He left me to live with her! | Talks with Tony

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hey hey tony gaskins here popping in now i got another episode of talks with tony now i noticed this letter was just long so i haven't read any of it for those of you who forgot when i told you that i read the letter live so sometimes you'll see a letter and it might not be that good of a letter or it might not be too detailed well i read it live so that my reaction is real because i am not an actor so understand that and then because i remember you know you may think like well tony if you knew this one wasn't good or you didn't have an answer for it you shouldn't have posted it well i read it live so it's going up it's going up so you just have to get some type of lesson out of it okay now just say hi tony can i start off by saying thank you although at times i feel silly for being one of those women you speak of in your video loose booty yes i embrace my truth your message resonates with me so much i was not raised by my parents and grew up in a very strict family ruled by religion i rebelled and allowed the streets slash friends to dictate my behavior because no family members including my parents see fit to guide me can i say i was very naive very um i don't know if there's a man or a woman yet but take a right now they joke right all the good punctuation in here i made so many mistakes along the way i gave my body to men okay it's a woman who were not deserving of me eleven and i know that now i was a ill as a young child a ill as a word ill roughly eight nine years old i have been searching for love in the opposite sex and my relationships usually do not last more than three months i can count on one hand how many went past three months the three month mark but it was more of a situationship than relationship no dinners outings or meetings of friends or family i probably deep down know the answer but can't stop feeling i am wrong i met this man who does not have his stay in this country who does not have his stay in this country his relationship with his wife broke down and she kicked them out not being a citizen meant that he has to do jobs under the table which means he needs a place to live i offered to help him by buying food etc whilst he finds a room to rent so say wow w-h-i-l-s-t now almost two-country to say that whilst he finds a room to rent but that was not a viable option so say viable was not a viable option for him so almost three months later he leaves me with no explanation and finds another woman who he currently lives with she's white so i'm assuming you're not white i believe he finds me attractive and there was a connection because of the strict religion he too grew up in it when i do this now if you new to the video this mean they have it in parenthesis [Music] he too grew up in it and i too was not born in this country okay however because i did not allow him to move in he left me he asked to meet me after the fact but i didn't feel the remorsefulness nor did he apologize instead he just tried to explain his bad behavior he can't fail his whole family back home is depending on him the way he was brought up oh and thought it would be okay to carry on sleeping with each other like normal but never sorry the problem lies in the fact i love him and keep thinking i made a huge mistake by not letting him live with me he used to say he's my husband and that he loves bigger and older women all of which i am no guy has ever said that they usually try to encourage me to lose the weight and never mention being my husband so that's throwing me off did i just lose my husband i've asked men and women close to me and they of course are biased so it would be great to hear your impartial opinion i'm 36 i should know better shouldn't i thanks so much all right now hold on [Music] i don't know let me see [Music] oh okay so now this is the hill this sister here [Music] is in the uk this is the here in the uk i thought this was american okay i see that's why the letter written so good got that good british english over there now now you spelling lose as loose so that must be the accent i know that's kind of common though um well sister listen now you didn't say what strict religion y'all grew up in so i don't know if you talking about christian or islam or you know what but that kind of speaks to some things now he wasn't born in that country you weren't born in that country i know how that is over there in the uk um he left you for a white woman so i'm assuming y'all black which being that you weren't born there you didn't say where you were born so i'm not sure if it's like jamaica or if it's like africa you know because i know a lot of people in the uk be coming from another country you know so you didn't say that those things would matter because just you know your roots and just some underlying you know values now you were not raised by your parents and you grew up in a very strict family rule by religion now listen to me he needs some papers he need to get citizenship him and his wife's situation broke down and he was kicked out so pay attention to that pay attention to that see what you're looking at is you missing the red flags so this man had a wife he need that wife to get his papers he needed wife to get his papers and he still ruined it he still dropped the ball to where he was kicked out so he working under the table and he needs somewhere to live listen to me so then he tell you he likes bigger and older women i see that's what i try to that's what i try to help y'all understand you say a lot of men try to get you to lose weight um now this is a delicate situation it's a delicate situation you know i'm not one of them people that just want to talk down to you talk nasty to you but what you have to understand men are visual creatures now where he comes from being that he's not from that country your shape and your age could be customary and that could be the case you know where he's from i don't if you google and research where he's from then see if that's customary see if that is seen as a sign of you know opulence i think i heard that on coming to america the man one of the movies where they say where they was from you know in africa having more meat on your bones meant you come from a rich family or a wealthy family or you know opulence which i don't know what opulence mean but we finna find out right now because of great wealth or luxuriousness so i remember hearing that on the move at night i'm like okay well i need to gain weight now so i could look like i'm come opulence and my mama she got meat on her bones and that's kind of what she be saying that the bible say such such fatten if the bones so i saw all right okay go ahead is that what you want all right go ahead that's what you want you know that's it's it to each their own but what i need you to understand is the truth is if your shape and your size is not the norm then you could feel abnormal and when we feel abnormal we then can feel insecure so when we feel insecure we don't have as high standards or morals or values so we may settle we may put up with more because we feel like i don't deserve the best of the best because i am not the best of the best and most women are built like this and i'm not built like that and in most movies the women are built like this and i'm not built like that so i must be less than a lot of times that's the place we feel you should not feel that way but that is the truth of the matter so what happens is men who need a woman what they do and and pay attention he said bigger and older and you said that's what you are 90 of men do not want bigger and older if that's not customary if it's customary then that's what they'll want but the man typically is programmed by society so if society says a woman in this shape range or this type of aura this type of confidence is beautiful most men gonna be programmed by that and that's what they're gonna believe and so also most men do not like older women the reason being is because women already mature faster than men so a man could be with a woman his age and feel insecure and immature compared to her so when a man is with an older older woman he's gonna feel even more insecure and immature so men typically want an older woman for security men typically want an older woman because they have a void a mommy void and they are looking for a mom they can sleep with so this man is in need of shelter a mom provides shelter a older woman like yourself you have shelter you can provide shelter i can pretty much guarantee you the white woman he left you for is not attractive and appealing according to your society and if she is she probably has a story that had her sleep with or deal with several men and he is her latest project he's her latest exploration mandingo from the congolese and she wants to experience mandingo the descendant of solomon i mean not solomon what the man name with long hair that delilah got to sampson so she won't experience the descendant of samson because she's like listen i ain't really been with too many chocolate man so she crossing all over with her british accent and so what you have to understand now look at her now test this because only you know this test this look up look up the the woman he left you for you know she white so you must know her name or some know what she looked like somehow so ask let me ask you is she beautiful is she gorgeous if the answer is no that explains it he's looking for women that he assumes you may be healthy built okay when i say healthy bill i mean voluptuous i mean meat on your bones okay what we call big boned it uh when growing up there we call it big boned it technically the bone is the same size it's the meat on the bone but we called it big boned it so my mama bit bone okay my daddy bit boned at nine not technically but okay so my whole family big boned it so i'm used to it and now listen he looking for somebody that i got a lot of people over there in the uk a lot of clients over there in the uk and majority of them not that voluptuous because even y'all portion sizes over there is not like in america so now what he assuming is that if you got more meat on your bones you're gonna be insecure you're gonna settle you're gonna tolerate more you're gonna put up with more you proved him wrong he thought you were gonna have low self-esteem you because you've been through some things and you've seen a lot you street smart because you rap you rebelled and allowed the streets slash friends to dictate your behavior because no family members including your parents saw fit to guide you and so you've been out there and seen a lot done a lot you were you as a child at roughly eight or nine years old a lot of times when that happens it shows up in the adult life in one form or another [Music] in one form it may be weight gain because of you know guilt eating or food becomes your friend food becomes your comfort food releases chemicals from your brain into your body and that food comforts you in another form it may be promiscuity now you said you've been with 11 men um it's all relative you know it's some women it's women that's 10 years younger than you that have been with three four five times the amount of men you've been with so the number 11 at 36 years old is relative for that i would dare say that's probably average for a 36 year old who is not married and has not you know it's not been in a long long-term relationship at by the time they're 36 11 may be average to be honest with you so if you're not at you know eight to 15 men at 36 as a woman if you haven't hit like slept with eight men yet then you may be considered um below average on your numbers on your body count which in a man's eyes would be seen as a good thing um and then some men may not even ask because they just assume so here's the thing we assume that most people lose their virginity at the age of 18 when you get out your parents house and you can be somewhere and you can stay overnight and you can sleep with somebody a lot of us lose it before 18. but and then we assume if you live in normal life you'll average at least one person a year so from 18 to 36 i believe that's 18 years so if your body count was 18 that still would be seen as one person every 12 months which in our society in in the world today it really wouldn't be frowned upon like that because a lot of people really out there a whole lot worse a whole lot worse so you know 18 people over 18 years you know i my number was 22 in three years from the age of 15 to the age of 18. so just in comparison so yes it's the numbers are relative and just depending on who who judging you depending on who judging you and so for you the promiscuity isn't nowhere near as high or as severe as bad as it could be but you put a little weight on which when you identify your relationship with food that could it may explain something to you when you think about it you now if it's the type of thing where you have a medical situation where you eat a normal portion you eat just like everybody else but in your body it doubles you know it doubles the way it you know master sizes and i don't think that's a word but you know i'm just gonna you know use that right there just sound good right there um no that's something else again that's metastasized spread the other sites in the body by metas to cysts that's something else not but what we're gonna use is uh master size so what i'm talking about is the way when it go in your body it double up you know the the fat cells they double up they start to eat on each other and they grow so one bite is two bites and i read about that one time about certain genetics to where it's like one bite is two bites to where it doubles up in there some of y'all call it thyroid don't be all in the comments with your whole dissertation for your doctorate or your medical we just understand what i'm saying you have a medical issue to where you gain weight and you eating normal which i i know a lady that was like that and she had to go to countless doctors before they figured it out but she was working out super hard and she was super fit at one time but then body just broke down and went through some things and then it was just like just eating normal and very clean very healthy and still body just kept gaining weight so if it's something like that then that's something different but if it's something where you evaluate your relationship with food and it is comforting or it is your you know your source your solace your peace then you may tie that into just what you've gone through as a young person coming up not having your parents your parents not raising you you know you been in a very strict family that's just so religious and not really relationship based more so religion based and and that leading you to rebellion all of that could tie in so men like this who are needy just a needy man he's not looking for love he's looking for help men like this try to identify women that they can see trauma in they can see pain in they could see a struggle in they could look at you and say she's going through something or she's been through something and it's showing in her life so she's prey she's vulnerable so here it was you came in now you say i believe he finds me attractive and there was a connection because of the strict religion he grew up in it too and he could have liked that about you and i too was not born in this country however because i did not allow him to move in he left me he asked to meet me after the fact but i didn't feel the remorsefulness nor did he apologize instead he just tried to explain his bad behavior he can't fail his whole family back home is depending on him the way he was brought up oh and thought it would be okay to carry on sleeping with each other like normal but never sorry now i'm not sure what religion for y'all to be so religious i'm not sure what religion condones premarital sex so neither one of y'all ain't that religious and so that means he was not attracted to you because of that religion because he's not religious because if he wants you on your back before marriage he's not religious okay he just he wear the title but he ain't practicing the belief system so understand that right now all right let's take that on off the table he wasn't attracted to you for no religion okay he retracted you because you got somewhere to stay that's why he was attracted to you he you got somewhere to stay he needs somewhere to stay okay so understand that right now all right now you offer i offered to help him by buying food etc now i love to hear what's in that etc was some clothes in there was some bus passes in there some some heat warmers for the cold like what was whilst he finds a room to rent but that was not a viable option for him so almost three months later he leaves me with no explanation and finds another woman who he currently lives with she's white that right there is his sole goal this man is not thinking about marriage he's not thinking about loving a woman he's not thinking about being with nobody romantically he it or any relationship situation with him is a business deal so what he is saying in manglish he's saying bring your trauma bring your pain bring your insecurity in return i will pretend to love you i will pretend to like you to make you feel good about all of your pain and trauma insecurity i will put this d on you i will put this d on you to give you vitamin d okay i'm not talking about the real vitamin all right i'm talking about give him a lighter cut him a candle counter hill hidden uh it's a santol 26. i don't know what is here scented candle slash bougie perfume all right made in the usa in our lab okay why i got it from so i just be letting this thing get my office smelling good and so uh when i say vitamin d that's what he's saying in english [Music] come ye get the vitamin d come ye get the vitamin d all your pain see what i mean he trying to play on your religion make you think and then he trying to be your god come ye ye burden and heavy laden so i could put this vitamin d on d and this that in the third okay and you put this shelter and roof over me and while i put this d on the you see that's what he want and i'm gonna make you feel good about your body your past your pain your trauma i'm gonna make you feel like that's you is who i want because i need this place to stay okay my wife kicked me out but we technically still married so eventually i'm gonna be able to apply for citizenship so while we still married she just kicked me out and to be honest with you i think i can coach his wife i think both of y'all ain't i just coached somebody with this same situation oh no that was in america so you know so he needs somewhere to stay you trying to have standards you trying and i commend you for that you trying you ain't all the way perfect none of us are but you trying so what i want you to understand is you did not make a mistake i need you to understand you did not make a mistake you did the right thing you actually did too much because yes he ain't got no citizenship but he he and yeah he quote-unquote homeless he kind of homeless but he he a grown man it's like listen help like boy you if the country don't want you all right you got to go back home and just become a millionaire in your home country you got to go to nobody else's country just go it's millionaires in your country go on you know if people who might not be me now but they making good money go on grind it out go and grind it up where you at if the country won't let you stay there no work visa or nothing like that it's like listen play boy you got this this yo this your lot in life and this might be what god got for you because you out here seducing these women into the bedroom so you can never feel sorry for no grown man because and over my wife told me she said tony you can't be feeling sorry for grown men who making choices and trying to and you trying to do for them and you trying to rescue them and you trying to get them money and buy them cars and do all this for them like everybody as a adult got choices that can be made and if you see they making choices that's contrary to the choices you make you can't feel sorry for somebody who is able-bodied and stable-minded making bad choices because if you go and bail them out then you reinforcing them my wife taught me that she told me that she said listen don't let your giving be a hindrance don't let your gift become a curse because you enabling people who don't want to help themselves who don't want to do right who want to avert the law you know and that's another word that don't go right there but it just sound good okay so we're gonna use it uh yeah we're gonna use that prevent or ward off y'all avert who want to avert the law and so you can't worry about that it's like listen okay it's ways to get into another country education visa work visa you know temporary state visa get in there temporarily find you some work have that company give you a work visa it's all kind of little stuff you can do but and y'all not in america so it's probably easier over there because you see over here in america we building walls over here in america listen putting people in concentration camp everything over here over there probably a little easier you know he probably need to get the canada it's probably the easiest in canada but listen to me you can't be responsible for no wrong man that want to use religion to relate to you he might not even be of that religion oh you muslim oh everything but didn't want to get you on your back that man ain't really listening if this white woman catholic he'd probably cancel it now is she christian he probably christian now oh jesus so he probably any religion he got to be to have him a roof over his head you know why because this man has let you know what his number one goal is his number one goal is to succeed at any cost if you want to be a casualty of his spiritual warfare by all means he'll let you his number one goal is to get his bread up so he could send that money back home so he says we don't really know if that's true we don't know if he was a criminal over there had to escape the country to get somewhere else and he just trying to make it and using his family as a skill he found probably like shot well talk to him he stole everybody's stuff out here he stole my radio that i got from america i don't talk to his butt oh we don't need no money from him we over here living life so we don't know if that story true you said i mean yes the story is common but we don't know if it's true for him so that's what you got to realize when a man don't want to go through the proper procedures to win your heart because he could have made love to your mind he could have took that money he make it under the table took a little pound one pound which might be two dollars or a dollar fifty whatever y'all money y'all got over there i don't know what y'all them pound your rolls and what it is but he could have took him a little pound and bought you a rose every day he went to work under the table get on the back of that truck and went out there and did that work he could have took one of them pounds and bought you a little rose could have brought your bottle of red wine you know brought you your favorite dish of food whatever you like to eat could took you out to eat could have been whining and dying you could have been making love to your mind could have been courting you and you would have fell in love you you say you love him but you would have fell in love see what this is you got love for him if you were in love you you would let him move in but you ain't in love because yo your intuition okay let's call it your spidey senses all right your intuition is it's being triggered it's the siren's going off some ain't right some ain't right some ain't right some ain't right some ain't right so that's why you ain't let him move in that was your own personal defense mechanism so that's what you got to realize is your sense is working your intuition your intuition working no no no senses is up they work and they standing up and that's your protection don't ever question your intuition unless you snorting power if you snorting powder okay question your intuition now if you got some other kind of element okay you might want to question your intuition check in but you know none of that don't question your intuition that's your protection that's your protection okay and you protected yourself this type of man i don't think he hunt i don't think he harmed for anything he's just doing whatever it's gonna take to make it and if he got to use 10 women at one time because see he got her all right and he's staying with her right now but she might unseason her food you know she might not seize her food she might not take care of herself the way he won't now he'd have been with you intimately and that might have been warm and cozy for him you know he might look at you and say oh okay got some good water on you the one over here kind of stale kind of ain't got no seasoning on water and so he might want to be with you because you bring something different to the table so he like okay listen i'm trying to get all the money i could get so eventually you're gonna get tired of just buying me food and you're gonna start giving me gift cards and i can go on cash in and so or he gonna start asking you for gift cards but he want to supplement her body with your body because he's like she really ain't all that skilled you got a little more skill so i want to keep on uh and then i give you enough of that vitamin d and you're going to eventually want to compete with her because this how women do y'all compete with each other so you don't want to compete with her and then you're going to want to let me move in because you feel like you're losing to her so you're gonna say well look if all you need is somewhere to stay you can come on live with me and then he probably won't come on live with a woman who quote unquote the same religion y'all probably the same color could be from the same country you know and you cook with seasoning she don't cook with no seasoning so he probably and he'll drop her like a bad habit she'll be over there crying and she'll be she's in the right end i probably got an email in here from her because the way the youtube algorithm work if you see him and she might be seeing me she might be in my email later when i get to it i'm like yes this guy just moved in and yeah he handsome like samson but you know and he's really good in the bed but i just i do not know because he i just feel like he's using me living off of me and i do not know my parents have stopped talking to me because they don't want me talking to mandingo and so she gonna be going through and he'll drop her like a bad habit this man right here what he gonna do because look a woman married him he had a place to stay he ran her off do you know how much a man got to do to run a woman off in this day and age y'all listen to the emails that i read y'all women put up with the world y'all put up with everything and then y'all make common sense decisions y'all make wise decisions and then you question yourself i think i messed up so you got to listen to this now this this this what you saying well tony i think i messed up because this man without citizenship who married a woman for citizenship and then did her wrong to the point she kicked him out so now he's looking for another woman so he found me and we started sleeping together within three months and i was giving him money and buying him food and clothes and shoes or whatever you were doing in that etc and i feel bad because i didn't let him move in with me and use me for shelter and continue to sleeping with me unprotected or protected if we felt like a thought about it or if we had some contraceptives and i feel that way because he complimented me on my body and i have a little extra shape that other women might not have and i'm also older than him and that made me feel comfortable and secure because he complimented me on that and most men don't they tip they typically try to make me feel bad about myself so i'm just really beating myself up because i feel like i should have let him live off of me and move in and live with me until he gets his green card and continue to sleep with me outside of marriage even though we both are religious and i'm just wondering if i did the right thing by not letting him move in and then he cut me off kicked me to the curb moved in with another woman and then asked to meet up with me and wants to continue sleeping with me although he's living with her and i just really feel like i could have made a mistake and missed the man for me you nah nah did you hear yourself i just want you to hear yourself because he's not not me nah i ain't judging you because now you know me i'm from screen i ain't judging you so i'm not all right but i just want you to hear yourself and i just want you to hear it out loud and just think through the thought process and then just go ahead and then just really you know it with a sober mind can you snort powder with a sober mind just ask yourself okay well actually as i hear myself out loud did i actually make a mistake like did i because you ain't doing that wrong you ain't doing that wrong you just ain't let them move in which is good sense you heard of dirty john look up dirty john on netflix look at the ted bundy series you don't know who the man is so you made the right decision and it's like listen bro if if you look hold on homeboy you working under the table so that means you ain't got nothing to bring to the table because you under the table you're working under the table so how you gonna bring something to the table if you under the table oh no i knew you need to find your woman that's under the table too so both of y'all could try to build y'all a table because both of y'all under the table so let her get her illegal coins until she get her citizenship with her husband who to kick up you get your illegal coins till you get your citizenship with your wife that can kick you out y'all come together and y'all get in a room in house that you they're not going after no social security number they ain't running no credit it's just as long as you pay the 40 a week 40 pounds a week 40 pounds a night whatever it might cause 10 pounds a night to stay at the shelter then y'all go ahead and tough it out get your citizenship and then y'all gonna have a best-selling book on your hand when you become a me now but y'all need to help each other under the table so listen if you're doing thing the right way you got your citizenship you know you over there legal you got a story to tell you see what i mean you got a story to tell so it's like you can't let no man come in your life and use you and just use you and and can't bring them to nobody table it's like no that ain't what god asked because see when god is in the midst of you getting where you got to get you're going to get there without using other people even if me you come in as an illegal as an illegal immigrant if god is with you he gonna give you room and shelter and bored without you having to break hearts without you having to mistreat and misuse people mislead people because god take care as many people in the bible who had to go into another country and start over who had to travel from country to country and god made sure that they was taken care of along their journey without having to break the law or misuse or mistreat anybody when he got to go out here and misuse and mistreat people and this in any country that you're in don't let no man or no woman misuse or mistreat you because they trying to get some papers you know it got to be a real love and at the same time too you know sometimes sometimes we just got you commenting you know sometimes we just got to use common sense and it just got to be you know if i were five foot two and every other man is five foot nine if a woman come telling me i just love five foot two men and she don't have citizenship i really got to sit back and say okay do you really love five two men now if she got a table to bring to my table and she tell me she loved five two men and on fire too okay okay she don't need me for nothing but look you see what i'm saying when okay if you don't want to lose any weight because you comfortable with the weight that you are and you loving yourself in that season that's great that's great as long as it's healthy don't be unhealthy now if not if you got meat on your bones and you still healthy then okay girl now if you go to the doctor and they say listen that cholesterol a little too high their blood pressure a little too high got a little clogging other arteries okay it's time to do some work to get healthy and wherever your body sits at healthy then that could just be your genetics don't be unhealthy but if you got a little extra meat on your bones and you healthy okay god bless you all right if a man come to you and and let's say your body type is not the norm that doesn't mean that there's not men out there that's going to love your body type majority of men are going to be programmed by what's normal by the by the societal norms they're going to be programmed that's not a good thing that they program but that's the reality of the fact i can't lie to you and say oh there is a plethora of men no but there's a man for you it's a man for you it might not be a thousand men that's lined up waiting on you that you get to pick from but it's meant for you that you could pick from you see what i'm saying i'm gonna be honest with you now listen to me if this man coming to you with citizenship a job a place to stay and transportation even if that's a bus car subway car now he bringing something to the table if he's similar to you and his relationship history his relationship resume if he coming to you with six baby mamas and he got a bad relationship with all of them okay that's a huge red flag but if he coming to you no kids you ain't got no kid one child he still got a good relationship two children got a good relationship two children or less and he got a job he's gainfully employed legally he got a place to stay and he has transportation even if it's his bicycle or the subway or the bus or whatever uber whatever it is he got those things in place guess what he brings something to the table now if he tell you you know i just love one thing i love about you is that your nose is like this you know a lot of people knows like this but your nose is like this and it yes it covered half of your eyes so i only could see the very top of your eyes if you scratch your eyes and i just love that about you now if he bring a table to your table then okay he just love your nose but if he don't have citizenship and you know your nose is a sight to behold that god love you your mama loves you and it's a man out there that loved you but you know this knows that it's set up like this it ain't the most common thing god loves you you love you your mama love you it's a man that's gonna love you but that man gonna have something to bring to the table if a man don't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of and he come complimenting you about something that you know is unique you fearfully and wonderfully made but you know this ain't the norm this ain't being praised in the media as the standard of beauty but i love me and i thank god for giving me what i got but he coming he praising something that you or other people have felt insecure about that very thing and he praising that but he's in need then he lying he's lying he's lying so and and that's what let me know that that meant something to you but he lying now it's okay and i want you to love yourself now be doing your best now do your best don't be complacent do your best eat the best you can work out the best you can do your best and where your body lands that's where you gonna be so love yourself don't compare yourself to other women see some people ain't got to this point in the video so they ain't heard that so now they they in the comments going off let them know hey shut up and get the minute 47 nut call them what you want to call i'm tired of i'm just i'm just on their plan honestly the comments don't bother me you know what it's like i don't fish that's me that's my fishing it's like caught me a bit oh got me a bit what because i don't fish so that's my fish honestly y'all say tony don't let the people bother they don't bother me everybody if it bothered me i wouldn't be here if it bothered me i wouldn't keep showing up being the same tony if it bothered me it gave me a lot entertain i'm trying to work on a single right now called blocked i ain't no musician but i'm it's gonna be i'm working on me a single call blocked that you could download for your ringtone for when your ex called you or when somebody annoying call you and it gonna come on they're gonna have a trap beat to it hey you gonna get a make sure you get it now i need my screens up i want my screens to be up there with drake screams or just streaming you know now so listen i want you to love yourself my son got a soccer game today so i got to get ready to go here in a little bit i want you to love yourself but i want you to also keep working on yourself to get the best way you need to be at but i also want you to be realistic and understand that if a man come praising something that other men shun or don't praise then he is the exception to the rule he is accepted to the rule which may mean he is the man for you but he got to have a whole package i'm not talking about the package down there i ain't talking about the whole packet down there i'm talking about the whole package gainfully employed okay citizen okay house or somewhere to stay that he pays for legally transportation okay emotionally financially spiritually secure when that man comes and he say you know what i love just your your build your body and just like the opulence that you come from and just like everything about you like these women they're out here trying to look like a toothpick and here you come you are a you're you know they say snack you are not a snack you are a meal you are a five course meal with a dessert and i just love that and one thing about me and i don't mean to be nasty right now but i love eating peach cobbler you you know the guy tony guys and he always say peach i love peach hog if this man come to you and he say that but he bringing everything else to the table okay all right that's that's your man but if this man come to you and he's singing that song [Music] and he ain't got nowhere to lay his head he lied he lied don't don't let that make you hate yourself don't let that make you look down on yourself keep working stay diligent keep being the best you could be don't don't lose confidence don't get mad and get down and depressed oh there's nobody for me no it's somebody for you but is it somebody for you in your complacency or are you doing the best you could do if you're doing the best you could do then it's somebody for you it's just you got to keep going because before you meet destiny you will meet a distraction that looks like destiny so see that woman he with she just need her a warm body she could be her warm body and so anybody will do oh no citizenship come on in here come on in here no citizenship it's just one thing i'm a little kinky so what does your mouth do oh really well that's rent enough for me as long as you're willing to do that that's rent that's what he he over there like on the man on get out in that one house he over there like the man don't get out that's why he wanted to meet up with you because he trying to see if he could get out he's trying to see if you won't you know regret your decision and lord willa i really hope that man ain't living with you right now cause this email is old your email oh i really hope that man ain't living with you right now i'm gonna have to title this something that you'll recognize i'm talking about you that i read your letter oh better yeah i'm just to you let's not raise your letter this will send it up 50 million times all right so this letter came in now the letter came in i got to let them let me see okay let me let me respond this will send a little 9 million times all right now so i'm let her know you know i'm back oh oh yeah you were listening to me tight oh yeah that i could type oh yeah i could type okay i don't typed up countless books i could type yeah i ain't got no degree but i can type can i take faster than you absolutely unless you work clerical entering that all day man i can't keep up with you oh yeah 100 words a minute i get to you know left right and center oh yeah ain't got no degree but i could type now so something i let this doesn't know her letter gonna go up you did the right thing you did the right thing keep on going about your business do not ever house a man don't ever house a man let him have his own place you have your own place don't be buying no man food either because if he working under the table then okay it's food under the table all right so if he working he could pay for his own food let them get his own food i know you come from another country so you sympathize with them but still a man got to get it a man got to get out here and get it a man only appreciate what he worked for a man don't appreciate handouts if you give a man a hand out he gonna take advantage of you because cause man we are built to hunt we wire to hunt to kill to to gather that's how we wire so when we get a hand out we only know what to do with it it destroys us handouts destroy men for a man he got to work for it because once you give a man a handout he gonna want more and more and more and more and you change his nature from a hunter to then he become just a scavenger he let you go and kill and then he the hyena coming stealing what you can kill try to you know wait till you get done he want to come get the rest of it gnawing on that bone ain't no meat left on the bone just old hyena and instead of being a lion so let this man go the bob said you don't work you eat so he working and he could eat because this stuff over there for um half a pound for one pound or euro that he could that he could afford so let him feed himself listen he'll feel sorry for no man because if he want to be a man and he want to lead he got to be able to get it out of mud you mean y'all women out here taking care of man and you doing for a man and all that because he died and not guess what when you go to take care of him he gonna stay down tonight he gonna stay down tonight unless you truly know he a man of character and if a man of character you ain't gonna have to take care of that man of character for long meaning uh my wife bought me a uh a pair of steel toe boots when i was going to work in the warehouse and she paid for my first book to be published that's all she had to do for me that's all she had to do for me she ain't haven't given a steel toe boots i could have got it elsewhere i just wanted to just test her see where heart was at she got me steel toe boots that's all she had to do for me i ain't needed nothing else from her she had to do from a book i would have got that i would have got that too but she just wanted to be a blessing want to encourage me to stay out the streets and so she blessed me that's what that's what you do for a man you let him do for himself and then you may be supplemental like hey he'll go a tool box since you work on cars bought you a toolbar for your birthday you said i'm saying but if he ain't working you ain't got enough for you play boy ain't got nothing for you what's that sir sir sir i okay okay all right sir okay i heard enough okay all right i heard enough actually this is just gonna be a crossbody today okay so good it was good talk to a good me okay all right hey got to go gotta go you gotta go there's that one you gotta get out here and work you gotta get out here work on here i wanna hear yo you need some stuff oh they got halfway houses okay they got they got immigration houses okay there's a lot of people that came over here to the country whatever country you in a lot of people came into the country they got houses they got houses for them to stay at it that's ain't gonna get deported like that it's somewhere else they the boss he working for laying that landing concrete doing that work he doing the balls got a room in the house somewhere you know the ball's got the extra room boss said look i'm gonna pay a little less but i get your room to sleep man cause i'm making money off for you you see what i'm saying he got other resources but he wanted to sleep with him a set of legs he won't stay with him a set of legs so that when he get low when that thing get ready to go he just got somebody he could roll over and just uh he got you on your back he flipping on your bike see the balls man he working for he can't flip ball man over so he's looking for him a woman that he can stay with you you cooking for me all he doing just laying the plumbing that's all he doing laying a plumbing peach cobbler diving that's all he doing and he'll stay in that same predicament as long as you let him so this right here to everybody don't ever take care of no man the only one who will take care of man is a mama for her son until he get 18 or get through college after that play by you on your own get it how you live hey god bless you this tony gaskins will be until oh finish right for an hour gotta get on out of here for my son again hey bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 28,221
Rating: 4.9316025 out of 5
Keywords: #talkswithtony
Id: KiAwoqPkad4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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