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[Music] [Music] okay can't grab a holster head torch oh i just got shot that guy just pulled a gun and shot me in the face now i was [ __ ] with my mag shroud i was [ __ ] with my mag he pulled out a shotgun and shot me right in front of my friends bro did he betray you the guy that was helping no i don't think so i i thought i'm pretty sure the guy in front of me just pulled out a shotgun and pumped i'm pretty sure that's uh oh not salon as [ __ ] bro i may as well be picking my ass you know what i mean oh no dude yeah no i can't put my guard down right now no you can't i was watching bro i was watching smoke play and he he was with this guy for like six hours from the very beginning of his playthrough six hours later the guy starts blasting him when he's in a shed luckily luckily he had his gun out so he blasted him back but imagine that dude six hours of playing with a random yes i'm pretty sure that you just pumped me bro i gotta look i wasn't part of the woo wow they can't be trusted no one can that sucks man this building in here can be pretty good but it's really scary to hit because people [ __ ] camping here all the time man bunch of little weenies that camp in this building i'll go in though i ain't afraid i feel like i'm pretty good at starting hello holy [ __ ] you scared me dude there's a there's a guy in there is he friendly i don't think so oh he's in that building yeah yeah he's in that building he's just hiding punching me oh he's on the roof oh [ __ ] you let me know i blast him right now uh if you want to i mean i can probably try to like distract him but he tried punching me he doesn't look like he has anything either he has two guns on his back i think yeah he does he's not shooting not weird i know where there's an ak in the sks i just don't have ammo for it so i hit him what kind of what kind of ak uh it's that ugly ak that's not really an ak the sv something yeah they're in a tent in the middle and i hit them with an sks bro this guy's an easy kill yeah he's making me nervous he went up even higher i was in there i don't know [ __ ] this place i agree dude what do you have what gun do you have a place i just it's a repeater and i found a mini ak with no ammo do you need bullets for that repeater well uh no i got like 12 rounds or something okay he's coming towards us right now oh [ __ ] i was kind of looking for food here but i don't have [ __ ] i don't know what you want to do here oh i'm just gonna go this way okay and uh what i don't have a scope no i mean i'll take a scope i don't have one damn [Laughter] what oh man i feel so bad oh man oh i just don't i don't like any of that what the [ __ ] is going on i'm bugging out oh that's so sad man that's actually so sad i like i hate i hate that that just happened i hate that that just happened but what that showed me is this guy that started killing the other guy pretty much what it showed me was that um it showed me that i couldn't trust him if he immediately started blasting that dude i couldn't trust him no way there's no way that was his first thought to start killing that guy so i'm back i did not log out because i just didn't because i didn't want to be a [ __ ] because you made me feel like a [ __ ] you know i mean yeah it's like one guy dude again you know fine you just you just missed the the greatest betrayal what whatever it's just what'd you do no you did you betrayed me no you did it i you're i have a hard time sleeping tonight bro i yeah i kind of okay so there was a guy in this building i was running up to and he ran at me and he said yo there's a guy in this building and he started punching me and like i don't know what to do and i thought they were like trying to trap me or something right so then the guy comes out of the building towards us and then he walks up to me he's like hey he's got the gas mask so it's all muffled he's like hey do you do this you need a scope but i'm like yeah yeah and i see the other guy sneak up behind him with a hatchet and start like slapping him with the hatchet the other guy runs away he takes out his repeater and starts shooting him as he shoots him with the repeater i shoot the other guy that's shooting at him and then they're both just dead i i don't i didn't know what to do i i thought it was a trap you shot the guy who shot the guy yeah and then and then they were both yeah they both died right next to each other they both just died the guy was in the gas mask was running around like why are you shooting me why are you shooting take the gas mask put it on i did i did make sure you take that [ __ ] hell yeah yeah dude that was hell yeah bro that's our that's our changer right that's our voice changer that was so weird basically what it showed me is if the guy's willing to just shoot this guy he's willing to shoot me so i let him kill him and then i killed him true i actually have a [ __ ] replay i love it dude i love that i incorporated this replay feature i literally caught the whole thing the whole thing on a replay so it's just saved now that's funny man hey i got a scope out of it too let's go that is huge wiener oh hold on to the okp it says russian-made collimator site extremely convenient and used due to its design requires a battery for use it might go on the uh the zenit b13 mount something like that you know someone's saying yeah tape's not bad dude all right let's i'm gonna check i'm gonna check what this car needs what's the duct tape what are the things that the duct tape can do it repairs stuff to the uh like damaged or worn state or whatever like weapons and tools do you think i'm gonna take the can opener over my knife my kitchen knife oh i think i already got rid of the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i don't know what did i just get shot at or was the car just freaking out what the i walked up to the car and then it just heard the glass break that scared the [ __ ] out of me all right so it's missing a wheel i almost wonder if a group dude he's gonna come back bro i almost wonder if a group bla blasted the wheels anyway let's go uh let's go down let's go down trying to fix this they're not you don't think they're trying to fix it i mean what if they just have a lot of ammo and they don't care about a car what if they just came by and they blasted the wheel a bunch they shot it like six times you know i guess uh huh i mean what's up with all the loot inside here for random no reason yeah i don't know that's true let's just head south i bet you they went south i almost guarantee it okay okay okay but anyway we're gonna go to the military base tracker shroud is on the [ __ ] case he's [ __ ] senior lewd he'll know where he'll go next bro never safe all right we gotta head south anyway damn oh everybody's telling me to eat dinner's freaking i gotta eat some [ __ ] gotta eat some [ __ ] today should i [ __ ] eat the [ __ ] fatty the fat already should i just do it [ __ ] it going hard [ __ ] yeah it's cooked look at this bad boy ah yeah fat owns yeah it looks like three [ __ ] uh hot dogs all put together dude and [ __ ] fried up tastes like it too okay all right let's roll south we go yeah that car is pretty [ __ ] up i almost don't even want to like worry about it we need a tire yeah i don't personally give a [ __ ] about cars personally um in this game it's i mean it's only used for going point a to point b a little quicker right so we'll be all right chances are it'll give us killed honestly they're loud so yeah it gets you killed okay so we can follow and follow this to the right the stores okay well the store is not open so they're probably past this point just might what is that just keep running just keep running what is this little house what is this little house actually just see where that is on the map we go a little bit south oh [ __ ] we're going straight west that's awkward did not realize that take a little peek in here any food any snackies no snackies i love how you're clearing it never know did you walk in there and get blasting i'm about to hold the trigger down yeah i wish we could see somebody running around right now so fun yeah well that's hard as [ __ ] boy catch people on the force especially this is so funny this is just like when i played solo this is kind of exactly what happened only i was way more confused damn rocks oh my god i want to see some combat oh you might be waiting a while it's the excitement of this game you never know when it's going to hit and it could hit so fast that you die instantly now you do it all over again the thing is you can you can get into a lot of combat very quickly just depends on the kind of player you are right i remember this road oh i remember where we are this is where i found that vehicle we're actually next to another car spawn what's up so we're next to another car spawn right now relatively close i want to check really quick since we're here i want to see the condition of this other car um there's another car spun right up here and now we're like we're pretty [ __ ] close it's scary right now okay these doors aren't open that's a good sign now we're good shoes potato right here on the shelf yeah we'll just go run up this road check the car spawn real quick and then we can go to uh make our way to the milly base we'll hit the camp first though whoa whoa whoa this door's open hold on i'm just curious i don't know if that door spawns open maybe where are you i'm just sure right i'll see you you think he's in the greenhouse i just i i'm assuming the door spawns open i'm pretty sure i'm just gonna ignore it it's just weird that that door would be open and all the others aren't so i'm just guessing that's not anything all right we're almost to the car spawn and then take a little peek or should be going like westish right yeah assuming you're behind me i'm on the left side of the road heading forward i just passed uh the last building on the right yeah i keep going keep going down that road there's a bunch of broken cars and stuff some of these cars you can strip for car parts like tires and stuff uh oh seven six two three nine here in the back of the trunk it's only four but and oh the car spawn is here the hood's open that's weird i don't know if spawn's open but you don't know if the bus spawns open is there anything oh [ __ ] damn oh oh what's up what's up oh i might be dead here brother what the [ __ ] oh you're good i'm okay scary damn if we had a car battery bro this is an easy startup it's got a radiator and everything i might be able to find a car battery up here hey 357 rounds i'll hold on to that i got my tab glitch what does that mean i can't actually go into my inventory how we're gonna jumping fixed it only i didn't drop the battery dude you couldn't have known i actually don't see my hot bar at the bottom uh what's there's a key bind for that uh tilde your console button there we go thank you this is this road's going north wait what if it's worth checking those cars we got some loot yeah i guess seems like there's decent loop there which way do i go here i understand why am i so confused south where's the camp oh there's baked beans right here on the back of this nice you take it you don't need it i have a lot of food right the back of this or do you even see him on this i overlay up and re-log in the forester or something i'll take the beans people are saying i'm full but i mean i [ __ ] uh it's two by two huge slot right there oh it's a two by two okay that's probably oh so you're not [ __ ] yeah i had like a line duh i'm a dumb ass how am i not thinking it's a [ __ ] two by two i'm thinking it's not talking about it bro you got it right yeah okay we act where does this go i'm having a hard time getting my bearings right here so south oh i see where we are okay all right i understand where we are i'm kind of lost well now well now we can go west pretty much we'll go west from the car spawn just to make it easier on my brain here i see where we are we're by gravoya pass ah i see wait actually hold up come this way i want to check something really quick there's a garage over here and like how cool would it be if we found a battery oh bruh bruh i think we're on someone's ass dude i swear they checked that car they saw they didn't have a battery this garage is open okay one plus one equals two take these guys here okay listen i'm with it i swear i think we got this this story if you think you're really hunting some [ __ ] but i'm telling you dude we're on someone's ass let's keep going okay so if they're trying to fix this car let me just map out where more industrial spots are and we'll find him he's busy you know some right here in front of us there is also if we keep going this way there is another correspond so they could be maybe let's go this way dude let's go i'm telling you we're on someone's ass okay okay okay i'm with it i believe i believe these doors aren't open so probably not they probably didn't go this way because that car doesn't spawn with a radiator dude i swear it doesn't and it had a radiator in there but these are these doors aren't open so now i'm talking about the the first one yeah yeah that car that we saw i don't i don't think i mean i guess it could be an rng thing i'm not sure dude we are so on the edge of the map it was crazy right to our rights the end like over there there's nothing there oh yeah you're right super empty interesting yeah none of this shit's open over here if you wanna in this uh i'm good i just kept going straight yeah i'm just gonna keep going down this path we'll get to tizzy this way it's a little bit of a longer way but yeah let's get a little scenic route okay i'm checking grandma's house real quick what it looks like kind of like a sauce hey [ __ ] can canned beans baby well nice a tool belt let's go it's huge this is west yeah oh you got a bell yeah see if anything can go on it like a canteen or something yeah canteen i put my canteen on it hey if you see another belt let me know i think we keep going down this road we hit a church and then another car spawn i'm just gonna ransack this church huh i think unless i'm [ __ ] lost it's very possible we're lost that zombie over there looks like one of the church zombies anybody hides their [ __ ] on the edge of the map oh yeah there's a church right there oh absolutely people hide [ __ ] on the edge of the map for sure with their choppers and [ __ ] that was like the old school stuff like fly all the way over there hide it and you'd only really find it if you had a chopper checking this building next to the church nothing moving on no car spawn i don't think i think it spawns like right around this church like right near this house is there any loot in there uh there's someone who left a raincoat for us here in the well you can cut that up hold on i mean dude you want to cut that up it's in church bro i'm okay all right well all right man i couldn't take it out of this [ __ ] little thing out of the holy area i see another town up there there's like a green building all right take uh i'm gonna split these up because this is the final right down here bro shift question shift right click here put one of these on come back in the church there you go nice and colorful oh yeah hell yeah this way when we're in one of those orange trees we blend in okay maybe if we're lucky there's a heli crash over here i think we'd see it though wait is that what you say is that a car is that a no i look like there was a car inside that little warehouse but i think it's on the outside like a broken one is that a we are on the edge i've never been here before this is cool this is cool oh it is oh i did see that correctly bro there's a us in there there's a [ __ ] car in there bro i did see that correctly why the [ __ ] is there a car in there bro what the [ __ ] are we sitting in here waiting for these guys to come back huh interesting this might be someone's little base little storage it's on the [ __ ] edge of the map isn't it it's in a [ __ ] barn jesus so weird dude what if there's a buttload of stuff in like a trunk or something there's a piece of paper i don't know what's it say keep away i don't i don't know i'm gonna go don't worry don't read it don't fall for it don't fall for it oh this thing's [ __ ] up but it has oh my goodness okay let's close the doors and loot it real quick says take what you need don't be greedy watch tech well there's a gilly um five four five five five six three five seven there's a lot of five five six and a lot of food what he's actually got a lot of stuff in there what the [ __ ] dude should we put how do you put a gilly on he's got a red dot do you don't you need one for your you might be able to put one of these on the where do you put the gilly cloak and [ __ ] i think you can't wear a backpack so ah that's the thing i like no backpack with the ghillie okay so let me see what did you say okay there's some three nine rounds in there i'm gonna take those wait i don't think it's not the same five five six rounds i got a soda peaches i'm gonna take that [ __ ] stab vest i'm gonna drink that soda real quick oh there's a m70 tundra down at the bottom i didn't scroll all the way down there hmm oh my god this thing has a 35x bro jesus 35x yeah it's an m70 time i put this mrs site on my [ __ ] ak nope this is actually crazy that this is here yeah right i'm just gonna eat my beans and then take some peaches i think i did the same thing dude i'm taking this guy's m70 because i'm greedy and i want two snipers you want my car 98 ammo uh i mean if you're not gonna like i can just hold on to it just hey i mean yeah i have a car 98 right so [ __ ] it all right go drop 20 rounds right here off to the left thank you mate okay so you're dipping on the car 98 and you took a gun from there yeah i took the m70 oh yeah that's funny man just yanking all the [ __ ] i almost want to take the 556 in case i find an m4 you know oh there's more there's more car car 98 ammo in here is there grab it [ __ ] it there's ten don't be greedy it says though don't be greedy don't be greedy yeah you're right what if he notices more luke comes out like a bunch like what if he's watching the stream right now dude and it's like he's [ __ ] counting how much [ __ ] we take bro i'm gonna put i'm putting an okp in the box okay all right can you read the note personally yeah what else can we give this thing you can take the [ __ ] sky take the take the big sniper please check the ammo box are you guys [ __ ] stupid there's no ammo box idiots shall leave up to you i'm going to take this i'm going to take this take this kit there's five six shots if you want to come back yeah what can i fix here all right you ready rubble how much you need a potato yeah i'm good that's so funny of course there's no 45 why would there be you know there's never 45. should i take the five five big ammo box i'm not gonna take the fight that's not an ammo box oh whatever that big [ __ ] thing the helicopter battery my chat was just like ammo box ammo box i'm like no no no my chat started rolling damn this guy is a homie he just has uh his own little base for people for people yeah yeah that's cool for people that come out this [ __ ] far anyways you know what i mean they happen to see the [ __ ] car good spot good spot all right i'm good that's it okay brother you ready i'm gonna go out the front this whole group of people right now close the barn real quick i wish we can put a note and say like thanks bro aim your gun what the [ __ ] that was such garbage weird i almost wonder like is it worth checking stuff nearby but nah well can't be greedy we got our stuff is that guy that's not a guy looking at you i'm seeing things right what are you looking at i swear i've seen a head in a window right now i thought oh wait no wait this dude no i'm good you know what i mean maybe he just likes it maybe just maybe it's a weird kick farm you know you don't know the way this dude just guards his loot and he just watches people thank you it's good it's like an endless feel good moment right he's sitting there he's been waiting for two hours for someone to walk by again he goes and fills it after we walk by cause he knows he ain't gonna see someone for another [ __ ] 18 hours you know i mean he feels the bad boy up top people get their kicks nah [ __ ] a 35x that [ __ ] is trash that was so funny man that was [ __ ] funny though what if someone puts a wheel on it and takes their car that would suck huh i mean it's possible maybe we should have [ __ ] [ __ ] up the wheels a little bit maybe he uses it to go get stuff himself with the car you know oh maybe he logs out with the wheel in inventory huh i don't think there's anything in here but whatever all right where do we go now let's go um let's go west we can kind of somewhat get to tizzy here i don't want to get lost in a [ __ ] tree line yes where are you in this tree line on the right somewhere i see you don't want to get lost in the tree line yeah i'm just trying to go directly west from that little building kind of keep track of where we are do these doors spawn open i think so actually oh wait maybe not daisy experts anybody they're all open only every single door oh my god oh my god guts everywhere oh my god there's a wolf pelt guts fat someone done that here bro oh it's fat what's your take i just saw somebody with their hands up and they disappeared no [ __ ] where literally right in front of this doorway that we're looking at there was a guy with those hands up and then he disappeared bro he he could have lagged he could have lagged inside the building he maybe walked in with his hands up maybe people hold him up in there are you talking about right in front of that red yes yes he was standing there with his hands up as i was about to scope in he disappeared you think that's an admin nah you think we're being followed by an admin not like a two grief us or anything but just to like watch yeah hold on let me let me replay really quick look at this look look look look look i'm zooming in you caught him right as you log down look i'm zoomed in i'm zoomed in look look look look left watch my look left right here look right there you see that oh my god dude he was there oh my chat thinks i'm crazy the the beauty of the button oh my god i can't i don't know what to do now that was scary actually it was like [ __ ] ghost might log back in be honest so weird and the worst part about it was he was staring in our direction that was the worst part the worst part wasn't that he was like looking another way he was staring right at us as his hands were up and he disappeared okay that's hmm okay i mean pretty much let's just let's just go check it out you know oh the last words that were spoken ever again i'm gonna go over there see what's going on let's get it brother i'm with you all the way ride or die that was so funny man i feel like that's heiler heiler dude so assume he's in here holding us up hello are you in there that was you how's you we know you're in there you [ __ ] come out with your hands up [ __ ] okay i think we're good bro i don't know what that was man i'm gonna assume that that was an admin or something i don't know man whatever uh let's keep going which way west the [ __ ] is this garden line yeah let's keep heading west so weird dude so weird it was a glitch dude maybe you're just [ __ ] maybe your [ __ ] [ __ ] up someone just died and they just like you know man who knows i'm just trying to hope that's what it was or the dude logged out right there that's super plausible dude and i caught the animation of the log out and it was just like a you know hands up kind of pose for a split second as it disappeared possible regardless that was funny as hell to see i've never seen that before there's a [ __ ] alien dude yep agreed my chat thinks i'm hallucinating because we haven't shot anyone in a while did they do they not get it clipped no no they saw it they saw it clears clear as day i zoomed into it and everything it's funny as hell oh [ __ ] you're [ __ ] right here i think he looks like he logs out what did you watch the clip yeah i just watched the clip it looks like he logs out awesome or something oh boy see that we're close see what oh the tower yeah that's really scary on you or something can't be i mean i almost guarantee you we're going to bump into somebody and it's either going to be them or it's going to be us that dies that sounds like a 50 chance bro i remember i was here and i walked right past this and i had a grenade in my hand because i saw a guy prone in between these two trunks and i didn't know how to i didn't know how to throw it and he heard me and then i luckily took out my car 90 and one tapped him it was just it was the perfect moment to blow somebody up all right well it's time to loot the military spawns huh you want to go straight in or do you want to kind of try to look at it from the outside i want to look at it from the outside more so this way i'll run with my smg out i just want an ar man i always have an smg every time oh no wonder he has that car there bro it's probably it's so close to tizzy right here this dude probably loots it and just runs back to his car i think so yeah he probably loses a bunch of [ __ ] runs back to his car stashes it and he doesn't really care because how many people are really gonna find his car you know he probably gets more than he uh gives out it gets taken well dude we happen to know a secret on the server now don't we yeah us and however many thousand people a couple other people yeah whatever bro you know where's our open so this place is kind of like a bigger military it's split up in a couple of spots like there's a couple barracks here a couple barracks there um okay so you can kind of go anywhere there's this big building here big military building's a good one let's start with looting that actually that might be our safest bet beautiful holy [ __ ] nice what do you have field vest oh you didn't have one oh there's a tactical vest here oh yeah i was gonna say it's not as big but the other one has also got another different vest what do you mean no no there's there's a a bigger vest than the attack fest and and that one i don't know what it's called though i don't remember there's one that's 40 slots it's okay [ __ ] extra 30 slots this building sketches me out man it's so easy to camp in because it's off to the side and i feel like everyone will want to loot the barracks first like there's way bigger priorities in this building in this town in this military area so i think it's more likely that we don't bump into someone here there was a hole uh yeah keep going yeah what zombie looks like anyone's in here looking pretty good okay go in this side is clear on the first there's nothing here i'm going second i'm up here already doesn't look like anyone's here um i [ __ ] found it for a grenade bro and i'm scared to grab it just put it in your uh your rig or whatever i think i'm next to you right now yeah i mean you looted these yeah oh hell yeah you put in your ring that's [ __ ] sick okay how do i [ __ ] okay let's put it in my hands and no problem there i'll put that as like number seven or something on my car bar yeah okay we're good no one's in here we'll hit the barracks after this oh [ __ ] dude i've been bleeding for a little while i think oh that's so bad how did that happen you must have been bleeding uh from the very first the very first one yeah i wasn't paying attention to you [ __ ] dude [ __ ] i'm stupid dude that's actually so bad i let my blood go down to like halfway it's gonna take a little while to raise i'm gonna eat something to kind of help it out real quick i can do all right dude kind of bust out the real [ __ ] that ill [ __ ] to make you want to kill [ __ ] all right here we go i'm talking about that i'm talking about the [ __ ] bacon you know someone said check your shoes check your boots okay hide the booties don't think things are still pristine i don't think they have that in this server like how do you oh really i think that's all foods normally take damage in those types of servers you just run and then you swap boots like they take damage they eventually can get ruined and then you start bleeding from your feet but i don't think that happens on the server i think it's turned off that'd be [ __ ] annoying oh maybe the barbed wire yeah barbara or the [ __ ] zombie whatever it's all good as long as i don't get shot i won't die right yeah that's how that works all right let's go with the front again unless you want to wait and get your hp up a little bit uh no i'm fully good to move let's go i actually went down to this hp on purpose so that i had my colors are perfectly uh someone said slash like yeah i could see everything perfect now so someone said take a multivitamin it might make you heal faster i don't know if that's true do you have one just pop one i do i just pop one i don't know if that's actually how that works but can't hurt like i said trout it was 100 intended so that i can see the enemy easier so how does that work the colors you know what i mean all right let's go towards these barracks here the colors the colors dude so far so good zombies are out on us in this forest brother just let you know yeah they they walk around here or people drag them here that's what i'm saying get out of my face well there's so many kind of surprised there's it's quiet one here some 762 ammo and a field vest on this guy really zombie it's good all right well i'm going to the barracks don't be surprised trust me there's somebody around here i can almost guarantee it we're just going to have to take our time and find them they're around someone's around the reason why i don't think anyone's here is because none of these doors are open yeah someone's on their way they might cut you know what i'm saying trust bro they might not even be on this side yet i'm gonna stick with you open the door oh my god uh shroud you've got the uh can you get the ammo box here bro and that's garbage hello that was garbage yeah there's nothing in there um it's gonna be good i'm going to the next one magazine m4a1mp handguard are you in this next barracks over here what not in the long run i'm in the fat one are you going in this barracks i'm doing this uh the big ass one i've actually died in here before i tell a guy to put his [ __ ] hands up in there and i'm for the blast man i'm with you here oh piece of paper got ourselves a camo net standard military issue can be used to mask your base structures or even to craft a shelter to serve as a temporary hideout i can keep that in my tactical best for us brother it's so [ __ ] so big i got a helmet now so uh i look a little different okay i am are you in here wait oh yeah i'm in the big ass wall yeah hey a grenade joint did you see that you see the [ __ ] thing i got if you want to stash some [ __ ] check it what the heck how does it look like well i guess we'd have to place it somewhere [ __ ] no yeah we'll just place it later if i can keep it on any long enough visor for a helmet back there yeah i don't have the helmet though yep i'll keep moving this way i guess oh i want these pants don't mind me wait is that a gas mask what is that that is that is a little tiny gas mask dude should i put that on hell yeah [ __ ] yeah dude grabbing these combat pants nice we're matching now how do i sound now wait is it still normal yeah that one yeah that's normal doesn't work [ __ ] [ __ ] you gasps you suck that sucks that doesn't get old for some reason that i'm fixing my pants can you explain the overall point to this game it's just to survive pretty much all right let's roll last time i was here there's a car smashed into this gate right that's kind of cool seems a lot of running around and exploring to pretty much have it have it all ended m14 mag i think i just saw someone to the left of camo building right to left i'm not sure though he went right to left of the field could have been a [ __ ] zombie and i glimpsed for like a [ __ ] half a second bro so camo trust this column but i swear camo building being this one right here in front of us this one where i'm looking oh i see i swear i saw him moving right to left it might be a zombie or it might be me losing my mind this one's just on our right could be gone he could have gone to this building over here in front of us to the left more he's not at the camera building if he isn't if he in fact she did see something i'm gonna assume you saw a person just to be at the ready oh i don't want these hold on i'm gonna grab this close this door those make me nervous i don't know the fastest way of you know changing all this but okay all right coming out well he's not in the camo building so the doors haven't opened if you did see someone oh there's a an antar helmet you might want this i mean you already have a blue helmet so you might as well get another one wait no your helm is black yeah with this one it won't be uh i won't be muffled oh that's true that's true an extra shot to my [ __ ] head so maybe though i just keep the muffled let's go loot this these two buildings here they might have good stuff okay we got more military spawns just further down oh this building's clear camo one really no loot in here come on i've died here before this is the building where i freak out combat jacket you moved [ __ ] slow as [ __ ] um and uh daisy back in the day because the stairs right um yeah it was those [ __ ] stairs dude it was awful bro so mad 17 broken ankles your guy walks around that corner with bro like i don't think you understand how [ __ ] slow that combo is back in the day you guys just could not move okay obviously i'm not wearing the blue jacket anymore okay i'm wearing a green jacket i almost wonder if it's worth it to check the garages for battery maybe maybe all right oh damn you're looking damn good that's a nice jacket oh my god has grown a beard dude wait wait really yeah i don't think my guy spawned with a beard oh there's ammo here oh look that's for you is that 762. oh let's go let me put that let me let me pack this into a mag real quick and i'll have two [ __ ] mags uh someone said just drop the camo netting it's only used to put it over a tent to give it a camo netting you know what i mean so it's not like a tent it's not a tent itself we'd have to have a tent yeah those are actually pretty cool though they do a good job i think it's cool but it's all good i'll just keep it it's probably heavy so it's not a big deal um your movement you good yeah good okay there's just a zombie running around i'm trying to load a 30 mag real quick and i got two [ __ ] full ak mags bro lego i think this goes in my ak pretty sure i'll check it out just in case oh you can cut it apparently you can cut this gilly thing okay i'll try that yeah you can gilly some weapons i think i don't know might as well try yeah someone said if i damage my combat mask by punching a wall okay yeah oh [ __ ] punching a wall [ __ ] oh do you know what i got rid of my knife because i thought all i needed was a can opener i'm stupid you have a knife i do you didn't drop it oh i thought you were going to drop that there you go thank you sir your pants are damaged that's true did i grab it or not where'd it go oh it just took it a second it's not working now you can't cut it unless well maybe you're dragging onto it combined no maybe i have that in my hands first nah you can't cut it not with this knife at least thank you sir ready to roll out hatch it hatch it hatch it use your hatchet okay try to hatch it okay i'll try chad wants me to chat's trying to have me try some [ __ ] that's fine it's fine yeah it doesn't look like a chat nothing i don't think there's anything i could do you can do with that chat that didn't really do much i thought you said it would look you know different or do i have to get it even lower than damaged what's slower than damaged did it work um no it did not i don't think there's anything we can maybe you can try with your relaxed thing didn't work i doubt it i really highly doubt it do you need any food gucci i'm good i'm probably gonna finish this real quick oh is the chat telling you you sing sound different with your [ __ ] thing off or what no they said if i break my mask and i make it like almost to the point of ruined it changes its color makes it look cooler i'm with a dude i'm with it ready i'm ready anything in here all right we're going to head left right i don't know where to go here watch me get blasted right here i'm so scared i got attacked by a pack of wolves in this [ __ ] military basement oh i'll throw a grenade at it don't worry pull my pen i'm kidding won't you come in here and play zombie boy [ __ ] yeah eat them yeah i'll close them in ain't going nowhere [ __ ] where's your friends okay let's guide some stuff out cool where's your friends i really like want to interrogate people you know i mean would you i mean i used to people would be on you should be able to like uh tell people you'd kill them unless they told you where your their friends were i don't remember you remember doing that i don't know if you did that yeah right now if you don't tell me your friend is you tell me your friend is you have a chance bro all right there's one solo barracks here there's um industrial to the right and then there's even more a little bit deeper a little bit more south doesn't look like this is looted now these doors are open i don't oh i know mine shirt no coming to the barracks right now mm-hmm real quick come on man nothing bro my pants are pleb i got pleb-ass pants are those gloves oh what is that 10 round svd mag or vs is it is that svg vs it is that esd bsd that's funny i'll take that i never know a [ __ ] vs does that take like moz and ammo five four is that five seven or five four that's a question i don't know six two five four seven six two five four okay so like car ammo i guess [Music] do you want to check the industrial i mean i mean all we're looking for if we check the industrial is just for a battery and get that car running because i have spark plugs really up to you i'm down if you're down i really want to get a [ __ ] car running i'm down okay why do you need a car so badly we don't you have to understand that the thing in daisy is like cars are hard to get roaring than daisy usually so you don't see cars very often it's kind of cool when you do oh this looks kind of nice what is this a salt backpack yeah you should change your backpack you got that big purple one pink looking [ __ ] yeah this one's almost the same size let's use it crazy to think that you could be someone could be watching you at any time oh yes let's go [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] i might as well go all green now and get rid of my black tack i'm saying but it's bigger by five slots got matching pants we chilling bro someone juked a zombie in here he is when i lose this backpack though i get i get rid of my hatchet i don't know if that's worth oh i have a tack vest bro because of [ __ ] we're fine we're [ __ ] [ __ ] enough space like someone locked that zombie in there i don't think they spawn inside buildings like that we still in a little hut there i'm on a little bit of a struggle because of a water bottle but you know it's all good is this me actually i i just want the water bottle for something after tonight just swapping the backpack as hard as [ __ ] but we got it how many kills did mike get until now i only have two kills on this play through actually i'm good all right let's just check a couple of these buildings here i already checked the ones on the left i'm less pleb now bro we just got to find a gas mask that's exactly like yours and then i'm good nothing down here tactical shirt oh look at that oh baby let's go huge wiener huge [ __ ] wiener i wish i had a [ __ ] m4 man i can't ever ever find an assault rifle we got in here ballistic vest ski mask oh that looks so cool bro but i won't sound muffled not worth brother but look at me tell me the ski mask doesn't look sick hello i can uh you're normal no dude let me show you look though right i'm in this next industrial building oh there's a nice building those look cool i think the ass mask looks cooler personally all right [ __ ] if you don't want the gasps i'll use a hat the gas vessel looks cooler actually i changed my mind all right let's go uh a sheath oh bro a sheath wait someone would drop that in that corner a knife for that yeah i think so too should i take a sheet is sheath cool maybe if i get a knife wondering if a ballistic vest is better than my tactical vest it's armor i'm pretty sure here take this loot the big ass ramps wait is there actually loot on those big big ramps you should take this well you'll replace your current best but unless you're struggling for space then i'll then i'll take i'm not i'm not showing for space do you think it'll give me like it's more protection or what yeah it's protection yeah body armor okay dude i just need the helmet and the mask that you have now bro we'll be [ __ ] badass it looks like you're [ __ ] out okay because you have glasses on are you ready dude i can use this papa the cough though actually i'm pretty sure right now under my thing no i can't no that's [ __ ] dude it's going down it's like a winner people are saying you could actually loot these big ramps oh that's right i fell off one and died i'm pretty sure i've never been there so i didn't know they fell off one and died or got into a fire fight on one of them and died i can't [ __ ] remember but i have a bad ptsd for these big [ __ ] cement ass ramps i think if we're talking about the same ones yeah i'm pretty sh yeah i'm pretty sure that's what they're talking about there's also a bunch of tests that we could loot we haven't looted all this yeah i mean honestly there's no reason no we're not scores my radio that's for rp reasons right the radio would help if like you were if you like got into like something with a random guy in game and like is there anything here [ __ ] on different parts of a map is this what they meant by ram thank god that was a huge [ __ ] door anything in here no this is not that man by the ranch the ramps are what this thing in front of us is a big [ __ ] thing there's luke pretty sure that's what they're talking about yeah i've never eluded those but there is there's loot in here there's there's nine nine by three nine do you want to look in this one yeah let's look in here i just want 45 man or something you know uh more bullets for you right here on me seems like a tough find huh dude that's crazy how many [ __ ] bullets i have now oh envy cheese bruh [ __ ] [Music] yeah but that's okay it'll still help at night maybe uh more 390 here dude no [ __ ] way way you can grab them or dodge google where did yeah i'm curious how the night vision is gonna look hey i'm assuming i can't wear it until i get a helmet that can um mount it i'm getting a chat oh tons of ammo for my ak now i love it you got the box in the back no i didn't i'm going to wrap them around jesus that's actually crackers dude i'm just a sniper i guess that's uh that's all i can do i can't i can't play close quarters i have an smg with 10 bullets that's it probably my close quarters for me is gonna be nuts i'm about to just be unloading on fools yeah you might as well you might as well hit fire people honestly if they're close enough that's what i've been doing when i go into buildings i'm just holding right click around all right well you got to show me where these ramps are because i've i've never looted them i don't even know what they are it's very very brief that i've ever seen them but i thought that they were talking about these ramps right [ __ ] here this [ __ ] giant ass ramp you feel me i mean what about that ramp to the left you think uh i i really thought that there was more than one of these things there might be wait is this i'll be wearing a plate carrier is that a vest yeah these line these ramps these are them these are them dude they didn't always have rails on them i wonder if there's actually loot on these might as well check this little building oh he's on me oh he's going for you brother i'm gonna go dude hold my nuts oh you're going up that ramp okay [ __ ] am i dead man no no i'm just checking this building first it's just teasing me at this point a pistol that uses 45 oh can a zombie have a plate carrier a tensor to the right i know i know i just didn't know that you can i found a field jacket up here i kind of like it actually i might take it that's gonna is that like a jacket jacket or is it going to replace your vest it replaces my jacket okay up here with you it's damaged though do you have a sewing kit yeah are you up here with me yeah yeah yeah i think this is you right wait where are you i'm on a ramp oh you're on a different range right all right here we go what the [ __ ] bro look at me like that gosh i'm sorry your discord has [ __ ] delay bro yeah fix his pants or fix that jacket yeah sorry that your discord has a two second delay okay i'm saying [ __ ] in real time i just have to wait to get through to you go to your discord next time there you go well that looks nice i like that i kind of like it i like it a little bit more than i think like this weird kind of [ __ ] color yeah this is a sick spot dude just hide up here all day [ __ ] it someone said bro there's no loot on these ramps you guys are getting trolled didn't you just find it i just found a jacket i mean there's some loot then that means there's loot spawns up here miraculously yeah okay see how this one looks oh yeah yeah that's better nicer yeah i think it'll match some like good looking paint see if i can find some pants yeah i got the the bdu look and you got just like the clean color yeah all right let's check the other ramps i guess i like like the no camo like tactical green look you know what i mean you want to look at all these wraps i mean i guess you found items so [ __ ] it i can't believe we haven't gotten shot at or seen anything oh that was scary i like glitched into the ramp for a second all right this is high up these are cool so i'm assuming you found loot in the back there's literally nothing where'd you find that shirt yeah nothing up here what's the chance that you found a jacket that someone left yeah but why would they leave it up there would they take you think they just got to the top of the ramp they're like [ __ ] man there's no loot here i'm taking my jacket all right well let's check the other one i guess now server's full i think it's just how it is sometimes light helmet so i guess tizzy isn't as hot as northwest airfield oh there's bullets more [ __ ] three nine oh my god okay so there's some there's some loot spawns here it's just not these are nine by three nines so yeah different rounds we'll talk still but change yeah we proved once again that there is loot spawns up here i don't think someone came up here and dropped their bullets all right let's go to the tents is that you mean the northwest airfield tents no no there's there's more loot here there's a lot of tents i've never been there but i've heard of it i think it's just over this way is it this way there's actually some loot in that same area on the last ramp oh my god am i being trolled i'll do it i'm going up what if it's four five bro do it what if it's four five all right i'll be down here waiting oh it's a grenade there i got two grenades well they'll just start throwing these for fun what'd you see huh what'd you get up there grenade that's i would be stoked about it if grenades were quicker but like the way you throw them i swear they're more of a risk to you it depends if you know where they're at you're definitely not one of those like pulled out mid combat things unless you have fat cover nah it's like if someone's hiding in a room and you get and you're like confident in your throw then like i guess maybe i'm not a big fan of starting up my uh my early video game time with grenades i usually do that after i get comfortable with the whole game tents are this way right people camp the tents don't say that don't say that the hell people camp everything you know what i mean oh that zombie bro i got all excited i thought i saw someone running i'm just trying to go a little higher left more towards those oh yeah yeah your armband sticks out i'm just going a little higher to get a little better field of view here okay there's a lot of tents oh my god there's a lot of tents okay um holy [ __ ] okay all right holy nut sack is a lot of tents here bro and i i think i know this place too i think i've been here i think i've killed people here and absolutely people camp around the forest on this i mean i could see why this is a pretty good spot i mean we can go balls deep but if we go in there we're holding hands we we're not separating because i'm not just going to look at a guy and be like hey what's up guys wait there's going to the tents we have to hold there's more over here hold on what is this is there more tensers there's just like a solo or something oh you saw someone no i just thought i saw a [ __ ] a bush aiming at me i guess this is just like a solo oh a gun i could finally use a rifle maybe oh five five six no what the [ __ ] is that well look and see what bolts it takes oh i don't think it's gonna be good what bullets does this use um i don't even know if i want to take this i think this is seven seven six two three nine i think this is like a i think this is like a shitty shitty ak variant yeah i might pass on it honestly i'm passing on it [ __ ] it let's go i'm just hoping that we find like an m4 or something in these tents so we're gonna be holding hands is that the plan i'll be well i'll be following you brother okay what about what if i climb that tower and i cover you no you'll get shot in your face from about every scene forehand guard nothing m4 scope our scope i mean like yes i'll take it in case i find it before assault wiser i guess if we get a good helmet we put that on true okay okay did we lose this one yeah we did anything over here now oh there's loot in these containers too i five six hell dude oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we anchored a bunch armor piercing rounds careful got some armor piercing rounds off the that are 4.6 30. what the [ __ ] zombies everywhere dude two zombies here sg5k calm i hate when you walk in and three zombies do we edgar all them we did do we okay you're back up back up back up i'm gonna back off thank you you're not bleeding that's right i am bleeding okay what is this tank what the box three eight that's for the the big boy hmm three three hits big boy that's a small boy no i'm pretty sure three three eight's like a big big boy maybe chat will correct us sure i don't want to go in just yet just kind of seeing any movement i don't see anything orange bag here looks like an svd mag in it grenade smoke grenade i'm gonna take the smoke actually that could be useful okay i'm gonna take this killer zombie real quick okay two svd mags now should i take this back man big should i be all green you think yeah [ __ ] yeah already all greened out the black vest throws you off i don't know the fastest way of doing this but uh you know this is probably not it i swapped them all green with the orange looks good bro visor assault helmet visor 545 please man just give us just give me a rifle or something vss mag what the [ __ ] seven six two five four i don't know what gun that's for 30 round mag c this is five five six five four yeah this should be this should just be standing round right for uh for like m4s and [ __ ] that's how long it i don't know about this one the [ __ ] is this this is seven six two five four oh [ __ ] isn't that like sniping ammo okay i'm good just hold on to it my chat really wants me to get that rifle but i just don't have space for it i don't have bullets i guess i could hold on to it until i do get space but oh my god more five uh five five six ammo read this paper dude behind you oh that's it what's up and before he's up here there's nothing up there the hell is this scope 3.5 x pn51 for k based rifles someone's been there recently apparently i don't know i don't know how long those papers last what'd you get there's a scope for your ak over here i don't know if you want to use the scope but it's this thing well how big does this go i don't know 3x or something 3.5 oh there's another tent okay oh my god okay well i think it's a night vision site oh never mind then it's the biggest [ __ ] side i've ever seen in my life so it's basically the size of a [ __ ] car battery there's some canned bacon in this last tent grabbing it oh baby it wasn't that good it wasn't that bad either i mean i guess i did find it specifically what you want yeah [ __ ] that i want it's kind of crazy not to mention if you find an m4 well i have you know plenty of bullets for you got like 30 bullets from oh [ __ ] now what i could try to go for that gun but there's no mag so what am i going to want to chamber that [ __ ] wait the tower bro the one thing we didn't check what you have ammo for i would i would stick to what you have ammo hold on oh my god what is this g36 mag got a lot of bullets in it holy [ __ ] i'm gonna actually take that i think what's that so i'm taking this g36 mags there's a lot of bullets oh patrol pants here we go finally got some new pants yes the jeans have been replaced mate they've been [ __ ] replaced foreign i don't even think these pants are nice but oh they're not too bad not the [ __ ] best but they're not the worst not the best loot but like i'm going this way i'm going to climb this tower real quick that's where the hidden goods are dude up in the tower a grenade aces and then i wanted to climb up here real quick before we dip just because uh wait guy in front of me what i think he's confronting me okay am i crazy did you go on metal left you saw uh i may have walked okay okay nevermind oh my god that might that might have been you then are you sure yeah yeah yeah if it was if it was metal then it was you that was so weird i heard the metal and i was like oh he's climbing up this ladder that sketch me out dude all right well [ __ ] now what we get we leave tizzy and we go back down to normal human being areas or we go to northwest or yeah i guess we go northwest starry novo let's uh let's plenty of things let's let's go south directly south just come to me dude i got all hyped for a second bro i heard the medal i was like let's go dude game time we'll find someone it's been it's been been fun tizzy all the loot that was there was literally just for you yeah oh yeah pretty much just all the ak bullets yeah so like i guess it wasn't garbage loot it just was really unfortunate for me are you still behind me i lose you oh yeah there you are that camo dude works wonders [Music] true i'm genuinely surprised we bumped into no one but this is um it's how daisy goes i never know yeah let's say this is a little bit more of a hardcore server so like there's a chance that there's a chance that uh if someone was there they were playing really really passive rather than aggressive that's my guess we don't really have much nearest so we're just gonna be running a straight line for a little bit so talk to your chat do whatever we're just gonna go in a straight line we should probably not sprint that much okay i have a mag for your gun apparently someone said your new gun oh no i'm not turning around bro oh [ __ ] you didn't grab the gun no no no okay i didn't have space i got so many guns on my back i guess i could have dropped my blaze uh i probably should have oh well it is what it is it's all good i'm sure there's gonna be someone what mag do you have that goes in it i have a [ __ ] 30 round mag c mag and i have a 30 round ka 101 mag that might be it that sucks oh well this guy thinks we're only playing we're playing yep he taught us we're playing in a co-op server and it's only us two god that would suck damn look at this [ __ ] sight line dude this hill's huge holy [ __ ] bonkers you never know you know someone's running through hey you never know dude i'm trying to chill as long as you want to chill bro it's like a little peep down to get out of my chair and do a little stretch as far as i'm concerned we gotta [ __ ] we can go straight to the top of [ __ ] churno up yeah [Music] old school kicking it old school you know open this can real quick and if you want we could take a break here if you're down yeah you want to take a quick breather sure all right let's put your take a quick breather brother just put yourself in this uh i'm probably gonna make you i'll probably eat some food real quick first it's a 50 round ammunition boat like what the [ __ ] can i go on it's raining again dude should we go somewhere real quick indoors then now we're far from everything right now you said it's raining again didn't you yeah it's slightly raining you know there's like a random cabin for us uh south of here no the only risk we have right now is bears oh [ __ ] all right keep an eye out brother man all right don't let me die i'll be right back brother [ __ ] oh wait hello how was your stream the wives of house that's good good that sounds really good why what the heck oh the heck that's messed up yeah people were saying i got exposed yeah what the heck can i give [Music] she okay yeah yeah yeah that's what they meant oh my god my chat was like underwear underwear and i'm like what are you talking about i i was checking my character i thought i had an underwear i was i was so confused it happened for like 15 minutes you use old clothes so you gave him that pet peeve just because he wanted to give them something huh that's fair that's fair i love my my go-to is piling a nice like a solid stack of clothes until it gets dangerous i literally stack a pile of clothes until it gets dangerous and then it's uneven ground [ __ ] hurt your ankle you know oh boy do you have a pet peeve yeah i'm thinking a tough question my stupidest purchase was the scooter that's true that's true that's true i did break my arm i don't have a pet peeve i feel like if you have a pet peeve on someone you know immediately like if it was some sort of thing if it was some sort of way they spoke or if it was you know something they did i feel like you'd know that immediately i don't know i could just call it right here we're kind of in the middle of nowhere there's a lot of running around but like i can't i can't just go without a [ __ ] fight you know what do i do i'm not going to stream tomorrow besides board games i'm going to take monday off uh well yeah because i streamed so much this weekend and then it'll be just before the bud light thing on tuesday and and the marvel yeah so like i want to take some days off before a sponsored streams get crazy next week so take all of monday off tuesday focus on the bud light thing once marvel okay okay so it may be monday off tuesday sponsored wednesday sponsored thursday off friday sponsored and then saturday board games and then sunday maybe off again or something i don't know i stream so much that's what happens when you stream a lot it means you could take more days off bro you just had a two-month break yeah well that's it yeah well does that mean that people who take a vacation dale damn i hope they heard that [Laughter] i love it fair enough i was just wondering if i should bring your apple bell in here when it gets here or if you'd be out there especially if wait you're not on anymore bro oh though you're not on anymore yeah i think i want to at least journey with him so right now we're kind of like we just explored this military base right here found [ __ ] jack [ __ ] we're kind of right here in between these bears and then i'm thinking we go right oof the juice right here so to go from here and then right right there i guarantee you there's going to be action and i'll probably play reckless because i want to die because the next time i play dayz i want to start over i prefer starting over because it's going to be a huge period of time until i play daisy again because tomorrow board games monday day off tuesday bud light and marvel wednesday bud light yeah bud light uh thursday who knows friday so it might the latest the latest i play daisy again after today will be thursday so like that's such a big time span that i don't care if my character dies the come up is the best part when you go from like having nothing to like getting your first pistol or getting your first like rifle that's the best part he said he needed to stretch i was like all right i'll got you oh shows up where's my belt hey i'm gonna stand up i'm actually just gonna prone production um i'm thinking i could just let my wireless headset do the trick and hope no one sees us then we're dead i really need to use the restroom though you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna use the restaurant to back up a little bit just a little bit all right brother man you ready oh i was just about to go afk [Music] is is
Channel: Virb
Views: 84,805
Rating: 4.7919073 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, dayz
Id: 0HnhtKejBbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 50sec (6530 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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