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[Music] [Music] i mean in my opinion it's like i feel like you should be changing positions like pretty frequently throughout your day though you know i'm saying if you're just sitting in one i mean is this a is this chair designed to just be sitting in one position all day you think oh my what why did my gun just shoot i'm not clicking it it it hold on let me try again yeah it's it's [ __ ] up you should drop it it's what the [ __ ] dude that's my ammo bro oh we're good now oh that's dumb i wish you nine shots what is that [ __ ] hold on i'm gonna reload the magazine yeah i thought i was dead i thought it was good hey they sent it people heard that let's go little flight suit is the guy looking right at us my heart my heart okay we're fine let's get the [ __ ] out of here please let me just make sure it's not going to shoot again okay it's fixed bro that was the weirdest glitch ever i don't want to hold this gun dude why it was so scary is because i just walked past you as you shot so like that could have been it for me you know it was like like for some reason i maybe it was but maybe it's because the alt tab like the game like thought i was holding left click you know yeah yeah oh my god that's scary as soon as i right clicked and hitch like it would start shooting now i'm doing it just in case so i don't [ __ ] start blasting oh my god [Music] oh someone had a fireplace going here actually hold on i have uh do you want to have a water bottle in here i do i got it off awesome did i trust that guy i trusted him dude now i can't drink my water bottle what is happening oh it's empty ain't [ __ ] the trust rob it's empty do you need water are you ready i mean yeah i need i need beverage pretty soon okay i need beverages i'm gucci i got this paw i can have this pot i can fill up too dude you can take this water oh i took it my bad uh here you go or i could give you a canteen i have an extra one instead of a water bottle i like water bottles i'm cool i don't even have a thing that can hold the candy oh wait yeah yeah my thing my uh my belt holds grenades we're good oh look someone's got a [ __ ] fireplace for you i'm a little scared yeah we made just the most noise true someone thinks a fight is going down do you want where do you want to go do you want to go into millie or do you want to go to a town and loot like other [ __ ] because there's a town just this way um it's not too far it's literally not too far silly stuff still i do need some milli stuff so while we're still out here but we did make a lot of noise it's up to you um why don't we not hit tents but we go somewhere else i don't know through north post airfield you know what i'm saying do you know anywhere else we can live around here yeah you can go tissy oh you wanna oh you're saying oh you're saying i'm north of northwest airport you're saying yeah or we can go to another part of northwest airfield too you know i'm gonna just give an opportunity to tizzy really a military spot tizzy isn't that far remember we ran from tizzy to here and it didn't take too long we just have to cut if you're not gonna get there yeah we just go this way how long do you run like are you do you have like food and stuff like you good um um i'm decent just keep trucking and i'll truck behind you okay well there's i've like uh i've meat on me as long as we can keep ourselves hydrated i have meat to keep me covered on food because i just ate a whole [ __ ] thing of uh fat cooked fat okay all right we'll go this way i mean if we need to there's a town that will pass i think we're holding on to the exact same weight because our staminas are like identical i looked at your stream real quick really yeah yeah we got good setups honestly yeah i think we get [ __ ] honestly dude i know it's scummy bro but i think the ultimate goal today is get geared north go south along the way kill people if we can but we go down there to [ __ ] everyone up down south yeah we put people in a place dude i'm trying to affect many lives many welcomes do you do you not think you're geared right now or do you not have a bullets or let me see i have like nine shots for my mo's in i don't have very good pants i don't have very good sustainability my backpack's too [ __ ] humongous there's a few things yeah i would like to min max a little bit more i would like a little bit more ammo for my og i got like 40 shots total one mag or two maybe a little bit more ammo for my pistol which is yeah i got like 30 shots um i only have one mag oh um do i have uh find three i'd give you one so we could both have a mag maybe we'll find one skipping around a little bit do you need this a try rail mosin mount do that for anything what's funny is i actually think i already [ __ ] have one of those oh no that was on my different playthrough um i don't know i don't know what that what is that dude can you put like a red dot on it plus the scope oh yeah i do already have it on there don't know let me look let me swap this out i guess you so what it does i think it'll allow you to like put a red dot on this bad boy like you just said cause i have a red dot here is this a pistol or maybe it'll allow you to put a different scope maybe you could put this hunting scope on it i have an extra one i don't think the hunting scope goes on i believe i tried yep oh on the rail that doesn't go on the rail oh you're saying let me try let me try this i'm putting it open check that out what's going down right now what'd you do oh you put a red dot on it it's so pointless for a bozo yeah i mean if i had a naked mosin i'd be dude i'd do it but i already have a sight on it it's a sniper so it doesn't really benefit me too much i'll hold on to this though kind of cool just in case someone i might be able to hook up hook someone up with it alright you ready [Music] he had two mags yesterday summit or me i only have one mag i have one in my gun and then one an extra all right so we're trying to make it to tizzy so we just got to keep going yeah about this direction right now we're cutting through here we're about to hit we're about to hit the train tracks right these are train tracks right here oh what the [ __ ] those tents in here i know these are barns yeah i'd rather hit these tracks to pull to pull nikki or something yeah there's there isn't really military spawns um in this city there's like uh police cars though there's a couple of them i guess that kind of counts i'm on your left what'd you say i said i'm on your left just in case you don't see me this is dangerous area where the [ __ ] yeah it's just above northwest airfield okay so it's not a normal time but you know it's a [ __ ] it's not northwest airfield itself i heard a shot yeah that's to the right at least mine sounded like us to the right the jurors yeah yeah i should know where tizzy is from also it's more to the left we can skip all this and just go straight to dizzy or we can loot it um like i said as long as if you want to hit like a [ __ ] fountain i'm gucci period i got one water bottle i fill that up i fill up on that i'm good on food i don't know if there's a fountain in this town or not i almost guarantee there is yeah there is i think it's uh where's this intersection oh there's a car spawn hello i'm gonna check the i'm gonna check the condition of this thing i found a helicopter spawn uh really yesterday at that tower that we went to remember that weird looking that just like that big [ __ ] tower the two towers yeah i think that's the same spot that's cool i want to say i want to see what this car needs well it has all its wheels and stuff oh bro what this is weird okay this is fully drivable it has everything it needs okay okay that's not good that's not good that's very strange actually i don't know i've never seen it with everything that's weird it has literally everything like we could start it right now but it's in the it's in the spawn position like that's where the car spawns we we can literally just take that right now you want to take it i don't know where i don't know if it has fuel that's like [ __ ] hard to get to let me see let me see if it has fuel it's got a little bit of fuel dude [ __ ] you trying to try to ride a little bit yeah get in look at it [ __ ] it let's go let's go [ __ ] it get open the door and then you gotta get it then you gotta close the door uh we're gonna need to put water in the radiator that's kind of shitty um there's a thing right down here though yeah don't mind that don't mind that it's fine there's a river somewhere around yeah do you want to do that close the door brother oh there we go here we're gonna need to put water in the [ __ ] i hate this mechanic so much is this a river yeah i hate this mechanic here we go all right open this grab your empty water bottle fill it up how many times we're gonna need like 10 10 of these it's usually better to do this with a cooking pot because you can fill the whole cooking pot and i think like like a couple of those is good but i don't want to take out my loot so i'm just going to do it this way you know that's a guy huh you could fill it with yeah what that's what's so good about the cooking pad i treated just like a water bottle but was just looting it okay i didn't know that what the [ __ ] that's so broken it's [ __ ] great okay i'm gonna go do that i guess then is this fun am i finding things right now i thought someone was looking at us from a window crosstalk i'm scared bro i just i don't know we're good so you can fill it and then we can just fill it again and then if we ever need to do it later on the road oh i think it's max is the max ready i think it's not letting me do it okay i got it i got a dump then okay wait you can't have the water why can't you keep it you know i don't want to keep well i'm saying keep it in case because we're gonna need to fill it again what i'm saying not really i think so yeah it's sure yeah i'm pretty sure let's just go dude whatever dirty around around this is [ __ ] really shaky i want clean ass water bruh all right whatever close your door look at it f there you go all right let's see if this actually works now okay that's not smoking that's a good sign oh [Music] now we're continuing in the lake though oh we're good we're good let me just turn it around get on the road all right we're doing big circles many circles all right i'll pull up my pistol we're going to drive by can't do that yeah i did for a second just to get it just to get it moving a little bit i think i'm just gonna go in second gear just chill do you know where we want to go um no well it's a tizzy right we're gonna go to the military base okay yeah we're gonna take this to tizzy let's go i'm just waiting for oh that was my turn all right we're fine cars suck ass off-road unless they're like specific cars for it okay well this road if my mapping is correct will take us right to tizzy so we probably don't want to do that we probably want to stop beforehand because cars are loud as [ __ ] i guarantee people are already [ __ ] looking for us right now i'm looking at us like see if they can line some shots up honestly yeah you can hear it from i would say maybe like snaps in this game aren't very loud no they're not they need to be more aggressive all you hear is gunshots and that's it you don't you can't really tell if you're getting hit sometimes it's just a very light snap noise yeah this is [ __ ] in uh an est that sounds a lot as [ __ ] yeah you know when you're asking or at least like dampen dampen your screen a little bit like darken it a little bit so you get that effect or something yeah yeah [Music] this thing hauls ass i could go much faster than this i just don't want to yeah i'm a little scared too to be honest i'm thinking we're gonna get some crazy accident or something like that and blow up personally but oh man you have to downshift uphills don't you yeah i'm not going to though i'm just gonna keep it yeah we're pretty close to dizzy right now tizzy can probably even hear us so that's a little scary we can [ __ ] find a spot here then yeah we're not even close yet what are we thinking no we're pretty [ __ ] close like this we're gonna have to like we'll stop it we'll just stop it we'll just stop it like right it's fine we did we don't even we didn't even really earn this car you know we'll stop it here um am i dead i'm okay okay oh did you jump out when i was still moving i guess uh let me just uh take these spark plugs out real quick so nobody can start it all right dude my so the og how can i zero that down i don't know i think it's just i think it's just 300 it doesn't default to 300 yeah i don't think it does anything that's a rough life right there brother you better be shooting someone so i can shoot a chest with dog then i think we're relatively close if not we'll just run a little bit that's fine no i'm good with that like i said it's bonus [ __ ] dude that was my first like uh normal car ride in the game i think yesterday was the bus dude you know what's cool about the [ __ ] bus is you know like back in the day it's like when someone pops off on the bus like nobody can really do [ __ ] everyone's sitting down bro people you can like there's dudes forcing us to sit down on the bus with guns and they can stand up and move around yeah wall on the bus while it's moving it's crazy there's a like in the choppers you can't actually like shoot from the passenger side because you can't shoot while sitting they just don't have that as a mechanic in daisy but there's one specific vehicle one specific chopper that you can stand on the back so you're literally flying through the air but you're standing so that's the one that you can shoot with oh [ __ ] okay okay unless my mapping is terrible it should just be this [ __ ] sun is murdering me it'll just be right over where's the sun set should just be over here the east to the west sun rises in the east and sets in the west right so are we head west right now if we're going towards the sun yeah we are i'm trying to be smart right now but i'm about 100 yeah we're going west i just i really hope i got my map correct and this is actually where tizzy is kind of confused as to why we don't see it yet though i swear it was just to the west of that road now we'll find out we'll go a little bit further and then if not then we might have to go back to our car okay oh yeah here it is we're good okay i was worried for a second i was just like what the [ __ ] so we actually weren't that close yet so nobody heard us coming so that's good yeah i don't think anybody heard us either i hate the sun glare man i hate it yeah it's hurting it's hurting a little bit i'm gonna lie i'm scared this place wasn't too bad last time we came here yeah wasn't that bad at all but you never know right it's just daisy one day it could be lit as [ __ ] and other days it's nothing true you never [ __ ] uh i got to do a nice couple little squad fights yesterday we went to green mountain remember talking about green mountain mountain we got to do a 4v3 or oh yes you guys see you guys i don't know um we got into like uh crew of four rolled up on us in green mountain i don't know hopefully there you're coming from the other side take these or that that works [Music] oh yeah i think these matchman jackets too now we look the exact same pretty much yeah we're looking [ __ ] good now bro let's go yeah yeah yeah let's go like cool glasses oh you scared me bro you scare me okay perfect i need to get myself a gas mask that's gotta be a new goal we gotta go back to the old that's the real that's the that's the voice change we need should probably go out this way yeah all right where do you want to start with tents um or ramps or not ramps okay ramps are wack well tents are on the other side so those barracks over here on the right let's do barracks let's do bears that could be the decision that uh gets us killed and gets us kills we'll see another dimension we went the other way we went to you know another life we just went to tents right now i can't tell if that door's open let me see i don't i can't actually tell but going here um field jacket svd mag here's someone where someone's here i'm in this house so don't blast i don't know how you're around the side of this wait you're in this house in front of me i'm in this little like hut here oh bro you were where i was here i thought you're by me good thing i didn't shoot your ass yeah can't you get in front of me i'm looking out in the forest staring out in the forest right now i don't know if anyone's been here recently all these doors are open oh what is this cz805 76239 oh that's like an egg oh it's got a it's got a mag for your gun g36 there's a g36 meg oh it's a rare 36 mag right here too oh okay i'll take it then grab that only mine doesn't have that kind of canteen oh yeah i have a lot of five five six so i can share some oh my canteen can go on my belt bro oh that's lit my gun my my [ __ ] belt has my gun and a [ __ ] canteen on it right now like a pistol hey you want some five six yeah [ __ ] yeah i do dude i have 12 shots here's 20. keep it on the front was this a suppressor no handguard for them for it's five what do we need five five six four five right yeah yeah that's that's good 30 round g36 mag you think this will go in it let's look it will that's what i'm using no it doesn't fit this one doesn't fail oh oh you're right it doesn't oh okay i'm stupid it's the mag c i'm sorry baby well you can't keep those bullets though cause you're gonna need them okay yeah it's the mag see my bad oh gucci all right you ready to get out of there yeah we can go to the next building my bad there's a tactical belt there's a bunch of guts on the floor right next to you okay server's on fire some ak shots oh my god bro someone dropped a [ __ ] club ak shots here be careful 41 shots just chillin here player dropped it seemed there's a tactical bag in this uh barracks if you want it probably well it's um around it is 63 slots yeah mine is 90. yours could be better there's this big mine's big and chunky though yeah well this one looks chunky too but you know there's a bunch of dead body you know those [ __ ] dead dudes here yeah yeah yes it's wolves it's fine it's this bag it kind of looks similar to yours though should i try it i'm gonna try it yeah it looks like that actually it actually does look like it looks a little smaller actually yours is fat oh my god talk about my ass like that trap is he playing regular days of years this is modded a little bit a little bit of b it scares me that people are now only finding out about daisy to the point of asking if it compares to tarkov yeah i know a lot of people are like bro you play daisy but you're not playing tarkov and i'm like those are two completely different games very different styles what do we have in here mrs site oh here you go here's a here's another mag for your gun but it's a 20 rounder oh night vision again nice yeah that's a 20 rounder you might as well have that for quick reloads right all right i'm gonna really quickly check this one military building over here so we me we skipped one it's a tiny one but to the left yeah to the right just where we came we just skipped one of these little ones yeah oh there's two guns here but i don't there's three guns here i don't care for any of them okay yeah one say uh cz805 use a seven [Music] chances are i'm still gonna stick with the og how come i only see one on my tab site but akmo is really nice to find oh yeah this is the uh this is kind of like the ak the savz that's what i was using yesterday and uses three nines i do have a mag for it i believe i mean he takes it if you use that then i could just use the og and we can split our bullets but it's up to you of course do you have any three nines oh seven six two three nine um no i don't okay i only have five six i have i have a full mag of them no this is five five six four five what the [ __ ] oh dude i have more five five six ammo hmm i don't i don't think i have enough to be able to take this right now i gotta go 805. i use the 76239 i'm pretty sure i don't even know if you use it does it oh can you use that mag check if that mag goes in uh let me see if my odd bag works on it it takes the augment if i can get a decent sight on it i'd be down to take well there was a mrs we ran past the red dot an rmr well i have this one red dot right here i'll see yeah yeah see if that one see if that goes on it take it off the rail and see if it works it won't let me take it off what the [ __ ] i can't have nothing to detach i wonder if it just like i don't know how to detach it maybe if i left click no that just holds it in i'm gonna go grab that rmr from the uh other building just drop it someone said okay now i still can't see how to take it off can you uh no that's weird really weird right yeah it's not like letting here permanently attached dude so the way there was a cooler side back that he said for sure well there was that same site the rmr it was back in this here i'll get it real quick let's just see if it works okay where's the gun at did you grab it no no it's on the ground i'm just gonna go see if this rmr will even go on your new gun i wonder if you're getting sick or not oh it's an mrs actually i like the mrs better and i'll come back oh my god it's got the worst iron sight i've ever seen i'm pretty sure this will go on that it's no wonder people don't want to use this [ __ ] if it doesn't get a good just me don't freak out all right try this oh my god there's so many items here here i'm just gonna back it up just because there's so many items okay right here mrs it's gonna need a battery though oh yeah that's gonna be way better yeah it's gonna it's good oh i do have a battery yeah i like that side too it's my favorite one oh yeah or gooch in business i think it's bad i think it's cool yeah i don't like the og sights i hate it actually but another mag i think this will still go in it so i'm good i still have an extra 15 shots i have this mag right here i want to see if this will go in it i don't think it will though no it doesn't only the 20. i don't know what mag this is but this is holding five five six ammo 30 rounds for some sort of like maybe an ak variant or something i don't know which one is that the magazine ak-556 variants um this i'll show you i'll drop it for you after okay you're just taking the ball okay yeah it's an ak mag and it's a 101 556 variant yeah here i'll show you drop it there oh yeah ak-101 yeah good news though means i got an extra five five six i have a brother and that is always a good thing okay i'm ready to roll your i got new pants i got a new backpack uh i got decent ammo now i actually need to find some [ __ ] mo's now but we can get that down south wherever you want to go now let's go i mean we still got more to loot so oh yeah we can go to tizzy tents or we're gonna we're gonna go up this way first just get some cover we're gonna loop around this way it's gonna be through the treeline and stuff but ak on bed dork and a 50 round mag oh i didn't even see that there was an ak yeah but [ __ ] it's a shitty one usually daisy is just about the first thing you find and then you're not gonna do all the swapping and [ __ ] [ __ ] that the only way a swap happens if another is if another guy has it like really well organized for a swap yeah yeah if especially since i've already got this five five six ammo swapped up and [ __ ] i lost you by the way i'm at the wall uh left left behind you now sorry like someone just brought me food i'm trying to get this [ __ ] fork out of this plastic 939 jungle boots m14 mag that's it actually yeah it's m14 mag in there but i don't know if you need it and i guess i'll take the ammo from it yeah we'll take the ammo yep all right and we go see if there's anything in here i think we agreed a zombie shut the door i'm right behind you [Music] jesus i thought it was i thought it was i thought it was one other room behind me i thought it was another one of those misfires dude oh my god [Music] oh oh so loud trust me the next one was hitting bro [Laughter] [ __ ] me dude okay there's like nothing in here she's been compromised let's let's go to let's go loop it around yeah server's on fire bro jesus this way oh wait what's the warning there's a mag for that yesterday didn't kill him it was awkward to make for that ak we found earlier i'm always going to grab a camera because i like grabbing those guns another one coming in what the [ __ ] are you jumpy like jordan huh nothing where you at i just went to the tree line just in front of you wait where are you oh yeah i thought i was dead i thought that was it for me even if a bullet hit you we were just going straight to livonia dude yeah so make some armbands we need a raincoat melee attacks are so badly designed in this game yeah but at the same time this is gonna sound kind of weird they've also improved they used to be a lot worse that means anything at all oh getting dark slowly true what's up here oh bullets and uh usg oh ow oh yeah you can't spread down that oh god damn it man we might have to kill those wolves let's just go this way let's just hope they don't anger us but if they do we're gonna have to kill him dude i lost so much hp from that fall holy [ __ ] yeah we might have to uh we might have to kill those wolves they might aggro us we'll see man that sucked okay where are these tents are they on our left we pass them a little bit oh yeah right here we're just trying to watch our back because if those will sneak up on us it's gonna suck svd mag that's pretty much it why'd you go left or right outside behind you on your head josh got me eating dude i'm not yeah not the best time but that's okay i get it all right let's loot these tests try to be relatively quick about this i guess 1911. i just gotta remember your look it's you right yeah before you want buttstock i just think we should hold hands yeah i agree oh plate carrier dog that's gonna that's gonna slow us down but that's pretty damn good i lose a lot of space in my field hear these shots yeah i'll grab this bucket it will a play carrier will definitely save your life might as well i so it doesn't really lay you down no nice it's good i play carriers or biss uh usg attack fest um 50 50 round mag these wolves are getting close nine by what kind of ammo is this seven six two five seven or something oh wolves are close wolves are close they can come in here yeah yeah they're all over they're all i'm gonna have to kill them there's so many yeah oh [ __ ] yeah you're gonna have to shoot him too unless you want to go for the alpha alpha alpha's down i killed two oh i just got hit what i'm getting shot at i'm getting shot at 100 100 i might die i'm in the tower yeah i hear a shot i'm charging this guy yeah i can't move i'm pinned fully yeah i have a million zombies on me i hit him once reloading and pushing him okay i'm limping i'm limping so i'm kind of like awesome i have a million zombies on me yeah i see that oh he's down he's down right here okay he's getting eaten by zombies this got a [ __ ] ghillie suit a sniper i'm so lucky to be alive bro [ __ ] me i hit twice i don't know what he was using but it [ __ ] shooter i'm just gonna lose [ __ ] i'm just gonna get on his body real quick save my life yeah i [ __ ] fought a million zombies for it [ __ ] it if he killed if i die doing this whatever his gear looks too dope for me not to look at i need i need to cut those wolves 100 i'm going to cut them up we need to cook them i think we need to i'm gonna i'm going to be in a shitty condition for a little bit you're good this guy had a gilly head it was pretty cool looking that was very well positioned for that oh boy this guy's got everything our heart this [ __ ] had a fishing rod he had a p-rod 4x32 this [ __ ] we killed a guy shroud we killed a guy bro this guy like knows what the [ __ ] he's doing you know what i'm saying yep one of those kind of guys i mean it wasn't a wee that was up to you it was all you didn't choose pot kind of guy he's [ __ ] carp filet on a kind of guy dude you're just saline what can you do with a wolf pill can you make like cool wolf skin i'm saying i'm uh i'm cutting up these wolves just so that we have a bunch of food because i i got really [ __ ] up and it's gonna take a while for me to heal do you think i'm pretty much gonna loot this guy and then pretty much just like crawl into a corner for the rest of my life so yeah whatever you want with it your brain how much these night vision goggles are worth i should probably just leave them though can i fix ruined pants i need you pants bro he ruined him how dare he i can't take them off though because i won't be able to put them back on all right i'm gonna cut up another wolf please don't die by the way the pouches on that guy if he has pouches they go on the plate carrier pouches go on yeah that's how you get extra space on the plate carrier you need pouches oh that's incredible yeah okay nice i think i'm good man i don't really know you want to come look at him yeah yeah oh there it is his [ __ ] might have a suppressor i'm coming i'm limping but i'm on my way i got some more ammo off from it's rocking it bro he's rocking hard right now i'm leaving i'm close yeah i'm close to you i think i don't know where the body is right here oh yeah okay i could take his pants nice how do i take the gilly head it's not working oh it's ruined feels bad man he had shot his ass i'm so glad you killed him [ __ ] that guy i took his pants we should probably get the [ __ ] off this guy to be honest didn't get out of here oh i'm gonna take his epipens and his bandages because i used mine all right we're good i'm gonna take his canteen too [ __ ] out here and let's go re-sort our gear somewhere else yeah yeah i pretty much have zero sprint speed so if you want i could just [ __ ] hold on to his goddamn bag no no no no no he no we we pretty much stripped this stuff we're good okay i don't have a lot of like running speed so i gotta like i mean i don't either i'm i'm wounded so you want to get to like a building where we can close the door yeah like not not in this tent area like or in a force i don't give a [ __ ] anywhere just not here where people can kill us you know well we don't have zero [ __ ] shots in this thing six shots in this stuff do you want to go in this building the building that we were in or do this is too close too close well then we don't really have any options and we can hear things we can hear [ __ ] we can hear [ __ ] yeah we should listen okay my god i was a little scared i thought i was dead bro okay so oh i have to figure out what i'm getting right that was tense the [ __ ] is this thing and what kind of ammo was in this seven six two five seven this is seven six two five fours in this isn't that what i need for i know this is just 308s should i even carry this that's a lot of [ __ ] ammo though doesn't it for mosin 76254 mosin i'm pretty sure this over the yeah 7308s do you have any extra 308 rounds or do you you use three ways i use 308 but i have a lot of them so don't worry about me chilling i'm gonna toss that that's a lot of ammo in that thing if you need it for uh for mozart damn 40. that's a lot of bullets bro i want to find that gun that'd be so much fun i'm going to get rid of the dude there's more right there bro look at that oh my god i have so much of that what gut chat what gun does seven six two five four five four used i got a lot of aca 357 rounds there if you need i can't put anything in pants right oh wait no i can um all my yeah i got new pants so we're good five six coming out my [ __ ] oh i do have 308s i do have 308 so let's go plenty of 308s i have some boiled steaks here and a mushroom parasol mushroom mosin svd uh rpk wait can i keep healing this to like pristine these pants no just to warn okay so let me sort my life for a second so this guy has a taser in his holster but i don't really care i guess this is to [ __ ] with people rpk doesn't take that caliber wait so why okay so we need some food don't worry why is there a drum what gun uses this sword and i know what the [ __ ] i want to do with it oh i'm back to white hp nice all right food i have a lot of food but i just need to cook it okay so take this right here i dropped it on the ammo can i eat it i mean if you would like to eat it you're definitely more willing would you you want me to share something with you here i'll give you some here i'll feed it to you there you go i don't need it there you go just one bite wait here you go ten rounds oh wait this is a ten round mag for my cz 750 does my 750 have a mag in it already can you not combine pieces like this these chlorine to this how is that not a thing how can you not combine these that guy i feel like that guy was alive for a little while what does this do iv start kit used in combination with bags holding them is there even a point of having this ivy start kit you combine it with the saline bag let's put this battery inside my nvgs you know what how do i use nvgs i don't know check it out you want this what's that oh god are you gonna give me the wrong blood am i gonna die i'm not saying anybody oh i think i'm going to need to put this heat pack inside my jacket or my best here if you want it dropping it hold l jesus that's terrible night vision does it look like my character has it down oh yeah yeah that's garbage night vision wow a heap a heat pack a steak and a cooking pot is i'm still cold that kind of sucks a little bit i have another heat pack if i really really get cold it's like 5 80 pm here i go to the balloons i'm totally fine with taking a break for a summit figuring this out because like i got [ __ ] up in that fight so i don't really need this hunting scope i i already have my m70 tundra with a hunting scope should i just drop this i don't think i need it get rid of that night vision too i'm almost done you're all good i could do for a cooking sesh you know what i'm saying i got a couple of [ __ ] carp filets they need a little cookie gin all right i think i'm set to be honest uh do you want to loot the rest of the tents or do you want to dip out of here because we didn't loot them all um oh man that's up to you bro you want to keep risking i'm gonna take this acog that you dropped you need a battery uh yeah wait um no i have one yeah i don't think this doesn't need a battery no unless it already has one can i put this on my acog or my og so i want this for like an m4 i like using the m4 instead of the og i [ __ ] hate the dog okay the five five six [ __ ] three weights look very similar it's raining of course you know what i need to get advantages can i is this kind of any clothes i can tear up i got two bandages from that guy here take this oh can i get one yeah this one bandage is multi-use yeah that's why i like these bandages hey you dropped nvgs but it doesn't really matter because it doesn't get too dark and you also can't wear it with your helmet so [ __ ] it cares yeah i agreed oh dude i'm in a good position right now i think we don't loot anymore and we go survive personally but uh i'm fine with that because i'm still low it's gonna it takes a lot on this server it takes a long time to recover back to you yeah i say we go to survival mode and uh i'm thinking like survival mode you want to make our way back to our vehicle or just leave it again we get our food up hella we start going back south getting us some normal human areas you know what i'm saying i gotta reload my [ __ ] mag here too well do you wanna do you wanna go back to our car or do you wanna just say [ __ ] yeah we should go back to our car and head south oh yeah we could easily drive down to south easily oh we need some fuel but that's the play though that's the play oh for sure what server dc i don't know if it restarted or dc uh [Music] oh is
Channel: Virb
Views: 23,170
Rating: 4.7854404 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, DAYZ
Id: 2HGajHyfXOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 15sec (3675 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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