson here it's some grooming being done it's some tutelage happening it's something happening because because when it shift to the season it could be so big that had i not been in the valley long enough to gain humility and patience that next season would have destroyed me so see i don't question god on the season that i'm in i just do the work and i'm just obedient and i'm diligent and i just have to flow from the spirit because i know that he ordering my steps that's what you got to understand stop questioning god stop being angry with god you don't get to debate with god say lord give me the peace to accept the season that you have me in lord whatever this lesson is for what i'm going through give me the wisdom the knowledge and the understanding to comprehend the lesson because i'm in a season you always in a season sometimes it's winter and it's famine in the land sometimes it's the spring and there's abundance in the land but whatever season you end get the lesson in the season because there's a reason for the season and when you get the lesson that is when you are ushered into your next season but if you end your season pouting and complaining and crying and frustrated and angry you are missing the lesson you got to be peaceful i tell people and see carnal minds don't understand this i say when you 100 happy being single that's when you're ready for marriage see carnal minds say well if i'm 100 happy being single why would i want to be married you need to be happy single because if not you are in desperate need and if you go into a relationship desperate you will be devoured but when you go into a relationship not needing anything when this person is complimenting you and not completing you now you have the vision and the wherewithal to know when you need to walk away but when you go into a half empty and you allowing them to fill you up they can fill you up with strict nine poison and you thinking water cause it both arm clear the screen didn't freeze you need to hit that you need to sit still stop begging god you got to beg god ask god what he has for you in this season and he'll give you peace in your spirit for what's for you stop telling god just what you want and ask god what is your will for my life in this season oh can this cup be passed from me lord no [Music] okay will you grant me the strength the courage the faith the wisdom the peace the poise the knowledge the understanding to carry out that which you have bestowed upon me [Music] yes [Music] thank you i'm ready send me i'll go [Music] spirit just love god bless you
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 13,425
Rating: 4.9519854 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 18sec (5358 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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