Have You Ever Seen Someone Get Fired On The Spot? (r/AskReddit)

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serious redditors who have seen an employee fired on the spot what did they do that cause them to deserve it pulled down a male co-workers pants in the office during business hours while said co-worker was talking to two female peers the poor guy wasn't wearing underwear the pants puller was escorted out of the office within that hour I had an employee who was brought into the office for doodling on product packaging the other manager at the room said do you know why we have you in here he replied because I was stealing yep fired on the spot row that problem solved itself the fired party did nothing to warrant termination in the manager who fired her was dismissed a young accountant around 24 made an appointment to see her manager both parties agree that she informed him that she would be having surgery the following data removed and bar CEO tumor she wanted to discuss the status of her projects and develop a coverage plan for while she was on medical leave he wanted her to delay her surgery until after a certain project was complete while she was walking to Human Resources to apply for a medical leave of absence her manager followed her and screamed at her about being insubordinate and insisted that he would fire her if she didn't return to her desk immediately she calmly stated that this was a medical emergency and the timing of the surgery was non-negotiable so he fired her in front of the Director of Human Resources he was terminated the next day which I did not witness she returned to work once she had recovered enough to do so about a month later if memory serves that HR director was the only thing standing between that employer and a massive wrongful termination settlement shut down a mainframe at noon then detect went into wiring closet and started unplugging things which dropped the system at peak traffic was working and all of a sudden half of all traffic fails out of the blue and all my tools blow up with alerts the guy that did it didn't have a work order to even be in the cabinet in the first place let alone to unplug anything it was also not the first time that guy had done it they fired him and his manager , they fired him and his manager that my favorite one dude Forex up so bad his manager gets fired my first job I worked at a grocery store I don't remember much but I do remember one day when the store got crazy busy and they had to pull people like me from other departments to work checkouts they have me as a bagger and the guy if the scanner is another guy that I worked with in produce now when this guy gave change he'd accidentally pull out an extra fiver and pretend to put it back in the register when counting out change then he slip it into his pocket once the customer turned around I noticed this pretty quickly because he's doing it with literally every customer even if they weren't getting change he'd pull one out and act like he forgot they paid with a card after I noticed it I saw him do it a couple more times and thought wow wonder how long he can get away with that not two seconds passed between me thinking that and me turning to see that night's manager with a police officer walking towards our checkout counter fired on the spot and arrested the employee stole money out of a customer's bag while the customer was watching while unlike three different cameras she was removed by police and our senior-most manager on duty went to the police station to fire her directly from there worked at a restaurant that was having a meeting with everyone present including the higher-ups pretty normal meeting and everyone is discussing changes they'd like to see all changes they'd appreciate etc at one point head manager asks if anyone else has something to share this one dishwasher raises his hand and says I know I've not always been the best but I'm gonna work on that from now on I won't get high in the stairwell by the dumpster I'll walk down the street on my break you won't even smell it on me anymore promise dead silence in the room manager speaks up did everyone else just hear that we all nod great so now I have to look like an butthole and fire you what were you thinking manager says dishwasher is shocked but but I said I was fixing it you guys won't even know anymore he was walked out and removed in front of the whole staff I tossed some stuff into a bin next to the guy in the warehouse during a summer job in college he thought I was throwing it at him and started yelling and coming at me I ignored him and went on to the next shelf that I needed to put stuff away on and he kept after me at this point he was yelling so loudly that the shopbot hurt him from the other side of the massive warehouse and had made his way over from behind the guy the boss looked to me and asked what was going on and I told him the other guy was still yelling he was gone in less than ten minutes it was his first day if the guy was the hot-headed you're lucky he wasn't waiting for you in the parking lot when your shift was done department manager asked to go home early because of snow flurries we said she and anyone else who was worried about getting home safely could leave but if the roads are open the next day we expect them to come in next day comes and her entire department called in they all have variations that I can't get my car out of the driveway day three comes one of her underlings admits that on the day of the flurries the department manager told all her people to meet in a local parking lot and told them that they all better call in the next day or she would make their lives a living heck this was apparently to teach the owner a lesson once we got another employee to confirm the story she was fired on the spot the best kind of plans are the ones that rely on tons of people not saying anything a guy started his first shift at a pizza place I used to work at he said when he worked at Hardee's if someone came and he didn't like he would peel the grill then cook their burger owner overheard this and fired him what a reasonable and mentally stable care worker I made the mistake of hiring a friend who was going through a difficult time I was going through a separation and I had to leave every couple of weeks or so to spend time with the kids one day on getting back I found out they'd been leaving hours early all week to set up a competing business when I asked them about it I withheld some information I already knew and they lied to me a breach of fiduciary duty instant termination in the following week I took over their work email and found she contacted at least two of our clients with suggestions that they lead with her apparently I'm the ago they she either legitimately can't grasped why she was in the wrong or she's intellectually dishonest about it worked at Waffle House a cook came in for the first time in weeks clearly high on something not wearing shoes but the manager goes to tell him that he can't cook without shoes because it's a health code violation the cook gets angry takes a pork chop off the grill with his spatula shouts Frick you and flings it at the managers face I worked in a doctor's office and we had a maternity leave that was being covered by PRN help and well one person who came to help cover the office had been passed from office to office because she couldn't do anything right she couldn't take a patient back in under 20 minutes she couldn't file paperwork it was just bad but so she arrives at our office and we put her answering phone calls she answered the phone this is doctor X's office can I take your order my manager lost it and told her to leave and never come back worst part she called the boss and asked for a new assignment he had to repeat three times that she was fired and there was no new assignment she genuinely did not understand what you're fired meant this is doctor X's office can I take your order yes I'd like some amoxicillin tablets and a ventolin inhaler please God she was a piece of work never worked called out two weekends in a row lying about broken legs or her car not starting lied to get other employees in trouble for her freak ups bragged about how much work she got out off to the owner's son who also worked there we couldn't convince the GM to fire this lazy little crap he had a soft spot for her finally someone showed the GM a Facebook post she made public absolutely trash-talking him the only person had work who didn't hate her guts and lying about how much she works and how the entire store is incompetent except her he wrote her up for poor conduct unexcused call house etc she refused to sign the write up because she's right that he was worthless and he fired her right there it was like a 160 pound weight got lifted off of everyone there 90% of the staff was looking for new jobs she was a walking toxic cloud worked at Staples the ex-employee was putting a galaxy s3 tablet into his pocket in the back room I was around the corner and the manager was very quick to tell him he's fired and he will be calling the cops the ex-employee said he was just going to leave before they showed up the manager reminded him he has his address and information from the hiring process he proceeded to cry I worked at a bowling alley as a teenager one girl was immediately fired for dropping a ball on the foot of a complaining patron oops used to work out at ice cream place that is a popular summer hangout spot for families in my town a girl that I worked with who had a reputation for being sought a wild came in absolutely smashed and started getting dirty looks from parents the owner came out and asked her to step into his office and she started refusing and making a big fuss so he fired her on the spot she was going to be fired anyway he was simply trying to save some face for her by delivering the news in private fine have it your way in the most publicly humiliating way possible one of my co-workers accused another of stealing medication out of a personal locker with a combination lock we asked the victim how the accused knew the code and that there was medication the victim responded that he had previously sold medication to the accused in that he must have seen the code the accused employee may or may not have been guilty he denied taking the meds and a search of his locker yielded nothing the victim was promptly fired because selling prescription medications on company property is grounds for instant termination got distracted during a surgery killed his patient because he was joking goofing around with the surgical assistants and camera caught it patient died he's now in jail look up dancing surgeon similar case she's a plastic surgeon who had a collection of videos on YouTube of herself rapping and dancing while performing surgery she was suspended in the state of Georgia for malpractice I don't think she got arrested server at an Italian restaurant a co-worker tried hitting on a guest who was celebrating her 14th birthday with her entire family her friends were telling him not to try anything but he still asked for her number and her mom overheard everything the mother quickly informed our GM who confronted the server and fired him on the spot about a year or so later he tried asking for his job back there's no I thought she was older excuses when all you have to do is count the candles on the cake worked in an energy efficiency rebate program assessing applications one employee was making exceptions for her contractor buddies she wasn't even allowed to empty her desk her manager delivered her personal items to her outside I was working as a baggage handler ramp agent is the real job title for your information and they'd hired a guy whom everyone hated he was lazy stupid and annoying one of the big rules when working around airplanes as you don't go anywhere near the engines while they're still running they'll suck you right in and cut you into a million little pieces in one second they put the fear of God into you about this during training well before you get near an airplane once a plane pulls into the gate you wait until you have confirmation that the engine has been turned off before you approach it if you're not sure you don't approach the plane well one day a plane pulls up to the gate and he walks right up to the engine while it's still running people are yelling his vest is flapping like crazy but he's so aloof he doesn't notice someone runs up to him and Yanks him back to a safe distance they had already been building up a case to fire him but that made it a lot easier the supervisor walked him into the manager's office and he was fired right away we all rejoiced I was very alarmed about how this one could have turned out to be honest rolled his eyes and chuckled at a manager's meeting while the GM was addressing some issues GM told him in that attitude is why you don't deserve to be a manager here please leave double-quote guy got up and was never heard from again a food runner at a bar I used to frequent was fired from his job for stealing a giant bottle of great use the best part is that it was a display only bottle that was filled with water interesting where I'm from it's illegal for establishments to refill the kobata 'ls with anything even the same exact liquor for any reason whatsoever we had to break them into the trash when empty to ensure that they couldn't be stolen and refilled totally irrelevant great story though Lowell I saw co-worker get fired for answering an emergency phone call our district manager didn't like to see us with phones so he fired her right there the call was letting her know her father was dying on the less depressing side she was already planning on leaving had her next job lined up and everything that sucks about her father but good for her while he wasn't exactly fired on the spot I did see a guy screw himself out of severance in Canada they have to give you advanced warning or pay out a certain amount if they fire you on the spot well this one [ __ ] was going to get fired for being generally incompetent the final straw was when he offered his own backyard service to a lady for a car problem she didn't actually have her problem was foam on the oil filler cap he claimed it was a head gasket but it was just some moisture from a cold day anyways the boss goes to fire him and he panics he goes on this speech about how he could run the shop better than the owner and manager and demands that the manager is fired and he replace him or else he quits so the boss just says that he accepts his resignation and wishes him the best in the future error 404 brain not found some young girl picked a fight with an older woman who worked with us and went running for the box cutter dryer she was escorted out and we were asked to file a police report urinating in the Caesar salad bucket the salad that was about to be plated and served to a 125 person wedding reception in the employees defense he asked to go to the bathroom and the head chef would not let him leave the salad station I worked at a hospital for children and came in one morning to find the security guard who was one of my work buddies waiting for me at my desk I worked really early in the morning at either 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. he was kind of shaken up and it took some coaxing to get him to tell me what was wrong apparently this old guy who works overnight at the switchboard operator desk who I always thought was really nice since we sometimes cross over by an hour or two and would just chat about the world had been caught by the security guard looking up CP on the work computer keep in mind we worked at a hospital for children not that CP is okay in any other scenario but it was particularly frightening to know that this guy had access to patient areas and was surrounded by kids all day some of whom did not have the cognitive capacity of normally functioning kids and tend to be targeted more frequently by those with nefarious motives also as if CP wasn't bad enough apparently it had a strong element of BDSM as well according to my security friend he actually wasn't certain if the children and the pictures he happened to see was still alive I want to throw up just typing that out I had to cover the switchboard that morning when HR called him in I never saw the old guy again and my security guard buddy had to speak with a bunch of people to verify along with the IT department what he had seen a friend of mine got fired on the spot for posting a minor plot point on Facebook about a movie we were working on he made a comment about how dumb some of the plot was under the trailer post for the movie sadly his friend had a friend who worked at the studio we were working for just like that blacklisted from the company reminds me of how a few days ago were ready to post it at TIFF who about how they posted a picture of a scene they were doing captions for because of a background detail but had turned out that the episode hadn't had yet so he had violated his NDA I worked as a temp in AI TS nurses college in the ground floor was the student loan department one of them found an iPhone in one of the student bathroom upstairs during lunch and put it in her desk a few hours later student came to us for some reason lost-and-found was in the IT office and reported it missing an ad she had accidentally left in the women's room after calling her boyfriend my boss found the phone by simply calling the number it had a unique ringtone of course Department had walked in her office opened the drawer and confirmed it was the missing phone and fired her in the middle of a conference with a student I overheard him say if you can't do the right thing in a simple situation like this how can I trust you to do your job ethically this guy was working for my dad in construction he was the son of a friend lock the big boss and was hired as a favor so we're told that the guy is big strong and has a horrible drinking problem sir we are not under any circumstances allowed to take him with for a beer after work it worked for a while until one of the guys bought beers after work the next morning he got picked up at 5:00 a.m. had a DUI couldn't drive and smelled like a brewery once that first beer hit his lips it was game on and he drank from 3 p.m. until 4:00 in the morning gets to the job and tries to cut cast iron with a soil pipe cutter he got the blood chewing of a lifetime and was told not to touch anything until the day ended that guy was a train wreck and he was only 28 my colleague threatened to destroy the server room if he wasn't made my peer rather than my subordinate he was a year older and we were hyper competitive over a promotion that I ended up winning I thought it was all in a healthy way but I might have thought differently if I hadn't got it I guess I don't think for a second he meant what he said but my boss was left with no choice but to assume he did both felt very bad about it afterwards I watched an entire engineering team get fired on the spot during a meeting with the CEO about 10 years back we were working on developing a new chip as a successor to the company's current offering the old ship had been developed on an expensive process meaning more advanced technology was used in making the wafers thus increasing the cost and the CEO was adamant that the new chip he made cheaper to keep the story short let's just say the new process wasn't working and during a status meeting with the CEO the team leader tried to argue we needed to scrap a lot of the existing work and go with a more expensive process the CEO wasn't having it cursed out the team led in front of all the VPS and fired nearly the entire group only a couple of us were kept around to keep the previous chip on life support after a few years of steadily losing market share we tried the gain paying millions of dollars to buy a new team of new IP and the first thing they did was switch us to a more expensive process just like the first team had tried to do suta Lancer Arps question they didn't do anything to deserve it some bosses just suck I worked as a manager at a pizza place employee was asked by shift manager to begin cleaning the make station he said he was above be working that he wouldn't do it obviously this made the shift manager and everyone else mad an argument followed and he said something along the line of I'll kill you all will be not only was he fired but he was reported to the police very eventful night honestly I liked B work nobody wants to do it so if I'm doing it everyone leaves me the heck alone I saw a busser get fired for leaving knives in a sink full of soapy murky water now if you've never worked back-of-house in a busy kitchen before you might think gee that really seems like an overreaction if you have on the other hand you'll likely understand why that's actually pretty reasonable ain't worked in a kitchen but my grandma's sink regularly ended up like that definitely a bad idea reasonable reaction for sure error 404 comment not found oh man I have one in 2010 I worked as a census enumerator for anyone who doesn't know how that works you'll basically take a test and a few months later you get your scores if you score high enough they'll offer you a position the job itself is pretty easy but does have some technical aspects in terms of data collection all in all it's not a bad gig it ended up paying like $20 hour which for a kid fresh out of college was not bad at all anyway they call us in for training which was like two days long and probably six hours day or something like that they teach you about how the census works demographic information logistical stuff etc it's pretty straightforward well one of the guys there was this weird dude long beard overweight nerdy but strangely confrontational basically like weirdo neck but after every example he would ask stranger and stranger questions hypotheticals that would never happen and basically could never be answered everyone started getting really annoyed because this guy was just getting freakin weird and also wasting a shitload of time for no reason anyway it got progressively worse until the moderator started clashing with him in front of everyone finally the neck but guy admits that he's an anarchist and trying to take the system down from the inside out which apparently consisted of wasting a few hours of some poor retired schlubs time needless to say he was fired on the spot in front of everyone I was the manager of a pizza place while in college and had to fire one of my delivery drivers on the spot a lady came in with a grocery bag full of trash including many of our receipts told us that the delivery guy dumped it out from his car onto her lawn I comped her some things and told her I would take care of it I confronted the guy when he got back from his deliveries and asked him if it was true conversation went a little like this me hey man we had a lady come in with a bunch of trash and said you dumped it on her lawn is that true him yeah me was she a B did she not tip you or something what happened him no my car was just dirty me say you just emptied all of your trash into her yard him shrug yet me dude what the Frick I can't even comprehend why you would think that was okay even if she didn't tip you the fact that you just did it cause your car was dirty is even more insane I can't have an employee with that little judgment hand me your money so I can count you out you're fired in high school I worked at Perkins first as a dishwasher then as a cook one night I was the only cook and the dishwasher was getting close to leaving I told him to finish the dishes currently waiting then go after he left I found several hours worth of silverware in the garbage covered with a light layer of food to hide it I called his house and told him not to come back I had no power but he really needed to be fired and it felt good to do it officially he was a no-show since I couldn't actually fire him the next night I told the assistant manager what had happened and what I did so he called in a replacement and everyone was happy I used to work at a store in the mall where the manager didn't bother coming in on some days other days she'd come in late well one day she was scheduled to open the store alone and I was scheduled two p.m. to close I get to the store at once since I wanted to get some new shoes and she hadn't bothered showing up to open the store I called the district manager and she asked me to open the store and told me that she's deal with the situation turns out manager had a medical condition and she'd been at the hospital that morning or so she claimed this went on for a few months and in that time I got an offer to work at the store directly next to my original store I took the job and a few weeks later as I'm coming into my new store I see my old district manager sitting on a bench outside the old store about an hour later I see the manager walking towards the store and when she sees a district manager she turns pale the district manager gets up asks for the manager's keys gives her get final check and tells go home I had front-row seats it was magnificent I later got the full story from my former coworker turns out that manager did have a medical condition but she lied about hospital visits and was actually going through a rough divorce and was staying home to improve her marriage rather than working on the day the manager got fired the district manager called the store at opening time and the manager answered and said she was at the store the district manager had her doubts and decided to go and verify that she was actually there to no one's surprise she wasn't she had however set up the store's phone to forward calls to her cell the real kicker to this story is that the manager was the one that made the work schedule I was working at an Amazon warehouse when a clerk came up to me and asked is melissa [ __ ] in melissa was our co-worker who seemed developmentally slow and she clearly annoyed him I laughed awkwardly at his question and immediately turned back to my work a short while later I saw the clerk roll his cart with a laptop on top of it towards Melissa on the screen was a picture of a kid with Down syndrome and the Clark was saying are you [ __ ] this is you she reported him to our supervisor and he was fired on the spot I was 21 and a hostess at a fine-dining restaurant for some reason even though I was well versed via the seating chart and was careful to make sure it was fair two four and six tops equally spread out this girl had it out for me she came up to the hostess stand and bawled me out let me know that if I ever sat another kid or old person in her section she'd let me have it what I went to the GM and told him I'd quit it was either her or I he fired her on the spot she threw a full-on tantrum and called me every main in the book good freaking by I was fired on the spot from and montana's I had the flu and was butchering everywhere when I said I couldn't continue washing dishes that I was a walking biohazard I was let go on the spot lack of work ethic or something I've written about this one on here before this was at the current company I work at about six years ago dude starts on a Monday and on Tuesday we have our department holiday party and the dude gets pretty lit up during a group photo for whatever reason this guy gets the brilliant idea to reach his arm around the woman standing next to him and grab and haunt her boob we she loudly protested he claimed he was just joking in that she was not who he thought she was well who she was was the CMO of the company and despite his repeated protestations that it was all a joke he was promptly informed that he would have to leave the party immediately and to not bother coming back to work the next day I will never forget that example of sheer drunken dumb [ __ ] till the day I died you have been visited by the Dagobah master comment delicious so you always have beer in your life thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 286,691
Rating: 4.8650422 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, work stories, job stories, fired on the spot, employee fired on the spot, youre fired, fired, reasons, fired reaction, work
Id: FvL9WGqz7RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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