NEVER SURRENDER 🤔 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare #39

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[Music] [Music] where we going by the way we got 16 there uh i'm hungry gary we have an hour and seven minutes so far we only have two two games recorded one with 13 kills one with 16 kills so let's be honest we're probably not gonna win um it's hard to get a dub honestly it's tough cfk oh [ __ ] not paying attention all right were we dropping boys [Music] is there no door here there's really no door here are you doing shroud uh i spawn i i gotta run around the whole [ __ ] place there's no door here there's people like around me and there's a lot of people around me too i don't know what to really do how come he's just he's finishing me you got eight for the game you left oh true thirteen sixteen eight trial group yes this oh did it lag out this is the game oh yeah yeah it lagged out okay i didn't know three kills off spawn i got daddy pop there's two more guys next to me i got full plates that's the game it's kind of dc got it good so we got hacked on twice dc'd once right damn lupus team is at 115 damn yeah we have we have like what 30 or how many points we have 30 or 40 years i've never shrouded what i'm experiencing with that either i don't know bro we're top four right now oh my god how what no we're not bro oh we'd better not be because that is a statement i think i think we have 37 points oh my god if we're top four homie if we if we're top four right now with like 30 points we're just gonna win i mean right then you win what hun hang on trump right in the freaking knees oh my god this gun's hard to use what is this the ebr all right baby let's get it positivity chat be sure to smile same you're in second place y'all better be lying no i'm serious no you're trolling right you're trolling yeah or trolling they're they're trolling me restaurant oh my chat's saying it too so wait okay well your chat doesn't lie to you right my chat does this all the time bro [Music] tim you guys are playing pathetic i'm sorry mid one my my fault bro i'm sorry i don't think we're playing that bad we're getting we're getting to the end it's just some things you can't control unless you unless you play recon like you said playing recon is pretty good ah yeah yeah it's just not i don't know way or two i mean i love hangers bro you know but well i mean tv tv's been kind of you call i'll go you where we'll we'll go hangers all right if we're not first or last where do you go and hey i think they have i think they have three because they're at 115 points oh yeah they're playing slow right right 115 75 points of wins eliminate all thought against no kills i mean they have some kills that's the kill through the math off like i can't do the math i must wonder dude like what if we just brag out [ __ ] a first seriously because like right now we have no kills like right [ __ ] up first that's why i've been like maybe i just go super right and we just someone was shooting you from right here bro [ __ ] it who cares this man just broke my armor in two shots one more one once twice broke so like here's the situation i'm dropping four plates in here and i'm grabbing the armor satchel and i got eight baby i think i'm super sore now i'm in would we want to get a loadout if we can get lodi first yeah yeah come come try to make money right let's try and hit police and there's a buy right there there's really no other guns over here the only ebr's in here what's natural nice chess in here we have enough money by the way all right yeah let's hit um let's just hit the police buy and then rotate super let's get it the only thing i wish is if we had a little more cash for uh uav that'd be perfect there's plates in here two of them i almost wonder if i should get like an mp5 for this nice i hit him a bunch oh this sucks he's covering the cross i need to push i kind of i can't you can cover me i guess i'm looking over you nice that's nice good job i'm rotating and super i saw a bunch of stuff maybe stutter is sex so i can catch up yeah i'm chilling i'm hitting with you i don't see anything on heart wait is this not looted no there's a dead guy right here this is armor satchel if you need it um maybe out front there's a lot of bodies here out front by the buy station i'm grab bounty [Music] i'm gonna go get on i'm gonna get around to them real quick all right it's halley i think it's about to land above us too he's moving he's moving low step down and then you can get a uav there's a car in front of us you want me to pop the uav right away yeah yeah yeah yeah there's people coming in right here send recon oh my god my god there's so many people right here bro i'm going oh they got the fire shotgun too that's not fun jumped off the left side he's probably going to go up the ladder nope one of them stayed a little bit half armor in between the buildings try not to over oh you got a shotgun i guess you guys low pushing very low on your right on your right right of your building and then there's two more on me got a shot there's two more on me one's low one's down last one on me i downed one though one is down in front of you if you look out the door you'll see him throughout the world him already i had to kill his buddy that was the biggest problem oh good yeah there's a lot of people there the fight has begun don't think you're enemies okay so is a well-placed rock the fight has begun get ready to fight you're next with this fight you return to the front line not the deagles again dude [ __ ] oh my god all right where'd we go we're by milly right now flying um let's get like uh i usually i go for scavs just to get loady fast but i don't see any cory is a bunch of [ __ ] no scavs though right i look quick al what is that contraband i mean it's that's not that like i like you it's like a whole thing um oh my god i'm alive apartment roof yeah two of them so uh i see i see i don't know what we do here but i'm trying to get some scraps bob i didn't even know he could do this they're just sitting here bro is that cloaky we could probably like oh i'm playing for lodi i'm playing lodi i'll just play under you i guess we're going to play under them where were they not on the roof i don't understand i'm trying to like guess if these guys have their loadout or not they do they do okay do you want to rotate out we could just go yeah we need to i just don't have armor or ammo oh my god ask and you shall receive come here i don't even know if they're still up there they're just not peeking not weird wait they're fighting i literally don't think they're up there anymore just because it's a camera there i just ripped this armor ammo ammo crate right here i'm shooting like i have a million ammo what am i doing what was that someone mollied that wasn't yours no i'm scared oh is that you yeah i just blew up the vehicle because i thought he was near it where's this guy it must have been a molly from the roof i downed one bro and down the other that sucks did we push it i'll come with you have an rpg actually that could work i have an rpg shotgun well they know dude they know wait what is my [ __ ] luck oh well they had their loadouts i'm not losing these kids right now i'm not [ __ ] losing that gunfight oh my god bro that's so easy all right we'll go again that's the wonderful part i just go in again true nerd calm down this is gonna be hot bro i might try to kill one while parachuting maybe why not oh someone's going for the chopper oh no he's not targets are up okay um drop the couple oh i got nice uh all right go push and fight these guys and then we can uh use the buy station it should be at this building oh no they're outside the right i just saw one drink it alive if you can don't see him female skin is low probably gonna heal all right got a nice little trade in peak smg [ __ ] blows um i'm just gonna pop a uav i just want to see like oh my god what is the edge of this map what am i looking at i mean do you want to go edge i mean we kill these guys up to the edge that's kind of nice honestly i wouldn't mind that at all let's do it uh do you want to push the guys in front of me to the right or you're my left assuming you're waiting a little bit i yeah i just didn't have it i had no angle on them why is he on the edge like that what he's on top oh he dropped off the right side he's on your right now i'm far from you oh he's nope still on top holy [ __ ] hello he hears you hey this guy's good the [ __ ] okay nice you're better pink skin without him yeah his buddy's got to be around me i don't i only saw the one dude oh this guy in the tower what in the world oh why don't i just use my airstrike i'm going to flush him out wait under me bro oh [ __ ] right here it's like on that rock this is probably the other duo yeah yeah this is crazy did you get the guy in the tower uh he got off because i used my airstrike who's this guy i'm gonna assume that this guy dips probably wait these guys get out or is that a chopper spawn oh they did yeah frosting what's happening and the other guy i'm assuming these kids are on the team the other guy was on the right building yeah what the [ __ ] i'm playing against bro i got guys sitting in windows i got dudes and towers yeah this is kind of strange huh this is terrible ah i thirsted them oh god the street sniper with the choppers go ahead nevermind he's dead holy [ __ ] yeah if i had more hp i would have smoked residue honestly how how was my first shot missing their chad at all right um can i get my loot or are you long off it i'm pretty far off of it but it's only the one guy he's probably gonna win the gulag and respawn is he still in this building yeah no this one that one his buddy's dead in there too i'm just waiting i think i'm going for it bro okay i'll push from the side here oh he's landing because buddy's landing on it now [ __ ] okay well this is getting risky now these guys know i'm here [Music] they think i'm a lot closer though i'm laying on the wall i'm pinging one 41 meters like right in front of me southeast so he's like right at this corner almost it's got to be he's on the wall i see him i might be able to get an angle the guy inside's hit a couple of times the other one's working on my left i'm pushing the inside yeah yeah that's good that's not good that's not good you got uav or harpy right this is no longer good these guys are playing so passive low-key bro holy [ __ ] they're playing hey we got yeah keep playing keep playing keep playing we got ten keep playing that's crazy man people play like this jesus surprised this is duos i am literally getting killed by everyone in the building my desks are in buildings my desks are in buildings this is not a problem he's not having a good time this dude i've never i don't know bro oh i just don't know i'm just sitting in buildings here and you return w all right what do i do oh i gotta kill for that oh should i go for my loadout or you think it's too close but you do you do what you want brother but i would drop right on that loadout i almost feel like it's too close bro i mean that's up to you then whatever it is whatever wait right at this point so there's two boxes here so that may be their box just heads up so you're saying i should run i'm saying someone else may be coming upon you pretty soon that's what i'm saying all right if you get 4k you can get me back and we're chilling bro hundred more dollars i'll mark them by just keep moving though obviously yeah i don't i don't think i go to that one here no yeah i'd get away from that one um there's a buy storage but that's usually kind of popping never mind um maybe i don't know chad what do you think what happens if it ends on at seven what you know does it just end i don't know how this tournament's doing it but a lot of tournaments if you're in a game by the time it counts but i don't know how they're running it um if you want to okay so there's a buy here or you can probably go safe and go over there on the right it's more up to you um train probably won't have as many but train is going to have people rotating in i don't know i'll leave that up to you buddy i'll just run left right basically all right i need this oh you gotta end the game oh okay so yeah i'm pretty sure it just ends and it counts your kills right okay so this this is probably lg guys he doesn't want to go boneyard because that team is a bunch of weirdos and to be honest they're probably sitting in boneyard now efficiently so scary i mean so this game this game obviously counts for us it's one of our better ones we have 10 minutes watch this be the game too chad you guys are dead ass trying to tell me to tell him to go south south boneyard right now are you guys serious 11 kills it's one of the better games it's been a tough tournament bro actually so it's been a tough seed hard out here second give me that buy some plates um buddy am i here let me just come right down to you hopefully there's no one above you i will find out in a second for you 11 kills is pretty good on pc yeah i killed one i feel like eleven on pc is pretty good uh where was that how you were just fighting right there i'm gonna go grab because i'm just looking out for some another there's always more yeah i see his buddy right in front of you he's shooting that's another precision this other dude's like on the back wall yeah he's gonna be on your right somewhere surprise he's not pushing in with that running i guess i've uav that's the guy i just killed hello oh my god he's so hurt that's crazy yeah let's just go um i think this guy's sitting top airport um we have 30 seconds we gotta go pretty far um i i would just usually do a hop in a car and just go yeah let's just take the two take that one i'll take this one all right i'm driving [Music] [Music] gotta win oh hell bro so the only way we could win is if we get a win but our time's up in eight minutes hell oh well maybe we could rack a couple kills up you know where do you want to go here depends how much they're up i was just gonna zone hold these guys because they're probably gonna push him oh there's a car on me i'm not with you brother that's fine oh he got out back oh i'm about to be able to look over you it he's right there on orange yeah inside orange damn i can't believe he crossed like that oh it's the same dudes the other one's on me on this wall if you can he's on me right now you can maybe shoot him broke his armor i'm armory bro i'm not peeking can't help okay so he's like in front of me out back he's in this yellow building enemy uav overhead enemy uav overhead literally in that back corner that was stupid did you get him yeah nice um i'll play you i would not go that one i would go this one eight station super's kind of that one's really bad this one in front of you is a little safer don't chase now we needed that kill bro i'm using an m4 i never used that that's the reason i shouldn't put your eye chat i feel like any extra kills are good you know you wounded him for me he actually almost got him guys you got some gamers he yeah he he just he had a hipfire mp5 and i had a 80s m4 i can't win that fight and a story you just can't wait maybe if i'm paying lock ain't botting [Music] we're gonna need to take this car we only have five minutes so i need to rush somebody that's the that's the see that's the part where it's like if the win counts for us we're like if we could play this out we could play it slow and hopefully get a win you know yeah but now we have to play kind of have to do the opposite the driving so hope someone shoots me [Music] hello i'm gonna grab the bounty in here see if we get lucky miss a lot that's not good he's locking on me identified you're clear wait this is the glitch let me guess that's the top of it is yeah i just saw him go up the zip and then get owned literally got one up the zip just to get out do i follow him up you think you'll have no idea why not bro oh i broke his armor he just put a claymore on the zip dude [ __ ] that guy oh i hear shots over here ah go clean up crew again oh my day's going chat someone's just sitting in this i'm trying to get to you brother all good i got guys in front of me i'll cover to you the guy is right there moving here oh he's unkilled yeah he was like up top oh my god sucks um i don't know still i think he's oh green maybe hang on let me pee and i'll try and get alive for you oh these guys are right here peeking me never mind oh my god these are two different guys we're fighting two different teams one's in top yo oh no oh my god this is my nightmare i have to go this way i have no choice i didn't mean to press q bro how did i fat finger that i'm so these guys on me cannot shoot yeah i promise i promise you got this you got this you got this well you only have two minutes so get a kill i'm just gonna play it out bro and we're just gonna get a win that doesn't matter yeah we can't we can't win without a win mathematically well i mean you guys let's go for one we'll count the kills in the current game up until 10 so that's two minutes go get a kill get one more bro get one more all right man you got two minutes odds that those guys are still up their shot you shouldn't have challenged that i absolutely should have those guys were hot garbo and she can i just rest the m4 kind of sucks actually the growl is way better the growl i had was like 10 times better m4 is kind of doo-doo yes yes tip tip tim [Music] you know it's okay so i got the kill accounted for seven seven seven plus twelve twenty one well ggs man saw it dude i put like ass bro sorry man ah warzone dude that's how it is and that's one of those things where it's like if the game counts before seven's q like we can play that slow and try and get a win together but instead we just have to w key tim is 21. i can't do math bro all right man so now what do we watch right or something is that what we do do i want to stay or do i go like what do i do why do you think we're out are we actually john sandman got a win bro that's what i was saying yeah but it's top four no it's top two bro oh it is top two right that's why wow that's right i was like bro i think we're still good and then you were just saying like you gave up and i was like oh yeah okay you're right yeah we are out yeah we just watch now right we're out we're out because john won that's why i was saying like i was just gonna play that slow and be like yo maybe they'll count it low-key you know what i mean but no they were they were typing in the discord that it [Music] was is [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 39,078
Rating: 4.8357291 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant
Id: SO_VfCIbq6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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