The Senile Scribbles: Skyrim Parody (THE COLLECTION)

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I envy whoever hasn’t watched them yet and gets to watch them for the first time!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Obi-One-Binobi 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

The best skyrim series

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Longjumping_Stand990 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Skyrim Cops is a good one too

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Miltawne 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ah the Guardian stones really oughtta choose wisely here wouldn't want to screw up and regret it later on so which one you're gonna pick I don't really know I just escaped hell again you know a wise man would start with a lover stone oh yeah you'll learn a shade slower than with these but it'll help you with all your skills okay and don't try to hop it though no don't let the name for you and you might want to get a better helm too and when you got there is ancient from the Oblivion days well you know I'm working on it I'd give you mine but it's got a two-handed wielding enchant so if you handed wielding can you even lift the great sword great sword I've never tried just helps me when I think Oh [Music] dude are you serious what I'm coming when you're wrong are you really not just gonna pop another potion I don't need to use another potion okay the shop is right there just you do this every single day and I just gotta wait for you to Waddle your ass up here alright alright fine venire this disappears I'm blaming you [Music] hello sir it's like leave your family today fight for the Empire okay Oh little girl I trade you that old dog for a shiny new sword stupidest pitch other head I don't care what you say to work before course it worked on Nord yeah you want to go right now hello would you like to join the M the Stormcloaks today shut up actually I was just wondering if you guys had some pamphlets or something I could look at well we're actually all out of propaganda right now I think you mean paraphernalia do what you got there mouth okay well I just had a few questions so of course I can answer any questions you have about the storm globe you know I can answer any questions you have about the Empire also we have pamphlets look I'm really just trying to figure out who to fight for so Oh without C easy part if you want strife and unity you join the Empire you're a [ __ ] your sister you join the lame cloaks oh no if you want independence and freedom you join the Stormcloaks and if you want to take it up the ass from the tower mode you join these [ __ ] right a white gold Concord it ended the war oh you must mean they're white brown Concordat cuz i like my ass with it take it for that guy I think I'm gonna go with them [ __ ] both your factions faction how about that [Music] okay so freedom of religion yes no racial equality yes define equality okay what about gay marriage well yes of course I'm a silly question I agree why would you even ask that I mean who would want to live in a miserable marriage exactly [Music] cut your toe [Music] hey excuse me what kind of armor do you guys sell here we sold the finest weapons in Alma all right and by that you mean mostly order all right well in that case I'm just gonna sell you this and get going sure I can give you under goal for that now you don't understand this is the dagger of humiliation doesn't even technically exist as I looked about it from you yeah for a hundred gold right yeah it's worth ten times that I don't think I like your tone traveller your mom will never live with your speech graph to something you know what fine and just give me the hundred gold so I get the hell out of here actually I only have 50 left what are you doing [Music] yeah but how do you know it's stolen because it's my job to know it's your job to know do you know how many swords there are like this yeah and what about that I saw you pluck that from the main hall this yeah I didn't realize I was stealing it it's just a flower Oh Skyrim is burning and our greatest hope is off picking flowers no it's stealing them at that oh it's not like that it's God it's for a potion shut up you scum you're not talking your way out of this loading screen [Music] yeah I think I'm just gonna go [Music] so what you're just gonna leave yes isn't really working out for me you know actually I don't even want to fight you rude yeah I mean we're practically family right yeah we are and besides these people you're burning yeah not the nicest you don't sir trust me isolate like 20 Dragons already I just got arrested for plucking a flower Oh for cursing no gratitude whatsoever and just rude as hell - yeah there's no excuse for poor manners sit why are we even fighting you know I don't even know anymore you know what we should just team up yeah I don't give dudes rides [Music] do you need some help no I'm twice the adventurer you are okay it's not a competition man look the combination is on the claw how are you getting this wrong I know what to do you say my first cave look just turn the claw around and match up the symbols fine you know what get yourself [ __ ] killed it's not the combination what it's a trick it's not a trick it would never make it that easy but they did though when why make a combination at all I have no [ __ ] idea [ __ ] suck at this [Music] yeah I got you now whoa what what were you doing just now with that thing with the bow I was hunting [ __ ] with no a lot of animals hunt that's just the circle of life you humans you don't know [ __ ] about the circle of life cuz you live in a triangle of death what all you do is kill things yeah and why do you think we do that because it's in your nature whoa whoa you need to back up I don't need to do shits [Music] [Music] okay told you never to bug me when I'm who the hell are you oh I'm just uh just [ __ ] break in here no I'm break in I used a key damn it I told the mace in that door was garbage I said dad said garbage listen I said don't put the [ __ ] combination on the key mean who does that hey I'm just here to learn a shout I'm not looking for any trouble sorry I couldn't hear anything over the sounds are you groveling like a little [ __ ] what is ass goddamn skeletons are [ __ ] terrible I mean seriously I'm kind of embarrassed those guys used to be the [ __ ] back in the day - I I mean the one guy I I don't remember his name but he was [ __ ] tits with a Warhammer hmm oh right right the shell well uh it's right over there you just follow the demonic chanting and uh hey why don't you take my mask too it's a little stuffy but you can crush the bond a sermon this [ __ ] it's uh it fire you're into that sort of thing how do you feel about staffs [Music] am i yeah you sure showed them what down here now you slayed them marvelously dan thanks I guess do you kill many things now see that's a strange question to ask somebody I like watching things die okay this conversation is getting weird you're a plant I'm gonna go wait what take me with you [Music] Wow you've returned did you go to the cave and talk to the guy yeah did that right did you travel to that other place and get that thing yep impressive did you use what with a whoo and boom I think so unbelievable I'd say we've got a new watch mage on our hands whoa no no I was just doing this for experience I don't even want that responsibility responsibility this job is all perks you literally don't do anything oh well in that case what are some of the perks well uh you can um you sorry are you being serious right now hold on hold on Oh they'd go something [Music] so I want to learn a little bit about alchemy boo yeah yeah it's about time I guess okay well I didn't teach a few things for sure best way to get started is to really just sample ingredients what do you mean sampling ingredients like Pictish get bad for instance okay okay ma'am you're just a medic okay that seems like a huge health hazard no it's perfectly [ __ ] look what the [ __ ] man mmm safe and anyway you just keep on trying whatever you have it bad no no no no no no that's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen that's really pretty good one should it pass the night oh my god please tell me that's not a human heart love hurts right stop look there's got to be a better way to learn this and becoming a [ __ ] terrible where I guess it's a good time to move on to lesson number two yeah please okay forget to eat it just take all the ingredients you have at your disposal and just start [ __ ] mixing them all together oh now track this out oh no no is that what I think it is I maybe I mean I don't thought I know what you're thinking yeah it is look please don't put that anywhere near your mouth it's for science it's not necessary I think I'm actually gonna be sick the only thing that's sick is how much we're learning [Music] okay I'm here what is this about what your son's been getting into a few problems at school really how so beat him immediately well he's been running around calling the little or children hammers I I don't he's basically calling them pig elves oh I see I see hammers huh is this for me no no I just don't think he meant anything by it he just plays too many games even calls himself a gamer and wants to grow up to be the best gamer in the world a professional gamer he calls it a professional gamer oh [ __ ] [Music] okay it's all set boss and he should be here soon good are you sure this is gonna work trust me if he even makes it this far you ain't even gonna know what get out get down here he comes well why have you taken j'zargo to the middle of nowhere I know I'm sorry I'm just trying to be safe I've got some shouts that I wanted to work on and I just didn't want to be around anyone just in case j'zargo he's not your test kitty is your test guinea all right well that one worked I'm glad you're finally seeing it my way Oh mr. Hart ago is happy to have his article can't see just article is blind just articles freaking out easy easy I'll fix it oh no no you didn't fix it she's autistic she's article is stupid you gave just Argo the hiccups [Music] please just let desire go die oh come on it's not that bad that's just the depression shout talking I've been looking for you got some things I'm supposed to deliver dude how the hell do you find me in the middle of nowhere oh it's not for you it's for a mr. Jews last name Argo it's a cycle that's not what I have here give it to me your test results have come back positive but what does this mean sorry you're sorry and what the [ __ ] are you still doing here I've got three more letters for you [Music] are you sure this is right is article does not repeat him said yeah but this is saying that we've got to go all the way up here past the spider nests play this stupid rock spinning game just to unlock the loading door that leads down into the lower crypts which is like a mile-long stretch full of zombies and traps before we even get to the room with the claw key door which again is full of huge [ __ ] spiders hey Jays article just gave you the map okay you did not be at the [ __ ] place yeah I know but there's a door right here that leads to the show it's got to be some way to open it well if Jays article was the dragonball and I'm sure he could find a way but I know what [ __ ] you j'zargo you're always [ __ ] saying someone try sleep hey hey open the door ah you've got a long way listen I wasn't gonna hurt you but if you make me go all the way around I swear to god I'm gonna steal your [ __ ] soul oh yeah well I got like six skeletons in here so bring it [ __ ] [Music] hey what do you have for me today oh you know the usual shitty weapons in gear all right well you got anything else no not really nothing you'd be interested in nonsense I'll buy anything just the other day I bought a whole bunch of ingots made of petrified mammoth [ __ ] don't ask me where they came from because I was being polite I don't have anything else you can afford okay oh I mean I guess I don't really keep a lot of money on hand and I know it's just a bad neighborhood you know it is and I don't want to get robbed you wouldn't I just it's okay do you think we can wrap this up sure sure how about 200 for everything that's not your best price how about 220 that's a little too high I can't yeah you can't that's 10% or and you can do that so don't play games with me I'm not playing games I just threw 20 seems fair [Music] yo man yo yo yo let's talk about this you bitch-ass mom yo man is wrong you see wrong man is mmm hey I told you I'd be with you in just a second yeah I just had a question where the hell did you get all these soldiers or where the hell do you think their black soul gems and they need to be filled with a black oh no no no that is not correct you mean that you can fill them with a soul from any type of human being yes well look I honestly did not know that or there would definitely be some white just stop okay I'm just saying that I would never knowingly single out one type of person especially for some superficial reason oh he's so full of [ __ ] [Music] you know how screwed up you are right what the hell did you want anyway well I was gonna say that these enchants you taught me are [ __ ] garbage you got my armor glowing all the colors of the rainbow my boots actually increase carry weight and look what you did to my sword I mean I don't even want to know well obviously you weren't paying attention to your lessons why don't you just give me back my [ __ ] money now why don't you just go sex your own body murder time [Music] oh that's right come on buddy hey there big guy yeah you remember me don't you you owe me a tow hey guys sorry about that he had to come and now anyway I uh I'll be on my way now well unless I mean you guys wouldn't happen to know where I could fill two grand soul gems would you [Music] Oh my house comes with food sweet ah [ __ ] ah here we go I'll just put you right back down here we go okay okay how about goddamn it [Music] oh good day to you Dragonborn back so soon yes sir those bandits won't be bothering you guys anymore uh-uh excellent work you've done us a great service how you know was nothing well here's your reward no I'm just trying to do my part and did you just give me a hundred gold well yes I did would you prefer silver or is that like a down payment or something I'm not sure I'm following you know I was being modest when I said it was no big deal right because clearing out a bandit hive is actually pretty [ __ ] dangerous undertaking which is why your [ __ ] guards couldn't handle it themselves is there anything else I can yeah you piqued my [ __ ] interest now here's the contract on the giant that kept [ __ ] on your roads yes yes of course I remember that yeah well there were two giants not one and a couple mammoths that didn't exactly stand by and watch me murder their masters well again you've done us a great service and uh if there's nothing else I'm going to no I just have one more bounty for you to look at oh my I don't remember issuing [Music] ha [Music] wait oh man you just pop out of nowhere like that I know you yeah I know look I don't have time for this again there's a dragon tear and [ __ ] up out there and if I don't go do something not going anywhere you've committed crimes probably at some point around here what say you and your defense well I guess first I'd say they shut up I've heard about your honeyed words okay that's not even the same dragon I was talking about I don't care you all wanted nine so you can use a duel time will pay you'll fine or because I'm in such a hurry maybe you and I could work something out okay I see what you'll say I don't think you do just give me whatever I really need to go oh they [ __ ] themselves [Music] any sense my brother what no that's the correct response hello open the hell up [ __ ] do you mean what you lost I just did yes I said the right words with the hell else do you expect me to do you're a sick little [ __ ] door you know that [Music] ride that hot dragon ass against my face [Music] come on bring it be in the mail slot [Music] whoa whoa man take it easy actually I take that back it's freezing out here okay what before keys going on it's kind of obvious that my gear is enchanted so what my flames will not affect you well no not really no that's [ __ ] cool man I know right that's some cool shoot yeah I mean it definitely comes in handy yeah yeah but so what else you got oh man I've got tons of cool stuff look at this pretty cool right now check this [ __ ] out that was amazing how do I not know you know these words okay okay wait you're gonna love this this one's one of my favorites it's gonna make your jaw hit the floor watch whoa unbelievable oh hello well I guess I can't carry a few more [Music] yeah okay look I don't understand what I did oh hey there listener look have you seen a quiet oh come on are you still mad about the door thing look I had no idea you were actually gonna do some of the things hey can you please shut up trying to listen oh she's talking to you right now what's she saying I I think she's pissed oh great it's probably cuz you're not in uniform what will you tell her that I gave it to you okay it's not my fault you think you look like a gay ninja man at anyone say like that and that's what you implied look it's not the uniform okay all right what then I I don't think she's talking to me what whoa hold on a second where the hell is Cicero [Music] hey I'm here to see about joinin Dawnguard well that's good we need as many soldiers as we can yeah you're the Dragonborn uh yeah you know me of course everybody knows you well I guess people do talk you're the piece of [ __ ] that hasn't killed all the one yet Alduin holy [ __ ] I totally forgot about that get the [ __ ] out of my castle okay okay I'm sorry you can't solve the vampire crisis before you solve the dragon crisis it should only be stopped all right all right if it makes you feel better I'll go face them first yeah and don't come back until you [ __ ] believe that guy what the hell are you doing back here what he said i could join after all doing is dead so are you saying you just [ __ ] killed all doing i thought that was obvious all the way yeah dead done damn damn right it was pretty easy actually I've been killed his brother even though he was he was pretty cool so I'm I'm kind of feeling like a dick [Music] hey there what can I do for you yeah I heard that you guys sold like armored up trolls is that right no that's right we train them for battle and we sell them to the Don guard members oh hell I'll take one that's pretty damn cool can I pay you or the only problem is we don't really have any ready right now you see old trolls can't be trained so we need to steal their babies and I'm guessing since it's a relatively new operation we only have untrained babies yeah well how much for one of them ah you've brought me the bow and my daughter saves me a trip I've come here to stop you Father yeah plus you know your lazy ass was never gonna leave the house anyway that yes I would have but eventually anyway I was also hoping that while I was here I could kind of get your blessing I know to date your daughter and marry her and I've lots a little vampire baby so that's what she's gonna do shoot what no see I told you it was an ass yeah well you're right fools you're both about to die anyway oh we're the fools you're the one that's going all crazy over this stupid prophecy hey it's not stupid but you know I don't expect you to understand understand what that without the Sun all the plant life is gonna die which is gonna kill all the animals which is gonna kill all the people which is eventually gonna kill all the vampires can you say all that again not to mention the Sun doesn't even hurt you I've been walking around with your daughter for weeks you can go on the sunlight whenever you want yeah well you can but it's [ __ ] annoying [Music] so now that your father's a steaming pile of blood over there in the corner I wanted to ask you something look I know what you're gonna say and my answer is still no okay fine will you at least marry me No why not I don't even know what you look like me neither you know why because I'm not vain and I don't spend all day in front of the mirror what are you saying that I do of course not you don't even have a reflection I'm just saying that you know there's alchemy here you you mean chemistry no it's so much more than that oh wow we saved the world together I just I'm not ready really well I wasn't ready to become a freak but I did that for you whoa vampires aren't freaks oh yeah well I'm pretty sure this qualifies apparently I've missed too many blood [Music] hey I almost forgot I have a gift for you a gift so you're not mad at me anymore come on we're cool we've been through way too much for that anyway I I really hope you like it oh is this is this men's armor oh yeah sorry I I really couldn't get your exact measurements from the friend zone pardon me lovebirds but I couldn't help but notice your outdated adventuring apparel hey excuse me outdated dude I wear nothing but the best as you should with that said may I present to you stall rim oh I get it you're you're like a Salesman I'm a mere promoter of personal safety good sir okay listen I'm not interested in whatever that is well perhaps you'd like to acquire a female set I see that your wife is wearing huh okay first of all she's not my wife thank you yes Oh for [ __ ] sake and secondly daedric armor has the best defense rating so it'll protect her more I cannot deny that aesthetically it is the most befitting of a soulless creature of the night yeah that's what I thought too I mean hey easy but if it is indeed the best then why would you yourself wear an inferior set it's a tiny difference okay and dragon bone weighs less most all room where is even less than dragon bone and matches it in defense the dragon bone weapons are the most damaging and the heaviest which is counterintuitive to your original point no I just prefer damage oh look bottom line is I look like a dragon slaying badass and you look like the [ __ ] lead skater and all the one on ice [Music] what hell is this place what nothing Oh I'll be right back your hands were once I though now through them alone hello is this mirror hey hey get off this line I'm doing my mantra here and you're [ __ ] with my cheek yeah listen I don't really know what you're up to or why you're building these things but I'm gonna put it into it huh there's nothing you can do I control the minds of these workers and they will only do my bidding oh yeah well I'll just [ __ ] kill him then well what No especially these guys without names Reaver outlaw yeah they can definitely go if you so much as touch a single worker and then you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna masquerade around this [ __ ] wasteland dressed as one of your cultists and tell people all kinds of [ __ ] like how much you love painting your toenails and brushing other men's hair you still there I'm here [Music] so you are the one that's laid all the way I could have done it myself but I chose a different path you really think you could have killed all the one with ease but they chose are different because I heard that when you stepped up to the Dragons they mop the floor with your ass and burn your temple - yeah well you're a fool if you believe those lies back me up here hermaeus I have learned that history is not always entirely accurate see I don't know your temple was burnt - [ __ ] that's because I left a cigar burning on the nightstand okay it happens sure if by cigar you mean Baylock and a legion of pissed-off dragons enough talk it's time to end this oh my [ __ ] god it's the Rainbow Warrior look what so that explains why your sword looks like a lurkers [ __ ] hey he does not this was a gift from her mayor small Italian mana Vegas are you have found that there is such a thing as too much information [Music] so this is it just gonna go round and round yeah what did you expect oh I don't know I guess I expected a [ __ ] steer yeah well why don't you just be flying to the professionals okay this doesn't make any sense I used been will on you don't you have to do what I say sure if what you say is fly me around in circles or attack that Skeever take an hour killer this is [ __ ] oh I'm sorry is this not living up to your expectations now it doesn't a pretty damn disappointed actually well good because I'm a legendary god damn dragon that's your own personal [ __ ] taxi service unless you want a non-stop ticket to the afterlife [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] I'm the original weapon of mass destruction boxer Knight into a [ __ ] so you can kiss my ass you think you could just drop me off near my house [Music] I have done all that can be done there is nothing left no quests to be undertaken no villains to be slain no challenges Luke oh sorry Wow must be the bull [ __ ] in the air what what is that no quests left really no villains to be slain I I have done all that can be hard please there are literally droves of dragons vampires and bandits that terrorize this frozen hellscape on a daily basis I mean yeah but none of its a challenge I'll try single parenting or something man I don't know what to tell you so you won't fight me no I'm not gonna kill you because you're bored but you are the only one left who might be able to send me to solving guards no might about it to fight me you have to either be suicidal or you have to make it so dramatic with a thundering crap I can't help it man part dragon sneeze weird alright anyway suicide by Dragonborn isn't gonna get you to sovngarde suicide if only that were true more likely another bitter victory for me soon after you draw your sword oh my sword did you really just assume my battle class no I it's just pretty clear based on how you look this Wow no I didn't mean this could all be aesthetic I've got all types of weapons all right hitting all up in here we're getting off track here alright look I'll admit there's a lot of people that want this fight to happen but honestly I don't see the point no point a victory for you however unimaginable would show all of Skyrim that you're the superior warrior yeah but everybody already knows I'm better you probably just want to see an ass-whooping thinks you're better okay that that's what they think yeah I think over your helmet hole yeah like you even know what germs are anyway bragging rights I already have it's not much of an incentive oh well victory against me brings many spoils such as well I have precious gins for example worth a bucket of gold yeah a small bucket also my armor and weapons are pretty legendary yeah that's true most folks maybe but I'm the Dragonborn I've got better [ __ ] my guestroom closet I've also got some potions and it's a Daedric heart that's pretty rare oh there's a human one in here too I'm not sure where that came from there's also some arrows and is this a punch card too ok look if you don't fight me I'm just gonna tell everyone in Skyrim you chickened out well can't have that can we what is that supposed to be oh this here that's just a spork okay I I don't do that there that's called mark for death told you I sneezed weird probably sure to learn more than two shouts in film school buddy [Music] well maybe not quite sovngarde right now [Music] alright buddy I'm gonna run out for a bit so this is it this is my life now trapped waiting to be shattered into a barren enchanted underwear from an undefeated warrior Weston across the known world to some [ __ ] stayed trapped in a row it can't get any worse do you get to the cloud district very often oh my god Oh what am I see of course you don't [Music] well hey guys you guys are still here where Luke with is finally back from your vacation insult Stalin huh hey I wasn't on vacation I'll save in the [ __ ] world again oh I guess there was an outbreak of further bikini-clad island [ __ ] huh yeah we know all the winds dead what we saved in a world from yeah all the one wasn't the problem I had to face my rack Murdock I don't think I know whose that is yeah but it sounds so familiar something about a brothel no I think maybe a temple or or a brothel temple you mean a brimful guys what the [ __ ] anyway it's interesting in this person just so happened to be on an island paradise yeah actually it was more like a volcanic wasteland full of despair where everything there tries to kill you but you know whatever call it what you want come on the island still has plenty of beautiful places to experience although to be fair even though they're rare you might want to prepare for the where bears their what they travel in packs well I guess I'm not going assaults town any time soon then it's salt I'm not salty time I know the imperialize education system is have to blame here but you should still know these things hey it's not that I don't know it's like a Nordic Island right what basically yes some of the first and it said I don't give a flaming pile of pig [ __ ] then in it you son of a [ __ ] well I can see you guys haven't changed very much I guess nobody's won the war yet no not yet turns out that we're pretty evenly matched for now maybe which is why we're offering our incentive program for new recruits oh well that seems like a good idea yeah instead of iron we're giving away steel swords and shields to all new adult recruits and any children the drawing get a free Dragonborn action figure and the ability to be your dragons be a dragon [ __ ] e talking about it's just for their imagination basically we give them a torch and a map to the nearest Imperial camp [Music] guys it's been interesting as always but I gotta get going well wait before you go will you join the Empire not a chance in hell so does that mean you're considering the Stormcloaks no man I don't think you two get it oh shoot I'm gonna be making some serious changes around here hey that's [ __ ] portal max well you said you killed him I did but then I use an elder scroll to go back through time and talk myself out of it I'm actually a very reasonable person but y-yeah what are you planning well let's just say you guys are gonna want to burn those uniforms oh [ __ ] I'm gonna lose all my benefits I'm gonna lose my only better clothes [Music] hmm I'll get you Sunday you even read what you put your article to sleep and you'll made him blind again huh that's weird that shot was supposed to enhance your vision great so basically you have no idea what you're doing what are you like coughing up a hairball or something mm-hmm oh yeah yeah I like I haven't heard that one bit and you might want to get a better helm to when you got there is ancient Oh little girl I'll trade you that old doll for a shiny new soul my goodness that's a dark elf you're a [ __ ] oh boy hum oh I get it you're yelling yo because it's the dragon word for father ah I just thought it'd be more accurate you know stead of roaring like an animal yeah I mean you're probably right of course the flip side to that is you sound like a [ __ ] idiot okay well sorry to shatter your stereotype but I'm a wise and ancient being so I don't really go around saying dude thank you broke it any chance you'll be dying soon yeah I got you now guys I think we need a new sprig in here get out get down here it comes [Music] well oh I see now I can adjust the color to whatever I want it was just cycling as a default ah I feel dumb now hey big guy look turns out I didn't need your tow after all isn't that great now you can wear flip-flops again oh hello well I guess I can carry a few more balls oh nothing I just boss time real quick yeah just try to assess my options here [Music] yeah so there's our dragon I'll just lead werewolf vampire and I remember I'm part know your [ __ ] business see now your stupid head isn't in the way oh yeah it's like that ride in that theme park with the two dragons only wetter smellier you should brush your teeth more it can't be Oh No your hands were once idle now through me do they he actually murdered all of you didn't he okay I I don't good night to the old lady goodnight your disease [Music]
Channel: seanzoz
Views: 2,535,228
Rating: 4.9436636 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, Skyrim animation, skyrim parody, skyrim video game, elder scrolls, senile scribbles, elder scrolls parody, skryim spoof, skyrim comedy, dragonborn comes, skyrim cartoon, skyrim skit, foolhardy, the senile scribbles, video game, skyrim remastered, seanzoz, skyrim funny, skyrim parody part 1, skyrim mods, skyrim lore
Id: hAbLhKvBDec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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