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hey tony guys here i want to pop in and tell you stop being nasty i seen the thing that on online uh somebody sent it to me that the young lady the r b singer um posted in her ig story and the question was was something that you will never tell your spouse or something like that something you did that you'll never tell your partner and all the different stuff you know somebody's saying the lady said while she's sleeping or somebody ain't i don't know if those women said while she's sleeping with him while they're sleeping with him they think about the ex i saw a guy say he set up her parents bins to get stole for 30 percent he'll get 30 percent um you know just kind of crazy stuff like one lady say she never had a release from the man when they do the deed and just all kind of crazy stuff and you look at it and for one when you read this kind of stuff one thing you got to know is a lot of stuff fate a lot of stuff fake so it's it could be a real person but they when they when people see that they face not being shown we just want to be included so we'll make some up we'll make some up to be in there but when you read it you're going to read it all of it is real so even some of the questions i get on my q a some of them questions is probably fake that somebody just want to be included like they just want to be a troll they just want to ask something and a lot of it will be real but here's the thing you got to think about it and be that the bad thing about what the young lady did is this the wrong climbing to do something like that because with the podcast and these youtubes going around teaching men that they are the prize teaching men that women don't bring a lot to the table it's basically the messages from a lot of men today is putting women in this place of like a like a used car so the term that a lot of men use is i gotta check her carfax and so that's a legitimate thing and then these terms like smv i think they said sexual market value somebody made that up and so it's looking at it it's looking at women like a product and then when somebody take and wish the young lady she probably just was having fun just having fun probably just didn't mean nothing by it but she not at the ground level in the relationships to where she see so many women being beat on and being dogged out and being cheated on that she take and compile these responses from the lowest of the low because think about this where do you have to be what what mindset you got to be in to even respond to something like that [Music] like we all have done something that we ashamed of but what place in life do you have to be to respond to something like that knowing that it's coming from your account with your face when the person receiving the response posted nobody could see who that come from but the person receiving it could see it so the person receiving it when you send me a question on my q a i could see your profile if y'all ain't know that i could see your profile so a lot of people now know that they're using fake accounts and so i ignored a question because i wanted to come from a real person and not you know i know it's still a real person but i want it to come from a person who bold enough to have it attached to their profile with a profile picture from a real account so if it's just like no picture or fake picture a lot of time i ignore unless it's just a great question that i feel like a lot of people could benefit from it but young ladies she probably wouldn't even realize and what she did that what she did because it happened in my household i showed it to my wife i said look at this and while my wife was looking at it i'm looking at right out of face i'm looking right in the face to see if i see any twitching see if i see anything and look i'm a healthy individual and it messed with my mind like what the world my wife over here hiding [Music] i'm looking at my wife i'm wondering like hold on you got anything you need to tell me i know she do i know i do we all human but we haven't done stupid stuff now but listen this coming from a healthy individual so see this how my mind think imagine a man that's bipolar imagine a man that has extreme narcissism y'all know only like using the word nah but that's a real thing imagine a man that got extreme imagine a man who was physical imagine a man who he be fined up and his thing be laced so he'd be hallucinating he'd be going off imagine a man who got a drinking problem from that little trend of all of these women participating and then hitler it ain't even got to be all women because the way men are too it's a it's some men who is a part of these alpha male strategy all this stuff they're going they look they little burner account they love fake account and they'll write in as a woman with something just crazy that they could screenshot when when the young lady posted they could screenshot it and then use it in a youtube video or cc what i told you this how to eat women be this how to eat women be and and he could be the one who posted it oh yeah they get that real night because it's content wars out here when it's when they come for that content and a check is attached to it oh you can't trust what he folks to do for money not especially if this they only source the income if you two they only source the income oh they fail to do some things now so i guarantee you and and this thing to be i seen a couple guys a video showed up on my thing i didn't click it they the title they use in their thumbnail instagram model gets her likes turned out it's like really bro that's how you that's how you gonna refer to death gets her likes turned out she's like really bro this somebody daughter even if she if she instagram model influencer what if that's somebody daughter you don't refer to death as get her likes turned out like that's a slogan they use but typically they talking about like it's really a condescending way to say somebody die it's really what somebody would say about their their art you know their enemy the other the other gang member what they call in the up is really what somebody would say about the enemy who died when you were old turned the light side got it lights turned out like that's a derogatory way to say somebody has passed away instead of saying you know young woman brutally ill or young woman you know fatally attacked you know something that is like a legitimate description of what happened without a condescending or derogatory or a lighthearted whatever you want to call it reference to this young lady losing her life and so the young lady who was a uh online influencer i think the things that had two point something million followers on instagram you could see the young lady pretty young lady was her life was taken by a man who he appeared to be like a hispanic male um who you can tell is is not no he didn't look like no suave mentee or whatever you want to call it rico suave in it he didn't have a line up he had you know the picture that they pulled from him looked like it was a a old mug shot or something and he just he looked like a little regular dude that just work hard blue collar and was dealing with this woman and ain't no telling what was going on how it happened but you could tell they not looks compatible they're not looks compatible and the man took her life and then the man took his life and what i read said he took his life by blunt force trauma or something to sound like he stabbed himself to death like come on now where did your head have to be at so now with this trend that the young lady posted the r b singer posted with she don't know who this is these people that's admitting to the stuff that they did if a man is crazy in the slightest bit because when i read it i'm trying to tell you as a healthy grown healthy responsible man i was the devil trot my mind started trying to play on me so what yo i gotta tell you but see i'm able to realize okay this is the subconscious mind when you're reading something it immediately affects your mind it's gonna think make you think that this applies to you you have to consciously refute this information remind you of your reality remind yourself of your reality and how absurd this is and understand that for one you don't even have the type of woman that would be following this account nor do you have the type of woman that would ever respond to this account to this type of question even if they have something to hide so the type of people that would even write something like that is so off so immature so lost so childish so ignorant that they don't even represent the majority of people and all of us have something that we're ashamed of and i'll say 99.9 percent of people can't say everybody and so i'm able to talk to myself like that which a lot of people hopefully most people are but what about that group of men who are already sitting here watching the podcast that's calling women bees and eight shows and you gonna die first you gon yo you i wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pope that's talking to women so disrespectful like they are nothing and so these men hearing these messages and starting to see women as opportunists gold diggers leeches mooches naggers all of this stuff and then they read this trend right here that's trending on twitter and instagram and all the blogs picking it up and they showing it and so it's perpetuating a cycle that women in general it ain't it ain't saying hey these the worst women in society this is the lowest a low it's just perpetuating a message that just women in general are doing this kind of stuff just your average everyday woman and even if it was some average everyday women that was that did some of the stuff when you have individuals on the other side of it that deal with their meaning men who deal with their problems physically or with verbal abuse or with physical cheating now i guarantee you that one trend has sent a hundred thousand plus men to go cheat on their woman today out of safety meaning he's going to cheat just in case she cheated on him and one of the things on there the woman said i know he's cheated but i'm holding that information in case i ever get caught for cheating and so now guess what i had a a grown man who is a millionaire and is a great person tell me i cheated on my woman just in case she was cheating on me and i said wow and i say and i could based on what i know of your woman and just looking at her and being able to read her i can guarantee you your woman have not cheated on you because when you when you was a dog and a player you know how to read a woman a cheating woman and i'm like yo woman ain't even the type of cheat and i and i told them to i said your woman can't even cheat she can't even cheat because too many people know her name like the way they man if they cheat with her they finna tell for clout so i had to realize i'm like man but this what we do this is what we do when we insecure when we immature when we a little ignorant that's exactly what we'll do and so when i seen that i'm like wow that's crazy and so with that right there with that little trend people don't even realize it's perpetuating the cycle and that it literally started argument stuff that the woman probably did and the man to let go and then got over it it just re it made it resurface they got into an argument and offered that trend i guarantee you at least 10 000 women got hands put on them out of a discussion that was created and then an argument that ensued i guarantee it i guarantee it because without it without toxicity being shared like that [Music] a woman hands is put on a woman every nine seconds that's that's what that's what no ammo hands is put on a woman every nine seconds every nine seconds a woman is hands is being put on a woman physical so now when you take stuff like that and the blog platforms and all this using a platform to perpetuate the cycle and not thinking about the damage that's being done in the home it's toxic it's terrible until the young lady that posted it if you see this here you'll be wise to delete that and to not do that again [Music] because you don't realize when when you not in need here trenches as a relationship coach you don't realize what's going on you don't realize what's going on from stuff like that because the mind is so powerful that anything is see it believes and so see what's happening like i do my q a and that in itself is traumatizing in itself but it's on but it's on another side what the side is is showing is showing what is hap what people are tolerating in a relationship what people dealing with in a relationship questions that people have in their relationship for a professional in the space it's not a exposed tell-all about what they have done in the dark that only god knows about see it's a reason why god only knows about certain stuff that we've done in our life because only god can handle that truth it's the reason why not every human being or your whole family and the people right next to you know guess what guess what happened [Music] let's see listen um somebody said i set her parents up for their bends to be stolen to receive 30 percent guess what there are thousands of people couples who have had their being stolen their son their daughter has a boyfriend or a husband when that daughter sees that post she fishing to for at least a hour to 24 hours think that her man especially if he's in this demographic that her man set her parents up to have their being stole so he could get 30 percent they finally get into a argument and they have nothing to do with them and that could turn physical and they could even break up over that off of that right now so see that's the thing if you just put something out there for for comedy for for entertainment but you don't have also the body of work that can coach and counsel through the stuff then it's just creating it's causing damage it's just doing damage and [Music] it's a price being paid in the trenches behind closed doors that the people and the blogs that spreading this stuff won't even hear about it's a woman that's gonna lose her life off of that trend right there off of that thing going viral it's women are going to lose their life but it won't even make it won't make national news at best it'll make local news and the fight blew up off of you i bet this you i bet it's you and the man just high the man high pcp angel does or or mentally ill gotta got a mental illness and he just i bet issue i bet it's you what i guarantee it i guarantee it and then the person who shared it who showed it and then everybody who's sharing in their story and everybody and all the blogs who picking it up they're not even thinking about the repercussions they're not even considering how fragile the human mind is think about it people oh that ain't my fault if somebody do that that ain't my fault ain't got nothing to do with that yes huh if you put it out there if you put it out there you play a part in it and then what you got to realize is you want to understand the fragility of the human mind [Music] think about the time you looked at somebody post and it made you feel embarrassed about your body because you looked at their body and you saw how nice their body is think about the time you looked at somebody's post to their wedding and it sent you into a mini depression because you're not married yet think about the time that you looked at somebody posted their newborn and tears flow down your eyes because you're barren and you can't give birth think about the time that you saw somebody post about their business success their promotion the money they made and you on a dead-end job and that sent you into a mini depression that is the fragility of the human mind so when people say oh what i'm posting and see that's why i post stuff and i have q and a's that it can shock you it can whoa it can but see what it's gonna do it's gonna scare you to caution it's gonna get you to where you say whoa okay let me pump the brakes let me close my legs let me zip my pants let me be abstinent let me really process this let me stop being so desperate let me stop being so weak let me operate in self-love and so and then i'm a lace i'ma lace it with a million teachings so that any thought your mind have i got a teaching that's addressing it to help work you through that but when we just go and we just share stuff problems with no solution is damaging because the human mind gonna receive that and not know what to do with it but react and act out so listen to me y'all see when y'all see stuff like that don't share that don't share that don't don't share that and and if you know individuals personally who share this kind of stuff and post this kind of stuff and repost it shoot them a mess and say hey you you're doing more harm than help you doing more damage than anything and some people ain't gonna care and for those that don't care they have to answer to god they have to answer to god and so i i have to even correct myself the lord showed me okay should have should have did this like that should have said that like that and i gotta come back so sometimes when you read my q a you'll see me answer something one way and then a week later you'll see me answer the same question differently it's cause in the in the in between in the middle god gave me a revelation god said oh you assumed on that one so you got to answer it like this because it could have been her fault she she didn't say what she did or he didn't say what he did so you got to address that well if you did not do anything then this is what that means but if you did a or b then this is what that means and so when you really want to help you're going to have that that correction in your spirit and in your approach and in your delivery and in what you sharing but a lot of time with the bloggers and entertainers it's just all about traction it's just about traffic and they're not really caring about the damage that the messaging is doing to the general public to the woman who has been isolated on a put on an island in her life to where she has been cut off from her friends and family and this man is crazy and he keeps accusing her of all this stuff she has never done and never will do but yet he is a functioning person in the world with a job with social media and then he reads this long list of stuff that women have that that assume we think it's a woman writing in saying that they have done this to their partner and kept it a secret now all of a sudden these men every man who see it is questioning his entire relationship his entire existence and now there is a firestorm going on in that household and those who posted and shared it sorry oops so we have to be responsible with what we share and if you're going to present the problem present a solution you know if you're going to show that stuff you got to balance it out and you know disclaimer honestly i don't think half of this stuff is real y'all a lot of this stuff i could tell was fake accounts people was playing around people just trying to be cute trying to be funny just trying to see if they can get included in an influencer or celebrity story um i could tell by looking at the account it's not even something that was legitimate i apologize they were having a little fun wasn't really thinking about the repercussion like that's something that should be done on that stuff right there and so but what i'm telling you is you know protect protect your mind and because and this is how i tell y'all is i'm a real person too so that's why i help you understand even when i the the 10 minutes total that i seen of the toxic men on the podcast and youtube channels when i watched that for two three minutes they will say something that makes sense they will say something that is actually true that is actually true from a from a healthy responsible honest man's perspective the people working for the devil will say something that makes complete sense but it'll be laced with hate or disdain or ill motives a toxic agenda it'll be the other stuff that's said that really discredits the truth that was spoken it makes it null and void and a lady said to me she said um i'm hearing a little bit of podcasts in the dark in your video when i did the video dear single moms but she said but your delivery is a tad bit better and i blocked them i blocked them don't you ever in your life come on my page comparing me to somebody who working for satan even your life you'll get blocked every time but two what i was gonna respond to her and say is even the devil when he send his minions he gonna send them with some truth he gonna send them with some because the truth is what the little bit of truth that they tell is what get a foot in the door but in order to rob the house you gotta get your foot in the door so you dress up nice in the soup and you get on the guest list to the met ball to the to the gala to the fancy foundation party at the mansion but when you get in the mansion you slip off into the bedroom and get into the safe and you loot and you you steal everything of value out of there and turn the people life upside down in the night that's how the devil gonna do the devil not going to show up at the door dress like a beggar in homeless attire with a cup and a walker and say can i get in can i get in the the gala can i come in can i come in the gala and um and have a plate of that food that y'all charging a thousand dollars a plate for no the devil finned to be associated network connected and come in with the best outfit dress good as anybody hey the devil himself will be a image consultant so know how to look the part and we'll slip in there drop some truth shake some hairs give some tips to the to the um owner of the foundation hey you ought to do this right here but have a look had a little scanner in his or her pocket or purse that every person they stand by they stealing all their credit card information stealing all their credit card information somebody's going to go to jail 9 found them out today name and phone number for stealing my credit card information somebody's going to jail now we on your tail tonight hope you watch the video on your tail right behind you you're going to jail but that's what the devil will do look the part sound the part lace you with some truth relation with some stats say some stuff that made perfect sense but it's it's the other stuff that sets you up for failure and see that's the thing that's what we got to rely and so in the name of fun in the name of social media attraction in the name of building a buzz for album for a movie for a new business launch we will participate in toxic stuff and spew and spread a narrative that is not true and that is damaging to society and so you got to guard your eyes guard your ears guard your mind got to be careful what you put in there and you got to make sure when some make you feel away that you can then confront it with your conscious mind and talk sense into yourself and work on not that it is tonight guys god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 15,954
Rating: 4.9663239 out of 5
Id: UUgXHbaua2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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