Fallout: Red Star

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Wayside makes really quality videos, it's a shame they're disbanded now

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DinkleDoodle 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn I was really starting to like this place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what you doing spoken around here I asked you a question just passing through now [ __ ] her about how do you know bill used to track with your tracker I was so I see well I guess if you're planning on give me some kind of trouble I imagine you would have tried to by now huh yes ma'am all right then I got me a nice pot and mole rat stew on the stove I'm willing to share it if you ain't planted it caused me any trouble and you continue to be polite well well how nice have a little company just look pretty quiet out here I do miss having a few folks around you what miss having some folks around being around people pretty lonely life wandering around by yourself out there no swell I could never had all that much luck with other people don't you have some kind of kin out there no I think we ain't gonna have a conversation about that then so let's just get down to business since I'm pretty sure then say you're insane you know regular paychecks are you looking for a little work no and I'm not in CR well that's good I got a proposition for you No thank you ma'am I don't get an employer tend to take care of myself well now that is why I'm asking you I need someone who can take care of themselves look I appreciate your hospitality and your fine food ma'am but I'm not looking for work have you ever had the need to find someone someone specialty I gave up on that bullish [ __ ] a long time ago ah since you're no bill you can stay here tonight but belaying interested in helping you should be gone in the morning [Music] you [Music] [Music] I told you to be gone if it wasn't gonna help this is all I got and this is what I need that's my daughter Becca she's just a baby when we settled out here well the tails were just getting too rough and we thought it was too dangerous for a little girl and we figured nobody'd even noticed us out here but we were wrong some Raiders found us the ambush bill out back they slit his throat while we watched and then they danced around and painted its blood all over their body well Peck and I ran but they caught us I held on to her I was let her go but they just beat me beat me when I came to think it was gone I learned how to take care of myself never said sin I've been collecting these caps trying to find somebody to help me find her killing every Raider I see you think she's still out there well those two most recent occupants seem to think she was they said she was the slave sold at some point and never seen again what makes you think she's still alive this is for expensive this one here this one's a special one now don't you go spin it on beer and hookers you keep it safe show it to the right person it might be able to help you [Music] [Music] [Music] wasted in a wasteland of a desert sea wandering pondered if you'll ever find me brush the dust of my smaller bottle [Music] Sager hey come on what can I do for you today honking honk Carl Oh looking for a girl yeah ha ha yeah no no no I don't deal and stuff like that can't believe you even asked me but what I do have is some [ __ ] and I've got some not a girl this girl my name is Becca Beck yeah yeah no no I don't recognize her I do you recognize a good deal though who's here I've got some turpentine I got there for Dan and I've got no time I hit him before and then I guess it just mean anything you wait got a lot of nerve showing that thing out here they're bad men out here dangerous people that kill you for that hey you now you go go up that way and go to attend trading post and ask for Barger all right Astro Barker show him that maybe he can help Bonnie on Jess Marcum stroke go faster [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the ar-10 Trading Post names Barker what can I do for you that was a mild fire shooting there cowboy appreciate the help of course but me my buddy here well we can take care of a handful of raisins ourselves do it all the time for you to come all the way out here I work these parts for years keeping the roads clear making sure that everything was a-ok over time the Stone Age cuts my gears me and my buddy settled in here set up the I attend Trading Post and we do a mighty fine business if I do say so myself I'm trying to find this girl bring a little closer now these are your senses in what they used to be no doesn't look familiar she my best left shoe yes puzzle she might have also been sold yes buzzing - you don't know much of anything do your Parker days right I don't know anything [Music] there was this here crazy Libya in the Legion notice real it's Griffin Caesar's Legion when it became clear he was not a follower personality it was only allowed to hear because his brother is a high-ranking legionella Ian because Leon would sleepless not any Legionnaire the case near his tribe they aren't wanted waste killin anyone didn't toward him and collected in his sleep in the young woman he found Becca was one of those women she said of damages he fell out of favor here was replaced by another beautiful young woman Becca was out of this so two men named paese and was no longer seen again where I find this person he's not is it hot shoes they open to move they do listen here to those mountains he was last seen up there somewhere harder [Applause] welcome to the out 10 trading folks names Barca what can I do for you dammit take some water in the box of 45 70s [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey don't scream Connor no it's okay no no be quiet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes I have it but I get to go free [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks I gotta get you home how'd he get eat her a doctor won't be fine what about the rest they stay [Music] [Music] my mother's red star huh she's dingy with she still wife she was when I left she's pretty tough I'm sure she's fine did you find me I have to track with your father she told me I'm sorry he was a good man [Music] he would figure out a way to save those others they don't want to be saved [Music] bison was a good owner never abused us we were always well fed well protected hmm they've been with him for so long they don't know any other way of life collars don't even needed to keep them they're not their families people they miss something left for them out there family no loved ones no dreams [Music] license all I've got [Music] should get some sleep I've got a long way to go [Music] [Music] thank you ma'am I don't need those I can take care of myself all right then [Music] you don't have to go stands now rhythm a thing we always welcome here thank you that Bills rifle he want me to have it [Music] so weary optic I got somebody I got a fine [Music] when we go over the stack [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Wayside Digital
Views: 7,481,133
Rating: 4.9065962 out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, Nuka Break, Red Star, Bethesda, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Wayside Creations, Nuka Cola, Wasteland, Series, Film, wayside digital, wayside, digital, vincent talenti, vince talenti
Id: HPs5nQ5d584
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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