The Most Messed Up Reason For Firing Somebody (Boss Stories r/AskReddit)

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boss is offered it what is the most messed up reason you've had to fire one of your employees for had a relatively new employee who left at lunch to take care of his wife who had cancer he didn't return after an hour and then his wife was calling looking for him according to the nightshift the guy finally got back from lunch around 8 o'clock that night and then proceeded to work for several hours we later found out he had picked up a girl during lunch and was in a hotel with her the next morning we found a two-foot pile of paperwork that he had filed the night before stuff behind the copy machine he was walked out before lunch they put jalapeno peppers on every burger for a large order while working overnight because they were annoyed that they had to make so much food hiding Nazi flags around the office after hours when the building was locked he broke in multiple times to do this before we caught him I wasn't the manager but I watched this go down a kid at Safeway told our boss to fire him obviously the boss was confused the kid said something along the lines of my parents made me get this job and if I quit they'll be annoyed but if I get fired I can just make up a reason why here's the best part the kids mom used to work for this manager and she's the one who got him the job the manager fired the kid then called his mom and told her what happened I never did get to hear the aftermath but I can't imagine that kid went places in life he was going over to fight in the Syrian civil war and told me he needed eight months two years off then he added if I come back at all it was a grocery store and we couldn't do that he got one month off but was scheduled for the month after and obviously he was fired for job abandonment I wonder if he ever came back this was in June of 2014 he was from Syria but he was first stopping in Egypt to visit family and that was also a hotbed of civil unrest for all I know he's part of Isis Oh God extradited since he's a Canadian citizen but he could also be dead I told him be careful these blades are sharp and he told me about how he worked roofing and they use much sharper blades then he proceeded to cut himself with a blade I'm not sure why think it was to prove it wasn't as sharp as what he's used to either way blood everywhere asked him to leave right after that it was his first day I was a manager at Spencer Gifts I had to fire a guy for stealing edible Lube sneaking into the bathroom jerking off with it than eating it don't buy the socks in that store two IT employees for having a fistfight in the parking lot during investigation it came to light that they were arguing over whether Windows 7 would be better than XP when seven wasn't even publicly accessible yet those sound like the best kind of IT drinking on the job he was a preschool teacher totally understandable source have preschooler back when I owned a plumbing company I had an employee that wasn't quite a plumber yet but could do service work pretty well I had to send him to a new home for a punch list of some minor things on the list was the showerhead was making noise when he was talking to the homeowner a very nice-looking woman in her late 20s she said that while in the shower the showerhead made a whistling noise and he said to her in front of the superintendent well if I saw you naked I'd whistle too she complained and I had to let him go because at the time that was the only development we had work in not a boss but I used to close a fast-food restaurant with one other co-worker and a supervisor occasionally the supervisor would take her break in the office and smoke crack no one said anything until we got a new closer who was pretty upset when she blew some in his face one of my employees stole a credit card out of another employee's purse used it to buy a TV at Target then pretended she found the credit card on the floor near the employees purse two days later we once had a crap bandit at my office they work nights and weekends and would smear his crap on the walls using it to write stuff against the company we were able to narrow it down to about three people who it could have been turns out it was all three of em I was forced to fire and carry out legal action against two employees who stole explosives from a site he walked up behind the janitorial woman while cleaning the urinal and began peeing in same said urinal like over her shoulder oh and he was a security officer now the janitorial staff has little bar things kinda like a shower curtain that go across the bathroom door frame to block it with little flags hanging down notifying that the bathroom is closed couple clarification points the facility is a huge back office support facility a campus of several buildings with nearly 15,000 employees we are not customer-facing so everyone on campus is an employee the janitorial woman was allegedly crouching down cleaning the urinal not standing which allowed for the over-the-shoulder volley of bladder juice there was no one else in the restroom so there was even less of an excuse to pee in the urinal the woman was in progress cleaning the pee bandit did not deny the incident he felt his status and authority as a security officer gave him the rights to use the restroom while it was being serviced he was immediately dismissed and honestly doesn't reflect the profile of the nearly 90 other officers I have on staff who are mostly very decent people trying to learn a basic living in a pretty thankless job I was a manager in a chain of shoe stores was brought into a store and automatically didn't trust an employee took a whole three days to discover her online store that was just a bunch of stolen product from our store after an audit and her admission we learned she had stolen 37 percent of our stock for three years she actually didn't get arrested which shocked me she signed a contract saying she would pay the company back at $300 a month it will take her 15 years to do so he punched a customer in the face while trying to buy coke for said customer I had to fire him you can't punch customers in the face not a boss but my first boss fired me after I crashed a customer's car at a car dealership I was 18 worst experience ever and it was my third day there not a boss but when I worked at a grocery store a co-worker of mine got fired because he backed his new truck up in front of the doors and did a burnout on the sidewalk because he wanted to show people how much power his truck had after he chipped it in put a new exhaust in thirteen intimately explicit voicemails left on my phone by a very drunk employee HR had to transcribe them and no one could believe this guy said some of those things he has a sneeze fetish that is he gets off literally when people sneeze at him he sprinkled black pepper dust in the box soft tissue paper and hung around those who use the Kleenex until they sneezed while hiding his hands in his pockets it didn't take long for the women to file formal complaints with HR he got fired and left with a crappy tin grin and a large wet spot at the front of his pants that's a weird freaking fetish not a boss but when I was in Ryan College I had a co-worker who got in this situation the parent at the end of the school year comes to the dorm room and asks do you know which room my daughter is in co-worker what's your daughter's name parents's coworker you know that's a stripper name fired on the spot a co-worker was fired after he violently attacked our mutual boss during a disciplinary meeting he was convinced our boss was sabotaging his projects in an effort to make him fail he was a big guy boss was a petite woman another manager came in when he heard a screaming co-worker was held down by other employees until the police arrived the saddest part is that our boss was indeed constantly setting him up for failure and belittling us all he was asleep at his desk so I shook his shoulder to wake him up because it wasn't even a big deal to me and he fell out of his chair drunk off his ass and then threw up in front of the big boss I was the third shift coordinator for temp employees at a dog food plant for six months I had to tell two guys from Kenya not to come back because of their hygiene they both wore the same set of clothes for two weeks straight do you know how bad you have to smell to be told you can't work in a dog food plant Rowe personal hygiene she had a lot of personal issues going on which I felt awful about but she showed up to work looking like her clothes hadn't been washed in a month and smelling like she hadn't taken a shower in just as long one medical form and for conversations write-ups later I had to let her go was an awful experience I hope never to have to repeat I recently had to let someone go for peeing on other people's stuff on the carpet on their co-workers phone and keyboard on co-workers coffee mugs I once watched a guy get let go for having cancer never heard about him again this reminded me of a news story from a couple of years ago some ladies boss had health problems and needed an organ transplant the lady was a perfect match so she offered herself up as a donor well after having major surgery she was obviously weakened for a while and not performing at a usual pace at work so the boss fired her I am NOT a boss myself however back when I was young and working at Target we had an employee single mom late 40s trailer-trash who apparently started a nasty em habit the managers didn't really catch on at first however one day she came in as high as a kite she walked into the bathroom carved out all of her teeth with a razor blade calmly walked up to the store manager and handed them to him it took him almost a full minute to even comprehend what had just happened she was fired on the spot and 911 I mean I heard em was bad for your teeth but this was unexpected the concept of relative melting points just didn't really sink until he'd gotten to plastic utensils stuck to the grill and part of a burger it's highly possible that drugs were involved I had a woman tell me she'd starts in a month because that was when her unemployment ran out and I was too naive to see that as a red flag she shows up and just pretends not to understand what she's supposed to do over and over until I fire her for not having accomplished virtually anything Stanford gradual degree in engineering I was blinded by it and thought it had to be me not her as the source of her problems so of course she marches right into the unemployment office and claims she was laid off as she files for unemployment she didn't realize that your benefits are a function of your earnings so she'd get practically nothing but she was married and didn't need much just went from employer to employer to scan the system for whatever she could get guy was in the bathroom yelling and causing a racket went in there and he had ripped the door off the stall and was laying on the floor crying for his mommy I ended up finding the bottle of rum he was pouring in his coke he was even more upset when he found out he didn't have a job anymore crapping in the shower and then waffles stomping it down the toilets were literally right across from the showers it was an older seemingly sophisticated lady stealing toilet paper at a restaurant a guy held at 12 inches chef's knife up and told the girl I'm a cutter B that's how the legend of crazy cold bar Joe began I fired one of my public safety officers when she went off on our dispatcher for turning down the volume on her CD player I'll get my pistol from my car and bust a cap in your ass the worst was one account where this officer was on bike patrol he flashed a fake LAPD badge at a guy sitting in his car waiting for his wife he took him out of his car cuffed him and made him withdraw $300 from an ATM strong-arm robbery I worked at a cinema in high school and the boss was a a kid showed up stoned for his interview the boss called him out on it and started telling the kid about when he used to get high before work himself makes the kid promise he won't do it again in the interview then tells the kid he'll be fired if he shows up to work stoned proceeds to give him the job kid showed up to his first shift stunned and it's fired I'm not sure which one is the bigger here at one place there was someone whose food got stuck in a vending machine and they hit bumped the machine and shattered the glass they had to throw everything away and made him pay for it in the glass and then fired him I ran a bicycle delivery team I hired a guy once who would go out on deliveries and come back with the correct money credit slips but I would get calls saying that people didn't get their deliveries we never got to the bottom of it but he got let go after the third episode a friend of mine that worked as a manager at Denny's told me of the night she had to fire the two night cooks the dishwasher and four servers and then had police arrest them turned out they were running a fencing operation during their downtime hours and also was a coke ring as well once she found out called the cops and before they arrived she fired them all at the car plant I worked at two guys got fired for blowing each other in the bathroom at Domino's where I work this guy got fired for dropping three tubs of black olives in one evening at the time I couldn't believe that anybody was capable of such a featuring another case I remember was this 16 year old who acted as if he wanted to work hard but just played on his smartphone when we were busy also he frequently swore at customers which is a big no-no we had to let a pool man go once for wanking it in the Pump Room at one of our residential accounts twice that wasn't the most messed up though he just happened to get caught the most messed up is when I was the trainer for a tech company call center once and we got a guy out of training it was a struggle first day on the phones he shows up with music headphones on when a recently divorced fairly attractive office worker walks by he looks at her and then one of the other co-workers and says loud enough for her and everyone else to hear who's tapping dead-ass needless to say it was his first and last day I am NOT a boss I work on Bourbon Street as a bartender however we have extremely high turnover and attract some genuine loonies so had a guy worked for a week mostly in the pizza area he was behind the bar for two day and he broke a bottle of Grey Goose on someone's head the reason I gave them their three frickin dollars back - we have a little microwave - the back of the place usually nobody uses it we all just call for food however during buy a classic the worst event ever a couple of gunshots popped off outside and the bar got stampeded from people trying to escape gunshots this girl who had worked there for months runs to the back screaming old corny then comes back while people are still panicking at the end of the night our register comes up $1,000 short she had stolen it and put it in the microwave three a lot of people get fired for selling or buying drugs but we had a guy selling bags off our bathroom walls paint white and flaky - dumb bass college kids this was mostly funny and harmless except he was doing coke - our boss's boss came in one night and all you hear is him screaming from the bathroom flick I did the wrong bag getting high on fake weed then chasing a neighbor lady with bolt cutters I had to fire my assistant for allegedly picking his nose my boss didn't like him and was always trying find ways to write him up at some point my assistant had enough and wouldn't sign the paperwork stating being written up for these things were humiliating so I had to fire him for insubordination which was the plan all along I soon quit that BS company that was 20 years ago and I am still mad about it you have been visited by the B of jazz like this video to have your ears filled with cool cool jazz if you 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Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 166,642
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, boss, bosses, Boss Stories, Reason, messed up, firing, fired, ley go
Id: 1Gln7foBBfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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