Bosses, Have You Fired Someone And Had Them Totally Freak Out? (AskReddit)

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bosses of Reddit have you ever fired someone and had them totally freak out witnessed my boss firing someone and it was super awkward I work at a coffee shop and this girl would literally sit on the counters and eat muffins complaining she had cramps and couldn't work she was so [ __ ] lazy and super annoying too however my boss is a huge softy and felt bad for her because he knew she had a rough life which is very sweet one day she came in two hours late and he pulled her into the back and explained to her that if this ever happened again he would have to fire her so she gets up and opens the door and laughs super loudly and his face and screams out fire me fire me yeah [ __ ] right you don't have the [ __ ] balls to fire me I [ __ ] dare you you [ __ ] [ __ ] my boss got up walked to the doorway where she was now standing and replied get the [ __ ] out you're fired she honestly looked stunned actually surprised that he did it she began to walk through the store and knock [ __ ] down until my boss walked over to her calmly and said no no you walk through the back door and get out of here or I call the cops we never saw her again after that thank God oh hell so many times the first time I started working as a porn store I had only started working there like two weeks earlier but the manager told me I was now his assistant manager and I needed to fire the nightshift guy I got a slight raise so I figured I pretty much had to do it I was only 21 and had very little work or life experience I didn't know how to fire someone but I did it I came in to work the next morning to fire this guy I didn't know what to say so I was like look dude I know this sucks but as you know I've been made Azzam and my first order of business was to let you go I barely got the word out before he was screaming at me calling me names telling me I didn't have the authority and that he'd been there over a year and he refused to get out from behind the counter so I called my manager buttons he was a raging alcoholic he was still passed out cold at 9:00 a.m. meanwhile the night shift you'd called the owner of the business who sent his son one of the supervisors I had the owner and the supervisor screaming at me one in person the other on the phone the supervisor said that I needed to get the manager on the phone and I better hope the answers because if he can't fire him he'd fire me instead I called and the manager finally answers he has a conversation with the supervisor that lasts about five minutes or so while I'm sitting there freaking out about the likely event of getting fired myself after five minutes the supervisor looks at nightshift guy and says you're fired get the [ __ ] out then he turns to me and says sorry about that the [ __ ] manager never actually promoted you he was just too much of a coward to do his job two weeks later I was the manager I've never had anyone really freaked out most people just get really sad sim begged for another chance a few have just cried but the best one in terms of Ease was a woman I called into my office she sees me and the our manager sitting there before any of us can say anything she says am i fired I say yes she walks out of the office gets her personal belongings from her desk which consisted of about four things and walks out the door never to be seen again I wish they all went that way if by freak out you mean pull out a handgun and commit suicide then yes I fired someone and had them freak out his branch manager loathed him with the intensity of 1000 suns and when she got word that I was coming down to terminate his employment the next day she couldn't help herself and told everyone in the office naturally word got back to him about three seconds later I showed up late the next morning and as soon as I hit the door he stood up from his desk and said you're not going to fire me and pulled her 45 out of his briefcase this was back in the day when people still carried briefcases and kept all their work in them in other words pree laptop days he chambered around turned it around tried to pull the trigger but the palm grip safety was cock-blocking him like a nitwit I jumped on him and tried to get the gun away from him but he was so slick with sweat I slid off him he finally figured out where he went wrong put the gun up to his chest and blew a small hole in the front and a really really big hole in his back total pandemonium I fired one girl and her father came into my store and freaked out on me I let him stand there and scream at me for a couple minutes told him if he wanted to know why I Candace adult daughter he could ask her and told him to get out of my store before I squatted him out he threatened to kick my ass and I got in his face and asked if he really thought he could beat up someone half his age who also happened to be a bouncer he left another kid I fired because he was a shitty worker he had asked for a day off that he was normally scheduled to work I told him to find someone to cover the shift he never even asked any of his co-workers or even me to cover it the day he wanted off rolls around and he doesn't show I call his cell and he tells me he's eight hours away and he had told me he wanted it off I told him to not bother coming back in and he immediately accused me of firing him because he was black I replied that he was being fired because he was a shitty worker who would spend more time arguing why he shouldn't have to do something I asked him than it would have taken to do said thing he claimed that his mama's friend was a lawyer and the guy had been telling him that he had the basis for a real good case against me for being racist I told him good luck I'd see him in court with my six black siblings and hung up on him he called my boss and gave him the same [ __ ] story so my boss caved and gave him a job at another one of our stores he got fired after two months for being repeatedly late then finally not showing up for a shift let me count the ways worked in a restaurant with multiple black female line cooks fired one girl for insubordination profanity towards a customer and attempting to start a fight with same customer she slapped me three other female cooks immediately began knocking the [ __ ] out of her and threw her out the door customers called the police because they thought someone was getting murdered on the line hired as an executive chef at upscale sports bar after current chef no call / no showed for three days my first day on the job the former chef finally appeared like nothing had happened I informed him he no longer had a position he began trashing the office wrecking the computers credit machines everything not nailed down I stepped out called the police and had to eventually tackle the guy when he went for a knife multiple occasions after terminating servers the former servers would have a tantrum walking through the restaurant one in particular at the tablecloth with families meals on to the floor while screaming obscenities I've had my tire slashed threatening mail and emails and numerous threats of bodily harm fun times fun times not a boss that watched someone get fired at a Carl's jr. one time the person in front of me in line wqs being an obvious dick to one of the employees semi harrassing him taking forever just to order a burger the guy behind the counter finally had enough of his [ __ ] yelled [ __ ] this shirt I don't make near enough to put up with your [ __ ] jumped over the counter and eque the guy in the face after the [ __ ] customer was laying on the ground the employee hopped back over the counter and asked me what I wanted safe to say he didn't finish or even start taking my order before his manager came out screaming and told him to get pho definitely my best experience at a fast-food restaurant my boyfriend had a guy fired at his job a few months ago he doesn't technically have the ability to fire anyone but he makes the recommendation to his boss and then the person is gone his boss would always default on his recommendation as he's the person indirect supervision of them the guy apparently kept coming to work drunk off his ass my boyfriend tried to let it slide and the first few times made comments like starting the weekend a little early but then it got to the point where it was happening more egular Li and he flat-out told him that he had to stop drinking on the job or he was going to get fired the guy was drunk a few weeks later so he was fired this guy drunk off his ass started screaming about how it wasn't fair that he was being fired for being drunk because my boyfriend does cocaine all the time and is clearly always stoned and that he should be the one getting fired and a whole bunch of [ __ ] my boyfriend does none of that and offered right away to go take a drug test to which his boss responded that it wasn't necessary because the guy getting fired was obviously just pissed off then he started to threaten my boyfriend's life he did know where we live my boyfriend walks to work most days and they had been friendly before he started coming in drunk all the time so it had come up in conversation he told my boyfriend that he'd be waiting outside for him one day and that he would regret having him fired he also knew which car was my boyfriend's it's parked right outside our window and threatened to damage that the guy was an ex-con who had gone to jail on assault and drug charges and had mentioned having previous connections to shady people in a town nearby that it known for its gang activity they sent my boyfriend home that day and his boss actually gave him the ride so he didn't have to walk the half mile alone they sent the guy home but he came back a few hours later and took a microwave and a blanket from the warehouse my boyfriend speculated later that he was living there part of the time I used to be a manager at a KFC and had to fire this girl for overuse of her cell phone got so bad I would take it from her at the start of shift she would talk on it in front of customers texts constantly and never follow through with her duties about 16 or 17 I started taking her phone at the start of shift but I never really checked her phone turns out she got another and gave me her old one with no service quarter texting under the register one day told her to leave she freaked out and shouted and screamed at me said she needed the job wanted another chance etc but I had already given her a bunch of chances she ended up throwing stuff all the way out the door dumped a whole tray of chicken on the floor knocked over plate stacks etc I witnessed this crazy lady I worked with a veterinarian office get fired it was one of those you can't fire me because I quit scenarios classic she made a big scene screaming and yelling about how we were nothing without her while everyone just kind of stared at her with blank expressions she finally makes her way out to her car just to reverse it a little bit and put it back in park I see her speed walking back towards the building at this time I was a little nervous about what the hell she was doing she walked in not saying a word to anyone grab two stools in one of the back rooms brought them outside and smashed them into pieces right in front of the window in her deference I found out later that she bought those stools awhile ago for the office every ends reaction to this was the best part just watching looking confused but calm then when it was all over we all kinda just looked at each other shrugs and then went back to work I didn't do the firing but I was in the meeting see I fired the Director of Sales so dude who clearly has anger issues gets up starts yelling about how he's going to beat the hell out of SIA if they ever cross paths in public storms out breaking the office door and the daughter the stairwell for the next month he would drive back and forth in the parking lot for 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day waiting for SIA to come out the guy had no problem with me nor I with him he was purposely acting a fool because SIA is a complete idiot and we'd laugh about it whenever we crossed paths of course he was charged with destruction of property threatening with bodily harm etc not sure what ever happened to him I was driving a pickup truck with a guy when I fired him and his response was to jump at me like the way kids would jump at each other in school in an attempt to make them flinch two for flinching remember that yeah that's what it was like there was one minor difference however this was a frail 62 year old black man who looked like Redd Foxx if he and I had actually gotten in a fight I would have seriously hurt this guy he was being a belligerent [ __ ] and 100% deserve the firing but in that moment his pathetic attempt to physically intimidate me was probably one of the saddest and most depressing things I had ever seen in my life I took the rest of the day off because hey I'm the boss right I ended up drinking for most of the night that encounter really shook me though and I still think about that guy a lot hope you're doing well er ni ye asterisk even if you were an [ __ ] asterisk for the sake of honesty I feel like I should point out that this was not actually his name I had about five to six white ups on this girl at work she consistently had a crap attitude at work would wander off to make long painfully detailed personal phone calls was confrontational and volatile my documentation was impeccable and I wrote down verbatim every single one of our check-ins verbal warnings constructive criticism conversations et Cie and I'll let her know this every time the day that we sat down with our director to tell her she either needed to move to a different position in a different location or leave the agency she sat stone-faced while the director read off the exquisitely detailed and specific with dates and times incident reports then asked if she recalled any of those incidents she stood up and started a slow clap she looked me in the face and went Oh nutella sammich brilliant well played you got me how proud of yourself are you amazing fantastic good for you good for you are you happy with yourself this is just great I said there and stared at her until she stopped she sat back down cleared her throat and said I had no idea this is how you felt about me Nutella sammich I really wish you had come to me sooner started blubbering like a baby about how fragile she is and in the next sentence claimed I hadn't been direct enough with her and just needed someone who wouldn't hold my hand and would just man up and tell me what to do director looked at her dumbfounded and said well no one has ever called me Telus amateur handheld her before but if you insist she then placed her in a location with a high turnover rate and this biggest hardest in the agency she could soon after marrying one of their staff on a whim Fung also had a woman burst into tears and tell me I was firing her from her entire life I informed her that if a job was her life then maybe she should think about taking up some hobbies hand-holder I think not in my long and spotty career I can only remember getting fired once actually I wasn't fired I went to get a fax and accidentally intercepted a fax from the company's lawyer discussing the legal ramifications of firing me I went to my boss's office and told him I was taking the rest of the day off without explanation I just walked so I guess that was a little weird that night I had a dream I was in an airplane and I went to the bathroom when I opened the door to step in I just fell out of the plane and suddenly woke up in Germany people sometimes successfully sue to get their jobs back when they are fired I near totally useless sales guy who did that it was an English company and they didn't know German law very well the company gave him a desk in a storage room you had to climb over boxes to get to it he stayed on for a while but finally quit [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 399,639
Rating: 4.8839855 out of 5
Keywords: bosses, fired, someone, totally freak out, totally, freak out, freak, bosses of reddit, bosses fired, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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