Denali SUV Upside Down in River Live Recovery

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the adventure man 20 cars we have found in cumberland lake i'm sorry no we're not in lake cumberland anymore we're in nashville tennessee this is the cumberland river though yes so so i threw this out i mean look good judging you see how the angle is yep so i'm thinking that's where it is although it looks a little weird because yesterday the water was up to there right the water's dropped at least another half yeah foot and a half two feet so i'm thinking that's it but if not we're definitely closer to the area we have a got a denali we dove on this here yesterday we found a denali a mangled car that was so unrecognizable but we were able to clear it and then we also found like an old family sedan that we were able to clear but it had been down there for 30 plus years it was so crumbly and then and then we went a mile down the river and we found we fell here i'm gonna i'm gonna come on for this one a mile down river we found a honey hole and this honey hole contained 17 more vehicles we're in nashville tennessee right now sam and jacob grubbs with chaos divers they're suiting up because we're going to go lift a denali out today we don't know if this is gmc denali or a chevy denali but we do know it's an suv that is upside down because sam and i we both put eyes on it yesterday we're actually here working a cold case a gentleman by the name of bill simmons who went missing he left the house at 1 30 in the morning and just a lot of things were you know weighing on him and so his wife christine does believe that he's in the river somewhere and that's why we came to this location first because lock 2 park is where we're at in nashville tennessee and so we searched this one we found a car over here we found a denali here and we found another car over here then a mile down the river we found uh 17 more vehicles if you guys are anywhere in the nashville area right now we're going to be here for the next uh probably two and a half hours or so we have the tow truck showing up in 90 minutes so that means that we're really putting jacob and sam to the test to actually get this hooked booked and out of there good news is we've already had eyes on it we just finished up lunch and we just finished up doing the cold case of uh bill simmons now the reason why um we didn't actually somebody barbecuing over here look at that so so we have some viewers came out come on we want to see more fire and flame come on now all right there we go oh yeah we're barbecuing now so we've got a chelsea right chelsea tiffany and their son paul is out here today as well took him for a little boat ride hey babe uh we're live on jared's channel you want to come watch talking to renee yeah who's who's your name first time i've heard your name my girlfriend oh okay uh anyway so if you want to come down to lock 2 park in nashville tennessee we're going to be here for the next two and a half to three hours at least so come on down um these three are not barbecuing for us or anybody else they're really um just be and the reason for it not because they're selfish or anything it's because they've been bringing us so much food but we have other people that already showed up with food and so but you brought us like some drinks and everything else today already so yeah so thank you for coming down and supporting everything that we're doing speaking of supporting as well jason terrell thank you for your 25 donation today so sit back hang tight jacob grubs this is going to be a little bit of a longer episode for you guys today as well so this is not going to be a short one this is like come hang with us we're out here right now so if you if you're not anywhere in nashville i'm gonna do my best to just bring you into the world of this is what it takes from beginning to end as the guys are suiting up as they're heading down this is not an edited version or anything else this is like real life live on scene with us as we're out here doing what it is that we do you know we have a new introductions as well we have a new young man to the show sam you want to introduction introduce this young man to the show so this is wait wait before but before you tell based on the looks and then those chiseled chins and the beards can anybody guess who this young man is how many people are on right now oh 951 951 people tyler anybody guess anybody guess who this young man is i wonder if they remember his name so they remembered sam's son his son his son if they're paying attention the last couple of days yes all right anybody got it yep yeah is my first offspring kyler yes sir this is right here he's hanging out he's gonna be hanging out for the next couple weeks he's gonna finish up the trip with me then he and i are gonna meander home after we get back to jared's house all right they said tyler and skyler is not kyla look at this kid he's all tall and excellent looking yes much better looking than you much better all right then of course we got uh jacob grubbs chaos divers who's not much better than community yes i mean hey no no no who's better looking say him yes sam oh they all say oh they all said sam oh yes yeah hey uh also i mean we never want to leave dan out in any of this and i'm going to go show them all the new presents that you have been receiving the shrine that is happening and this shrine this happened i'm going to take you over here so like i said this is going to be like you're hanging out for the next couple of hours with us as we are pulling this car out anyway so as you guys know dan's middle name is wolfgang and we now have this new thing where people showing up if you show up here try to bring something that is wolf wolf related and so over here the shrine that is continuing to build uh you know lots of food continues to show up but we have let's see we have the wolf pulling pillow that began we've got a new wolf pup also for dan we have a new wolf shirt somewhere in here dan there's also a wolf book that has arrived i slept with her last night somewhere there's a book floating around here i hear that things are also being mailed to our home mailing address or the business address so that way here it is be my wolf it's a lot of fun yeah so so if you are coming down or you meet up with us along the way make sure that you bring dan wolfgang schmidt something wolf related oh there's a sticker up here too yeah that's that's the best one that's my favorite so all right let's get you back out as they go as everybody gets in the water we get things going just lost that all right in a few moments i'm gonna start answering questions and uh just kind of let things unfold today you got the car i'll tell them what's going on yeah in fact you can even show them like this little diagram design over here actually i put the car away it's up on top again so up here yep keep going the basket on the right all right top right right top top right there yep you said it's in here somewhere yeah put it away no yes all right guys let me show you what we got going on oh this is a truck too this time yeah we have an suv down there yeah i should we had the suv all right so what we got down there is the denali it's actually facing up river um oh look here we got it oh here we go quick switch anyway so we got the denali denali is actually facing upriver and it's sitting like this upside down so what we're going to do is we're going to attach two lift bags to the driver's side the driver's window is open one here one here they're going to be open-ended lift bags just going to raise it up bring it up like this slow and we want to roll it this way that way uh nothing comes out we don't want to lose any contents so we rotate it and bring it up to the ramp and the reason why we don't want to lose contents on this one as opposed to all of our other ones lately we've been dumping contents we haven't been able to completely clear this one and so we want to roll this here in a fashion that we don't lose anything in case there's something or someone inside that so today you may we may end up having something yeah we may have to cut this real quick so hang on until then we're not going to be shoving the camera in there until our eyes are on at first yeah definitely not i mean we've already done that once we're not going to do that twice but just stick around and hang out with us uh for those of those you who are coming on as members if i miss anybody i do apologize um miranda thank you for becoming part of the team somebody else just became a part of the team and i missed you so i do apologize it just already went off screen uh we've got 1400 people online right now thank you and uh hang out as the guys suit up and we're going to be floating you a denali today find out if it's a gmc or chevy all right suv everyone looking clean yay mothership says that thank you yeah thank you for all you guys do sam sam the crash man says wesley welcome to part of the team deanna you have a videos that are out early right now we just dropped a really do we have three videos yeah we have kiki the camera girl is one of the videos that are out right now we have karina that's out really good video and then we also have a really fun one that just came out where we found a gun a safe we even went for a boat ride in the gun safe yeah so that one was gonna watch it for sure let's see uh in fact we have a 15 donation also from josh miner uh who is doing our music as well thank you josh super appreciate it yep have you some episodes soon uh what are some of the upcoming episodes for members are coming out and then we're gonna be releasing so on so tomorrow is gonna be the fun video that's coming out for everyone for everyone which one's the fun one i thought they were all kind of fun well they're all well some of them are you know very serious yeah yes with the gun with the gun safe and that was fun the fake the fake ids also sam ended up losing it's either between eight and fifty thousand dollars eight thousand to fifty thousand coin that the cop took from him i'm hanging on to hope yeah josh miner says uh dan he's ready as a gmc come on hit that like button they deserve it thank you tyler nancy says i love what you guys do and help bring closure to families thoughts and prayers for you guys and what you do hey sam tell us tell us about your dry suit right now uh my dry shampoo how wet is your dry seaweed oh this is this is a theoretical dry suit it's actually completely wet what i have going on in here on this side i believe if you come in here is this is ripped right here and so usually it's not it's like this and so you're able to get a real nice seal so actually i got it i got a slow little leak and so my dry suit is now a wetsuit and it's pretty much just for looks at this point thank you i'm gonna go ahead and be strong i'm gonna finish off the trip and hopefully when i get home i might get repaired or i don't see if i can work on saving up to get another dry suit you know speaking speaking of saving up let me dan and sam yeah side by side here i'm going to take a little poll right now and the little poll is we had somebody that had mentioned uh previously that we should do a live stream and any donations that come in during that live stream should go to dan wolfgang schmidt but you also have a need for a dry suit as well so let's just do a little poll right now i'm going to donate 100 of the proceeds to one of you okay on that you guys can't do like any behind the scenes you know dealing willie's or anything right now like it say one or the other one or the other and right now i just need you guys to roll who that's hard because they love this bowl i know who deserves that's like picking like which kid's gonna eat and which one's not yeah yeah sorry kyler you don't get to eat today sasha's eating so we're gonna donate 100 of the proceeds to one of these now keep in mind that dan stays up late nights editing these videos for you guys these videos have gotten a lot better because dan has been here however i could not be doing this trip either without sam both of them are replaceable just i'm just gonna throw that out right now not again both of you guys are replaceable yeah so it's not like you know i weak you know one or the other you know just throw them from the bus all right make your case dan why should they donate all the all the proceeds to you on this one i want good videos [Laughter] sam well i actually i do i think you guys should donate it to dan i'm actually i mean i could definitely use a dry suit but i also dive and suffer in a wetsuit he's a young man starting out in life i'm i'm a little ahead of him so my vote is also for dan but i do need a dry suit so so either way either way either way i feel confident i'm still happy you know i feel happy seeing him succeed and him doing well in life so i'm if you guys go with him i'm happy with that if you guys go with me i'm sure he feels the same he likes to see me being able to do this and having a functioning suit is part of being able to do this so so either way i'm happy i don't i don't have a case i just either way i'm happy about it all right so so just for the record i mean you're willing to give it up for dan dan are you willing to give up your sheriff heard sam yeah i mean man you guys are not making this easy for anybody that's the brotherhood that's what we are here right right now everybody's saying right now people are i mean sam you have some votes dan you have some but i think we're getting even though i said that we're not going 50 50 we are getting a 50 50 split on this one yeah yeah i mean it's hard yeah i just i mean we win together we lose together you know part of having good videos is having divers that are functioning right part of having being able to do this is having good videos that way you guys can see and we get you know paid through the youtube algorithm so either way it's going to the team and either way we're going to keep doing this so if you if you donate to him beautiful be doing it to me beautiful well everybody's going 50 50 split so you know what you guys are uh yeah 50 50 on this one congratulations guys 100 of the proceeds are going to the two of you on this one danfer's editing and we're raising money roughly a two thousand dollar dry suit is what uh sam is currently in need of so anything we'll put this to use i mean i'm an ocean rescue captain i do all kinds of wild stuff you know i do stuff with you know jared on awp so either way this is definitely what i use to help people not only on this trip but also in my regular life so either way i'm grateful for whatever you guys can do all right there it is coming in donations are coming in we have a uh thank you kelly barnes five dollars and five dollars so each of you five dollars from kelly barnes thank you we have a five dollar donation from michael green teams succeed together we have a five dollar donation from matthew moss matt moss hey he's on when he stayed at his house matt that's a good dude yeah he wants to know when we start the trip home we may not come home like we're having a really good time no you can't say that our ladies are watching yeah you just said that that's a joke don't we have no we have a denali to take out of the water here right so some some dry suits are rear dotting so this side dry suit that sam has is a rear entry angela thank you very much for your 20 donation to the boys here and oh you got a nice waterproof dry suit too so that's another good company we also have one dry suit it's uh it's really warm yep we also without the lighter in it yeah we also have um the 03 that uh is my preference i've i've got the uh rear donning and then i also have the front donning this one right here the 90 90 is my favorite dry suit all right if you're just now coming in we actually have jacob grubbs from chaos divers who is suiting up right now as well as sam sam the adventure man checking both out on youtube we've got a moto moto is in here and he's playing moderator today so he'll drop a link to both of their channels any donations that come in today 100 of the proceeds are going to sam for a new dry suit as well as dan the editor who uh if you guys have been enjoying the videos recently this guy right here is responsible for all that good stuff in fact the video that's coming out tomorrow if you remember that video is already out so many good comments they said you know you nailed it on the music you and josh miner have been working together on the music you've been nailing the edits you've been staying up past midnight incredible young man and i'll tell you i'll tell you about this about this young man like if you didn't already have a girlfriend and my daughters were younger or he was older this is like the young man you would want to be in your family thank you for being on the trip with us thank you jared yes you're welcome sir thank you yep all right i'm going to start how old is josh josh miner is that who you're asking about um i think he's in his 30s right josh josh you're in here answer that question for him um let me say a few more thank yous here we have welcome to part of the team em thank you kelly barn oh i already read that one kelly barnes and lynn thank you for your 10 donation for the boys uh angela thank you for that one we have a 50 donation from vicky dodd vicki has been on here a couple of times now really uh great support of ours so thank you for that corey thank you for your five dollar donation we have ray kirby ten dollars sean green ten dollars we have five dollars from tj i can't get down there today because of work how long y'all down in town today is our last day in town but we are going to come back in january for two weeks because um the reason why we're coming back in in january we we now know of 20 vehicles so far one of them were pulling out today two two are just too far shut we're not gonna be able to get these out but we found another honey hole yesterday with 17 vehicles there so we're gonna come back for two weeks in january and pull those vehicles out and we're still looking for bill salmon so that's the main reason why we're in town today we're actually looking on a cold case yesterday and today we've pretty much covered all the area within driving distance from where bill could have ended up in the river um so we're going to be turning to when the video comes out we're really turning to you the viewers to help us out where else should should we be looking is it what is that we're missing um with you know bill not being able to drive more than a mile or two because of the amount of pain he's in and just the entire story and just supporting christine on that one so anyway we're going to be back in in january for uh two weeks uh i'll keep saying uh thank you so tj thank you becca uh thank you for your five dollar donation thank you to uh carlton for becoming a part of the team thank you tiffany for becoming part of the team thank you to you ghost city shelton love you guys bless you all you have a couple of donations coming in for your new dry suit sir uh and angela thank you for becoming part of the team jeffrey five dollar donation thank you bryce have a good day thank you bryce i've seen you on here a couple times really appreciate it uh vicki barry twenty dollars thank you for all you do from hedgewort west virginia thank you very much ten dollars from keith for the boys respect to you all and kh y'all are awesome thank you very much so where we're at right now we are in nashville right now we're down at lock 2 park if you would like to come hang out and join us right now we're down here for the next couple of hours the tow truck will be here in roughly an hour and 15 minutes so like eight feet of water yep so you boys need to uh make sure you work this quick so the first mission that you have is currently sam has a magnet down here right about that tree and he has a magnet attached to it they're going to be taking this line down and oh you guys need the chains also because you need the chains to go around the axles okay so we'll get the change for you guys so they're going to put change around the uh front axle on the rear axle on the driver's side currently the driver's window is down the silt was up to the bottom of the window we actually had to dig it out yesterday to see if we could clear the vehicle however we did not start popping windows there was a license plate we ran the license plate with the law enforcement that was here yesterday there was no record of the vehicle in the system and so with that we don't know if the car is stolen we don't know if it was insurance fraud we have no record of it right now with that because the um windows were up on everything else we did not pop the windows because there could be evidence in there and so the sheriff's office and the local metro said they want nothing to do with it for their dive teams but they said if we can get it out and up and onto the ramp and we take it away they're more than happy for us to do our part to clean up the environment so that's where it's at it comes down to a financial for jurisdictions that they just don't have the funds for it so anyway because of you guys and all your support with your likes with your you know comments donations just your views supporting do know that you know the ads that do play on uh you know youtube we do get like half of a half a cent or whatever all of that you know goes into the bucket so we can do this so we really really appreciate you guys 23.85 we got paul here today paul paul right now there's two thousand three hundred people watching you we're not going to worry about it what do you think about that you went for a boat ride today how was the boat ride yeah you didn't want to get out did you yeah do what i have a slow leak don't worry about it i'll watch my air okay it's only gonna be down eight feet uh if i miss anybody that does did donate to dan and sam today i do apologize so we are um any donations on this live feed today are gonna go 100 to sam and dan so dan is your editor he's the one the the reason why all these edits have gotten so much better also the camera man long nights incredible young man and then sam we are raising funds for his new dry suit he is not really in a dry suit although it looks like a dry suit it is definitely a very very wet dry suit right now so anything you guys can do to help out on that one we really appreciate it um this video is going to be live right now for okay i have a cool idea where i'm gonna walk backward and you'll be right here on tour okay these are waterproof right just talk to the camera this episode will be live if you want to see behind the scenes make sure to check it out here yep um it's usually this corner is what we do here yes all right does that make sense yep that makes sense uh connie thank you for your 20 donation thank you to a cody for your 25 donation thank you to leanne for your five dollar donation thank you to johnny anderson for your 25 donation and josh i don't think you can donate to yourself you just lost money there thanks for your five dollar donation josh miner gerald says hello boys thanks for everything you guys do thank you very much how do you donate on the live feed uh carlton there's a couple ways to do so there's what you call a super chat all right actually yep and if you want to see some of the behind the scenes we've been out here for roughly 30 minutes so far in fact 25 minutes at this point this is going to be live that we're actually on right now if you want to see all of that roughly a three hour clip is what i'm anticipating this is going to be check it out i'll put a link in the description or maybe you can check it out yeah it's going to be over here if you're on youtube if you're on over on facebook make your way over to youtube and check out the entire pretty much you get to hang out with us for the next three hours part of the day does that sound good yeah that was really good all right so we we are shooting the regular episode as well so you're going to have a nice clean edited version that dan is working on as well uh candy thank you for your five dollar donation thank you uh sue for becoming part of the team you do have access to videos early now thank you to uh scout fam uh more gas money um i cannot use that for uh gas money today although you said it was gas money i appreciate that but we are doing a hundred percent of the proceeds today are going to dan uh as cameraman for everything that he does incredible young man as well as sam who is out there in his theoretical dry suit we are raising funds today with this live stream for sam to get a new dry suit so that way he's nice and dry nice and dry um casey you asked with the sponsors you get have you ever thought of seeing if you get a dry suit company to be a sponsor and get them to donate with your mission statement uh yes so actually if you've seen me in my dry suits and the unfortunately sam is much taller these are custom dry shoes so my suits are actually sponsored by 03 custom dry suits this is a neoprene dried rear donning one that i've got here and then i also have the new 90 90 and this is the tri-lamb front donning incredible dry suit from o3 they're in my descriptions for most of my videos do check them out they've been incredible sponsors of ours for a little over a year now and eventually i'm sure they'll step up to the plate and get um you know the entire team one but right now you know a lot of what we do have you know not everything is sponsored so you know we do have to buy our own tanks and air and you know we've had some air compressors donated but you know all of this stuff here is you know all purchased with your guys's help and proceeds from youtube and facebook so we really really appreciate you know all of your help tara mason by the way look at that she's up there moderating right now thank you for being here thanks for being mod thanks for all of you for coming out and hanging out and let's see if we can get more people down here today mary thank you for being here and i apologize i forgot your names holly and jamie thank you for being out here and uh then we got tiffany and paul and oh i forgot her name chelsea right no not karen no we got karen too karen doesn't like to be on camera um oh i figured her name no chelsea right okay right yeah i think so anyway let's see let's see how many more people we can get down here today we are at lock 2 park in nashville tennessee so if you're bored right now with nothing to do um if you're at work be like gotta go home make your way down here and just say hey don't put me on camera because my boss didn't know that i actually played hooky and we'll protect you so anyway lock two park down at the end of the ramp we'll have a tow truck here in a little over an hour we're pulling this uh the denali out of the river today live and this is you know this is all the behind the scenes that takes place to get a vehicle out of the river adam thank you for your 10 donation cumberland river is haunted the current is unpredictable and dangerous yes this is the cumberland river in nashville is where we're at johnny 20 donation thank you be safe guys the work you do is very much appreciated thank you for that thank you to amy for becoming a part of the team so me 40 donation thank you very much we have bryce gardner thank you again did the car drive in the water um i'm gonna say that with the boat ramp there that yes that's how the vehicles ended up in the river it didn't drive too far though it only made it right about where the boys are at right now uh did they not take hey did they take the line out with them i i would say that in order to mark the vehicle taking the line would have been a good idea huh maybe they're working with the magnet over there hey jd do they have the magnet they're moving on it are they on it okay okay yeah i would say it's only out about 25 feet and they just need to float straight down i think they're too far out yeah yeah they need to come back this way about 30 feet from where they're at right now did the car drive in uh so bryce no the car did not drive into the well yeah i mean the car drove somebody drove the car in the water or pushed into the water uh dee thank you for your 10 donation going to dan and sam today tasha i'm glad i found your channel kudos to you all thank you very much for that we have tanya can you split the money between the two 100 percent that's being split 50 50 between dan and sam today 100 of the proceeds going to dan the cameraman and the other 50 going to sam so that way sam is raising money today for a new dry suit because his dry suit is very very wet right now gilbert thank you for your 20 20 donation and if you've not yet become a member do so if you can the reason for that is one you know that we do use those proceeds for airing gas and new gear and all that fun stuff in addition to that our way of saying thank you is we do give you uh early access to the videos as well as well so there's a couple of videos that are out right now if you've not seen them and you want them early question comes in how much is a new dry suit between 2000 and 2200 is a usually good place for new dry suits thank you to aubry for becoming a part of the team brenda don't worry about it we don't uh you being here and as well as being a part of the team really appreciate you uh on here is it a yukon it's a it's a denali i don't know if it's gmc or chevy but it's a suv and it's upside down poor sam always breaking things yes come to colorado yes we are going to be in colorado i'm not telling anybody what day we're going to be there but we are going to be working with ak on the ground and we have a mine and some other bodies of water that we're going to be looking for suzanne while we're there nicholas uh how much does a wetsuit cost wetsuits are much cheaper than drysuits wetsuits you can get you know for a couple hundred dollars up to you know 800 or so dry suits usually start cheap ones around 900 good ones you know right around 3 000 usually the ones we're in right around 2200 or so okay uh watch the tripod there dan all right you want to help feed that out i know you're eating growing young man look at that look how skinny he is no no a line we're taking a line uh thank you to scout fam uh for a 300 donation well here's some money that i would donate more but it won't let me donate more than 500 500 today no problem we also have a paypal uh if you donate directly through a paypal as well then that money does not get dinged with the youtube uh youtube takes a cut if you donate on here so any large things um definitely go through paypal on that one uh kh thank you a little extra for shouting out my uh friend tara mason out there well heck kh kh says every time i shout you out tara she's donating five dollars every time there you go so they're tara mason actually you didn't say that but i did it anyway so uh priscilla thank you for becoming a part of the team uh desiree green thank you for your 20 donation thank you um aloha from my from my maui terry anne that's right i forgot what it was last night so thank you terry ann have a blessed and safe journey love what you do thank you for that we did not make it to hope indiana we actually got stuck on another case and then we had to make it down here to stay on track to help out christine trying to locate her husband bill simmons we spent the last two days looking for bill we did not yet locate bill we are coming back in january to help her out some more but we also had a few hours of daylight left today and we could not leave without getting this denali this one was weighing on me because the denali is upside down we were only able to partially clear the front window that was open we were not going to pop any windows because there could be you know there could actually be you know human remains inside for that one we did not notify the authorities they weren't too interested in doing anything about it they did say yes if we would like to bring it out and we have a plan of removing it if there's nobody inside with a tow truck then it's on us and you know and that's what we do so we do have karen who is helping us out with i think dad's towing is coming down not not her dad but dad's towing here in nashville to donate their time in their services so thank you very much uh if there happens to be human remains then the sheriff or the metro will be coming down and taking taking over that point so right now we've not yet identified if there's anybody inside and so for that reason we are bringing it up but we do have to be very careful because the front window passing our driver's window is open so we are going to be floating the vehicle up on its side and making sure that no contents have come out of it we're going to be floating on its side and bringing it out at the ramp so that's our that's our goal on that one um let's see i am making my way back over the trailer they're currently underwater marking it with the line right now i'm gonna grab two chains for them so that way they can use those to attach to the axle um i have a hard time walking talking and reading at the same time and so uh with that give me a moment and then i'll start reading comments again once i get them set up with some change um if you are in the nashville area we invite you to come down and hang out with us we are at lock 2 park so please come on down and hang out we're going to be down here for the next two or three hours we should have the vehicle floating in the next 45 minutes is what the goal is we live again all right we're back alive again sorry about that anytime somebody tries to call me it messes up the live stream so if it goes blank it's good because of my fat fingers or somebody tried calling just bear with me and i'll be right back when that happened hey so is it gmc or a chevy okay so we had to go to the rear frame but we got a really nice hold on it should be able to pull from there so now we just need the two lift bags we know you need the chains first all right we'll chain up should we get the are you going to kill the chains right in front of me nope you're gonna lose them there's nothing in front of me all right here they come here i'm gonna throw them to the side just in case i accidentally miss gage all right there you go [Music] angela thank you for your 20 donation for uh sam and for dan today 100 of the proceeds are going to sam and dan dan cause you guys can go get us through bottles all right we'll use the parachute bags we'll today with one but we'll we might do two okay yeah yeah you'll want two because you're still going to bring it up on its side so don't so don't fail one completely you'll go back and forth yeah yeah do that okay shout out to sam sam the demolition man from gerald tyler you could tie that off to a tree somewhere you don't have to stand there uh when are we gonna be in omaha i think it was around the 27th or 28th i can't remember which day we're gonna be in omaha that's for uh the for the eight-year-old uh girl that we're gonna be looking for in the flat river you've already heard him say we're going to lift these up i got hell i don't have the lucky hook like him you just help me go off the carabiner yeah just go off the carabiner just make sure you remember how to hook it properly okay you guys are fixing to see it denali come up well not what just changed how about after we put some bags on it how about after we put some bags on it yeah okay i said you're just gonna fix it okay fix it all right i'm gonna go get some bags for you guys oh oh yeah please thanks jd all right so we're making our way over we're gonna go use the parachute bags today they're three thousand pound lifts is what they have it's kind of become my new favorite bag that we've been using on this trip i'm gonna swing by here and see what oh that looks so good oh i just might have to eat more today oh i i gotta work right now i gotta go get some my bags i'll be back though denali's are only made by gmc okay so it's a gmc denali then suv jared you have great service today thank you so the tanks are the bags that we're after today is we so we need to move this tank here and then we're going after these two bags right underneath here uh did the volunteers cook for you uh yes they've uh offered up their food we also have volunteers like tara who is a help to feed us and uh what other food came yesterday karen has also offered up food she who was the barbecue joint yesterday that uh donated the food to us jack's bbq today yes yesterday was school board school chicken hot chicken yesterday oh and then we had another one also that showed up yesterday that donated food okay so all yeah so the food has come out we really appreciate it none of this has been on our uh what the trainers allowed sam and i to have so it's a good thing that our trainer doesn't watch what is we're out here doing there'll be time in november december when we get back that we can start working out again and the wrecking company is dad's towing dad's towing is coming down so not your dad but his call debts okay so dad's towing is coming down offering up and donating their time and their services today so they are thank you karen for helping to set that up sure and how did that come about like um you know because we didn't contact them they didn't contact us directly you you just gave them a call and they were just wonderful to help out the community appreciate you doing that for us and lester can i kind of mention who you are and what we what we're working on let's let's talk about it okay i'm going to bring you in with me here all right lester hey i have a lot of viewers and they have said jared this show is so good that you should be on air you should be on netflix you should be on discovery you should be on a e yeah you should would you please tell everybody who you are uh my name is lester bullock i'm a producer with a production company called studio flux and uh jared and i are working together to pitch a show based on kind of helping out people and trying to find their loved ones uh we are currently pitching the show currently entitled cold case divers so we're uh i can't say who we're with just yet but we're we have some stuff in the works hopefully in the next upcoming months we'll hear some good news that we could share with the whole viewers and at leicester here we went to dinner and i said lester give it to me straight like what are the chances that we're actually going to make it on air oh 100 where it's not if we sell the show it's when we sell the show so it's because of you the viewers who have really supported everything we've been doing out here like this this thing has taken on you know a life of its own it really has and we could not have done it without the support of everybody that's here so thank you lester thank you for you know coordinating the sizzle reel the the lead stack the fish take everything that takes place behind the scenes to get it to that status and you know these things take like you know like a year sometimes a year and a half to get to you but i really feel like this is kind of it's gonna be right about that year mark by the time we start filming more than likely it's gonna be a year mark you know uh and we've been together right now i i've kind of been like kept keeping it secret but we've been together now for about four or five months four or five months we we started uh talking back in late june and working out details in july and then we started really working together and getting the sizzle reel the pitch deck everything that we need to get a show going to these networks to the production companies uh it took about an additional month to get everything out but you made it easy you we just took your footage and made it into a sizzle reel yeah he didn't have to do anything we got a narrator that's what we did we got a narrator and it was like okay we need a narrator to flush out the story but that's all we did yeah and the first narrator was terrible but that's because it was a it was just like it's just my partner yeah all right here's the format but yeah it wasn't like the real one but now it's like yeah you guys have like it dialed in and i'm excited hopefully we can even uh once we've signed a deal we can put the sizzle up eventually and you know show the fans i think they there won't be any problem with that but oh that's great yeah you'll actually be able to see the sizzle that yeah was put together for this so cool it'll be great look forward to it yeah incredible uh support also from uh lawn what so wildlife right wildlife resources so so this is matt matt has been down here with us yesterday and today really helping to spearhead the um what was the word that was the proper word i'm looking for matt the you saw the issue that we had in davidson yeah i uh i saw that video you guys posted and it kind of uh it made my blood boil for lack of better words uh and i just didn't want to see that happen uh that's not southern hospitality so here in nashville we wanted to make sure that you guys had a warm welcome and i'll be here for any notifications that you guys need to make if when the suv comes up or to assist in whatever way i can beautiful and matt ran the uh tags for us yesterday and the tags came back as a we don't know where this we don't even know what the vehicle is so yeah so like i was explaining yesterday sometimes that's just a matter of it got entered into the system wrong from the dmv to the county clerk's office or sometimes if it hasn't been registered in you know three four years you know if it sat in somebody's yard and then they decided to push it off in the river it just hasn't been registered so they fall out of the system and that's the same with the stolen system i actually didn't know this yesterday i kind of talked to somebody else later on and apparently they fall out of even the stolen system after a certain amount of time so okay so hey so we appreciate that having law enforcement down here to be on as our liaison to really help us out and i was telling them also about the other 17 vehicles that we're coming back for in january yeah absolutely and the assistance that you'll be uh with us on that one yeah and uh i've i've put in some some good word for about you guys and and hopefully maybe the agency might be able to do something with you guys and you guys come back i appreciate that yeah the email should be going out later on today if not tomorrow um to maybe get some collaboration going on with you guys when you come back yep i appreciate that uh chris says chris chris you said no tv show sell out no here's the thing okay a tv show we only have to film for 10 weeks but during that 10 weeks also awp stays exactly as is we are not shutting down our show we're not shutting down the brand awp is the brand we awp just happens to be the cold case divers that are going out to do it so this show stays going on cold case divers is completely separate that you'll see sam myself nick and you know others are going to be on that one so yeah don't worry about that we're not going anywhere and we're not selling out so know that also also i've had very direct uh conversations with him also we don't script it we don't fake anything it's a real legit show like we're not gonna let anybody you know ruin ruin what it is that we've already started so know that of the show as well okay um all right let me jump back over here if i miss anybody it's just because things have uh moved uh kind of fast um kenny cox thank you for becoming a part of the team thank you to bryce do you know what happened to the eight-year-old girl in omaha yes she uh slipped into the river and they have cadaver dogs that have possibly located the location to where she might be and we're going to go see if we can find her in that location luminous grin i just uh went over that the producers of the show are not going to ruin us or the show we are we and we have been very direct with them as to no we are we have control over making sure the show is not ruined so it's it's what we're doing now but just focusing on their their research teams coming in and really being able to do more than we can for the back end of the research of it and to give us proper budgets and gear to really step up and help you know help more families thanks which tanks tanks uh yeah we're going to use the the aluminum 80s over here and then we also need to get the regulator for it as well oh they've already got the bags on huh are they hooking them up now yeah sweet all right so for car lifts so when we dive we like to use a hundred high pressure stills for this is for our diving and then for lifting cars we like to use aluminums and the reason why we use the aluminum tanks is because when they're empty or near empty they'll actually have a positive buoyancy i drop the phone pause the buoyancy and they'll float so if they come loose we don't lose them in the river [Music] and then here's something else to know also tanks that are empty we leave the caps off tanks that are full we leave the caps on and then i'll grab one more tank here just one of these yeah oh yeah just one of those all right let's let's use this tank first because we actually don't have a cap on it but i know that has air in it okay no just the two is perfect [Music] uh thank you uh brian for becoming a part of the team you have access to a couple of videos that are online online right now for members those videos will be coming out to everybody else shortly as well change hooked up all nice and solid beautiful probably don't go as snug as you can get because then when it's on its wheels you're not gonna get the chain off judy's wondering does this need an o-ring oh yep that one's missing no ring go ahead and wait no no there's no ring in there is that it wait i can't tell the white plastic yeah yeah yeah that's no ring jared how many days in january uh i plan on barack i we're planning on at least 10 days i don't have dates on that yet but yes come over with me brock i would love to have you oh it doesn't float until it's near empty sinks at first all right to bring everybody up to speed that just started watching we have been in nashville tennessee for the last two days looking for a gentleman by the name of bill simmons on the one year anniversary of his mom's passing as well as kind of being forced into disability from work after working for 38 years bill is a very proud man and ended up ended up leaving his home about 1 30 in the morning with no no without his pills without his wallet without shoes and really has a hard time driving you usually could not drive more than a mile without the pain there's a couple of locations that we've searched while we're here in nashville this one here is closest to his home where my friend went to park uh we were not at loch 2 park we identified three vehicles we're looking for a gold toyota camry we identified a car here a denali here and another vehicle down here none of them were the camry that we were looking for we then moved down the river about a mile to another boat ramp near the home we located 17 more vehicles hold on samson right now jacob lost a fin there's no way of uh doesn't surprise me does this surprise you yes all right nobody's is anybody surprised that jacob lost a fin no nobody's surprised okay so jacob's lost a fin um so anyway so we identified 17 more vehicles at another boat ramp and we searched um three more locations or four more locations today we ended up in with those 20 vehicles that we found there was no way that we could consciously leave the area without pulling up the denali today and the reason for that is because we put eyes on the denali yesterday identified that it was upside down all the windows are up except for the drivers front window we did what we could to clear it the best we could but we were not able to clear the entire vehicle we did not want to start popping windows because the way it's positioned exactly what we're supposed to do we've got the chains up got the bags on them he's going down there to fill it up right now i lost the fin but i'm one finning it back and forth and i'll be fine we have another whip hose no we we just run one at a time i'm not letting you touch one you might lose it like your flipper just yeah we do have more but we only run one at a time so that way and the reason why we do that jacob and i'll tell everybody else why we only fill one at a time is that way we only have one person in charge knowing exactly what's being filled and how it might bring come up so that's the reason for it to him so we can start filling it up we're not that far from sure so let them just come up so that way we can make sure that everything's going properly so um so anyway so that should bring you up to speed as to where we're at what we're doing if you happen to be in nashville tennessee right now and you're bored and you want to come down to lock 2 park we are down here right now we have a tow truck showing up in the next half hour 40 minutes or so so uh um today also uh we are donating 100 of any donations that come in to dan dan the cameraman as well as sam sam the adventure man uh sam sam uh his dry suit is kind of beyond repair at this point it's leaking his dry suit is only a wetsuit now he's kind of freezing he's been in the water longer than he should because of the leak that he has so so we are donating the proceeds proceeds today they're splitting up 50 50 today that's not much air in there i don't know what he's done i don't think he attached it on there [Applause] on there it's on there that one's on there yeah it's pretty shallow oh is it pretty shallow yeah well three thousand are a little bit taller too so i mean that could be part of it just needs to fill the bag up a lot to lift it it'll be all right all right i'm gonna start answering if if anybody has a another uh mahrez fan i greatly appreciate it all right uh let's see there's 3 300 of you on there's 1500 likes do what you can for me let's get that up over two thousand the youtube algorithm really likes it when uh we get more likes so please smash that like button while we're waiting for sam to hook this up so sam's not currently filling it so he's doing something he doesn't like how that bag is attached or he doesn't want to fill it right now jacob so so we got something going on right now we need to figure out what's going what he's doing you guys have both bags under there right now yeah okay oh maybe he's just uh putting a little air then in the other one have you found the guy's car no we have not yet found bill's car we're gonna be coming back in january we were not able to leave nashville without consciously you know doing our part to bring this vehicle out because we were not able to clear it yesterday and we could not leave this one behind with the what if what if there are you know there is somebody in here so that's why we're bringing this car out right now still good so if anybody doesn't know this means he's okay he's just messing with something right now um beverly no we will not be doing a live show while we were in colorado looking for suzanne uh we're not even announcing what day we're going to be in town we're coming in under the radar working with ak in out and we're going to do everything we can while we're there to stay efficient uh you know no parade no you know no train of uh people on that one so i do apologize on that one we are not going to be doing a live on that one unless for some reason you know we are able to actually locate suzanne then yes we we will do it live and update everybody on that one john says go dan with the drone howard two aluminums 80s and fins in california i'd love some more aluminum 80s we can always use more 80s for sure i don't know what's going on why is he bringing the tank back over at this point i don't know yeah he's not liking whatever's going on what's going on did you see more air yep okay you know you're i was told that drivers let's get a story from sam as to where we're at on this i think i think he'll still go so sam what's up brother tell us what you have right now i see one bag that's saying at the surface okay the back is up first because there's less weight okay the engine is still heavy that's why that bag is still down this one's up okay so we just need a little more air in the back it should so i was kind of bouncing between the two gotcha even okay so everything's good beautiful no worries yeah yeah because this one didn't look like i had much air in it yeah like this one only looked like it had enough air just to kind of like put some buoyancy in it yeah that's where the uh that's where the bed is okay to begin with okay you know the nose is down okay i'm gonna push this to you if you guys can change it up there you go so everything still looks good and everything we're just gonna need more air yeah just a little more air we're good go down with you or you want me to stay right here oh you could come do you want to do it all you have to do is go to the back bag yeah you got a line that goes right to it you don't even need to swim yep take the line down to the last one oh uh so i've been asked to say what he said so what sam ended up saying is this bag right now is at the back of the vehicle if you can kind of see look really close there's kind of some orange right there so that's where the other bag is at right now it's just under the surface in fact dan might be doing a aerial drone shot of it yeah yeah it's more so aerial tripod beautiful and so with that um you should see the did you guys how much yes we can every whoa wait a minute what oh i don't believe that it was probably on his foot the whole time there to over yeah and i was sitting on it all right well hey the tow truck driver's here so let's uh keep things moving yeah no you can't if anybody wonders how he got his name chaos divers i don't know maybe he can explain that to us yeah hey jared he needs a he needs a gi grip over here there we go for what just hold it get something happy oh yeah yeah and when you put those on you don't go hard with them you just so here's how you break those free so yeah you never go tight with those you only go tight enough they just barely seal i thought you said they wanted it who said that i thought i thought sam did oh no all right so the way that you're going to do that is you just kind of take you're going to take all of this over here oops and try to break this free the same time here hold this how many people are watching yeah oh that's not good what's your present uh brother-in-law jd jd how many people are watching uh i have no idea yeah we're gonna have to instruct people that make these tight 3 500 maybe yeah 3 500. yeah it's a little tight you have another whip i'm going to try again yeah i might have another whip yeah let's grab another whiff and we could wrestle that later yeah no this one's separate okay let's grab the other whip and we can fight that later yeah i don't know i've got another let me go see if i have another one [Laughter] thank you mike for your 5 donation did you all ever find out the stories behind the two toyota trucks no we have not found the stories out on those yet brian is a retired law enforcement and he's supposed to let us know in a couple days so hopefully we'll have some information on that one oh well hold up david says dad's towing a great company have used them a few times so we got we got fans on here that used dad's towing before they said you guys are amazing and you got a hamburger over there too that's good yes thank you for feeding them jared why are you not diving today uh we have jacob grubbs chaos divers is in town with us uh with three of us in the water it kind of you know gets to be too many people so two diving is perfect and you know what i mean at the end of the day the show is not jared is not the show the show is everybody that comes out from you know from the cameraman to everybody that's in the water to the viewers the fans so that's why i'm not in the water today [Applause] uh what color is it i think it was white or golden color i can't remember we did not find the helicopter we have more people looking for it thank you billy for that thank you susan thank you joshua that is right ray cannot have too many cooks in the kitchen so we share the space in the kitchen for sure around here marge thank you for making over i heard that uh plunder has said several nice things about us we appreciate uh all of you coming over and watching what is we're doing over here thank you howard i'll check the email later i'm about four days behind on emails and private messages right now so if you sent me a private message or any emails i apologize i have not gotten back to with any of you uh it's just been busy crazy out here when will we let everyone know about the colorado trip i'll let you know after it's done in fact uh on i think november 2nd i'm going to be on profiling evil with mike king and we're going to be talking about it on november 2nd so do check out mike king's show profiling evil and i'll be on his show on november 2nd uh how could i even begin to catch up and i think the best way for me to catch up is to have a uh somebody start looking over my emails and answering some pms for me but i like to keep it personal so the noise that you were hearing is when they were filling the bags i think is that noise that you were talking about got my oats and almonds that's good vicky i actu i actually had my oats and almonds this morning as well with uh some bananas uh jared where did you get your dive experience dan i'll tell you where i got my dive experience in the water i mean okay so seriously uh local dive shop central oregon diving is uh where i became certified and then as far as dive experience just get out there and dive i mean the more you know the more you get in the water the more you get comfortable with um being under the water murky conditions river currents that's where you get your dive experience real real rare real world experience do you get a lot of w-2 bombs uh no we don't have any world war ii bombs that i've that i found um kellen you said the videos are amazing but sad when you find loved ones yes uh for sure uh in fact kiki the camera girl uh has not even watched nicholas allen because she saw that i was crying in the beginning and it was too tough for her and she had to turn it off so yeah so some of them can definitely be you know very tough to watch we appreciate you watching and your support uh no we do not feel our own tanks uh kristin we do have our tanks filled by uh local uh dive shops or fire departments so i just stood out of the way because it was mostly i was in the way yeah so both bags are working working perfectly okay still a lot of weight there it's not coming up it's sitting full it's in the perfect position we're gonna need another bag so both bags are completely full right now and you need another bag that you probably put on the front yes okay we'll get you another bag another bag another chain all right sounds good uh you probably don't need another chain i probably just attached to the same because you have three thousand yeah we'll throw in another chain just for safety we should hook to the same side or go to the other side no hook to the same because we want to flip it on its side all right so we'll use the same chain then yeah because so give him a change yeah i mean really because that's a 3000 it's a working load is 47. the other bag we can give you is 1500 so that's 4 500 so you're well under the working load yeah so we'll just give you one more bag with a carabiner on it okay yeah we'll get you another tank okay dad's towing thanks oh you're not with dads wait they thought you were dad's so they fed you because they thought you were a tow truck guy they still fed me though i appreciate it oh that was nice of you we don't even know who this guy is he's just one of those guys that shows up in a vest and like people think he's important i know you're watching at home and you are my name's nick nick hey thanks for coming down thank you and who is your wife today my name is finesse yeah hey finesse sorry that he's here and you're not uh why did you not bring her down with you oh you're at work okay so here we'll block him so you can't see these at work right now all right we're gonna go get another bag all right what you looking for jd uh no we don't need another chain okay we just need a carabiner and a bag you got a bag you already have one okay and then let's make sure that the valve is already closed on it and then we'll give them an extra carabiner as we'll do with it right now uh no i'm talking about the where the whip is at so open the bag up yep and then yep perfect all right there you go yep oh there's a drink here everybody know who that is is it a root beer tea oh yeah it's a tea i love it want tea hold on i'm getting a tea i know they're doing important things over there but i gotta get a t right now all right there we go thanks karen and and i don't say karen because it's like karen like karen gets a bad rap i don't know why no we have incredible karen that's out here i don't know where she's at right now but anyway thank you karen she helped set up the tow truck what'd you ask them oh no that's not the tank oh they need another tank oh so the tank that we need is we need an aluminum 80. so let's take this one out ah there we go thank you anthony i carry the tank but my hands are full right now all right i really love the show appreciate everything you do i hope everyone else appreciates your hard work thank you john wallace for those kind words hey what's going on you're on facebook live is this your teeth no sir that's not okay where's mine now thanks oh this actually is hitting the spot right now there you go so people found out that i really like root beer we've had so many different kinds of root beers show up i really appreciate all the root beer oh it's way too many reapers but yes root beer is my thing so if you ever show up bring a specialty root beer i will um not turn it down somebody just said not using tank pro tip carry method that's because they're amateurs and i did not chain them properly okay i'm not gonna say their amateurs i'm just gonna say we just have not trained them properly on how to carry tanks but we'll teach them later on on how to carry tanks but i appreciate the help because my hands were full that do we have a post office box i have a few things i'd like to send and help out yes in the description check out our mailing address i really uh we appreciate that thank you okay in the uh in the in the description is our mailing address if you would like to send us something jared you forgot the cookie go get a cookie we mean cookie philly philly girl where did i miss a cookie at cookie's back there says you should get a root beer company to sponsor you i agree we should have tank sponsors with their names painted on a tank i agree uh yes we are on the cumberland river in nashville at the loch 2 boat ramp is where we're at right now is there any update on the missing bridesmaid no i have i've been out of oregon so in november i'm hoping to hook up with a gpr company ground pen and trading radar and with that we're hoping to go back there and look for marty some more what is your favorite brand of root beer exotic root beers things that are not normal i like to try them all you know one that i do like is um rambling root beer the only place i've been able to find it and then they quit carrying it was at cracker barrel and it's like made out of it has like some maple syrup in it it's really good uh are we ever coming to michigan uh eventually we will we don't have it planned on this trip what is the proper way to carry a tank let me show you the proper way to carry a tank so to so to bring everybody up to speed carrying the tank you want to carry it with the with the valve facing you so whether you're facing it on the right side okay or you're facing it on the left side the reason for that is as you are carrying it let's say that it rolls out of your hand it always tightens the valve so you see here it's rolling it's tightening the valve if it's in my right hand and it rolls it's tightening the valve but if i turn it around okay and i go to pick it up and it rolls out of my hand it opens the valve so that's why you always carry carry a tank with the valve facing your body great question it was sitting beside your tea okay kimberly i'm gonna i'm gonna have to go back like okay right now we need to go for the cookie or we can hang out here and see if the truck pops up or then only so i'll have to go for the cookie in a few minutes because this is like the critical moment where everything could be popping to the surface right now they're trying to break it free from the riverbed what tv show were you talking about um cold case divers is the current working title we've been working with them for a couple months now and by november december we're hoping to ink a deal and have a tv show and that show will not be taken away from what we're doing so adventures with purpose is our brand and is what we're doing but cold case divers awp will be on it and we'll be working cold cases is what we're going to be doing uh more cold cases than what we're doing so like 10 cold cases for a season uh kathy thank you for your 10 donation vicky thank you for your five dollar donation all donations today are going to sam sam the adventure man as well as dan they are splitting them 50 50 and sam is using his portion of it to apply um the proceeds towards a new dry suit because his dry suit is broken he is now diving in a wet dry suit chris certified diver yourself but now legally blind oh no sorry to hear about that can i get a shout out jared from spruce grove canada rickfie shout out for you there you uh go yes uh i completely understand we did get a public apology from the uh sheriff's by the way all right there's almost four thousand of you on right now watching what's going on can you please do me a favor and get us right now to 2 300 likes push that to 3 000 if you've not yet hit the like button please do so and if you after you hit the like button if you have not yet subscribed please do that for us as well every view every comment every like every subscribe really helps us out over here helps the algorithm for sure are you guys going to do anything else in kentucky uh no nothing else in kentucky currently got a little leak in his back maybe he just inflated the bag all the way uh do your daughters have any interest in diving absolutely not they want nothing to do with diving so an expensive no it's not expensive pillow bags full and the two socks are sitting just perfect that's a lot of silt that's a lot of salt yeah we need uh we need more lift and another chain all right we'll get another one you want to try um one more just on the back first to uh break it free from the back maybe okay you need another another tank okay a lot of weight there yeah yeah yeah yours i mean do you think it's the silt that's inside or you think it's just uh suctioned in right now do you think it's the weight inside or is it just suctioned into the riverbed okay yeah okay all right we'll take another pillow and give that a shot well i appreciate you having me going over here because they told me there's a cookie that i missed so we're gonna go check that out is there two cookies you know even if there's only one cookie i'll split it with you jd cool all right they said it was next to the tea over here that i stole from somebody hey how's it going oh look at that jd there's one cookie for us looks like we're splitting the cookie all right here you go ah here we can split it even more that's good all right thank you all right another bag there and then i'll grab a tank that one is not a good bag this bag right here by the way we had destroyed it on the first time we did the snow cap and i can't repair it is beyond repair so we're going to be auctioning this bag off soon on ebay you know thanks for uh supporting our efforts mr isaac snow cat recovery video part one so we're gonna be auctioning that bag off matt mosh says that means a lot if someone hands you the bigger half i only do that with my wife thank you matt yes it is uh very big of jd kiki uh kiki is an interest in diving but is she interested in being a part of the adventure still yes she loves being a part of the adventure sometimes and by that i mean she has made it very clear she doesn't like coming out and hanging out with a bunch of old dudes make sure the valve is closed on it too on this yeah what you do is you walk with one hand together why did you decide not to come to vermont the reason why we didn't go to vermont is because we in order to do here i'll come on for this one vermont was very specific in that we needed a underwater rov that had sonar on it the carabiner oh let me get you a cart carabiner the um oh look at that big barge the uh sonar that was supposed to be on the rov was back ordered in sweden or somewhere and therefore they were did not have it for us it was in a quarry 600 feet deep which is longer than we can dive and for that reason we had to cancel vermont so and i also have to cancel another one where a jailhouse rumor 230 foot deep so this is not something that we expect to see in this river look at that big barge i think he wants you to get out of the way he wants you to move the bag [Music] all right all right can you somebody remind me what i came over here for oh yeah carabiner no no i already got the cookie now we need another carabiner all right i got a carabiner for you yeah really you trust me thumbnail where are you at on that one oh that's an incredible thumbnail you got a thumbnail right here are you hearing her okay here right here dan hurry thumbnail right here or the the beginning of it go right there go right there go right there go right there oh no this is no my injury yeah this doesn't make sense my video my video is completely different okay never mind that was a beautiful shot by the way that's the whole angle with that all right i'm back to paying attention now while they're heading back down uh cappy helping sam and you gotta have a good dry suit thank you very much uh kai 67 donation hey from canada thank you for everything you do to find missing people you're awesome wishing you good luck on all your future searches thank you very much for that we have a new member also michelle thank you for becoming a part of the team if you've not yet become part of the team and you would like to receive videos early and to help support our cause please do click on the in the description there's a link that says become a you know become a member for that also we do give you videos early the videos do come out to everybody eventually so nobody is not getting you know the videos that we do put out so we appreciate your support whether you can or cannot help support financially to just being here hitting the thumbs up hanging out with us commenting sharing liking all that good stuff so we now have sam and jacob back underwater we have a lot of lift on here right now we have that bag right there is three thousand pounds of lift there's another one underneath with three thousand pounds of lift there's also another pillow bag they put on it with uh 1500 pounds lift so that's 7 500 plus they just took down another pillow bag with another 1500 so they're gonna have over 9 000 pounds of lift trying to break this vehicle free from the river bottom right now so it's stuck in the silt so they're trying to break it free it's only you know 10 to 12 feet under water right now is this supposed to just be a vehicle recovery vinnie we don't know we have not been able to clear the vehicle so we do not know if it's just a vehicle recovery or if there are any human remains inside uh yes we are in the cumberland river in nashville tennessee if you would like to come down we're at loch 2 park right now will the barge help free the vehicle at all um no they already took off someone knows where there is a helicopter uh yeah let me know where the helicopter's at kimberly will we see those cold cases also because i'm in the netherlands um it sounds like that the cult are the show cold case divers it sounds like that it may be um we may close a netflix deal on that one so we don't know if it's gonna be a netflix or an any deal on that one we're really pushing for the netflix we have more uh control over the show uh let's see the guys are amazing thank you just hit 3 000 likes thank you for that let's see if we can hit 3 500 likes now there's over 4 000 people on so let's see if we can hit 4 000 likes we have uh oh what did i just do uh oh um okay i'm back five dollar donation from matt your videos made me come across david shaw and deon dreyer story do you ever watch movies like a sanctum and say as if i have not we've had to put over uh 9 000 pounds on one car before so we're uh yeah we're right about there uh sinful desires thank you very much 50 donation upgraded to an air sponsor uh for michelle thank you for that thank you to uh dee also for becoming a part of the team becoming a member there rob says you guys are truly awesome to spend your time and your money to help bring these cold cases to an end that they deserve thank you very much for that we could not be doing it without all without all of you here tell my husband and the vest i see he's working so hard today and thank him for the shout out hey uh your wife says tell my husband in the vest i see he's working working so hard today and thank you for the shout out and i love him yeah yeah uh kellyanne says uh do you see my messages coming in um i don't keep up on everything uh if you sent me an email or a message on facebook uh i'm like three or four days behind on there how come dan is doing all the work do you know how tough it is to narrate all this and read comments at the same time it's like me trying to walk chew gum and pat my belly so come on it's not just dan doing all the work jerry what made you move from utah to oregon i was actually uh utah and then vegas and then to oregon so i was actually still in school at the time so you know you kind of go where your parents are when you're younger eta a vehicle please well i was hoping for uh 30 minutes ago lyanna but you know normally it's a you know four to five thousand pounds of lift on it however this one has a little bit of silt in it and is stuck in the river bed right now we have nine thousand pounds of lift on it right now so we're waiting for it to the good is it gonna pop waiting for it to pop waiting for it to come up it's only a few feet underwater it's only like eight to twelve feet underwater still there it didn't move lori says hi jared you guys are awesome are you ever coming to connecticut eventually we'll come to connecticut um all right we have some new members um we have uh d already said four sun moms ten dollars hey jared thank you sam and dan love your show when do you expect to be in colorado uh i'm coming to colorado i'm not making my date known it will be near the end of the month but i'm going to be uh very efficient with our time there working with ak and we cannot have like a train of people following us around for what is we're doing i do know that we're gonna be diving uh mine shaft and a few other locations uh we're gonna be working some angles that we've had some tips on so i do apologize i'm not like reaching out and um doing any meetups while we're there i will be on profiling evil on november 2nd with mike king and we'll be talking about our time there we'll also be editing a video as to our time there as well misty thank you becoming for becoming a part of the team thank you jerry for upgrading to an air sponsor thank you to kimberly for your five dollar donation jared everyone is asking if you're coming to ohio no nothing in ohio at the moment for us susie thank you for uh becoming an air sponsor today are you serious what is the most uh what corner of it is most likely to come up and out right now is that the back of it okay you need another chain then and another tank another bag okay oh he's got see if you could wiggle it we don't have it we don't have a tow truck here yet no that's just somebody pretending to be a tow truck at the top oh this hill truck yeah we can do that because right now you guys do that and probably hook onto your back axle then yeah okay so sam if you can't hear sam what is this yeah so let's bring him down the ramp and then we'll run some lines over to him so let's feed this line let's let's hook up one more line to this one and then we'll do a straight shot for you to the ramp with this one so make sure that this is not tangled in any of the bags jacob focus did you hear what i said so let's let's get sam as well so sam i'm going to get one more line hooked onto this one real quick for you okay no worries okay do we have the tow truck here yeah let's just bring him down just the tow truck is all we'll need at this point thank you for coming though okay yeah yeah talk talk to dads just in case they need you anywhere all right so what i'm going to do we're going to hook up the other 84 foot line to this one yeah and then we need you to make sure that we have a straight line that you're not tangled up in any of the bags that straight to the ramp because we don't want to be popping around those bags okay yeah because right now we got so much suction i mean we have over 9000 pounds of lift on it yeah there's only one other vehicle i've ever put 9000 i don't know how much the denali weighs uh like it's like 6 000 something i think but right now it's i mean it's tilted it has all that suction from the buck like leave it because it does go it could pop yeah yeah leave it leave a comment down below how much does a was the gross vehicle weight of a denali denali suv 5 500 pounds to someone 77.65 so almost 8 000. somebody says 6 000. 6 000 each 5500 well hey thanks for coming somebody stab you you got blood all over you hey nick your wife is i i don't know if your wife actually saw that you were eating without her too not only are you working hard but you were also eating without her hi there well thanks for coming down i'll uh chat more in a little bit right now we're uh working on getting some more line hooked up i agree with you yes we need a lot more things oh no i just needed to grab another carabiner here i don't know what year of a denali um so we have chairs available this closest to the step there's four chairs in there you're welcome to grab some out of there yep oh hey dan hey if you ever need me on camera today just let me know dan's like no don't need you so yeah we still need to untangle all [Music] this that was a broken one no oh that is a broken one let me go get a different one we just want to make sure 100 anybody that comes down donates their time sure hey how are you good how about you thank you for coming down here yeah we'll do what we can to help make you famous today we heard that a few of our viewers on here said that they're from the area they've used you a couple times said you are an incredible company very helpful very professional we like to try to help everybody in our business most people are in need of a pro or some kind of service so we try to help out any way we can well we really appreciate that so if you're in the nashville area dad's towing and recovery be sure to check them out in fact let me just do a one for our regular show here as well so here if you want to just hold that real quick karen thank you [Music] what we have right now is we have nine thousand pounds right now i think thank you so there we go we got jim from dad dad just call him daddy's head [Music] if you happen to have a tow company anywhere in the us please be sure to reach out to us so that way we can get your your name and information into our system so that way we can reach out to you if we happen to be anywhere in the u.s we'd really appreciate tow truck drivers you need a little more all right i've got some uh like a 50-foot or 25-foot [Music] if no i've got a 50 footer here [Music] why do i got water in my sleep like so close yeah it goes straight straight you might make it look like super stretch man look at that you only need [Laughter] back to the future [Music] [Laughter] oh that's good all right give them a thumbs up all right like there's 4 500 of you on there's only 3 300 likes give them a thumbs up get that over 4 000 for thumbs ups come on everybody look at that like people are even clapping for them good job yeah so what we're doing right now is we're trying to pull that out a little bit because it's really stuck in there with the mud we have over 9000 pounds of lift on right now and if we're underneath that when that thing breaks free it can really come up and we got this cool thing we're doing called living and we want to keep doing it so we're just playing it safe all right let's see if they can break that free uh what's in massachusetts i need to come for uh donna let me know on that one uh the license plate the denali that's not the license plate number i forget what it was it was like a three six there was only like four or five digits and it was a du plate so it's a specialty plate in nashville tennis or in tennessee is what it was they're moving a little bit sam little by little i don't know i don't know if it's that i don't know if it's moving or it's that we want it to move and so we're imagining it no no it was it was moving i i stopped move this this suit is filled with water you know the good news is is we've raised 1300 or so for you nice are you on the live stream today that's awesome thanks guys and um so with that thanks guys uh half of that is yours yes i'll put that towards the suit greatly appreciate it yeah okay somebody said that the denali is a trim package it is a yukon or yukon xl uh you should maybe let the towing company know that you don't know if the car is clear yes we did uh have that conversation with him that we don't know if it is clear or not [Music] uh d u plate ducks unlimited plate yes that's what it is out of a tennessee a du plate uh thank you for showing your boss uh what we're doing i'm glad this here that uh both of you are now watching the show from work we really appreciate that rural king try getting a rambling root beer at rural king i've never heard of a rural king before are they in tennessee or where are those located no it's a rural king yeah just like a grocery store no it's like farm supplies okay clothing hunting supplies tools okay yeah yeah i've never heard of it till now um it is not i don't believe that it's a uh xl if an xl is long it is not an xl uh yes we need the uh denali to start floating coming out let me get right on it for you thanks karen uh no i've uh i ended up with the ice tea that was sitting over there what the ice tea there was an iced tea sitting over there next to the cookie yeah yeah i i ended up with that okay you want it no i have it now is that okay yeah it's right there yeah uh where are you going to the next two next we're going to lake at the ozarks we're leaving tonight we're leaving tennessee for lake of the ozarks in missouri get in there with a shovel there's 9 000 pounds lift right now i don't want anywhere near that right now how much does a new a wetsuit cost uh the one sam's looking at right about 2 200 so thank you today for helping us raise money um there's 1300 that's been raised today half of that's going to dan the cameraman the other half the other 750 is going to sam so all of today's proceeds are going towards sam's new suit so thank you for that for everybody's donations yeah he's hooking up another tow truck that way he can have more weight he's starting to pull he's actually pulling himself back okay so so sam is saying that they're hooking up another tow truck right now to the uh front of that one because as he is towing he's pulling himself into the water so with the other tow truck he'll be able to not pull himself in and be able to pull on this better they're hooking a tow truck to that flatbed that way they could have more weight because this guy started pulling on the line he started just bringing his truck into the drink and we don't want that neither does he so he hooked up for better support better hold and that's uh that's what they're doing right now hooking up another tow truck uh yes thing is heavy yes kitty uh jones we do have more missing cases that we're working on and i think we have four or five more cases uh in the next two weeks as we're making our way home at the end of uh october yeah right now total on there that's a lot that's a lot of lifting yes yes everybody in chat right now start chanting lift lift lift lift lift lift all right lead it that was your idea [Music] i'll be in the ozarks for uh three days a little bit [Music] yeah the tow truck needs a tow truck yes all right everybody away from the cable all right everybody back up from the cable so back it up back it up back back it up you too jacob back it up everybody back it up yeah you can see the other orange bag just sitting right there you can see the the coloring of it i mean you can tell it's totally inflated yeah the very front of it like yeah can you see that can you guys see that right there there's an orange bag back up back up towards us all right and we got more of that back out of the water now all right yeah back up kyler i know i got another son but i still don't want to lose one that's a good idea to have a backup son if you get a backup son yeah tony thank you very much tony for your uh 20 donation it's moving it's moving doing a little something do a little something they're rocking it is he coming in rocking it that thing is so heavy i hope they break it free they're trying to in there a lot of silt in there what time is it i mean it gets dark in like an hour right yeah yeah we're losing daylight uh how much does a rollback weigh i don't know how much rollback weighs what are what are you lifting tank broken what did you break broke a rope or broke something cool well those were just the carabiners on there we should probably throw let's throw sam we only had the carabiners on there which is good for just like barely moving it so let's get some of the big shackles and the proper ropes for this so let's do that see what we've got here i'll grab some shackles 84. yeah we're seeing where it broke we think we're out of uh because those carabiners are uh sixteen thousand okay and maybe cut it on the bumper or something yeah we're gonna see right now so i'm gonna use carabiner yeah so let's go with that let's get rid of this yeah carabiner you didn't break this so we're good yeah we're good there so i can hook a chain to this and make a chain work yes we this was attached to the cane right um yeah no this is connected to a carabiner no but i'm saying but then the carabiners hooked to the chain that's around the axle no no that's around the bumper okay okay carabiners came busted yeah so we just have to put this back on clevis this is how we had it remember around the back of the frame that's all we got to do on that that's right dad's gonna dad's gonna take care of you dad's gonna take care of you yeah uh they also said wesley also said it's all sam's fault it is i'm pretty sure yep sam smacked my head yeah what happened with this vehicle we don't know we ran the place on yesterday and there was uh no information on the vehicle it's a duck's unlimited plate out of tennessee and we had matt who is up here he actually ran the plate for us yesterday uh how deep is the denali it's between 10 and 15 feet deep right now today i would like to uh let's see we have james i would like to do these types of recoveries how do i get started you can get a hold of your local dive shop is the first thing you want to do make sure you become open water certified from there they have multiple classes available recovery classes safety classes so uh anyway so james do check out with the your local dive shop yeah we got some uh duct tape yeah this duct tape yep i got some [Music] oh don't tell my wife how dirty it is in here we're supposed to keep this place really clean and we're supposed to not break things either so don't tell her this junk drawer is broken either okay uh yes i got gorilla tape so that's what oh that's what we do have um jason says we cannot pull this out with duct tape but uh yeah okay you know what they say about that uh monica yes that is correct she's married to me so she should know that is correct ashley we do not yet know if there is a body in the vehicle so we're hanging tight for that right now didn't i'll put a hole in the back of that thing okay all you have to do is just right here just pick up one of the champions sir i'm trying to get my feel back and then we're going to skip this uh carabiner go you can go directly to the yeah we'll go we'll bypass that and go right through that yep i think we can do that yeah we usually just use these for lifting all right you got that here i'll take the duct tape all right thank you sir my wife might be watching the live she she does stop in every once in a while but uh she stays kind of busy also yes the windows are up on everything except for the driver's side we actually had to dig yesterday we were down on it we had to dig out what we could on the driver's side to find out if the front was clear from what we could tell but it was so uh murky down there we have doubts and so therefore we could not leave town today without actually pulling it we could not do that so that's why we came back to wrap this up in our search as we were here looking for a bill simmons today so that's why we're actually here to begin with in nashville looking for bill simmons knight vixen says smash that like guys help them out yes please there's 5 000 of you on there's 3800 likes so let's see if we can get that up to 5 000 likes push it push it push it thank you very much uh yes we may need the tow truck to get us out as well so we have oh yeah so if you guys have not yet subscribed to chaos divers be sure to subscribe to him so a moderator in here if you can drop a link to chaos diver's youtube channel he's getting ready to head back in the water right now to go hook up the j hook to the axle broke that way dad oh that's gonna get really wet yeah so i don't really care right now i'm gonna get it hooked up i'm gonna try to he's just excited to be here and get this done why do you have a blue one and a red one like right and left uh no i'll just know how these go yeah that's broken oh yes you can't do it with the suit on you actually have it's like a whole system that you got to do so all i got to do is just like hold it over here but he's missing the ring for it as well the um the washer i never use those i always have mine just sewn in yeah this is actually a system where it just clips in right so if i can get that that stuff the goop we use the goop and then all you gotta do is just clip it in so uh 4x4 family said just use duct tape gorilla tape they say gorilla tape your wrist yeah we got we have it over there so we can do that for you uh let's see tony 20 donation thank you for that james i would like to uh do these type of covers however i hope i answered your question on that one contact your local dive shop uh christy kirby god bless you for your hard work and helping out thank you very much we have a 25 donation from left undone says thank you for all you do i am sure certain bodies of waters are cold here's to the wetsuit thank you very much so sam thank you sam i just want to get wet like you are speaking speaking of thank yous sam you have an incredible support today we have uh over 700 has been donated to your dry suit today that leaves you about 1400 shy yeah that's a huge that's a huge chunk a third there that's awesome thank you so much greatly appreciate it jim i think i have a mod on tara you're still on as a mod where did tara go maybe she's not on did tara leave i don't know where tara's at you're right we may not have a mod on right now look at that it's a free-for-all you guys want to say really mean things about us there's no mod on there you go now's your chance where are you where will you be at the ozarks when we come uh we're going to be diving on here i'll talk to you um lake at the ozarks i don't know the exact location they sent me a pin today we're going to attempt to make it down to it's either between 60 and 80 feet where back in 2017 the duck tour boat ended up sinking 17 people on board passed away and we're going to attempt to make it down onto the location all the bodies have been recovered but their personal effects never were so we're going to do what we can as a team to get down on that location see if we can recover any personal items and return them to the family is our goal so that's one thing we're working on there's also supposed to be a gentleman in a car uh in the lake as well over by the dam so we're going to go see if we can find him and then we're also going to go see if we can pull a jeep out that was dumped there by we believe it was like the police chief or insurance fraud he's now passed away so that's the three locations we're going to be i don't exactly know i've heard that lakers building is huge so we're going to be bouncing around uh which makes a dry suit do you all prefer uh well jacob is diving a uh waterproof dry suit it was uh given to him so he was like super stoked on that that a uh it was a viewer another diving viewer brent mitch britt mitch donated your dry suit so brit if you're on here huge shout out to you uh sam has he doesn't sam doesn't even know what brand his is he's had it forever he's a rescue diver and so he's just running what he's had for a long time and then mine are from 03 03 has been incredible sponsors of ours and so with that um so yes thank you brett mitch for the d1 dry suit i'm gonna go hook this chain up oh vicky where you oh there you go all right there you go vicky thank you uh thank you paul for that we try to produce good videos for you and we also you know some people don't like these live streams uh you know they're not edited you know this is real this is raw this is you hanging out with us for the day so we appreciate those that come out he's in trouble uh-oh what happened renee texted she's like are you coming back are you going back to tennessee in january [Music] i'll have to opt to tell her before you tell her next time do you not tell her everything well i do but just not every i mean it just takes a while i kind of sort of mentioned it to my wife yesterday kind of yeah i mean if she's watching now she knows yeah now you know so yeah hey renee we have incredible news in january we're coming back to uh nashville tennessee i we're gonna rent a house on this yeah it's gonna be awesome which means that wives and girlfriends and family can also come so really since he likes country music so it's a national yeah so hey thanks for letting me know there she is right now so renee if you're bored in january and we're coming back for 10 to 14 days you might want to hit this guy up and see if he'll uh you know extend an invitation i don't know sorry i got you in trouble sam you know uh the boat duck accident was in branson missouri not at the lake of the ozarks oh are they real oh i'm in the wrong spot i heard it was in this is the mindy correct me if i'm wrong this is the one from 2017 where 17 people passed away it was in branson correct me if i'm wrong if so i'm going to branson missouri tomorrow oh sorry i was saying about the live feed some people don't like the live feeds they're like quit doing live feeds nobody watches them and they're so boring and they're so long and some people just like to complain so um there's 5 400 of you that are here actually watching this and so i appreciate each and every one of you for being here and supporting what it is that we're out here doing never swim at fisherman's wharf the fishermen throw off fish waste off the dock i found that out after i swam past the end of the docks how hard does it take the cars and then putting them on that tow truck uh depends how much how varied they are in the silt and how much silt is in the car so right now we have over 9000 pounds of lift on this denali normally it only takes us you know about four thousand to five thousand pounds of lift for our more difficult one so that's how difficult it is today everyone is different and i think that's you know kind of why we keep doing this is because we enjoy the excitement of we never know what is we're going to get ourselves into on the next one all right sounds like we're going to branson then tomorrow we're going to branson not like the ozarks tomorrow missouri oh wait wait wait i guess i first need to ask which which one is closer to nashville branson or lake of the ozarks which one do we need to go to first uh the duck has already been taken out 4x4 family table rock lake is that's where where it's at okay it was in lake of the ozarks all right i'm getting really confused so somebody's saying cameron says it was in lake at the ozarks some people are saying that was in branson 2017 branson yes jared you need a new shirt that says not all heroes wear capes uh we're going to make up a couple of new shirts coming up we have some pretty cool ideas coming up uh one of them is um restoring faith in humanity one dive at a time yep so also maybe the water force thing oh yeah water force stay tuned for yeah water here we have some cool skits yes we haven't even mentioned that yet like that'll be in a video coming up so yeah so it's gonna be like water force yeah yeah you know it's pretty great off of space force because anyway you'll see it in a video coming up lake of the ozarks is mid-state table rock is south west is in the southwest of missouri okay so which one do i need to go to first from nashville i'll take a look at the map tonight see our schedule is very loose in what we're doing we just kind of have a direction that we're going big fan jared so live vlogs all content is best on youtube so hate uh what you like stay off the channel that's right here we go good job jacob he said it wasn't light so the chain was extra heavy oh the chain was extra heavy yeah i don't know if it was the chain that was heavy or the responsibility i think it was a responsibility there's a lot of eyes on me huh yes yeah well how many eyes are on him right now uh only 5 500 right now yep i have a link of the story 30 people here yes table rock lake outside of branson okay all windows down all windows down except the driver's window no all windows are up except for the driver's window the driver's window is open the ntsb report says where the duck is i actually have a coordinates on it so i'll have to look it up i just haven't looked at it yet all right they're pulling it nice and slow nice moving little by little very much so you're already fired three hours on the job and we gotta fire you if you guys have not yet uh met my name's kyler hi mom i know you're watching yeah kyler sam's boy welcome he's gonna be with us for the next uh two weeks on the road axles uh yes zach i know they already got the duck off the bottom we're going for the personal effects so we can return them to a family members uh brighton you can send me a email my the link is in the description down below oh my battery says it's going low they're already starting to come up with nicknames for you kyler kyler the adventure boy we're gonna come up with a good name for you a good nickname for you by the time we're done so you just you just hang tight it's in the works all right sounds good uh yes suzanne we know that the duck boat was recovered we're going after the personal effects is what we're going for so that way we can uh return them to uh family members coming up he's trying guys if you all haven't figured that out yet plunder plunder's on here uh thank you very much if you've not yet seen plunder's channel go check her out thank you for all you do and everything absolutely tony 20 donation thank you for that amy my mother and i are new watchers her and i are watching now she insists i donate to sam's dry suit because he's handsome she's 76 god bless you guys thank you very much for that we will make sure that that goes towards his dry suit fund 30 donation for sam's suit from angie thank you very much for that can i get a shout out please gamer kid 2648 there's your shout out says uh catherine says there's nothing like father and son helping each other out with an awesome is awesome to see for sure 100 kylie kyler the backup man t-shirt ideas uh for all of us heroes wear dry suits for jared and sam and dan heroes wear awp t-shirts brenda says she enjoys live feeds thank you very much for that no updates on the missing bridesmaid we've been on the road for the last uh almost month now we'll be home in two more weeks cara thank you very much for meeting up with us yesterday bringing us the barbecue from papa turney yesterday so thank you for that we're missing you down here today we are bringing the denali out looks like they're pulling it nice and slow they don't want to yank it too fast and kind of letting the silt and suction come free from that right now uh we have a five dollar donation from canadian gal tammy thank you very much new sub here much love from ontario canada thank you very much for that and if you have not yet become a member we do invite you to become a member as well where you will receive the edited videos early so the videos will be out for everybody but as a financial supporter of our channel and helping us out to get out here pay for the on the holes that sam puts in the rv and gas and food and all that good stuff you uh as a member for five dollars you do start receiving videos early any videos we put out we do have three videos available to you right now we have karina is out we have oh look at this it's coming we do have a fun one that we just did last week with exploring with nug and depths of history down north of atlanta so that one is now available it was a really fun one that went live last night and will be out tomorrow for everybody and we also have kiki the camera girl uh we did an old school dive with her uh jacob jacob grubs chaos divers sir thank you for being here you're welcome thank you for having me i appreciate each and every one of you guys if you've not yet subscribed to jacob over chaos divers be sure to do so i also put a link in i think i have a link in the description to below with him i can't remember if not i'll make sure it's in there later on yep yep do you need something for me yeah and this one is actually for bill simmons so i mean it's not a so it's quite different okay let me know i've been getting enough info okay 3x t-shirts please uh november december johnny we're going to be working on more shirts and yes we'll get more sizes and more uh shirt options out there we have a lot of good things in the works so thank you for everybody for supporting us i like that i see it's flipping right now i'm sorry jared i took your thing you can't take my saying people can be mad at you if you take my scene so look so the three so the 3000 is emptying now because it's up high enough hey where's hey where's our fourth bag at guys oh it's underwater still the fourth bag is still underwater so it's up high enough that the uh the 3000 was not being used anymore so it's over it's gonna go ahead and start emptying itself so it's working just as it's supposed to uh macy thank you for your 20 donation if i miss anybody i apologize um so if you become a new member i'll try to give you a shout out as well as any of your donations christopher god bless you for all the team for all the work you and you guys do to bring closure to families thank you for that 10 donation from dawn great job thank you 50 donation from the uk as you got sam and son this is for anything that they break oh my goodness you know what they're all anything that's god they're looking out for oh yeah they know that you're gonna break stuff too that's pretty much what uh he just said simon just said that yeah uh class city fish which awp need to become a uh 501c3 nonprofit it'll help with taxes and donations we have a new member robert thank you very much for becoming part of the team we also have a 20 donation from joe i'm a u.s marine i love the work you do keep it up thank you very much by chance can you hold on to this this battery is no longer is like completely dead are you gonna run into the rv i am running the rv grab the drone phone too the drone phone yep so i can see what the cameras are yep i'll do that all right we got jd behind the camera yeah what's going on guys if you have any questions drop them in the chat we'll do a little q a right now we're just kind of waiting jared's got to go grab a battery tow trucks reconfiguring a bunch of stuff got a question how do i remember can i get it down by the subscribe button there should be a join thing on mobile and desktop so check out that one and also moderators on the channel we had a comment kyler the buff diver no nothing so anyway um we have some moderators in here please put down uh channel link yeah yeah or not channel links but uh to be a team member all you got to do is just go to jared's channel copy and paste the link on here please thank you yep he's the master mod so i don't know about all that chaos divers like and subscribe i said grab a hold of the chain and just pull it out you're strong enough yeah right i'll get right on that sign me up want that yeah yeah take it off their hands what's up guys sam sam the adventure man i just hijacked the phone uh jared is coming over got jacob behind me we almost got this it's getting close right now they're um resetting the snatch block so they can pull at a different angle jared's running by yo what's up what's up christina horton jared have you ever done a shipwreck dive sam gen high life support chaos divers yeah big sport chaos divers jacob thank you see uh i'm gonna flip this around so we can watch what's going sam sam hey how's it going appreciate all of you guys for watching all of you guys donations my dry suit is currently a wetsuit so thank you everyone who's donated to help me get that squared away we're very we're much closer they pulled this here at least 15 feet they still got at least another i'd say another 35 feet 40 feet to go getting really really close hey check this out these beautiful so i was cold right and these beautiful people here these beautiful people over here hi beautiful people they are they they they turned their uh they turned their barbecue into this no it's not no it's not it's just deflating the bag's deflating nothing's happening this is what's really going on right here is this nice this nice warm fire anyway yeah so we're just we're just watching see the tow truck driver he's over there he's reorganizing the line um i'm cold so that means jacob might have to go back in to reset the line because his suit's an actual dry suit let's look at jacob's face right so if i was to take this well there's two of them there so undo yeah we got those are both 50 footers yep so you want to help them untangle that sorry about that oh you might be able to get it what are you looking for oh i'll take that for you just a minute you got a parent's apparently being a father [Music] uh so robert k thank you for becoming part of the team thank you john for your 50 donation thank you to a diane for becoming part of the team thank you to ryan part of the team we have adrenaline junkie rock crawlers part of the team thank you very much we have fascia welcome to part of the team tyler dixon thank you for becoming an air sponsor i hit i hit the i hit the wrong button again sorry about that fat fingers as i'm trying to go through this if i miss anybody i do apologize we have tyler dixon uh air sponsored thank you adrenaline junkie i already did that one and dean thank you for becoming part of the team [Music] so probably the best thing is just bring your um just bring it all up again real quick so we can just fasten it properly for you oh you're putting the whole tank on nevermind here we'll take the carabiner off so we don't get that booger up in there yeah i'm afraid i probably might get another one there something's wrong little tricks yeah pull turn twist so close there yep right there perfect thank you sir [Music] oh and jerry look i'm back to the big battery pack because i appreciate your little battery thing that you gave me but it ran out of juice already so i and it was fully charged but this is long live stream so i apologize so i thank you for bringing me the battery pack but i gotta go back to this one uh i upgraded to an air after initial join thank you very for that uh adrenaline junkie i really appreciate that oh we got a new one where's kyler at kyler your new one the blonde bomb any other nicknames we should go with with kyla we we need to he just showed up late last night they're doing like a kylie roast right now no well we're trying to come up with what his nickname is going to be telling me yeah yeah so kylie he does all types of wild stuff with his hair sometimes he'll braid it sometimes he'll throw it out sometimes he'll be slick and clean and sometimes he'll do a big beard sometimes yeah yeah yeah he's all over he's all over the place yeah now here's something to see him when he gets his afro so so here's something else people need to know so we've really enjoyed the food that people have been bringing us we really thank you everybody for that what they have to know is if they stop by and they see us out and you do bring us some food by chance kyler is a vegetarian his whole life yeah the vegetarians like his whole life really oh my god yep that i'm using or what yep that's the one okay so uh yes is there anything i love carrots carrots i'm a huge fan of carrots all right the carrot king yeah there we go oh i like that the carrot king i love carrots so oh with ranch dressing any dressing or just dry i'm basically baby carrots or like huge like juicing type carrots either or but i mean baby carrots a little you know easier just you know all right so baby carrots so thanks guys yes and i gotta tell you sam is so proud in fact here i'm gonna come over here with you your dad is so excited that you are here yeah i'm assigned right here look how short i am here stand there come over here there's a rock here okay here and you can be okay here okay oh now okay now you're right your dad has been so excited he can for the last it's pretty much since the day we left he's like oh i can't wait for nothing for kyle to get here and what are you doing here sam i'm just seeing what people are saying yes and kyle and kyle is finally here now i don't have to hear sam like i can't wait till tyler comes because now he's here yeah yeah let's go together let's see all right let's get a smile together we need to know that there we go tyler's taller than you yes yep beautiful smiles incredible guys hey they want to know kyler do you die as well certified i think yes yes kyler is a certified diver and when we get home we're going to work on getting his gear together so he and i can do more adventures together a lot of times when we go we end up renting stuff he is on the rock again a lot of times when we go we end up writing stuff for him yeah so but we still have fun so when we get home and we'll work on getting oh and and he's on his tippy toes yeah he's on a rock and tiffy toes are you cooking over here you're just like trying to stay warm oh dude i have my knife on my side oh yeah i forgot we had a duct tape on there well i have a i have a knife my side but somebody forgot my fence that's right hey dan while you're over there can you grab the uh gorilla tape on the back of the trailer i i got it oh look 24 karat kyler 24 24 tyler yeah hey tara thanks for moderating for us phone's gonna die oh no i don't have any more juice oh i like that knife whose knife is that jacob grubs are they any good let's see some guy feed my gentleman yeah i thought the same thing when i was down there i'm not going to mess with it no i thought about that about the time you went down i thought oh boy that tastes good those are the funk cutters they're pretty they're pretty good they cut yeah you sort of got it i mean if there wasn't 10 pounds of duct tape on it dropping uh they want to know why we're using duct tape on the chain the reason why we're using duct tape on this chain is to keep it attached to because we're using a j-hook with a chain with a hook that's attached to like all of this so the duct tape will keep it from falling off as we're putting tension on all of it some chances of coming off because we're going in after it's in the pool i have a shackle we can just do a shackle to the chain so there to there let's go grab your shackle just don't drop the pin under water is it silting up on you are you good to see it okay yeah they can't get the tape off that's how good it held up yeah [Music] [Music] good [Music] from well we're skipping the orange one right we're going straight to the green yep we're going to go for the green yeah don't go from the green to this now but yeah we like probably be good better chances to stay on this one okay it's your cop because let's get you back in put a little yeah okay yeah i'm not gonna i know you like playing in the water but i didn't do that i enjoyed that i i am a little chilly i'm not gonna lie okay i'm good but now you're in a dry soup so tell us why your chili in your dry soup cause i didn't have any undergarments for it gotcha okay so you're dry though that's a little more dry so only one of us has been getting wet in the dressing room i am i'm like wet up to here up to my knees you definitely need a new wetsuit or a dress i got this squish squash going on yeah i was gonna do the clothes but they're doing it differently yep all right thank you i got you what if i what if my life's a complaint all right i'll see you guys in a little while looks like chaos to me oh i said what's his name again he's in [Music] straight chaos all right all right here we go petey thank you for becoming a new air sponsor and a 20 donation towards sam and dan so that will go towards us thanks thanks to everyone yeah thanks to everyone that's been donating we greatly appreciate this yeah dan young fellow getting started in life and i'm eating my new new so 100 of today's uh donations for this live stream do go to these two uh we if you saw the beginning of the live stream it was either going to be 100 of the proceeds to dan like who was your favorite just because he's new starting off in life and because of all these edits taking place 100 because of him incredible four do we have anybody who felt sorry for sam and with his dry suit there's now a wetsuit and so we were raising money for him however you the viewers said make it 50 50 let them split it so i believe yeah i i made it all that's right yeah i made it get all sentiment i got to get all sentimental on everyone so yeah then you guys yes so yeah so thank you for that so all of your donations today are going to these two so thank you for all that thank you guys yeah if you guys stick around when we're done i'll take off my suit and you'll see all the water that's pouring out yeah [Laughter] yes your channel thank you for that yes we're hoping to change the game and help with that more cold cases uh 50 donation from gary thank you for that look at the crowd showing up too we appreciate everybody that comes out in support of what it is that we're doing so thank you for everybody coming out gravity sucks boss thank you love the channel jared what happens to the cars once you pull them the tow truck companies they take them they report them they do the backing paperwork uh with the local pd and then afterwards they will normally auction them off or recycle them is what happens to them [Music] gianni says we should sell tickets you know what we we have an open door policy we and the reason for that is you know what none of what we do would be happening without the support of not just those are here today but everybody that's online we have 5 500 people online right now we appreciate each and every one of you so thank you for being here what is sam's facebook sam sam the adventure man is sam's facebook has there ever been a time we couldn't retrieve a vehicle and had to leave it uh yeah the snow cat we had to go back for but uh in the end we were able to get it so so far we have not failed at any of our vehicles that we've gone for we have a 100 donation from tyler dixon sounds like they need some equipment and diving stuff ain't cheap good luck y'all thank you tyler for your 100 donation really appreciate that chris thank you for becoming a team member gary thank you for your 50 donation [Music] vehicles should be coming out soon they've got uh roughly 15 20 feet of pulling there and then they'll have to reset but right now the vehicle is moving we have nine thousand pounds lift on there but some of us out of the water so right now there's probably take away three there's six thousand pounds of lift under water still trying to help lift that up and assist the tow truck right now it's a denali suv is what it is oh there's a one of the wheels right there do we don't yet know what color it is i think it's going to flip up right honestly it's it's starting to float a little bit oh it's not going to flip up right yet you'll have to be repositioned with j hooks and everything uh we're at lock 2 park in nashville tennessee so if you're bored and you want to come down come on down we don't yet know if there's a body in the car not the windows were up on it except for the driver oh that's flipping nice yeah so what's the battery hey your other bag you left the valve open on it maybe just got knocked after it was being pulled yeah it's starting to roll yeah i wouldn't pull any bags yet it looks like the bags are still assisting so i wouldn't pull anything until he's up on to land more how far is sam from a new dry suit he is currently 1200 away from a new dry suit so we appreciate all donations today that have helped out towards sam's new dry suit as well as for dan the cameraman here thank you guys super appreciate it somebody's guessing that the color is champagne hello to dad's towing yes we could not be doing this without dad's towing coming out today donating their time and their services so thank you dad for being here we have a 20 donation from drama must remain on the stage i'm so glad dan is getting some benefit from direct donations sam is go directly to the flex tape so his wetsuit will be very dry and fingers attached to the dry suit for years to come keep them coming out guys thank you for that uh-oh button again sorry i'm back i hit the wrong button uh ten dollar donation from ashley m jared you asked in another video about a different word to use instead of excited you can word use the word optimistic keep your booty dry sam thank you for your ten dollar donation down under dan uh 59 15 donation thank you very much for that if you've not seen um down under dan diving's channel go check him out we were actually supposed to be there uh this month however because of covert and things getting shut down this put us on a different journey you know so they say that things happen for a reason you know and that reason is you know it because i was not in australia with dan it actually allowed us to be here on this trip you know bring nicholas allen home and work on some other cold cases well the back window is open now that wasn't open before yeah so oh that is a long one isn't it is that a long one no that's a short one is that the xl you know what i learned jacob i learned that we don't put cam no you can go i learned that when we're on live though we don't stuff cameras inside yeah yeah make sure you start clearing it so right now this vehicle has not yet been cleared you can go ahead and do that one so uh we've not yet cleared the vehicle so they're gonna start clearing the vehicle as we are working on it and bringing it out we're gonna go see what uh dad has to say all right is the back clear can i zoom in on the back remove the air bag and we'll go ahead and pull it on over right now so gmc yukon [Music] is this the car to solve the murder case which murder case we we we were not looking for this this particular one so the one that we were looking for for the murder case that was in and dan just crashed the drone is it up in the tree or does it on the ground now sometimes things happen like that so dan dan's looking for the drone right now hope it's all right yeah we'll find out uh kenneth says this is one way to get out of 800 truck payments it sure is um we have almost 6 000 people on 4 700 likes let's see if we can get another 500 likes right now if you've not yet hit the like button please hit the like button it helps us out helps the youtube algorithm also if you've not yet subscribed be sure to subscribe and turn on that bell notification for us please thank you i drive a tow truck and use tape on my recoveries as well can you explain the difference between a dry and a wetsuit and what all you need for both to make them work yes a wetsuit wetsuit you get wet in dry suit you're completely dry but right now my my outfit is dry and a wet outfit yes and a wetsuit the way that a wetsuit works is it's it's up against your body and they have different thicknesses like a three mil a five mil seven mil and based upon that it's really the water that is stuck between your body and the dry suit that kind of warms up that's how you end up staying warm drones still it doesn't fly for real it's all good okay thanks for not crashing it i mean i i mean just like dad just broke my strap anyway that's why we use the synthetic lines because they end up dropping to the line to the ground uh let's see what else have we got here we have more shout outs and thank yous we have a ten dollar kirsten uh with a sticker says thank you very much we have a new member jody so uh jody's now a part of the team what becoming a part of the team means it means that you know financial support towards our channel for us to get out here and help you know recover vehicles out of the water see if we can find lost loved ones we're actually working a case the last two days uh trying to locate bill simmons so that's what brought us to nashville tennessee we found three vehicles in this location with one of them being the the denali the reason why we came to this boat ramp is because uh bill lived not too far from this they came down here quite often and he went missing he left the house one night about 1 30 in the morning after just a whole bunch of just life kind of hit him his wife christine and others reached out to us to come help out and see if we could locate bill we found three vehicles here this one was upside down all the windows were up on it except the driver we were not able to clear it that we found it yesterday so yesterday we then went further down the river about a mile we found 17 more vehicles in the river we did not dive on the ones the 17 we found was on the other side of the river at a closed boat ramp where nobody could get down there so bill was not able to get down there for that reason we did not dive on any of those 17 does not mean that so we have cold cases stolen nor possible people in them so we are coming back in january to recover those vehicles and see if we can solve any more cases with that we did end up spending today as well searching for five more locations for bill we were unable to find him we had a few hours left in our day before we leave nashville today we could not consciously leave this vehicle behind because we were not able to clear it so with the windows up knowing that it was there we had to do everything we could to come back and clear this vehicle you grabbed me a uh thumbnail on that how are we doing yeah it is tough to say yeah i don't yeah i don't think so um so with that open your valve up on top so uh is your valve open on top sam okay never mind i see that um so anyway so we could not leave this vehicle behind without clearing it and getting out of the river uh and then we're gonna be back in january to go after those other vehicles so with you with you as a member on here with your donations this is what your proceeds are going to so we can be out here recovering the vehicles traveling getting them out of the environment clean up the environment helping families you know locate their lost loved ones so this is you know this is our mission this is how we're serving and you are a part of it today so we thank each and every one of you so anyway so become to become a member on your phone or on your computer next to the subscribe button there should be a join button if you cannot find the join button in the description there is a link that says become a channel member you can become a channel member there so we really appreciate it thank you you're going to freeze in january well uh sam will if we don't get him a new dry suit so the all the donations today are being split between dan and sam that sam is using his portion to buy himself a new dry suit so as long as sam has a new dry suit by january he is not going to freeze because dry suits you can put thermals on underneath and stay nice and warm so that's why we are dry suit divers um it's chaos divers now chaos divers is in the water right there that's jacob grubbs with chaos divers be sure to check out his youtube channel we have a new member uh part of the team jody thank you very much for becoming a member uh briana thank you for becoming an air sponsor kathleen thank you for becoming a part of the team we have a boot stricker a 100 donation hope you can make it to michigan thank you for your donation we have a new member shayna i can't say your last name uh thank you for becoming uh part of the team as well hey you know what i have i've got the new uh spare air all right let me get that yeah i'll show you the new little um because of your donations also the other day we stopped off at a dive shop and picked up a spare air it has roughly 30 breaths for nice shallow dyes right now they just need to disconnect the um the bag underneath and so if i can locate it in here i'll show you our new little spare air here so this is a 1.7 cubic feet is what this is 3000 psi and with that we don't have to put on all the tanks and everything else they can just breathe directly out of this so that's what uh 330 looks like right there so thank you for your donations in helping us pick that up just a couple days ago yeah can we throw it to you all right first time using it remember you only get 30 breaths out of that so with your with everything that you guys do we do reinvest the funds we really appreciate it so that way we can make our jobs easier and safer so we thank you for it if i miss anybody on uh that did donate or has become a new member i do apologize never on purpose dale thank you for becoming a gear sponsor simon thank you uh for becoming a part of the team lee crew an air sponsor thank you very much carrie thank you to a part of the team i'm going to mess this one up but i'm going to try to pronounce it you i'm just going to spell it you youtube youtube maya thank you for becoming a part of the team as well ace 88 i'm going to go ahead and uh let you expand on that one this that kind of sounds like a waste of donations you mean the air source what sounds like a waste of donations we've not yet wasted anything when it comes to donations so please go ahead and expand on that because the spare air is refillable we can we can refill it off of our tanks and so although it's only 30 breaths we can refill it as many times as we want from our other tanks so is that what you're referring to so it is not a one-time use not a one-time use we can use it thousands of times it is rechargeable yes um jennifer we don't need a 19 15 or 19 uh cubic bottles for something that's just so quick and simple see then they would have had to put the regulator in and they would have to put a tank on and that's why see we were able to just quickly grab it throw it in his mouth and he was able to unhook these with just a couple of breaths so this is like think of this as like one of those things where you know you can really hold your breath to do it if you can hold your breath for like a minute or two and that's why the spare air is so you know important for us now thanks i'm glad i was able to answer that for you and we're and we don't use the spare air force safety we're using the spare air as a tool just at the surface here a 1.7 is way too small for any safety when we're down deep so we actually have pony balls for for when we're down deep how do you like that new spare air that was awesome didn't have to suit up quick grab drop do what i need to do spare air we're not like sponsored by these people but i think this is awesome not for scuba diving absolutely not for scuba diving just for quick little things like this or if you have a boat if you're a boat owner and let's say you run over your dinghy line that might be a good thing to jump in the water and clear your pump not for diving definitely for a situation like this yeah and they are refillable so that was one concern so yep for a little short little dice yes sam got a haircut uh two days ago on our way from where are we coming from ohio over to tennessee all right yeah back it up make sure everybody's back far enough there he goes up sorry here we go yeah that's beautiful all the windows have come out of it over there so when we started the vehicle was upside down the silt and coming through the trees must have busted the windows out we try our best not to bust any windows out that way if there was something inside that was of evidence we would then have to search for it from there to there at least we know where it's at anyway we're going to uh identify as it continues to come out of the water finish clearing it and make sure that there's nothing that we need to call pd down here for drone racer you said stop stop stop call the cops no not right now we've not yet found anything they also said don't call them unless we find something [Music] uh yes the pressure coming up terry i could absolutely take the windows out especially as stuck as it was we had over 9000 pounds of lift on it with the tow truck pulling as well it was definitely full and heavy and stuck in the riverbed uh did the windows get busted out being on its top yes when as it was being pulled out with all the silt and everything and being drug across some of the trees and the rocks to get it out you guys should do commercials for the things that you need when you can get them as payment i agree could a body have fallen out through the window uh it's not likely based upon the way it just came up i mean the body's going to be in there a little bit further and it's usually silted in and we're going to have some type of evidence that there was a body in there if there was pretty good uh the amount right now kathy is up to 2100 so thank you for that dan and sam are splitting that so that is a 1050 each for one for them today sam that put sam about 1150 away from his goal for a new dry suit so all the donations from today's stream are going to dan and sam so dan is 100 responsible for all of our edits and everything that's been happening he's also camera work he's doing drone work gimbal work incredible young man so here he is right there so helping a young man out as he's getting started in life um he's one of those individuals that if you happen to unfortunately he's you know has a girlfriend i mean that's not unfortunate it's good he has a girlfriend but you know if he was older and or my girls were younger and he was single i would absolutely 100 uh love to accept him into my family that's the type of guy that he is so incredible young man he's going to go far in life uh yeah new dry suit uh is roughly a good one is right around 2300 they have really cheap ones for around 900 but you do get what you pay for [Music] hmm do dan or sam's girlfriend's ever come out on a dive location uh no we're actually on the road so i mean we move real quick we've been staying in the rv we've been on the road now for three weeks we have two more weeks on the road so we've been out here for a while what are we stopping for hold on all right hold on sam all right it is clear okay let's check in the back just to make sure all right kind of freaked me out there sam no the center on the center console the uh little door popped open just kind of looked a little suspicious you you just wanted to close the city console you just want to close the center console that was it yeah that's it it just looks suspicious all right becky says you freaked her out too becky says you freaked her out as well sorry just it just looked like weird like a shoe or something so we had to check it out they said you were releasing the brake [Music] they were waiting for a whoa [Music] yeah just get it up and going uh hi jared and the rest of team hello was there any evidence that somebody was in there and fell out no we have no evidence if somebody was in there and fell out all right uh just hold that up all right kyle's gonna be on a camera there for a few [Music] better read some comments too if they got anything good he's not live streaming we're getting the live stream going uh for sam yeah yeah we're gonna get live stream going for sam in just a moment my battery is almost dead and i'm already through another battery pack i don't know what's going on there so bear with us and we'll get sam's all right yeah sam's going over here let's see hello i see betty said hi kyler hello oh hi stylist one of my friends from back home stylist just shouted me out so hashtag yeah oh what's up guys sam sammy adventure man i have my buddy jared over here my son kyler running the live stream right now okay so i'm working so we'll talk in a minute okay wait wait hold on right now let me get a thumbnail for you jacob right there okay there we go so we're gonna get sam's live stream going on because uh my phone is about ready to drop so start heading over here we go so we have sam sam the adventure man go over to his youtube channel the link is in my description i'm gonna be shutting my live stream down in about five minutes so i can start focusing on helping them out more i really appreciate here hold this hold yours um i really appreciate everybody being here and supporting everything that we're doing you know that those who like the live streams we're going to keep doing them when we have something important you know fun to share for those of you who don't like the live streams and want to complain about it you have a good option just don't watch them so anyway we appreciate all of you for sure for being here and supporting our efforts and everything that we're doing we will be back here in nashville to help look for bill simmons some more and see what we can do to help christine so that that video will be coming out in a couple weeks of our search we identified 17 more vehicles here as well however those 17 that we identified are on the other side of the river at a closed boat ramp so we know none of those are built so we do need to come back and do some more searching thank you to all of the supporters i want to give a big shout out and thank you to all of you go ahead and clap thank you give yourself a hand for coming out being a part of this today and everybody on here as well thank you so much i'm going to answer a few questions for you but do me a favor jump over to sam sam the adventure man is now live he has his live stream going right now kyler's son is on camera helping him out i i have a lot of stuff to put away and we have to hit the road and we have like a ford i don't know i don't even know we're going to missouri somewhere either branson tonight or lake at the ozarks but we're going to be heading up there and so make me a mod on sam's stream so hey yes we'll make you mod on sam's stream over there so look for moto monster we need to make a mod over there yeah bring it bring the phone over yeah yeah as soon as i'm out so watch for a moto monster when you see him we need to make him a mod over there so moto monster jump over there on sam's and we'll make you we'll make you a mod over there um and then other than that i'll read a few more comments here as people are jumping over onto sam yep so click go ahead and click on it and then add moderator all right thanks for doing that yep so he's now a moderator uh i've got two more minutes here as you guys are making your way from this stream over to sam's stream i'll answer a few more uh questions for you [Music] the link for sam's channel is in the description um or just type in sam sam the adventure man the life of tammy says thank you jared addicted to your channel and sam's thank you what's his channel his channel is sam sam the adventure man so do check it out there's a link in my description as well that you can click on how much longer we be there tonight we'll leave as soon as we pack up we're like out of town tonight um jared how can i become a part of the team um you are i see that you've joined as part of the team uh we're gonna be putting together like a platform this uh winter where we can better connect with people that want to come out and help uh philip thompson on a retired police officer from nashville we dove that area several years ago looking for a young woman but had no luck and we yeah we didn't find anybody over here either philip uh phillip send me a um private uh email though i would love to chat with you more about your area here because we are coming back in january so do hit me up uh we're working also with matt over here with the uh fish and wildlife so do hit me up and i would love to chat with you more about your area here so if you've not uh cumberland treasure thank you for your five dollar donation thank you for all your donations over here jump over to sam's channel right now i'm sure yes tara would also like to say something incredible thank you for coming out and being a mod for us as well and everything that you do is this just to you or do you want me to come on with you i just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to be a mod and thank you for being respectful in the chat um it's been a little crazy today i've been on my cell phone it was about to die i was worried about that but i wanted to thank everybody for being here and i look forward to modding in the future thank you thank you for everything you do the link to sam's channel is in the description or um check out just type in sam sam the adventure man so anyway i'm out for now thank you very much we will see you on on you want to say something good bye hope you have a good day look at that that's from paul paul thank you for that we'll see you next time thank you thank you everybody go check out sam's channel sam sam the adventure man later later bye-bye
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 570,181
Rating: 4.9220848 out of 5
Id: Z9ERTQqY2u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 41sec (11561 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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