Shroud Plays DayZ Episode 1

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a mosin or something i'm not entirely sure what it was but i think it was some sort of multi anyway you remember when uh i don't know if you remember this moment when you when you were watching the daisy stand alone when they were explaining how you know you'd have to actually look under stuff for loot and whatnot and then it came out and it just the [ __ ] on the middle of the floor yeah they're like oh there'll be gun racks and you have to actually lock in the gun right for guns there'll be things on different shelves and you have to look under the bed nope none of that piles of [ __ ] man i wonder what went so wrong there [Music] let's play absolutely no idea this guy's trying to be sneaky i could just see him somebody said imagination is quick to outrun code that sounds true yeah maybe for me that's not like a complicated code thing you they all they're already assigning places where [ __ ] spots right they just need to put those places in interesting places under a bed on a wall next to a gun rack but they just the map maker clearly was just like nah just click it here whatever they'll do yeah i mean you think that i have no clue you're on the west side you think so if i leave the south of epic town yeah i'm on i'm for sure on the west side i'm going east right now so if the water's on your uh right then you'd be going west well i guess it depends the water is kind of all around but you have a compass well anyway i'm going i'm just leaving the child down at that point where it's like a military checkpoint your food and stuff uh i've eaten a few times like a whole box of cereal and then the tuna and i've got another food as well you straight chilling i have nothing i'm not a huge fan of logging into night time but at least we'll get a full day yeah well whatever i was talking to uh my stream about this like a week or two ago we should for old times sake revisit scum because we used to play it so much when it came out why should i just say that a minute ago apparently they've added loads of dope stuff like i've had a dose of like bows and stuff you can do pvp with and the bow ballistics he's really realistic so skillful to hit people look at him can't hurt we played that game when it was absolute garbage so and we played it uh quite quite a bit actually there's so much weird [ __ ] in there i remember once i was playing with my mate and i threw a pitchfork at him trying to kill him as a joke and it hit him in the head and the pitchfork got lodged inside the camera like the first person view camera so he could only see grey pixels for the rest of the game until he killed himself because you can't take the weapon off oh my god that's so annoying just [ __ ] like that like what that's so annoying can't we didn't just kill him i don't know he didn't like literally pitchfork into the eyes and it was sticking out of his head and he was completely fine the one that i remember the day i stopped playing was when i tested the stealth system and i had a teammate standing in the middle of a field and he and i could see him and we're just literally both in the middle of a field and i just went crouch for me and he crouched and literally went invisible and he came back and i was like oh my god like you can literally just be crouched in front of someone and you don't even render that's so stupid yeah i hope i hope it doesn't work like that anymore yeah that was the last day i played when i was like my character's stats have to protect you against your stealth rating even though you're literally just stood still in the field that's ridiculous but i remember me and used to do some cool air [ __ ] and we were like throwing spears at people from miles away and pvping and we used to run that there's like an airfield in the middle and we used to pretty much run it oh yeah i remember that and they they just kept coming man yeah they kept coming it was like a tower defense game it's like another one to the north it was so cool i hope they shelled out with the robots as well they were a bit silly they just stopped pvp i honestly doubt it i think that was their kind of their thing you know yeah all right so i'm headed south away from the town and i think i've got water on my right so i think i'm on the side well it depends because like it's it's an island right so when i said that it doesn't really apply as well you know what i mean but if i'm heading south there has to be water on my left which is what yeah yeah if you're heading south yeah it would be on your left yeah but like you could be heading south from the west side and then the water be on your right you know what i mean but you're not you're in vorkuto so the water would be on your left yeah left of you is going to be the airfield i believe sorry i'm going to go the wrong way apparently the military checkpoints on the north side not the south side of that town i thought it was on the south side i don't have a map so i can't i can't be bothered to tell tim are you talking about the big military checkpoint with a lot of tents or are you talking about the tiny one yeah that i don't know there's a couple of those so i'm not entirely sure there's one on the north and i think there's one on the south so maybe you did hit the north one night damage three there's the what there's the one on the west one too i'm at some power lines oh someone killed a fresh bambi that was me oh did you just shoot them now no i got shot i was just making a fire i just had a good shot like two seconds after you said that yeah it was probably him shooting me people love to pick on freshies in this in this map just because it's so easy yeah i i just feel dirty if i get gear and i don't go south i feel like a dirty player i don't know i don't want to pick on people that don't have any loot where's the fun in that yep all right now i don't know where i am but i'll figure it out who knows maybe i can't maybe i'm closer to you now i'm back in [ __ ] the town again because i got too cold i have to go back and warm up again so okay i remember this building i just don't remember where it is i think this is i want to say i'm actually close to barcuda because this cabin but i don't know not too familiar i am i know every little detail about the south not so much the north because i i'd like to leave here asap yeah who was bringing a shovel do you think oh yeah i mean if you don't have a melee weapon knuckle does this i'd say it's better than that yeah i might as well grab a map why not rp purposes like hide bodies and [ __ ] and hide bags underground with a shovel yeah that's cool i did making little loot stashes was really really good with the shovel like grabbing a cooking pot and just hiding you know a cooking pot in the dirt and getting it later that's super cool i wish it was a little easier though i don't like the idea of because then you need a shovel to get it back you have to remember where it is and then you need a shovel to get it back like i kind of wish there was to get up with your hands kind of thing maybe but i i would have like what i mentioned to smoke was you know like big trees i think it'd be cool if in those big trees there were little holes in some of them and you could just like stash single cell items like small items in there and then you can mark them with something that way it's just you don't require it doesn't it require require anything you just throw something in a tree and if you remember that tree great that's cool you can even make it if you mark it you could mark it with like spray paints client-side only to make it easier if you want like i don't know i just don't like the idea of having a shovel to have to find my my my little my little cooking pot stash this is already hard enough to find a shovel and by the time you find that shovel you might find everything that you have in that cooking pot anyway exactly yeah that's the problem i can't even tell what you're doing in the game well it's dark man i i can barely tell what i'm doing just kind of running waiting for it to get bright what happened to your items from two days ago i'm on a different server field jackets bomber jacket where the hell am i next to power lines but oh i'm gonna die if i don't make a fire this cold is messing me up man nighttime is such a hard start for the beginning like a fresh spawn i mean yeah the problem is because she's formed with low insulation gear even if you just make your rag flyer straight away and stand on it the amount you're cooling down because of you no insulation is about the same as your warm-up so like you said it takes 15 minutes to get your buff yep whereas if you just find a few insulated items all of a sudden you can get the warm blocking light pretty quickly well sun's coming up which is good and i am invoking if you are still here i don't know if you are yeah yeah okay i've got some high insulation gear as well i am literally half hp because of how cold that is i was not paying attention was so quick okay at least it's getting bright can i make a fire on the roof here we go here we go we're getting warmer okay um can i make a fire on the roof yeah the you definitely don't want to get frostbite that [ __ ] sucks did you lose permanent health and stuff yeah you're permanently you permanently lose like a quarter and then if you it adds on like if your hands get frostbite if your face gets frostbite you'll keep losing losing losing and you never fix it i'm on top of one of these big buildings just because there's a lot of sniper rifles that spawn up here so i'm hoping to find it nice i've got a pu if you find a mozin okay i gotta make a fire though asap well it seems like vorkuta's fps has gotten a little bit better yeah feels lovely yeah in comparison to how it was before oh my goodness was it bad yeah no it was bad i was getting like i don't know 40 maybe and i had to you know i have a solid rig so now i have one thirty definitely better [ __ ] yeah they must have fixed something yeah it's really nice once you get out of hakuta though like 300 fps always that's crazy so you're in the laggiest place and you have 100 plus that's nice so it's just i mean that's a significant improvement for sure and tripod and all sauce but there's no knife and i'm standing at the door i got some dope insulation i've got like a few items that are best in slot yeah oh i think someone's next to me um i'm in a hospital thing i've yeah i think that's the east side i think the hospital south south east i'm uh i'm on the north side do you see a giant crane near you uh i'm indulged in a minute one second we could always meet like a crane or something pipe wrench blood collection kit what do you think hey fmp skype hey look carefully for ammo on the red vent things you could find ammo on those on these that's super neat you'll notice on this map because someone just said this that you can find ammo on these like red thingies up on the roof but i've also noticed in other areas on this map they actually have loot in in little nooks and crannies and stuff that you'd never really expect which is kind of cool i would have never guessed that there'd be loot spawning on these vents there's also loot on cranes um those like silos that you'll ever see like those have ammo sometimes there's loot everywhere pretty much which is cool i'm on the side of the town where the sun is rising like there's no more town between me and the sun i think we're on the same side i'm just a little north of you i've got loads of high insulation gear especially so it's the sun north east south west the sun is east i think oh someone's having a fire on this other roof right next to me not that having a fire is the thing now what are you doing i was having a fire that scares me though i feel like he's got a sniper and he's just sitting up there on a high rise and ready to snipe me ah screw this fire i'm moving on i don't want to get killed all right give me give me a moment give me a motion shots gunshots see the crane yeah i'm in line with the crane oh yeah okay do you see that really really big building kind of yeah that that's there's someone on that building and i'm actually right next to you i'm on a building as well i'm gonna come down alcohol thing trying to get all right i'm next to the crane i'm assuming you're in one of these buildings i'm not near the crane yet i can be there in like 30 seconds i'm oh yeah wait there's two cranes down i'm next to a crane yeah i hear you [ __ ] i have a beanie i have gloves uh i don't need it there's a balaclava in there if you just go in into proximity yeah i think i'm good the only thing i need is maybe what is your jacket high yeah okay i'm good oh okay the field jacket the fuel jacket's really really good actually um i need to make some bundles just say one sec it's easier inside because it's not as cold so heat up quickly just checking upstairs yeah they think i've got about this default pants if you find anything better i'm good that's in the building right next to us i see the zombies pulling over there [ __ ] do you want to bounce yeah maybe we might want to make a fire a little further away i think someone just got too tapped uh vorkuta is a a wild zone we can make it yeah we can make a fire in one building over let's go this way uh opening yeah opening here unsure if we can make a fire here i know we can make it on the roof but there's a guy out the back of our building he's got a gun oh god uh yeah we should go this way he's coming out he's going right to left so he's gonna be behind us he definitely saw me hit a shotgun terrifying oh there's a fire there where do we go where do we go i kind of want to go up this building because i want to see if we can find ourselves i have mosin ammo you have a pu scope like that would be huge i'm gonna go up you can come with me if you like we can make a fire up there you can make it like so it pokes out of the doorway and we can hide inside the door so we still get warm from like the indoors plus the fire thank you for the donation of purple nerve brass monkey thank you for the subs all right what do we got up here wait do you have sticks on you or are we gonna have to go back down five not six okay oh there's some bullets here [ __ ] shots no gun though okay we're gonna have to go back down then unfortunately how long will i got like 12 racks how long before breakfast enough to make a difference no no we need sticks i don't have any all right oh crap back down we go i am almost at half hp okay i've got an infection apparently it's just because this from being too cold probably for too long oh my gloves are ruined we're damaged rather hey come on yeah i'll take one a sec we do need to get some sticks though when i get something else get messed up it's harsh out here now i think my gloves are going to be completely ruined after this i might need those extras what the firewood let's take it with you we can use it yeah we're gonna we're gonna just need to make a fire because we're losing hp for no reason really we're going back up no we just go forward here just went in the same direction that we were heading i see you're left oh god i had to die from charge last night okay um charge it really quick okay i'm back yo all right um we could just make a fire out in the wild if you're trying to leave this place unless you still need food uh i've got one can i've got a can of food an empty bottle and a pepsi i'm red health now though so i really need to get by oh there's a player right next to us hello uh we you know let's make one right here uh i'm gonna here i'll make one real quick i want to make one right in this doorway we can have to walk out without running over friendly yeah making a fire how's it going cold out there you have a lighter or should i use this flare oh yeah i do actually i can just light it on it no i'll be fine you could put the flare inside the fire if you wanna you wanna burn it out i got the bottom of the fireplace for sure oh so we're in this shape so we're not getting cold yeah yeah that's kind of what i was going for here you guys find anything good in here no we're struggling i swear every time i go into barcuda someone's already looted everything like i go into the apartments and there's nothing i call the tripod yeah anything that's rough um no unless you had a cooking pot you could put it on it's not gonna do anything the rooms are pretty good yeah they just take so long to go up you know you can uh drop your like like yeah stuff like that pepsi and we can have something to drink you need to get yourself a mask man there's actually a there i saw one on that might be kind of hard to see but there's a car right next to that barrel right in front of me there and there's a there's a mask on top of it okay where that zombie is that red zombie okay yeah there's there's a car there and on the on the top of it there's a mask if you want to grab it all right i'll go check yellow food this is rough it's a rough start yeah i'm just yelling foods here half of these if you're on the other perhaps you'll help too i guess well my hp is going up so that's good news yeah i'm back to yellow from red here's the case i die here's a pu if i die and you can't get to my body you might find a motion did we just leave this guy once we're warm i think so we're almost there oh there's three zombies on top of that thing oh he died that's the guy that's the guy i told to go get the mask he's dead what the heck happened to him what the the three zombies that you see oh oh you can't oh oh you can't see okay look look i got the fire buff but look through the crack a little bit more oh i got the buff and i'm ready to go cause it's getting loud and noisy here so we might want to roll out i don't have it just yet okay i'll go okay it's probably you know when people lock a zombie in each room and they just [ __ ] flew over [Laughter] how did that happen though like what content of it that guy probably thinks i was lying or something i was telling him the truth yeah you weren't lying and you didn't say there weren't zombies so okay i've got the ball i wonder if it's worth looting we might have a few bits yeah um okay i just worry that what if he got shot it didn't sound like it all right i'll be good okay i'm just gonna grab this stuff he's got nothing he's got nothing not like like daisy sound like you put the ghillie suit on and you just run across the field and they have to lie in a river for two hours getting cold it was so stupid that doesn't sound fun at all no the installation value is so high this running would make you super hot and then you start burning today while wearing kills you got a vest i don't know oh nice oh well that's ruined already sorry my bad uh there's some jumpsuit pants here better than yours probably oh that guy that i'm honest yeah thank you i'm like this guy had a heat pack yeah mine's ruined now checking yeah i guess our goal now is to get some military loot maybe he'll just head this way yeah get some guns we've got like scopes and most ammo so i've yeah i have ammo for emotion i have ammo for mosin which is good just don't have the mosin um i wonder if it's worth checking up here might as well oh nope a little hat trying to avoid those shots a little bit i thought we're in the wild west mate [ __ ] it out i mean it's nice because when you find a gun you usually find it with like you'll find a pistol and you'll find like a mag with like 11 bullets so house why not you never know i wonder if your positive heat buff that's not that's longer the more insulation you've got i don't know if that holds on to the bottom longer i want to say it does but you also uh you build resistance to the cold on this map yeah if you hit tab look at the bottom left you see that little frost symbol yeah yeah so like the longer your character's alive the more you that you know the more you can last without making a fire oh that's weird yeah so you kind of get resistant to it a little oh my god they're just going let's roll out it's kind of counterintuitive the longer you're alive it's got good enough gear it's not care anyway why make them even yeah it is it is a little counter to it it's like cool but like should be the opposite like when you first spawn you have a bit of resistance and then that wears down to doesn't really make much sense but it's it's it's kind of cool because it rewards you for living you know so if you don't throw your life away your character could be just like this ultimate hunter that never needs to make a fire because more often than not you die because you make a fire so i think that's kind of what they were going for there's really nothing in there and a leather kit yeah you don't want the small gas container i have a medium one so you can take it though we both have i've i've do already you told me how open they are yeah they're so good i'm like if someone shoots me the bullet i'm a [ __ ] exploder stay away server restarts gonna happen in a few minutes here and then you'll just get there on the main menu and you just hit play whenever whenever it comes back up obviously it's good like you're not lagging around or anything yeah no it's smooth it feels really good we're heading to the dam right now let's try it that's where i'm trying to get us let's search the shack i doubt there's anything in here but nope tire iron axle so the problem is once we cross this line we're we're already crossing it so now we're we're essentially really relying on uh hunting animals because food doesn't spawn down down south so we need to hunt animals hunting animals yeah that's what i'm saying i need we need to get some military loop we can either go left or right it sucks because they actually have like vanilla daisy they had bows and [ __ ] and then they removed them all for the animation system they never added them it'd be so cool to make a little bow and go hunting silently that would be nice i mean you can go hunting silently with like a sledgehammer like it works it's hard to do sometimes they run but you get those moments where they don't you actually sneak up on them and you'll get some food authentic sledgehammer sounds like it originated in florida that's every restarts gonna happen any second we'll get kicked i'm just trying to head us to the dam there's a boat down there yeah i don't i don't think they do here i think they spawn players and signal player pistol thingies maybe some clothes but i've never seen food i see a raincoat that's crazy though they had bows in this game and they pulled it that's weird and they never decided to bring it back when in reality bows are just super cool everybody loves bows i'm taking us the right way right the damn should be right here yeah i got this damn is a lot further than i thought geez temperance oh there we go yeah your temperature is going to go up so like there's a balance where you if you really need to get warm and you worry about getting cold you sprint a lot but if you sprint a lot you're going to burn your food and hydration so it's kind of like we're in a weird point because we don't have food when we need a sprint to get a gun so we can get food but i don't you got to find the balance of what you want to try yeah what you want to try to do yeah it takes like a minute probably um there's the bathroom i'm gonna roll commercial that's what i'm gonna do [ __ ] done shovel can get worms there's no worms on this map you get rope it's rope and long sticks to make like a makeshift fishing rod right and then you just need bones which you get from carving up a person or a animal i should have cut that guy up i have a knife i think don't i don't have a kitchen knife or was that my last character i think that was my last character we might not have a knife which is kind of shitty let's find two stones make a knife i passed stones too because i thought i had a knife those boats can spawn real rods and real hooks oh neat yeah fishing rod is pretty useful on this map especially if you get caught in the weird in between but we need a knife uh right now i'm in queue i was waiting for you to get back i didn't want to sit there and wait in game oh sorry all right joining now 15 seconds are you in already okay this is your preferred mod for daisy it is yeah it definitely is and i play it the most just come back game i've logged off with yellow temperature going up i've logged in with blue temperatures going down what the heck feels bad all that sprinting was just nullified all right we got visibility the dorm kind of went down we're gonna hit up the damn hopefully get some weapons get shot because we have nothing [ __ ] my hydration's yellow um that's pretty bad i mean i got chlorine tabs if you have a water bottle or canteen but i don't think we do yeah we're gonna be in we're gonna be in a situation for a little bit here i need meds if you find meds all right there's no way we're playing meds here like what kind of meds you're thinking like an epi oh i have vitamin or no i don't know i don't know i drank a canteen early i think if it's frozen holy jesus they uh like the zombie behavior is better for 1v1s but it bugs out when you're with a group and they run around all weird they clip through you and stuff yeah so you can't block and you have to track him well i got a sledgehammer that's cool nothing in here either i got some pants a sledgehammer time to hit up the damn yeah the map actually looks pretty good if you open it up let's go this way where's the damn yeah killing zombies there's like no point of it because you you're fine yeah military zombies but these aren't gonna get you anything okay you want to try to avoid them cause there's no food or anything like regular daisy like literally when you're down here the only way to survive is hunting or fishing it's just considered south then yeah there's an axe here splitting axe you're interested um i think i should take that over this plate uh i mean you could chop down trees that's kind of cool there's a landmine here earlier so uh beware i guess holy crap there's so many of them oh my god i mean looks like we're killing them so i don't know if we're gonna make it on this these characters it's looking a rough start but i saw you yeah these ones will have bullets so it's not too bad to kill them [Applause] yeah you could check that whole whole tower i'll check this inside we might want to consider maybe making a fire in here back up here if you need i'll throw it down for you my health card down we got more yelling yeah i might want to make one what the epipen and a zombie actually don't want this poncho nothing up here just close wow hunter pants i don't even know that was in this map all right let's let's uh grab some sticks let's make a fire to at least have us survive a little longer it's rough though we need food and we need water and the only way we're gonna get it is think it's gonna this is gonna this is a rough one for sure so dude suck at me [Music] oh stop right there he's got a sporter you think i'm scared of a sporter ow ow ow ow ow ow oh i'm knocked out you might not be dead you might be knocked out so you can try to finish him check his pulse or whatever are you bleeding i'm not bleeding i just got knocked out he just hit me in the head with a power swing on the sledge i'll just take a step then so he might be our savior we can cut him up i actually have buck shots too for that shotgun uh he's got food and stuff pistol we're saved is he dead dead oh actually he's got no no i don't think so i can't seem to kill him oh no he's dead yeah okay nice okay so he just kind of saved us a little bit holy [ __ ] let's go he's got loads of ammo he's got a cooking pan oh dude he's got a stove top nice i think that connects we just need the we just need a pot then he's got a frying pan right oh the frying pan that'll work that'll work all together that'll work and this guy that was the most failed attempt right there stop right there no no how about no he's got some knives you should take it stop right there no i think we're good i think we're good you got any buckshot uh yeah i do i do a bug shot actually shotgun i can't seem to combine the uh stovetop was a gas thing i thought they went together uh gas stove canister then the frying pan yes i've got small gas and then i've got chest though yeah so we can just put that down for fire right yep and now we can on an animal i take some of his knives i took one of them i shall take yeah take his kitchen knife wait why don't you put the frying pan i guess you don't really need it you left it for cooking right this isn't warming us up though it might take it i haven't dropped it to try and combine them okay i can take it we might need that frying pan though oh yeah i'm thinking because where i need to hunt an animal yeah because i'm half health and i'm losing health so we still need to make a fire unfortunately let's make a fire because i'm this is so tough i don't know what to do hey mike who am i up right there oh man little did he know we were so [ __ ] dude i'm actually [ __ ] i need to eat something now i'm gonna die in probably five minutes we i might need to eat him yeah let's do it i'll cut him up yeah but we're not gonna find that lord i'm gonna be going crazy but whatever we have to do it i gotta eat them no food anywhere else like he had like some kind of meat [ __ ] on him well we could try to fish really quick i just don't think i have time for that i think i gotta i literally think i have to eat them is barracks over here can i have russians or anything no i won't uh i need high insulation um uh yeah ah this sucks that i'm about to eat a person this is gonna like mess me up like really bad and it messes up my aim and everything permanently like i will permanently crap i mean i don't have a choice i will die unless you could try to fish do you want to try to fish wait we don't have a rope okay uh long stick and rope is a fishing rod i think right and then we can get his bones to make uh make a hook okay gotta make the hook how can i make the rod yeah how do i um i do this how do i make a right so i'm making some hooks so like if i could i cook the meat anyway and i'll eat it if i have to but i really don't want to gonna mess me up permanently now actually i'm out of hydration now you got the rod uh i can't find it a small bush that will give me long sticks i can only find the bushes and give me short sticks oh i need to eat it i will die yeah i don't have enough time yeah it's like there's no none of those little skinny bushes they're all just like burnt like christmas trees all right well it is what it is like i'm eating dude yep i guess i'm eating it dude it's too hot it needs to cool down so i could eat it yeah bad out here do we have matches yeah i'm like i'm like dehydrated to death right now i've got a canteen with a bit of water in it but i need to throw it yeah you could come to the fire back here where we killed this guy yeah oh my god why is this human steak taking so long to get cold holy come on 70 should be fine right nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope not fine not fine okay just took a little nibble anymore oh i'm yellow okay yeah so i'm okay for now i just can't eat anymore because it's damaging me because it's way too hot i'm gonna jab about to fold everything here let me chlorine tap that hey you and me both man we're struggling we make it watching brad like i'm dead in two seconds if you're flashing red you need a drink if you're if you're red is if your hp is flashing red you need to drink it i call it oh put it on put it on the put it on the this on on the thingy like attach it on the thing what's that can i drink it now nope left click attached does that work no okay then it's just uh all right well see what happens meat will give you hydrations fat sauce uh i mean if you want to eat some steak too right there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's the that's the thingy the blacks capacitors on 50 yeah you're good just under 60. yeah that's not giving me any hydration at all oh my god you want you want to go to a3 [Laughter] oh i literally started drinking it no no don't eat me too mike [ __ ] i might end myself and restart with you i'm in a shitty i don't want to be a cannibal i'm doing it like stop yourself i'm shooting myself actually it might be too loud if we can get back to the body that might be good yeah use the knife i probably should have hid myself that would have been smart but yeah i don't want to have a run where i ate somebody because it's bad like it's so bad well the storm's happening you heard that that loud noise right so that was the flax capacitor being turned on so that's that means the portal to a3 is open the event started and then someone hit the button that's what that noise was and now you hear the storm happening so we could actually potentially make it there but we'd have to b-line it yeah that's the problem you'd have to know the map we got about 15 minutes anyway let's just try to get to our bodies first let's focus on that probably boom i think i know where i am actually i think the dam is right here oh like i'm i've spawned it was like an industrial town in front of me was like from one crate not two that's a noise long straight roads rolling hills what's that noise did somebody take the portal you hear that apparently i'm near the main city for cuda again i don't know this one's looks like it's got one chimney oh no there's two yeah two cranes one should be one tall building yeah but i'm like am i south of it i'm looking at it from a distance which way is the dump from here i'm south of it looking up for kudos to damn left or right oh it's the storm thunder four oh how about some kind of kill would like to watch that stuff it's actually kind of a good thing that we died by the way because we would have died anyway i think for that storm yeah if it does damage to you if you're not indoors i guess we could have just waited indoors but i don't know yeah that our run was just so messed up [Music] i hear the thunder of the storm horizontal somebody ran past you by the car that's great he's in the distance yeah that drum noise kind of yeah yeah little bit with the it's like you know the big like garbage piles it's like a huge like garbage dump along the road in the middle of the map are you saying that's where you are yeah that huge area with all the garbage piles pulled in the concrete walls let's see i'm just trying to make it back to the dam i'm pretty close i i should have hid my body though because i was the one that had the shotgun in the bullets i'm a big dummy oh yeah a big dummy but okay um you should try to lose some food you think well i don't think so because i could probably fish if i just get there fast enough if nobody touches the bodies and i get there fast enough i could just fish this road should take me right there i think it should just be a perfect road to the damn somewhere in this direction that road maybe i don't remember i don't remember i think it's that yeah it's right here that that way i think oh god okay i'm gonna stick with my gut i'm pretty sure it's right there at the dam like right there people are fighting i think it sounds like they're fighting near the portal from here yeah this map is tiny the portal really isn't that far away like one and a half kilometers maybe clearing this map takes no time at all i'm also near the dam i like near where we died so i got a little head got a head start here i don't have much time to loot the bodies so i'm i'm attempting a run where i just uh you know don't really loot anything and just make a straight line for it you're still lost no i know exactly right right here you ever tried contact lenses yeah i hate them i hate contact lenses somebody locked these zombies in here i think somebody found her loot honestly somebody did that recently so i want to be surprised if uh my shotgun's gone we'll see of course there's a zombie here dude uh people are firing away all right i'm at our bodies let's see if they're here our fire's still on oh you got my stuff hello oh well damn oh is this your stuff yeah i tried to make it back that's me and my buddy that's my buddy here he died the thirst and i died dude no no it's it's i mean it's your stuff man yeah like i'm not sorry there's a guy here negotiating i mean i i was done yeah he got it it's all you let's let's just uh you just want to wait for your buddy to get back yeah he's a little newer to this map so that's the kind of the problem oh is he yeah i was trying to show him around so i got you that makes sense yeah i'm not sure i just wanted to rush here because i had a good spawn there go ahead and carry that gun yeah hopefully uh hopefully he makes it do you have any idea where he's at no i don't even i don't even think he knows where he's at i think he's near for cuda if i had to guess oh it's not that bad i mean it's quite a bit of a walk but let me grab my [ __ ] pants game [Music] why can't i grab these understand are these hunter pants bugged weird i can't grab them i'm trying to wear them yeah oh they're not even are they brown because i'm wearing brown pants oh yeah you're not wearing brown pants for me oh it did that thing i see okay that's fine yeah yeah dude it usually does that yeah yeah what's your name by the way uh reckless what does the b stand for berry berry has like like a strawberry like a fruit or a berry yeah okay yeah are you making fun of me no what no never i'm just kidding hopefully we find a magazine for this sporter you can rock that shoddy wait did you drop the shoddy yeah oh no i see it i see i see it on your back oh that's unfortunate really um okay no no i i know how to do this okay so where's this guy's mountain bag okay i'm gonna put it in the mountain okay all right now you're missing an arm okay check the mountain back nothing really mountain bike no this is this the mountain bag's on the body right here wait is it not in my hands right now no you're it's on your back and your hands are messed up try to uh put your hands up wrong one wrong no so put put the shotgun on your hands really quick put the shotguns in your hands and then hit f5 once it's in your hands ah that usually fixes it still shows us on your back that's so weird no shot oh well it's yours so enjoy it i worry though that it might be bugged for you and you might get you might be shooting blanks okay what about that sporter nope oh god we gotta get inside this couch inside uh get inside um i don't think so actually okay we just move over right here let's get inside yeah you need to get inside or else it's going to hurt real bad so i think we have a bit of a problem yeah me doing that i actually dropped the shotty and now it's bugged for me oh no oh no i see it on you i see it on your back still it's so weird yeah yeah it's on my back as i got knocked out hello are you there did you take a bunch of damage yeah hello you good man yeah we're good oh thanks down to right now yeah it hurts real bad being outside will pretty much kill you during that lots of fun okay let's try something else here can you get this 760 right here yeah i see that okay okay that's a good thing so maybe it's just the shoddy and the hunter pants yeah that's probably it yeah but like why you know kind of dude what so weird right well 10 seconds away from building feels bad kind of unfortunate tell me i have this poopy pistol i guess work okay hopefully i have 380 for this oh nice yeah just keep the shotgun dude i just worry like i said i worried that you're gonna be shooting blanks true hopefully not we'll see you could i want to say you could try to shoot it but i don't think i'm gonna even hear it oh wait oh oh oh i see it now whoa whoa hold on try to drop it okay so now it works all right you can keep it okay okay [ __ ] are you sure yeah yeah i'll use this a little i kind of like the pistol man i i really like that i mean you like the okay here take this i'll drop the 380 yeah i do won't say no to a shotgun you know going through the oh all right we're good okay shawty ambushed up oh i can't see it no um how do we fix this now what about my backpack no you don't have a backpack dude dude okay well i mean do you want your pistol back well there's there's six shots in here you know that ain't bad that's not good wait no i have an extra four i have an extra four i'm okay yeah we're good this is fine this is fine wait i i have the four though dude it duplicated uh no i don't i think what you have isn't true i think i think what i have is true do you see it in my hands you know that yeah try no no no you just have your fists out oh god so maybe all right you know what i i don't even know you see it on the ground see that on the ground no i don't i don't see anything dude this is wild okay i can't pick it back up so i don't have the right one you have the right one i see um okay well i mean you said uh you have ammo in it right so i think that that should be good enough that'll be fine dude so so scuffed man honestly well anyway you wanna my plan was to get to my body like so and not eat human meat because that sucks and uh fish yeah dude honestly okay do we have a fishing pole um we can make one yeah i say we just make one oh we can just make that out of rope and a long stick i think right yeah do we have rope yeah there's rope right here i saw rope yeah there you go oh i mean this is your lease so i'm assuming you already know you have a canteen so weird i could see the pistol in the backpack here or in the pants oh because it's in your pants i can see what's in your pants you have the pistol and the ammo and a mag right wait what yeah i can see what's inside your pants because i see his p well my old body's pant that is the weird this is weird i mean it's daisy for you right yeah all right well let's uh let's get some sticks and fish let's do it all right i got some of our loot i'm on you it's kind of okay well this was the guy we killed earlier he tried to hold us he tried to hold us up with a sporter and we both had sledgehammers and it worked out really great for us oh these sledgehammers are awesome i think it's soapy especially double all right well we get long sticks from this probably right yeah i'll get the other one okay god of course there's a storm too making it even harder or like it's even colder now okay um i have the rope i will make fishing rod and i have the bones so i'll go fishing wait what you don't have pants bro quarter just no no it's just glitch for you i i have pants on okay i swear i pants on yeah okay i'm gonna go fish okay let's go down the coast oh yeah your west side yeah yeah that that is pretty close to the dam it's just i can't see anything and it's hard to travel right now i'm just fishing i'm just gonna i'm gonna cook up a bunch of fish so that so that we're good to survive but being in a storm like this is always really shitty when you're fresh spawn like you have you honestly kind of have to wait it out you have to sit inside and just wait oh that's a good idea that's a very good idea thank you you want to do it here yeah just because it's cold as [ __ ] in the storm i think it's a good call dude it's so cold and it takes a while to fish on this map so i might be here a while very very good idea uh it might be too close to the water oh man i don't think it's going to work dude you're like so god no i'm trying to in other places and um this sucks because i'm not finding anything i got it i got it okay it is so good i'm fishing and just freezing it's so cold and i'm actually wearing pretty good gear i got a winter park on i'm gonna go get some more sticks okay this is rough we're getting a very bad string of luck i haven't found [ __ ] what's going on so finally let's go do you have a knife can you cut it up while i fish for more yeah yeah i got you better looking ponds yeah there's no ponds near me so on this map there's there's about two ponds that i can think of one being near research and the other one being um next to warehouses those are the two pawns that come to mind i don't really remember any other pawns existing on this map there's one down from the road from here yeah yeah in warehouse or next warehouse yeah i know that one oh no the one down there oh yeah yeah you're right there's a pond right there yeah right there you're actually right there is a pawn there that is very true i did use another what's going on here oh i'm catching them now that's okay i caught some shoes either often or what yeah i got some shoes not gonna lie that fire is saving my life nice wait like you can catch other stuff besides fish yeah real uh-huh i know that i'm dropping another hook okay it's rough out here man it's rough out here it's in the mall spray doing this alone would be so hard in this storm i think your only option if you were alone and in my position is probably just try to hide indoors i don't know stuff i mean you could probably multi-manage this have the fire fish cut the fish next to the fire i mean the only reason it's okay is because this fire is next to me so you could probably multi-manage that alone you can be alright so all right got another one i'm yellow apple yellow water all right um we could just i could try to catch one more or we could go cook it on the barrel inside i think we can catch one more okay i'm assuming your buddy's gonna be hungry too when he gets here yeah he's struggling right now because he got he he got hit by that storm and he was outside so he died and now he's oh geez now he's at the you know like the military docks which is actually not too far from here that's where he is right now but since he's a new spawn he's he's got nothing like being out in a storm like this is a new spawn stuff how's it going in there yeah you're still in there i mean this the storm let down a little bit like it's a little warmer um it's not as bad so you could probably traverse right now i'm still catching fish i think i'm gonna go for this i don't know where it is yeah you're at the docks right the docks military uh you might be at the one south i'm gonna go get some more sticks whatever someone said head along the coast when you get the and about hot about after a few minutes someone said cut a left now otherwise it'll take forever to go all the way around the coast of the dam there it is oh more shoes i see so did they lead you astray maybe uh i don't know i don't think so you are at the western melee by the houses yeah i'm gonna go to your stream really quick i think i know where you are oh yeah you're at that that okay yeah so you're actually closer to me than you think bkm06 is where you're at okay no that doesn't mean much to you but all right i caught it some words nice so he's actually a lot my friend's actually a lot closer but let's uh let's cook these do you have more sticks yeah i got i got one long stick you think i got keep the shotgun no i mean like to make a fire in there he gave me the truck yeah i'll just carry this one it was really bugged though like really i only want to know i can get i don't even know if it's gonna work like it was doing the thing where like he said he had it in his hands but it wasn't in his hands he dropped it it wasn't dropped we caught some fish and we're just gonna cook them up is he with you now yeah he helped me he gave me literally everything he's like oh this is your body's okay i mean honestly he probably knows it was my body's to begin with to be fair most of the nine times out of ten they know who you are i've got a railgun battery apparently nice that's a start make the fire in here cut this fish up oh my hands are gonna be dirty maybe i should do it without oh wait no gloves never mind your foot you're good you're good gloves prevent that from happening oh looking good so can you see this in my hands hello oh yes you can okay you see it okay yeah yeah i can so it should work hopefully is oh once i cook this fish i will uh make my way to you i guess which way do i leave out of this place towards the sun away from the sun uh towards the sun like directly so i believe we can start eating these at 50 degrees i think it's 60 i just at 70 up i think is the problem i think it's 60. okay 60 or 70 i'm not sure it doesn't do as much damage that once did so it's not that big a deal if you accidentally mess up i don't want this backpack oh my god i just heard a full auto what the heck it's always really rare to hear full auto in this because it feels game yeah did you hear that what is there someone asking a zombie outside behind us behind us that way okay so i carried over the sun i'm now at the water again over the other side of the water one of them sorry i'm having a huge fight here got ambushed shocker that was a big ambush too what in the [Music] world ah good timing dude a huge fight oh my god my audio is messing up and [ __ ] what is going on i don't know i just got ambushed by like a squad and then i don't think they were all on the same team so uh my friend died i didn't get my fish which was the worst part i left it there no i caught four fish but i left them there because we got we got surprise attacks and i'm sad about it [Music] he's getting messed up i think zombies are beating his ass i think he just died the zombies let's go i'm the winner i think i think i don't know i think everyone died oh yeah he got owned he got owned this guy's a decent gear sneaky are you [ __ ] kidding me what is this trap come on back to my spot back to my spot my spot's goated really i think it was a bit of a is that you who near the tree that's not me is that you no it's not you shot me what no i didn't yeah i i don't think you're rocky i'm not sure what that was all about i'm getting messed up by zombies though there's so many hp's low those guys got him or those guys ambushed me and got [ __ ] owned so hard i love it one died to zombies the other one died to me but my buddy died too and i feel kind of bad but oh well he died for a good cause that cause was me that was crazy holy scared the crap out of me they had plate carriers too both of them took so many shotgun shots [ __ ] the [ __ ] now you could find them on military zombies so i'm assuming that's what they did time to loot if you come here i'll try to hold it down as best as i can i'm assuming actually is this a plate carrier oh it is play carry with pouches yeah they're like yeah they had decent like not really though he had like a little pistol yeah he used he used a 1911. oh he had an sks what the oh my god yes vss and [ __ ] jesus what they [ __ ] it up i don't know i don't know how they [ __ ] up not a clue how did i don't know how they [ __ ] up this assassination [Laughter] gg my dude that's crazy all right look up here damn is that scary at one end of the uh yeah yeah yeah you're here yep plate carrier's still in good condition i can repair it all of these bullets goss rifle mag dude these guys were geared then they got into shroud i have to take this plate carrier i don't really care it's too juicy not to take bss so i'm dropping all of their loot on the floor um just in case their bodies despawn his bodies despawn fairly quickly i'm going to assume those guys were decent players well i mean they should they lost but decent as in they they probably know where this is so they're going to try to get back here but since i have all their gear it's very unlikely in mind they couldn't kill you with the gear true turning up cold like give me the gear back it'll be like that [ __ ] guy with a sport or whatever again stand still don't put your hands up no this guy's got a plate carrier as well and the mosin dude all right we're good we're geared as [ __ ] still got that scope from the he's i mean it's already got a scope on it these guys were super these guys were super geared along that little skinny part here like we did last time they weren't super cute but i'm half on food and water though oh that's fine i'll uh here i'll take you to the body and you can just take literally all of his loot i cycle i cycled it so that it's easier to find because you'll see how he went down it's pretty good all right i'll be on you any second i killed i think i've killed like 15 zombies he went into the bugged building he had the knot he had he had bad knowledge so this building right here but zombies go through the door only this one and you'll see you'll see what happened when you go inside he's in here i took all of his loot and i dropped it out front right here in this little pile but he's over he's in there he had a bad time did i take his career uh yeah i dropped his carrier in the in the pile he's got a plate carrier in the pile or you could take that one that one on the zombie could be fresh i don't know once you're done looting that um the other piles of loot are here oh let me feed you some fish while you do some inventory management i'll feed you fish you just keep doing your thing ah thanks dude you got helmet now right yeah i've got a helmet too but it's not it's not very good insulation is it worth wearing it i i don't think so honestly i'm only wearing it because it has a spot for nvgs if i happen to find them or a universal flashlight or something you know you took that mosin i assume oh yeah it's still on the ground you can take that burlap if you want or you can use the ghillie or whatever holy crap at first i thought those were a bunch of stream snipers but they just weren't you could tell that they weren't i was that like if their gear was a little weak i'd say maybe but not with that gear those guys have been playing a little bit no no you can take them mostly i'll use the cess gas we're all good this one doesn't have a p on it oh it doesn't oh crap um my my dead friend over here might have a pu oh he's got mvg headstrap you should take those yeah there's a pu here i'll drop this guy's loot on the floor there's any pistols there's a bunch of pistol mags here yeah there's an ij here but i don't even want to use it i have a colt 1911 but here's the pu scope oh drop that rifle rap dude i'm telling you it's not worth it so beautiful it's terrible it's when it's when it's on your back as a weapon it'll like block your line of view and it weighs three kilos for some reason but it does look cool so it's up to you i just don't like the weight of it that's my biggest concern it's so heavy for rifle wrap like what you want to wear it though wear it if you run into the problem where you have an ar and that thing on your back you'll have the rifle wrap gun on your back and it'll be blocking your vision in your front it's really weird that's why i don't like it personally okay your call though of course there's a bunch of boxes of bullets in this guy's field jacket doesn't seem to only take like one millimeter off my stamina bar i'm not too bothered but if he starts [ __ ] with me if i go double gun then yeah i'll drop him yeah it blocks it blocks an unnecessary amount of your screen that's why i don't like it even when you're just holding right click and when you have it on your back and you're crouched and you're prone and stuff it's weird that was awesome the loot just came to us there's more loot over here um kind of holding it there's a vss i kind of want to put it in my backpack should i actually why not guide a revolver and he didn't even load it or maybe he magnum that couldn't figure out how to reload oh he definitely mag dumped for sure i heard it there's matches in a lighter here an extra sledgehammer that you can fit in your pouch um and then we should be good to go i don't want to hang out here for too long because it's such a hot area ah i'm cold man because my gloves oh because it's wet i need to i need to fix this i need it i need it's bad if i don't someone don't get sniped pretty common spot to be looking at oh somebody shot a goss rifle i don't know if you heard that yeah it sounded like distorted almost there's another shot from the goss i need to i'm good too but i need to i need to get warm we both need we both need to get warm unfortunately we have to hold out here a little longer come this building where we died i'm assuming you took that guy's like lighter and stuff yeah okay cool yeah i don't want to stick around for too much longer healing sorry um uh go on you gotta what now have we gotta cast back later uh yeah i have it yeah i want to do some inventory management as well but not until we're a little safer this area is so hot what repair plate carry now another repair uh duct tape no uh yeah leather leather leather leather i was like what before you said that you went yeah because i thought i didn't i thought but no that's good i've got leather no i'm fixing mine up with my leather kit i had no idea actually i don't use plate carriers often i usually drop them my plate carrier is wet so i had to drop it make sure you check your clothes make sure you don't have anything that's wet or damp or whatever dried off a little bit because they were out in the storm their loot was out in the storm so okay i've dropped my back there i don't want to use this backpack but that's what it is you have a bunch of 22 you can drop in that burlap also i have a bunch of shotgun ammo if you uh need to reload that thing yeah that guy had so much this guy i have so many bullets dude in these pouches i'm gonna drop the pouches for you so you just take a peek at bottom there pouches that's what was in his pouches when i killed him just a bun just a bunch of bullets like all right we can get out of here we'll be good i'm really heavy because i'm carrying three guns a pistol yeah i have it okay cool is it worth connecting it to that large gas canister on the floor rather than i connected to a medium one um yeah it's better than yeah large one i didn't see that i didn't see it yeah i could do it i could do it it doesn't make it any bigger either just makes it last longer definitely worth it nice so i have a goss rifle magazine you have a goss rifle battery so we just need bullets and i have a goss rifle scope i think oh ready wait no i swear one of them i don't want to go out there i'm scared i swear i saw one on the bodies did you drop a stack of normal shotguns anyway um a stack of normal shotgun shells the reckless are you still here oh it's the guy hey you made it back you you're still alive yeah i killed the booth my buddy's here too you killed him yeah my buddy's right here we got all the ladies nice hello my name is johnny ben yep how are you doing oh i'm doing good now i'm good i'm so glad you made it out there yeah dude my gun jammed on me like like actually jammed or was shooting blanks yeah no actually jammed the pistol all right well the because i saw you me and my me and my buddy no offense we're just gonna roll together just because we're gonna you know stay in discord and whatnot but there is the loot there's extra loot in that house from the guy i killed and then the two bodies where you died you get what get whatever you'd like you know we're just going to do our own thing okay appreciate that thank you i mean you saved my life you called them out for me so i appreciate that you literally saved my ass i'm just going to play with my buddy here learn the map and stuff yeah you're good yeah this map is fine are you good are you warm zach yeah okay all right well good luck wish you all the best good luck man thank you later boys my chats was so sad they're like no he helped you but i really don't want to be micromanaging talking in game and talking in discord like if if if you were somebody i met um in game and i was talking to you in person like in game anyway then i would say yeah sure whatever come along but i just i don't want to micromanage two different chat logs that's annoying yeah through that did you have any uh can i grab like six book shots sometimes just for this time oh yeah yeah in case you guys spicy here thank you let's uh let's probably try to make it our goal here to hunts for animals maybe so we have some food so we're good to go imagine this guy stalks us and kills us how slow are you walking what's your bar about half about half yeah i mean i'm gonna look through my gear in a minute see if i can drop i mean i might drop the shotgun i can't reload it from this shotgun i think it's [ __ ] that's it yeah they've gone three kilos as well so i'm gonna drop the shotgun ammo okay shotgun bowlers pesco uh yeah you can keep one but i have this i think i have this rail yeah i have a rail on this sks so i could just use the same scope that i'm using on this sks on amazon if i wanted to so i think i'll be okay you can drop it okay yeah we kind of want to try to stay away from fights for now because we're healing up and stuff yeah i'm still like that's why i'm kind of keeping to the side here in the trees lightly pacing not really sprinting or anything i worry that pat's big time and you need a jacket yeah yeah yeah this winter park is not good i mean where i'm gonna get that isn't a military spot there's some camps to the left but i think it's a little too [ __ ] up you know what now just preparing some clothes okay and i want to drop this backpack because i absolutely hate it i hate these big ones do you see a silver kit on my feet here i can't repair stuff because the service loose oh yeah all this loot is [ __ ] yep uh i don't see it no i have one though yeah all of that loot in that area seemed so messed up you see it there are steps i think baby steps extraction think so you didn't see the sewing kit either oh i could see it but i couldn't when i click on it doesn't do anything i think we've got the same one oh it's one of those yeah all of that loot in that area was so messed up um how do we do this i mean the best way to fix it all is simply just re-logging yeah well luckily we have priority but yeah we had to do this earlier because smoke had to relock because this light wasn't working yeah like my gun my gun wouldn't abs just now i'll say a minute and it wouldn't abs and it wouldn't fire well you have yeah you have bullets in your hands oh my my green i may be in the revolver yeah no no no it's totally [ __ ] up okay i think maybe maybe we maybe we should just relock i'm gonna relog too it's you're probably gonna lose some items but it's for the best oh my god what's crazy is that this exact issue seems to be only happening today after that um the mollusk fix or whatever that they were trying to do because when i played solo for 12 hours or however long it was i never ran into that issue when i played with smoke the only issue we had was with a headlamp but a headlamp is a diff a whole entirely different bug yeah it's crazy so you know what i think happened i think it's because maybe i was out of sync it all started with us dying and then that guy looting my body and then him giving me his loot that was me and then i think it just caused this weird circle of just yeah like passing on this bugged loot everywhere and i didn't know what was real or what what wasn't because me and him were having so many problems yep crazy and like my that guy that met up with us there he when we were in that gun fight when those guys ambushed us he was shooting his gun without he didn't he hit his fists out and then he came back and he said my sporter was bugged and i was like i didn't even see a sporter oh no so that's crazy all these games have that i have that in tarkov uh not long back i was on reserve and i was shooting a raider in the head and i was like dude i'm hitting this race like 50 times you won't die i can see the blood and everything and on my screen bang bang bang headshot headshot and then i watched him click back on break stream and he's laughing his head off my guys just stood there with empty hands just put or whatever yep and he's like what i don't know why it's a survival game thing dude it's weird i don't get it like they all use some kind of hey can i get the code for the thing and they all just use the same code to make these games and it's got the same book i don't get how everyone gets the same issues so much i'm assuming you're in i'm in it i can i can fix my clothes now what the [ __ ] so probably when i log in that kit won't be in my inventory that's probably the one i've caught and those people those bullets i dropped i don't know what where those went or why those were bugs i'm joining now 15 seconds five four okay loading in all right no i still have that that's something good i see you aiming a revolver yeah it seems to be okay now people wet there's an animal up ahead i want to hunt it yeah um duct tape i do want to make espresso that we can do a selfie still do you see it oh yeah yeah okay i think you might need to empty them maybe not let's see you got any chlorine you might as well drink it oh about the same maybe we can both take a swig yeah i don't know how much i drank i was didn't know i don't know if i needed to go to half or a quarter i just went to a quarter so i actually have a water bottle suppressor too take this one and i'll make another one okay take that one put it on your mouse and you're gonna be the one that gets the killing shot i think is your mosin's gonna one-shot this animal i wouldn't with my sks i don't think i think it's bores i guess elk did that kind of thing sounds like boars to me it's too it's too consistent like an elk goes like once every like minute this just keeps happening the noise and i've killed a boar here yesterday so i'm assuming it's the same sponsor there should be two of them maybe it is an elk action i don't know maybe maybe this balls are just random like it could be either i oh i see one what is that what's a is that a cow what is that thing it's like a camel to me i don't even know where you're gonna want to shoot that thing but i'll i don't want to shoot it in the ass in case like it's [ __ ] that hitbox oh it's a borer okay yeah there's a boar just looks weird from the butt oh god yeah actually shooting in the butt you're right is shooting into the butt's bad i shot one of those on the butt and it didn't do anything but i shot on the side like near the head and at one shot i'll go left okay mine's gonna be wait wait wait wait okay i'll go right okay got three uh you want to cut one up each or one cover and one cut okay yeah now let's double it up i've got like one steak one fat hmm i got four four steak one fat oh wow i got one steak one flat i'm gonna throw a pristine knife it's not the knife quality it's the damage that's done to the animal oh shot in the head i think that was the problem i shot him in like the uh shoulder kind of there's some daisy hey you shot the animal in the head yeah i don't know i don't think it's that though i think it's actually the damage done i think because your caliber is bigger than mine it does more damage like mine was enough to one-shot it but yours went way far you know that's what i think it is i don't know though how do you want to cook this you want to use it on the gas stove real quick yeah i just throw a meat in a fat for the let's do it in these bushes here because whatever these high trees combat knife oh two knives i think oh and some five four five i'm gonna drop my kitchen knife yeah just like in these trees okay it's a nice little trailer here trio get it wow [Music] where'd it go oh it's up in the tray yeah yeah that'll work it's a little weird but it'll work i don't understand this game dude i don't get how trees are so like what why is the collision on them so weird i don't understand must be something i'm missing yeah see i feel like this isn't getting me warm like the i mean it is going up i guess yeah i'm on boston i think you get that just from isolation gear printing and b [Music] that's true you're hiding from the wind when you're in trees like this i love how you still have the basic spawn pants i know i don't have epoxy here you can take those pieces and then you could put in your fat if you want to cook it or your your two pieces whatever it is don't eat the meat yet yeah you need epoxy putty to fix helmets now there's also like different ways of fixing cars now there's like uh there's like a little it's kind of like a sewing kit for cars electrical electrical kit i don't know what it's called but you need to fix batteries and spark plugs constantly so you can't just drive around endlessly oh that's cool yeah but there's no vehicles on this map because it's just so unnecessary that's tiny dude this is terrible look out there look through the trees right now we might need to get some cover you can get your meat yeah we might need to get some we might need to get somewhere like a little building maybe um oh yeah my temperature just went from boston yeah it's gonna be really cold okay well there's some warehouses down here already i do yeah it's gonna become it's gonna be hard for me to navigate because i can't see very far but i think there's some warehouses down here oh god i can't see temperature's going up anything so my installation must be good when i sprint my health is going down it's like something dark blue now yeah your health will go down if it's like dark blue if it's light blue you're still chilling i can't see anything dude i know we're going south but that's about all i know yeah unfortunately we're gonna have to kind of we're gonna have to kind of keep running just because we need to stay warm as soon as you're staming a full sprint jesus i'm ditching the gilly wrap on my gun so you don't freak out when they see me okay i should be running with my gun out what's the chance we bump into people here i think you're a little slower oh no building again no no no no no 380 alter rounds oh god we're wet this is how you get frostbite by the way when you're out just when you're out in the storm for far too long oh there's a road here yeah i'm trying to take us to warehouses and i think this is it right in front of us it is it is okay this is warehouses it's a pretty hot spot so um i need to get some sticks first oh you got sticks okay okay we'll get in there um there's a little tower with uh there's a little tower with a barrel in the center i'm gonna have my gun out though yeah you can you could kind of walk past them because of the storm and the storm kind of makes it harder for them i think in here you can make a fire this is what i'm thinking of there's a gas stove in here oh yeah and here's a fireplace which one did you get uh this like tower looking thing oh that's not you yeah you went behind the building here you cutting them up yeah in here gas stove in here and we'll make the fire in this fireplace we'll huddle up until this is done we might fire in the fireplace well you just stick the you open it up and then you just have the sticks and hands and you attach it and then he's kindling there right yeah i could use my bark i have a bunch of it sorry all right threw it in anyway and you're good now we just light it with uh matches that'll work i wonder if this light sends a plume of smoke out i suppose you want to matter in this that yeah that's the beauty of it it does every chimney every like inside will have a chimney so it will but it's kind of hard to see there's some windows up here too to kind of get a understanding of what the condition is i'm gonna drop my clothes though i'm gonna wait for i'm gonna wait for you to drop your clothes and then i'll drop that so there's a stack of them close the windows come on oh you can't even close the windows i actually thought you could for a second i was like wait really i don't like that you have to drop everything i feel like it should just get warm on your person but yeah not weird nice and cozy get some hot cocoa there's a snow mask on the floor here yeah i put it right here that might be worth you wearing dope with your [ __ ] jacket you'll like this no worry i worry that's gonna be too bright i want to get rid of this jacket for this being a snow map you're not much you're you're not like you're not you're not in snow much unless you unless you play the mountains a lot but nobody plays the mountains because you get so cold so fast one thing i missed that they added to the game that i thought was super cool you could get um short sticks and add metal wire to make a trip wire and then you could hold it in your hands and add a grenade and then you could place the trip wire and when someone sprinted through it it pulled the pin on the grenade so like say you're in the barracks or something in the airfield you could put it in the door of the maybe the fire station or something and put a flashbang on it and then when you're looting around somewhere else you just said in the distance like oh [ __ ] someone's in the fight station you go and fight this [ __ ] cool man and they took it out trip so so you'd use sticks metal wire and you could make uh tripwire so it's like two sticks on the floor with the wire between but then you could add a grenade and then when they touch the tripwire whatever grenade is added whether it's a frag or a flash or whatever just goes off like a normal grenade so what like three seconds down the line it just flows up so basically booby traps yeah that's kind of cool that was [ __ ] cool man i mean that's better than land mines man just wait until you die to a land mine it's gonna suck yeah because you can you see how like thick those bushes are yeah you're not gonna check you're not you're not gonna see it you're just gonna die randomly and you're gonna hate it yeah i'd be totally fine if it like put you on flashing red health bleeding if it just kills you out right it's like there's a chance you live but everyone i see dies instantly so we could also call it maybe they made it make like a clink sound when you touch it so you've got literally one second and if you go prone to something it does half damage or whatever so if you're really really reactive you can hear click and go [ __ ] prone and then like survive it but if you just walk over and go what was that yeah just anything to make it a skill check rather than just click do you know that after survivor games five they added a 42 to the bottom of the land mine as a reference to me question really yeah do you ever get the land mine look it upside down on the preview in this big fight i had no idea actually you probably eat your meat right now oh yeah thanks hey is money if i expose my jacket look a bit cooler now i got a jeans on or something looking real casual i wonder should i take this rider jacket right next to you can i see it really quick let me see the condition low should i try to repair it and see what i get oh it's medium on the right jacket that's not worth it yeah i don't think you can repair anything no no i mean the insulation is what i meant oh i think about the quality no i don't know i'd like it because once you get it from badly damaged to worn uh i wonder what it'll what underwater it'll give me it might be high mine's currently best brightness jacket is high but it's okay you think it's worth it it might look a little bit better make you a lot easier probably worth it i'll do it why not oh you can repair to pristine if you've leveled this repair scale yeah that takes so long it is a thing and it's never gonna happen tell you that right now i can tell you right now it won't happen okay don't listen to those people that takes so long so ridiculous all you have to do is grind it like you're playing tarkov leveling strength that's four weeks and then you can prepare your pristine you know looks a little better i guess gotta get rid of this backpack now yeah you look like negan from there walking dead i played verano with the farmer girl from walking dead what's with the low stamina because i'm wearing a plate carrier i'm carrying three guns some carrot i'm carrying a shotgun i'm carrying an sks i'm carrying a sledgehammer i'm carrying a vss and i have a plate carrier and i have a pistol all the like i just i have a lot of stuff on me i have this huge backpack my stamina is really low because i just i'm a mule right now i need to i need to downsize a little bit i'm so worried that someone's going to know we're here and they're going to hold this door when we leave yeah we could try to be on the move we could move out in the storm and hope that it kind of goes away yeah we're pretty i'm white health now but still like half or whatever but what i'm gonna do actually is i'm gonna grab this fat and i'm gonna put it on the top here i'm gonna let it just get a little warmer is that a thing yeah i'm gonna let it get it warm and then i'm just gonna roll with that yeah how'd you put on the top oh in the cooking section yeah put it in the cooking section let it get to 100 and then we can move out just careful not to burn it but shouldn't take long fire's about to end anyway so we're gonna have to roll out and then put it put it back in your like jacket or whatever and we'll be good to go i think we're good [ __ ] come back like walk past high solution booth just saying i didn't i didn't know there was boots they're right there i'm bad when it comes i'm bad when it comes to looking at random little items car battery no nothing good here burlap sack i guess if i want to make a backpack pop replacement gloves in case we need them not much here i'm pretty sure you could make uh make igloos what did you decide i'm pretty sure you could make igloos on this map you get um you know how you make a you know how you make like one of those mini tents the shelter kits uh you you do it the same way where you make a shelter kit with like sticks and a rope and then you grab snowballs and you you have a bunch of snowballs and you can make a little igloo i haven't done it but i know you can do it has it been drinking chat let's go let's go i swear i swear you can make igloos you can also kill a bear and uh make a bear head that's pretty cool [ __ ] let's go you kill a bird you can put his head on your head and put his paws what i think okay i don't know about all that but i know you can make igloos i haven't seen one this can't be that hard to make getting snowballs is pretty easy yeah i haven't played daisy enough to like want to do tents but when i was getting into when i was playing the most when it first came out oh my god i had tents everywhere m4s goss rifles just little stashes was really fun we're getting kind of close to oh my god it sounded like someone was moving to my left that scared me we're getting kind of close to research i'm not cool enough to know what that means yet you never made it down here did you we played and we i think we got to that other side of the map near the hospital yeah we logged off and then i never played again yeah this map is really really cool you'll see what research is dope um pretty hot though pvp wise you [ __ ] shot clean in the head yeah he was trying to not let on who he was so he's like can i get food and you just walked up and shot him in the head like negan like what the [ __ ] is that about yeah all right here's the walls of research um i want to try to break up pvp it's just that's like a military loot area and it's really fun for pvp just because of how it's laid out i want to get us a good angle so you can truly see all of it um i think we coming from the left here we're gonna have to find a this wall's huge we're gonna find a hole yeah we can vault it if we have the stamina but i don't think we do so we have to go under oh you do come over bro you can throw your bag over put your bag in your hand aim at it oh okay i went under anyway this can get us a decent angle so you could kind of see and understand to the left here is like it's like the i think it's called uranium mine to the left it's just a bunch of like factories and some military loot here and there but over here is research institute and just over this hill you'll see what it looks like oh dude should be getting a pretty good angle yeah it's over here oh holy [ __ ] so that there's that big building and there's like a helipad and you can get in the windows over there you can kind of see them if you scope in those glass windows yeah um yeah yeah no you could go inside of them yeah there's barracks to the right here there's like three or four of them uh i don't really like hitting them because there's so many zombies i like going down here but yeah there's like this is this huge research wing and there's uh two bunkers one's a small bunker with it's like pretty small it doesn't have much loot the other one's a little bit bigger a bigger one they're kind of dark so you might need a flashlight um to the left is gonna be i think three barracks see that like little bridge in the center that connects the two buildings yeah the sky bridge is cool [ __ ] cool yeah i know this this area is very very cool there's a lot of windows to be like sneaky and like stock people there's these barracks here i'm a shotgun out actually for land mines think this has been looted but it's always worth the check there's some boots here you need a swap still a white assault vest that's a hard pass and the first one right here if you peek this side over here too is there's a lot i it's scary but there's a lot of cars here and all of these cars have a lot of loot and then the doors the trunks the front fat like the side there's a bunch of loot there but uh i'm too scared of it because of land mines because it's all bushes i literally don't even touch it i don't go there just because i'm too scared to blow up oh that's pretty good that's cool uh can i replace your helmet yeah i don't think it's worth it but it looks cool keeps you warm i like the ambient music when you get here yeah it feels [ __ ] cool she's totally just forced to grab this the audio and it's so good sg5k i don't have any mags for that though is there an sp5k back here i think yeah yeah oh i don't know if i want it though i have an sks and a shotgun i think i'm okay i'm good i'm good i'm gonna do my daisy mid maxing [ __ ] and take it and throw it away so no one else walks in that's like that that's exactly what uh smoke does oh player player in the in the parking lot right in front of us i think he saw us he was pretty close like pretty close i backed up a little bit so careful i'm trying to get an angle wide right you good i win you know where he went i think he's behind that car on the left by that little vehicle okay he's needing unless that's you that's you behind me right yeah he's in there this is tough stuff it was the flash it was a flash of flash man this guy's a chad holy [ __ ] he's dead that guy's a chad oh my god well done from that guy you died huh yeah yeah the flashbang knocked out i guess yeah you can't sprint yeah you can't sprint that scared the [ __ ] i couldn't sprint either i had to just sit there and take it that guy's a freaking super chad there's so many zombies oh my god dude he full he hit you with a flash and he jiggle peek then just full um full mouse one with an m4 just so many shots and then he did it to me but he whiffed everything on me like i was playing like with siege with all the liens he probably didn't even ads either he likes to just hold right quick when he does that pretty common just glad i killed him they won't go in this building this is weird they refuse to go in this building look at this all right i have so many zombies on me that i'm probably going to get jumped by another player and die like it's so obvious where i am yeah oh my like that my body always did nothing literally huh maybe he hit you with a lot of bullets i guess i don't know if i wish my shot i had him right in my cross there he was pretty much stationary so i was like okay this is when i fire and as i pull the trigger he just skips to the right like a full sprint like okay [ __ ] i forgot how the momentum isn't it easy you can kind of go from zero to print to zero to run it quite quickly i'd assume he has a friend so i might just get blasted here looting him he had an akm that's what he was using i'm dead i knew it i knew it his buddy came i should have i should have been aware of that scared the [ __ ] out of me already had a buddy yeah i i i figured there's a most people don't roam like that alone yeah scared me it's cool that you can go in like less than an hour you can go from naked to fully geared to a decent pvp fight yeah that's that's the fun of this map the fun of this map is you're not spending so much yeah you're not you're not spending all this time getting super geared you can find a good gun go down south find a bunch of good guns get into a fight whatever yeah that was cool like i said that's a pvp spot you as a first experience that sucks that you didn't get to see it all but there's a lot of cool [ __ ] past where we where we died of those guys yeah no i enjoyed it just unlucky just getting hit by a blind flash of them insta headshot on a push but yeah i was i was worried that he heard us because i thought i heard him i think he was just alongside that wall he hadn't because he was just like when i keep the corner he looked like he was losing something which is why i'm just shot he's aiming at the floor crouch stationary oh so he oh so he never saw us the first time no no no no no so when i pieced he was stationary looking at the floor looting but then i clicked and he just skitted to the side like [ __ ] bullet time like super fast ah that which really sucks that sucks well it's getting it's getting dark now so [ __ ] yeah those guys are pretty good most people just whiff that's the first time i've ever had a flashbang used against me in dayz in my life so yeah i don't think they were kind of average players yeah truly shocked because most people that range you're not gonna win yeah most most people just like crumble in that situation like they whiff everything they never hit you but if you're throwing flashbangs against your opponents you're you're probably you're probably pretty confident i'd imagine yeah like double fracked as well yeah he fragged right right left and then the route over and peaked that's cool i think that was the first time i got it with the stun as well nobody really uses those immediately especially because you think it's a nade i actually thought it was an aid at first i was looking at it in the air and it looked like a roll of toothpaste or something so i was like a smoke i was literally looking at it like it was in the middle of my screen and then it exploded nothing happened i went oh that's weird and then i tried to sprint and i couldn't move and i was like wait a minute is this you that i don't say oh okay never mind you like looked at me kind of funny i thought it was you this is another naked guy that's funny yeah the flashbang scared the crap out of me so loud louder than a nade felt like probably because it hit us it's a bit lame that it should have to me i was literally looking it doesn't it doesn't flash they don't have that in this game they should totally they should that'd be awesome if you flashed me and killed me i'd have been like dude that was sick i mean people like peek a corner and fire but he literally sprinted out from behind the cover like bolted around the corner and that's dead before you even raised his gun yeah that's kind of if you have an automatic that's kind of the way to play you don't aim down sight you hold right you like swing you hold right click and just left click kind of like tarkov you know but most people don't do that most people play kind of sneaky go for the one shots depends everyone's got their play styles i killed him with a shotgun so yeah the sick i've got so many kills with shotguns back in the day i like him i don't know why i just threw my life away like i said it i said i was gonna die to his friend i shouldn't have done that but we can try to meet up here i'm next to vorkuta if you are i don't know where i am but i can hear gunshots and can hear those don't hear anything i heard them a second ago but support me in the woods somewhere so i don't really have any points yet that's a fun sesh regardless yeah no that was sick i was sick like it was epitomic the survival was cool your fight where you barely survived and then we lose it was cool yeah so surviving that storm yeah this is the only map i'll play now i'll i literally won't touch anything else i heard good things about something called deer isles yeah i heard good things about it i've never tried it also if you cut a bush down and your hands are bleeding uh don't even bother wasting a rag on it also in chat said they literally oh my hands are bleeding now but from um going down a bladder yeah it doesn't when your hands bleed you don't really need to waste a rag for it it's minimal blood loss i think i played dear isles in daisy mod it sounds familiar i don't remember anything about it though i played mod a lot i killed you a lot you and your btr gang unless it wasn't you and that was another chisel chisel that's who it was never mind it was chiseled there's chisel in his gang that's right that's right start with an s close enough i don't know more or less there yeah i played on the the midnight crew server and daisy mod i don't know if you're familiar with that but it was wild biplanes btrs freaking humvees with like machine guns up top wild yeah like the humvee's from squad right like with the crow's nest on top yeah all the mountains they also had the black suv that also had something up top too oh yeah the mini gun yeah that's fun that's from an armored two models and then they just put it in there's a fun daisy server it's so weird like it's such a weird um like daisy mod because there wasn't even really zombies it was just about killing people that's just anonymous three moderate elements uh life and for cuda again stuck in the loop every time i play this map i get cold like if i hear the wind i don't know and i hear yeah and i hear my character kind of like shivering i get cold so it's weird yeah 100 when it's raining and there's like wind blaster yeah oh it's cold in here you're like what that makes no sense buddy oh i don't have gloves so i'll be able to slide down these i feel like anyone you kill at that research station unless you kill them like indoors somewhere hidden away you don't touch the loot don't don't leave them like it seems like a terrible idea it depends you do the uh you do the strat where you go out of his body grab his backpack put it put it in your wall grab his shirt put it in your wall if you do that one by one by one and you have someone covering you it's not too bad typically yeah but yeah if you get into a huge fight and you kill one you have to leave it for a while because more often than not they have friends or somebody heard 30 bullets get shot yeah yes usually when i play i actually don't touch bodies for a very very long time my chat hates me for it but i just leave it alone i don't even get near it i go into a completely different spot and i come back later to see if it's there just because i've died so many times looting yep countless times really it's less than talk off yeah and there's so much loot you could just find on the ground like yeah it's cool to get a head start and get it from a person but is it worth risking your life yeah not really oh it's work god it's just like how we started again though night time it's annoying it's just it's just hard we're going through the hard the the hard cycle basically it's getting unlucky oh i'm near fire time to go afk i'm gonna get something to drink this doesn't take forever i'll bring it back i'm gonna get something to drink something with a flashlight and a shotgun that's terrifying yeah i was literally just like i made a fireplace i'm like oh i'm scared of a little rest batman and now there's a flashlight chasing like jesus christ like he's absolutely horseshit i was literally stopped sailing with two shotgun shots yeah that's how most people are i'm surprised we ran into some chads i don't often run into chads in this game those are the kind of people that hit the dms beforehand and you you know there's daisy stand alone dms right they're crazy there's actually standalone dm servers and you can practice with everything m4s akms whatever uh sorry dm's deathmatch deathmatch i thought you meant direct messages like no no no usually i hit up the dms i thought you meant messages from like viewers like hey you want to play no no no some people literally hit up deathmatch before they play just so they know like they're always confident the fights they get yeah that was a good idea that's what i used to do when i used to play daisy if i come back to it after six months i've just played dms sitting by fire high octane gaming is there some servers that don't even have any of the cold mechanics i don't even bother with it what's the point i don't know they're the map i guess they like the layout of the map i personally like the my my the biggest thing i like about this map is the fact that i have to consider what i'm wearing and consider the fact like oh i might not want to get into this fight because i'm shaking right now yeah and then you have to strategically think about like hey do i make a fire do i go in a house if i do make a fire where's the best set of trees i don't know i like that i like that about it yeah 100 it was cool when we found that little base in the during the storm and we're like oh we can make a fire here because the chimney won't get seen and we'll we can cover the door like that felt cool but like a survival game for once yeah they turn off the weather too i've heard that no storms just always you know the storms is what makes it interesting because that's when you really have to call an audible you have to be good with the map too because you can't see so you have to know okay where's the closest building because i don't want to get frostbite i don't know i'm a fan this is literally the only only map i play have you played livonia yep livonia is not bad so they're planned like once you've once you're like oh new building oh new building oh new bui yeah true fair there yeah this map seems to be more about its like points of interest like research a1 a2 a3 which i haven't even gone to because it's a mission and a half to get there this is not a good melee weapon noted yeah are these zombies waiting for me does this guy have a holster he does dude there's so many zombies out there i hope they're not waiting for me oh it's dark it's real dark what the lady bro these zombies have super hearing how do you hear me how far are you to hear me oh it's the dead guy that's actually kind of nice i blocked it lady i hit her with the [ __ ] counter real quick hit him with the counter too what's up little block little swing wait were those hiking boots yes give me the boot well if you ever see vorakuta that's where i am right now until i'm gonna be dead but this sniper's there's night yeah the snipers everywhere always i feel like i'm always being watched from a tower somewhere i just try to uh get a couple cans of food make a fire thaw him out and then i just go south every time that's my problem well are you at the same with the big same one as last time yeah um if you just go north there's a couple houses which are pretty good for luke there's like four of them but still they they're not bad and there's also another little mini town east i believe oh my god i can't see i'm literally dying jesus dying of no food right now that's about 10 minutes run from food so i might as well not even pull myself off my total respawn yeah there's a water pump and there's like four to four to six houses if you just go little north west it's really really like really close that's where like the map knowledge is handy because you don't even need the map you just know which direction to sprint from ski mask down there oh i thought i had a ski mask oh [ __ ] i don't i'm stupid i thought i had one why is there so many school backpacks up here how long have we been live today uh 10 and a half hours i'm assuming you're gonna get going soon jesus that's a grind this time we've had fun for a long time nice i like to hear yeah i have another character that's super geared and super close to the portal to a3 um i'm gonna wait on him for i don't know one day something i like having multiple characters i like restarting a lot because then you always know like okay you know what i don't want to go through the loop of spawning fresh i'm going to go on my geared guy you used to give me [ __ ] about it no i mean smoke does it and not only does smoke do it too he has multiple um his multiple accounts so that he can have even more than the normal yeah no i i was that's what i used to do i used to um i used to uh have four different armored two accounts and that would level up characters on all the servers yeah uh on all the accounts but then people like oh my god that's cheating it's like how's it cheating i spent an enormous amount of time leveling each person and getting them geared how's that cheating getting anyway that makes no sense no cheating maybe they think it's cheating because they might think it's a a hive system where you're bouncing around i don't know who knows who knows how people's brains work i was just drinking from a from a fountain or some sweat hit you uh so yeah i'm like um drinking and a guy runs out of the woods in a full gilly suit and swings and won't spade at me and i just take one step back and he misses i'm like good job [ __ ] and he's like yep he just turns around and walks up now he's following me because he's got tiny penis [Laughter] guys people love to just i don't know they love to pick on uh pick on little fresh spawns it's kind of weird i have red health so i couldn't sprint yeah i mean if anything he might have been doing you a favor yeah i went to the houses there was no food there so nothing to do let's respawn me in the same place sweet that sucks that actually sucks i feel like vorkuta is always where you want to be sucks that it's the only major town there should be one more on the west side so that there's two of them but like i said those that near that water pump that you're at that's pretty common area there's a lot of people that roam around there because there is uh there is good loot in that town usually head torch i'm going to try and get to the volcano i guess whatever's good a lot of the spawns look the same too like they look the same but they're actually not the same makes it makes it it makes it a little harder to know where you are okay yeah that's nope that'll happen um which side are you on are you construction like north or north uh north west or more north oh yeah oh yeah that's where i am i'm actually right here i'm right next to the bank i think i hear you i think you're right i'm not going to fix me i'm at the crane i wonder if i should get a fire already got food and stuff no actually i haven't found any i've only found a water bottle and i've been here for a little bit so i went into the supermarket found nothing i'm gonna loot this really really really tall building right next like right in front of the crane yeah though nothing on the top yeah i don't know if there's loot in here i'm sure there is right oh my god there's no doors down here nope scratch that not looting it i'm assuming that's you i'm outside the pipe clock crawling in there oh this isn't you yeah just a random person didn't say a word to me dude i haven't found any food i'm yellow everything this is crazy i don't get how the loot is so bad i'm about to hit up the adam and be like hey can you uh you know i've got command get some fresh loot in here because this is wild i don't know if there's anything on the roof fingerless gloves i'm actually at the chimney building itself now hunting scope it's about the best thing i've found so far yeah it's this is actually very rough but you can't like you can't give up on vorkuto you never know that one spot that you didn't check could have the loot okay that wasn't the best way to get down but i love how all the interiors these places are just empty yeah they look like quaint one maps it's so ridiculous yeah the railing is just like a rectangle polygon just there you go that's a railing okay cool it's insane how low poly is yeah i walk into a room and it's a sink and that's it there's no no couch nothing and then i walk into another room and there's a table and it's the smallest table on the planet can barely seat one person yeah it's good i get that it's a mod and it's made by one person but still bass dayz is no different yeah they added a couple a couple you know a shelf or two extra but about the same i'm going to the school that's where everybody hangs out i'm trying yeah maybe i shouldn't go there but i need the water pump so i kind of have to it's the only water pump in the city oh no one's here i wish i had a wireless keyboard i can hold f and leave the room i want to get my coffee i could probably try to make it brighter for you guys um i know it's a little dark i am red food yeah this might be this run might be done yeah wow how am i this unlucky get it no i saw a couple people though oh some rice oh it's a full bag i'm back oh my god put the statues in the middle oh that's where the school is if you just go to the left uh that big building that's the school there's a water pump in the center i just came from there i would advise you at the water pump it's kind of like the go-to i could share some of this rice with you too because it's a full bag which is huge we're back to tech actually my all right oh i need to get warm i'm gonna make a fire in this house i have no choice i don't have there we go hmm oh you could yeah that was close to me though i'm making a fire next to it i have to i'm going to die bunch of zombies are rushing him oh my god it's like 10 zombies rushing him maybe die to zombies some people shoot preemptively and they don't think about that i'm freezing to death i'm stuck at the statues which way do i go to get to osu um go through the school so that big building go through the center of it and then um i think i see you go right all right i think i literally just saw you like turn turn around all the zombies from the guy's gunshots are on me now oh okay we'll lose them in the school there's so many buildings and stuff you can kind of weasel through just go out the other end that you that you came in and then you should see that same crane that we met up at i am dude i'm at a fireplace now i'm just gonna stand here for a second well anyway that same crane that we met at um that's where i am i'm making that fire there okay one sec drop your clothes to dry them quicker and they're not wet why would they be wet they would have no reason to be wet right now no i haven't gone to a3 i will eventually enamels they get wet all the time i mean they get wet [Music] mr
Channel: Twitch PogChamp
Views: 2,959
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: DayZ funny moments, DayZ daily, DayZ highlights, DayZ gameplay, DayZ best moments, shroud God Of War, DayZ best, DayZ voice chat, DayZ epic moments, God Of War, twitch, gaming, voice chat funny moments, shroud, 1080p, vod, gameplay, walkthrough, full vod, Valhalla, Part 1, PS5
Id: tkBwBzaWdrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 17sec (11177 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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