Found $7,000 JET BOAT SUNK 53' UNDERWATER in the Lake!

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- All right. There's a boat! We found a boat! Yeah! We got it! (exclaims) - If you want to see us recover the bat boat today, I think you picked a good day to watch another one of my videos. - And, in addition to that, Bespoke Post is today's episode sponsor to where, we're going to be giving this to Dan so, stay tuned. This is gonna be an incredible episode. (upbeat music) - Hey Jonathan, you remember last time we got together? - Yeah. - It was to get a boat. - It was, it was a great time. - Guess what we're doing today, we're getting another boat. - Is the boat similar to this? Or what kind of a boat are we getting today? - It's a tunnel hull. About this much just out of the water on a good day. - And, people always want to know how does a boat sink? Is what they want to know. Like, did you forget to put the plug in? - Come on, man. (group laughs) - This is Tom by the way, who is the boat owner. So tell us what happened that day. - Well, in about 10 seconds, I don't know, I was swimming. - Well yeah. - And you were with him? - Yeah, I was driving the boat to the spot where it stopped, we had a coil failure, so we were dead in the water. And I was standing on the back of the transom, which like he said, it's only about this tall. And we took two over the starboard side and I yelled we were going down, and before you know it, the sponsons were sticking up out of the water about 10 or 12 feet. - Now, what are sponsons? I don't know what a sponson is. - Well, like, you got a tunnel hull, you got, say, hulls are on both sides, - Okay. - It's like a pickle fork really. - And I know this lake too, like this lake gets like really, in the summertime, it's full. In the winter time, like, this lake drops what, like a 100 plus feet or so. - A lot, hmm. - And there's a big canal, or channel over there. Are we in the channel? - Yeah. - Like a 100, 120 feet? Or are we like 40 feet? - It could be either way, we don't know. - I'm guessing 80, but you're probably talking a 100, 120. You're going deep today. - Which means Jonathan, that means that you and I, we have quite the little challenge today. And the challenge is this, we're gonna put the new inflatable to the test. We put a sonar on it. Sonar is a lot more difficult at a 100 feet as opposed to 40 feet. - Yep. - So I think that right now, guys, that really, our next mission is let's get that inflatable out there, get the sonar on it. And as long as we can spot it on sonar, we're getting you a boat today. - Cool. - That's the big challenge to all this. (boat engine roaring) - So, if I had to say the direction that I thought it was from the point we're at now, I'd say maybe another 20 yards, due south. - Okay, so 20 yards lined up with that open space, the dig out, that trestle. - Yeah, (indistinct) - All right, we'll fire this up, we'll let you know how deep it is in just a moment. 103 feet right here, Jonathan. - Yay. - Awesome. - That's doable. - That's easily doable. - All right, well let me increase the range on this then. Does this go up to, 150? All right, boys. Wish me luck. We're going to see if we can find ourselves a boat. (soft music) Hey Jonathan, I've got something on the edge of the cliff wall about 110 feet. I can double check some other angles on it. Listen, Jonathan, I'm hitting on the same spot - Okay. - Twice now. - Yeah. - Unfortunately it's down at like 120. - Okay. - All right, beautiful. Ready to be a toss toss? - Yep. - Yeah drop it there. I mean, if it's here and it's (inaudible), we'll see it. - Anchors away! - So what we'll do is put suit up. - Yep. - We'll both drop down the same line. Hopefully it's right there. Fingers crossed that's the spot, Jonathan. - Fingers crossed. Let's gear up and dive down on it. - Beautiful. (boat engine roaring) (upbeat music) - All right, so game plan on this one, Jonathan. I've got my boat attached to the buoy, attached to a chain. - Yep. - Let's both drop down the same line. - Okay. - Fingers crossed that was the target. Before we drop down though, we need to take a reading. Because if that's not the target, we'll need to break separate directions. One's going to go east, one's going to go west. - Okay. - So I'll head west. - Okay. - And I'm only gonna go maybe 30 or 40 feet. - Sure. - And make my way to the North towards that big wall, and it goes up steep, and it goes up quick. - Okay perfect. - And so that's going to be good to like, come up and do your safety stops. I don't think the boat's gonna be on there, but really the top of the shelf is about 80 to 75 feet. - Okay. (indistinct) I didn't see anything big there. - Okay. - I said, I hope this- - I hope we're right on top of her right now, that would make life even easier - But anyway, so because we are splitting, we have another line for you. - Yep. - We've got, 130 feet there. Bottom is 123, (mumbling) First thing is going deep. Be safe. - All right sounds good! Let's be safe down there. - Find it. (upbeat music) - You ready. (upbeat music) - 75 feet looking good air is good at three... A little over 3,000. All right, there's the bottom. Well, we didn't land on a boat, so that's terrible news. All right you're going that way? Nope you're going the wrong way already. That's fine buddy, you can go that way. I'll go this way. (soft music) - Here's a big flat part, that could have been what I was seeing also, that's big and flat. (beep) it! Aye what's up we're a little crowded. Have you happened to see a boat around here? Yeah it's like a little jet boat. No? All right. Thanks anyway. Where are we at? We're at 120 feet, 122. All right well let's make our way to the shelf. (soft music) - So unfortunately we're getting low on bottom time 1,200 PSI left at 54 feet. We're going to have to come back another day. Do some more researching with the sonar today. (soft music) All right, our safety stop is complete in 25 seconds. - We found the bottom, but it wasn't the boat. We found big logs and a big flat shelf. - Yeah. - So that means that we're gonna do some more sonar, do that for like another hour or so. If we happen to spot it in the next hour or so we can dive again, and if not, start a summer mission. - All right, Jonathan, let's make this one happen this time, all right? All right, clear some tracks here, and kinda start over and re scan. - Okay, we'll go pull the bouys for you. - All right, sounds good, thanks sir. - (indistinct) - Hey Jonathan. - Yo! - So the battery on this is good for like five to 10 miles. I put on seven miles today so far at full speed. So I'm out of battery. - Okay. - Well, I got all next week that I'm working on cars so I can swing through here. - Okay, I'll look at my schedule and see if I can come out one of those days. - Oh yeah, cause my wife's going to be mad if I do it by myself. Jonathan. Two weeks later, we're back because Ron lied to us. That's what it comes down to. And I'll tell you why he lied to us. The boat is not in the location he had us searching. Like, we're good at our job. - Right. - But not when you tell us that the boat is somewhere else and it's supposed to be there and it's not there. So let me sound like what we got here. So this is the location, supposedly of where the boat is, and this was taken from somebody else's phone. And so if you look there's the shelf right there, this is where they took the picture. But if you line this up with the boat as it sinking, the end of that island is right there. So based upon the angle, now of course there's no sailboats there anymore, but, if I line this up, island and kind of those two dark spots across the way there, and then I look at like where the bridge is lined up, I should be able to get this thing figured out in no time at all. Ron's running a little bit late, so I'm just gonna go ahead and piddle paddle over there. I'll see you in a bit and hopefully I'll have it marked by time you get there. Sounds good. - So, Jonathan, we've been all over this area for the last three hours. We've got no, I think it's in 125 to 130 feet of water. - So we're going to have to come back in a few months when they drain the lake a few feet. - I think this lake drops, yes to what, 50 or 60 feet this lake drops? - Yeah, easily. - We are back! Third time's a charm, right Jonathan? - Absolutely, third times the charm. - We have been on this mission twice already, and the water level was actually like right about here at an elevation of 1,560 feet is where the water was at before. Or, 1550. Anyway, so the lake is down because every year they drain the lake in preparation of all the snow runoff, because we live in central Oregon and the Cascade Mountain Range. And then in the spring time, all that water fills this lake back up, so. It's not because there were fires here, because... but that is the reason why we've not been here for the last 60 days, is because we were getting ready to come back out here again, to do another search before we went to Colorado to go get the snowcat. And then we went on the 2020 road trip. And like, Dan's cause she's going to be like throwing up, like all these things, he's like, yeah, quit telling me everything that you just did cause he's going to like throw up like a quick little montage of all the stuff we've been doing the last 40 days. And that's why we've not been over here. But we also had fires. - Right. - We were going to come here before the snowcat, but then like fires, destruction, entire towns taken out. We could not get here before the snowcap. - No, we could not. - Yeah. So here we are. We're back and I really like it because now we have seven, I'm gonna guess 70 feet. - You're going 70? - Where's your money? - I'm at 50 plus. - 50 plus, all right. Let's get down on the very bottom, see how it looks, in fact, there used to be an old town down here too. - Down the 14th yeah? - Foundations? So we're at 60 feet here. All right, 60 feet difference because it was 1550. It's not bad. That means that our deepest out here is gonna be 65 feet today. It's good (inaudible). (air pump squeaking) Look at this. There you go Dan. Pretty good, right? - Thank you, Jared. - You're welcome. That's what I like about fall time diving down, you see how clear it is? - Yeah, its so clear. - Last time, the way we were searching, Dan, according the pictures of when it sunk, we're gonna be kind of lined up with the end of this island here, that middle hump over there, as well as we'll triangulate, you can't see it yet, but there's a bridge over there, just past the trees. And triangulating between those three points, kinda puts us close to where it was at. (calm music) - So we're 60 feet here already, which is gonna be about the deepest of where we're at in the channel. (boat whirring) That there, is where the picture was taken. See that? We gotta try to line it up with that. Where would you put me based upon that? So we got the brains of the operation here, he's gonna put us right on the spot. We're looking at the picture that Ron gave us. - I don't know, like I'm looking at the end of the island. - Cause the end of the island, for sure we need to go that way. But are the two humps? - I need a (indistinct) a little different. - Yeah, so if you put us at the end of the island right here, lined up with that. And then... - Is that the only picture you got? - There was a GPS coordinates also, somebody... they took this off of the picture of the phone. Here you go. - So comparing satellite imagery, it looks like we need to go that way. - If we go off that page. - Right, like probably 200, 300 feet that way. - I'll follow your lead. Just put me on a spot. Be the hero today. - That's right. - Is that it right there? After the left, 60 feet, we might've found it, like that's the boat. Oh, it's on its side. - No, you can totally see the engine, but take a look at this. No, seriously look, click. So see it's on that side. - Oh my gosh. And you can see the motor on the back and the front of it. Okay. That's it. So we found a candidate. Okay that's pretty cool. - Yeah we found the boat. (soft music) - All right just toss to the right, right there, just drop. - Right here? - Yep. (water splashing) - So it should be 52 feet. So it should be all the green and then just a little bit. It should be right there. All right. Bingo, bingo. So we've got 360? - Yeah. - It looks like it's land on its side. Like if this isn't the boat, then I better hang up the whole sonar thing. But I believe we found it. Let's go down and verify and then we can, because this has a chain, we can already pre-hook. - Right. - So yeah, we'll do that, and then we'll just come back for everything else after that. - All right. - It's only 53, whereas you're doing a quick pop. (soft music) (water splashing) - All right, let's find ourselves a boat everybody. (soft music) - 45 feet, all right show me a boat. There's a boat! We found a boat! Yeah, we got it! (diver exclaiming) - It's upside down, yeah let's do it there, then we'll hang the boat. (soft music) - I like that. All right good that's awesome. Let's take a look at this. (soft music) - All right, yeah look at that. Oh hey you little fish. We're going to take your boat away. Sorry about that, oh look little fish, just hang out there. All right let's head on up. All right you're good? Yep? Up? We good? (upbeat music) - We're going to take care of you now if that's why (indistinct) - Yeah take it on the inside. - What we would like now is the tank, the black tank that has a hose coming off of it. - Yeah. - The Caribbean, or that they dropped down with this line was two feet from the boat. - Really? - Yeah, that's how good we are, right Dan? - Yep. - Perfect. I'm going to give Dan all the credit though. Dan's like, hey, go over here, you're not in the right spot. - Did you land your drone already? - Yeah, it almost crashed. (soft music) - All right, there we go. All right I'm heading down now. All right there's the boat, we're not going to lift it by that by that, we're going to let the motor mount on the back. Oh yeah that's a nice hook over there. Easy peasy, there we go, just like that. Okay there you go, thank you. All right crank it on, there we go, there we go, okay beautiful. All right air is going in, boat just flipped over, that's good news. All right there goes Jonathan to go tell them. - Let go of the ropes. It moved away. When it comes up, it's going to come up fast. - Start putting some air in it now. Okay there it goes, starting to lift, there we go. Now we don't want to go too fast. So I turn the air back off on the tank, just want this thing to settle out nice and slow. Bring it up as slow as we can. Now that is going or I'm bailing, all right I came up too fast. All right well I turned that off, that came up way too easy, all right. - Now many of you say, Jared, you don't include Dan enough in front of the camera. Well, he is the camera guy. So he's like... - It's kind of my job. - Fully behind it. But we do want to show you that we do appreciate you being here. And part of that is Bespoke Post is today's episode sponsor. What Bespoke Post is, is every single month, they will send you a box of... well, first of all, you have to take a quiz. So you go over there, there's a link in the description down below, it's free, fill out a quiz. And I filled out the quizzes- - As if you were me? - As though I was you. And so with that, they have put together a, Hey Dan is really unlike this. So it's for $45. They'll send you a box that has over $70 in value. And I want to see, did I do a good job filling it out as though I was you (upbeat music) - First of all, I told that quality like what is that book actually. - It's made out of that waterproof paper I think because that was (mumbling) - Top 10 adventures for around the world is hanging out with us in the RV one of them? No, no, we're going to choose one of those. Which ones in the US? Number three. - I like Squamish. Squamish is one of my favorite places in North America. Yeah, super cool book. And then some knives. Well, that's very, very high quality. - That thing is like mean... - Super cool handle as well. - You know we want to start seeing you and we want to see you wear that (beep) today. You just become a real man. - Yep survive over a sweat. - I think it's like 50 feet. All right don't quote me on this one. - A wire saw. So this is one of those ones right in there. It's like a little thing done. - Yeah we should probably show how that works. Like now we can just start a fire though. The holiday season and birthdays are coming up, so if you're looking for something to get your loved one, I think that the Bespoke Post may be just that. What do you think, Dan? - Yeah, I think it's great. Super high quality stuff for 45 bucks. - 45, you get $70 worth of stuff. - That's a steal. - And free shipping, and if you don't like it, you can send it back for a different box. This one I picked out extra special for you. - They let you pick this? - Yes they did, they let me pick this one out extra special for you. You can also do not just the box, but you can do box add ons. And so this is a box add on because you're always like, Hey Jared, I need like a screwdriver. Hey Jared, (indistinct). And somehow it's also a grappling hook. So in the description down below, is a link to, you can sign up for free, fill out your survey for free. You don't have to do any vivid thing at this point in time, just see like what type of box they might send you and what type of addons that they have. So thank you to Bespoke Post for supporting today's episode. Okay it's put a smile on Dan's face. - Yeah. - Dan, we appreciate you being here. - Thank you and helping out with everything you do. - Yeah I love being here and I get these, these cool gifts from amazing sponsors. So thank you. - All right moving stuff around, there we go. - There it is right there, we're going to grab one down. One of those bags, catch it to the front so we can raise that bow. (upbeat music) - So let's give them the green line there and then we'll have them tow it from here. - Okay. - Then once we get close to shore over there, then work with getting the boat up a lot higher up out of the water. All right, you guys can go. - Pretty cool boat, pulling a boat. - (laughs) That's what we do. - You're sitting at the front end, it kinda looks like a Batmobile. - Yeah, it is kind of a Batmobile boat because you really haven't seen this boat yet, have you? - I haven't. - Oh yeah, no it is Batmobile boat. (upbeat music) - I think that you guys should go fast enough to clean it out riding the whole boat. I know yeah (indistinct) - Yeah we haven't used that (indistinct) back now. - (mumbling) - Say again. - Go really fast. - Yeah go really fast and drain it. We'll see you over there. (upbeat music) - We had it like (mumbling) We've got like two bags, attach the bags together and run them underneath the boat. Take a takeout and then put some air in one bag of air and the other bag, and then float that back in and bring it up as high as we can, up and out of the water. (upbeat music) (hose pops) (pick-up engine roaring) - All right just need, get a little weird so. - You guys attached. - It is officially on the trailer. - You did good today, Jonathan. You did good. - Over here. - Over there? (water spilling) - There we go. - There's a (indistinct) stuck in the (indistinct) - Oh no, I think it's making its way up. - You know what's good. - Oh my gosh. - Yeah I got them. - There you go. - Did it bite you? - Yeah. - All right, there we go. - All right, you're good? - We're good. - Again, thank you to Bespoke Post for being today's episode and hooking Dan up with a world of gifts. Stay tuned next month. We don't know what you're going to get next month, Dan. - Oh boy. Remember the link is in the description and remember is free to fill out the little survey. Anyway, link is in the description. - That wraps up another episode of Adventurers with Purpose Jonathan, Dan, the camera man, and you never know who else is going to join us from time to time, yeah that's all. Make sure to subscribe, turn on the bell notification, that way you get an instant notice anytime we do something like this, we'll see you next time later later. Bye, bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,805,930
Rating: 4.8676763 out of 5
Keywords: sunk boat, sunken boat, boat sunk, boat underwater, found boat, found boat underwater, scuba diving, scuba diving finds, underwater finds, crazy underwater finds, river treasure hunting, scuba treasure hunting, boat ramp, boat launch, ocean technology systems, fishing dock, full face mask, found sunk boat, found sunken boat, boat crash, boat wreck, boat, mrleisek, adventures with purpose, searching for river treasure
Id: zNE6wjWQcSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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